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Relations as Ordered Tuples

Alloy represents relations as sets of ordered tuples, and it can some times be useful to think of them this way. Intuitively,
this is just an exhaustive list of every way to legally ll in the relation.
A (binary) relation mapping le system objects to their parent directories is really a set of ordered pairs. The rst entry in
each pair is a le system object and the second is its parent directory. In one instance, it's entries might look like this:
{< fileA, DirA >,
< fileB, DirB >,
< fileC, DirA >}
Now consider a relation that maps pairs of nodes in a network to their cost. This relation would be said to have arity 3,
and its tuples might look like this:
{< nodeA, nodeB, 100 >,
< nodeA, nodeC, 25 >,
< nodeB, nodeD, 37 >,
< nodeC, nodeD, 14 >}
Of course, if we didn't write sufcient constraints on the model, the relaion might have more than one cost per pair:
{< nodeA, nodeB, 100 >,
< nodeA, nodeB, 50 >,
< nodeA, nodeC, 14 >,
< nodeC, nodeA, 37 >}
Since relations are just sets, you can take intersections, unions, set differences, and so on on them, just like any other
sets. For instance, you might have a relation roads, which is an arity-2 relation on cities, stating which one have roads
connecting them. It's tuples might look like this:
{< cityA, cityB >
< cityA, cityC >
< cityB, cityD >
< cityC, cityD >}
There might be another relation dirtRoads which is also a relation on pairs of cities. We might write the constraint
fact physicalWorld {
//dirt roads are roads
dirtRoads in roads
//roads are two-way
roads = ~roads
dirtRoads = ~dirtRoads
The ~ operator reverses a relation by reversing the tuples in the relation. Thus our earlier sample falue for roads did
not satisfy the physicalWorld fact. It should have been
{< cityA, cityB >
< cityB, cityA >
< cityA, cityC >
< cityC, cityA >
< cityB, cityD >
< cityD, cityB >
< cityC, cityD >
< cityD, cityC >}
We also might want to talk about non-dirt roads, by writing something like this:
all r:(roads - dirtRoads) | ...
If dirtRoads were
{< cityC, cityD >
< cityD, cityC >}
then (roads - dirtRoads) would have to be
{< cityA, cityB >
< cityB, cityA >
< cityA, cityC >
< cityC, cityA >
< cityB, cityD >
< cityD, cityB >
and r might be any of those tuples.
You can compose two relations, A and B, to create a new relation, A.B. Each tuple ab of the new relation is created by
taking a tuple a from A and a typle b from B where the last entry in a matches the rst entry in b. Concatenate the tuples,
but leave out the matched entry.
related sidenotes:
In Alloy, everything you see is a relation; how Alloy sees the universe as nothing but atoms and relations on those
higher order relations
interpreting the compose operator (.) ("relation join")
a set theoretic understanding of Alloy including interpreting the "." operator in different ways.
Thinking of relations as ordered pairs is in the spirit of the declarative paradigm (as opposed to the operational
What is a function, again?
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