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Theme: Clubhouse Pirate Adventure

Basic Truth: God Made Me God Loves Me Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever
Key Question: What is better than gold?
Bottom Line: he Bible is better than gold!
Memory Verse: "#our tea$hings are %orth &ore to &e than thousands o' (ie$es o' gold and
silver)* Psal& ++,-./0 1C2
Bible Story: Clubhouse Pirate Adventure 3evie%.
Clubhouse Pirate Adventure 3evie% Psalm 119:72
LEADER: "Ahoy0 &ateys! 4t5s our last day to sho% o'' our best (irate &oves0 so give &e your best0
6Aaarrr0 &atey!5 to 7i$7 things o''! (Pause.) Wo%! hat %as (irate8A94C! Let5s get u( on our 'eet and
sing together!*
Lead children in singing God Knows.
"Great :ob0 (irate 'riends! han7s 'or singing %ith &e today! 4t5s ti&e 'or us to revie% ALL o' the
AMA;41G treasures that %e5ve learned about during our Bible story today) ell &e0 what is better than
ol!" (Pause.) [Bottom Line] The Bible is better than ol!# #ou got it! 4t5s better than gold be$ause
it5s F<LL o' all 7inds o' treasure that God %ants us to 7no% about! Let5s get our listening ears ready)*
$se DVD story#
"We are going to learn a brand ne% Me&ory 2erse %ith the &otions today! Let5s sit together in a $ir$le
to learn)*
"Listen to the %ords) (Pause.) %&our teachins are worth more to me than thousan!s o' (ieces o'
ol! an! sil)er*+ ,salm --.:/0.
Lets say it together this ti&e) %&our teachins (pause) are worth (pause) more to me (pause) than
thousan!s (pause) o' (ieces (pause) o' ol! an! sil)er+ (pause) ,salm --.:/0. (!pen hands li"e a
#oo".) 2ery good! ($epea%.)
1o% let5s say the verse together %ith the &otions. %&our teachins (hold hands li"e a #oo") are worth
more to me (#ring &is%ed hands %o ches% li"e holding some%hing precious) than thousan!s (hands
1lubhouse ,irate A!)enture
July 27, 2014 .:. Tiger Room
Pathways Church Early Childhood i!istry
This 2ee3+s Sco(e
Memory 4n Motion
Bible Story
e'plode up and ou%) o' (ieces o' ol! an! sil)er+ (hands in &ron% ru##ing &ingers %oge%her li"e greed(
&or mone() ,salm --.:/0. (!pen hands li"e a #oo".)
hat %as great! Let5s say it again %ith the &otions)* ($epea% as man( %imes as desired.)
52hat is better than ol!" [Bottom Line] The Bible is better than ol!# hat is %hat our Me&ory
2erse is all about! 9ay it %ith &e- 6#our tea$hings are %orth &ore to &e than thousands o' (ie$es o'
gold and silver05 Psal& ++,-./) 2hat is better than ol!" [Bottom Line] The Bible is better than
ol!# Great :ob!*
Re(eat with the chil!ren se)eral times until you 'eel they ha)e learne! this month+s )erse.
,irate Bowlin
Pira%e )owling is an ac%i*i%( %ha% incorpora%es large mo%or mo*emen% and hand+e(e coordina%ion %o
re*iew %his mon%h,s )i#le s%ories.
2hat &ou 6ee!: "9tory 9y&bols* 0 = e&(ty bottles or $u(s >one 'or ea$h "9tory 9y&bol*?0 s$issors0
ta(e0 and a rubber ball
(!p%ion: -a"e more %han one #owling area depending on %he num#er o& children (ou ha*e.)
