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Curriculum - Vitae

Sankhamool, Newbaneshowr,
Kathmandu, Nepal
cell: (!""# !$%&'''(&)
/0RS1NA2 3ate o4 B*rth: June - 27, 1980
/lace o4 B*rth: Solma-4, Tehrathum
5*t*6ensh*p: Nepali
7ar*tal Status: Married
Able to or! ith leader"hip #ualitie" and al"o a" part o$ a team% &ommendable
"!ill" in admini"tration, &u"tomer &are, Sale" and di"tribution monitorin', e(aluatin',
)oordinatin', problem "ol(in', ob*e)tion handlin', "trate'+ $ormation and ,oliti)al ,
Se)urit+ - Natural Situation A""e""ment"%
/os*t*on*6at*on Nature o4 1r.+ Job Nature /er*od
,., Sale" -
/i!a" &o% 0td%
3etauda Tunnel
Sale" Mar!etin'
,romotion 5$$i)er
Media Media
7 Month"
&hie$ o$
&ir)ulation and
&u"tomer )are
National 7ail+
Media Media
Mar!etin' and
2 +ear"
and 4
A""i"tant 16&A4
9nited Nation 7iplomati)
&ommuni)ation 2 +ear"
and :
/oardin' 3i'h
Tea)hin' 4 +ear"
5(er"ea" ,(t%
Admini"tration 1 +ear
;n"tru)tor 1part
&omputer and
0an'ua'e )enter
Trainin' &enter Tea)hin' 8 Month"
07/21Y70N8 Nepal /urwadhar B*kas 5ompan, 2td, 8hapathal*, Kathmandu, Nepal
(Kathmandu=Kulekhan*=;etauda=8unnel ;*.hwa,#
Jan 24, 2013 - present
/R, Sales > 5ommun*cat*on Assoc*ate
&oun"elin' to the in(e"tor8"hare holder and "tea! holder about the pro*e)t%
To "ear)h 'ood opportunitie" at the bu"ine"" de(elopment $or the or'ani>ation and
a)t a" a $o)al point o$ )onta)t ith them%
A)t a" $o)al per"on ith media and or'ani>ation $or de(elopin' )ommuni)ation
and media a)ti(itie"%
Monitor the ne" and other publi)ation o$ the Nepal ,uradhar /i!a"h &o% 0td%
,repare ne"8Arti)le8Ne" relea"e and other media related material" and publi"h
throu'h media%
,repare "ale" )all bud'et and plane $or )olle)tion and de(elopment o$ $ond o$ the
7ounta*n 8ele?*s*on /?t+ 2td, 3*ll*ba6ar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Jun 14, 2012 Jan 15, 2013
7arket*n. /romot*on 144*cer
To "ee! ne (ieer" and )o"tumer $or the Tele(i"ion and lun)h "ome ")heme $or
To "ear)h 'ood opportunitie" at the bu"ine"" de(elopment $or the or'ani>ation and
a)t a" a $o)al point o$ )onta)t ith the bu"ine""man o$ Tele(i"ion%
&oordinate ith e?ternal (i"itor" and )u"tomer" to redu)e )omplain and add idea"
$or the Tele(i"ion% And promote brandin' o$ tele(i"ion%
,ro(idin' a))urate )a"tin'@" $or "ta$$, alloan)e", runnin' )o"t" and tra(el and
"ub"i"ten)e )o"t" to be in)luded in the $inan)ial plannin' $or promotion pa)!a'e%
To )oordinate and 'uide to the "ta$$ member o$ the )ompan+%
<ore)a"tin' e(ent" to ta!e pla)e in the di$$erent to a))umulate to the $inan)ial
Ta!in' re"pon"ibilit+ $or )olle)tin' re(enue $orm ad(erti"ement mar!etin' and
report to the authorit+%
Karobar Nat*onal 0conom*c 3a*l,, Kathmandu, Nepal
15th Oct, 2009- 14th Jan, 2012
5h*e4 o4 5*rculat*on and 5ustomer care
To arran'e the nationide )ir)ulation and di"tribution o$ 2arobar ne" paper%
To prepare pa+roll and or! ")hedule $or all "hort term "ta$$" and pro(ide )re(i)e"
