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Tears in the Grass

An Advanced Combat Example for

Weapons of the Gods.
Cunning Fox King (an expert in two-weapon techniques,
and a wanted outlaw) and Prince Stormcloud Nan (a
skilled swordsman and the local clan leader) have long been
deadly enemies - Cunning Fox King being one of
Prince Stormcloud Nans greatest foes, and a constant
irritation to his rule. Both are madly in love with
Shining Moon - a lovely delicate girl who plays the
flute so as to bring tears to the eyes of the Yama Kings
She is torn between her exciting and illicit affair
with Cunning Fox King and her elegant and civilized
engagement to Prince Stormcloud.
Cunning Fox King arrives one night, and spirits her
away into the bamboo forests where his gang hides
around the perimeter, watching for any intruders or
groups of soldiers.
Begging Shining Moon to leave her Prince and come
away with him, to become his Queen of Foxes, The
King of Foxes makes one final bid to woo her away
from his rivals side. She wavers hesitantly and just
as she is about to answer, Prince Stormcloud drops
from the sky and draws sword.
Shining Moon recognizes the sound of Prince
Stormclouds blade, and cries out: Dont fight! I cant
stand it! If you fight, and one of you dies, I will surely
die too!
The two men lock eyes for a moment, and a decision
is made and shared. Cunning Fox King said, Love
of my life, we will not fight, but rather talk. Please,
play us a tune on your flute to even out our moods.
Prince Stormcloud agreed, Yes, my betrothed, please
play us a tune so we might reconcile ourselves without
While the coiling feathered serpent of the flutes tune
wraps around them, the two men square off for a duel
to the death - in absolute silence.
The bamboo forest is silent save for the music of the
flute not even the birds dare sing, for fear of harming
the melody as the two men begin their engagement,
both with words and blades.
[Duel conditions: Neither man can Block, as the sound
will alert Shining Moon. Both men must spend one
Simple Action each round to converse within
Shining Moons hearing range.]
The Beautiful-Beyond-Compare Musician,
devised by Benjamin Baugh
Rank/Archetype: Exceptional Woman
(20 Destiny) [Not of the Wulin]
Origin: Accomplished Musician
Passion: Joy
(Love of both Cunning Fox King and Stormcloud Nan)
Region: Jin
Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted.
MIGHT [Jade Chi] 2
Athletics 1
Fight 2
Hardiness 1
SPEED [Crimson Chi] 2
Dodge 2
Finesse 2
Melee 1
PRESENCE [Gold Chi] 3
Confidence 1
Grace 3
Inspire 3
Perform (Flute) 5* [No Bonus]
Persuade 2
GENIUS [White Chi] 2
Learning 2
Politics 1
WU WEI [Silver Chi] 2
Senses (Hearing) 3* [No Bonus]
Good Looks [Perfect Beauty] (6)
Status [Exceptional Musician] 3
Superior Specialty [Flute] (3)
+1 Attribute Point (5)
+3 Skill Points (3)
Missing Eyes (Blind)
5 points per level.
The Roguish Bandit Hero, devised by Benjamin Baugh
Third Rank Warrior (120 Destiny)
Virtue (Max/Current):
Xia 0, Kuan 2/3, Yi 5/2, Zhong 1/1, Ba 1/1
Chou 0, Si 0/1, Chan 0, Hen 0/2, Bao 0
Joss: 5 Xia, 1 Corrupt.
Origin: Virtuous Bandit Lord
Passion: Major: Joy (Love of Shining Moon).
Region: Yang
Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted.
MIGHT [Jade Chi] 3
Athletics 3
Fight 3
Hardiness (Regain Chi) 2*
SPEED [Crimson Chi] 5
Initiative (Swords) 4*
Dodge 4
Finesse 2
Melee (Swords) 4*
Ride 2
PRESENCE [Gold Chi] 4
Confidence 3
Grace 1
Inspire 2
Persuade (Honest Speeches) 3*
GENIUS [White Chi] 3
Learning 1
Politics 2
Tactics 3
WU WEI [Silver Chi] 6
Awareness (Ambushes & Danger) 3*
Investigation (Caravans) 1*
Stealth 2
Kung Fu Styles:
Lightfoot 3 (Common Any Color)
Run Like A Deer2
Headlong Flying Leap3
Waves Like Water 4 (Common Silver)
Sliding Strike1
Fierce Flexible Fence2
Rolling Wave Attack3
Serpent Sword4
Dragon Saber 3 (Common Crimson)
Flash of Steel1
Dragon Speed2
Submission to the Earth3
Heavens Thunder 2 (Common Jade)
Dragon Wind1
Lashing Torrent2
Golden Temple Bells 2 (Common Gold)
Bell-Carrying Sinews1
Hardness of the Bell2
Fast (4)
Followers 4
Good Looks (3)
Inventive (3)
Lucky (3)
Status [Virtuous Bandit] 3
+6 Attribute Points (30)
+15 Skill Points (15).