2hat &ou Do:
.uring %he ac%i*i%(: Play a ga&e o' bo%ling %ith the $hildren) Line u( your story sy&bol bottles li7e
bo%ling (ins in 'ront o' a %all0 and (la$e a (ie$e o' ta(e on the 'loor %here you %ant your $hildren to
stand %hen bo%ling) @e&onstrate 'or the& ho% to roll the rubber ball to try and 7no$7 do%n the bottles)
Loo7 at the bottles you 7no$7ed do%n and brie'ly revie% the story (i$tures ta(ed to the&) Continue
ta7ing turns as long as the $hildren are having 'un)
2hat &ou Say:
)e&ore %he ac%i*i%(: "4 love bo%ling! @o any o' you (irates %ant to bo%l %ith &e? (Pause.) Great! Let &e
sho% you ho% %e5re going to do it and then %e $an all ta7e turns) (.emons%ra%e.) Let5s go see %hat 4
7no$7ed do%n) ($e*iew %he s%or( s(m#ols o& %he #o%%les (ou "noc"ed down.) #ay! 1o% it5s another
'riend5s turn) Let5s all bo%l!* (/on%inue as long as %here,s in%eres%.)
0% %he end o& %he ac%i*i%(: "he Bible has all 7inds o' true stories in it! oday %e got to loo7 ba$7 and see
ho% %ell %e re&e&ber the ones %e5ve been tal7ing about) 4 thin7 %e %e5re ready! Great :ob 'riends!*
Ma( 4t
-ap 1% is an ac%i*i%( %ha% helps re%ell %he )i#le s%or( #( ma%ching %he s(m#ols %o %he s%or( on a child+
si2e map.
2hat &ou 6ee!: "9tories*0 %hite (oster board0 s$issors0 (ainter5s ta(e and a broad8ti( bla$7 &ar7er
2hat &ou Do:
Ma3e 4t 7un
Ma3e 4t 7un
)e&ore %he ac%i*i%(: Cut a(art the "9tories* and ta(e the& to the but$her (a(er in the order they %ere
originally (resented) Ma7e a dotted line bet%een the (i$tures to rese&ble a (irate &a()
.uring %he ac%i*i%(: 3evie% the stories as you travel to ea$h o' the (i$tures on the &a()
0% %he end o& %he ac%i*i%(: al7 about %hi$h o' the (i$tures and stories %ere their 'avorites)
2hat &ou Say:
)e&ore %he ac%i*i%(: "Friends0 $o&e over here and loo7 at this! 4t loo7s li7e a giant treasure &a(! Let5s
ta7e a loo7 at it!*
.uring %he ac%i*i%(: "What5s the 'irst thing you see on the &a(? (Pause.) hat5s right! 4t5s a (i$ture o' a
&irror) hat %as the 'irst Bible treasure %e learned about) We learned that God &ade us the %ay that
%e are) he neAt (i$ture %e $o&e to is a (i$ture o' a $lo$7) his is %hen %e learned that God loves us
all the ti&e) What is this a (i$ture o'? (Poin% %o %he pic%ure o& a church.) his is a (i$ture o' a $hur$h! We
learned that %e are all a (art o' God5s 'a&ily) Bhh0 %hat is this neAt (i$ture o'? (Poin% %o sp(glass.) A
s(yglass! he Bible taught us to loo7 'or %ays to hel( ea$h other) he neAt (i$ture is o' a $ell (hone)
We learned that %e $an tal7 to God at anyti&e and any (la$e) 1eAt is a (i$ture o' a ba$7(a$7) his is
%hen %e learned the Bible tells us to share our stu'') And no% %e $o&e to our last (i$ture) 4t5s a (i$ture
o' a 'riendshi( bra$elet) We learned that Jesus %ants to be our 'riend 'orever)*
0% %he end o& %he ac%i*i%(: "hat %as su$h a 'un tri( through all o' our Bible stories on the treasure &a()
hrough all o' the stories %e learned that [Bottom Line] the Bible is better than ol!# 2hat is better
than ol!" (Pause.) [Bottom Line] The Bible is better than ol!#8
4' you ha((en to 'inish u( %ith these a$tivities early 'eel 'ree to use any o' the a$tivities in the (res$hool
ga&e binder) 4' you are unsure as to %here to 'ind this binder0 (lease $onta$t your servi$e $oa$h)
6ee! More"

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