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1.1 GENERAL EXPANSION Summation of x Division Square Root Addition Chi-Square EXPANSION Frequenc !x"ected Frequenc #$served Frequenc Cumu&ative !x"ected Frequenc Cumu&ative Frequenc *u&& ( "othesis A&ternative ( "othesis Ran- Corre&ation

.erformance !va&uation is a constructive "rocess to ac-no/&ed0e the "erformance of a non-"ro$ationar career em"&o ee% An em"&o ee1s eva&uation sha&& $e sufficient& s"ecific to inform and 0uide the em"&o ee in the "erformance of her2his duties% .erformance eva&uation is not in and of itse&f a disci"&inar "rocedure% .erformance !va&uation is a constructive "rocess to ac-no/&ed0e the "erformance of an em"&o ee% An em"&o ee1s eva&uation sha&& $e sufficient& s"ecific to

inform and 0uide the em"&o ee in the "erformance of his2her duties% .erformance eva&uation is not in and of itse&f a disci"&inar "rocedure% .erformance eva&uation is an im"ortant "rocess for $oth su"ervisors and em"&o ees% 3t is a too& that can enhance the mana0ement of an or0ani4ation5 and it is a&so a "rocess that a&&o/s em"&o ees to $e $oth reco0ni4ed for 0ood "erformance and "rovided /ith recommendations for im"rovement% 6hen done "ro"er& 5 it stren0thens the re&ationshi" $et/een em"&o ee and su"ervisor5 increases communication5 "oints out ex"ectations and a""raises "ast "erformance% Since "erformance eva&uation is im"ortant communication $et/een su"ervisor and em"&o ee5 it is an extreme& is a&so a contractua& o$&i0ation% 7he /ritten "erformance eva&uation "rovides an o""ortunit for su"ervisors to8 !x"ress a""reciation of 0ood "erformance Discuss deficiencies o"en& deficienc Revie/ or u"date "osition descri"tions C&arif 9o$ ex"ectations Set standards of "erformance Assist the su"ervisor in eva&uatin0 him or herse&f !sta$&ish that an em"&o ee has successfu&& "eriod 1.2 NEED OF THE STUDY 7his stud is main& carried out for the deve&o"ment of the or0ani4ation and to ana& 4e the "erformance of the em"&o ees in the or0ani4ation% 7his stud focuses on com"&eted his2her "ro$ationar and esta$&ish methods for overcomin0 each

su"ervisor res"onsi$i&it 5 /ith far-reachin0 consequences for the em"&o ee1s career% 3t

findin0 out the cordia& re&ationshi" $et/een em"&o er and em"&o ee and to find out the ro&e of the or0ani4ation in u"datin0 the "erformance of the em"&o ees% Ana& sis of the stud can $e he&"fu& for the deve&o"ment of the or0ani4ation and throu0h this ana& sis future tar0ets can $e aimed $ im"rovin0 their "erformance in an effective manner% 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY

7he stud has $een carried out at Godre ! "o#$e MFG. Co. L%d. !va&uation of "erformance of an em"&o ee in the or0ani4ation is essentia& for their deve&o"ment% .erformance of an individua& can $e estimated and feed$ac- is "rovided for their deve&o"ment% 1.& COMPANY PROFILE Godre ! "o#$e '() L%d * A ** ** " *r+e * *( * ** , *" * *o *** * -% ** ** Go *d * *re * ** T.e "e)+//+/)0. :r% Ardeshir ;ur9or9ee <odre9 $e0an &oc- ma-in0 in 1,=+ (is ;rother :r% .iro9sha ;ur9oe9ee <odre9 shared his vision and the canvas en&ar0ed>

Godre ! Bo#$e M() Co L%d. (as 14 divisions caterin0 to various mar-et needs> A""&iances Furniture Store/e& Stora0e so&utions Securit !qui"ments ?oc-s

