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Once The Sun and The Wind happened to have a quarrel. Both of them claimed to be
stronger. At last they agreed to have a trial of strength.
"Here comes a traveller. et us see !ho can strip him of his cloa"#" said the Sun.
The Wind agreed and did choose to have the first turn.
He ble! in the hardest possible !ay.
As a result$ the traveller !rapped his cloa" even more tightly around him.
Then it !as the turn of the Sun. At first he shone very gently. The sun !ent on shining
brighter and brighter. The traveller felt hot.
Before long he too" off his cloa" and put it in his bag.
The Wind accepted his defeat.
Moral : Fury or force cuts no ice where gentleness does the o!"
#atience #ays
$A FA%&E'
Once$ a "ing had announced that anyone !ho !anted the post of personal assistant must
meet him. &any people gathered in the palace. The "ing led them to a pond and said$
"Whoever !ill fill this pond's !ater in this pot !ill be chosen for the post. But remember$
there is a hole in the pot."
So some people left !ithout a single try. While some people tried for once and then said$
"The "ing has already chosen someone else. et's go."
But one man "ept filling the pot !ith pond !ater patiently. He filled the !ater in the pot
from the pond and came out on the ground. But al!ays !ithin fe! moments$ the !ater
poured on the ground completely. He tried that uncountable numbers of times. At last the
pond became empty. The man found a diamond ring in the empty pond and he gave it to
the "ing. At this the "ing said$ "This ring is a re!ard for your patience and hard !or".
(ou are fit for the )ob."
So the man confirmed that patience pays.
THE HA##( #)IN*E
High above the city$ on a tall column$ stood the statue of the Happy *rince. He !as gilded
all over !ith thin leaves of fine gold$ for eyes he had t!o bright sapphires$ and a large red
ruby glo!ed on his s!ord+hilt. He !as very much admired indeed. "He is as beautiful as
a !eathercoc"$" remar"ed one of the To!n ,ouncillors !ho !ished to gain a reputation
for having artistic tastes- "only not quite so useful$" he added$ fearing lest people should
thin" him unpractical$ !hich he really !as not.
"Why can't you be li"e the Happy *rince#" as"ed a sensible mother of her little boy !ho
!as crying for the moon. "The Happy *rince never dreams of crying for anything."
". am glad there is some one in the !orld !ho is quite happy$" muttered a disappointed
man as he ga/ed at the !onderful statue.
"He loo"s )ust li"e an angel$" said the ,harity ,hildren as they came out of the cathedral
in their bright scarlet cloa"s and their clean !hite pinafores.
"Ho! do you "no!#" said the &athematical &aster$ "you have never seen one."
"Ah0 but !e have$ in our dreams$" ans!ered the children- and the &athematical &aster
fro!ned and loo"ed very severe$ for he did not approve of children dreaming.
One night there fle! over the city a little S!allo!. His friends had gone a!ay to 1gypt
si2 !ee"s before$ but he had stayed behind$ for he !as in love !ith the most beautiful
3eed. He had met her early in the spring as he !as flying do!n the river after a big
yello! moth$ and had been so attracted by her slender !aist that he had stopped to tal" to
"Shall . love you#" said the S!allo!$ !ho li"ed to come to the point at once$ and the
3eed made him a lo! bo!. So he fle! round and round her$ touching the !ater !ith his
!ings$ and ma"ing silver ripples. This !as his courtship$ and it lasted all through the
".t is a ridiculous attachment$" t!ittered the other S!allo!s- "she has no money$ and far
too many relations"- and indeed the river !as quite full of 3eeds. Then$ !hen the autumn
came they all fle! a!ay.
After they had gone he felt lonely$ and began to tire of his lady+love. "She has no
conversation$" he said$ "and . am afraid that she is a coquette$ for she is al!ays flirting
!ith the !ind." And certainly$ !henever the !ind ble!$ the 3eed made the most graceful
curtseys. ". admit that she is domestic$" he continued$ "but . love travelling$ and my !ife$
consequently$ should love travelling also."
