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Republic of the Philippines

[G.R. No. 14167. August 14, 1919. ]
THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PH!PPNE S!AN"S, #$t%t%o&$' (&) (##$**$$. ANTPAS VA+,UE+ (&) BAS!O
GA-ARES, Petitioners-Appellants, .. RUFNA ABURA! ET. A!., o/0$1to's2(##$**$$s.
Co3& 4 F%s3$', 5o' Appellants.
H%*()o 4 H%*()o, 5o' Appellees.
1. LAND REGISTRATION; TORRENS SSTEM; P!RPOSE. " The p#i$e pu#pose of the To##ens S%ste$& as establishe' in
the Philippine Islan's b% the Lan' Re(ist#ation La) *Act No. +,-.& is to 'ec#ee lan' titles that shall be /nal& i##e0ocable&
an' in'isputable.
1. ID.; 2ADASTRAL SSTEM; P!RPOSE. " The pu#pose of the o3sp#in( of the To##ens S%ste$ he#e 4no)n as the
2a'ast#al S%ste$& as establishe' in the Philippine Islan's b% the 2a'ast#al Act *No. 115,.& is& li4e the pu#pose of the
To##ens S%ste$& p#ope# incontestabilit% of title. As state' in Section 1 of the 2a'ast#al Act& the pu#pose is to se#0e the
public inte#est& b% #e6ui#in( that the titles to an% lan's 7be settle' an' a'8u'icate'.7c#ala) 0i#tua1a) lib#a#%
9. ID.; ID.; PRO2EEDINGS. " Man% p#ecautions a#e ta4en to (ua#' a(ainst in8ustice.
+. ID.; ID.; ID. " Afte# t#ial in a ca'ast#al case& th#ee actions a#e ta4en. The /#st a'8u'icates o)ne#ship in fa0o# of one
of the clai$ants. This constitutes the 'ecision " the 8u'($ent " the 'ec#ee of the cou#t. The secon' action is the
'ecla#ation b% the cou#t that the 'ec#ee is /nal an' its o#'e# fo# the issuance of the ce#ti/cates of title b% the 2hief of
the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce. Such o#'e# is $a'e if )ithin thi#t% 'a%s f#o$ the 'ate of #eceipt of a cop% of the 'ecision
no appeal is ta4en f#o$ the 'ecision. The thi#' an' last action 'e0ol0es upon the Gene#al Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce.
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ;INALIT O; DE2REE. " ;o# a 'ec#ee to e<ist in le(al conte$plation& it is not necessa#% to a)ait the
p#epa#ation of a so=calle' 'ec#ee b% the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce.
-. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. " 2a'ast#al p#ocee'in(s co$$ence'. Notice publishe' in the O:cial Ga>ette. T#ial 8u'(e also issue'
(ene#al notice. S as4s fo# the #e(ist#ation in his na$e of lot No. 1-?@. Aea#in( ha'. On Septe$be# 11& 1,1-& the cou#t
in a 'ec#ee a)a#'e' the lot to S. On No0e$be# 19& 1,1-& the ti$e fo# an appeal ha0in( passe'& the cou#t 'ecla#es the
'ec#ee /nal. On Bul% 19& 1,1C& befo#e the issuance b% the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce of the so=calle' technical 'ec#ee& D
an' G as4 that the case be #eopene' to #ecei0e p#oof #elati0e to the o)ne#ship of the lot. Motion 'enie' b% the t#ial
cou#t. Ael'E That since the 8u'($ent of the 2ou#t of ;i#st Instance of Septe$be# 11& 1,1-& has beco$e /nal& an' since
no action )as ta4en )ithin the ti$e p#o0i'e' b% la) fo# the p#osecution of an appeal b% bill of e<ceptions& the
Sup#e$e 2ou#t is )ithout 8u#is'iction& an' the appeal $ust be 'is$isse'.
C. ID.; ID.; RELIE; ;ROM B!DGMENT. " Fhethe# Sections 119 an' 519 of the 2o'e of 2i0il P#oce'u#e appl% to ca'ast#al
p#ocee'in(s& 6ua#e.
@. GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION O;;I2E. " The Gene#al Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce has been institute' 7fo# the 'ue
e3ectuation an' acco$plish$ent of the la)s #elati0e to the #e(ist#ation of lan'.7 *A'$inist#ati0e 2o'e of 1,1C& Sec.