and redu)e )omplain" o$ the )u"tomer"%
To )oordinate and 'uide to the "ta$$ member o$ the )ompan+%
To build netor!" o$ di"tribution o$ 2arobar National 6)onomi) 7ail+ throu'h
out the )ountr+% And $re#uent (i"it to the di"tributer $or "ol(in' the di"tribution
problem" and mentionin' the a))ount%
&oordinate ith e?ternal (i"itor" and )u"tomer" to redu)e )omplain and add idea"
$or the ne" paper%
; arran'e $or appointment pro)e"" o$ the ne "ta$$ $or m+ dept% and ne di"tributer
throu'h out the )ountr+ and )reatin' and $inali>in' )ontra)t"%
,repare dra$t routine )orre"ponden)e, memo, )ir)ular", brie$in' note" or report"
here re#uired%
; no mana'e and run the o$$i)e $ilin' "+"tem, mana'e the )alendar in$ormation
ban! b+ !eepin' up to date and a))urate all emer'en)+ and !e+ do)ument" li!e
/u"ine"" &ontinuit+ plan%
; a)t a" a $o)al point o$ )onta)t ith the all di"tributer, all )o"tumer" and
mana'ement ith re'ard to an+ important ta"!" in)ludin' ")hedulin' o$
)on$eren)e", arran'in' meetin'", "harin' )orre"ponden)e", mana'in'
appointment" et)%
,ro(idin' a))urate )a"tin'@" $or "ta$$, alloan)e", runnin' )o"t" and tra(el and
"ub"i"ten)e )o"t" to be in)luded in the $inan)ial plannin'%
<ore)a"tin' e(ent" to ta!e pla)e in the di$$erent to a))umulate to the $inan)ial
Ta!in' re"pon"ibilit+ $or )olle)tin' re(enue o$ di"tribution and "ale and report to
the authorit+%
Un*ted Nat*on 3epartment o4 Sa4et, and Secur*t,, Kathmandu, Nepal
March 15, 2008 - May 31, 2010
0mer.enc, 5ommun*cat*on Ass*stant (05A#
&arr+in' out all the admini"trati(e ta"!" o$ &entral .adio room%
&on"olidatin' and "endin' Nepal 7ail+ Se)urit+ .eport" to the )on)erned%
0iai"e ith 0o)al Authorit+, ,oli)e, Arm+ and Media to update o(erall "e)urit+
"ituation o$ the )ountr+%
Tran"latin' "e)urit+ related in$ormation $rom media, ne"paper", eb"ite" and
$ield ba"ed 9N "ta$$" into 6n'li"h%
Tra)!in' all 9N Sta$$ Member" and Ai"itor" mo(ement in &entral .e'ion%
Sendin' 7ail+ Tra(el Statu" .eport85ut o$ Station .eport to all the AS&8.adio
.oom" and "endin' the )on)erned%
;n$ormin' <S&58<S&A re'ardin' an+ in)ident reported b+ 9N Sta$$ member"%
6nterin' 7ata o$ 9N Sta$$ Member" and Ai"itor" S&< and Tra(el ,lan in Se)urit+
6nterin' 7ata in Se)urit+ ;n)ident .eportin' S+"tem Beb"ite%
Monitorin' and operatin' 3<8A3< .adio", Telephone and Sat phone%
;n$ormin' re"pe)ti(e Se)urit+ <o)al ,er"on8<S&58<S&A about mi""in' tra(eler"
and (ehi)le" and "end SMS to )on)erned Sta$$ o$ "e)urit+ matter%
&ondu)tin' .adio &he)! to all the 9N Sta$$ Member" o$ &entral .e'ion%
5perate ,ubli) Announ)ement S+"tem8 <ire Alarm S+"tem in 9N 3ou"e%
,er$ormin' all other related ta"!" a" re#uired%
Neptune Board*n. ;*.h School, Ba.ba6ar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Jan, 2004 - April, 2008
Tea)hin' to the ")hool "tudent ith $un and plea"urin' en(ironment%
<un)tionin' the re'ular )la"" a)ti(itie" and e?tra )urri)ulum a)ti(itie"%