Overwhelming Passion (Love)
Hated Foe (Stormcloud Nan)
Paired Short Sabers:
Spd +10, Strk +5, Dmg. +5
Chi Aura 3
River 3
Light Armor (-5 to Damage)
21 points per level
The Proud Clan Prince devised by Benjamin Baugh
Third Rank Warrior (125 Destiny)
Virtue (Max/Current):
Xia 5/3, Kuan 0, Yi 0, Zhong 2/1, Ba 3/1
Chou 0/3. Si 0, Chan 0, Hen 0, Bao 0/2
Joss: 3 Xia, 3 Corrupt.
Origin: Straightforward Clan Leader
Passion: Major: Joy (Love of Shining Moon).
Region: Jin
Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted.
MIGHT [Jade Chi] 5
Athletics 3
Fight (Palms) 3*
Hardiness (Regain Chi) 3*
SPEED [Crimson Chi] 5
Initiative 5
Dodge (Swords) 4*
Melee 5
Ride 3
PRESENCE [Gold Chi] 2
Confidence 2
Grace 2
Inspire 2
Persuade 2
GENIUS [White Chi] 2
Learning 2
Crafting (Social Order) 3* [No bonus]
Politics 2
Tactics 2
WU WEI [Silver Chi] 6
Awareness (Tracking) 5*
Investigation (Criminal) 3*
Kung Fu Styles
Lightfoot 3 (Common Any Color)
Run Like A Deer2
Headlong Flying Leap3
Heart Sword 4 (Uncommon Silver)
Ambition: Soaring Blade1
Brutal: Speed Blade2
Heartless: Sharp Blade3
Clear: Smart Blade4
Eagles Claw 4 (Common Crimson)
Quick Rip1
Flashing Talons2
Flesh-Rending Strike3
Wings of Eagles Dawning4
Cloud Mastery 3 (Common Jade)
Phantom of the Clouds1
Moon Covered By Clouds2
Flowing Clouds3
Affiliation [Nan] (5)
Information Broker 1
Possessions [Quality Longsword, Family Armor] (9)
Status [Nan Clan Leader] 3
Wealth 4
+5 Attribute Points (25)
+27 Skill Points (27)
Overwhelming Passion (Love)
Hated Foe (Cunning Fox King)
Quality Longsword:
Spd +5, Strk +15, Dmg. +5
Chi Aura 3
River 3
Medium Armor (-10 to Damage)
20 points per level.
Initiative Cunning Fox King: 9, 6, 6, 5, 5, 1 = 26 (5, 5
goes to River +10 (Weapon Speed) for a total of 36.
Stormcloud: 9, 9, 9, 8, 4, 1 = 39 + 5 (Weapon Speed) for
a total of 43.
Prince Stormcloud Wins Initiative.
Stepping cautiously to his left, his feet crunching
in the fallen leaves, the Cunning Fox King spoke
rst, carefully bringing his pair of sabers over his
shoulders into the ready position as his eyes ashed,
and he said: Prince, I would speak with you, so you
know why I oppose you because your people are not
Stormcloud beetled his erce black brows, and replied
I should believe you? A bandit and a thief, who
takes what he wants and prots from the losses of my
vassals? Where is the rightness in that? By breaking
the law, you are not showing respect for the way of
things, which only harms everyone.
Fox Kings Free Action Persuade (5 dice): 8, 6, 3, 2, 1
= 18. The Prince defends with his Confidence of 3 dice: 6, 5,
2 = 16.
Stormclouds Reply, a Free Action for Persuade (3 dice);
5, 2, 0 = 15. The Fox King rolls his Confidence of 4 dice
for 9, 1, 1, 1 = 31. The Proud Prince of the Nans riposte
is easily resisted by the Fox Kings adherence to the Virtue of
The King of Foxes wins this exchange, scoring a point for
his Argument he strikes a spark of doubt in the Princes heart.
Stormcloud is no villain, but another hero of the Wulin; he must give
consideration to his foes words, so clearly spoken from the heart.
Stormclouds Full Action is to attack with his
Heartless: Sharp Blade technique, which is silent
and involves no actual swordplay, instead using
the sword of his mind; spending 3 Silver Chi, twin
duplicates of his family sword strike out from his eyes
into Fox Kings, who reels under the impact. He rolls
his Sword Skill (5 dice) and gets 9, 5, 6, 6, 0 for
a total of 26+15 for his Quality Swords Strike, for
a total of 41! The King of Foxes rolls his Confidence
of 4 dice: 5, 5, 3, 0 for a total of 25. Thats 16 points
difference, or 4 result dice - which means the Cunning
Fox King must roll four fewer dice for any action he
takes in the rest of the round! This can get him killed,
but he senses a counter by spending his Gold Chi,
he can offset the penalty to some degree, even entirely.