" E C S O N
MA!CO!M, J. 6
The p#incipal 6uestion )hich this appeal p#esents is " Fhen 'oes the #e(ist#ation of title& un'e# the To##ens S%ste$ of
Lan' Re(ist#ation& especiall% un'e# the 'i3e#ent Philippine la)s establishin( the 2a'ast#al S%ste$& beco$e /nal&
conclusi0e& an' in'isputableG The supple$enta#% 6uestions a#e " At )hat sta(e of the ca'ast#al p#ocee'in(s 'oes a
'ec#ee e<ist in le(al conte$plationG Does it e<ist f#o$ the $o$ent that the cou#t& afte# hea#in( the e0i'ence&
a'8u'icates the lan' in fa0o# of a pe#son an' then& o# late# 'ec#ees the lan' in fa0o# of this pe#son& o# 'oes it e<ist
)hen the 2hief of the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce t#ansc#ibes the a'8u'ication in the p#esc#ibe' fo#$G
2a'ast#al p#ocee'in(s )e#e co$$ence' in the $unicipalit% of Aini(a#an& P#o0ince of Occi'ental Ne(#os& upon an
application of the Di#ecto# of Lan's& on Bune 1-& 1,1-. Notice of the p#ocee'in(s )e#e publishe' in the O:cial Ga>ette
as p#o0i'e' b% la). The t#ial 8u'(e also issue' (ene#al notice to all inte#este' pa#ties. A$on( othe#s& Dicto#iano
Si(uen>a p#esente' an ans)e# as4in( fo# #e(ist#ation in his na$e of lot No. 1-?@. The instant petitione#s& Antipas
Da>6ue> an' Hasilio Ga%a#es& althou(h sai' to #esi'e in this $unicipalit%& an' althou(h sai' to ha0e pa#ticipate' in
othe# ca'ast#al cases& 'i' not ente# an% opposition as to this lot. Aea#in( )as ha' 'u#in( Septe$be#& 1,1-. On
Septe$be# 11 of this %ea#& the cou#t issue' the follo)in( 'ec#eeE8($.ph
7It is he#eb% 'ec#ee' that& upon a p#e0ious 'ecla#ation of (ene#al 'efault& the follo)in( lots be a'8u'(e' an'
#e(iste#e' in the na$es of those pe#sons )hose na$es appea# ne<t afte# the lots& an' in acco#'ance )ith the follo)in(
con'itionsE . . .
7Lot No. 1-?@ )ith the i$p#o0e$ents the#eon to the con8u(al pa#tne#ship of Dicto#iano Si(uen>a an' Ma#cela
Guan>on.7c#ala) 0i#tua1a) lib#a#%
On No0e$be# 19 of the sa$e %ea#& the cou#t 'ecla#e' /nal the fo#e(oin( 'ec#ee in the follo)in(
7The 'ecision #en'e#e' b% the cou#t in the abo0e=entitle' case ha0in( beco$e /nal on Septe$be# 11& 1,1-& it is
he#eb% o#'e#e' that the 2hief of the Gene#al Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce issue the 'ec#ees co##espon'in( to the lots
a'8u'(e' b% sai' 'ecision.
7An appeal ha0in( ho)e0e# been inte#pose' as to the lots enu$e#ate' as follo)s& the 'ec#ees the#eon& $ust be
suspen'e' until fu#the# o#'e# b% this cou#tE8($.ph
7Lot No. 511.
Ei(ht $onths late#& that is& on Bul% 19& 1,1C& but befo#e the issuance b% the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce of the so=calle'
technical 'ec#ee& Antipas Da>6ue> an' Hasilio Ga%a#es& the latte# as (ua#'ian of the $ino# Est#ella Da>6ue>& ca$e into
the case fo# the /#st ti$e. The petitione#s& afte# settin( fo#th thei# #i(ht of o)ne#ship in lot No. 1-?@& an' that it )as
inclu'e' in thei# 7Aacien'a Santa ;ilo$ena&7 an' afte# statin( that the% )e#e in co$plete i(no#ance of the
p#ocee'in(s& as4e' that the 8u'($ent of the cou#t be annulle' an' that the case be #eopene' to #ecei0e p#oof #elati0e
to the o)ne#ship of the lot. 2ounsel fo# Dicto#iano Si(uen>a ans)e#e' b% counte#=$otion& as4in( the cou#t to 'is$iss
the $otion p#esente' on behalf of Da>6ue> an' Ga%a#es. The cou#t 'enie' the $otion fo# a ne) t#ial on the theo#% that
the#e bein( a 'ec#ee al#ea'% #en'e#e' an' no alle(ation of f#au' ha0in( been $a'e& the cou#t lac4e' 8u#is'iction. It
$a% also be state' pa#entheticall% that counsel fo# Da>6ue> an' Ga%a#es $a'e an unsuccessful atte$pt in the
Sup#e$e 2ou#t& th#ou(h $an'a$us& to ha0e the #eco#' co$plete' b% the ta4in( of e0i'ence.
