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Political Techniques Used For Furthering Agenda

1. Problem Reaction Solution (Also Called 'odi!ied "egelianism# and False Flag $%erations&
'ither the creation o! a %roblem !rom the shado(s or creating the %erce%tion o! a %roblem# that (ill
cause the %ublic to !rea) out and beg !or a solution# (hich enables the %o(er hungr* elite to centrali+e
%o(er !urther and ta)e ste%s that (ill hel% them !urther their agenda.
For instance# ,11# -emons are coming# .lobal /arming# etc.
0. 1ee%ing the general %o%ulation a(a* !rom a )no(ledge o! their true ca%abilities
As to% %olitical religious le2els ha2e tried to )ee% )no(ledge o! 'magic' or the 'occult' a(a* !rom the
%o%ulace. This is (h* in school students are not taught about 'e%i3genetics'# 2ibrator* science# mind
o2er matter# and more.
4. 1ee%ing the general %o%ulation a(a* !rom )no(ledge and things (hich (ill increase their
inde%endence and e!!icienc*
3 5nstilling so3called 'real' science or o!!icial )no(ledge# (hich is 2er* little that can be used %racticall*#
and is not e2en close to the (hole stor*. Sometimes it is e2en %artial truths or things that ha2e since
been %ro2en or can easil* be %ro2en to not be true.
6. 1ee%ing the %o%ulation so bus* the* ha2e no time to thin)
3 7ob# 7ob# 7ob. .otta Pa* the 8ills. * !a2orite sho( is on. This must be done !irst# nothing else
matter. The* get the %eo%le to !ocus on one thing# or a set o! things# but nothing else that (ould in!orm
or reall* hel% them.
9. -istortion o! :alues
3 .otta ha2e the best clothes. 5t is 'cool' to be stu%id# and to harm innocents. 5t is cool to be (ea)#
de%end on bac) u% !rom others as gangsters do. 5t is 'sane' to acce%t the status quo and not question it
no matter ho( harm!ul it is.
;. Ps*chological and 'motional ani%ulation
7ust as %arents use guilt and !ear to get children to beha2e (emotions&. The 'lite use
%s*chological mani%ulation# such as drugs# h*%nosis# nl%# instilling a certain 2ie( or set o!
2ie(s about realit* through schooling and other 'o!!icial' institutions# et cetera
<. .etting the Peo%le to 'nsla2e themsel2es
Peer %ressure# %olice and la( en!orcement# instilling the sense that i! someone does not agree
(ith *ou the* are certainl* (rong and must be made to belie2e (hat *ou belie2e# et cetera
=. 5nstilling a (rong 2ie( o! the (a* things (or)
Such as the sense that *ou onl* ha2e to read to obtain )no(ledge# and that *ou ha2e no need to
e>%eriment or chec) ob?ecti2e and a%%ro%riate e2idence a2ailable. 8elie2ing that the %h*sical
(orld is all there is# thus )ee%ing in!o on other3dimensional sciences and entities a(a* !rom the
,. S%*ing on the Po%ulation and Creating a @ac) o! Pri2ac*
This enables them to better ada%t their %olitical and mani%ulati2e techniques# and to ha2e
in!ormation on the %eo%le that the* can use against them.
1A. ade to Acce%t 5n!ormation on the 8asis o! Authorit*
As the quote goes '8ecause 5 Said SoB' This is (h* the %ublic has been mani%ulated to (orr* so
much about di%lomas# %ieces o! %a%er# (ho is o!!icial and (ho is not# etc. This technique is
connected to the instilling o! !alse sense o! ho( things (or).
11. -ogma# Religion# *ths# 5deologies
The use o! the !act that emotionall* insecure and mentall* unstable %eo%le tend to create
dogmas and religions against the %o%ulace. Sometimes the elite themsel2es create one and
gi2e it to the %ublic. These things are used against the %o%ulace e!!icientl* b* the elites. For
instance# 'ugenics (ith (orld (ar 0# religion b* the :atican to gain com%lete control# the idea
o! terrorists (hich (ere !alse *et (ere used to gi2e ?usti!ication !or a (ar# et cetera
$r the sense that onl* 'good' %eo%le can get into in!luential %ositions in societ*# and so
de2elo%ing a state o! mind that all %oliticians# ban)ers# %residents# etc. are in!allible# and it is
(rong to e2en question them# or that there is no need to be critical about them and their actions.
Another is the religious 2ie( that .od Controls '2er*thing# ta)ing a(a* %ersonal initiati2e# and
gi2ing a(a* res%onsibilit*.
10. The 5nstilling o! @a+iness# Ta)ing a(a* %ersonal initiati2e# ma)ing %eo%le de%endent on state#
(anting someone else to do e2er*thing or to belie2e that onl* a certain %erson or t*%e o! %erson
can do something# et cetera
5ts im%ossible# though. $nl* someone (ho has a Ph- is credible. 5 don't (ant to do it. 5'll slee%
in toda*. 5'll do it tomorro(. 8ecause 5 said soB And so on and so on. /el!are. @oans. Food
Stam%s. Ruining the 'conom*.