He has a Presence of 4, which means he has four Gold
to spend. So he opts to spend 3 points and take a 1-die
penalty for the rest of the round, which will drop away
next round. (Ordinarily, it would be a Critical Success
inflicting a Disarming or Maiming Combat Effect;
but as a Weaponless attack, this technique lacks that
Rattled, Cunning Fox King counters his foes attack
with his mastery of his twin sabers by Waves Like
Waters Rolling Wave Attack (3 Silver Chi)! His
twin sabers weave so quickly their flashing edges
dazzle the eye and confuse the mind, carefully feeling
out his opponents defenses and protection for any
He rolls his 3 dice (he would roll 4, but hes got that
penalty) plus 1 specialty for a total of 4, getting 9, 9,
8, 8. He floats the 8, 8 into his River, and uses the 29,
+5 for his paired weapons, + 10 for the Rolling Wave
Attack for a total of 39.
Stormcloud almost blocks with his sword, but then
Dodges barely in time, as Shining Moon will hear any
actual sword-on-sword contact using his Lightfoot
technique, Headlong Flying Leap (Spending 3 Chi
2 White and 1 Gold and a Free Action) he sails
backwards away from the terrible weaving sabers. His
Dodge of 4, +1 for his Specialty of Dodging Swords, for
five dice: 9, 8, 6, 6, 0 for a total of 26, plus his sailing
back through the clearing with a Lightfoot bonus of
+10, for a total of 31 not good enough!
Knowing hes in trouble, he opts to spend a die of his
Chi Protection, and rolls an 8 Lucky! Instead of 26
(which he drops into his River), hes got 28, +10 is 38,
which reduces the attack considerably the Cunning
Fox King only rolls one result die, now! He does, for
a 13+5 or 18 points of Damage which would be
reduced by 10 points by Stormclouds Armor, only
Fox Kings Rolling Wave Attack ignores five points!
So Stormcloud takes 13 points, which drops him to
Battered (his arm is bleeding) but all the same his
rage flares, for his lowborn opponent has scored First
Blood! (On the plus side, theyre now far enough away
that Shining Moon cant smell the blood.)
His Sword leaps to the offense as he invokes Ambition:
Soaring Blade (1 Silver Chi), gaining an additional
attack! 6, 5, 4, 2, 0 but wait, he has that 6, 6 in his
River for a total of 36, +15 for his Sword, for a total
of 51 a ruinous attack for the Fox King, who thinks
to himself: One should always fear the blade of a
Nan! That worthy, sliding his swords to point out
to his sides, does a triple backwards somersault onto
the tops of the tall bamboo, (using a variant
of Headlong Flying Leap for 3 White
Chi) rolling his 4 dice (would be
5, but he still has that penalty
from Stormclouds Sword
Stare!), getting a
9, 8, 7, 2. He
takes the 8 and combines it with the 8, 8 in his River
for 38, +10 for his Lightfoot for a a total of 48;
because things are already deadly, adds in two dice
from his Chi Aura nope, a 4, 1; useless.
The King of Foxes decides to boost his defense with
Joss, since his luck can be used on Skill rolls, which
Dodge certainly is; he spends two Joss, but the Prince
narrows his eyes and Corrupts them, spending two of
his own Joss to counter. The difference is 3 points,
for one result die: 7, or 17+5 for his sword for 23
points of Damage. Cunning Fox Kings Armor cuts
that number by five points for a total of 18. Now
both men are bloody, and their hate spirals further as
the King of Foxes looks down from his perch in the
stand of bamboo.
The Round ends. Each regains their full Chi Aura and
a point of Chi in each color. The Sword Stare penalty
drops to zero for the King of Foxes.
Cunning Fox King:
Jade 3, Crimson 5, Gold 2, White 3, Silver 4. Joss: 3 Xia/1
Corrupt. 18 points lost to Wounds: Battered.
Stormcloud Nan:
Jade 5, Crimson 5, Gold 2, White 1, Silver 3. Joss: 3 Xia/1
Corrupt. 13 points lost to Wounds: Battered.
Initiative Cunning Fox King (6 dice): 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 4 =
38 (6, 6 goes to River) +10 (Weapon Speed) for a total of 48.
He also invokes Heavens Thunder Dragon Wind, just in case he
needs it, for 1 Jade.
Stormcloud (6 dice): 9, 9, 8, 7, 3, 1 = 29 + 5 (Weapon
Speed) is 34. Stormcloud Invokes Cloud Masterys Flowing
Clouds technique for 3 Jade, which improves his Armor (making
him very hard to hurt at 20 to damage for the round) and
increases his Initiative to 44, which still isnt enough to beat his
wily opponent.
