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Weight of Entire Population Males/Females

Column n Mean Variance Std. dev. Median Range Min Max Q1 Q3

Weight 507 69.147535 178.10938 13.345762 68.2 74.4 42 116.4 58.4 78.9

Weight of entire Population Simple Random Sample
Column n Mean Variance Std. dev. Median Range Min Max Q1 Q3
Sample(Weight) 40 71.155 156.64356 12.515733 72.75 44.2 49 93.2 61.4 82.15

Weight of entire population systematic sample
Column Min n Mean Variance Std. dev. Median Range Max Q1 Q3
var7 49.2 39 67.887179 118.99273 10.908379 67.7 37.2 86.4 58 78.9

Part 1
The data set I selected was The Body Measurement Data. From there I choose gender for the category data and
weight for quantitative data. I choose to do a simple random sample and a systematic sample. Then I created Pie chart
and Pareto chart for the categorical variable. For the quantitative variable I created a frequency histogram and a box
plot. We took a confidence level of .95 and created a confidence interval and I created them for both samples using
males. Afterwards I did a level of significance using a hypothesis test for the population.
Part 2
I took 40 values to create a simple random sample and a systematic sample. The Simple Random sample was
obtained by adding a Random column in the data set. The RAND function from Excel was used to populate each row
with a random value between 0 and 1. The random values were copied out and the values pasted back in to prevent the
values in the Random column from changing. The data set was then sorted by the random column from low to high and
the first 40 records were copied out into another worksheet. When looking at the Pie chart and the Pareto chart the
Simple Random Sample shows that there are more females then males verses the systematic chart, which shows that
females and males are equal. The simple random chart looks more similar to the true population chart over the
systematic chart.
Part 3
When viewing the frequency histogram and the box plot, it seems like the simple random data set is skewed to
the right verses the true population charts, which are not a normal frequency distribution. We found the entire
population had a more normal distribution than the simple random sample and the systematic sample that we took. The
graph for the entire population resembled more of a normal distribution than the other two graphs. The box plot for the
entire population is more condensed versus the simple random sample and the systematic box plot.
Part 4
I used the confidence level of 95%. Each of the data sets would produce a different confidence interval.
Repeating the sample multiple times, the confidence intervals produced will include the population parameter 95% of
the time. You have a 95% chance of finding a confidence interval that contains the population parameter but that does
not mean that there is a 95% chance that the population parameter is contained in that confidence interval.
Part 5
The sample size must be sufficiently large and the sample must be normally distributed in order to do the
hypothesis test for the proportions. The histogram for gender shows the sample is normally distributed, and the
proportions and sample size are sufficiently large to create a product larger than 40. In order to complete the hypothesis
test for proportion, the sample must be normally distributed and the standard deviation must be known. The histogram
for the entire population demonstrates the sample is normally distributed and the population standard deviation is
calculated from the population data set.

Part 6
This project has reinforced our understanding of sampling and hypothesis testing. Both of these skills are highly
relevant for examining data and solving problems. In the future skills that applied in this project will be used to prove or
disprove the validity of claims asserted in both educational and professional areas.
The best part of this project is the hypothesis testing. This is when you can either prove a claim is valid or
disprove the claim. Being in the healthcare industry statistics is always being used in comparing effectiveness of
medications or letting you know how confident someone is that the procedure is going to work.
The project changed the way I think about real world math applications because it can help you budget your life.
We use math everyday in our life without even knowing it. Even though this project was hard it also helped us put
together all the theories/ideas that we have learned. Now I have a better understanding of statistics and the process of
getting those statistics number.

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