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India Bhutan Relations

Diplomatic relations between India and Bhutan were established in 1968 with the
appointment of a resident representative of India in Thimphu. Before this our relations with Bhutan
were looked after by our olitical !fficer in "ikkim. The basic framework of India # Bhutan bilateral
relations is the Treaty of $riendship and %ooperation of 19&9 between the two countries' which was
updated and si(ned durin( the visit to India of )is *a+esty ,i(me -hesar .am(yel /an(chuck in
$ebruary 0112.

0. The updated India3Bhutan $riendship Treaty not only reflects the contemporary nature of our
relationship but also lays the foundation for their future development in the 01
century. The Treaty
provides' amon(st other thin(s' for perpetual peace and friendship' free trade and commerce' and
e4ual +ustice to each other5s citi6ens. !ur bilateral political relations with Bhutan have matured over
the years and are characterised by close trust and understandin( and e7tensive cooperation in the
field of economic development' particularly in the mutually beneficial sector of hydroelectric power.

High Level Visits

8. This special relationship is further sustained by the tradition of re(ular visits and e7tensive
e7chan(e of views at the hi(hest levels between the two countries. 99I visits from both sides are
(iven below:

Our Presidents visits to Bhutan

i. "hri 9.9. ;iri in <pril 1921 and ,une 192&
ii. "hri =. 9enkataraman in !ctober 1988
iii. "mt. ratibha Devi "in(h atil in .ovember 0118

Our Prime Ministers visits to Bhutan

i. andit ,awaharlal .ehru in 19>8
ii. "mt. Indira ;andhi in 1968
iii. "hri =a+iv ;andhi in !ctober 198> and "eptember 1988
iv. Dr. *anmohan "in(h in *ay 0118 ?"tate 9isit@
v. Dr. *anmohan sin(h in <pril 0111 ?for 16
"<<=% "ummit@

Visit of H.M. Jigme Khesar amg!el "ang#hu#$% the King of Bhutan to India

i. In $ebruary 0112 as %rown rince
ii. In December 0119 ?"tate visit@
iii. In !ctober 0111 ?to Delhi and -olkata@
iv. In !ctober 0111 ?"tate visit by ).*. the -in( A and ).*. the Bueen' <shi ,etsun ema

Visits of Prime Minister of Bhutan% L!on#hen Jigmi &. 'hinle! to India

i. In ,uly 0118
ii. In ,uly 0119 ?to felicitate the new ;overnment in India@
iii. In "ept 0111 ?to Bodh ;aya@
iv. In "ept 0111 ?to -olkata@
v. In Dec 0111 ?To deliver the &
rof. )iren *ukher+ee *emorial <nnual arliamentary Cecture
at %entral )all of arliament in .ew Delhi@.

&. !ther hi(h level visits can be seen at <nne7ure3I.

>. The =oyal Bhutan %onsulate in -olkata was inau(urated by the ;overnor of /est Ben(al in the
presence of the Bhutanese $orei(n *inister on 12 December 0119 ?110
.ational Day of Bhutan@.


6. < list of <(reements and *oDs si(ned between India and Bhutan is (iven at <nne7ure3II.

+#onomi# ,oo-eration

2. *utually beneficial economic inter3linka(es between India and Bhutan have been an
important element in our bilateral relations. India continues to be the lar(est trade and development
partner of Bhutan. lanned development efforts in Bhutan be(an in the early 1961s. The $irst $ive
Eear lan ?$E@ of Bhutan was launched in 1961. "ince then' India has been e7tendin( financial
assistance to BhutanFs $Es. "o far' nine $ive Eear lans of Bhutan have been completed.

8. "ome of the ma+or pro+ects in Bhutan carried out with Indian assistance in the past include
1101 */ Tala )ydroelectric ro+ect' 886 */ %hukha )ydroelectric ro+ect' 61 */ -urichhu
)ydroelectric ro+ect' enden %ement lant' aro <irport' Bhutan Broadcastin( "tation' *a+or
)i(hways' Glectricity Transmission and Distribution "ystem' Indo3Bhutan *icrowave Cink' G7ploration
of *ineral =esources' and "urvey and *appin(.

9. inth .ive/&ear Plan 01221/122345 ;!I assistance to .inth $ive Eear lan ?0110318@ of Bhutan
was =s. 0611.1& crore. This included =s 912 crore for pro+ect tied assistance' =s 801 crore as
ro(ramme (rant and rest as various refunds and subsidies. *a+or ;oI assisted pro+ects completed in
the .inth lan include 8>1 bedded ,D/.= )ospital in Thimphu' =e(ional =eferral )ospital in *on(ar'
hase I of double3lanin( of Thimphu3huentsholin( road' double lanin( of aro3%hu6om road'
construction of 11 new schools' 816 low income housin( units' =enovation of "emtokha D6on(' two
Eouth %entres' =G.G/ %entre' )uman =esource Development' Telecommunications and pro+ects in
a(riculture and allied sectors. ;oI also funded feasibility studies for establishin( rail linka(es between
border towns of India and Bhutan.

