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Crazy ways animals reproduce and have sex

How the heck do other animals reproduce? This is something most people do not kn
ow about, they may have a deep, hidden interest on how some animals mate with ea
ch other, but never bother to get their questions answered. Whether they think o
ther people will think they are stupid, or they are just too embarassed to ask,
they usually never find out. How and why do birds lay eggs? Seriously, do they h
ave sex at all? How about bees? Fish? Snails? If you find yourself asking these
questions, the answers are all right here on this page!
Birds - If you have ever wondered, or are still wondering about how birds mate,
yes they do have sex, and yes there actually are male and female birds. Instead
of the human body parts, you know, the birds of both genders have a small sexual
reproductive organ called a cloaca. Cloacas are the small holes on the back of
birds, you might see them as their butt. Not only do they have sex with these ho
les, they also pee and poop from them as well. During mating season, the male's
testes enlarge to produce sperm while the female's ovaries enlarge to produce ov
um. They breed by having a female standing on the ground and having a male fly o
nto her back and have their cloacas have contact with each other, transferring s
perm into the ovum. This is interesting, because the transfer actually takes les
s than a second to complete, but some birds sit around there, having sex for hou
Snails - Snails are weird breeders. Before they mate, they have a mating ritual
in which they communicate with each other for an average of twelve hours. Snails
are hermaphrodites, which means they have both the male reproductive organ and
the female reproductive organ, there is no gender for snails. During sex, the sn
ails occassionally stab each other's genital region with what are called snail "
love darts." This prevents the other snail from digesting most of a snail's sper
m. After sex, both snails are impregnated and later lay eggs underground, contin
uing the existence of these weird breeding creatures.
Praying Mantises - This is an example of a species in which being a male means g
etting the worse end of the bargain. They have sex normally like how other norma
l animals have sex, with the male humping the heck out of the female. So all the
male has to do to continue his species' pitiful existence is to breed with a fe
male, except breeding would also mean losing his life, in a violent way. During
sex, the male's brain prevents him from releasing the sperm, so what is the only
solution to this problem? The female has to bite his head off. This has to happ
en in order for the sperm to be transferred, so not only does the male lose his
life in this sadistic act of cannibalism, but he won't even get to see his kids.
The female, after biting off her mate's head, usually can't stop herself from e
ating the whole upper half of his body.
Spiders - Male spiders have no reproductive organs. So what does he do? When he
feels like his time to breed has come, he squeezes the sperm out from his belly
and onto his web. Then he picks the sperm up with his antennae before looking fo
r a female partner to breed with. They also have to be careful during sex, becau
se if they aren't, the female, just like the female praying mantis, would bite o
ff her mate's head.
Snakes - During the female snake's mating cycle, she doesn't have sex with a sin
gle partner, but rather many different partners. They have sex similar to how bi
rds have sex and like the birds, both male and female have a cloaca. It is near
the end of their tail, and it looks like a tiny slit inbetween their scales. In
one theory, the reason why they have sex with more than one partner is because t
he females are able to store sperm for up to several months and during this time
, the sperm have a contest in which only the healthiest will survive.
Bees - As you may have already known, there is only one queen bee in a single be
e hive. The queen bee is not the only female bee in the hive however, rather, sh
e is the bee with the most reproductive capabilities in the whole hive, the othe
r female bees are called worker bees. This is perhaps the most gruesome, most bl
oody and gorey mating method ever devised by mother nature. As you may have alre
ady known as well, all the bees in the hive have a certain role to fulfill. The
saddest role of them all however, is the drone bee. They serve absolutely no pur
pose, literally, other than to have sex with the queen. So they go about living
their sacrificial lives until their judgement day arrives, the day they have to
have sex with the queen. They have sex in mid-air, which lasts for about two sec
onds. Before intercourse the drone bee will have an extended penis, properly cal
led the endophallus, in which the only way to let the sperm out is have sex with
the queen. The penis is plunged into the queen's sting chamber, creating an exp
losive ejaculation that ruptures the penis and propels some of the semen into th
e queen's oviduct. The male bee dies minutes after his violent eruption.
Written by: PeonHero on 2/26/11

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