"Will you come a!ay !ith me#" he said finally to her- but the 3eed shoo" her head$ she
!as so attached to her home.
"(ou have been trifling !ith me$" he cried. ". am off to the *yramids. 4ood+bye0" and he
fle! a!ay.
All day long he fle!$ and at night+time he arrived at the city. "Where shall . put up#" he
said- ". hope the to!n has made preparations."
Then he sa! the statue on the tall column.
". !ill put up there$" he cried- "it is a fine position$ !ith plenty of fresh air." So he
alighted )ust bet!een the feet of the Happy *rince.
". have a golden bedroom$" he said softly to himself as he loo"ed round$ and he prepared
to go to sleep- but )ust as he !as putting his head under his !ing a large drop of !ater fell
on him. "What a curious thing0" he cried- "there is not a single cloud in the s"y$ the stars
are quite clear and bright$ and yet it is raining. The climate in the north of 1urope is really
dreadful. The 3eed used to li"e the rain$ but that !as merely her selfishness."
Then another drop fell.
"What is the use of a statue if it cannot "eep the rain off#" he said- ". must loo" for a
good chimney+pot$" and he determined to fly a!ay.
But before he had opened his !ings$ a third drop fell$ and he loo"ed up$ and sa! +Ah0
!hat did he see# The eyes of the Happy *rince !ere filled !ith tears$ and tears !ere
running do!n his golden chee"s. His face !as so beautiful in the moonlight that the little
S!allo! !as filled !ith pity.
"Who are you#" he said.
". am the Happy *rince."
"Why are you !eeping then#" as"ed the S!allo!- "you have quite drenched me."
"When . !as alive and had a human heart$" ans!ered the statue$ ". did not "no! !hat
tears !ere$ for . lived in the *alace of Sans+Souci$ !here sorro! is not allo!ed to enter.
.n the daytime . played !ith my companions in the garden$ and in the evening . led the
dance in the 4reat Hall. 3ound the garden ran a very lofty !all$ but . never cared to as"
!hat lay beyond it$ everything about me !as so beautiful. &y courtiers called me the
Happy *rince$ and happy indeed . !as$ if pleasure be happiness. So . lived$ and so . died.
And no! that . am dead they have set me up here so high that . can see all the ugliness
and all the misery of my city$ and though my heart is made of lead yet . cannot chose but
"What0 is he not solid gold#" said the S!allo! to himself. He !as too polite to ma"e any
personal remar"s out loud.
"5ar a!ay$" continued the statue in a lo! musical voice$ "far a!ay in a little street there is
a poor house. One of the !indo!s is open$ and through it . can see a !oman seated at a
table. Her face is thin and !orn$ and she has coarse$ red hands$ all pric"ed by the needle$
for she is a seamstress. She is embroidering passion+ flo!ers on a satin go!n for the
loveliest of the 6ueen's maids+of+honour to !ear at the ne2t ,ourt+ball. .n a bed in the
corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. He has a fever$ and is as"ing for oranges. His
mother has nothing to give him but river !ater$ so he is crying. S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little
S!allo!$ !ill you not bring her the ruby out of my s!ord+hilt# &y feet are fastened to
this pedestal and . cannot move."
". am !aited for in 1gypt$" said the S!allo!. "&y friends are flying up and do!n the
7ile$ and tal"ing to the large lotus+flo!ers. Soon they !ill go to sleep in the tomb of the
great 8ing. The 8ing is there himself in his painted coffin. He is !rapped in yello! linen$
and embalmed !ith spices. 3ound his nec" is a chain of pale green )ade$ and his hands
are li"e !ithered leaves."
"S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "!ill you not stay !ith me for one
night$ and be my messenger# The boy is so thirsty$ and the mother so sad."
". don't thin" . li"e boys$" ans!ered the S!allo!. "ast summer$ !hen . !as staying on
the river$ there !ere t!o rude boys$ the miller's sons$ !ho !ere al!ays thro!ing stones at
me. They never hit me$ of course- !e s!allo!s fly far too !ell for that$ and besides$ .
come of a family famous for its agility- but still$ it !as a mar" of disrespect."