11. 'enth .ive &ear Plan 01223/6745 The ;overnment of India committed assistance worth =s.
8&11 crores durin( the 11
$E. This includes ro+ect tied <ssistance ?=s 0111 crore for about 21
pro+ects in key socio3economic sectors such as a(riculture' I%T' media' healthH hospitals' educationH
schools' capacity buildin(' ener(y' culture and infrastructure etc@' ro(ramme ;rant ?=s 211 cr.@ and
the "mall Development ro+ects ?=s 211 cr.@. Durin( his address to the ,oint "ession of the Bhutanese
arliament in *ay 0118' rime *inister Dr. *anmohan "in(h informed that the total bilateral
economic en(a(ement with Bhutan over the ne7t five years to be of the order of =s.H .u. 111 billion.
"ome of the important pro+ects bein( e7ecuted under the 11
lan include construction of "upreme
%ourt' stren(thenin( of %onstitutional !fficers such as =oyal <udit <uthority' Glection %ommission'
anti3%orruption %ommission and <ttorney ;eneral' renovation of ma+or D6on(s' preparation of D=s
for ma+or power pro+ects' widenin( of ma+or roads' scholarships and e7pansion of tertiary educational
institutions. The re(ular ro+ect *onitorin( %ommittee ?*%@ meetin(s and lan Talks comprisin(
concerned ;oI and =;oB members are held re(ularly to monitor implementation of various pro+ects.

11. Mega Pro8e#ts5 In addition to the ;!I assistance mentioned in the above para' ;!I also
provides support to Bhutan to develop various other developmental pro+ects known as me(a pro+ects
due to their si6e.

10. Bilateral cooperation in the hydropower sector has been carried forward with the formal
inau(uration of the 61 */ -urichhu )ydroelectric pro+ect in <pril 0116' and commissionin( of the
121 */ first unit of 1101 T<C< )ydroelectric ro+ect in ,uly 0116. <ll si7 units have been
commissioned by end *arch 0112. ;!I has a(reed to provide assistance to Bhutan in developin( the
hydropower sector and to purchase at least 11'111 */ of power from Bhutan by 0101. $or the
purpose ten hydropower pro+ects have been a(reed durin( the first Gmpowered ,oint ;roup ?G,;@
*eetin( held in Delhi in *arch 0119. !f these 11 pro+ects' the three pro+ects # unatsan(chhu3I
)ydro Glectric ro+ect' unatsan(chhu #II and *an(edechhu )Gs # are under construction. $or &
pro+ects vi6.' the -holon(chhu )G' <mochhu =eservoir' /an(chu =o= and Bunakha =eservoir
pro+ects' respective "Ds have submitted D=s to the two (overnments for approval. $or remainin( 8
peo+ects 3 the -uri ;on(ri )G ' the %hamkharchhu3I )G and "ankosh =eservoir )ydroelectric ro+ect
?)G@ 3 D=s are e7pected to be finalised by 0110.

18. ;!I is also committed to the establishment of a 1 million tonne cement pro+ect' Dun(sum
%ement lant at .(an(lam. The pro+ect is under construction and is e7pected to be operational by
early 0110. Durin( his visit to Bhutan rime *inister Dr. *anmohan "in(h announced the
construction of the first ever rail link between India and Bhutan' connectin( )ashimara to
huentsholin(' called the I;olden ,ubilee =ail CineJ. The technical studies on the ali(nment of the rail
line have started. =ITG" has' however' encountered problems from the owners of Tea ;ardens which
fall on the proposed railway line. *inistry of =ailways alon( with the ;overnment of /est Ben(al are
tryin( to resolve the issue. Durin( *Fs visit to Bhutan in <pril 0111 for the 16
"<<=% "ummit' rime
*inister Dr. *anmohan "in(h and the rime *inister ,i(mi E. Thinley +ointly laid the $oundation
"tones for the unatsan(chhu #II and *an(dechhu )ydro Glectric ro+ects ?)Gs@ and the ro+ect
KBhutan Institute of *edical "ciences ?BI*"@F' and launched the ro+ect Implementation Document for
the I%T ro+ect I%hipen =i(phel # Gnablin( < "ociety' Gmpowerin( < .ationJ ?Total "olutions ro+ect@.

1&. 9tand:! #redit fa#ilit!5 ;oI has e7tended a standby credit facility of =s 811 crores to =;oB in
*arch 0119 to help Bhutan overcome rupee li4uidity crunch.

