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There's always been terms societies throughout history have used for promiscuous

women- whore, slut, ho, etc, but for some reason after all these years there's
still no widely used derogatory term used to describe a promiscuous man. Why is
this? I can think of a few reasons: 1)it's evolution, men throughout history
have always tried to have sex with more than one woman if possible to have as ma
ny offspring as possible and thus maximize the potential for their genes to be p
assed to the next generation and beyond. Women, on the other hand, have in gene
ral always tried to find one reliable man with good traits because they need him
to stick around to protect their offspring. So because of these habits and beh
avioral patterns, it's become culturally acceptable throughout history for men t
o be promiscuous but not women. 2)The kind of men I'm referring to who view wom
en as objects to be used to fulfill their desires wouldn't mind being labeled as
sexually promiscuous, in fact a lot of them would probably brag about it becaus
e it boosts their ego and shows everyone how easily they can pick up women and h
ow attractive they must be.
However, I believe this can change because everyone, especially this kind of man
, cares what others think of them and is heavily influenced by peer and societal
pressures. If there becomes a stigma around men who are known to sleep around
and use women, it might pressure them to do less of it, or at least stop talking
or bragging about it. Giving them a term with a negative connotation might be
one way to start.
The lack of terminology for describing these men imo reflects the low expectatio
ns we have for men in our culture today, which only incentivizes them to continu
e to be that way.
In my opinion this needs to change (not having the male equivalent term for slut
) in order to put pressure on men to commit to one woman for life and stick arou
nd to raise their kids. This would have the effect of at least beginning to rev
erse the trend we see in modern day America of women settling for men who don't
intend to settle down and those men getting women pregnant and then leaving them
with kids. This trend has devastated an entire generation of kids who have had
no father to raise them and teach them everything they need to be good and succ
essful adults. I would know, I'm one of them.
It's not about shaming them, it's about influencing their behavior and more impo
rtantly the behavior of boys who are even more easily influenced by societal nor
ms and pressures.
So today I came up with a new term for a man who uses women and sees them as not
hing more than sexual objects- mut- a male slut. I welcome others to come up w
ith their own terms and may the best one win, and thus become a part of our nati
onal lexicon for decades to come.
As the radical feminists have taught us, language is powerful, and their fellow
liberals from the 70s made our modern day hook-up culture acceptable. Once it b
ecame okay for women to be promiscuous, and even celebrated, it only validated t
he kind of lifestyle all men are tempted to have and many men already had. It's
time to take the language back and reverse the trend they started so we can onc
e again have strong families, which will lead to a more peaceful and productive
society, one that we can be proud of passing on to our kids.

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