Cunning Fox King Wins Initiative.
The Nan Prince leaps up easily into the stand of
bamboo, alighting on the swaying tips, facing off
with his rival for Shining Moons love, her beautiful
music still playing the beauty of the sound making
a contrast to their murderous gazes and bloodied
Lightfoot 2, rolling Athletics as a Free Action against a
difficulty of 18 (4 dice: 8, 6, 5, 2, just making it, spending 2
Gold Chi) and they continue their conversation while the
flute music swirls around them.
Stormcloud pursed his lips
thoughtfully as his eyes
brooded. If my people
are not happy, then
that is merely
life, is it not? We all serve our purposes under heaven
I lead and rule, they follow and support. You, by
stealing, are destroying what little quality of life they
have, for they must work harder to make up for what
you take.
Stormclouds Second and final Free Action is for Persuade (3
dice); 7, 4, 0 = 17. Stormcloud, ever the traditionalist, makes
an appeal based on same. The King of Foxes rolls a 23, simply
snorting in derision before continuing his case.
The Thrice-Clever King of Foxes, snorted and said:
For someone who usually knows what is going on in
his territory, you are very ignorant, Prince. I take from
your rich merchant caravans and give the bulk of it to
your neediest people feeding the hungry, paying for
doctors to heal their ills. Why do you think you have
never caught me? Why? Because your people know
I am helping them, and therefore help me in return
warning me and mine so we evade your patrols. To
be sure, I claim a small portion to feed me and my
men, to continue our work. Heaven withdraws its
favor from the unrighteous as it has from you.
Fox Kings First Free Action Persuade (5 dice): 6, 6, 4,
1, 0 = 26. The Prince defends with his Confidence of 3 dice: 8,
6, 1 = 18. But his denial, while considerable, fails him as
he belatedly understands why he has never been able to catch the
King. Another point to the Cunning Fox King, who is winning
the Argument... so far.
The King of Foxes thinks quickly, as quickly as he ever
has everythings at stake! Not just his life, but his
future, his love for Shining Moon everything. For
his Full Action, he decides to cut loose with everything
hes got he unleashes his Signature Move: Furious
Fox Kings Savage Bite! This is a combination of both
Dragon Sabers Submission to the Earth (3 Crimson)
and Waves Like Waters Rolling Wave Attack (3 Silver).
Rolling his Melee (Swords) 5* for 6 Dice (6, 5, 5, 3,
3, 0), (hed love to float the 3, 3; but he has only one
free slot, so he floats just one 3 into the River, where
its with the 6, 6 already there.) 25+5 for his Paired
Sabers, +10 for the Silver Chi Modifier for a total
of 40.
Stormcloud cant use his Lightfoot (no Free Actions
left to use!) so he can only Dodge, which he does for
9, 8, 7, 7, 0, for a total of 27. He throws in two points
of Joss but the Fox King Corrupts one with his last
remaining point! Stormcloud rolls a 1 useless. He
puts in two dice of Chi Aura - getting a 4, 2... also
useless. Perhaps the Fox Kings right!
Things are looking bad for the Prince 40 vs. 27 is
a difference of 13 points, or 3 result dice, plus 2 for
Submission to the Earths bonus dice, for 5 dice of
damage that bypass 5 points of Stormclouds chi-
enhanced Armor! On top of that, he gets a Critical
Success usually it would be Downing, but the King
of Foxes is able to choose which one he wants to use
in this case he goes for the Disarm, and the Nan
Princes Family Sword goes flying landing in the
bamboo with a clatter. (Back in the clearing, Shining Moon
misses a note and both men tense but she resumes).
Stormcloud attempts to flow out of the way of the
storm of swords, but they are impossible to evade.
Cunning Fox King rolls 9, 7, 6, 5, 3; he takes the 6,
and flows the 6, 6 out of his River with it for 36, +5
for his Sabers for a total of 41 points of damage! The
Nan Prince is in trouble; he spends his last die of Chi
Aura, and rolls a 1... reducing the 41 to 30 points of
damage, and then attempts to flow out of the way of
the attack, but the storm of glittering saber-edges cut
into him from all sides for 15 points of damage (30-
15 Armor=15)! Stormcloud is now down to Injured,
and will suffer a 5 penalty to all Mobility rolls he
attempts with Lightfoot. Finally, Stormcloud has to
lose a Chi Flow from the wound he gives up his Gold
Chi, since he doesnt use it for his kung fu. He visibly
shows his rage at losing this round for to lose your
Gold Chi breath is to lose your cool!