'rade ;ith India

1>. India is not only Bhutan5s main development partner but also its leadin( trade partner. < free
trade re(ime e7ists between India and Bhutan. The India3Bhutan Trade and %ommerce <(reement
which e7pired in *arch 011>' has been renewed for a period of 11 years. %urrently' the ma+or items
of e7ports from Bhutan to India are electricity ?from Tala' %hukha and -urichhu )ydroelectric ro+ect@'
base metals and articles' minerals' ve(etable fat and oils' alcoholic bevera(es' chemicals' cement'
timber and wood products' cardamom' fruit products' potatoes' oran(es and apples' raw silk' plastic
and rubber products. *a+or e7ports from India to Bhutan are petroleum products' mineral products'
base metals and articles' machinery' automobiles A spares' ve(etable' nuts' spices' processed food
and animal products' chemicals' wood' plastic and rubber. The <(reement on Trade and %ommerce
also provides for duty free transit of Bhutanese merchandise for trade with third countries. "i7teen
e7itHentry points in India identified in the rotocol for Bhutan5s third country trade are: ,ai(aon'
%hamurchi' Dlta ani' )athisar ?;elephu@' Darran(a' -olkata' )aldia' Dhubri' =a7aul' anitanki'
%han(rabandh' hulbari' Dawki' .ew Delhi' %hennai and *umbai. !f these' -olkata' )aldia' *umbai
and %hennai are the desi(nated seaports' Dhubri is the riverine route' .ew Delhi' %hennai' *umbai
and -olkata are the air routes and =a7aul is the rail route. The others are the desi(nated road routes.

16. Durin( 0111' imports from India were of the order of =s. 0981 crores and constituted 2>L of
BhutanFs total imports. BhutanFs e7ports to India in 0111 amounted to =s. 0611 crores and
constituted 91L of its total e7ports. Total trade in 0111 (rew by about 06L from 0119.

<Ru-ees in BillionM
&ear 1226 1221 1227 122= 122> 122? 122@ 1223 122A 2010
G7ports to
?Imports from
6.98 2.>8 11.06 11.19 10.81 18.1> 1>.19 12.88 08.8 29.30
Imports from
?G7ports to
&.21 >.18 >.90 2.26 9.92 1&.&8 00.20 01.&8 01.> 26.00
Source: Royal Monetary Authority, RGoB

12. 'rade 'al$s5 The India Bhutan Bilateral Trade Talks were held in .ew Delhi on 18319 <u(ust
0111. <t the re4uest of =;oB' ;oI has a(reed to the use of Dalu C%" ?land custom station@ and
;hasuapara C%" ?both in *e(halaya@ as additional e7itH entry points for Bhutan5s trade with
Ban(ladesh. ;hasuapara C%" will be used only as e7it point for Bhutan for the present till the
necessary infrastructure in place for it to be used as entry point also. In addition' & additional entryH
e7it points for India3Bhutan bilateral trade # Dpper -ho(la ?/est Ben(al@' Dalmore or Birpara ?/est
Ben(al@' Boka+uli ?<ssam@ and =an(apani ?<ssam@ # have also been a(reed. ;oI also a(reed to open
two alternate routes to industrial estates in the border towns of huentsholin( ?from )i(hway at
Bolan %haupati' near *an(alabari in ,alpai(uri district ?/B@ to <lay villa(e at border near ToribariH
asakha industrial estate of Bhutan@ and "amdrup ,on(khar ?road from Boka+uli in Daran(a ?<ssam@ up
to *atan(a industrial estate' "amdrup ,on(khar@. ursuant to these talks' ;!I has issued notification
allowin( Bhutanese passen(ers duty free access at Indian airports' as well as e7emptin( e7ports to
Bhutan from any e7port bans in India on some essential items sub+ect to limits.

18. "everal important economic and commercial conferences and trade fairs and e7hibitions have
been held in Bhutan and in India to further our bilateral economic and commercial relations. $or
details' please see <nne7ure3III.

+du#ational and ,ultural ,oo-eration

19. There is close bilateral cooperation in the educational and cultural fields between India and
Bhutan. India provides technical e7pertise and services of specialists to Bhutan in various fields.

;overnment of India5s scholarships are (ranted to 8> Bhutanese students at under(raduate
level and 22 at post(raduate level every year in Indian Institutions of hi(her learnin(.
ITG% HT%" of %olombo lan ?81 slots@ trainin( slots are provided to Bhutan every year.
<mbassadorFs scholarships are (ranted to meritorious and deservin( students for studies in
Ten Bhutanese students are admitted to "ainik schools in India and all e7penditure is borne by
the ;!I.
Durin( his visit to Bhutan' rime *inister Dr. *anmohan "in(h announced the (overnment of
IndiaFs decision to institute a .ehru3/an(chuck "cholarship to encoura(e students from
Bhutan to study in leadin( Indian universities and institutions. The scholarship has already
been implemented.

01. < lar(e number of Bhutanese students study in Indian schools and colle(es on private basis.
To facilitate this' the Gducation %onsultants of India Cimited held a seminar3 cum3counsellin( "ession
in Bhutan in *ay 0112 for the benefit of Bhutanese students desirous of pursuin( further studies in
India. Bhutan5s "herubtse %olle(e is affiliated to Delhi Dniversity. <bout 81 India3based lecturers are
posted to this %olle(e under the T%" of %olombo lan.

01. ehru/"ang#hu#$ ,ultural ,entre: Dr. -aran "in(h' resident' Indian %ouncil for %ultural
=elations ?I%%=@' ;oI' and Cyonpo *in+ur Dor+i' *inister for )ome and %ultural <ffairs' =;oB +ointly
inau(urated the I.ehru3/an(chuck %ultural %entreJ at Thimphu on 01
"eptember 0111.