In o#'e# that the $atte# $a% not be confuse'& let it a(ain be $a'e clea# that counsel fo# petitione#s ha0e not #aise'
the 6uestion of f#au' as p#o0i'e' fo# in Section 9@ of the Lan' Re(ist#ation La)& no# ha0e the% as4e' to be #elie0e'
f#o$ a 8u'($ent o# o#'e#& pu#suant to Section 119 of the 2o'e of 2i0il P#oce'u#e& because of $ista4e& ina'0e#tence&
su#p#ise& o# e<cusable ne(lect. As a $atte# of fact& the% coul' not )ell clai$ f#au' because all the p#ocee'in(s )e#e
public an' f#ee f#o$ an% suspicion of chicane#%. As a $atte# of fact& also& an% special #eliance on Section 119 of the
2o'e of 2i0il P#oce'u#e )oul' not (et the$ an%)he#e because $o#e than si< $onths ha' elapse' afte# the issuance of
a 8u'($ent in this case. The issue fun'a$entall% beco$es one of )hethe# o# not the Sup#e$e 2ou#t has 8u#is'iction
o0e# the appeal& since if the 8u'($ent an' the supple$ental 'ec#ee issue' b% the Bu'(e of the 2ou#t of ;i#st Instance
on Septe$be# 11& 1,1-& an' No0e$be# 19& 1,1-& #especti0el%& ha0e beco$e /nal& petitione#s $a% no b#in( thei#
appeal befo#e this cou#t& because the ti$e fo# the /lin( of thei# bill of e<ceptions has e<pi#e'; )hile& if the ca'ast#al
p#ocee'in(s 'i' not beco$e /nal until the fo#$al 'ec#ee )as issue' b% the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce& then it )as p#ope#
fo# the$ to as4 fo# a #eopenin( of the case& an' it )oul'& conse6uentl%& be 8ust as p#ope# fo# this cou#t to o#'e# the
t#ial cou#t to pe#$it the sa$e.
The p#i$e pu#pose of the To##ens S%ste$ is& as has been #epeate'l% state'& to 'ec#ee lan' titles that shall be /nal&
i##e0ocable& an' in'isputable. Incontestabilit% of title is the (oal. All 'ue p#ecaution $ust acco#'in(l% be ta4en to (ua#'
a(ainst in8ustice to inte#este' in'i0i'uals )ho& fo# so$e (oo' #eason& $a% not be able to p#otect thei# #i(hts.
Ne0e#theless& e0en at the cost of possible c#uelt% )hich $a% #esult in e<ceptional cases& it 'oes beco$e necessa#% in
the inte#est of the public )eal to enfo#ce #e(ist#ation la)s. No st#on(e# )o#'s can be foun' than those appea#in( in
Section 9@ of the Lan' Re(ist#ation La) *Act No. +,-. )he#ein it is sai' thatE 7E0e#% 'ec#ee of #e(ist#ation shall bin'
the lan'& an' 6uiet title the#eto. . . . It shall be conclusi0e upon an' a(ainst all pe#sons& inclu'in( the Insula#
Go0e#n$ent an' all the b#anches the#eof& )hethe# $entione' b% na$e in the application& notice& o# citation& o#
inclu'e' in the (ene#al 'esc#iption ITo all )ho$ it $a% conce#n&I Such 'ec#ee shall not be opene' b% #eason of the
absence& infanc%& o# othe# 'isabilit% of an% pe#son a3ecte' the#eb%& no# b% an% p#ocee'in( in an% cou#t fo# #e0e#sin(
8u'($ents o# 'ec#ees; sub8ect& ho)e0e#& to the #i(ht of an% pe#son 'ep#i0e' of lan' o# of an% estate o# inte#est the#ein
b% 'ec#ee of #e(ist#ation obtaine' b% f#au' to /le in the 2ou#t of Lan' Re(ist#ation *2ou#t of ;i#st Instance. a petition
fo# #e0ie) )ithin one %ea# afte# ent#% of the 'ec#ee& p#o0i'e' no innocent pu#chase# fo# 0alue has ac6ui#e' an
inte#est.7c#ala) 0i#tua1a) lib#a#%
Fhile such state$ents can be $a'e of the To##ens S%ste$ p#ope#& the% beco$e e0en $o#e incisi0e an' pe#e$pto#%
)hen )e co$e to consi'e# the o3sp#in( of this s%ste$& he#e 4no)n as the 2a'ast#al S%ste$. !n'e# the To##ens
S%ste$ p#ope#& )hethe# action shall o# shall not be ta4en is optional )ith the solicitant. !n'e# the 2a'ast#al S%ste$&