The Cunning Fox King runs on the leaves of the
bamboo grove down to the ground in a twinkling, using
the Dragon Wind to make his second Free Action,
rolling his Athletics 9, 7, 5, 4 for a 19, and positions
himself between Stormcloud and the copse of bamboo
that contains the Princes fallen sword - crossing his
gleaming swords in front of him, dropping back onto
one heel, the picture of combat readiness.
The Prince, having clearly lost this engagement, instead
decides to Regain his Jade Chi. Spending his full action,
he brings his cupped palms from apart to meet in front
of his midsection, drinking in the local Chi from the
surrounding Wood of the Bamboo grove hes standing
on. Given that its a little more challenging than usual,
he has to beat an 18 (Everyday Difficulty), and gets a
9, 2, 2, 2, 0, for a total of 32. 32-18 is 14 points, or
three result dice; he regains all three Jade he spent at
the beginning of the round.
The Round ends. Each regains their full Chi Aura and
a point of Chi in each color.
Cunning Fox King:
Jade 3, Crimson 3, Gold 2, White 3, Silver 2. Joss: 3 Xia/0
Corrupt. 18 points lost to Wounds: Battered.
Stormcloud Nan:
Jade 5, Crimson 5, Gold X, White 2, Silver 4. Joss: 1 Xia/1
Corrupt. 28 points lost to Wounds: Injured.
Shining Moon:
Awareness that Something Might Be Going On: 1.
(If it gets to 4 <double her Wu Wei>, shell know
theres a fight going on!)
The Debate Between the Rivals:
2 points in Cunning Fox Kings Favor.
Initiative Cunning Fox King (6 dice): 7, 6, 5, 9, 9 =
29+10 (Weapon Speed) for a total of 39.
Stormcloud (6 dice): 9, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2 = 19 + 5 (Weapon
Speed) is 24. He decides not to use any techniques, as the tide of
battle is against him on this front.
Cunning Fox King Wins Initiative.
The King of Foxes gazes calmly at his opponent,
saying So now here we are. We both love the
same woman, who has a decision to make where
she wants her life to go. And so it affects us; we
cannot exist together, when so much of what we
are is opposed. And this is a sad thing, for we are
both warriors of the Wulin. We should be ghting
on the same side, not with each other! The Hell Clan
is inltrating every court; your Emperor casts a long
shadow over the whole of Shen Zhou; corrupt and
selsh heroes follow their egos at every turn. And I
do not, for the record, think you are one of those,
Prince we may not get along, you and I, but I think
you are merely blind to the woes in your lands, rather
than malicious. So what are we to do? I ght for
everyones happiness; you ght only for order. Allow
Shining Moon to follow her heart.
Fox Kings First Free Action Persuade (5 dice): 9, 7, 7, 3,
2 = 27. The Prince defends with his Confidence of 3 dice: 9, 5,
2 = 19. The Princes rage cools for his brother in the Wulin
is making sense.
I admit, said the Prince slowly, gathering his
thoughts, that you speak sense. It is indeed possible
that I have been missing things going on under my
nose. And yes, it is one of my responsibilities to
ensure that my people are happier; on that point,
you have convinced me. I hereby swear to look into
these matters and ensure that my people have some
happiness at the end of the day; on this you have my
word. But still
He turns and looks fondly at the beautiful musician
who is flawlessly improvising on her theme.
There is a further matter of happiness, beyond that
of my people. You and I, he said, turning to look
his foe in the eye, will not reach an accommodation
beyond what we establish here; one of us will
concede to the other, and leave. Our
happiness is not resolvable beyond
that, but Shining Moons is.
I put forth to you that
I am better able to
see to Moons
happiness; as my wife, she will have her every need
met, not just of body but of heart. I love her beyond
any other, Fox; you can see that for yourself. With
you, she will always be on the move, never know the
respect that could be hers, to have the happiness that
is her due from her talent and skill. Leave her to me
I can give her a better life. You know I will.
Stormclouds First Free Action is for Persuade (3 dice); 8,
5, 0 = 18. Stormcloud spends a Joss for an additional die (and
the Cunning Fox King does not interfere, saving it for later),
and gains another 0, for a 20. The Cunning Fox King rolls his
Confidence (4 dice), gaining 9, 8, 3, 0, for a 19. The Cunning
Fox King wavers his foes honor, his obvious adoration of
Shining Moon how could he not be moved? Prince Stormcloud
scores a point in their Argument, as well as gaining a point of Xia
Joss for succeeding with tens, restoring the point he had spent.
The King of Foxes stirs himself finding his ardor to
kill his opponent, to revel in his death gone. Now
there is only necessity; for though the Prince is a man
of honor, there is still the challenge at hand. How
could he simply leave? No, he must defeat the Prince,
both in words and blades.
