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Drug index

D : 0.5- 1.1mg /kg po q6-8hr
Or 0.02-0.1 mg /kg I/V ,I/M, S/C
C : 1.1- 2.2 mg/kg po q6-8hr
Or 0.02-0.1 mg /kg I/V ,I/M ,S/C
Acetylcysteine :
Mucomyst & acetylcistein 200mg pack
Decrease viscosity of secretions - used as antidote for acetaminophen toxicity
Antidote : 140 mg/kg then 70 mg/kg q4hr I/V,PO fir 5 doses
Albendazole :
Alzental 200mg tab. ,100mg susp.
Vermizole 200mg tab. , sups.
25-50 mg/kg q12hr po for 3days then repeated after two weeks
For giardiasis 25mg/kg q12hr po for 2 days
Albuterol :
Ventolin expect 1.4mg syrup.
Ventolin 2mg tab. , syrup.
20-50 Mg/kg 4 times per day or up to maximum of 100 Mg/kg 4 times daily
Alumumium carbonate :
Epicogel 405 mg susp.
10-30 mg/kg po q8hr (with meals)
Aminophylline :
Minophylline N 125 mg amp.
D : 10 mg/kg q 8hr po ,I/V, I//M
C : 6.6 mg/kg q 12hr po
Amitraz :
Antiparasitic for ectoparasitic especially for Demodex
10.6 ml per 7.5 litre water apply weekly for 10 - 12 weeks
Mean 4 cm per one litre of water weekly
Amoxicillin :
B-lactam antibiotic inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
6.6-20 mg/kg q8-12 hr po
Amoxicillin trihydrate :
Hiconcil 500,250 cap. 250,125 susp.
B-lactam antibiotic inhibits Bactrial cell wall synthesis
6-20 mg/kg q8-12 hr po
Amoxicillin clavulanic acid :
Augmentin 156,312,457 susp. 375,625,1000 tab. 600,1000 vial
B-lactam antibiotic + B-lactamase inhibitor
D : 12.5-25 mg/kg q12 hr po
C : 62.5 mg/cat q12 hr po
Ampicillin :
B-lactam antibiotic inhibits bacterial
10-20 mg/kg q6-8 hr I/V,I/M,S/C
20-40 mg/kg q8 hr po
Ampicillin sulbactam :
Unasyn 375,1500,3000 vial 375 tab. 250 susp.
B-lactam antibiotic + B-lactamase inhibits
10-20 mg/kg I/V, I/M q8 hr
Ascorbic acid (vit.C) :
Cevarol 500 mg tab. 1000 mg amp.
Vitamin - used as acidified - acetaminophen toxicity
100-500 mg/animal/day OR
100 mg/animal/day q8hr for urine acidification 3 times per day OR
30 mg/kg q12hr for toxicity
Allopurinol :
Zyloric 100,300 mg tab.
Decrease formation of uric acid uroliths
10 mg/kg q8 hr, then reduce to 10 mg/kg q24 hr
Aspirin :
Aspocid 300,75 mg tab.
Mild analgesic (dog) :
10 mg/kg q12hr
Anti-inflammatory :
D : 25-50 mg/kg q12hr
C : 10-20 mg/kg q24hr
Antiplatelets :
D : 5-10 mg/kg q24-48 hr
C : 80 mg/cat q48 hr
Atropine :
Atropine 1mg amp.
Antichlinergic agent-anesthesia-increase heart rate-decrease respiratory and GIT secretion :
0.02-0.04 mg/kg q6-8 hr I/V,I/M,S/C
Antidote to OPC toxicity :
0.2-0.5 mg/kg
Azithromycin :
Zithromax 250mg cap. 600-900-1200 mg susp. 500mg vial
D : 10 mg/kg po once every 5 days Or
3.3 mg/kg once daily for 3 days
C : 5 mg/kg po every other day
Betamethasone :
Betasone 0.5 mg tab.
Long acting corticosteroid ,anti-inflamnatory and immune-suppressive
0.1-0.2 mg/kg q12-24 hr po
Bromohexine hydrochloride :
Bisolvon ( 2ml amp.= 4 mg)
3-15 mg/dog I.M q12 hr
Bromocriptine :
Parlodel 2.5,5 mg tab.
30-100 Mg/kg for 5-6days after day 35-40
If make vomiting reduce the dose to half for the next day of vomit and continue normal dose
Captopril :
Capotril 25,50 mg tab.
