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Why everyone should stop watching porn

ultramari0 (58) dans health • il y a 3 ans

You better heed the warning i'm here to give you , I'm going to talk to you about a condition
that affects most men out there but NO1 is talking about & I'm going to give you solutions to
resolve the problem.

So whats the problem? Orgasms that are not that intense anymore. Guys you only have an x
amount of times to reach orgasm (ejaculate) & it will feel great. Try and remember the 1st
time you jacked off compared to now if your honest with your self the intensity of pleasure
has gone down exponentially. Thats because the dopamine receptors are getting completely
blocked every time you masturbate. The rate it of this varies from person 2 person but it is
happening to you right now and you don't realize it .

So how to reverse this condition Step 1: Stop masturbating, in order to reset your self you
have to stop doing the action that is causing you harm . IT will take a long time b4 you will
notice any results i mean months to years. the body releases 400% more of the hormone
prolactin (which makes us feel sexually satisfied) following vaginal penetration than it does
after masturbation.

Step 2: intermittent fasting : eating once per day will increase your human growth hormone by
as much as 1,000%, this allows the body to heal its self.

Step 3: Avoid stimulants. Although stimulants function by increasing the amount of dopamine
in the body, long-term usage can reduce the amount of dopamine receptors,

Step $: Eat lion's mane mushroom, This mushroom as been proven to regrow braincells and
help with the brains overall function .

Step 5: Stop all sugars & carbs : these two are another reason why your dopamine receptors
are plugged

Step 6 : eat raw cacao :cacao is one of the highest antioxidants know & antioxidants protect
dopamine from free radical damage.

Step 7: Drink Matcha green tea, green tea polyphenols protect dopamine neurons.
Step 8: Be sure you are not deficient in any vitamin or minerals, there are many reasons that
your brain is not working properly so just drink mighty 90 Dr Wallach and have most of your
bases covered.

Step 9: increase hormones levels: Fat=hormones , Fat is your best friend it makes all your
vital hormones you need to live. so eat sugar free , nitrate free, organic grass fed bacon &

Step 10: for further information about improving your health please read my

il y a 3 ans par ultramari0 (58)


15 votes


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suburbancaveman (44) · il y a 3 ans

Of course this is an individual choice. I choose the masturbate in order to better focus on more constructive activities, such as
learning about new technologies, finance, etc. Removing the desire for female approval can really liberate a man.


3 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 3 ans

Thanks suburbancaveman for commenting you have every right to do what you want i'm just pointing out the long term effect
of what most men are doing.

1 vote

spalser (51) · il y a 3 ans

Your title is misleading. Your article is on why men should stop masturbating. The problem with porn (and there are
problems) isn't that it leads to masturbation. Masturbation can be done without looking at porn. Masturbation is natural and
healthy if you choose to do it. One of the problems with porn is that it can lead many men into having unreasonable
expectations of what it takes to get horny. If they get used to this, then regular sex (which doesn't always have lots of anal and
other extreme acts) becomes boring, and that's why they may not have intense orgasms anymore. If men masturbate regularly
to something more realistic (porn is rarely realistic), then it's ok.


3 votes

blockchainbilly (51) · il y a 3 ans

So more bacon and less porn .... not to bad a compromise....

1 vote

michaellamden68 (69) · il y a 3 ans

Good luck with your crusade!!

4 votes

slickwilly (66) · il y a 3 ans

1 vote

condra (67) · il y a 3 ans

I was gonna say "came here for the thumbnail" but that would sound kinda messed up in the context of the article. Anyway.
You're right. There is a lot of porn out there.

1 vote

calamus056 (58) · il y a 3 ans

There's porn on the internet?


2 votes

somedude (1) · il y a 3 ans

Why can't I ever think of something funny to say

calamus056 (58) · il y a 3 ans

It's a gift :p

velourex (53) · il y a 3 ans

I don't know what the world would be like if men stopped watching porn. It may turn into WW3.

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 3 ans (edited)

lol i would hope that would give them an incentive to go find a sex partner not go on a rampage but i see your point velourex.

greenman (65) · il y a 3 ans

I know how to stop porn in its tracks: Every lady just needs to go and have sex with one guy every day and to be double sure
go out and do two guys per day and bingo porn has fallen off the planet and we have a much more calm peaceful productive

1 vote

mindhunter (72) · il y a 3 ans
Porn has made men too lazy to perform their duties that every woman deserves!

younlong (0) · il y a 3 ans

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thecryptofiend (74) · il y a 3 ans

Yes. This is unscientific. Masturbation is actually beneficial too - particularly for your prostate. Their is also no evidence that
I know of that eating once a day is better than eating normally. Some of what you say may be true but it is far from
conclusively proven. The internet is full of these kinds of faddy advice.

2 votes

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