00. India/Bhutan .oundation 0IB.45 India3Bhutan $oundation was established in <u(ust 0118
durin( the visit to India of the present -in( and the then %rown rince with the aim to enhance people
to people e7chan(es in the focus areas i.e. education' cultural e7chan(es and environment
preservation. <mbassadors of Bhutan and India are the co3%hairpersons of India3 Bhutan $oundation.
;oI has contributed =s > crore as main corpus amount for IB$ with a matchin( contribution from
=;oB. IB$ supported in holdin( of the first ever seminar between India and Bhutan on the ;ross
.ation )appiness ?;.)@ from 11310 *arch 0111 in Thimphu. The seminar was or(ani6ed by the
%entre for Bhutan "tudies ?%B"@ and "eminar Gducation $oundation ?"G$@ of India. India3Bhutan
$oundation also sponsored a Citerary $estival I*ountain GchoesJ' which was or(ani6ed by K"iyahiF' a
leadin( literacy consultancy in India in Bhutan from 12301 *ay' 0111. This was the first ever India3
Bhutan Citerary $estival' in which leadin( authors' publishers and poets from both sides includin(
renowned personalities such as ;ul6ar' %hetan Bha(at' "an+ay )a6arika' atrick $rench etc
participated. The $estival was inau(urated by )er *a+esty' the Bueen *other' and rime *inister of
Bhutan Cyonchen ,i(mi E. Thinley delivered the key note address focusin( on ;.). The second series
of the Citerary $estival I*ountain GchoesJ was held in Bhutan from 0130& *ay 0111.

08. The cooperation was not only limited to official e7chan(es between the two (overnments.
The people3to3people contacts were also diversified. <nne7ure3I9 provides details of important
bilateral events and activities held in area of art and culture.

+le#tion ,ommissions

0&. The institutional cooperation has been formalised throu(h si(nin( of an *oD between the
two Glection %ommissions durin( the visit of our %hief Glection %ommissioner in *ay 0116. %hief
Glection %ommissioner of Bhutan visited India earlier in $eb 0116 and recently in ,anuary 0111 and
*ay 0119. "everal teams of officials from the Glection %ommission of Bhutan includin( D6on(das
?District %ollectors@ and D6on(kha( ?district@ officials have visited India to observe various state and
local elections. India has e7tended full assistance to Bhutan in formulatin( its election laws.

0>. ;overnment of India also provided a (rant of =s &2.>16 million to =oyal ;overnment of
Bhutan to source electronic votin( machines from India. "everal Glection !bservers from India visited
Bhutan durin( the .ational %ouncil Glections and two rounds of mock elections. ;overnment of India
also provided helicopters durin( the .ational %ouncil elections to transfer election officials and
e4uipment to remote areas.

06. *!D for cooperation between the Glection %ommissions of India and Bhutan was renewed
durin( the visit to Bhutan by %G% D. ".E. Buraishi. %hief Glection %ommissioner' "hri .avin %hawla
visited Bhutan in !ctober 0119. < four member dele(ation from the Glection %ommission of India led
by %hief Glection %ommissioner' "hri .. ;opalaswami visited Bhutan to observe the .ational <ssembly
Glections in *arch 0118. "hri "hyam "aran' "pecial Gnvoy of rime *inister and former $orei(n
"ecretary' and "hri "alman )aider former $orei(n "ecretary visited Bhutan as Glection !bservers from
the ;oI in *arch 0118.

02. The ;overnment of India also facilitated holdin( of a workshop in Thimphu for senior
bureaucrats in Bhutan on KDemocratic %onstitutional *onarchyF with eminent civil servants from India
actin( as resource persons. "pecific Glection %overa(e Trainin( pro(rammes were also or(ani6ed for
+ournalists from both public and privately owned media in Bhutan with the help of G7ternal ublicity
Division which was well appreciated in Bhutan.

Intera#tion :et;een the t;o Parliaments

08. The officials of the Bhutanese arliament have been attendin( various trainin( pro(rammes
conducted by the Bureau of arliamentary "tudies and Trainin( ?B"T@ in the Indian arliament. B"T
has also or(ani6ed !rientation ro(rammes for *embers of the Bhutanese arliament. "peaker of the
Bhutanese arliament Cyonpo ,i(me Tshultim visited India durin( <u(ust3"eptember 0118. Durin( the
visit' he e7tended an invitation to our "peaker to visit Bhutan. "peaker' Cok "abha' "mt. *eira -umar'
led an Indian arliamentary dele(ation to Bhutan from 06309 *ay 0111. The dele(ation included the
Ceader of !pposition' "mt. "ushma "wara+' Dr. ?-um@. ;iri+a 9yas' *' "hri 9ishwa *ohan -umar' *
and "ecretary ;eneral and other officials from Cok "abha "ecretariat. This was the first visit of an
Indian "peaker to Bhutan. Durin( the visit' it was a(reed to constitute a arliamentary $riendship
;roup to promote re(ular e7chan(e of arliamentarians from both the sides. The speaker attended
the openin( ceremony of the >
session of arliament of Bhutan and addressed the ,oint "ession of
arliament. Both sides a(reed to si(n an *!D on arliamentary cooperation. arliamentary
$riendship ;roups have been formed in the arliaments of both countries. Bhutanese "peaker visited
India from 9310 ,uly 0111 for "<<=% "peaker5s %onference. <n *!D between the two arliaments has
been si(ned between the two sides durin( the visit of Bhutanese "peaker to India from 08306 .ov

Indian ,ommunit!