.rima 7oo& Room :achine 7oo&s :ateria& (and&in0 equi"ment .recision !qui"ment .rocess !qui"ment !&ectrica& And !&ectronic services Construction materia&s and services

S%or,)e So1-%+o/ Gro-20 7he first unit /as manufactured at @i-hro&i in 1=5' 7he manufacturin0 faci&it A Cor"orate setu" /as shifted to Chennai in the ear 2))1% V+3+o/7o $e a /or&d c&ass &o0istics and stora0e so&utions "rovider M+33+o/7o conquer s"ace5 to transform $usiness V,1-e33nnovations5 S"eed5 3nte0rit 5 7eam/or-5 Customer Focus5 Conviction% Prod-$%3 :u&tif&ex (eav dut Com"onents :e44anine

Drive-in Com"actors :o$i&e 6or-sho" !qui"ment ?i$rar Stac-s @ertica& Carosu&s 7urn Be So&utions Godre ! "o#$e '() L%d 7he Com"an ce&e$rated its centenar in 1==+% 3n 1,=+ a oun0 man named Ardeshir <odre9 0ave u" &a/ and turned to &oc- ma-in0% Ardeshir /ent on to ma-e safes and securit equi"ment of the hi0hest order5 and then stunned the /or&d $ creatin0 toi&et soa" from ve0eta$&e oi&% (is $rother .iro9sha <odre9 carried Ardeshir1s dream for/ard5 &eadin0 <odre9 to/ards $ecomin0 a vi$rant5 mu&ti-$usiness enter"rise% .iro9sha &aid the foundation for the s"ra/&in0 industria& 0arden to/nshi" C3S# 14))1-certifiedD no/ ca&&ed .iro9shana0ar in the su$ur$s of :um$ai% <odre9 touches the &ives of mi&&ions of 3ndians ever da % 7o them5 it is a s m$o& of endurin0 idea&s in a chan0in0 /or&d% 7he Com"an is one of the &ar0est "rivate& -he&d diversified industria&

cor"orations in 3ndia% 7he com$ined Sa&es Cinc&udin0 !xcise Dut D of the Com"an 5 its su$sidiaries and affi&iates5 durin0 the Fisca& Eear ended :arch 315 2))55 amounted to over Rs% 5)5))) mi&&ion CFSG 1515) mi&&ion% <odre9 has $een c&ose& A""&iances5 securit com"an % invo&ved /ith deve&o"ment at the &eadin0 ed0e of

equi"ments5 furnitures5 machine too&s5 stora0e5 construction

materia&s5 e&ectrica& and e&ectronics en0ineerin0 ever since the "ioneerin0 of the

7oda 5 <odre9 is 6or&d &eader in severa& a""&ication areas of e&ectrica& and e&ectronic techno&o0 % 3t is a 0&o$a& com"an havin0 sa&es and service faci&ities net/orof 34 Co'2,/#-o5/ed S.o5roo'36 more than 26277 8.o1e3,1e De,1er36 and more than 146777 Re%,+1 O-%1e%3 in man countries and /ith ?ot of "roduction faci&ities in and outside 3ndia% !m"&o eeHs /or&d-/ide in the offices5 factories5 &a$oratories and service or0ani4ations are committed to "rovidin0 the hi0hest standards of techno&o0 that <odre9 has $een a s non m for5 ri0ht from ince"tion% 7o sta ahead in the fie&d of a""&iances5 securit equi"ments5 furnitures5 machine too&s5 stora0e5 construction materia&s5 e&ectrica& and e&ectronic techno&o0 5 <odre9 "uts stron0 em"hasis on Research and Deve&o"ment /ith over 1)))Hs of em"&o ees en0a0ed in this -e activit and an annua& investment of a""roximate& ,I of the turnover% ?eaders in the domestic mar-et /ith a turnover of 52 Cores C)3-)4D and envisa0in0 +) Cores for the ear 2))4-2))5 Bo,rd o( D+re$%or3 J% *% <odre9 CChairman and :ana0in0 DirectorD5 A% ;% <odre95 *% ;% <odre95 @% :% Crishna5 B% *% .eti0ara5 ;% A% (athi-hanava&a5 F% .% Sar-ari5 .% D% ?am5 B% A% .a&ia and .% .% Shah% S.,re.o1der3 Since its ince"tion5 the Com"an is contro&&ed $ the <#DR!J fami& $ased in :um$ai5 3ndia% 3ts shares are not &isted on an 9UALITY ASSURANCE Kua&it is a tradition /ith <odre95 $e it a "roduct5 "ro9ect or service% "rofessiona& qua&it s stem is the $asis of a&& o"erations and ensures safet and efficienc of "roducts and s stems% 7he <odre9 qua&it s stem meets the requirements of the internationa& standards 3S#=))) and forms the frame/or- of o"erations% 7his ensures qua&it at a&& sta0es of "roduct desi0n5 deve&o"ment5 manufacture 5mar-etin0 and customer service% 7his qua&it s stem means that <odre9 "&ans5 initates5 rea&i4es and su"ervises not 9ust the qua&it of its "roducts $ut the qua&it of its "roduct of ever "rocedure and Stoc- !xchan0e% A$out one-fourth of the Com"an 1s share ca"ita& is he&d $ .iro9sha <odre9 Foundation5 a "u$&ic charita$&e trust%

