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Oc t o ber I963
Vol. 3, No. 7 SUN CITY, ARIZONA October, 1963
S m S W m C O M I T T E E G R O W S I N S I Z E , S C O P E
A group literally spreading sunshine across Sun
City is appropriately referred to as the Sunshine
Committee. It is this organization that the October
Sun Dial devotes its pages to.
A project of the Sun City Home Owners Associa-
tion, the Committee was founded more than two
years ago by resident Rev. E. Duane Thistlethwaite,
who now serves as its Director.
Initially, the Committee was originated to help
Sun Citians seeking work. Next, the Reverend and
his staff of four Sun City ladies took it upon them-
selves to make newcomers more quickly acquainted
with the community and its established residents.
In time of illness members began offering trans-
portation, lawn and house care, and even temporary
financial assistance.
As Sun City swiftly expanded so did the Sunshine
Committee both in size and scope.
Today the Director himself has far more than a
title to keep track of. Besides answering letters,
phone calls, conducting meetings and delivering
medical equipment to residents, Rev. Thistleth-
waite makes a combined total of at least 200 home
and hospital visits monthly.
Still with all the hours he devotes in the continu-
ation of an activity he has pursued all his life. Rev.
Thistlethwaite is the first to admit this job cannot
be done without help. A nd he gets it froma staff
that has expanded to a membership of nearly 400.
The Committee's director and nine district chair-
men formthe organization's Executive Committee.
This body has the power to make additions and
changes that it feels are necessary to the bylaws.
Each district chairman with her co-chairman has
jurisdiction over several subdistrict chairmen. They
keep contact with their neighborhood chairmen.
This "neighborhood network of helpfulness"
weaves itself throughout the entire community, and
is available to residents at any time emergencies
Funds for the operation of the Sunshine Com-
mittee come fromseveral sources. Money raised by
the Community Center Camera Club on movie
nights is donated. When other Sun City clubs and
organizations have special programs, they often
contribute proceeds to the Committee.
Other sources include private donations, cash
gifts by recipients of aid who can afford to give, and
contributions by residents and non-residents in
memory of Sun Citians whomthe Committee had
aided in time of need.
It is this financial assist that has allowed the
Committee to acquire hospital beds, wheel chairs,
crutches, walkers and dozens of other essential
This equipment, stored in the carport and utility
roomof the Thistlethwaite home, is loaned free of
charge to residents who otherwise would pay ex-
pensive rental costs. Delivery of equipment by
Committee members is also a free service.
A free car pool service with 25 to 30 men assists
those without transportation who need medical
treatment. Their help is always available in emer-
gency cases.
Committee members make numerous home and
hospital calls, bringing cheer and offers of help to
ailing residents in their districts.
A "window card" is supplied every home. Instruc-
tions as to procedure to be followed in case of
emergency are printed on one side, while the other
is reserved for a large X made with Day-Glo red-
orange paper. These can be seen at long distances.
Residents are asked to put this in their windows in
case they need help but cannot get outdoors to
sound alarm.
The Committee would like to include every Sun
Citian in a card file it is compiling. Each card will
contain name, address and telephone number of
The doctor, name of any drug to which residents
(Continued on Page 4)
Page 2 SUN CITY SUN DIAL October, 1963
ROSES FOR CHEER- Lillia n Mac k,
10741 Abbott Ave., one of committee's
nine district chairmen, selects roses for
ailing Sun Citian she will see. Visits of
concern and friendship by Committee
members are common.
LILLIAN CHATS with Eva Bross, 10701 Cherry Hills Dr. V/ est, who while
recovering from a broken hip is using Sunshine Committee wheel chair.
Eva speaks of the Committee as "one of the most worthwhile programs
in Sun City."
SUB-DISTRICT CHAIRMEN occasionally meet with eir
cedures within their section, and at the same time check
cards and ha.ndle correspondence. Standing, from left, a
Lyia Droegkemp and Thelma Hyland. Seated, frc lef
holland, Erma Bugher, Ruth Compton and Sally \ l
Ca ke , c offee and three
neighbors were waiting for
Florence Wilhelm when she
returned home from a hos-
pital stay. Here, Committee
District Chairman Marion
Bingemer pours coffee and
Gail Kinnison offers home-
made homecoming c ake,
while Sally Fages looks on.
