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My battle with a shadow being

ultramari0 (58) dans sleepparalysis • il y a 2 ans

I'm not a religious man by any means i find truths in all of them , & this morning i saw
something that i have never seen before. ( I would like to point out that i was not on any drug
what so ever but i was just waking up , in fact that is what woke me up) I woke up with sleep
paralysis something that has not happened to me since i was a child.
I learned the hard way how to brake it was to trigger an on command adrenaline rush in which
i trained for years to perfect, rather than go into detail about that now, let just say that i used it
to brake the paralysis i found myself staring at a shadow being. It was just outside my
pyramid ( yes i sleep in a pyramid hovering over my bed with duct tape ) when it saw i was
looking at it ripped the duct tape from the wall and took down my pyramid this was the first
time my pyramid was down since i put it so that would be an extreme coincidence as it was
screwed down to the wall as well.
Once my pyramid collapsed the entity it stepped right on my bed so damn hard i almost lost
my balance it that is a feat itself as a have a foam bed that does not transfer motion! We were
standing "face" to face so to speak when it pulled a move from the matrix and tried to pull an
agent smith on me!!!

It's blackness went straight to my heart trying to idk posses me??? feed of me??? corrupt
me??? kill me??? Well whatever it was failed miserably when i decided to "power up" so to
speak , i did everything again to raise my vibration & adrenal up as much as possible to
combat this thing that was happening to me.
Obviously it worked & i'm not sure what happened to this thing i think it vanished or got
phased out of existence??? but i went back to feeling normal again immediately after words
like my body knew it was safe. I would like to point out something that i don't like but i feel i
must explain this did not started happening until i started using magic mushrooms , again its
been a while since i used that so it was not that but i would like to point that out as a factor.
The used to happen to me all the time as a child but never have i seen anything just felt really
scared like something was watching me. This time i felt like a man ready to take down his
enemies perhaps that is why i was allowed to see this thing as my mind was ready to open up
to new possibility that would have driven a child's mind insane? idk i can only tell you what
really happened to me. It's a good thing i lost my fear of what others think of me otherwise i
would not have posted this for fear that you all would think i'm crazy.

il y a 2 ans par ultramari0 (58)


175 votes


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themagus (68) · il y a 2 ans

Eeeeek. This post brings back bad (hidden) memories from my childhood. Sleep paralysis and seeing really creepy things at
the base of my bed.... Arghhh hated that. Has not happened to me as an adult though....thank heavens

3 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

sorry about bring up a bad memory however you got me thinking how much does this happen and people don't talk about it?

4 votes

themagus (68) · il y a 2 ans

I should maybe document what I remember ... it was fairly frequent and took on various characteristics, sometimes I was
more enthralled than scared but that was not the sleep paralysis.. that was always the same and i almost literally 'shat' myself
(excuse the language). Was terrible :(

1 vote

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

that is your choice i just thought it could help other people with there types of things , i have always know about this just
never experienced it for myself , like ufo and alien you hear about it all the time but its another story when they happen to

3 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

I think most people don't want to be considered nuts. I was cautious of my first post on such things here on steemit and then I
received a warm welcome on the subject and was not ridiculed or anything. So I am very open about it here.

Also a lot of us are quite scientific. These things don't really make sense in what we KNOW and can PROVE. Yet there are
many things that existed before we learned how to measure and interact with them, so I can think about things like this and
still be a rather grounded scientific individual.

I also might be a little nuts, I wouldn't know it if I were... right?

4 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

My wife encountered a non-humanoid one in dorms at a college before we ever knew each other and was with about 5 other
people that saw it. Later in life she woke to paralysis like you described to see one walk into her son's (my step-son... my
oldest son) room that was humanoid and there were two more standing around her middle daughter's crib (youngest not born
yet). She said she had the feeling that her grandmother showed up and scared them off. She still does not know what was
going on. That time she did say there was a guy dating one of her sisters living into the property that was a Satanist and into
Black Magic and such, but they didn't find that out until later after he was already out of the picture. So that means he was
dabbling with energies. Whether it is all related or not... it's all speculation, but I've met a lot of people that have seen these
The one I encountered was massive and not in humanoid shape.