pu#suant to initiati0e on the pa#t of the Go0e#n$ent& titles fo# all the lan' )ithin a state' a#ea& a#e a'8u'icate'
)hethe# o# not the people li0in( )ithin this 'ist#ict 'esi#e to ha0e titles issue'. The pu#pose& as state' in section one of
the 2a'ast#al Act *NO. 115,.& is to se#0e the public inte#ests& b% #e6ui#in( that the titles to an% lan's 7be settle' an'
a'8u'icate'.7c#ala) 0i#tua1a) lib#a#%
A'$ittin( that such co$pulso#% #e(ist#ation of lan' an' such e<cessi0e inte#fe#ence )ith p#i0ate p#ope#t% constitutes
'ue p#ocess of la) an' that the Acts p#o0i'in( fo# the sa$e a#e constitutional& a 6uestion not he#e #aise'& %et a stu'%
of the la) in'icates that $an% p#ecautions a#e ta4en to (ua#' a(ainst in8ustice. The p#ocee'in(s a#e initiate' b% a
notice of su#0e%. Fhen the lan's ha0e been su#0e%e' an' plotte'& the Di#ecto# of Lan's& #ep#esente' b% the Atto#ne%
Gene#al& /les a petition in cou#t p#a%in( that the titles to the lan's na$e' be settle' an' a'8u'icate'. Notice of the
/lin( of the petition is then publishe' t)ice in successi0e issues of the O:cial Ga>ette in both the En(lish an' Spanish
lan(ua(es. All pe#sons inte#este' a#e (i0en the bene/t of assistance b% co$petent o:cials an' a#e info#$e' of thei#
#i(hts. A t#ial is ha'. 7All conJictin( inte#ests shall be a'8u'icate' b% the cou#t an' 'ec#ees a)a#'e' in fa0o# of the
pe#sons entitle' to the lan's o# the 0a#ious pa#ts the#eof& an' such 'ec#ees& )hen /nal& shall be the bases of o#i(inal
ce#ti/cates of title in fa0o# of sai' pe#sons.7 *Act No. 115,& Sec. 11.. Asi'e f#o$ this& the co$$otion cause' b% the
su#0e% an' a t#ial a3ectin( o#'ina#il% $an% people& to(ethe# )ith the p#esence of st#an(e#s in the co$$unit%& shoul'
se#0e to put all those a3ecte' on thei# (ua#'.
Afte# t#ial in a ca'ast#al case& th#ee actions a#e ta4en. The /#st a'8u'icates o)ne#ship in fa0o# of one of the clai$ants.
This constitutes the 'ecision " the 8u'($ent " the 'ec#ee of the cou#t& an' spea4s in a 8u'icial $anne#. The secon'
action is the 'ecla#ation b% the cou#t that the 'ec#ee is /nal an' its o#'e# fo# the issuance of the ce#ti/cates of title b%
the 2hief of the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce. Such o#'e# is $a'e if )ithin thi#t% 'a%s f#o$ the 'ate of #eceipt of a cop% of
the 'ecision no appeal is ta4en f#o$ the 'ecision. This a(ain is 8u'icial action& althou(h to a less 'e(#ee than the /#st.
The thi#' an' last action 'e0ol0es upon the Gene#al Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce. This o:ce has been institute' 7fo# the
'ue e3ectuation an' acco$plish$ent of the la)s #elati0e to the #e(ist#ation of lan'.7 *A'$inist#ati0e 2o'e of 1,1C&
Sec. 1C+.. An o:cial foun' in the o:ce& 4no)n as the chief su#0e%o#& has as one of his 'uties 7to p#epa#e /nal 'ec#ees
in all a'8u'icate' cases.7 *A'$inist#ati0e 2o'e of 1,1C& Sec. 1CC.. This latte# 'ec#ee contains the technical 'esc#iption
of the lan' an' $a% not be issue' until a consi'e#able ti$e afte# the p#o$ul(ation of the 8u'($ent. The fo#$ fo# the
'ec#ee use' b% the Gene#al Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce conclu'es )ith the )o#'sE 7Fitness& the Aono#able *na$e of the
8u'(e.& on this the *'ate..7 The 'ate that is use' as autho#it% fo# the issuance of the 'ec#ee is the 'ate )hen& afte#
hea#in( the e0i'ence& the t#ial cou#t 'ec#ee' the a'8u'ication an' #e(ist#ation of the lan'.