Moving smoothly, he whirls his paired sabers in a
deadly dance in the Flash of Steel technique of the
Dragon Saber (1 Crimson), increasing his Strike by
+10 to a +15. He rolls his Melee (Sword) pool of
6 dice, getting 9, 9,5, 4, 4 he slots the 4, 4 into his
River (where the 3 still waits) and adds 15 to his base
of 29 for a total of 44.
But wait! The Prince, unarmed though he may be, is
hardly defenseless; before the Fox King even begins his
attack, he slides effortlessly into the Moon Covered
By Clouds (2 Jade) stance, becoming invisible to his
opponents Awareness and therefore harder to hit:
-10 from the Fox Kings Strike, leaving him with only
a 34. Stormcloud Dodges, adding two of his Chi Aura
and rolls 7, 5, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1. He pauses hell get hit!
He decides to commit his last Chi Aura, and rolls a
5! He uses the 35 to evade the Fox Kings attack, and
slots the 1, 1, 1 into his River!
The Prince counter-attacks! His arms rise high like an
eagles wings, his fingers clawing like talons downwards
its the Wings of Eagles Dawning Strike! He spends
4 Crimson Chi and rolls his Fight (Palms) dice five
in all getting a 7, 7, 3, 3, 1. Its too bad really he
cant save ANY of those dice but he doesnt care, as
he takes the 1, 1, 1 out of his River for a 41
+10 for his technique bonus for a total
of 51! The King of Foxes cannot
block and attempts to
Dodge instead, spending
all 3 of his Chi
Aura, getting a 9, 9, 5, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0. He has only 30!
He rolls all three Joss (one of which is Corrupted by
the Prince with his last Joss of that type), and rolls two
more dice he gets a further 9, 5, for a 39 (he washes
his River empty, then flows the 0, 0, 0 into it).
The Fox King is hit with 12 points, for 3 result dice,
gaining a 4, 2, 2 for a 22 points of damage but he
invokes his Golden Temple Bells technique, Hardness
of the Bell (2 Gold), and adds +10 to his existing
light Armor for 15 damage so only takes 7 points
of Damage (hes now Injured, too!), but his foes
interweaving talon strikes has Disarmed him and
one of his sabers falls upon a rock, making a metallic
clang! The Fox Kings eyes snap to the sound, horrified
that Moon might hear.
This is worth 3 Awareness Points for Shining Moon, who
makes a Senses (Hearing) roll if she gains a Critical Success,
then all three points accrue; if a Standard, only 2, and a failure
will garner only one. The Difficulty is only 10 it was so
obvious! She scores an 8, 7, 5, 1 for an 18 a standard success.
Her Awareness is now 3, and if theres one more slip on the part of
the combatants, the jig is up. She does not falter in her playing
but the tune shifts it becomes a mournful but stirring melody,
bespeaking of sorrow and the terror of loss.
Something hits the Cunning Fox King in the chest,
even though he reflexively tries to evade it. He falls
but is caught by the Prince before he can hit the ground.
Theres something sticking out of his chest his own
saber? Red with his own hearts blood? How can this
have happened? He didnt see it coming
He looks up into Stormclouds eyes, which are
no longer filled with cold resolve but something
approaching compassion. He suddenly sees it replay
in his minds eye How when the Prince disarmed
him, Stormclouds right hand darted out at the last
second and caught the flying saber hilt, then smoothly
reversed the sword and stabbed it into his chest. For
such is the power of Eagle Claw kung fu: if talons are
not enough, it can capture its foes own weapon and
uses it against him!
The King had not expected his foe would be so good at
unarmed combat, assuming that he was only a master
of the sword, as the Nan so commonly are. Hes just
this side of mortally wounded, but theres no way he
can truly escape this time - hes held by his foe, and all
of his Chi save for Jade and Silver is shut down. The
Fox is at the mercy of the Eagle.
Wings of Eagles Dawning allows an Additional Attack
with a captured weapon (from a Critical Success), so
Stormcloud slides the saber into the Fox Kings ribs
using Clear: Smart Blade and rolls his Melee (Sword)
and gets a 9, 9, 9, 7, 3, 0; he spends his last Joss for
another 7 (the 7, 7 goes into his River) the Fox King
tries to abortively Dodge, scoring a 9, 7, 6, 2, 2.
Instead of settling for the 22, he brings the 0, 0, 0
out of his River instead a 30 is better! But it gets
reduced by 10 by the Princes Heart Sword Skill, down
to 20 a total of 19 points, or 4 result dice. The
Prince rolls, and gets 7, 7, 2, 1 and then brings out
the 7, 7 from the River for a total of 47, +5 for the
Sabers damage modifier (a single Saber has no Strike
bonus), for a total of 52 points of Damage.
