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Sri Sharada Institute Of Indian Management -Research

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Project Report on Final report for Job Rotation at Work in INDIA DELHI project

Submitted To: Prof. sharadha bhaduria

Submitted By: i!ram Singh Tomar "#$%& 'dit (umar "#))& ijay !umar "#)*& "P+,M -%#.--%#)&


(e hereby de,lare that the -ollo#in+ pro"e,t report o- Final report for Job Rotation at Work in INDIA DELHI project is an authenti, #or. done by us. This is to de,lare that all #or. indul+ed in the ,o*pletion o- this #or. su,h as resear,h, analysis o- a,tivities o- an or+ani/ation is a pro-ound and honest #or. o- ours.

Pla,e) Ne# $elhi

i!ram Singh Tomar 'dit (umar ijay !umar "P+,M -%#.--%#)&

/0(1O234,+4M41T (e #ould li.e to e0press *y hearty +ratitude to *y -a,ulty +uide, Pro-. sharadha bhaduriya -or +ivin+ us the opportunity to prepare a pro"e,t report on Final report for Job Rotation at Work in INDIA DELHI project and establis t e best feat!res of t ose sc e"es# $ e project %ill t en liase %it ke& or'anisations and e"plo&ers to establis %a&s in % ic job rotation can be de(eloped in INDIA DELHI

i!ram Singh Tomar 'dit (umar Saura5 Singh PG$1 Bat,h 23'&4-3'&56 78I 7II1

$ is is t e final report for t e Job Rotation at Work in INDIA DELHI researc and polic& project# $ is

project* f!nded b& t e E!ropean +ocial F!nd* is desi'ned to scr!tinise job rotation sc e"es across in INDIA DELHI in order to establis %a&s in % ic job rotation can be de(eloped in INDIA DELHI# Job rotation is a "odel of trainin' % ic dra%s !ne"plo&ed people into t e labo!r "arket to act as replace"ent %orkers % ilst e,istin' e"plo&ees are released for f!rt er trainin'# Job rotation ori'inated in Den"ark to%ards t e end of t e -./0s and as since been de(eloped t ro!' o!t E!rope and t e INDIA DELHI# $ is project as e,plored t e contrib!tion t at job rotation "i' t "ake to address proble"s of skills s orta'es* skills 'aps and lon'1ter" !ne"plo&"ent in INDIA DELHI# $ e first project report2 $ e De(elop"ent of Job Rotation in t e INDIA DELHI2 I"plications for INDIA DELHI e,a"ined t e de(elop"ent of job rotation sc e"es across E!rope and t e INDIA DELHI* identified t e ke& feat!res of t ose sc e"es and i' li' ted t e %a&s in % ic job rotation "i' t be de(eloped in INDIA DELHI# $ e second report2 $ e 3ossibilities for Job Rotation in t e 4apital2 4an Job Rotation 5eet Local Needs6 e,plored trends in t e INDIA DELHI labo!r "arket* identified areas of need and i' li' ted %a&s in % ic job rotation "i' t "eet local needs# In addition it s!""arised disc!ssions %it e"plo&ers* trade !nion representati(es and t e E"plo&"ent +er(ice 7no% Jobcentrepl!s8 % ic e,a"ined o% job rotation co!ld be i"ple"ented in INDIA DELHI# $ is final report2 $ e F!t!re for Job Rotation in t e 4apital2 A 3ilot +c e"e for INDIA DELHI o!tlines t e pro'ress t at as been "ade to%ards t e de(elop"ent of a pilot job rotation sc e"e for INDIA DELHI# It pro(ides an o(er(ie% of t e polic& en(iron"ent %it in % ic job rotation %ill operate and s!''ests so"e possibilities for t e f!t!re e,pansion of job rotation across t e capital#