The 8u'($ent in a ca'ast#al su#0e%& inclu'in( the #en'ition of the 'ec#ee& is a 8u'icial act. As the la) sa%s& the 8u'icial
'ec#ee )hen /nal is the base of the ce#ti/cate of title. The issuance of the 'ec#ee b% the Lan' Re(ist#ation O:ce is
$iniste#ial act. The 'ate of the 8u'($ent& o# $o#e co##ectl% state'& the 'ate on )hich the 'efeate' pa#t% #ecei0es a
cop% of the 'ecision& be(ins the #unnin( of the ti$e fo# the inte#position of a $otion fo# a ne) t#ial o# fo# the pe#fection
of an appeal to the Sup#e$e 2ou#t. The 'ate of the title p#epa#e' b% the 2hief Su#0e%o# is uni$po#tant& fo# the
a'8u'ication has ta4en place an' all that is left to be pe#fo#$e' is the $e#e fo#$ulation of the technical 'esc#iption. If
an un4no)n in'i0i'ual coul' )ait possibl% %ea#s until the 'a% befo#e a su#0e%o# (ets a#oun' to t#ansc#ibin( a technical
'esc#iption of a piece of lan'& the 'efeate' pa#t% coul' 8ust as #easonabl% e<pect the sa$e consi'e#ation fo# his
appeal. As a $atte# of fact& the so=calle' un4no)n is a pa#t% 8ust as $uch as the 4no)n opposito# fo# notice is to all
the )o#l'& an' the 'ec#ee bin's all the )o#l'.
Hoth counsel fo# petitione#s an' #espon'ents #el% upon the 'ecision of this cou#t in the case of Ta$buntin( 0. Manuel
*K1,1-L& 95 Phil.; -,,. . That case an' the instant case a#e not the sa$e. In the Ta$buntin( case the contest )as #eall%
bet)een t)o pa#ties each clai$in( to ha0e a To##ens title; he#e one pa#t% has the title an' the othe# is see4in( to oust
hi$ f#o$ his fo#t#ess. In the Ta$buntin( case the 'ecla#ation of o)ne#ship but not the 'ec#ee of #e(ist#ation ha'
issue'; he#e both 'ecla#ation an' 'ec#ee ha0e issue'. The 'oct#ines announce' in the 'ecision in G#e% Alba 0. De la
2#u> *K1,1?L& 1C Phil.& +,. #elatin( to (ene#al notice an' the in'efensibilit% of lan' titles un'e# the To##ens s%ste$ a#e
$uch $o#e applicable an' can& )ith as $uch #eason& be applie' to the ca'ast#al s%ste$.
As a (ene#al #ule& #e(ist#ation of title un'e# the ca'ast#al s%ste$ is /nal& conclusi0e an' in'isputable& afte# the
passa(e of the thi#t%='a% pe#io' allo)e' fo# an appeal f#o$ the 'ate of #eceipt b% the pa#t% of a cop% of the 8u'($ent
of the cou#t a'8u'icatin( o)ne#ship )ithout an% step ha0in( been ta4en to pe#fect an appeal. The p#e0ailin( pa#t% $a%
then ha0e e<ecution of the 8u'($ent as of #i(ht an' is entitle' to the ce#ti/cate of title issue' b% the chief of the Lan'
Re(ist#ation O:ce. The e<ception is the special p#o0ision p#o0i'in( fo# f#au'.
2ounsel fo# appellants an' appellees ha0e fa0o#e' the cou#t )ith able a#(u$ents #elati0e to the applicabilit% of
Sections 119 an' 519 of the 2o'e of 2i0il P#oce'u#e to ca'ast#al p#ocee'in(s. The 0ie) )e ta4e of the case )oul'
$a4e unp#o/table an% 'iscussion of this 6uestion.
It appea#in( that the 8u'($ent of the 2ou#t of ;i#st Instance of Occi'ental Ne(#os of Septe$be# 11& 1,1-& has beco$e
/nal& an' that no action )as ta4en )ithin the ti$e p#o0i'e' b% la) fo# the p#osecution of an appeal b% bill of
e<ceptions& this cou#t is )ithout 8u#is'iction. Acco#'in(l% the appeal is 'is$isse' )ith costs a(ainst the appellants. So
A#ellano& C.J.& To##es& Bohnson& St#eet& A0anceMa an' Moi#& JJ.& concu#.

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