The Fox King takes every single point for Clear:
Smart Blade flawlessly penetrates 15 points of Armor,
utterly negating the King of Foxes Light Armor and
Hardness of the Bell. The Cunning Fox King is now
at 77 Health, or Staggeringly Wounded. Three colors of
Chi are shut down - he really doesnt have much of a
chance against the much more hale Nan Prince.
The Round ends. Each regains their full Chi Aura and
a point of Chi in each color.
Cunning Fox King:
Jade 4, Crimson X/1, Gold X, White X, Silver 2. Joss: 0 Xia/0
Corrupt. 77 points lost to Wounds: Staggering.
Stormcloud Nan:
Jade 4, Crimson 2, Gold X, White 2, Silver 1. Joss: 0 Xia/1
Corrupt. 28 points lost to Wounds: Injured.
Shining Moon:
Awareness That Something Might Be Going On: 3.
The Debate Between the Rivals:
2 points in Cunning Fox Kings Favor, 1 point for Prince
Initiative: Postponed. Its not clear actual combat will occur.
The Cunning Fox King spends a point of Jade Chi to
steady his breathing and voice so he can speak normally, even
considering his wounds.
Prince I admit that you are better positioned than
I, in terms of Wealth. You can certainly provide a
comfortable existence but what of quality of life?
As my queen, she will be able to inspire the hearts
of all, as we go about the land receiving her due
directly, from people in closest touch with the land.
If she stays with you, she would be a bird in a gilded
cage, only able to perform for the richest of nobles
and other exalted guests. You too can see my love for
her for how can one quantify how much love one has
for another? Only by making the choices that show
your love by letting them choose for themselves.
Fox Kings First Free Action Persuade (5 dice): 9, 9, 7,
7, 0 is 29 - 10 for Wounds = 19. The Prince resists with his
Confidence of 3 dice, 1, 0, 0 for 20. Stormcloud resists the bid
and gains a Xia Joss as well.
My brother I know in my heart that she was
going to choose me. But more than that, for in the
disagreement between you and me, there is this
that I can make the changes that you yourself claim
you are devoted to. Indeed, this discussion, more
than any other means of resolving differences, has
convinced me. You have brought me to your point of
view. Indeed, I have a proposal.
The Fox King is understandably baffled the Prince
doesnt mean to kill him? A proposal? He waits, as he can do
little else. He does not have to wait, as the Prince explains.
The saying goes, All men are brothers in the Wulin;
it is sad how often we forget that. But listen: it is a poor
brother who does not aid another in need. I need your
help... I need you to go back to what you were doing.
Only give me a little time, say three months. Watch
my lands closely during that time; if you do not see
me keeping my word to you, then return to exactly
what you were doing before. If you are satised that I
am a man of my word, then go and remonstrate with
another noble who has lost sight of his obligations.
What do you say?
The Princes First Free Action Persuade (3 dice, plus
he spends his one Xia Joss): 7, 7, 6, 3 is 27. The Fox King
resists with his Confidence of 4 dice, 8, 6, 6, 0 for 26, -10
for his Wounds for a total of 16.. Stormcloud gains a Critical
Success, and on top of that, scores a Deed! By both cleaving to
the path of Wuxia Virtue, amending his beliefs and setting his
challenger free, he has attained a Deed of Kuan, or Benevolence
both to his people (for his recognizing his responsibilities) and
to the Cunning Fox King himself setting free a brother of the
Wulin! He gains both a point of Destiny and two Xia Joss.
The Cunning Fox King looks into his rivals eyes,
holds his gaze... then nods.
The Prince helps the King of Foxes to his feet, who
inclines his head and offers the gesture of respect,
which Stormcloud returns. The flute music winds
around him, still sad, as he watches the Bandit Lord
walk unsteadily down the mountainside to his waiting
followers, knowing that with time his former rival in
love, his brother in the Wulin, will fully heal.
The Scene ends.
Stormcloud feels a load lift from his shoulders he
did not kill this day, and regained a brother but
there is one last matter. He turns, saying, Moon,
I but does not get to complete his sentence; before
he finishes turning, he glimpses Shining Moon, who
calmly interrupts her playing to twist the end of her
silver flute. Long, curved, discolored blades scythe in
a spiral out of the barrel of the instrument. There is a
click as aerodynamic vanes pop out of its midsection
while the blades lock into place.
He can only watch in complete disbelief as the blind
woman, without even looking at him, throws the flute
and it flies, far faster than it should, with inhuman
accuracy to the hollow of his throat, cutting off his
He barely begins to Dodge, spending all of his Joss, only
it is all corrupted and the flute arcs in midair to his throat,
ignoring his attempt to evade. Were he whole, with his sword
in hand - then it would be another matter.
