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Course: Minorities and Human Rights in Pakistan (9369)

Level: B.S. (2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2023

Name:Sana Saeed


Q.l Evaluate the need and importance inter-faith harmony in Pakistan.


Inter-faith harmony is crucial for the social fabric, stability, and progress of any diverse society,
and this is particularly true in the context of Pakistan. The country is home to a rich tapestry of
religious and ethnic diversity, with a significant Muslim majority and sizable minority populations,
including Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and others.

The need for inter-faith harmony in Pakistan is underscored by several important reasons:

1. Diverse Religious Landscape:

Need: Pakistan is characterized by a diverse religious landscape, with followers of Islam,
Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and other faiths coexisting. Inter-faith harmony is essential to
foster understanding, respect, and tolerance among different religious communities.

2. National Unity and Integration:

Importance: Inter-faith harmony is vital for building and maintaining national unity and
integration. It promotes a sense of belonging and shared identity among people of different
religious backgrounds, contributing to a cohesive and inclusive national narrative.

3. Social Stability:
Need: In a pluralistic society like Pakistan, social stability hinges on peaceful coexistence and
mutual respect among diverse religious communities. Inter-faith harmony helps prevent social
tensions, conflicts, and sectarian strife.

4. Tolerance and Respect:

Importance: Inter-faith harmony encourages tolerance and respect for religious diversity. It
fosters an environment where individuals can practice their faith freely without fear of
discrimination, persecution, or violence.

5. Economic Development:
Need: Inter-faith harmony can positively impact economic development by creating a conducive
environment for business and investment. A harmonious society attracts domestic and foreign
investors, leading to economic growth and prosperity.

6. Educational Opportunities:
Importance: Inter-faith harmony contributes to an atmosphere conducive to education and
intellectual development. It ensures that educational institutions are inclusive and promote
understanding among students from different religious backgrounds.

7. International Standing:
Need: The promotion of inter-faith harmony enhances Pakistan's international standing. A
country known for religious tolerance is more likely to attract positive attention and partnerships
on the global stage.

8.Conflict Prevention:
Importance: By fostering inter-faith harmony, Pakistan can reduce the likelihood of religiously
motivated conflicts. Promoting dialogue, understanding, and collaboration helps address potential
sources of tension and conflict.

9. Human Rights and Equality:
Need: Inter-faith harmony is integral to upholding human rights and ensuring equality for all
citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs. It helps combat discrimination and promotes a society
based on justice and fairness.

10. Cultural Richness:

Importance: Embracing inter-faith harmony contributes to the cultural richness of Pakistan. The
shared heritage of different religious communities adds to the nation's cultural diversity, fostering
a sense of collective identity.

To promote inter-faith harmony in Pakistan, it is essential to encourage dialogue, create inclusive

policies, and address issues related to discrimination and intolerance. Government initiatives, civil
society efforts, and religious leaders can play pivotal roles in fostering an environment where
people of different faiths live together in peace and harmony. This not only benefits the immediate
society but also contributes to the overall well-being and progress of the nation.


Q.2 Discuss the violation of gender equality in Pakistan and describe its major issues.


Gender equality violations in Pakistan are rooted in societal norms, cultural practices, and
systemic challenges, resulting in various issues that hinder the realization of gender equality:

1.Patriarchal Society:
Pakistan's society is deeply entrenched in patriarchal norms, where men hold dominant roles
in decision-making, family structures, and societal hierarchies. This results in the
marginalization of women and perpetuates gender disparities.

2.Limited Access to Education:

Despite efforts to improve, gender disparities persist in education. Factors such as cultural
norms, poverty, lack of infrastructure, and security concerns limit girls' access to education,
leading to lower literacy rates among females.

3.Violence Against Women:

Gender-based violence, including domestic abuse, honor killings, forced marriages, and
acid attacks, remains a significant issue. Women often face threats, discrimination, and
violence both within their homes and in public spaces.

4.Unequal Employment Opportunities:

Women in Pakistan face limited opportunities in the workforce due to gender discrimination,
unequal pay, lack of safe working environments, and societal expectations regarding women's
roles as caregivers.

5. Lack of Political Representation:

Women's representation in politics and decision-making roles remains low. Despite quotas and
reserved seats, their participation in political processes is limited, impacting their influence on

6. Legal and Judicial Challenges:

While Pakistan has made legal reforms to protect women's rights, implementation and
enforcement of these laws remain inconsistent. Social pressures, inadequate legal mechanisms,
and biases within the judicial system often hinder access to justice for women.

7. Cultural and Social Stigma:

Cultural norms and societal expectations often restrict women's freedom of movement,
expression, and decision-making. Stigmatization and social pressures prevent women from
asserting their rights or accessing opportunities.

8. Healthcare Disparities:
Women face disparities in accessing healthcare, especially in rural areas. Limited access to
reproductive health services, maternal mortality, and lack of awareness about women's health
contribute to these disparities.

Addressing these issues requires multifaceted approaches encompassing legal reforms, education
initiatives, economic empowerment programs, awareness campaigns, and cultural shifts towards
gender equality. Ensuring equal access to education, promoting women's economic participation,
enhancing legal protections, challenging gender stereotypes, and fostering inclusive policies are
crucial steps toward achieving gender equality in Pakistan.