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

the one i saw was shapeless not even a neck line just a black aura or siloite of a person i just read from the post you
recommended that they ware HAT'S??? ya mine did not have that at all. Do you want me to tell you how to brake sleep
paralysis or are you good i don't want to leave you hanging. I will right i post right away about it.

4 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

Yep I read quite a bit of Carlos Casteneda when I was younger. I own two or three of his books in my personal library.

1 vote

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

Thanks for going into detail to help me out , i was just listen to george noory coast to coast and a guest said they are attracted
to negativity and were i noticed it was coming through were my fathers room like it was leaving. yesterday my father got
insanely mad over nothing and we are no longer talking. so that is something i thought i should point out to leave the
evidence out there.

I think it was leaving his room & passing through mine because i think the only reason it interacted with me was because i
saw it , when my spidey sense woke me up.

1 vote

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

Go for it. I've never had a problem with sleep paralysis. My wife did.

As far as hats. I've read that on the internet and from other people, but none that I've ever encountered or that anyone I ever
spoke to had hats.

They basically were one of the following:

1. humanoid shape much like you described... dark silouhette, black outline with indistinct look.
2. Animal... small to medium dog sized like a cat... sometimes hovering slightly off the ground.
3. Or my type... not a distinct shape just a big shadow that slides up and moves and you can FEEL it... it
stuns you with its presence. Though the one I saw seemed to be just passing by and was not focused on
me... just this massive thing that went by and I was babbling for a few minutes while I tried to get my
wits about me. That was before I learned any form of control.

Some people have mentioned red eyes. I've only met one person that claimed a large house cat sized one that was hovering
down the street had red eyes. She was babbling but that was what finally came out.

Everyone else I know just describes shadows with no discernible eyes.

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

Yes i meant for your wife i should have worded that better my bad. O hell yea i felt it that is what woke me up straight into
an heart pounding moment that is how i knew i was not asleep anymore! no red eyes or anything discernible just a shadow i
think the only reason i saw it in my room was because there was a little bit of light shining though the doorway otherwise my
room would be pitch black.

(random thought do you think these are extradimensional beings that phased into existence or were they there all along and
that was like a glitch in the matrix moment where the barrier between worlds were lowered?)

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans
Gnostic writings contain descriptions of alien predators called Archons, Arkontai in Greek. The texts from Nag Hammadi
describe them as heavy, elusive, shadowy creatures. The most common name for them is “beings of the likeness, shadow-
creatures.” Could the Archons be compared to the “mud shadows” described by don Juan? This question raises the general
issue of parallels between don Juan’s Central American Toltec shamanism and the shamanism of the Mystery Schools of
ancient Europe.

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

(random thought do you think these are extradimensional beings that phased into existence or were they there all along and
that was like a glitch in the matrix moment where the barrier between worlds were lowered?)

Possible. I'm not absolutely sure what they are. If we are living in a simulation or something like that they could still be
possible with that.

I do believe there are likely different phases... so that is possible, though I really have no clue.

I could make up tons of different possible things and they would all be speculation.

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans (edited)

Well yes it's not like we can know anything about the topic of topics for certain.
Don Juan, the Mexican Yaqui Indian shaman, tells Carlos Castaneda the following:

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its
prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our
protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time,
insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!

“This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … They took us over because we are food for them, and they
squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in
human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.”

“No, no, no, no,” [Carlos replies] “This is absurd don Juan. What you’re saying is something monstrous. It simply can’t be
true, for sorcerers or for average men, or for anyone.”

“Why not?” don Juan asked calmly. “Why not? Because it infuriates you? … You haven’t heard all the claims yet. I want to
appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the
intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour.
Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They
are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed,
and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.”

“‘But how can they do this, don Juan? [Carlos] asked, somehow angered further by what [don Juan] was saying. “‘Do they
whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?”

“‘No, they don’t do it that way. That’s idiotic!” don Juan said, smiling. “They are infinitely more efficient and organized than
that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous manoeuvre -

stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of
those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind.
The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.”