directive ado"ted to achieve that "roduct qua&it % 7hese documented o$9ectives5 measures and audits he&" our em"&o ees to achieve exce&&ence in a&& areas of o"eration% <odre9 7ota& Kua&it :ana0ement S stem focuses on satisf in0 needs and ex"ectations of the customers throu0h active "artici"ation of a&& em"&o ees in o"timi4in0 "rocesses5 and resources% <odre9 em"&o ees have made continues im"rovements a /a of &ife% 7oda 5 a forma& 3S#=))1 certification to most of the $usiness divisions has reaffirmed <odre9 commitment to "rovided va&ue to the customer $ functiona&it 5 re&ia$i&it and safet of "roducts and services TRAINING A com"an Hs most im"ortant and va&ua$&e assets is its "eo"&e% A hi0h de0ree of s-i&& can $e deve&o"ed and maintained on& throu0h continuous5 s stematic and methodica& trainin0 and retrainin0 in -ee"in0 "ace /ith the ra"id techno&o0ica& chan0es% (ence <odre9 trains at a&& &eve&s its em"&o ees5 extensive& $oth in 3ndia and a$road% <odre9 human resource deve&o"ment de"artment is "rimari& res"onsi$&e for "&annin0 and recruitment of officers and mana0ers and their further deve&o"ment accordin0 to the individua& ca"a$i&ities and "otentia&s% 6ith economic reforms in our Countr and the resu&tant increasin0 com"etition5 our messa0es are faced /ith ne/ 0&o$a& cha&&en0es- increasin0 "roductivit 5 time o"timi4ation5 ne/ mar-et "enetration5 innovation5 and em"o/erment of em"&o ees and $ein0 a "art of transnationa& or0ani4ation% (ence mana0ement trainin0 is increasin0& needed to nurture a s"irit of entre"reneurshi" amon0 <odre9 mana0ers and em"&o ees% 7he focus of their trainin0 "ro0ram is on the simu&taneous enhancement of com"etencies as "er the res"onsi$i&it needs of the individua& and a&so &eadin0 "eo"&e% 7o meet the increasin0 demands of fe/ techno&o0ies5 the trainin0 centre at @i-hro&i he&"s churn out e&ectronic technicians% !ven trainin0 officia&s im"rove their communication and "resentation techniques to enhance their trainin0 effectiveness% A7 #ur Advanced 7rainin0 Fnit in @i-hro&i c&ientsH en0ineers can avai& of Lhands-onH trainin0 in ne/ "roducts and techno&o0ies5 im"arted $ trained and hi0h& ex"erienced en0ineers% /a of