14. Control o2er uni2ersall* acce%ted means# 'one*'
16. Control o! the necessities o! li!e
$il# 'lectricit*# one*# .old# Food# -rin)# @and# /ater# Production# 5ndustr*# et cetera
19. The Strategic Actions !rom -i!!erent S%heres o! Societ* and 1ee%ing the Public belie2ing that
these s%heres are unconnectedC and strategic %lacing o! other elites connected to the goal o! the
other elites into certain societal %ositions
For instance# certain indi2iduals in the medical communit*# usuall* high3end (or) (ith certain
militar* and educational to ad2ersel* a!!ect the %o%ulace. 5! the medical section is caught#
usuall* he or she is the onl* one %unished (i! at all&# (hile the %ublic neglects the other
connections and sections because the* belie2e the* are unrelated or do not thin) to chec) !or
other connections.
1;. /orshi% o! Authorit*C Use o! Authorit* Positions to ani%ulate Peo%le
Peo%le are taught not to question authorit*. There is e2idence that %ositions o! authorit* ha2e
been used to %ush com%letel* illogical rules in (ar# !or instance not attac)ing strategic enemies
thus# %rolonging (ar# gi2ing the elites more time !or centrali+ation# ta)ing u% more mone*
thus ruining the econom*# )ee%ing %eo%le bus* and (orried and so unstable# and more.
1<. Use o! Science and Technolog* Against Peo%le
an3made diseases# radiation# chemical bombardment# t2 as a tool !or h*%nosis# et cetera Use o! occult
(ar!are against %o%ulace.
1=. Turn the Peo%le Against 'ach $therC Setting both sides against each other (es%. a!ter creating
the sides&
3 uslim 2s. Christian. Race against Race. 8elie!s against 8elie!s. Person against Person. The idea that
e2er*thing (ill onl* al(a*s be a (orld o! !ighting# a dog eat dog (orld.
1,. -umbing -o(n the Po%ulace
0A. Controlling o! :ie(s o! "istor*
01. aintaining o! Secrec*C and -eceit
For instance# secret handsha)es and languages used to con2e* bet(een elites. $ccult orders
)ee%ing secret about occult la(s and %ractices. The 8uilder3berg grou% onl* tal)ing in certain
meetings# but ne2er in %ublic or an*(here else nor a!ter meetings. $! course# the elites are
almost al(a*s l*ing about something.
00. $(nershi% o! '2er*thing 5m%ortantC StealingC 8u*ing '2er*thing
3 5nstitutions# 5n!rastructure# edia# Production# Food and -rin)# @and# et cetera
04. .etting Peo%le to $nl* Focus on Peons or the Pu%%ets
For instance# onl* a%%roaching the President or Su%reme Court# instead o! reali+ing there could
2er* (ell be someone higher or in the shado(s. $r a%%roaching the cashier (hen *ou should
a%%roach the boss# or e2en the cor%orate boss.
06. Use o! D@P# and 'motionall* Charged statements that ha2e no 2alue
For instance# E/e ha2e been able to sol2e the %roblem# (ithout sacri!icing the s%iritual side o!
li!e.F 3 Dothing is elaborated on# or clari!ied# but it sounds good. 'm%t* cla%tra%.
09. 8rute Force# Punishment# and 5ncarceration# Pressure
For instance# national %olice !orces (ho (or) !or the elites and carr* out their orders. Arresting
o! those (ho question the elites. '>ecution in some countries !or so3called treasonous beha2ior.
5! *ou do this or that *ou (ill be arrested or ha2e *our account shut do(n.
0;. -estabili+ing The Peo%le and their Societies (hich enable them (the elites& to more easil*
in!luence them
0<. .etting in Positions to 'liminate an* Resistance to their goalsC Centrali+ation o! Po(er and
-ecision a)ing
3 Ta)ing o2er Su%reme Court# etc. and other areas to bloc) an* resistance at the start. 8u*ing o!! ?uries.
5m%risoning innocents ta)ing them to court.
0=. a)ing the Peo%le -e!enseless
3 -umbing them do(n. Ta)ing a(a* guns and other !irearms.
0,. 'limination or "indering o! '!!ecti2e Communication
3 "ate la(s being %assed. Creation o! go2ernment3based internet s*stems. Deed !or %ass(ord to
get online in certain %laces. Certain in!ormation and questioning not allo(ed in (or)s. 5n some
%laces it is illegal to question //0 o!!icial in!ormation. 5n!luencing 'meaning' o! (ords so
(hen di!!erent %eo%le use them the* do not com%letel* mean the same thing# i! at all. Certain
radio !requencies ha2e been used to bloc) radio transmission.
4A. Programming Peo%le# 5nstilling Rigid 8elie! S*stems
Programming or 8elie!s both !ilter in!ormation# and )ee% the %erson or %eo%le !rom %ursuing
in!ormation that (ould be use!ul because their belie! s*stems or %rogramming are antagonistic
to the in!ormation.
41. 'stablished an 5ne!!icient (!or the %eo%le& 'conomic Structure# and Further ani%ulate it in
(a*s negati2e !or %eo%le
one* created out o! debts# %lus more debt# thus al(a*s more debt than mone* in e>istence.
Strategic mo2es (hich !urther harm the econom* at least !or the general %eo%le. This is done
through central ban)s# %laces li)e the Federal Reser2e.
40. Secret Societies (ith members in e2er* s%here
This can be seen in such !orms as Freemasonr*# Certain so3called occult orders at the to% (hich
are not e2en occultic (at least that is not their to% concern& but rather %oliticalC Trilateral
Commission# 8uilder3berg .rou%# CFR# et cetera
44. Control# ani%ulation and Funding o! $%%osites
.erman* and the US and other countries in2ol2ed in //0. Funding and mani%ulation o!
Christians and uslims. Communists 2ersus -emocrats. -emocrats 2ersus Re%ublicans.

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