“I know that even though you have never suffered hunger… you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of
the predator who fears that any moment now its manoeuvre is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through
the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them.
And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear.”

“The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance on Earth.
They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are
mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man. What I’m saying
is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to
render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He’s an average piece of meat.”

“There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite,
conventional, imbecilic.”

Castaneda, 1998

onetree (68) · il y a 2 ans

I had one stand in the corner of my room almost every night when I was a teenager. The next family who moved into that
house totally disintegrated.

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans
I've seen them before. My wife has seen them. I've been with other people that have seen them. It seems to be something that
is attracted or is visible under certain circumstances. My wife and I do not do any drugs other than caffeine. She might drink
alcohol a couple of times a year, but I don't even do that.

It is like a mind thing. If I think about specific spiritual things my mind feels different than when I think about scientific
things, programming, etc. It feels like I am changing gears when I switch between these phases.

It is when people happen to be in that spiritual side long enough and active enough that I tend to hear stories of encounters
with these things.

We can defeat them, but I've often wondered if when we are in whatever this phase is we might not be like a lone torch lit in
an area of darkness that gives a nice beacon to attract such things.

I haven't encountered anything like that for decades and I have my own way to deal with them if it were an issue. I've written
about these things in a couple of posts in the past. [1 , 2, 3]

7 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

I must have missed those posts when my PC was down i will look into how you defeated them but it was a relatively easy
fight just a VERY unexpected one. you think its like a moth to a flame effect IDK i will be binge watching youtube video
about this topic all night.

5 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans
Yeah I put in a permanent protection for my house of my own devising. Personal design. I am one of those that believe that
all of these spiritual beliefs and teachings in the world do have a common denominator. Belief + Focused mind intent.

So that is what I use. :) Whether that is what works or not I cant' say. I can say those things in the second post did stop some
things other family members were reporting, but that I never encountered myself. Well I take that back at the time they were
seeing shadows, I thought I saw shadow insects a couple of times and would do a double check to see if a spider, ant, or
something had just crawled on my desk. All of those stopped after the things in post number 2.

That was in an apartment/town house. I have owned and lived in my current house for 5 years and have not needed to put
anything like this in place.

That town home though we had some weird stuff going on.

This post is about another strange phenomena...

I don't write posts about this type of stuff too often as I tend to not shift my mind into that gear/phase as often as I did when I
was younger. I was into ghost hunting as a teen and young adult long before it became a reality TV thing.

4 votes

macius (54) · il y a 2 ans

Belief + Focused mind intent

Energy to fill a form, form to give energy shape - like a river is water + bed :) The rest is... technical details.

3 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

As to what you were doing... you sleep in a friggin' pyramid. I suspect you spend quite a bit of time in the spiritual side. :)

4 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

lol yes i first mentioned it in an earlier post this is the one that i use. I heard a lot of good things about pyramid power so i
thought i would experiment myself with it. the capstone is a mini pyramid as well it's an Reiki Energy Charged with
moldavite & Phenacite. I got this to help my mediation that have started doing. so this part is new to

3 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

Yeah I was doing meditation several times a week within as Qiqong / Tai Chi style environment around the time I
encountered my only shadow encounter. Yet it didn't really happen until we were kind of freestyle experimenting with things
around and in our imaginations we were believing we were wielding and throwing quite a bit of energy around. Whether that
is true or not I can't say. I can say that this was when I encountered my shadow.

1 vote

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

maybe that is missing piece to the puzzle i had not consider about the mediation part. i have looked at those articles you
linked however i can no longer comment on them. yes i will have to start severally looking to this matter no need to be

j3dy (60) · il y a 2 ans

nice conversation you have here, I watched this quite a long while ago , still have to rewatch it i guess , some interesting
concepts for energy there ,


Back to you later , so much material :)

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

maybe that is missing piece to the puzzle i had not consider about the mediation part. i have looked at those articles you
linked however i can no longer comment on them. yes i will have to start severally looking to this matter no need to be

Confidence and control of your own energy seems to be a key.