09. $orei(n residents H workers in Bhutan are estimated at about 82'111 ?=;oB fi(ures@' the bulk
of which are Indian nationals' e7cludin( day workers which number around 2111.

March 2012

High Level Visits :et;een India and Bhutan

.rom India to Bhutan

ame Bate Pur-ose
1. <ddl. "ecretary' *inistry of
Gnvironment A $orests
02309 "ept. 0111 9
*eetin( of the "<<=%
Gnvironment *inisters
0. "ecretary' *inistry of
Gnvironment A $orests
.ovember 0111 %limate "ummit for Civin( )imalayas
8. Dr. ".E. Buraishi' %G% 16319 "ept. 0111 *!D for cooperation between the
Glection %ommissions of India and
Bhutan was renewed.
&. rof. D.. <(rawal' %hairman'
8311 "ept. 0111 *!D for cooperation between the
D"% of India and the =%"% of Bhutan
was renewed.
>. $orei(n "ecretary <u(ust 0111
6. )ome *inister 00308 ,uly 0111 $or &
"<<=% )omeHInterior
*inisters %onference
2. G<* and $" $ebruary 0111 led a dele(ation of senior officials of
*G< and *)< and 013member media
contin(ent for 88
"ession of the
"<<=% %ouncil of *inisters and
"ecretary and !fficial level meetin(s
8. "mt. *eira -umar' "peaker'
Cok "abha
*ay 0111
9. Dr. -aran "in(h' resident'
"ept. 0111 $or inau(uration of the .ehru3
/an(chuck %ultural %entre' the
%ultural /in( of the Gmbassy
11. "hri Tarun ;o(oi' %hief
*inister of <ssam and "hri
Di(vi+ay "in(h' ;eneral
"ecretary' %on(ress
9310 <u(ust 0111 $or the %onference on )appiness and
Gconomic Development
11. "hri .itish -umar' %hief
*inister of Bihar
*ay 0111
10. "hri "hivshankar *enon'
.ational "ecurity <dviser to
<pril 0111
18. Dr. *.*. allam =a+u' *inister
of "tate for Defence' ;!I' Ct.
;en. ". =avishankar' D;'
Boarder =oads !r(anisatiion
<pril 0111 D<.T<-Fs (olden +ubilee celebrations
1&. "hri .amo .arain *eena'
*inister of "tate for $inance'
0030& <u(ust
$or the &
meetin( of "<<=% $inance
1>. Dr. *.*. allam =a+u' *!" for
0&306 <pril 0111 $or D<.T<-Fs ;olden +ubilee
16. "hri "hivshankar *enon' ."< 01300 <pril 0111
12. "hri "hivshankar *enon and
"mt. .irupama =ao' $orei(n
1831& <u(ust

18. Dr. D. "ubbarao' ;overnor of
,une 0111 $or the 89
Board of Directors
meetin( of the <sian %learin( Dnion
19. "hri -.*. %handrasekhar'
%abinet "ecretaryH "hri =.-.
achauri' %hairman' I%%
*arch 0111
01. "hri D... an+iar' "ecretary'
*inistry of /ater =esources
,uly 0111
01. "hri *.-. .arayanan' .ational
"ecurity <dviser to *
.ovember 0119
00. "hri awan -umar Bansal'
*inister of arliamentary
<ffairs and /ater =esources
!ctober 0119 To attend the International
%onference on KDeepenin( and
"ustainin( Democracy in <sia
08. "hri . %hidambaram' )ome
<u(ust 0119 first ever visit of any Indian )ome
*inister to Bhutan
0&. G7ternal <ffairs *inister ?G<*@
"hri ".*. -rishna
,une 0119 $irst official visit abroad after
assumin( office
0>. "hri ranab *ukher+ee' former
G7ternal <ffairs *inister
.ovember 0118'
,uly 0112 and
December 0116

06. "hri "ushil -umar "hinde'
*inister of ower
December 0118
02. "hri "hyam "aran' "pecial
Gnvoy to * on %limate
,uly 0119
08. "hri .avin %hawla' former
%hief Glection %ommissioner
!ctober 0119
09. "hri 9inod =ai' %omptroller
and <uditor ;eneral of India
"eptember 0119
81. "mt .irupama =ao' former
$orei(n "ecretary
"eptember 0119 $irst official visit abroad after
assumin( office
80. "hri *.-. .arayanan' .ational
"ecurity <dvisor to *
.ovember 0119
88. "hri "hivshankar *enon'
former $orei(n "ecretary
.ovember' *ay
and $ebruary
0118 and
$ebruary 0119

8&. "hri /a+ahat )abibullah' %hief
Information %ommissioner
!ctober 0112 and
*ay 0119