He feels his blood leaving him jetting grotesquely
out of the end of the flute with each pump of his
He thinks brokenly to himself, She must be using Purple
Lotus Sap it prevents clotting. Ive only ever heard of
it He forces himself to focus.
He feels her presence standing above him, and turns
his head; he is surprised that it doesnt hurt. But then
theres no pain, indeed no feeling at all.
My Prince I am sorry.
The Prince gathers his will, and uses one of his last
remaining breaths, spending a Jade Chi to speak normally,
just as the Fox King did earlier.
Moon why? I solved everything proved my love
was greater! Was your love false?
Her unseeing eyes look into his, her perfect face
the very picture of heart-deep sorrow mixed with
My love, were things so simple. I know you dont have
much time, but listen I am an Invisible Hell Killer.
The Prince musters his next breath, spending another Jade.
One of the Emperors Secret Assassins?
I dont understand surely he
knows I am loyal!
His confused betrayal
pains her heart.
That is the heart of the matter, Love you are
loyal. But you are of the Wulin you always had the
potential to go rogue. The Emperors Predictionists
are very skilled they foresaw a day when two warriors
of the Wulin in this very area would prove to be a
significant stumbling block to his plans. He foresaw
this five years ago. It was only three days ago, once he
had ascertained it was you two, that he gave the order
for your deaths.
The Prince breathes his next to last breath, spending a Jade .
But but you have always lived here! How were
you trained? I would have known you were one of
The Emperor sent the Nameless Minister the
greatest of his Metal Liquid Delegates, who always
knows his Majestys Will no matter where he is in Shen
Zhou. He trained me in flute playing, in the Secret
Art of Jing Shen Sight, in Darkened Flying Edges
kung fu he made me what I am, from an orphan girl
child who was about to be sold to a brothel. And you
know as well as I that kung fu can only be detected if
it is used
The Prince breathes his last breath, spending his final Jade.
So it was all a lie, then. You never loved the King of
Foxes, never loved me Tears leak out of the corners
of his eyes.
He closes his eyes to die, feeling the world shrinking
away from him
Thats just it, Stormcloud to be an Invisible Hell
Killer is not to be false, but to be exactly as you are.
That was to be my answer to Fox that I would not
leave you, my love for you was too great. My only regret
is that my duty to the Emperor was greater still.
All dwindled away, he could no longer hear,
could no longer see only feel the breeze on
his cheek, his face upturned to the blind sky.
The last thing he knew of life was her tears.
The Woman in the Middle, revealed for what she is!
The Truth behind the Mask of the Beautiful-Beyond-Compare
Musician, devised by Benjamin Baugh
Third Rank Warrior (125 Destiny)
Virtue (Max/Current):
Xia 0, Kuan 2/2, Yi 0/2, Zhong 5/3, Ba 3/1
Chou 0, Si 0, Chan 0, Hen 0/3, Bao 0
Joss: 2 Xia, 4 Corrupt.
Origin: Orphan / Accomplished Musician
Passion: Grief (At Necessity of killing both Cunning
Fox King and Stormcloud Nan).
Region: Jin
(Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted.)
MIGHT [Jade Chi] 2
Athletics 2
Fight 4 [open hands 2] No Bonus
Hardiness 2
SPEED [Crimson Chi] 4
Initiative 4
Dodge 4
Finesse 4
Melee 2
PRESENCE [Gold Chi] 3
Confidence 3
Grace 3
Inspire 3
Perform 5 [flute 1] No Bonus
Persuade 2
GENIUS [White Chi] 5
Learning 3
Politics 3
WU WEI [Silver Chi] 5
Awareness 5
Investigation 1
Ranged 5 [thrown 2] No Bonus
Senses 3 [hearing 2]
Stealth 5
Kung Fu Styles
Lightfoot 3 (Common Any Chi)
Surefoot 1
Run Like a Deer 2
Headlong Flying Leap 3
Perfect Aim 3 (Common White Chi)
Eagle Eye 1
Palpable Hit 2
Unerring Flight 3
Darkened Flying Edges 3 (Uncommon Silver Chi)
All Edges Return 1
Diamond Dagger Dart 2
Assassins Long Reach 3
Eagle Claw 3 (Common Crimson Chi)
Quick Rip 1
Flashing Talons 2
Flesh-Rending Strike 3
Affiliation 3 [Secret Society - Invisible Hell Killers]
Good Looks [Perfect]
Possession [Quality Kung Fu Weapon: Death Flute]
Status 3 [Reputable Musician]
Superior Specialty [Flautist]
Secret Arts
Basic Secret Arts
Basic Prediction Skills
Extraordinary Predictionist Technique:
Jing Shen Sight.
Missing Eyes: Blind, Onerous Obligation
Chi Aura 3, River 3, Light Armor (-5 to Damage).
19 points per level.

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