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Ahmed Mohamed Badr

Heliopolis, Cairo. Egypt

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Tourism Guidance, 200
Helwan University
English: l!ent
"apanese: E#cellent
German: $ery Good
%olish: E#cellent
#or$in" E%&erience:
Brand Mar$e'in" Mana"er and Media Direc'or, Ca$es !and E"(&'
&arch '01' ( &ay '01)
Du'ies include:
*esponsi+le ,or all &ar-eting activities and ,!t!re planning ,or the .rand.
Corp deals signing / &anaging
Creating the content and 0esigning all media ,or online +!siness over vario!s
social plat,orms.
&onitoring +rand growth and other competitors.
Ens!re online presence and answering all c!stomer1s 2!eries and engaging in daily
conversations to g!arantee !ltimate c!stomer satis,action.
&ar-eting and developing .rand, wor-ing psychologically on niche client categories.
Cond!ct meetings to Update sta,, with ind!stry !pdates and s!ggesting new trends.
&ar-et researching and preparing daily/&onthly reports.
In'erna'ional Accoun' Ad)isor 'hen Bac$ office *enior Officer, +odafone
U, O&era'ions
&ar. '011 ( ,e+ '01'
Des'ina'ion Mana"er, +o(a"es -ules +erne and ,uoni U,, Tra)eline.
3ov. '004 5o "an. '011
Handling all the details o, the to!r ,rom 6 to 7 incl!ding 8ales &anagement,
g!iding, lect!ring, dealing with all di,,erent proced!res and ,ormalities,
solving pro+lem and maintaining a high standard o, c!stomer service
on+oard thro!gh all di,,erent types o, to!rs.
/li"h' A''endan', ,oral Blue Air
&arch. '009 ( 8ept. '004
+olun'eer Tour Guide and 0os',-ICA 1 -a&an In'erna'ional Co2
o&era'ion A"enc(3
"!l '001 to may '00:
/ree lance #e4 and "ra&hic desi"ner
rom '000 till now.
Com&u'er *$ills:
$ery good -nowledge o, di,,erent ;8.
&8<;,,ice pro,iciency.
%ro,essional =e+ and Graphic 0esign s-ills with "oomla/ =ord %ress C&8 e#perience .
'0 /)0 &odeling and 6nimation s-ills.
;racle 0. and &y 8>? 6dmin s-ills.
0eep !nderstanding ,or 8ocial &edia &ar-eting and .!@@ &a-ing.
M( IT 4ac$"round is 4ased on 'he follo5in":
6do+e %hotoshop
6do+e lash
6do+e 6,ter E,,ect
6do+e Andesign
6do+e irewor-s
6do+e All!strator
6do+e 6!dition
6do+e %remiere
6do+e 0reamweaver
6!to 0es- *evit
6!to 0es- inventor
&a#on Cinema :0
)018 &6B
8olid =or-s
&8< =ord
&y 8>?
"ava 8cript
6ction 8cript
C&8 C "oomla, =ord%ress D
;racld 0.6 trac-.
8a+re G08
6ndroid C have an app already on app storeD
M( Mar$e'in" s$ills are 4ased on 'he follo5in":
8E; e#perience
%&% 0iploma that A1m preparing right now.
.randing and 8ocial &ar-eting campaigns ,or Ca-es ?and Egypt.
&y 0iploma in 8ocial &ar-eting and C*&.
E*% st!dy.
&y telemar-eting e#perience.
&y !nderstanding ,or c!stomer/ g!est psychology and +ehavior thro!gho!t my
e#perience +eing a to!r g!ide or c!stomer service rep. ,or more than 10 years.
.eing cons!ltant ,or some s!ccess,!l proEects incl!ding .;G; pl!s , Cairo dining g!ide,
to! and
5echnical and political writing e#pos!re ,or several proEects in UF and U86.
&arital stat!s: 8ingle
3ationality: Egyptian
0ate o, +irth: 'G
o, 6!g, 1H4)
*of' *$ills:
E#cellent Comm!nication 8-ills, 5eamwor- player, 3egotiation 8-ills, 5ime &anagement,
C!stomer 8ervice oriented, %resentation 8-ills, &!lti<tas-ing.
Ac'i)i'ies and ho44ies: &!sic, 5raveling, ?ang!ages, Comp!ter Graphic, 8ocial 3etwor-ing,
=riting, History, 0riving, Coo-ing, Hanging o!t with ,riends, 5echnology, ?earning anything
new, Gardening.
5o +e ,!rnished !pon re2!est

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