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Honourable Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda (MP),

Prime Minister of the United Republic fo Tanzania,
Honourable Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries,
The Chief Executive Officers, Presidents Delivery Bureau
and Uongozi Institute,
Mr. Chris Tan (representing Minister Idris Jala);
Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good Morning!
Honourable Prime Minister,
We are still in a state of profound shock over what happened
to Malaysian Airline Flight MH 17 in Eastern Ukraine a few days
ago, and the unnecessary, unacceptable and senseless death of
almost 300 people, including 44 Malaysians. So I suggest that,
before we begin, and even as we demand answers and
accountability to this tragedy, we observe a minute of silence as
we join those who lost their loved ones in mourning for the
departed souls.

Honourable Prime Minister,

We thank you deeply for agreeing to spend a whole day
chairing this retreat. Todays session is an in-house one, involving
colleagues that have jointly and collectively been instrumental in
implementing the BRN programme. Together, we have come a
long way over the past one year. Together we have much to

accomplish in the year ahead. I take this opportunity to
congratulate all those in the Ministries, LGAs and PDB who made
it possible to achieve what only a year ago seemed a huge and
impossible task. In the same vein, we must rededicate ourselves to
meeting, and where possible exceeding, performance targets in all
our National Key Results Areas.

I should like to highlight two specific elements of the
experience that I have found particularly exhilarating and
energizing, and which I hope we can permanently engrave in the
fabric of our public service.

The first is that, together and individually, we have proved
the sceptics wrong. We have proved that within an appropriate
operational framework, it is possible to change the way we work
and achieve big results in Tanzania. The experience of adopting
the Big and Fast Results model from Malaysia and adapting it to
our national context clearly demonstrates that our leaders and
the public service have the heart and mind for delivering big
results in pursuit of our national development vision.

This is evident from the speed with which the model has
been adopted, the enthusiasm with which the Lab programmes
were developed and are being implemented, the interest
demonstrated by the public in the results of implementation, and
the big results already attained in all NKRAs within the first year
of BRN implementation.

In order to achieve those results, we accepted fundamental
changes in the way we organize ourselves, the way we work and
the way we relate to each other and to the public. Most
impressive, for me, is the eventual understanding by Permanent
Secretaries that Ministerial Delivery Units have to report directly
to Ministers and not to them, although they still have to be kept
informed. This is necessary for the effectiveness of the model, by
ensuring the Ministers full accountability for achieving the BRN
Key Performance Indicators assigned to them. It is an
understanding which we expect the Permanent Secretaries now
joining the group to embrace and comply with.


Honourable Prime Minister,
Another experience I wish to share is the impact BRN is
having beyond the institutions that are directly implementing the
NKRA programmes. Many public institutions have adopted the
methodology for their extra-NKRA activities, and the impact
cannot be missed by any objective observer. With proper
guidance, application and close monitoring, this should see us
generate significant impacts, thereby creating the necessary
traction for business unusual across the entire spectrum of
public service delivery. Significantly, even successes and results
attained in non-NKRA areas are still attributed to BRN by the
implementers and the public.
As we embark on the second year of the BRN programme, I
should like to see a much more collegial approach with all
institutions working together for the common objectives of one
government, knowing that in doing so we will serve our people
better. The Swiss-British Philosopher, Allain de Botton, was
quite right when he said,
One of the great sources of satisfaction in work is
the feeling that we are making a difference to
peoples lives.
I am sure this is how we all feel, and so lets continue to
perfect the BRN model and work together towards changing the
lives of many Tanzanians.


Honourable Prime Minister, it is now my pleasure and
privilege to invite you to address the audience, and formally
launch the retreat.

Thank you.

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