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sharrul, rnatinee
and shses

ln the patterns instructions are given for the
smallest size, with larger sizes in round brackets.
Where only one figure or instruction is given this
applies to all sizes. Work all directions inside
square brackets the number of times stated.
It is essential to work to the stated tension.
A tension square should be knitted before
starting, A tension square ensures that the
correct size is knitted resulting in a successful
lf you have too many stitches to your 10cm/4in
square, your tension is tight and you should
change to a larger needle. lf there are too few
stitches, your tension is loose and you should
change to a smaller needle.
24sts x 3Orows to 10cm14ins measured
over st st using size 4mm needles.
1 pair of size 4mm needles.
1 pair of size 3J/,mm needles
1 pair of size 3'/qmm needles.
stitch holders.
Coat: 3 buttons.
Shoes : 2 buttons.
Yarn (yarn amounts are approximate and
based on average requirements)
(one size) Main part
With size 4mm needles, cast on 225sts.
Work 4 rows in g st.
Commence patt.
1"t row: (right side) k2, p1,
k3, sl1,
k2tog, psso, k3, yrn, p1l to last 2sts, k2.
2nd row: k3,
k1]to last 2sts, k2.
3'd row: k2, p1
, [p1 ,kyf,k2, sl1, k2tog, psso,
k2, yrn, p2lto last 2sts, k2.
4'h row: k3,
[k1 ,
p7, k2] to last 2sts, k2.
5'h row: k2, p1
kyf, kl, sll, k2tog, psso,
kl, yrn, p3lto last 2sts, k2.
6'n row: k5
kS]to end.
7'h row: k2, p1
, [p3,
kyf, sl1, k2tog, psso,
yrn, p4lto last 2sts, k2.
8'h row: knit.
These B rows form the patt.
Continue in patt until shawl measures approx
90cm from beg ending with an 8'h patt row.
Work 3 rows in g st.
Cast off.
With size 3'/o mm needles, cast on 6sts
Knit one row.
1" row: sl1, k1, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k2.
2"d row:
yfwd]twice, k2tog, k1.
3'd row: sll
yfwd, k2tog, k2, yfwd, k2.
4'h row: k2,ytwd, k4, yfwd, k2tog, kl .
5'h row: sl1
k1, yfwd, k2tog, k4, ytwd, k2.
6ih row: k2, yfwd, k6, yfwd, k2tog, k'l .
7ih row: sl1, k1, yfWd, k2tog, k6, yfwd, k2.
8th row: k2, yfwd, kB, yfwd, k2tog, kl.
9'n row: sl1, k1, yfwd, k2tog, k8, yfwd, k2.
10'h row: cast off 9sts, k2, yfwd, k2tog, k1.
These 10 rows form the patt.
Cont in patt until edging is long enough to fit
round shawl ending with a 10'n patt row
Join ends of lace edging together and sew
round edges of shawl easing in fullness at
(worked in one piece to armholes)
Knit 2 rows.
Commence skirt patt
l*t row: (right side) k5, p1,
k3, sl1,
k2tog, psso, k3, yrn, pllto last Ssts, k5.
2* row: k6,
k1] to last ssts, k5.
3'o row: k5, p1,
sll, k2tog, psso,
k2, yrn, p2lto last ssts, k5.
4'h row: k6,
p7, k2] lo last ssts, k5.
5'n row: k5, pl,
kyf, kl, sll, k2tog, psso,
kl, yrn, p3l to last Ssts, k5.
6'n row: k6,
p5, k3] to last Ssts, k5.
7'h row: k5, p1,
kyf, sll, k2tog, psso,
yrn, p4l to last Ssts, k5.
8'h row: knit.
These 8 rows form the patt with g st borders"
Cont in patt with g st borders until work
measures approx 14(16:16)cm ftom longest
point ending with a 7th patt row.
8'n row: (dec row) k5, p1
p2tog, p1,
p2tog, p3lto last 5sts, k5. 123(139:155)sts.
9'h row: (dec row) k6
k2tog]twice, k2,
with size 4mm needles cast on 1 51
71 :1
on next and every alt row 2sts'
Next row: p2tog. Fasten off,
rep from
to last Ssts, k5. 95(107:1 19)sts.
10'h row: k5, p to last 5sts, k5.
