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Ambarussa! Tavari called, Ambarussa! Ambarussa! I know you are here!

I must speak
with the Fanorions. I must address your brother Maitimo! Her shouts rang against the
trees as she stood, still, in the clearing. I come with no malice. She raised her hands above
her shoulders. Come, Ambarussa. I know the both of you are there! A brief rustling was
the only warning before a pair of shouting, swearing twins burst from the brush in a blaze
of hair. They sprinted down the incline and seized Tavari by the arms, wrenching them
behind her back. She made no move to resist or protest as they bound her wrists and
cursed her, shoving and pulling her forward. Trees whipped by, branches snapping against
all three of them as Amrod and Amras hustled Tavari onwards. In moments they had
broken from the edge of the trees into another clearing, a wide grassy space with several
tents erected. They crossed the sward rapidly, the twins calling out for their brothers. A
hand on each of her shoulders thrust Tavari to the ground; her knees sank into the loam- it
must have rained the previous evening.

When she looked up, the twins flanking her with weapons drawn, Maedhros was striding
towards her, towering fury in his every inch. Tavari moved now against the hands on her
shoulders, not to escape or stand, but to straighten herself, rising up on her knees to meet
the eldest son of Fanor with her chin up. He had scarcely halted before her when his hand
swung up and descended with a sickening crack, back across Tavaris face. The blow
snapped her head around and flung her hard to the ground. Her vision faded, returned, and
receded again, and she was dimly aware of shouts and running feet as it cleared. Slowly she
struggled back to her knees. Maglor was at Maedhross side now, shouting at him, and as
Maedhros thrust his brother aside, she spoke.

Your father struck me thus, once. Tavari lifted her face, blood trickling from her cheek
where it had split over the bone. At Losgar, where you alone stood aside in protest of him.
His action could not make me kneel, but I kneel now before you now as I never could to
Fanor, willing to accept whatever blows you would apportion me. After Caranthir-

You dare speak his name! Maedhros raged, cutting across her. He drew his sword with a
jerk, pacing up and down. You dare besmirch the name of a son of Fanor with your foul,
traitorous tongue? Murderer!

I too swore an oath! Tavari shouted back at him, Though not so great or terrible as yours,
I too am bound to a purpose, which you of all living must understand, Maitimo Fanorion!

The sword glittered as Maedhros swung it overhead.

Brother, no! Maglor cried. As the stroke began to descend the bards hands closed around
Maedhross arms and he forced his elder back, putting his body in the path of the sword.
Have we not shed enough Eldarin blood? What could be gained from killing this wretched
creature? Silence stretched out between the two, until at last Maedhros wrenched away,
lowering his blade. He turned on Tavari. She seemed to have collapsed in on herself, her
back hunched, head bowed. Maedhros stood before her and reached out with his sword,
raising her chin with its point. Her face was streaked with dirt and blood, and the tears
which she could not banish, but she met his gaze.

You spat before my father, Maedhros seethed, and now you kneel before me. How fitting.
You came to speak. So speak! A dot of blood pooled and broke where the point of the
sword had broken the skin of Tavaris throat, and it ran down her neck.

You must know, she said, with only the hint of a quaver, you must all know, I love
nothing so much as Carnistir your brother. I know now you may not believe it of me, nor
believe that I ever loved him, but in a better world you should have been my brothers too.
Now that can never be, as Carnistir and I have dreaded since your father denied the Giver
of Fruits, and laid our lives at cross-purposes. Even so, Maedhros- in my heart of hearts,
after Caranthir, you are my king. Tavari lifted her chin off his sword and lowered her head,
her long plait slipping to one side to reveal the pale column of her neck. Though I do not
expect it, I come to beg the forgiveness of you all, and to offer myself to your justice,
whatever it may be.

After a considered pause, Maedhros spoke. You. Who never knew how to beg- nor ever
needed that you should beg, begging of me? What would my brother say if he could see you
now? No, proud betrayer, you shall find no forgiveness here. Loose her bonds. Amras
sprang forward with a dagger in his hand and pulled Tavari back, severing the cords that
tied her wrists. He and Amrod each seized her under an arm and hauled her upright as
Maedhros drew closer. You will go out from here, never to return, Gwaedhcerepen (one
who makes oaths, Sindarin), He commanded, naming her in his fury with the hated tongue
of Singollo, You shall seek us no more. I cast you out from my kingship: your days shall be
spent solitary, wandering, and leaderless. If ever I see your face again, my hand will not be
stayed by Maglors pity. Now go!

Amrod and Amras released her with a shove. She stood in silence for a moment, staring at
him. Then Tavari turned and, with a final, backward glance, she fled.

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