But the Happy *rince loo"ed so sad that the little S!allo! !as sorry. ".t is very cold
here$" he said- "but . !ill stay !ith you for one night$ and be your messenger."
"Than" you$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince.
So the S!allo! pic"ed out the great ruby from the *rince's s!ord$ and fle! a!ay !ith it
in his bea" over the roofs of the to!n.
He passed by the cathedral to!er$ !here the !hite marble angels !ere sculptured. He
passed by the palace and heard the sound of dancing. A beautiful girl came out on the
balcony !ith her lover. "Ho! !onderful the stars are$" he said to her$ "and ho!
!onderful is the po!er of love0"
". hope my dress !ill be ready in time for the State+ball$" she ans!ered- ". have ordered
passion+flo!ers to be embroidered on it- but the seamstresses are so la/y."
He passed over the river$ and sa! the lanterns hanging to the masts of the ships. He
passed over the 4hetto$ and sa! the old 9e!s bargaining !ith each other$ and !eighing
out money in copper scales. At last he came to the poor house and loo"ed in. The boy !as
tossing feverishly on his bed$ and the mother had fallen asleep$ she !as so tired. .n he
hopped$ and laid the great ruby on the table beside the !oman's thimble. Then he fle!
gently round the bed$ fanning the boy's forehead !ith his !ings. "Ho! cool . feel$" said
the boy$ ". must be getting better"- and he san" into a delicious slumber.
Then the S!allo! fle! bac" to the Happy *rince$ and told him !hat he had done. ".t is
curious$" he remar"ed$ "but . feel quite !arm no!$ although it is so cold."
"That is because you have done a good action$" said the *rince. And the little S!allo!
began to thin"$ and then he fell asleep. Thin"ing al!ays made him sleepy.
When day bro"e he fle! do!n to the river and had a bath. "What a remar"able
phenomenon$" said the *rofessor of Ornithology as he !as passing over the bridge. "A
s!allo! in !inter0" And he !rote a long letter about it to the local ne!spaper. 1very one
quoted it$ it !as full of so many !ords that they could not understand.
"To+night . go to 1gypt$" said the S!allo!$ and he !as in high spirits at the prospect. He
visited all the public monuments$ and sat a long time on top of the church steeple.
Wherever he !ent the Sparro!s chirruped$ and said to each other$ "What a distinguished
stranger0" so he en)oyed himself very much. When the moon rose he fle! bac" to the
Happy *rince. "Have you any commissions for 1gypt#" he cried- ". am )ust starting."
"S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "!ill you not stay !ith me one night
". am !aited for in 1gypt$" ans!ered the S!allo!. "To+morro! my friends !ill fly up to
the Second ,ataract. The river+horse couches there among the bulrushes$ and on a great
granite throne sits the 4od &emnon. All night long he !atches the stars$ and !hen the
morning star shines he utters one cry of )oy$ and then he is silent. At noon the yello!
lions come do!n to the !ater's edge to drin". They have eyes li"e green beryls$ and their
roar is louder than the roar of the cataract.
"S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "far a!ay across the city . see a
young man in a garret. He is leaning over a des" covered !ith papers$ and in a tumbler by
his side there is a bunch of !ithered violets. His hair is bro!n and crisp$ and his lips are
red as a pomegranate$ and he has large and dreamy eyes. He is trying to finish a play for
the :irector of the Theatre$ but he is too cold to !rite any more. There is no fire in the
grate$ and hunger has made him faint."
". !ill !ait !ith you one night longer$" said the S!allo!$ !ho really had a good heart.
"Shall . ta"e him another ruby#"
"Alas0 . have no ruby no!$" said the *rince- "my eyes are all that . have left. They are
made of rare sapphires$ !hich !ere brought out of .ndia a thousand years ago. *luc" out
one of them and ta"e it to him. He !ill sell it to the )e!eller$ and buy food and fire!ood$
and finish his play."