$ e findin's of t is researc project a(e pro(ided t e basis for t e de(elop"ent of a pilot job rotation sc e"e for INDIA DELHI# $ is section pro(ides an o(er(ie% of t e de(elop"ents t at a(e taken place to%ards t e de(elop"ent of t is sc e"e# $ e project as e,plored possible areas of need for job rotation and t e best %a&s in % ic a pilot project co!ld be i"ple"ented# In addition links a(e been "ade %it (ario!s or'anisations across INDIA DELHI and t%o e"plo&ers a(e alread& a'reed to participate# Researc as identified t at job rotation is partic!larl& appropriate to INDIA DELHI as proble"s of skills

s orta'es* skills 'aps and !ne"plo&"ent a(e been i' li' ted in a n!"ber of recent polic& and researc doc!"ents# In addition t e "an!fact!rin' sector is often identified in reference to skills deficiencies# :ne t ird of e"plo&ers in t e capital a(e reported skills s orta'es* %it t e "ost si'nificant skills 'aps bein' in I$ and tec nical skills 7INDIA DELHI +kills Forecastin' ;nit 20008# +kills 'aps are partic!larl& i' a"on'st t e "an!fact!rin' and constr!ction ind!stries 7L+F; 20008# $ ere is a "ajor need for re1trainin' of e,1"an!al %orkers 7L+F; 200-8 and t e !ne"plo&ed are t%o and a alf ti"es "ore likel& to be %it o!t <!alifications t an t ose acti(el& e"plo&ed 7L+F; 20008# It is t erefore t e case t at a si'nificant n!"ber of !ne"plo&ed %orkers in INDIA DELHI lack t e trainin'* <!alifications and %orkplace e,perience needed for labo!r "arket entr&# $ ere is also a need a"on'st e"plo&ers* partic!larl& %it in t e "an!fact!rin' sector* for assistance in !pskillin' e,istin' "e"bers of staff as %ell as recr!itin' ne% e"plo&ees %it t e re<!ired skills# $ e pilot project t erefore ai"s to pro(ide a sol!tion to t ese proble"s# $ e project ai"s to elp

!ne"plo&ed indi(id!als 'et back into t e labo!r "arket t ro!' t e pro(ision of <!alit& trainin'* ad(ice and %orkplace e,perience= as %ell as assistin' e"plo&ers to !pskill "e"bers of t eir e,istin' staff % o are !nlikel& to recei(e %orkplace trainin' ot er%ise# 5oreo(er* t e project is desi'ned to pro"ote t is labo!r "arket "odel "ore %idel&# $ e project>s objecti(es are2 $o assist t e !ne"plo&ed 'ettin' back to %ork b& f!ndin' and s!ppl&in' <!alit& trainin' in bot soft skills and trainin' leadin' to <!alifications $o %ork %it e"plo&ers in t e "an!fact!rin' sector to sec!re a period of paid %ork e,perience fro" % ic t e !ne"plo&ed indi(id!als %ill be best placed to sec!re per"anent %ork#

$o pro(ide e,it s!pport and career ad(ice for !ne"plo&ed participants to 'i(e t e" e(er& assistance findin' sec!re* per"anent %ork $o elp i"pro(e t e skills of INDIA DELHI>s %orkers b& f!ndin' and s!ppl&in' <!alit& trainin'* and t e opport!nit& to 'ain e,perience %orkin' in ne% areas* for e,istin' "e"bers of staff $o open !p ne% possibilities for learnin' in t e %orkplace and pro"ote a c!lt!re of lifelon' learnin'

$o i"pro(e t e skills and co"petiti(eness of fir"s in INDIA DELHI* elpin' t e" to face t e c allen'es of t e 2-st cent!r&

$o pro"ote job rotation as %idel& as possible as an effecti(e tool for labo!r "arket inter(ention# INDIA DELHI 5an!fact!rers Action @ro!p 7t e

