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Lauren Snow

Photography Mishaps

Behind the Lens, a Reporter Stood Covered in Snow

She paid no attention to the frigid air whipping her face, or the dirty slush that swallowed her
turquoise Hunter boots, or even the ice that caused her to slip and slide as if she were the Olympic
Figure skater Ashley Wagner.
A woman on a mission, they call her Abby Franklin. By day a senior reporter for the features
section of The Pendulum and photographer of The Edge magazine, and by night a vocal performer
with Elon Universitys oldest a cappella group, Twisted Measure and sister of Alpha Xi Delta.
Her curiosity for reporting compelling stories and love for photographing beautifully lit
settings were put to the ultimate test when Elon officials canceled classes for three days due to a
severe snowstorm that blanketed Elons campus with four inches of snow and a thick layer of ice.
The day the storm hit, Franklin had dreamed of a colorfully coordinated rainbow photo shoot
that featured willing models wearing different colored jeans and white shirts that would be featured in
the upcoming issue of The Edge magazine. An inspiration she got from the change of seasons,
Franklins vision of vibrant colors slowly faded as powdery white flakes barraged her beautifully
pictured landscape and left the models unwilling to bare the cold.
It felt like she was pulled in two directions, said the sophomore from Ellicott City, Md. First
and foremost, a snow enthusiast who loves snow days and dreamed of recreating Olaf the snowman
from the new blockbuster movie Frozen with her friends, and secondly a frustrated photographer who
wanted nothing but all the Olafs to melt so her models would come out of their cozy, winter free
dens to take magnificent candid photos in their striking pants.
I will make this work, Franklin said slowly, through gritted teeth.
With her equipment slung tightly to her body, mittens on hand, and a cozy wool scarf draped
around her neck, Franklin embraced the glacial conditions willingly because in the photography and
journalism world, a deadline is a deadline. Her mission: find random Elon students wearing trendy
colored pants, who are enthusiastic and willing to take glamour shots in the frigid weather. Easier said
then done.
She was off to a rocky start as the unpaved sidewalks created an obstacle for her as her heavy
equipment bounced along her side causing her to bobble back and forth unwillingly. Franklin feared
the life and lens of her Sony XLR Camera when she awkwardly jumped from snow patch to snow
patch, cleverly avoiding the patches of ice.
She said she was en route to the Moseley Center from her humble abode in Colonnades when
her biggest hindrance arose, black ice. Her tiptoeing strategy seemed to work in the beginning of her
trek across the dangerous grounds, but unfortunately got the best of her when an unwanted drifting
snowflake blinded her vision and down she went. She reached into the cold snow, frantically opening
the camera bag that lay beside her to check the lens of her valuable rented equipment, thankfully
breathing a sigh of relief when all was left undamaged.
Just as Franklin was about to throw in the towel, in fear of her equipment actually shattering,
it seemed as though she wasnt the only one on a mission that blizzard-ing day. Willing to embrace
the cold, Franklin spotted a group of courageous girls clumsily slipping across the lawn wearing
heavy coats, black leggings and different colored Hunter boots on the quest for hot tomato soup and
grilled cheeses at Lakeside dining hall.
With a nose red like Rudolph, hair covered in powdered snow, and teeth chattering Franklin
thought about changing her initial plan of attack and photographing the frozen fingered girls while
portraying and enhancing their different colored hunter boots.
Again pulled in two different directions, her spontaneous journalism instincts wanted to kick
in but her promise to her editor to retrieve multi-colored jean photos that popped off the page,
lingered in the back of her mind. Franklin knew she wanted to be a print and online news major
shortly after arriving to Elon University two years ago after an on the spot journalism class left her
infatuated. But this situation left her perplexed.
Franklin hates to disappoint but because of the treacherous weather conditions, Elon students
were scarcely seen across the campus grounds.
Ive never gone through that much trouble to do a photo shoot before! Id honestly rather
deal with rain then ice covered paths! Franklin said exasperated, chilled to the bone.
In fear of frostbite, Franklin sadly knew a phone call for an extension on the deadline would
be her last resort. With the expectation of always returning to a proud editor, she feared her hopes and
dreams of becoming a famous, hard-hitting news reporter would disappear before her eyes just as the
snow, once the sun decides to shine.
Mystified, frustrated and in need of Starbucks steaming hot chocolate, Franklin was gladly
granted permission to extend the deadline from her sympathetic editor who appreciated her effort to
pursue the shoot in the inclement weather conditions. With her fear of disappointing her peers and
editor at The Edge buried under the snow like Alamance fountain she now feared slipping on yet
another patch of ice concussing her noggin, or worse breaking her hands forever destroying her
journalistic ability to type and produce breathtaking photographs.

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