If it is uncontrolled I have a theory that can feed such things. Yet if you control your energies then you do not feed them, and
you can fight them.

Of course this is really a hypothesis. I haven't formulated an experiment and gone out of my way to try to attract such things
to test it.

So it is pure speculation... though I did read a lot of it, studied quite a few martial arts, and have known a number of

and a lot of it is my own ideas...

1 vote

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

i have the confidence side down i guess i need control, perhaps that is why it went away when i focused my energy

1 vote

riostarr (68) · il y a 2 ans

nice post. i like

5 votes

onetree (68) · il y a 2 ans

I don't think you are crazy at all, and it sounds like an awful experience. Over the last year I've had more experience with
the dark side than I could ever wish.

4 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

Well that is good to know thank you, have you posted stuff about this topic that i could read about? p.s that sucks you had so
many horrible experiences :(

5 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

Yep @onetree has dealt with this stuff too. She commented on my posts. You can read some of it if you dig through her blog.

4 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

yes i just got that that part were you guys were talking a was reading the post more than the comments section

3 votes

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

I am replying way back here due to nesting limit...

You know meditation and chakras so you thus understand the concept of moving energies in your body.

Long ago I started pondering how a Native American Shaman could have magics that supposedly did things, so could a
Wiccan, so could a native in Indonesia, so could the Order of The Golden Dawn in Europe, so could every religion refer to
the power of prayer. It didn't seem to matter whom they prayed to they had similar stories. They had stories both good and

The common denominator for me and my idea is that there is energy and it responds to actual belief. This makes all of those
events described using vastly different techniques logically make sense.
That lead me to the idea that the TYPE and SHAPE of the ritual did not matter. Those things are simply there to focus belief.
If you've been taught that they do certain things without explaining why then if your FAITH is strong enough they do have a

Yet that made me realize you could likely do ALL of those things and more simply by manipulating/moving energy and
believing. If a ritual helps you to focus more clearly then you can create one for your purpose and the act of creating it might
strengthen the belief and focus. That is actually why I made those sigils. I was putting that hypothesis to the test.

I didn't really have a CONTROL element so it wasn't a good test. All I know is the things that prompted my efforts stopped.
So it appeared to work. Without a control and repetition though it could have been coincidence, or could have been total B.S.

I tend to think there is something to it, though I am also a very scientifically grounded person. I do not always believe such
things have to be as separate from each other in contemplation that a lot of people believe.

So why am I telling you this? If you know chakras and moving energy in your body around if my hypothesis is correct then
you likely can create your own ritual to do what you want, and as long as it focuses your belief it MAY work.

No guarantee, that is just a hypothesis I never got around to testing.

If I was wrong I didn't want nasty crap to be lingering around my house. :)

1 vote

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

i did read this multiple times and i think i see what you mean, the thing is i have no idea how strong or where my charkra are
at to focus my energy in that matter , I can most certainly try it but i don't think it will be lingering around i'm certain i killed
it , now if his buddy's have an problem than thats another issue. I do have sage i was thinking about doing a clearing tonight.
but people say sage works because it increase the frequency around the house i'm already doing that my playing sofiggio
frequencies 24/7 and that did nothing. so idk but hell i'm willing to learn and try anything.

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

i did read this multiple times and i think i see what you mean, the thing is i have no idea how strong or where my charkra are
at to focus my energy in that matter , I can most certainly try it but i don't think it will be lingering around i'm certain i killed
it , now if his buddy's have an problem than thats another issue. I do have sage i was thinking about doing a clearing tonight.
but people say sage works because it increase the frequency around the house i'm already doing that my playing sofiggio
frequencies 24/7 and that did nothing. so idk but hell i'm willing to learn and try anything.
For my house here is what I do. I kind of played with that focused mind intent idea and the fact these shadows may be what
some people call a Pooka, though I don't think all of them are.

If that is true then I should be able to create one if I can focus my mind.

So as far as moving energy... breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, and some people also recommend
keeping your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth so that the tip touches the back of your upper front teeth. I'm not going
to get into why... you can do it or not. It was a Qiqong thing.