$ e project %ill be based %it in t e Nort

"an!fact!rin' ar" of t e Nort INDIA DELHI 4 a"ber of 4o""erce8 and %ill be "ana'ed b& 3 il Ao!n'* NL5A@ 5ana'er& It %ill be pro"oted to all e"plo&ers %it in t is or'anisation and %ill feed into t e NL5A@ steerin' co""ittee as part of t eir +trate'ic :(er(ie% of 5an!fact!rin' +!pport in Nort INDIA DELHI# $ e project %ill be s!pported b& a lar'e steerin' co""ittee incl!din' local e"plo&ers* trainin' pro(iders s!c as +o!t 'ate 4olle'e and Enfield 4olle'e as %ell as Nort INDIA DELHI Learnin' and +kills 4o!ncil* +ER$;4 and ot er or'anisations# It %ill be pro"oted a"on'st all steerin' co""ittee "e"ber or'anisations as %ell as e,ternall& t ro!' t e prod!ction of leaflets and project literat!re# $ e project %ill %ork closel& %it Delta 3l!s to recr!it !ne"plo&ed beneficiaries % o alread& a(e so"e e,perience of %orkin' in t e "an!fact!rin' sector# In addition* !ne"plo&ed beneficiaries %ill be recr!ited onto t e project t ro!' local job centres* e,istin' inter"ediate labo!r "arket or'anisations 7IL5s8* et nic "inorit& or'anisations* as %ell as t ro!' e,ternal ad(etise"ents#

#roject Report on Job Rotation of E'plo(ee)

*+e)tionnaire Na"e CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC A'e CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +e, CCCCCCCCCCCC :cc!pation CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC D!es# - Are &o! clear %it concept of Job Rotation6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# 2 Is Job Rotation pro(ided in &o!r or'aniEation6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# ) W ic t&pe of Job Rotation e,ist in &o!r or'aniEation6 Ans# a8 Ferticall& b8 HoriEontall& c8 Got of t e" D!es# 9 Are &o! satisfied %it t e i"pact of Job Rotation on prod!cti(it& of or'aniEation6 Ans# a8 Hi' l& +atisfied b8 +atisfied c8 Ne!tral d8 Dissatisfied d8 Hi' l& Dissatisfied D!es# ? Are tra(elin' e,penses paid !nder Job Rotation6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# B Are &o! satisfied %it t e t&pe of Job Rotation6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# H Does Job Rotation reall& "oti(ate %orker for i' er perfor"ance6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# / Are &o! satisfied %it t is state"ent 2 Job Rotation effect t e relations ip bet%een s!perior and s!bordinates6 Ans# a8 +atisfied b8 Dissatisfied c8 Ne!tral d8 Hi' l& satisfied d8 Hi' l& Dissatisfied D!es# . W at s o!ld be t e ideal 'ap in Job Rotation6 Ans# a8 Wit in si, "ont b8 5ore t an si, "ont s c8 4anIt sa& D!es# -0 Does Job Rotation elp in red!cin' t e boredo" of e"plo&ees6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# -- Is Job Rotation essential for e"plo&ees6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# -2 Are &o! satisfied %it t e state"ent 2 Job Rotation is essential - for increasin' t e efficienc& of %orker6 Ans# a8 +atisfied b8 Dissatisfied c8 Ne!tral d8 Hi' l& satisfied d8 Hi' l& Dissatisfied

D!es# -) Does Job Rotation increase t e prod!cti(it& and "oti(ation of e"plo&ees6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# -9 Does Job Rotation elp in career plannin' and career pro'ression of e"plo&ees6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral D!es# -? Does Job Rotation elp in &o!r or'aniEation6 Ans# a8 Aes b8 No c8 Ne!tral

#roject Report on Job Rotation , Data Anal()i) an- Interpretation) *+e)& . Are (o+ clear /it0 concept of Job Rotation1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents 90 0 0

*+e)& 2 I) Job Rotation pro3i-e- in (o+r or4ani5ation1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents 90 0 0

*+e)& 6 W0ic0 t(pe of Job Rotation e7i)t in (o+r or4ani5ation1 :ption Ferticall& HoriEontall& Got of t e" No# of Respondents 90 0 0

*+e)& 8 Are (o+ )ati)fie- /it0 t0e i'pact of Job Rotation on pro-+cti3it( of or4ani5ation1 :ption Hi' l& +atisfied +atisfied Ne!tral Dissatisfied Hi' l& Dissatisfied No# of Respondents -0 ? ? 20 0

*+e)& 9 Are tra3elin4 e7pen)e) pai- +n-er Job Rotation1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents 0 90 0

*+e)& : Are (o+ )ati)fie- /it0 t0e t(pe of Job Rotation1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents 20 20 0


