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WhaL wlll Clasgow's 2014 legacy be? Whlle Lhe Clasgow 2014 CommonwealLh Cames are flrsL and
foremosL a fesLlval of sporL and a showcase of Lhe clLy and naLlon, Lhe Cames are underplnned by
expecLaLlons LhaL Lhey dellver varlous long-Lerm legacy ouLcomes.

8uL whaL ls legacy, whaL can lL achleve, why do we argue abouL lL and whaL lessons can we learn? 1he
answers Lo Lhese quesLlons are vlLal for Clasgow and oLher clLles around Lhe world as Lhey seek Lo redeflne
and regeneraLe Lhelr clLles and reglons for Lhe 21sL cenLury.

1oday, 1hursday, !uly 17, Lhe unlverslLy of Clasgow ls hosLlng an experL panel debaLe on Lhe dlfferenL
meanlngs of legacy and whaL we should do nexL Lo help secure Lhe regeneraLlon of Lhe clLy.

1hls ls Lhe flrsL meeLlng of Lhe newly-launched lnLernaLlonal legacy research neLwork whlch alms Lo
exchange knowledge abouL lessons learned abouL legacy across lLs dlfferenL dlmenslons - fallure as well as
success. lL alms Lo work wlLh clLles around Lhe world and Lhelr research-lnLenslve unlverslLles. 1he neLwork
sLarLs wlLh Clasgow 2014 buL wlll encapsulaLe all large sporLs and culLural evenLs across Lhe world for
whlch legacy maLLers.

1he neLwork wlll hosL lLs lnaugural lnLernaLlonal conference ln Lhe MlLchell Llbrary ln mld-CcLober 2013.

1he followlng Lhree experLs wlll offer Lhelr lndlvldual perspecLlves on legacy:
ur 8rldgeL McConnell, Chlef LxecuLlve, Clasgow Llfe

rof Ade kearns (unlverslLy of Clasgow) provldes an academlc communlLy level perspecLlve

ur 8oberL 8ogerson (unlverslLy of SLraLhclyde) looks across Lhe range of legacy research quesLlons and

1he sesslon ls chalred by rof kenneLh Clbb, ulrecLor of ollcy ScoLland (unlverslLy of Clasgow) and
convenor of Lhe Legacy 8esearch neLwork. 1he audlence wlll be a mlx of lnvlLed medla and academlcs.
AfLer lnLroducLory remarks by each speaker, Lhe audlence wlll be able Lo [oln ln Lhe debaLe and puL
quesLlons Lo Lhe panel.

rof Clbb sald: More and more clLles around Lhe world are conLemplaLlng mega-evenLs. Clasgow 2014 has
dlfferenL measures of legacy embedded ln Lhe pro[ecL ln an unprecedenLed way. AL Lhe same Llme, Lhe clLy
and ScoLLlsh CovernmenL have esLabllshed challenglng evaluaLlon frameworks Lo assess Lhe success (or
oLherwlse) of legacy. We are esLabllshlng a new lnLernaLlonal neLwork because we are lnLeresLed noL only
ln Lhe conLrlbuLlon Lhe Cames and Lhelr legacy make Lo Lhe regeneraLlon of Lhe clLy buL ln exchanglng
experlence, lessons and knowledge abouL legacy wlLh oLher clLles and academlcs around Lhe world."

ur McConnell sald: lrom Lhe earllesL days of blddlng for Lhe Cames, we've been plannlng for a real and
lasLlng legacy and we're already seelng people beneflLlng, wlLh new [obs, skllls and experlences, creaLed as
a resulL of hosLlng Lhe Cames. 1he new and upgraded venues are prlmarlly for local people and have
already demonsLraLed Lhelr popularlLy long before Lhey play hosL Lo Lhe ellLe aLhleLes. 1he culLural
programme ls a world-class fesLlval, wlLh someLhlng for everyone, and wlll aLLracL new audlences and
engage wlLh people ln a way never seen before.

Cur PosL ClLy volunLeers programme wlll open up volunLeerlng Lo a wlde range of people, many of whom
are belng supporLed by us Lo overcome slgnlflcanL personal barrlers. Clasgow Llfe servlces, volunLary sporLs
clubs and Lhe arLs secLor have planned Lhelr follow-Lhrough afLer Lhe Cames, Lo sLay connecLed Lo new
audlences. 1he Cames, as lmporLanL as Lhey are, represenL a mllesLone, noL a desLlnaLlon ln Clasgow's
conLlnulng amblLlon Lo be a world class clLy for boLh clLlzens and vlslLors."

Medla enqulrles: Llz 8ule, CommunlcaLlons Cfflce, unlverslLy of Clasgow. Llz.8ule[, 0141
330 2702, 07327 333373

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1. 1he Legacy 8esearch neLwork (L8n) sLeerlng commlLLee ls made up of ken Clbb (convenor), !osef
konvlLz (Pon prof, unlverslLy of Clasgow), Mark C'nelll (Clasgow Llfe), !ane 1homson (Clasgow ClLy
Councll), 8oberL 8ogerson (unlverslLy of SLraLhclyde), Llnda ChrlsLle (unlverslLy of Clasgow), !ulle Clark
(unlverslLy of Clasgow), Lesley Sawers (Clasgow Caledonlan unlverslLy) and ues McnulLy (unlverslLy of
2. 1he L8n grew ouL of an lnnovaLlve 2014 legacy research parLnershlp formed by a collaboraLlon
beLween Lhe Lhree unlverslLles ln Clasgow, Clasgow ClLy Councll and Clasgow Llfe. 1he L8n has also
beneflLed from supporL from Lhe unlverslLy of Clasgow's knowledge exchange fund, Lhe College of
Soclal Sclences and ollcy ScoLland.
3. 1he panel debaLe beglns aL 2pm (please arrlve from 1.30pm) and flnlshes aL 3pm. 1he venue ls Lhe
maln bulldlng (CllberL ScoLL 8ulldlng) room 233 [enLrance from Lhe souLh slde of Lhe wesL quad].
4. rofessor Clbb and speakers are avallable for press lnLervlews regardlng boLh Lhe neLwork and Lhe
legacy debaLe.

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