Q.3 How can you explain the term fundamental rights? What are the fundamental rights
awarded to the citizens in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973?

Explanation of Fundamental Rights:

Fundamental rights are basic rights and freedoms that are considered essential for the development
and well-being of individuals. They are often enshrined in a country's constitution and are meant
to protect the inherent dignity and autonomy of individuals against encroachments by the state or
other entities. Fundamental rights typically encompass civil liberties, political freedoms, and
socio-economic rights, ensuring that citizens have certain protections and entitlements in various
aspects of their lives.

In the context of a constitution, fundamental rights serve as a check on the government's power,
establishing a framework within which individuals can exercise their freedoms without undue
interference. These rights are considered fundamental because they are considered fundamental to
the concept of a just and democratic society.

Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973:

The Constitution of Pakistan, adopted in 1973, includes a chapter on fundamental rights (Part II,
Chapter 1, Article 8 to Article 28). These rights are designed to ensure the protection and well-
being of Pakistani citizens.

Here are some key fundamental rights awarded to citizens in the Constitution of Pakistan

1. Right to Life (Article 9):

Every citizen has the right to life, and no one shall be deprived of their life or liberty except in
accordance with the law.

2. Right to Freedom (Article 10 - Article 13):

These articles ensure the protection of personal liberty, safeguards against arrest and detention,
and provide for the right to legal representation.

3. Protection Against Slavery and Forced Labor (Article 11):

All forms of slavery and forced labor are prohibited.

4.Prohibition of Torture and Degrading Treatment (Article 14):

- No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence.

5. Right to Fair Trial (Article 10 - Article 14):

These articles collectively ensure the right to a fair trial, including the right to be informed of the
charges, the right to legal representation, and the right to a speedy trial.

6.Freedom of Assembly (Article 16):

Every citizen has the right to assemble peacefully and without arms, subject to any reasonable
restrictions imposed by law.

7.Freedom of Association (Article 17):

Every citizen has the right to form associations or unions, subject to any reasonable restrictions
imposed by law.

8. Freedom of Movement (Article 15):

Every citizen has the right to move freely throughout Pakistan, subject to reasonable restrictions
for public order, decency, or morality.

9. Freedom of Speech, etc. (Article 19):
Every citizen has the right to freedom of speech, expression, and the press, subject to reasonable
restrictions imposed by law.

10. Inviolability of Dignity of Man (Article 14):

The dignity of man and, subject to law, the privacy of the home shall be inviolable.

11. Right to Education (Article 25A):

The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen
years in such a manner as may be determined by law.


These fundamental rights, among others, are intended to ensure that the citizens of Pakistan enjoy
basic freedoms, protection against injustice, and opportunities for personal and collective
development. It's important to note that the enjoyment of these rights is subject to certain
reasonable restrictions as specified in the Constitution, and the state is obligated to uphold and
protect these rights for all citizens.


Q.4 Keeping in view the rights of children, evaluate the reasons of lack of child protection
in Pakistan.

The protection of children's rights is a crucial aspect of ensuring their well-being and development.
In the context of Pakistan, several factors contribute to the challenges and deficiencies in child
protection. Here's an evaluation of some key reasons for the lack of child protection in Pakistan:

1. Legal Framework and Implementation:

Challenges: While Pakistan has laws in place to protect children, the implementation of these
laws is often inadequate. Weak enforcement, lack of awareness, and corruption within the legal
system contribute to a gap between policy and practice.

Strengthening the legal framework, ensuring consistent enforcement, and raising awareness about
existing laws are essential steps to improve child protection.

2. Poverty and Socioeconomic Factors:

High levels of poverty in Pakistan often force children into exploitative labor practices, child
marriages, and other forms of abuse. Families in vulnerable economic situations may struggle to
provide adequate care and protection.
Addressing the root causes of poverty, implementing social welfare programs, and providing
economic support to vulnerable families are critical for improving child protection.

3. Education and Awareness:

Limited access to education and awareness about child rights contribute to a lack of understanding
among communities. Many families are unaware of the negative consequences of child labor, early

marriages, and other harmful practices.

Promoting education, raising awareness about child rights, and integrating child protection topics
into school curricula can help address this issue.

4.Child Labor:
Challenges: Child labor remains a prevalent issue in Pakistan. Economic factors, lack of
enforcement of labor laws, and societal acceptance contribute to the persistence of child labor.
Recommendations:Strict enforcement of labor laws, targeted interventions to eliminate child
labor, and awareness campaigns about the harmful effects of child labor are essential.

5. Child Marriage:
Challenges: Child marriage is a significant concern, particularly in rural areas. Traditional and
cultural practices, coupled with socioeconomic factors, contribute to early marriages.

Recommendations: Strengthening and enforcing laws against child marriage, community

awareness programs, and empowering girls through education are key strategies to combat child

6. Violence and Abuse:

Challenges: Children in Pakistan face various forms of violence, including physical abuse, sexual
exploitation, and trafficking. A lack of reporting mechanisms, social stigma, and insufficient child
protection services contribute to the perpetuation of abuse.