TTT of hypertension
D : 0.5-2 mg/kg q8-12 hr po
C : 3.12-6.25 mg/cat q8 hr po
Cefaclor :
Ceclor 125,250 mg susp.
2nd cephalosporin antibiotic & B-lactam antibiotics
4-20 mg/kg q8hr po
Cefadroxil :
Duricef 1000 mg tab.500mg cap. 125-250-500 mg susp.250 mg cap.
1st generation cephalosporin
D : 22 mg/kg q12hr up to 30 mg/kg q 12hr po
C : 22 mg/kg q24 hr po
Cefixime :
Ximacef 100 mg susp. 200-400mg cap.
3rd generation cephalosporin
D : 10 mg/kg q12hr po for cystitis
C : 5 mg/kg q12-24hr po
Cefotaxime :
Cefotax 250,500,1000 mg vial
3rd generation cephalosporin
D : 50 mg/kg I/V,I/M,S/C q12 hr
C : 20-80 mg/kg q8hr I/V,I/M
Cephalexin :
Ceporex 250,500,1000 mg tab. 250,125 mg susp. 500,1000 mg vial
1st generation cephalosporin
10-30 mg/kg q6-12hr po for pyoderma
22-35 mg/kg q12hr po
Charcoal :
Eucarbon 180 mg & Ultracarbon 250 mg tab.
Adsorbent,used primarily to adsorb drugs drugs and toxins in intestine to prevent their
1-4 gm/kg po ( Granules )
6-12 ml/kg po (Suspention)
Chloramphenicol :
Streptophenicol 125 mg susp. cap. & Cidocetin 1000 mg vial
D : 40-50 mg/kg q8hr po
C : 12.5-20 mg/kg q12hr po
Cimetidine :
Tagamet 200,400 mg tab.
Histamine-2 antagonist (H2blocker)
10 mg/kg q6-8 hr I/V,I/M,PO
( in renal failure administer 2.5-5 mg/kg q12 hr I/V,PO )
Ciprofloxacin :
Ciprobay 250,500,750 mg tab.
Antibiotic inhibit DNA gyrase-bactericidal
10-20 mg/kg q24hr po , I/V
Clindamycin :
Dalacin-c 150 mg cap. & Dalacine phosphate 300 mg amp. & Dalacin 600 mg amp.
Antibiotic - inhibit bacterial protein synthesis
D : 11mg/kg q12hr po Or 22mg/kg q24hr po
C : 5.5mg/kg q12hr po Or 11mg/kg q24hr po
For Toxoplasmosis
12.5mg/kg q12hr for 4 weeks
Clemastine :
Tavegyl 1mg tab. ,0.5mg syrup ,2mg amp.
Antihistamine (H-1 blocker)
D : 0.05-0.1 mg/kg q12hr po
Cyclosporine :
Sandimmun 25 cap. & Neoral 50,100 mg cap.
Immunosuppressive drugs (may be make vomiting,diarrhea ,anorexia)
D : 3-7 mg/kg q12hr po
C : 3-5 mg/kg q12hr po
Dexamethone :
Phenadone 0.5 mg syrup
Corticosteroid Anti inflammatory
0.07-0.15 mg/kg q12-24hr
Corticosteroid for shock ,spinal injury
2.2-4.4 mg/kg I/V
Diazepam :
Valium 5, 15 mg tab. & Valpam 2, 5mg tab. 2mg syrup 10mg amp.
Central acting CNS depressant
0.5 mg/kg I/V
Status epileptics
0.5 mg/kg I/V
Appetite stimulant (cat )
0.2 mg/kg I/V
Lanoxin 0.5 mg amp. 0.25 mg tab.
Cardiac ionotropic agent, increase cardiac contractility and decrease heart rate
D : < 20kg body weight 0.01mg/kg q12hr po
>20kg body weight 0.22mg/m2 q12hr po
C: 0.08-0.01mg/kg q48hr po
Domperidone :
Motelium 10mg tab. 5mg syrup
Motinorm 10mg tab. 5mg susp.
Motility modifier of GIT
2-5mg/animal po
Doxapram :
Dopram 100mg amp.
CNS stimulant (respiratory stimulant )
5-10 mg/kg I/V
For neonate 1-5mg S/C or via umbilical vain
Doxycycline :
Vibramycine 100mg cap.