Now energy often begins most commonly in a chakra known as the Dantien (spelled differently and perhaps named
differently depending upon source). Breathe and let your belly expand moreso than your chest. Imagine and believe that the
energy is building up with each breath between your solar plexus and your belly, or even in your belly if you prefer. That
general area.

As you breathe you can move this energy around by imagination and belief. If you are successful you might feel heat,
magnetism, static, tingling, all of the above. You may even see the hairs on your arms stand up.

Hold your hands in front of you with your hands open and facing palmwards towards each other about 4 or 5 inches appart
bend your fingers and act like you are going to touch your fingers to each other but stop an inch or so short of doing that...
imagine the energy flowing up through your body and into your arms and feel it converging as a ball between your hands.
Use your breathing to synchronize the movement. If you get that down...

The next step I did was to pick a corner of a room. I decided on some rules for my Pooka and I imagined sending energy into
a corner of the room to create it. I would do this every so often every few days for the span of months.

Yet my concept might have also came from my programming background.

My rules were essentially this...

1. If you encounter a hostile being in the area with hostile intent feed upon it until it is no harm, or it
leaves. Use this to fuel yourself, grow, and improve your protections.
2. Protect those in the house from other people with negative thoughts. If a hostile person came to the
house try to feed upon those emotions until the hostility was gone.
3. Do not harm people.

That was essentially the gist of it though I'd add some variations.

So in my focused mind intent I was imagining the energy leaving my body and converging in a corner to create this being
and I'd repeat these rules over and over as I "charged" it.

The concept was essentially that I was creating a parasitic protector that would feed on things like the shadow beings if they
appeared, and other things.

Those sigils I made were much more complex and I decided to test the idea of the ritual in helping multiple people focus. I
defined those sigils and explained them to my family. Then we as a group essentially did the same thing, but we did it three
times and instead of a corner, those sigils became each the home of something like that.

It seemed to work... could be crazy... could be wild imagination...

Or there could be something to it...

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

i just looked up Pooka as i have never heard of that , and i'm going to say that it was not that it doesn't not feel like that. I
know what your saying i "downloaded" a Qiqong / reiki master pack (side note is one better than the other or are they the
same thing?) it's like 100g's and when i was checking the videos to make sure they downloaded properly i say a guy doing
what you said to do. I did not finish the video as i have so many things i need to read however that just go bumped up to the
top of my list.

I will start now on a sigil as well i already have 12 of them just not for that i know they work for reprogramming minds i
never got into the whole magick side of them though. But i'm willing to try it.

dwinblood (73) · il y a 2 ans

Also check out @alchemage He wrote some posts about shadow people.

4 votes

onetree (68) · il y a 2 ans

1 vote

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

thanks you for sharing this with me :)

1 vote

j3dy (60) · il y a 2 ans

Yo , nice to hear you are a dragon ball Z :D , I got here fro ma resteem of @ballinconscious on your water post, wanted to
add my take , I'm not much read but this is a gem that is wort sharing

Secrets of Water ,,.. Victor Schauberger

i will keep in mind that you can power up , so far I'm quite weak in my dreams and I have no idea what I'm doing and what is
happening, Cheers , following you !

1 vote

macw11 (51) · il y a 2 ans

How did you make such a cool graphic to put at the end of your posts?

4 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

I got it from here


5 votes

macw11 (51) · il y a 2 ans

thank you

3 votes

ultramari0 (58) · il y a 2 ans

I would like to point out that i had 528 hz music playing the background all night and that did nothing to keep this thing

3 votes

vipete (43) · il y a 2 ans

You have been quite after this post @ultramari0 . Still going strong?

steemitboard (65) · il y a 2 ans

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paigemoore (46) · il y a 2 ans

idk if you even still come here, but those with the sucking in black energy seem to be some kind of astral vampire or maybe
what some may call "demons"....they used to come around my bed at night and i could feel them sucking in my fear & all the
grown ups told me that it's my imagination... then they started in on my son, so i took up exorcisms...

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