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32) Evidence from a study of nearly 500,000 professional employees indicates significant

differences, with women more likely to turn over than men. Women also have higher rates
of absenteeism than men. Which of the following statements is the correct explanation for
this phenomenon?
A) The research was conducted in North America, and North American culture has
historically placed home and family responsibilities on women.
B) The research was conducted in North America, and North American women have
low ambition to excel.
C) The research was conducted in North America, and North American women have low
job commitment.
D) The research was conducted in North America, and North American culture lays
greater emphasis on extracurricular activities than on career.
E) The research was conducted in North America, and North American women are rated low
in competence.
Answer: A

33) Which of the following statements is not an accurate representation of statistical findings
showing the differences in outcomes and attitudes between Whites and African Americans? A)
African Americans and Hispanics also have lower turnover rates than Whites.
B) African Americans and Hispanics perceive discrimination to be more prevalent in
the workplace.
C) Substantial racial differences exist in attitudes toward affirmative action, with African
Americans approving of such programs to a greater degree than Whites.
D) African Americans generally fare worse than Whites in employment decisions.
E) Individuals tend to slightly favor colleagues of their own race in performance evaluations,
promotion decisions, and pay raises.
Answer: A

34) One of the most controversial aspects of the ADA is the provision that requires employers to
make reasonable accommodations for people with ________.
A) psychiatric disabilities
B) physical disabilities C)
learning disabilities D)
medical disabilities
E) speech and language disabilities
Answer: A

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