11'n row: (make buttonhole) k2, yfwd, k2tog,
kl, p to last Ssts, k5.
12'n row: k5, pl
p2tog]to last 5sts, k5.
13th row: as.1 0'h row.
14th row: as 10'n row.
15'h row: knit.
16th row: as 10'n row.
Divide for right front
Next row: k20(23:26), turn and work on
these sts only.
Next row: p to last 5sts, k5.
1"r row: k to last 3sts, k2tog, kl .
2nd row: p to last ssts. k5.
3'd row: knit.
4'h row: p to last Ssts, k5.
Rep 1"'and 2"d rows 0(0:1)times more.
Buttonhole row: k2, yfwd, k2tog, k to last
3sts, k2tog, k1.
Keeping Ssts at front edge in g st work 9
(7:1 1) rows, dec one st at raglan edge as
before on 4"(4'n:2"01 and every foll 4'h(0:2"0)
row. 16(20:18)sts.
Keeping 5sts at front edge in g st work rows,
dec one st at raglan edge as before on next
and alt row lBsts. Work one row.
Shape neck
Next row: k5, slip these Ssts onto a safety
pin, k to end. 1 1sts,
SIZE 40 and 46cm ONLY
Shape neck
Next row: k5 slip these ssts onto a safety
pin, k to last 3sts, k2tog, kl . 12sts.
Work 5 rows, dec one st at neck edge
every row AT THE SAME TIME dec one st at
raglan edge as before on 2nd and foll
0(2nd:2nd) row. ssts.
Work 5 rows, dec one st at raglan edge only
With right side of work facing, rejoin yarn to
rem 75(84;93)sts, cast off 10sts, k35(41:47)
including st on needle, turn and work on
these sts only.
Next row: purl.
1't row: k1
, sl1, kl
psso, k to last ssts,
k2tog, k1.
2"d row: purl.
3'd row: knit.
4'h row: purl.
Rep the last 4 rows 4(2:0) times more.
Rep 1"'and 2"0 rows 3(8:13) times more.
Leave rem 19sts on a holder.
With right side of work facing, rejoin yarn to
rem 30(33:36)sts, cast off 10sts, k to end.
shawl 12
booties 1 1
matinee coat 3 4
509 balls
509 balls
5 50gballs
to fit chest 35 40 46 cm
14 16 18 inch
Length from 25 n,5 28 cm
Back neck 9% 1S/4 11 inch
Sleeve seam 12.5 14 15 cm
5 5'lz 6 inch
Note. Coat and Shoes: figures in brackets
refer to the larger sizes. Where only one set
of figures is given this applies to all sizes.
k- knit p- purl st(s)- stitch(es)
gst- garler stitch (every row knit)
rep-repeat c'increase dec'decrease
inc p- increase once in next st purlways
patt- pattern yfwd- yarn forward
m1- make one stitch by knitting into back of loop
before next stitch
TWL- knit into back of 2nd st on LHN, k first st
then slip both loops ofi LHN tog
TWR- knit into front of 2nd stitch on LHN, k first st
then slip both loops off LHN tog
tog- together sl1- slip one stitch
psso- pass slipped stitch over
approx-approximately beg- beginning
tbl- through back of loops rem- remain(ing)
foll- following alt- alternate 0- no timesirows
st st- stocking stitch.
Next row: k5, p to end.
1"t row: k1
, sl1, kl, psso, k to end.
2nd row: k5, p to end.
3'd row: knit.
4th row: k5, p to end.
Rep the last 4 rows 2(2:0) times more.
Keeping 5 sts at front edge in g st work
1 (3:13)rows, dec one st at raglan edge as
before on right side rows. 16(18:18)sts.
Shape neck
Next row: k5, slip those ssts onto a safety
pin, p to end. 11(13:13)sts.
Knit'1 row.
SIZES 40 and 46cm ONLY
Next row: k1
sl1, kl
psso, k to end. 12sts.
Complete as given from
on right front.
With size 4mm needles, cast on 29(31 :33)
sts and commence border patt.
1"trow: purl.
2nd row: pl
p2tog]to end.
3'dand 4ft rows: purl.
Cont in st st (1"trow knit) inc one st at each
end of 3'o(1"':3'd) and every foll B'h(10'n:B'n) row
until 37(39:43)sts are on the needle.