EMPLOYEES At "resent <odre9 "rovides direct em"&o ment to more than ,))) "eo"&e-en0ineers and technicians5 commercia& staff5 s-i&&ed and semi-s-i&&ed /or-ers5 commercia& and technica& trainees% <odre9 is conscious of the fact that its "eo"&e are its 0reatest assets and therefore encoura0es a sense of $e&on0in0% !m"&o ee /e&fare is a mu&ti-dimensiona& commitment for <odre95 directed to/ards creatin0 a favora$&e /or-in0 environment8 medica& assistance5 su$sidi4ed canteen and trans"ort faci&ities5 housin0 assistance and amenities for recreation% <odre9 ta-es its concern for its "eo"&e $e ond its /a&&s% 7his is a ste" to/ards reconci&in0 industria& 0ro/th /ith environmenta& "rotection and hea&th &ivin0%

C-3%o'er Se)'e/%Defense-CDAC.uneD5 *.C?> .u$&ic Sector Fnits-#*<C5 3#C?5 (.C?> Record :ana0ement- Cro/n5 6riter Cor"oration> F:C<Hs-(??5 .A05 &H#rea&5 Dan$ur > Automo$i&e firms-Asho- ?e &and5 S-oda Auto5 ( undai> :anufacturin0 Fnits-Serva&& !n05 37C5 !scorts5 7ata 7im-en5 Re&iance5 ?:65 Reiter5 @@F ?td>% BUSINESSES 7he Com"an has the fo&&o/in0 $usinesses C/ith res"ective 3S# certificationsD5 /hich manufacture and2or mar-et a /ide ran0e of consumer dura$&es and industria& "roducts FURNITURE AND INTERIORS: ;ISO <771/1&771= #ffice Furniture5 Seatin0 and Des-in0 S stems5 Com"uter Furniture and #"en .&an #ffice S stems5 #ffice and (ome Stor/e&sM5 Sofas and Rec&iners5 (ome Furniture5 Fi&in0 Ca$inets and Fi&in0 S stems5 ;oo- Stac-s and Cases5 S&idin027am$our Door Fnits5 .ersona&23ndustria& ?oc-ers5 Customi4ed Stora0e S stems5 Ro&&-formed S&ides and Com"onents for Furniture LOC>S: ;ISO <771=

.ad&oc-s5 C &indrica& ?oc-s5 :echanica& and !&ectromechanica& door &oc-s and re&ated hard/are SECURITY E9UIPMENT ! SOLUTIONS : ;ISO <771 / 1&771= Stron0 Room Doors5 Safe De"osit ?oc-ers5 Cash ;oxes and Coffers5 Data2A7: Safes5 ;ur0&ar and Fire Resistin0 Safes5 Record A Fi&in0 Ca$inets5 !&ectronic Coffers5 Currenc Sorters and Cash Countin0 :achines5 Fire2Securit Doors5 Fire and ;ur0&ar A&arm2.remises Securit S stems5 @ideo Door .hones5 CC7@ S stem5 Access Contro& S stems PRIMA OFFICE E9UIPMENT ;ISO <771= #ffice Automation N .hotoco"iers5 Fax5 :u&tifunction devices and :echanica& 7 "e/riters Cavai&a$&e in over thirt &an0ua0esDO Conferencin0 .roducts and So&utions N .ro9ectors5 @ideo and 7e&econferencin0 !qui"ment5 .&asma Dis"&a s and !&ectronic .rint$oardsO @endin0 :achines STORAGE SOLUTIONS ;ISO <771/1&771= :u&tif&ex and (eav Dut Stora0e S stems5 7oo& Stora0e Ca$inets5 <ravit -f&o/5 :o$i&e and Drive-in S stem Com"onents5 :e44anine F&oors5 Canti&ever Stora0e S stems5 6or-sho" !qui"ment and S"ecia& So&utions MATERIAL HANDLING E9UIPMENT ;ISO <771/1&771= For-&ift 7ruc-s C Diese&5 !&ectric and ?.< D and Attachments5 Container (and&in0 7ruc-s5 6arehousin0 and .ersonne& Access !qui"ment5 S"are .arts5 Services and :aintenance Contracts

INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS ;ISO <771/1&771= .recision 7oo&in0s C.ress 7oo&s2.&astic 3n9ection :ou&ds2@acuum Formin0 :ou&ds2.ressure Die-Castin0 DiesD5 S"ecia& .ur"ose :achines5 (i0h .recision Com"onents2!qui"ment for !n0ineerin0 and a&&ied industries5 Sheet :eta& 6or-in0 :achines N Sa&es and Service PROCESS PLANT AND E9UIPMENT ;ISO <7716 ASME ?U@6 ?U2@6 ?S@ ,/d ?R@ S%,'236 S9L ?M@ S%,'2 C.+/,= .ressure @esse&s5 Co&umns5 Reactors5 !&ectro "o&ished Reactors5 She&& A 7u$e (eat !xchan0ers5 7ra s5 7o/er 3nterna&s and other Custom-$ui&t Fa$rication

CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE ;ISO <771/1&771= Read :ix Concrete5 Construction .ro9ects5 .ro"ert Deve&o"ment5 (orticu&ture and !nvirotech Services ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ;ISO <771/1&771= !&ectrica& .o/er Distri$ution S stem5 Com"ressed Air Contro& S stem5 !&ectronic 7echno&o0 So&ution .rovider C(ard/are5 Soft/are5 Retrofittin05 .rocess Contro& and 3nstrumentation5 3ndustria& AutomationD5 !ner0 Conservation5 !&ectrica& Contracts * T *. * *e *** ** S% *r *** *$ **%* *re ** Strate0ic !xecutive 7actica& .rofessiona& #"erative Administrative * C *,reer * ** ** P ** * r *o **)re * *33 * *+o * */** Gro5%. 5+%.+/ %.e B,/d0 #n com"&etion of 2 ears of service the immediate su"ervisor of the em"&o ee can recommended for a "romotion /ith in the $and% To , H+).er B,/d0 #n com"&etion of 2 ears of service the em"&o ee can a""& for an "ositiona& vacanc arisin0 in the hi0her $and Cross functiona& ex"ertise C$oth inter and intra de"artmentD is an added advanta0e to/ards 0ro/th 8orA E/B+ro/'e/% A oun0 and ener0etic team (i0h &eve& of team /or- and inter de"endenc S B,/d E B,/d T B,/d P B,/d O B,/d A B,/d @ice .resident <enera& :ana0ers Senior :ana0ers De"ut :ana0ers Sr% executives #fficers

An o"en /or- cu&ture Six da /or- /eeRESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT

<odre9 s"ends a$out ,I of its turnover on Research and Deve&o"ment each ear5 current& em"&o in0 a""roximate& 455))) em"&o ees in this activit % And in each area <odre9 $rea-throu0hs re"resent not 9ust "roduct deve&o"ments5 $ut front&ine contri$utions to techno&o0 and re&ated a""&ications% 6ith South !ast Asian su$continent 0ainin0 0&o$a& im"ortance in terms of $usiness o""ortunities5 <odre9 has intensified their focus on its 3ndian o"erations in terms of RAD activities re&ated to "roduct deve&o"ment5 "rocess and manufacturin0 techno&o0ies% 7oda 5 <odre9 in 3ndia /ith direct access to rich ex"erience and techno&o0ica& -no/-ho/s of <odre9 com$ined /ith its o/n RAD has $een identified as a ma9or com"etence centre in Asia to fu&fi&& the var in0 needs of the emer0in0 mar-et effective& % #ver 25) qua&ified en0ineers and technica& ex"erts he&" the or0ani4ation in most creative and innovative va&ue additions in their RAD efforts% ;esides constant& endeavorin0 to o"timi4e the cost and time /ith uncom"romisin0 qua&it matchin0 internationa& standards5 <odre9 RAD efforts have &aid s"ecific stress on increasin0 the customer va&ue to tota& $usiness cost ratio in a&& areas of o"eration% 1.C INDUSTRY PROFILE I/d+,- %.e Te$./o1o)+$,1 D+'e/3+o/: 3t is difficu&t to envisa0e toda 5 a /or&d /ith out e&ectrica& and e&ectronic "o/er% !x"erts "redict that demand for e&ectrica& ener0 /i&& increase $ &ea"s and $ounds &on0 after the c&ose of this mi&&ennium% 3n Fact5 the "u&se of a nations "ro0ress can $e 0au0ed from the e&ectricit f&o/in0 in its "o/er &ines%

