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The last day of Megan Jones

This is the story of Megan Jones, a young

secretary who lives in New York City.

One day, Megan left her office around 9 PM
acco!anied "y a colleague after a hard day at
work. Tie does not hel!, as it was a cold
Nove"er night and she was really tired. #he left
her colleague a"ru!tly to go and take a ta$i so she
could finally find soe rest. #he showed her
address to the ta$i driver. %e was really cal and
&uiet. %e started the car and went to the address
that was given to hi.

' few seconds later, the driver asked if she was
working in at the office "uilding near"y.. #he
answered yes and said that her work was really
tiring soeties. #he asked to the driver if "eing a
ta$i driver wasn(t too e$hausting. %e answered
!ositively, as he was a!!roching the house. Megan
was silling at the idea of finding a good eal
and going to "ed.
#he was a"out to get out of the car so, she !ut her
hand on the door handle to o!en it, "ut then
suddenly the driver locked all the car doors. #he
got scared and asked if she could o!en the door.
The driver told her not to worry. %e said this with
a dee! voice while he was starting the car.
Megan did not what to do, she was frightened "y
the an. #he saw his eyes in the irror and she
was terrified. )very single oent with hi in
this car was nerve*wracking for Megan. %er heart
was "eating so fast and she felt like her head was
a"out to e$!lode. #he shouted+,-et e out./

'fter a few inutes, the car sto!!ed. There was
lots of screaing and then suddenly there was a
deafening silence. The !olice found a dead "ody
of a young woan the ne$t day, thanks to the
signaling of the agency. %er cor!se was
a"andoned "y the urderer on the roadside on
%al" avenue in New York.

The dead "ody was then taken over to a edical
e$ainer. #he had "een strangled. There were no
finger!rints on the neck. The urderer ust have
"een wearing gloves "ut soe residue of his skin
had "een found under the fingernails of the victi.
The investigation was o!ened.
-ater that day, a young woan cae to the !olice
station. 0t was her colleague, who was the last
!erson to see Megan.

#he told the ins!ector in charge of the case that
she was !ro"a"ly killed "y the ta$i driver who
took her hoe. 0t is true that it is a coincidence,
"ut there were no witnesses. The ins!ector had to
find out who the killer was "ased on the strongest
!ieces of evidence, which was the residue of skin.
'fter soe test, they found a an with the
corres!onding 1N'. The ins!ector tired to track
down the an "y finding his address. 2hen the
an was finally found, they !roceeded interrogate
the an. The sus!ect was really cal and &uiet.
Nothing seeed to !rove that he was guilty so .
the ins!ector went to the ta$i agency.
The agency said that the only sus!icious thing was
that ha!!ened last night was the late arrival of one
ta$i, which had the nu"er 9343. This ta$i was
actually stolen "y a an who works at Megan(s
agency. Megan(s "oss said that this an, naed
5ichard, had a fight with Megan soe days ago.

2hen the ins!ector want to e$aine the ta$i, he
found a hair which would "e the key to the all
ystery. They analy6ed the 1N' of the hair and
it was a !erfect atch with the last one. The
evidence was scientific and irrefuta"le. 5ichard
was arrested and charged with urder. %e was
declared guilty at his trial and was !ut in 7ail for
ten years.

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