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INTERVIEW (questions)

The Best Student in Sri Aman: Qurratuain

1) Congratulations on your success in PMR examination and for being chosen as the top
student in Sri Aman. What was your reaction when you found out that you were chosen as
the best student?
I was having a bad day at my boarding school. Later, I received a message from Hafizah (currently
Deputy Head Prefect I) that I got the best PMR student award. I was overwhelmed and it surely
made my day!
2) What were you aiming to receive during the examination?
I was aiming for straight A plus for PMR. I know that there are no A+ in PMR but I wanted to aim high.
I wanted to prove myself that I can be more that what I am able to achieve thus far.
3) What was your recipe to success?
I spend my time well during my PMR year. I would consistently do mind maps for every
subject in order to memorize the facts. Some people would always ask me why I would bring
such a heavy file with my mind maps in it for exams. Well, those mind maps are the ones
which helped me to be what I am now. I also like to spend time well. Whenever I have a free
time, I would spend it by doing exercises especially Mathematics because it triggers my mind.
Furthermore, I also exercise a lot to release stress and to get away with the hustle and bustle
of my life. During the weekends, I would swim 1km on Saturdays and run 16 or 21km with
my mother on Sundays. I made sure that my health was in tip top shape for PMR.

4) How did you manage to study with all your co-curricular activities and your perfect duties?
Sometimes I would think that I was crazy to take up so many competitions that year. I was
involved in the Islamic Spontaneous Talk, choral speaking competition, Mighty Minds and
Spell It Right. I was able to cope with my studies as I studied the chapters in advance. I would
do my homework at night and if I need help, I always have my friends by my side. I regularly
go to my subject teachers to seek help in order to fully understand the topics taught by them.
I also like to do extra work like essays and hand them in for my teachers to mark. After they
mark, I would ask for their reviews to improve myself on my writing skills.

5) Did you attend any tuition classes throughout the year?
Yes, I attended Languages tuition as I am weak at them. I also went for a last minute tutoring
session with a student who is studying for his PhD for Science.
6) In those late days before the examination, were you studying like a maniac or relaxed?
I was pretty relaxed. Sometimes, Id play the games in my Nokia phone and listen to the
radio to soothe my mind. Furthermore, I also like to dance because dancing takes my mind
off the stressful things I had in mind.

7) What was your greatest fear during the exams?
During intensive classes in school, I would constantly get a low mark for Science, English and
Geography. I was afraid the same thing would happen in PMR. Apparently, PMR questions
were exactly similar to the practices I did during practices. I always remind myself as to what
Albert Einstein once said, One who never makes mistakes never learns anything new. It
was a blessing in disguise after all.

8) What was your weak subject/ were your weak subject? How did you manage to overcome
your fear?
The subject Science feared me the most. Im not exactly a Science person at first, but I
overcame my fear of Science by loving the subject. I constantly do exercises and mind maps
so that I would adapt to the questions asked in the examinations.

9) Do you have any plans for your future yet?
I want to be an actuarist when I grow up. If that fails, I would like to study Accounting in the
city of my dreams, United Kingdom. I aim to go for University of Cambridge and be a
successful actuarist or accountant in future.

10) Being a respectful senior who succeed in academics while keeping yourself active in extra-
curricular activities at the same time, what is your advice for the juniors?
Always be passionate in whatever you do. Make sure your intention is right, study and
succeed for the sake of God. Make sure you study smart and pray consistently. God willing,
you will succeed in life!

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