Tetracycline antibiotic
3-5mg/kg po I/V q12hr Or
10mg/kg po q24hr
Enalapril :
Enalapril 5,20 mg & Ezapril 10 mg tab.
Vasodilator and TTT of heart failure
D : 0.5 mg/kg q12-24hr po
C : 0.25 mg/kg q12-24 hr po
Enilcanazole :
Antifungl agent ( nasal aspergillosis )
10 mg/kg q12hr instilled into nasal sinus for 14 days (10% solution diluted 50/50 with water )
( Dermatophytes )
Dilute 10% solution to 0.2 % and wash lesion with solution 4 times at 3-4 days intervals
Enrofloxacin :
Anti bacterial drugs (may be make seizures in epileptic animals)
2-5 mg/kg q12hr po,I/M (up to 10 mg/kg q24hr )
Epinephrine :
Epinephrine HCL 0.25 mg amp.
Adrenergic agonists (used in emergency case in cardic pulmonary arrest)
10-20 Mg/kg I/V
Erythromycin :
Erthrocin 250,500 mg tab. 200 mg amp.
10-20 mg/kg q12hr po
Fenbendazole :
Fluvermal 100 mg tab. 100 mg susp.
Antiparasitic drugs
50 mg/kg/day PO for 3 days

Furosemide :
Lasix 20,40 mg amp. 40,500 mg tab.
D : 2-6 mg/kg q8-12hr PO,I/M,I/V,S/C
C : 1-4 mg/kg q8-24hr PO,I/M,I/V,S/C
Gentamicin :
Garamycin 20,40,80 mg amp.
Antibacterial drugs
D : 2-4 mg/kg q6-8hr I/V,I/M S/C OR 6-10 mg/kg I/V,I/M,S/C q24hr
C : 3 mg/kg I/V,I/M,S/C q8hr OR 9 mg/kg I/V,I/M,S/C q24hr
Griseofulvin :
Ultragrisofulvin 125mg tab.syrup
Systemic antifungal
30 mg/kg/day in divided treatment po
Heparin sodium :
Heparin 5000 IU/0.2 ml amp.
100-200 units/kg I/V loading dose then 100-300 units/kg q 6-8hr S/C , low-dose prophylaxis ( dog
And cats )
70 units/kg q 8-12hr S/C
Ibuprofen :
Brufen 100mg syrup 200,400,600 mg tab. 500mg susp.
Nonsteriod antiinflamnatory drugs
Safe dose not established
Itraconazole :
Sporanox 100 mg tab.
Antifungal drugs
D : 2-5 mg/kg q12hr OR 5 mg/kg q24hr po
C : 5 mg/kg q12hr po
For Dermatophytes in cats
1.5-3 mg/kg up to 5mg/kg q24hr po for 15 days
Ivermectin :
Antiparasitic drugs ( heart worm preventative )
6 Mg/kg q30 days po in dog and 24 Mg/kg q30 days po in cats
( microfilaricide )
50 Mg/kg po 2weeks after adulticide
( ectoparasitic )
200-300 Mg/kg I/M,S/C,PO
( endoparasitic )
200-300 Mg/kg weekly S/C,PO
( demodex )
600 Mg/kg/60-120 days po
Kaopectate ( keolin+pectin ) :
Smecta susp. 1gm & Kapect susp. 1gm
Antidiarrheal compound
1-2 ml/kg q2-6hr po
Ketamine :
Ketamar&ketalane 50 mg vial /ml
Anesthetic agent
D : 5.5-22 mg/kg I/V,I/M
C : 2-25 mg/kg I/V,I/M
Ketocanazole :
Nizoral 200 mg tab.
Antifungal drugs
D : 10-15 mg/kg q8-12 hr po
For Malassezia canis infection( in dog )
5 mg/kg q24 hr po
C : 5-10 mg/kg q8-12 hr po
Ketoprofen :
Ketofan 12.5 mg susp. 25 mg tab. 50 mg cap.
