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Booklist for Mains

Paper 1:
World History- Arjun Dev, IGNOU BA notes, Youtube videos of important events (history
channel and BBC series can help) if there is plenty of time

Indian history- Old syllabus NCERT history book by Bipan Chandra on modern India.
Modern Indian history- Spectrum
Indias freedom struggle- Bipan Chandra
India since independence- Bipan Chandra

Culture- NIOS culture,Spectrum, CCRT website, NCERT book on Indian Art, youtube videos

NCERT 11th and 12th standard, IGNOU BA notes ESO 12 module

Geography- NCERT 8th to 12th standard,

Physical geography Go Che Leong

Neetu singh notes for world geography.

India-Comprehensive Geography by D B Khuller

Paper 2:
Indian Polity by Laxmikant
Srirams notes
2nd ARC report- Be very discreet while reading it. Only selected and relevant areas should be
learned. It is very important to revise after reading. Use it extensively in your answers. Dont
read entire report, but read those topics which are in the syllabus.
Yojana- not just current year but also previous year magazines can be read if it covers topics in
PIB (Press Information Bureau)- Studying from PIB is an art. I read daily releases in PIB website
along with newspapers. I dont think you need to read India Year Book if you follow PIB
regularly. Make sure that you read very selectively. If you cant read entire year release atleast
read releases in PIB during the time of Prelims to Mains exams. You can also refer section called
Features in the website. Make sure you revise extensively. It gives good insight about latest government policies, bills, acts etc.
Read selected portion from Public Administration material
International affairs-
Newspapers- The Hindu and Indian express
Frontline- World Affairs (Topics of international affairs are comprehensively covered by
IDSA website- Subscribe to it and receive mails regularly. Read the articles in the section-
In IDSA website, follow the section called Ask an expert This area gives you good insight
from experts and we can also learn how to write answers in international affairs section.
Economic and political weekly- Editorial section is must read.
Ministry of external affairs website- It has lot of resource. Information related to bilateral
relations, multilateral forums international bodies is available. It has collection of good articles.
We can also get statements of the President, the Prime minister and external affairs minister at
one place.
Good books like Pax indica (by Shashi Tharoor can be read only if you have time)
NCERT 11th and 12th books can be read if you have enough time.
Srirams notes.

Paper 3:
Economics- any good book on Indian economy. I read Indian economy notes by Srirams IAS. If
possible read these notes along with listening to Sriram sirs class recordings.
For newly added topics like infrastructure, industrial policy, irrigation etc. read Datt and
Sundaram book, only to understand basics.
Newspapers and magazines like EPW.
Srirams notes.
Disaster management-
2nd ARC report on Crisis management. Government websites, NCERT pdfs
Science and technology-
Srirams notes and Vision IAS notes.Use internet extensively. Explore syllabus. Wikipedia helps.
Latest annual report of ministry of home affairs.
IDSA website- search articles in website. It has good articles related to internal security, cyber
security etc.
IDSA monograph on internal security.
Grand strategy of India 2020- IDSA publication.- Read selectively(for only mentioned topics in
Internet, UGC, ICSE 9th and 10th standard Beeta Publications books, NCERT books

Paper 4:
I read very less and concentrate more on answer writing.
I expected that questions will not be factual in nature and anybody can answer questions arising
in this area. So to score good marks, we must project our personality in our answers. This paper
gives us opportunity to show the examiner our positive attitude, concern towards society, citizen
centricity, objectivity, analytical ability, reasoning, rational thinking etc.
Explore the syllabus and analyse it.
I read 4 reports of 2nd ARC Ethics in administration, Personnel administration, District
administration and Citizen centric administration.
Book by Ramesh Arora- Ethics in governance.
Collection of quotes of eminent persons and inspiring stories of great people can improve your
List of magazines-
Yojana, Frotline, Science reporter, Economic and political weekly, Down to earth: You can read
even online editions.
Websites- IDSA, government websites like PIB, websites of various ministries like MEA, MHA,
MoEF etc.

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