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Scope Document and

Project Charter
James Tinsley -PM
Adam Rakes
Robert Chavez
William Fahnbulleh
Erika Coleman
1. Purpose
This proe!t en!ompasses a !omplete overhaul o" the net#orkin$ environment "or
ea!h o" the "ive do!tor%s o""i!es& in!ludin$ ne# hard#are& ne# so"t#are and trainin$
"or employees' The primary reason "or doin$ so is be!ause o" their !urrent
in"rastru!ture ( it is outdated and there is mu!h room "or improvement' The up$rade
#ill o!!ur at ea!h o""i!e individually& and #ill be tied to$ether lo$i!ally throu$h a
domain& set up at the !entral o""i!e' )oin$ so #ill provide better "un!tionality "or the
employees to use& #ill !reate a more reliable !omputer and "ilin$ system& and #ill
enable better !ustomer servi!e throu$h updated te!hnolo$y'
2. Goals and Objectives
*ur $oal in this proe!t is to a!tualize the !ustomer%s needs in re$ards to a
net#orkin$ system& the "ormation o" a partnership and !onsolidation o" "ive o""i!es
that #ill !entralize all data at one lo!ation& alon$ #ith disaster re!overy plan' We #ill
make sure that these "ive o""i!es #ill all have individual needs to !on"orm them to the
3. Success Criteria
,n undertakin$ this proe!t& su!!ess !an be de"ined in a number o" #ays' A
su!!ess"ul proe!t is one in #hi!h our $oals are !learly de"ined& the !ustomer is
involved in every step so that they kno# #hat it is #e are a!!omplishin$ and it is up
to their standards& the #ork is per"ormed "airly and e""e!tively& #e !omplete the
proe!t on time and #ithin bud$et& and #here all parties are satis"ied #ith the #ork
#e have !ompleted'
Work is to be !ompleted no later than May -.
& -/00'
1ud$et is not to e2!eed 34//&///'
4. Project Context
We #ill be per"ormin$ our duties on the proe!t in a!!ordan!e #ith our !ompany
$oal' *ur $oal as a !ompany is to provide the best level o" servi!e to our !ustomers&
in a "air and honest #ay& at !ompetitive rates' Any #ork !ompleted must live up to
this $oal in order to be !onsidered su!!ess"ul'
5. Project Deliverables
Within the s!ope o" the proe!t& #e #ill be deliverin$ !ertain items& hen!e"orth
re"erred to as 5)eliverables6' These deliverables #ill help to both $ive an outline o"
the #ork to be per"ormed& but also to provide spe!i"i! in"ormation in re$ards to
prototypes& +uality assuran!e plans& trainin$ plans& disaster re!overy& net#ork layout
7 topolo$y& and bud$etin$'
8!ope )o!ument and Proe!t Charter Pa$e - o" 4
6. Scope Speciications
- ,denti"yin$ e+uipment to be up$raded& and removin$ this e+uipment "rom the
- ,nstallin$ ne# e+uipment as listed in the do!umentation
- Per"ormin$ !on"i$uration o" ne# e+uipment to meet !lient%s se!urity and
"un!tional standards
!. Out"o"Scope Speciications
E2amples o" out-o"-s!ope tasks #ould in!lude9
- Repairin$ or repla!in$ medi!al e+uipment
- Removin$ old !ablin$ in o""i!es
- ,nstallin$ mis!ellaneous so"t#are not a$reed upon be"orehand
#. $ssu%ptions
,n #orkin$ on this proe!t& assumptions #ill be made and do!umented' We
assume the "ollo#in$9
- Partial payments are to be made at milestones by !ustomer #hen !ompleted'
- )elivery o" e+uipment& su!h as routers& !ablin$& !omputer hard#are& monitors&
et!& #ill be on time and undama$ed'
- We #ill be $iven ade+uate a!!ess to the buildin$ :in!ludin$ all rooms& stair#ays&
parkin$ spa!es& stora$e areas& et!; in order to per"orm #ork'
- <i$h-speed ,nternet a!!ess available "rom 1ri$ht <ouse =et#orks
- Cablin$ to be !ontra!ted out to Custom Cablin$& ,n!'
&. Constraints
The "ollo#in$ !onstraints #ill be in pla!e durin$ the proe!t9
- Time available to #ork by proe!t members
- 1ud$etary !onstraints
- 8upplier !onstraints :"or e2ample& #e are !onstrained by the limits ( i" any ( our
suppliers "a!e #ith their sto!k;
- >n"oreseen disasters :i'e' <urri!anes& #ild"ires& et!;'
1'. (is)s
As #ith any lar$e proe!t& a !ertain number o" risks are inherent in the #ork that
#e intend to do' We #ill try to identi"y any risks& the severity o" those risks& and any
possible a!tion that is to be taken to miti$ate those risks'
8!ope )o!ument and Proe!t Charter Pa$e ? o" 4
- Customer #ill not adapt to the ne# system +ui!kly& needin$ more trainin$'
- Team member may be unavailable "or their portion o" the ob'
- Te!hni!al issues may delay the proe!t'
- =atural "or!es& su!h as tornadoes& hurri!anes or other un"oreseen a!ts o" nature
may delay the proe!t'
- Monetary issues may delay the proe!t'
11. Sta)e*olders
@isted belo# is a list o" the stakeholders in this proe!t'
- )o!tors
- =urses
- Mana$ement
- <R
- Finan!ial
12. (eco%%ended Project $pproac*
For the !ompletion o" this proe!t& #e #ill "irst analyze the !urrent setup o" the "ive
do!tor%s o""i!es and determine #hi!h e+uipment and methodolo$ies are due to be
up$raded or repla!ed' From this point #e #ill !reate an up$rade plan #hi!h suits the
!ustomer in terms o" te!hnolo$i!al solution and meets their bud$et re+uirements'
We re!o$nize that in a do!tor%s o""i!e& stability is a re+uirement& and so #e #ill be
usin$ e+uipment and te!hnolo$y that is proven to be reliable and up to today%s
8!ope )o!ument and Proe!t Charter Pa$e 4 o" 4

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