3ndiaHs ra"id strides in the economic and techno&o0ica& fronts /ou&d not have $een "ossi$&e /ithout "ra0matic "o&icies and far si0hted investments in the e&ectrica& "o/er 0eneration% 6hi&e ne/ sources of ener0 are $ein0 continuous& ex"&ored to ar0ument existin0 "o/er 0eneratin0 ca"acities5 the o"tima& uti&i4ation of "o/er /i&& remain the foca& "oint% 3n 0eneration5 distri$ution and contro&5 therefore5 ne/er techno&o0ies /i&& have to $e introduced to cut $ac- on &osses% 3n end-user5 "o/er efficienc /i&& $ecome an over ridin0 criterion% A&& this ca&&s for an inte0rated a""roach from a&& sectors in achievin0 tota& ener0 mana0ement /hich /i&& dictate to a sufficient extent to sco"e and trend of 3ndiaHs "ro0ress to meet the 0&o$a& cha&&en0e% 6ith the &i$era&i4ation of 3ndiaHs econom 5 <&o$a&i4ation has $ecome $u44 /or&d% 6hi&e e&ectrica& "o/er has 0iven an im"etus to the 0ro/th of core sectors of industr 5 the "henomena& deve&o"ments in e&ectronics have set the "ace% 7rans"ortation is the other ma9or sector /hich /i&& require the &atest techno&o0 /hi&e so&vin0 the "ro$&ems of mo$i&i4in0 3ndiaHs mi&&ion% As the "o"u&ation increases and the "ace of &ife $ecomes faster5 (ea&thcare /i&& assume 0reater im"ortance com"e&&in0 the medica& en0ineerin0 industr so&utions% Mo%or36 Dr+Be3 ,/d UPS S#3%e'3: Siemens motors desi0ned to com$ine t/o ver vita& requirements of modern industr - o"timum efficienc and re&ia$i&it % 7hese hi0h-qua&it motors offer economica& ener0 consum"tion and have resi&ience to /ithstand /ide vo&ta0e and frequenc f&uctuations% 7he motor ran0e is avai&a$&e in severa& ratin0s of horse "o/er and s"eed /ith different constructions for se&ectin0 ri0ht motor- $oth technica& A economica&% 7his su"er $reed ran0e of motors has set ne/ standards in f&exi$i&it of use5 ease of connection and maintenance% A-%o',%+o/ S#3%e'3: Automation im"roves "roductivit 5 f&exi$i&it machines and environment% Pro e$%3: and qua&it simu&taneous& % 3t of .ersonne&5 enhances machine uti&i4ation5 saves ra/ materia&s and ensures safet to come u" /ith so"histicated dia0nostic and curative

!ver "r,/$. of industr has its o/n "articu&ar requirements and o$9ectives% As a resu&t L#ff the she&fH so&utions are no &on0er the $est ans/er% 7he "&annin0 and execution of turn-e "ro9ects ca&&ed for inte0ration of "roducts5 ex"ertise and services% 6e&& of "roducts and com"rehensive -no/&ed0e of the deve&o"ed techno&o0 5 avai&a$i&it

various "rocesses invo&ved5 are the vita& "re-requisites that have to $e inte0rated to "&an and $ui&t com"&ete industr "&ans in c&ose co- o"eration /ith customers%

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