1 mg/kg q24 hr po for 5 days
Initial dose can be given via injection at up to 2 mg/kg S/C,I/V,I/M
Lactated Ringer's :
Fluid solution ( Maintenance )
40-50 ml / kg / day I/V
Fluid solution ( shock therapy )
D : 90 ml/kg I/V
C : 60-70 ml/kg I/V
Lactulose ( 10 gm/ 15 ml ) :
Duphalac syrup 65% & Lactulose syrup 65%
Laxative (in case of constipation )
1 ml/ 4.5 kg q 8hr to effect po
Hepatic encephalopathy
D : 0.5 ml/kg q8hr po
C : 2.5-5 ml/cat q8hr po
Levamisole :
Katrex 40 mg tab. Syrup
Antiparasitic drugs
D : In Hook worm
5-8 mg/ kg once po ( up to 10 mg/kg po for 2days )
In Microfilaricide
10 mg/kg q24 hr po for 6-10 days
C : 4.4 mg /kg once po
Lung worm
20-40 mg/kg q48hr for 5 treatment po
0.5 - 2 mg/kg 3 times /week po
Lidocaine :
Local anesthetic ( for epidural in dog , cat )
4.4 mg/kg of 2% solution
D : 2-4 mg/kg I/V (to maximum dose of 8 mg/kg over 10 minute period ) , 25-75 Mg/kg/min.I/V
infusion ;6 mg/kg q1-5 hr I/M
C : 0.25-0.75 mg/kg I/V slowly Or 10-40 Mg/kg/min. Infusion
Lincomycin :
15-25 mg/kg q12hr po for pyoderma
10 mg/kg q12hr have been used
Loratadine :
Claritine 10mg tab. 5mg syrup
0.5 mg/kg q24 hr ( non sedative )
Mebendazole :
Antiver 100 mg tab. & susp.
Antiparasitic drugs
22 mg/kg ( with food ) q24hr for 3days then repeated after 15 days
Methyl prednisone acetate :
Depomedrol 40 mg/1 ml vial
Glucocorticoids preparations
D : 1 mg/kg ( OR 20-40 mg/dog) I/M q 1-3 weeks
C : 10-20 mg/cat I/M q1-3 weeks
Metaclopramide :
Primperan 10 mg tab. amp. & 5 mg syrup
Antiemetic drugs
0.2-0.5 mg/kg q6-8 hr I/V,I/M,PO
OR 1-2 mg/kg/days via I/V continous infusion
OR approximately 0.1-0.2 mg/kg per hr
Meloxicam :
Mobic 7.5, tab. & 15 mg amp.
Melocam 7.5,15 mg tab. & 15 mg amp.
D : initial dose 0.2 mg/kg S/C or PO for 1day
maintenance 0.1 mg/kg PO q24hr
C : initial dose 0.1 mg/kg PO for 1day
maintenance dose 0.05 mg/kg PO q24hr
Metronidazole :
Flagyl 250,500 mg tab. & 125 mg syrup & 500 mg infusion
Amrizole 250,500 mg tab. & 125 mg susp.
Dumozol 500 mg tab. & 125 mg susp.
Antibacterial &antiprotozoal drugs ( for anaerobes )
D : 15 mg/kg q12hr or 12 mg/kg q8hr po
C : 10-25 mg/kg q24 po
For Giardiasis
D : 12-15 mg/kg q12hr for 8 days
C : 17 mg/kg q24hr for 8days
Midazolam :
Dormicum 15,5 mg amp. 7.5 mg tab.
Cantral acting CNS depressant
0.1-0.25 mg/kg I/V,I/M or 0.1-0.3 mg/kg/hr I/V infusion
Neomycin :
Neomycin 500 mg tab.
Aminoglycoside antibiotic
10-20 mg/kg q6-12hr po
Neostigmine bromide & methylsulfate :
Prostagmine 12.5 mg. vial & amostigmine 15 mg tab.
TTT of bladder atony , anticholinesterase , antimyasthenic gravis
2 mg/kg/day po
Omprazole :
Omepak 10,20 mg cap. & pepzol 20,40 mg cap.
Proton pump inhibitor , gastric acid secretion inhibitor
D : 20 mg/dog once daily po or 0.7 mg/kg q24hr
C : not recommended
Oxytetracycline :
Oxytetracycline 250 mg cap.
Tetracycline antibiotic
D : 5-20 units I/M,S/C repeated every 30 min. For primary inertia
C : 2.5-5 units per cat I/M,I/V
Pentobarbital :
Short acting barbiturate anesthetic
25-30 mg/kg I/V
Piperazine :
Antiparasitic drugs ( Round worm )
44-66 mg/kg po administrated once
Phenobarbital :
Sominaletta 15 mg tab. 40 mg amp.
