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The test contains thirty questions sorted by their difficulty level. The average time needed to solve
them all is about twenty-thirty minutes. When solving the tasks, you should not use a calculator or
any other such devices. To get rid of any factors which could break your focus, it is advised to
turn off any mobile phones, internet communicators, or any other potentially obstructing software.
Good luck!

1. Tom needs $101 dollars to buy a bike. He has $26 dollars. Tom lends him one-third of the
remaining amount that he needs. How much money does he still need to buy the bike?
a. 50
b. 75
c. 45
d. 25
2. How many letters are there in this sentence?
a. 40
b. 36
c. 34
d. 33
3. What is the sum of the even numbers from one to 10 including 10?
a. 20
b. 32
c. 30
d. 16
4. How many vowels can be found in this sentence?
a. 11
b. 15
c. 13
d. 9
5. Which of the following numbers are prime numbers?
a. 1,2,3,6
b. 2,4,6,8
c. 3,6,9,12
d. 2,5,7,11
6. Which of the following words is the opposite in meaning to zealot?
a. Moderate
b. Extremist
c. Radical
d. Fanatic
7. Eggs costs $5.40 per dozen. How much will 24 eggs cost?
a. $5.40
b. $25.00
c. $10.80
d. $11.00
8. All nuns wear black. Tina has on a black shirt.
a. Tina is a nun.
b. Tina is not a nun.
c. Tina might be a nun.
d. I do not know what Tina is.
9. A square is a
a. Parallelogram
b. Rectangle
c. Rhombus
d. Pentagon
10. A sum of money was to be shared between three friends based on the following ratio: 2:8:10.
Tom received $100. What is the total sum to be shared?
a. $1000
b. $100
c. $1250
d. $1500
11. The month before last month was May. Which month was it three months before last month?
a. February
b. January
c. July
d. August
12. A business woman bought a stove for $1000 and wants to re-sell it to make a 10% profit. How
much should she sell it?
a. 990
b. 1001
c. 1010
d. 1100
13. Which of the following words does not belong in the group?
a. Pork
b. Beef
c. Mutton
d. Horse
14. Which of the following is nota mammal?
a. Bears
b. Rats
c. Humans
d. Snake
15. 8 times an unknown number gives you 32. What is the unknown number?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 2
d. 4
16. If the first month of the year would be April. The ninth month of the year would be?
a. January
b. March
c. September
d. December
17. If the alphabet has 1.5 times the letter is has. How many letters will it have?
a. 26
b. 39
c. 13
d. 40
18. Which of the following is a fruit?
a. Eggplant
b. Tomato
c. Cassava
d. Potato
19. A number doubled results in 16. What is the number?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 7
d. 5
20. Which of the following group of words are similar in meaning?
a. Almost and Nearly
b. Go and Come
c. Front and Back
d. White and Black
21. I need 6 meters of cable to make a network cable. Tom is willing to give me 250 cm. How
many meters more do I need?
a. 4 meters
b. 5.5 meters
c. 3.5 meters
d. 3 meters
22. A four legged table with six four legged chairs, have how many legs in total?
a. 22
b. 24
c. 28
d. 20
23. How many legs does a computer mouse have?
a. 4
b. None
c. 2
d. I do not know
24. Which country does not belong in the following list?
a. Suriname
b. Guyana
c. Brazil
d. Spain
25. Toms great grandmother has one son who has one daughter who is Toms:
a. Grandmother
b. Sister
c. Great Aunt
d. Mother
26. Light is to darkness as sorrow is to
a. Beauty
b. Laughter
c. Mourning
d. Sadness
27. The average of 5 times 10 and 10 times 10 is?
a. 55
b. 75
c. 150
d. 60
28. ROYGBIV stands for?
a. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue , Indigo, Violet
b. Rat, Ostrich, Yard Ant, Goat, Bear, Ice Fish, Vampire bat
c. Russia, Oman, Yugoslavia, Greenland, Brazil, Iceland, Venezuela
d. Rachel, Orlando, Yolanda, Greg, Betty, Ian, Veronica
29. If a cake requires 375 degrees to bake properly. To which temperature does the oven need to
be set to bake two cakes if they are place in the oven at the same time?
a. 190
b. 760
c. 380
d. 385
30. An apple a day takes the ____________ away.
a. Bird
b. Doctor
c. Pain
d. Sorrow

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