.rom Bhutan to India

1. rime *inister Cyonchen ,i(mi
E. Thinley
.ovember 0118 $or the 0
BI*"TG% "ummit in .ew
Delhi in .ovember 0118
0. rime *inister Cyonchen ,i(mi
E. Thinley
$ebruary 0111 rivate visit for the Tenth "ustainable
Development "ummit and the ;lobal
G7cellence <wards
8. Cyonpo *in+ur Dor+i ' )ome
$ebruary 0111
and !ctober
$or the II% $estival
&. Cyonpo .andlal =ai' *inister of
Information and
%ommunications' =;oB
<u(ust 0111 To participate in the .<<"%!*3B!
"trate(y "ummit in Ban(alore
>. Cyonpo D(yen Tsherin('
$orei(n *inister

6. Cyonpo -handu /an(chuk'
*inister for Gconomic <ffairs
"eptember 0111'
$ebruary 0111'
,anuary' !ct. and
,anuary and
*arch 0119

2. Cyonpo ema ;yamtsho'
*inister for <(riculture and
$ebruary 0111
8. Cyonpo Nan(ley Dukpa' )ealth
<u(ust 0111'
,anuary' ,uly and
.ovember 0111'
.ovember and
"eptember 0118

9. Cyonpo /an(di .orbu' $inance
*inister' =;oB
.ovember and
December 0111

11. Dasho -un6an( /an(di' %hief
Glection %ommissioner of
,anuary 0111 and
!ctober 0111

11. )er *a+esty <shi Dor+i
/an(mo /an(chuk' the
Bueen *other of Bhutan
1830> ,anuary
0111 and 930&
,anuary 0110
$or ,aipur Citerary $estival
10. )* <shi "an(ay %hoden
/an(chuck' the Bueen *other
of Bhutan ?B&@
&31> December
To attend the ;olden ,ubilee
celebrations at the .ational Institute of
Desi(n as %hief ;uest
18. Cyonpo Eeshey Nimba' *inister
for /orks and )uman
,anuary 0111 To ;u+arat to attend international
seminar on Buddhist )erita(e
1&. Cyonpo ,i(me Tshultim'
"peaker of the .ational
"eptember 0118
and ,uly and
.ovember 0111

1>. Cyonpo "onam Tob(ye' $irst
%hief ,ustice of the "upreme
%ourt of Bhutan
,une 0111'
"eptember and
December 0111

16. "ecretary' *inistry of
Information and
*arch and *ay

12. $orei(n "ecretary $ebruary and
"eptember 0111

18. )ome "ecretary "eptember 0111



List of (greements and Mo*s signed :et;een India and Bhutan

9. o. am of Mo*)(greement Bate)&ear of 9igning
1. *oD for .ehru /an(chuck "cholarship ,une' 0119
0. <ir "ervices <(reement. 0031030119
8. %o3operation on "earch and =escue "ervices 0031030119
&. %onsultancy "ervices for preparation of .ational
Transmission ;rid *aster lan for Bhutan.
>. reparation of D= for -holon(chhu )ydroelectricity
ro+ect?&86*/@ in Bhutan.
6. reparation of D= for <mochhu =eservoir )ydroelectricity
ro+ect?601@ in Bhutan.
2. reparation of D= for %hamkharchhu3I )ydroelectricity
ro+ect?621@ in Bhutan.
8. reparation of D= for -uri3;on(ri )ydroelectricity
ro+ect?1811@ in Bhutan.
9. Technical <ssistance to .ational Gnvironment %ommission
"ecretariat' =;oB
11. Development of the Bhutan Institute of *edical
"cience?BI*"@ at Thimphu
11. Development of I%T in Bhutan 0031030119
10. %ollaborative pro+ect on seed technolo(y in Bhutan for
)armoni6ation of seed testin( and standards amon( "<<=%

18. Dru( Demand =eduction and prevention of illicit traffickin( in
narcotic dru(s' psychotropic substances and precursor
chemicals and related matters.
1&. Implementation <(reements for unatsan(chhu3II and
*an(dechhu )Gs.

<pril' 0111
1>. *oD for cooperation between the Glection commissions of
India and Bhutan
reviewed in "eptember
16. *oD between D"% and =%"% renewed in "eptember
12. Dpdated India3Bhutan $riendship Treaty $ebruary 0112
18. <(reement layin( down the framework for cooperation in the
field of hydropower and the rotocol to the <(reement
,uly 0116 and 0119



Im-ortant e#onomi# and #ommer#ial #onferen#es and trade fairs and eChi:itions et#.

