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My gaze sweeps the room as uneasiness settles in me.

Little Elizabeth was weeping uncontrollably

beside the guard. Her mother, our house cook was struggling to reach her. Try as she may, her path was
blocked by Miss Mary, the governess. Well, I thought to myself, at least shes doing her duty now. I kept
a stoic look on my face as I inspected the prisoner. The guard had done a fine job tying him up to the
side chair. I didnt know him personally, but his face
- my lord,
My focus snaps as I turn my attention to the boy in front of me. Just as determined as I once was, my
son stood firmly in front of me. Looking at him now, I imagine him a few years from now, in my stead,
holding assemblies, leading the people
I sigh as I gather my thoughts:
- Son. There had better be a good reason for your coming to see me. As I had informed Miss
Mary, I had a very important consul meeting that you shouldnt have interrupted.
- My Lord, please forgive me I lost track of the boy
My sharp gaze stops her apologies
- Father, its not her fault, Lizy and I
- Miss Elizabeth I correct
- We ran off, we were playing the seeking game. It was Lizys turn to look for me Father, but she
took too long and I grew tired of waiting. I went to find her and then I saw him yelling her and
hitting her!!
The room grows quiet at these accusations, the man in the chair grunts and puffs in protest.
- What is your name, sir? I say sternly. I can feel the room shift uncomfortably.
- Gram he spits.
- Gram, my lord I reply liking him less and less by the minute.
He shrugs as if titles are of no importance.
- Do you deny striking the girl Sir Gram?
He shrugs again
- I dont know, Milord. Did I strike the girl?
Anger boils under my skin, but I keep my cool as I assess the situation
- Milord? the guard takes a tentative step forward, asking for permission to voice his thoughts.
- Speak.
- I saw it Milord, I heard the screaming during my patrol near the gates. They were outside the
city, I ran as fast as I could. He was trying to drag her into the woods, probably wanted to sell
her in the slave market. But my little lord was very brave; he jumped on his back and started
pounding on it. I knew something was wrong so I ran to help him.

- My thanks guard, you have served this city well.

He nods at my praise and steps back next to a now silent Elizabeth. I turn back to our prisoner,
as panic surges in me at the thoughts of him hurting my son.

- Tell me Gram, why does your face seem familiar to me?
He stiffens at my words and seals his lips shut
An audible gasp escapes my head of security.
- it cant be.. he whispers
- Speak up Sir Gran!
- This man is James Black, wanted for murder and selling humans in the south!
- Are you certain?
- Oh yes My Lord,
He produces a sketch for the pile of papers in front of him.
- I received this for Sir Nidd two night ago, my Lord
- Well I say as I examine the sketch, send word to the south that my son has found the
murderer. Guard, escort this man to his cell.
- My Lord, they say simultaneously as they retreat from the room.

I turn my gaze back to my son; he is wide eyed and staring in amazement at the paper between
my hands.

- Gentlemen, if you would excuse me, I think my son and I need to have a little talk. Our consul is
adjourned till the morn.

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