*+e)& ; Doe) Job Rotation reall( 'oti3ate /orker for 0i40er perfor'ance1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents 20 20 0

*+e)& < Are (o+ )ati)fie- /it0 t0i) )tate'ent " =Job Rotation effect t0e relation)0ip bet/een )+perior an- )+bor-inate)= :ption Hi' l& +atisfied +atisfied Ne!tral Dissatisfied Hi' l& Dissatisfied No# of Respondents -0 ? ? 20 0


*+e)& > W0at )0o+l- be t0e i-eal 4ap in Job Rotation1 :ption Wit in B "ont s 5ore t an B "ont s 4anIt +a& No# of Respondents 0 0 90

*+e)& .? Doe) Job Rotation 0elp in re-+cin4 t0e bore-o' of e'plo(ee)1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents -0 )0 0


*+e)& .. I) Job Rotation e))ential for e'plo(ee)1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents 90 0 0

*+e)& .2 Are (o+ )ati)fie- /it0 t0e )tate'ent " Job Rotation i) e))ential . for increa)in4 t0e efficienc( of /orker1 :ption Hi' l& +atisfied +atisfied Ne!tral Dissatisfied Hi' l& Dissatisfied No# of Respondents -0 ? ? 20 0


*+e)& .6 Doe) Job Rotation increa)e t0e pro-+cti3it( an- 'oti3ation of e'plo(ee)1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents )0 -0 0

*+e)& .8 Doe) Job Rotation 0elp in career plannin4 an- career pro4re))ion of e'plo(ee)1 :ption Aes No 4anIt +a& No# of Respondents 20 -0 -0


*+e)& .9 Doe) Job Rotation 0elp in (o+r or4ani5ation1 :ption Aes No Ne!tral No# of Respondents )0 -0 0


An application as been "ade to Jobcentrepl!s for f!ndin' for t e pilot project and it is anticipated t at t e pilot %ill be'in aro!nd sprin' 200)# + o!ld t is application be !ns!ccessf!l t en ot er a(en!es %ill be e,plored# It is oped t at t e pilot project %ill pro(e a s!ccess and t at t ro!' o!t t e co!rse of t e project possibilities for f!rt er e,pansion %ill be e,plored# For e,a"ple* Local +trate'ic 3artners ips* Learnin' and +kills 4o!ncils andJor E<!al co!ld be in(esti'ated for potential f!ndin' opport!nities#

T0e #olic( En3iron'ent

$ is section pro(ides a brief o(er(ie% of t e roles of or'anisations across INDIA DELHI % o co!ld be in(ol(ed in t e f!t!re i"ple"entation of job rotation and 'i(es an o(er(ie% of t e polic& en(iron"ent %it in % ic job rotation %ill operate#

Tra-e nion) $rade !nions are a ke& feat!re of job rotation projects across E!rope# It is cr!cial to de(elop links %it trade !nions t ro!' o!t t e co!rse of t e pilot project and t is %ill be aided b& t e participation of


+ER$;4# $rade !nion in(ol(e"ent %ill ens!re real benefits accr!e to all participants and %ill pro(ide c annels of co""!nication t ro!' % ic e"plo&ees can inp!t into t e project# Jobcentrepl+) Jobcentrepl!s 7for"erl& t e E"plo&"ent +er(ice and t e Genefits A'enc&8 %orks %it people seekin' e"plo&"ent as %ell as e"plo&ers t e"sel(es# Jobcentrepl!s is one of t e "ajor or'anisations in INDIA DELHI lookin' to de(elop %orkplace trainin' and skills le(els in 'eneral and t e pilot project s o!ld be pro"oted to Jobcentrepl!s# If job rotation is to de(elop in INDIA DELHI and e,pand to co(er ne% areas and sectors t en it is cr!cial to in(ol(e or'anisations s!c as t is# Learnin4 an- $kill) Co+ncil) Learnin' and +kills 4o!ncils operate across INDIA DELHI in order to raise skills and prod!cti(it&# $ e& are co""itted to pro(idin' i' <!alit& ed!cation and trainin' t ro!' f!rt er ed!cation* %ork1based trainin'* co""!nit& learnin' and %orkforce de(elop"ent# Job rotation fits %ell %it t ese ai"s and se(eral L+4s across INDIA DELHI a(e e,pressed an interest in t e pilot project# Job rotation %o!ld benefit 'reatl& fro" t e s!pport and links an or'anisation s!c as t e Learnin' and +kills 4o!ncil co!ld pro(ide# Indeed for job rotation to de(elop on a lar'er scale it %o!ld need to be adopted b& an or'anisation %it t e infrastr!ct!re and links to "aintain* on s!c a scale* across INDIA DELHI#