%oincidin( with the %oronation and centenary events a trade fair known as the >
India Trade
"how in December 0118 which witnessed participation by many Indian companies includin(
from the .orth Gast.
%oincidin( with the "<<=% %ar =ally' a conference on KI%T for sustainable and inclusive
development in "<<=%F was held in Thimphu on 19th *arch 0112.
< /orkshop for "<<=% countries on <pplications of Tele3health to "ervice Delivery in ublic
)ealth and Gnvironment was or(ani6ed by the *inistry of )ealth' =;oB in collaboration with
the "chool of Telemedicine and Biomedical Informatics' "an+ay ;andhi ost ;raduate Institute
of *edical "ciences ?";;I*"@' Cucknow in Thimphu from 02381 ,uly 0119.
!ver &1 Indian companies' or(anised by the Indian Trade romotion !r(anisation ?IT!@'
participated in the 9
"<<=% Trade $air held in Thimphu from 1131& "eptember 0119.
<bout >1 Bhutanese and &> Indian companies participated in the Bhutan3India =e(ional
$riendship Trade $air held in ;elephu from 8310 ,anuary 0111.
<bout 16 Indian and 18 Bhutanese companies in areas of automobiles' handlooms'
handicrafts' electronics' furniture' a(ricultural products and food items participated in the 0

Bhutan India =e(ional $riendship Trade $air ?BI=$T$@ 0111 held from 08 ,anuary 31 $ebruary'
0111 in huentsholin(.
The 8
Bhutan India =elation $riendship Trade $air was held in ;elephu from 01306 ,anuary
Bhutanese companies participated in the 81
A 81st India International Trade $air held in
.ew Delhi in .ovember 0111 and 0111.
< %onfederation of Indian Industries ?%II@ team of businessmenHindustrialists visited Bhutan in
,uly 0112 and in <u(ust 0119.
< business dele(ation from Bhutan led by "ecretary' *inistry of Gconomic <ffairs' visited India
on invitation of ;!I in ,anuary 0118 to participate in the %II artnership "ummit in .ew Delhi.
It also visited important business or(anisations and institutions in *umbai' Ban(alore and
-olkata. < seminar3 cum3workshop on business opportunities in Bhutan was also or(anised in
Delhi durin( the above visit.
< Bhutanese dele(ation led by "ecretary' *oG<' =;oB and comprisin( officials from *oG<'
Tourism %ouncil of Bhutan and Bhutan %hamber of %ommerce A Industry visited -olkata and
*umbai from "eptember 08 to 0
!ctober' 0111 for conductin( the Investment =oad "how in
order to attract Indian investors to invest in Bhutan followin( the recent release of =;oBFs
Gconomic Development and revised $DI olicies.
< 81 member dele(ation from .<""%!* visited Bhutan in .ovember 0118 durin( which .IIT
a(reed to establish a %entre of G7cellence at the %olle(e of "cience and Technolo(y in Bhutan
and Infosys a(reed to train 111 Bhutanese students every year.
Druk3.B' the first $DI +oint venture bank in Bhutan with .B holdin( >1 per cent in the +oint
venture' opened on ,anuary 02.
< %onstruction G7po and Trade G7po ?held by *Hs Ceo <dvertisin(' India in collaboration with
B%%I@ were held in 0111. B%%I also or(anised 5"prin( %onsumer G7po5 and 51st International
Gducation $air5 in Thimphu in *archH <pril 0111' in which a number of Indian companies
<bout >1 Indian companies participated in the five3day international trade fair or(ani6ed by
the Bhutan %hamber of %ommerce and Industry from 832 "eptember 0111 in Thimphu.
The first ever Eoun( residents !r(anisation ?E!@' *umbai %hapter' and perhaps the most
powerful ever business dele(ation was in Bhutan durin( <pril 2311' 0111. < number of E!
members' especially involved in sectors like chemicals' tourism' education' etc. evinced keen
interest for further follow up to concreti6e interaction with Bhutan.
< 183member %II dele(ation led by *r. ". "en' rincipal <dvisor' %II visited Bhutan from 01308
,uly 0111. The companies were in areas of hydropower' tourism' a(ricultural e4uipment' food
processin( and 4uality' education and city waste mana(ement. The visit was or(ani6ed by the
Bhutan %hamber of %ommerce and Industry ?B%%I@' as per the *!D si(ned between %II and