":ear *rince$" said the S!allo!$ ". cannot do that"- and he began to !eep.
"S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "do as . command you."
So the S!allo! pluc"ed out the *rince's eye$ and fle! a!ay to the student's garret. .t !as
easy enough to get in$ as there !as a hole in the roof. Through this he darted$ and came
into the room. The young man had his head buried in his hands$ so he did not hear the
flutter of the bird's !ings$ and !hen he loo"ed up he found the beautiful sapphire lying
on the !ithered violets.
". am beginning to be appreciated$" he cried- "this is from some great admirer. 7o! . can
finish my play$" and he loo"ed quite happy.
The ne2t day the S!allo! fle! do!n to the harbour. He sat on the mast of a large vessel
and !atched the sailors hauling big chests out of the hold !ith ropes. "Heave a+hoy0"
they shouted as each chest came up. ". am going to 1gypt"0 cried the S!allo!$ but
nobody minded$ and !hen the moon rose he fle! bac" to the Happy *rince.
". am come to bid you good+bye$" he cried.
"S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "!ill you not stay !ith me one night
".t is !inter$" ans!ered the S!allo!$ "and the chill sno! !ill soon be here. .n 1gypt the
sun is !arm on the green palm+trees$ and the crocodiles lie in the mud and loo" la/ily
about them. &y companions are building a nest in the Temple of Baalbec$ and the pin"
and !hite doves are !atching them$ and cooing to each other. :ear *rince$ . must leave
you$ but . !ill never forget you$ and ne2t spring . !ill bring you bac" t!o beautiful
)e!els in place of those you have given a!ay. The ruby shall be redder than a red rose$
and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea."
".n the square belo!$" said the Happy *rince$ "there stands a little match+girl. She has let
her matches fall in the gutter$ and they are all spoiled. Her father !ill beat her if she does
not bring home some money$ and she is crying. She has no shoes or stoc"ings$ and her
little head is bare. *luc" out my other eye$ and give it to her$ and her father !ill not beat
". !ill stay !ith you one night longer$" said the S!allo!$ "but . cannot pluc" out your
eye. (ou !ould be quite blind then."
"S!allo!$ S!allo!$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "do as . command you."
So he pluc"ed out the *rince's other eye$ and darted do!n !ith it. He s!ooped past the
match+girl$ and slipped the )e!el into the palm of her hand. "What a lovely bit of glass$"
cried the little girl- and she ran home$ laughing.
Then the S!allo! came bac" to the *rince. "(ou are blind no!$" he said$ "so . !ill stay
!ith you al!ays."
"7o$ little S!allo!$" said the poor *rince$ "you must go a!ay to 1gypt."
". !ill stay !ith you al!ays$" said the S!allo!$ and he slept at the *rince's feet.
All the ne2t day he sat on the *rince's shoulder$ and told him stories of !hat he had seen
in strange lands. He told him of the red ibises$ !ho stand in long ro!s on the ban"s of the
7ile$ and catch gold+fish in their bea"s- of the Sphin2$ !ho is as old as the !orld itself$
and lives in the desert$ and "no!s everything- of the merchants$ !ho !al" slo!ly by the
side of their camels$ and carry amber beads in their hands- of the 8ing of the &ountains
of the &oon$ !ho is as blac" as ebony$ and !orships a large crystal- of the great green
sna"e that sleeps in a palm+tree$ and has t!enty priests to feed it !ith honey+ca"es- and
of the pygmies !ho sail over a big la"e on large flat leaves$ and are al!ays at !ar !ith
the butterflies.
":ear little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "you tell me of marvellous things$ but more
marvellous than anything is the suffering of men and of !omen. There is no &ystery so
great as &isery. 5ly over my city$ little S!allo!$ and tell me !hat you see there."
So the S!allo! fle! over the great city$ and sa! the rich ma"ing merry in their beautiful
houses$ !hile the beggars !ere sitting at the gates. He fle! into dar" lanes$ and sa! the
!hite faces of starving children loo"ing out listlessly at the blac" streets. ;nder the
arch!ay of a bridge t!o little boys !ere lying in one another's arms to try and "eep
themselves !arm. "Ho! hungry !e are0" they said. "(ou must not lie here$" shouted the
Watchman$ and they !andered out into the rain.