Inter'e-iate Labo+r %arket Or4ani)ation) $ ere are a lar'e n!"ber of inter"ediate labo!r "arket or'anisations 7IL5s8 in e,istence across INDIA DELHI* across a ran'e of sectors* "an& of % ic operate in (er& si"ilar %a&s to job rotation# For e,a"ple* @reen%ic Local Labo!r and G!siness 7@LLaG8 %ork %it local e"plo&ers to pro(ide paid %ork e,perience for t e !ne"plo&ed# Links %it s!c or'anisations s o!ld be !tilised b& job rotation in order to increase participation and to "atc t e ri' t people %it t e ri' t jobs# @o3ern'ent #olic( $ e de(elop"ent of skills and kno%led'e re"ain i' on t e 'o(ern"ent a'enda and job rotation co!ld pla& an i"portant part ere# $ e 'o(ern"ent as recentl& anno!nced an e,tra K-)0 "illion to e,tend e"plo&er trainin' pilots and as anno!nced ne% tar'ets for t e n!"bers of &o!n' people participatin' in f!ll1ti"e trainin' pro'ra""es2 .0L of &o!n' people !p to a'e 22 b& 20-0# Job rotation co!ld beco"e an i"portant %eapon in t e polic& a'enda and t e res!lts of t e pilot project s o!ld be p!blicised %idel&#


Concl+)ion" Job Rotation at Work in INDIA DELHI $ is researc and polic& project as be'!n t e process of e,plorin' t e possibilities for t e de(elop"ent of job rotation in INDIA DELHI# $ is project as e,a"ined e,istin' job rotation sc e"es t ro!' o!t t e INDIA DELHI and identified t e ke& feat!res of t ose sc e"es# It as e,plored trends in t e INDIA DELHI labo!r "arket* identified areas of need and i' li' ted %a&s in % ic job rotation "i' t "eet local needs# $ is report as o!tlined t e plans t at a(e been de(eloped for a pilot job rotation project %orkin' %it "an!fact!rin' e"plo&ers in Nort INDIA DELHI* for % ic f!ndin' is c!rrentl& bein' so!' t# In addition* it as 'i(en an o(er(ie% of t e polic& en(iron"ent %it in % ic job rotation %ill operate* s!""arised t e "ain or'anisations in INDIA DELHI %orkin' %it !ne"plo&ed to de(elop skills* and s!''ested so"e possibilities for f!t!re de(elop"ent# It can be seen t at t e polic& en(iron"ent is pri"e for t e de(elop"ent of job rotation in INDIA DELHI# Job rotation co!ld pla& an i"portant role in atte"pts to increase t e skills and kno%led'e of bot INDIA DELHI>s %orkers and t e !ne"plo&ed* and to assist t e !ne"plo&ed back into t e labo!r "arket# A cr!cial factor in t e e,pansion of job rotation across t e 4apital %ill be t e links de(eloped %it lar'e or'anisations dealin' %it skills and trainin'* as %ell as assistin' t e !ne"plo&ed to 'et back to %ork* s!c as Learnin' and +kills 4o!ncils* Jobcentrepl!s and trade !nions# If job rotation %ere to be adopted b& s!c an or'anisation t en it co!ld "ake a si'nificant contrib!tion to skills s orta'es* skills 'aps and !ne"plo&"ent in INDIA DELHI#

e"plo&ers and t e

It is (ital t at t e pilot project is pro"oted (i'oro!sl& to all rele(ant or'anisations and its res!lts are p!blicised %idel& across INDIA DELHI in order to s o% t e potential for t e f!t!re e,pansion of job rotation across t e capital#


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