Long acting barbiturate anesthetic
D : 2-8 mg/kg po q12hr
C : 1-2 mg/kg po q12hr
Status epileptiaus
15-200 mg/animal I/V to effect
Praziquantel :
Distocide 600 mg tab. & Biltricide 600 mg tab. & Epiquantel 600 mg susp.
D : 5-7.5 acc. To weight if dog /kg po once
C : 5-6.3 mg/kg po once
Prednisone :
Hostacortin-H 5mg tab. & solupred 5,20 mg tab.
Glucocorticoid anti inflammatory drugs
0.5-1 mg/kg q12-24hr I/V,I/M,PO initially then taper to 48 hr
2.2-6.6 mg/kg/day I/V,I/M,PO initially then taper to 2-4 mg/kg q48 hr ; replacement therapy 0.2-
0.3 mg/kg/day po
15-30 mg/kg I/V repeat in 4-6 hr
Propofol :
Propofol 1% fresenius 100 ml each 1ml contain 10 mg
Short - term general Anasthesia ( may be make apnea and respiratory depression )
6.6 mg/kg slowly over 60 sec.
Constant rate I/V infusion have been used at 2mg/kg/hr
Prostaglandin f - 2alpha :
Prostin E2 3 mg vaginal tab.
Lutalyse 10 ml vial 5 mg/ml
TTT of open pyometra , used for induction of abortion ( may be make vomiting ,diarrhea
and abdominal discomfort )
In case of pyometra
D : 0.1-0.2 mg/kg once daily for 5 days S/C
C : 0.1-0.2 mg/kg once daily for 5 days S/C
In case of abortion
D : 0.025-0.05 mg (25-59Mg) /kg q12hr I/M
C : 0.5-1 mg/kg for 2 injection
Pyrantal pamoate :
Antiparasitic drugs
D : 5 mg/kg once po and repeated in 7-10 days
C : 20 mg/kg once po
Recemethionine ( DL methionine )
Methio-form each tab. Contain 500 mg
Urine acidifier
D : 150-300 mg/kg/day po
C : 1-1.5 gm/cat po ( added to food each day)
Ranitidine :
Zantac150,300 mg tab. 50 mg amp.
H-2 antagonist , decrease gastric acid secretion
D : 2 mg/kg q8hr I/V,PO
C : 2.5 mg/kg q12hr I/V or 3.5 mg/kg q12hr PO
Sulfasalazine :
Salazopyrin 0.5 gm tab. (500 mg)
Induction & maintenance of remision in ulcerative colitis
D : 25-40 mg/kg po q8hr fir 2-4 weeks
C : 20 mg/kg po q12hr for 2 weeks
Tetracycline :
Hostacycline 500 mg tab. & tetracid 250 mg cap.
15-20 mg/kg q8hr po or 4.4-11 mg/kg q8hr I/V, I/M
Theophylline :
Aminpphylline 100 mg syrup & Theo SR 100,200,300 mg cap.
Bronchodilator action
D : 9mg/kg q6-8 hr po
C : 4 mg/kg q8-12hr po
Thiopental sodium :
Ultra - short acting barbiturate , anesthesia
D : 10-25 mg/kg I/V ( dose to effect)
C : 5-10 mg/kg I/V ( dose to effect)
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole :
Septazol 240 mg susp.480,960 mg tab.
Septrin D.S. 960 mg tab. 240 mg susp.
Combination the antibiotic drug action
15 mg/kg q12hr Or 30 mg/kg q24hr po
Vitamin K1 :
Styptobion 20 mg tab.amp.
TTT coagulopathies
Short acting rodenticides : 1mg/kg/day I/V,I/M,S/C,PO for 10-14 days
Long acting rodenticides : 2.5-5 mg/kg/day I/V,I/M,S/C,PO for 3-4 weeks
Warfarin :
D : 0.1-0.2 mg /kg q24 hr po
C : start with 0.5 mg/cat/day
Xylaxine :
Alph 2 - adrenergic agonists used primarily for anesthesia and analgesia
D : 1.1 mg/kg I/V or 2.2 mg/kg I/M
C : 1.1 mg/kg I/M
Emetic dose is 0.4-0.5 mg/kg I/V
Yohimbine :
Yohimbex 5.4 mg tab.
Alpha 2 - adrenergic antagonist , used primary to reverase action of xylaxine or
detomidine , Amitraz ( high dose can cause tremors and seizures)
0.11 mg/kg I/V or 0.25-0.5 mg/kg S/C,I/M

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