Work without further shaping until sleeve
measures 12.5(14:15)cm or required length
from beg, ending with a wrong side row.
Shape top
Cast off 5sts at beg of next 2 rows.
1"'row: k1
, sl1
psso, k to last 3sts,
k2tog, k1.
2"d row: purl.
3'd row: knit.
4'h row: purl.
Rep last 4 rows 2(2:1)times more.
Rep 1 "t and 2"d rows 7(8:1 1
Leave rem Tsts on a holder.
Join raglan seams.
With size 3'/+ mffi needles and right side of
work facing, slip first Ssts from safety pin on
to needle, rejoin yarn and pick up and kgsts
up right front neck, k across sts on right
sleeve, back neck and left sleeve holders,
pick up and k9sts down left front neck and k
across ssts on second safety pin. 61sts.
2nd row: k5, p to last 5sts, k5.
3'o row: (make buttonhole) k2, yfwd, k2tog,
kl, p to last Ssts, k5.
4'h row: k5, pl
p2tog]to last Ssts, k5.
5'h row: k5, p to last ssts, k5.
Cast off loosely.
(2 sizes)
With size 4mm needles, cast on 34(38)sts.
1"'row: purl.
2"d row: p2,
p2toglto last 2sts, p2.
3'd row: purl.
4'h row: (wrong side facing) cast off
12(14)sts knitways, p to end. 22(24)sIs.
Knit 4 rows.
off yarn and leave sts on a holder.
Cast on 7(9)sts.
Next row: pl,
Purl 1 row
Next row: p3(4) inc once in next st purlways,
p3(4). B(1 0)sts.
Knit 12(14) rows.
Break off yarn and leave sts on a holder
With size 4 mm needles, cast on 34(38)sts.
1't row: purl.
2nd row: p3,
p2tog] to last st, p1.
3'd row: purl.
4'h row: (wrong side facing) p to last 12(14)sts,
cast off 12(14) knitways. Break off yarn.
With right side of work facing rejoin yarn to rem
22(24)sls and work 4 rows in g st.
Work from
as given for left shoe.
With right side of work facing k across 22(24)sts
left on first holder, pick up and k8(10)sts up right
hand edge of 8(10)sts left on holder, k across
8(10)sts left on holder and pick up and k8(10)sts
down left hand edge of these 8(1O)sts 46(54)sts.
Work 7(9) rows in g st,
Next row: cast off 30(34)sts, k to end.
Next row: cast off B(1O)sts, k to end.
Continue in g st on rem 8(10)sts for 6.5(7.5)cm,
ending with a wrong side row.
With right side of work facing pick up and
Cast off.
k8(10)sts up right hand edge of B(10)sts left
on holder, k across 8(10)sts on holder, pick
up and k8('1 0) sts down left hand edge of
these 8(1O)sts and with right side of work
facing k across 22(24)sts on first holder.
46(54) sts.
Work 7(9) rows in g st.
Next row: cast off 8(10)sts, k to end.
Next row: cast off 30(34)sts, k to end.
Continue in g st on rem 8(1O)sts for
6.5(7.5)cm, ending with a wrong side row.
Cast off.
Press st st on coat according to instructions on ball band.
Coat: join sleeve seims. Sew on buttons.
Shoes: join
side seam. Join sole to top part of shoe. Sew on buttons.
BHKC Secretariat: c/o NWTEC
Lloyds Bank Chambers, 43 Hustergate, Bradford, West Yorkshire BDl lPH
Member companies
James C. Brett
Coats Crafts UK
Designer Yarns
Peter Gregory Yarns
King Cole
WARNING. Reproduction of this publication is protected by copyright. It is sold on the condition that it is only used for non-commercial putposes.
A11 other rights reserved by BHKC
Owing to printing restrictions the colour reproduction is matched as closeiy as possible to the yarn.
Printed in Creat Britain
BHKC Pattern 48 (Baby)
The shawl is approximately a square shape so is about 90cm, but then this has a edging
which makes it approximately 95cm-100cm depending on where you measure it on the
The following abbreviations are missing from the Abbreviations and should be included
inthe pattem;
ym- yarn round needle
kyf- take yarn back between needles as if to knit next stitch, then take yarn over needle.
The abbreviations TWL and TWR are not used and should be omitted from the

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