Crutches were loaned Flor-
ence by the Committee.
COMMON SCENE - It is not
uncommon to find Committee
Director Rev. Thistlethwaite
or wife-secretary Fern with
pen in one hand and phone
in the other as dozens of let-
ters and calls come to them
weekly with questions, sug-
gestions, contributions or re-
October, 1963 SUN CITY SUN DIAL Page 3
CAR POOL - George Heath,
left, 11826 105th Ave., and
Carl Kays, 10523 Oakmont
Dr., are members of Com-
mittee 30-man car pool which
offers transportation in emer-
genc ies and makes itself
available to residents who
require treatment, but who
are without transportation.
Here, the men assist Sun Cit-
ian Tom Bingemer of 10350
Pinehurst Dr.
isl t chairman to discuss problems and pre-
sident card files, make additional emergency
! Helen Daily, District Chairman Fran Asteres,
a Lady Ross, Rose Maifeh, Margaret Mul-
DURING RECENTEXECUTIVECommittee meeting, duties are explained to newly
appointed district chairmen by Committee Secretary Gladys Smith. From left
are Mabel Bradley, May Roberts, Marguerite Blackmore, Gladys Smith, Katherine
Hanson and Rhea Wertheimer.
FREQUENT HOSPITAL CALLS - Visits with Sun Citians in several Valley hos-
pitals total more than 100 a month for Rev. Thistlethwaite, who here is shown
talking with Charles and Esther Elder at Northwest Hospital, five miles from Sun
City. The Elders reside at 12048 Hacienda Dr.
Page 4 SUN CITY SUN DIAL October, 1963
(Continued from Page 1)
are allergic, location of relatives, and information
as to where a home key can be obtained in an emer-
gency are also included. These facts help the Com-
mittee better perform its varied tasks.
Recipients of help throughout Sun City have
kind words for the Committee. Stating his belief
that the group is a "most necessary organization in
a retirement community," one thankful resident,
Michael Bross, says "They are tops when considered
from a Christian and humanitarian viewpoint."
Resident Kenny Maruca admits use of equipment
has helped ease the financial burden that comes
ch wclLOn Then there a a Neighborhood Chairman for every neighborhood There i!
"Car Poor metch leclior. to help m ernergncie<.
in your neighborhood lo have a key 1o rour home artd
g thould happmi lo jou. Your neighborhood Chairman cbeckt
I mod every day, lo make lufo you are seen So Pteaie
neighbor, lot lhay will wonder what hai happened lo you
dun Ciiy II a wondertul place lo live We have the bait
cooperalion we hope to make it even bailer. The Siinihim
lonely qet belter acquainted and participating m communif
ing m illneH By lending a hand m bereavement And ii 1 hope lo be of real
Wo have people who are able and wi
tim of illness, il Ihoy knew whom they c
some one who would h.lp? Thia may b.
dnvinij a car and etc i^t your section
ng lo pay tor help in the home in
uld ijet to help thein. Do you know
canng for the ilL cooking, cleaninq.
r general chairman know
Yours in Service for a Happier Sun City.
Rev. E. Duane Thistlethwaite, chairman, 10643 Oakmonl Dr. 933-1248
Sun City, Anzond
COMMITTEE MEMBERS use Day-Glo, a luminous paper to
make a large " X" on reverse side of emergency card,
which is furnished each Sun City residence. Other side
contains information noted above.
with illness, but says she is more impressed with
the kindness and concern extended her by the
A primary reason for the Committee' s efforts is
brought out by Rev. Thistlethwaite when he says,
"We are social beings. We want and need each
other. This Committee is here to be with and serve
those who might otherwise be alone."
By helping others find contentment and happi-
ness the Sunshine Committee members agree this
in turn brings happiness to them. As Rev. Thistle-
thwaite so aptly puts it, "By spreading sunshine to
others, it surely extends its rays back to us."
SUNSHINE COMMITTEEtook the opportunity to make itself
better knov/n when members rented shopping center booth
during Western Days, and displayed free equipment. Mem-
bers are Ann Heath, left. Hazel Meyer and Rev. Thistle-
thwaite, who holds two emergency cards, one of which
reveals the Day-Glo " X" .
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