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1. Aim of the lesson: The aim of the lesson is the enlargement of pupils
vocabulary connected to Easter. The pupils try personally one of the typical British
activities called Running Egg. An Easter song helps them to wor in a group and
improves their listening sills.
!. "rade level
: %re&intermediate'(ntermediate.
). Re*uired material
: +andouts 1!&1#, small baset, chocolate eggs, teaspoons,
sittles, -. with the song.
#. Time
: $/ minutes.
$. 0hen to use this lesson plan: Right before Easter or at the beginning of spring.
1. 2esson description
-ome to the class with a small baset full of chocolate eggs. .ecorate
the baset with ribbons and do not forget to bring some teaspoons, too.
Tell the pupils that this will be one of the activity lessons. To find out the
theme of the lesson as them what festival is approaching now. 0rite
the correct answer 6EA7TER8 on the board.
T43"5E T0(7TER 9 :4-AB ;1/ minutes<
0rite the sentence 6Run red rabbit run8 on the board and tell the pupils
that it is a tongue twister. As them whether they now what tongue
twister means. (f they hesitate, try to help them by analysing both the
words =tongue and =twister.
Read the sentence loudly and slowly, and then let the whole class
repeat the sentence. As the pupils to repeat it three times in a row as
*uicly as they can.
The aim of this tongue twister is to introduce the lesson and it is also a
great articulation e>ercise which brings a lot of fun.
- 1 -
"o bac to the word Easter written on the board and as the pupils what
they imagine when hearing this word. 0rite or paint their ideas on the
board if they hesitate, try to help them by describing some words ;e.g.
the word egg ? an oval thing produced by birds especially hens and
people usually eat it...<.
The aim of this activity is to evoe the Easter atmosphere in pupils
heads and to remind vocabulary connected to Easter.
R533(3" E"" ;!/ minutes<
Then tell the pupils that children in Britain also celebrate Easter and as
the pupils whether they now any ind of activity that is typical for British
Easter, e.g. Easter Egg +unt, Egg Rolling or Running with an Egg on a
Teaspoon, etc. Tell them that they are going to try one of these activities,
which is called: Running with an egg on a teaspoon.
.ivide the class into two halves and give each pupil a teaspoon and one
chocolate egg. The chocolate eggs should be a bit bigger than the
teaspoon so as it is not very easy for the pupils to run with it.
%ut aside all the chairs and dess in the class and as the pupils to form
two rows. Each pupil in a row has to have a teaspoon and one chocolate
egg. @ar the starting line and e>plain the pupils that they have to run to
the other side of the class and bac, where they have to touch his or her
classmate and only then can he or she start running. Aor this activity it is
good to bring some sittles to mae the trac more difficult ? the pupils
have to run among the sittles that are in a row and turn bac by running
around the last sittle. Tell them that if their egg falls down, they have to
go bac to the start and start running again. Tell them that the first row
whose all members are bac in the finish with all the eggs and spoons
2et the pupils enBoy the game but at the same time monitor any cheating
or other problems. (f they lie the game, you can mae it more difficult ?
tae all the spoons and eggs away e>cept one spoon and one egg in
each row. Tell them that the tas is the same but the person who is
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running has to hand over the spoon with the egg to his or her classmate
at the end ? if the egg falls down then the person has to run again.
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