Im-ortant events in the field of (rt and ,ulture

Bhutan participated in the $irst G7hibition of "<<=% *useum of Te7tiles and )andicrafts
?Te7tile Traditions of "outh <sia@' "eminar # $estival of "outh <sian $olklore' "<<=% $usion of
*usic Bands' "<<=% $ood $estival and "<<=% "chool "tudents and Dniversity "tudents
G7chan(e ro(ramme or(ani6ed in December 0112.
< -athak dance troupe led by *rs. <diti *an(aldas invited by the Gmbassy in <u(ust 0119
(ave performances at various places in Bhutan.
The renowned sitarist *r. "hu+aat )ussain -han and his troupe ?sponsored by I%%=@ (ave
performance at the Gmbassy auditorium on the occasion of Independence Day 0111.
-athak dance was performed by "harmishtha *ukher+ee and a photo(raphic e7hibition
entitled 5Buddhism in India5 by "ondeep "hankar was inau(urated at ./%% in Thimphu durin(
the inau(uration ceremony of ./%% on 01 "eptember 0111.
The Gmbassy' in collaboration with I%%=' opened its %ultural /in(' entitled I.ehru3
/an(chuck %ultural %entre ?./%%@J at Thimphu. The %entre was +ointly inau(urated by Dr.
-aran "in(h' resident' I%%= and Cyonpo *in+ur Dor+i' *inister for )ome and %ultural <ffairs'
=;oB on 01
"eptember 0111. The inau(uration was followed by a cultural pro(ramme
?classical -athak dance performed by "harmishtha *ukher+ee@' and thereafter' a photo(raphic
e7hibition entitled 5Buddhism in India5 by "ondeep "hankar was opened by Dr. -aran "in(h
and Cyonpo *in+ur Dor+i.
<round &1 vehicles took part in the &th Indo3Bhutan $riendship car rally with the theme
Kconnectin( people of India and BhutanF from 03> *arch 0111. The rally took off from
;uwahati and reached Thimphu via "amdrup ,on(khar' *on(ar and Tron(sa. The rally is bein(
or(ani6ed by the $riendship %ar =ally <ssociation with support from Bhutan 3 India $riendship
<ssociation and India3Bhutan $oundation. The rally was first started in 0112 and since then
has been an annual affair.
!n the occasion of the Independence Day on 1> <u(ust 0111' ).*. the Bueen *other' <shi
Dor+i /an(mo /an(chuck' ).G. Cyonchhen ,i(mi E. Thinley' rime *inister of Bhutan and
<mbassador avan -. 9arma +ointly released a ostal "tamp and "ouvenir "heet
commemoratin( the visit of andit ,awaharlal .ehru to Bhutan in "eptember 19>8. This was
followed by a performance by fusion band from .a(aland' I<bio(enesisJ. The visit was
sponsored by I%%=.
The Gmbassy on 11th !ctober 0111 hosted a cultural evenin( followed by dinner to celebrate
the weddin( of )is *a+esty ,i(me -hesar .am(yel /an(chuck' the -in( of Bhutan and <shi
,etsun ema ?the weddin( took place on 18 !ct 0111@. The cultural performance included
traditional welcome son(s by *an(aniar sin(ers from =a+asthan and a dance presentation
showcasin( three classical dance forms of India # -athak' !dissi and Bharatnatyam.
The first ever seminar between India and Bhutan on the ;ross .ation )appiness ?;.)@ was
held from 11310 *arch 0111 in Thimphu. The seminar was or(ani6ed by the %entre for Bhutan
"tudies ?%B"@ and "eminar Gducation $oundation ?"G$@ of India with the support from India3
Bhutan $oundation.
< Citerary $estival I*ountain GchoesJ was held in Bhutan from 12301 *ay' 0111. The festival'
sponsored by the India3Bhutan $oundation' was or(ani6ed by K"iyahiF' a leadin( literacy
consultancy in India. )er *a+esty' the Bueen *other <shi Dor+i /an(mo /an(chuck' was
patron of the $estival. This was the first ever India3Bhutan Citerary $estival or(ani6ed in
Bhutan with the aim to provide a platform for authors from both countries to en(a(e in a
cultural dialo(ue and celebrate tales of shared landscape in the )imalayan re(ion. <bout 8>
leadin( authors' publishers and poets from India participated at the $estival. The participants
from Indian side included ;ul6ar' %hetan Bha(at' "an+ay )a6arika' atrick $rench etc' and from
the Bhutanese side' Dasho -arma Dra' resident' %entre for Bhutan "tudies' Dasho -inley
Dor+i' "ecretary' *inistry of Information and %ommunications' "onam -in(a' "iok "ian Dor+i
etc. participated. The $estival was inau(urated by )er *a+esty' the Bueen *other on 12

*ay 0111. rime *inister of Bhutan Cyonchen ,i(mi E. Thinley delivered the key note address
focusin( on ;.).
The second series of the Citerary $estival I*ountain GchoesJ was held in Bhutan from 0130&
*ay 0111. <bout 61 leadin( authors' publishers' poets' film and media personalities from
India and Bhutan participated at the festival. The noted participants from Indian side included
<man .ath' <nita =oy' David Davidar' Imtia6 <li' Indra+it )a6ra' -ai Bird' Caila Tyab+i' *alvika
"in(h' .amita ;okhale' =. *adhavan' =oham "ippy' and <mbassador avan -. 9arma and
from the Bhutanese side these included Dasho -arma Dra' ?resident' %entre for Bhutan
"tudies@' Dasho "onam -in(a ?*ember of arliament@' Dasho -inley Dor+i ?"ecretary' *inistry
of Information and %ommunication@' "iok "ian ek Dor+i ?G7ecutive Director' %entre for *edia
and Democracy@' .am(ay Nam ?,ournalist@' -un6an( %hoden ?/riter@' Cily /an(chuk ?/riter
and %G!' Bhutan *edia $oundation@ and ;opilal <charya ?,ournalist and /riter@. )er *a+esty
Bueen *other <shi Dor+i /an(mo /an(chuck' the %hief =oyal atron of the Citerary $estival'
alon( with the rime *inister of Bhutan Cyonchhen ,i(mi E. Thinley and <mbassador avan -
9arma' inau(urated the festival on 01 *ay 0111. ).*. Bueen *other delivered the inau(ural
address and <mbassador (ave the welcome address. This was followed by a dance
performance by "harmistha *ukher+ee based on Ta(oreFs son(s ?as a tribute to ;uru
=abindranath Ta(ore on the occasion of his 1>1
birth anniversary@.

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