Then he fle! bac" and told the *rince !hat he had seen.
". am covered !ith fine gold$" said the *rince$ "you must ta"e it off$ leaf by leaf$ and give
it to my poor- the living al!ays thin" that gold can ma"e them happy."
eaf after leaf of the fine gold the S!allo! pic"ed off$ till the Happy *rince loo"ed quite
dull and grey. eaf after leaf of the fine gold he brought to the poor$ and the children's
faces gre! rosier$ and they laughed and played games in the street. "We have bread no!0"
they cried.
Then the sno! came$ and after the sno! came the frost. The streets loo"ed as if they !ere
made of silver$ they !ere so bright and glistening- long icicles li"e crystal daggers hung
do!n from the eaves of the houses$ everybody !ent about in furs$ and the little boys !ore
scarlet caps and s"ated on the ice.
The poor little S!allo! gre! colder and colder$ but he !ould not leave the *rince$ he
loved him too !ell. He pic"ed up crumbs outside the ba"er's door !hen the ba"er !as not
loo"ing and tried to "eep himself !arm by flapping his !ings.
But at last he "ne! that he !as going to die. He had )ust strength to fly up to the *rince's
shoulder once more. "4ood+bye$ dear *rince0" he murmured$ "!ill you let me "iss your
". am glad that you are going to 1gypt at last$ little S!allo!$" said the *rince$ "you have
stayed too long here- but you must "iss me on the lips$ for . love you."
".t is not to 1gypt that . am going$" said the S!allo!. ". am going to the House of :eath.
:eath is the brother of Sleep$ is he not#"
And he "issed the Happy *rince on the lips$ and fell do!n dead at his feet.
At that moment a curious crac" sounded inside the statue$ as if something had bro"en.
The fact is that the leaden heart had snapped right in t!o. .t certainly !as a dreadfully
hard frost.
1arly the ne2t morning the &ayor !as !al"ing in the square belo! in company !ith the
To!n ,ouncillors. As they passed the column he loo"ed up at the statue% ":ear me0 ho!
shabby the Happy *rince loo"s0" he said. "Ho! shabby indeed0" cried the To!n
,ouncillors$ !ho al!ays agreed !ith the &ayor- and they !ent up to loo" at it.
"The ruby has fallen out of his s!ord$ his eyes are gone$ and he is golden no longer$" said
the &ayor in fact$ "he is little better than a beggar0"
"ittle better than a beggar$" said the To!n ,ouncillors.
"And here is actually a dead bird at his feet0" continued the &ayor. "We must really issue
a proclamation that birds are not to be allo!ed to die here." And the To!n ,ler" made a
note of the suggestion.
So they pulled do!n the statue of the Happy *rince. "As he is no longer beautiful he is no
longer useful$" said the Art *rofessor at the ;niversity.
Then they melted the statue in a furnace$ and the &ayor held a meeting of the
,orporation to decide !hat !as to be done !ith the metal. "We must have another statue$
of course$" he said$ "and it shall be a statue of myself."
"Of myself$" said each of the To!n ,ouncillors$ and they quarrelled. When . last heard of
them they !ere quarrelling still.
"What a strange thing0" said the overseer of the !or"men at the foundry. "This bro"en
lead heart !ill not melt in the furnace. We must thro! it a!ay." So they thre! it on a
dust+heap !here the dead S!allo! !as also lying.
"Bring me the t!o most precious things in the city$" said 4od to one of His Angels- and
the Angel brought Him the leaden heart and the dead bird.
"(ou have rightly chosen$" said 4od$ "for in my garden of *aradise this little bird shall
sing for evermore$ and in my city of gold the Happy *rince shall praise me."
A #)+,E*T
Su!.itted !y:
&AN*E *" %ASAN
-r" /0Modesty
Su!.itted to:
MS" #AS*+

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