Recommendations: Strengthening child protection services, establishing reporting mechanisms,

and conducting awareness campaigns to reduce stigma are crucial for addressing violence against

7. Inadequate Child Protection Services:
Challenges: Insufficient resources, training, and infrastructure for child protection services hinder
their effectiveness. Limited accessibility to support services leaves many vulnerable children
without proper assistance.

Recommendations: Increasing funding for child protection services, enhancing training for
professionals, and expanding the reach of support services are necessary for improving child
protection mechanisms.

8. Cultural and Traditional Norms:

Challenges: Cultural and traditional norms can sometimes conflict with modern child protection
standards. Practices such as corporal punishment and discrimination based on gender norms may

Recommendations: Promoting awareness about child rights, engaging with local communities,
and fostering dialogue to challenge harmful norms are important steps in aligning cultural practices
with child protection principles.

9.Armed Conflicts and Displacement:

Challenges: Armed conflicts, particularly in certain regions of Pakistan, expose children to

violence, displacement, and exploitation. Children affected by conflicts often lack access to
education, health care, and protection.

Recommendations: International humanitarian efforts, collaboration with NGOs, and targeted

interventions for children affected by conflicts are essential to ensure their protection and well-

10. Government Prioritization:
Challenges: Child protection may not always be a top priority in government agendas. Limited
resources, competing priorities, and political instability can impact the allocation of funds and
attention to child protection issues.
Recommendations: Advocacy for child protection, policy integration, and consistent
government commitment are necessary to ensure sustained attention to the rights and protection
of children.

Addressing the lack of child protection in Pakistan requires a comprehensive approach that
involves legal reforms, education, community engagement, and resource allocation. Strengthening
the institutional framework, raising awareness, and addressing the root causes of child
vulnerability are critical steps to ensure the well-being and protection of children in Pakistan.
Collaboration between government agencies, civil society, and international organizations is
essential for creating a protective environment for children.


Q.5 Discuss the Role of civil society and the NGO,s in context of protections of women in


The role of civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Pakistan has been
significant in advocating for and promoting the protection of women's rights. Civil society
organizations and NGOs play a crucial role in creating awareness, advocating for policy changes,
providing support services, and challenging societal norms that contribute to the violation of
women's rights. Here are key aspects of their role in the context of women's protection in

1. Advocacy for Legal Reforms:

Civil society organizations and NGOs often engage in advocacy efforts to promote legal reforms
that enhance the protection of women. This includes campaigning for changes in discriminatory
laws and the implementation of laws that safeguard women's rights.

2. Awareness and Education:

NGOs work towards raising awareness about women's rights and gender-based violence
through educational campaigns, workshops, and counterprograms. This helps empower women
with knowledge about their rights and encourages communities to reject harmful practices.

3. Support for Victims of Violence:

NGOs provide critical support services for women who have experienced violence, including
counseling, legal assistance, and shelter. These organizations often operate helplines and crisis
centers to offer immediate help to those in need.

4. Community Mobilization:
Civil society groups and NGOs engage in community mobilization efforts to change social
attitudes and challenge harmful norms. By involving communities in dialogues and awareness
campaigns, they aim to shift perceptions and promote gender equality.

5. Capacity Building and Training:
NGOs engage in capacity-building initiatives, providing training and skills development
programs for women. This empowers women economically and socially, making them more
resilient and less vulnerable to violence and discrimination.

6. Monitoring and Advocacy for Implementation:

- Civil society organizations monitor the implementation of laws and policies related to
women's rights. They hold authorities accountable for enforcing legislation and advocate for
effective measures to address gaps in implementation.

7. Research and Data Collection:

NGOs contribute to research and data collection on issues related to women's rights and gender-
based violence. This research helps in understanding the specific challenges faced by women and
informs evidence-based policy advocacy.

8. Collaboration with Government Institutions:

NGOs often collaborate with government institutions to improve the delivery of justice and
support services for women. These partnerships can contribute to more effective responses to
gender-based violence and discrimination.

9. Public Policy Advocacy:

Civil society organizations engage in advocacy for gender-responsive public policies. They
work towards influencing legislative and policy changes that address the root causes of violence
and discrimination against women.

10. International Networking:

Many NGOs in Pakistan are part of international networks and alliances focused on women's
rights. This facilitates the exchange of knowledge, resources, and best practices, amplifying the
impact of their work.

Despite their crucial role, civil society organizations and NGOs in Pakistan face challenges such
as funding constraints, social and cultural resistance to change, and sometimes, government
scrutiny. In some instances, there are concerns about the security and safety of activists working
on women's rights.


Civil society organizations and NGOs in Pakistan have been instrumental in advancing the
protection of women's rights. Their multifaceted efforts, spanning advocacy, support services,
and community engagement, contribute to the broader goal of creating a society that values and
safeguards the rights of women. Collaboration between civil society, NGOs, and government
institutions is essential for fostering an environment where women can live free from violence
and discrimination.



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