Ma!in' the le(el te"t and )la"" te"t%
,re-e?am a)ti(itie" - ,repare "eatin' arran'ement", and )andidate" "eat in the
ri'ht de"!%
;n(i'ilatin' the )andidate" throu'h out the e?amination "e""ion"%
Mana'e e?am paper" a$ter e?am and maintain it" "e)urit+ until handed o(er to
Ta!in' the attendan)e $or 5ral e?amination" a" per /riti"h &oun)il and 6?aminin'
/odie" "tandard"%
5ther admini"trati(e or! a" and hen re#uired%
&oordinatin' to the ")hool tea)her and monitorin' the )la""room a)ti(itie" 'uide
them here i" ne)e""ar+%
Arran'in' the meetin' to the parent" and di")u"" about the )hildren%
Ma!in' the report and "ubmit to )on)ern authorit+%
7otherland 1?erseas, Kathmandu, Nepal
Aug 30, 2002- Sept 4, 2003
Asst+ Adm*n*strat*?e 144*cer
7ra$t routine )orre"ponden)e, memo, )ir)ular", brie$in' note" or report" here
Arran'e the do)ument o$ the applied )andidate $or $orei'n emplo+ment%
,repare meetin' a'enda and inter(ie ")hedule" and )ir)ulate to the appropriate
Ma!e re"ult and mana'e the pro)e"" $or $orei'n emplo+ment%
S)hedule the $li'ht $or "ele)ted )andidate and ")hoolin' them%
; no mana'e and run the o$$i)e $ilin' "+"tem b+ !eepin' up to date and a))urate
all emer'en)+ and !e+ do)ument" li!e /u"ine"" &ontinuit+ plan, Ne?t o$ 2in
detail", )ountr+ brie$", emer'en)+ )onta)t detail" et)%
; a)t a" a $o)al point o$ )onta)t ith &lint and bu"ine"" partner ith re'ard to an+
important ta"!" in)ludin' ")hedulin' o$ tele)on$eren)e", arran'in' meetin'",
"harin' )orre"ponden)e", mana'in' appointment" et)%
An+ other dut+ a" in"tru)ted%
<etwa, 5omputer and Inst*tute, Ba.ba6ar, Kathmandu, Nepal
!", 15,2003 - July 12, 2004
5omputer Instructor (part t*me#
; u"e to tea)h )omputer to the learner%
Arran'e the pra)ti)al )la"" to the learner%
6nterin' ne member@" detail" in the in"tititute%
&a"h )olle)tion $rom ne member", boo!" $ine" and mi")ellaneou" )a"h )olle)tion
and ma!in' dail+ re)on)ilation "tatement b+ in"titute "tandard%
ma!in' a plane $or promotion and ne plane $or in"titute%
03U5A8I1N Ratna Ra@,a 2aAm* 5ampus (8r*bhuwan Un*?ers*t,#, Kathmandu, Nepal
Ma"ter in So)iolo'+
Ratna Ra@,a 2aAm* 5ampus (8r*bhuwan Un*?ers*t,#, Kathmandu, Nepal
/A in Ma"" )ommuni)ation and *ournali"m
June 2011
Ma*or "ub*e)t- Journali"m and ,oliti)al S)ien)e 1;nternational .elation4
Nepal 5ommerce 5ampus (8r*bhuwan Un*?ers*t,#, Kathmandu, Nepal
/a)helor in /u"ine"" Studie" 1Mana'ement4
Ratna Ra@,a 2aAm* 5ampus (8r*bhuwan Un*?ers*t,#, Kathmandu, Nepal
;ntermidiate in Art"
June 200$
Ma*or "ub*e)t- Journali"m and ,oliti)al S)ien)e
7ahandra 7ult*ple 5ampus, 3haran (8r*bhuwan Un*?ers*t,#, Sunsar*, Nepal
;ntermidiate in &ommer)e 1Mana'ement4
June 2002
Ma*or "ub*e)t- A))ount and 6)onomi)
Ratna 7a+ 9*+ Solma, 8ehrathum, Nepal
S)hool 0ea(in' &erti$i)ate (S25#
)'%( BS
SKI22S - <luent in 6n'li"h, 3indi and Nepal 1Mother ton'4,
5omputer Sk*lls - Mi)ro"o$t 5$$i)e, =raphi)", "e(eral popular a))ountin' pa)!a'e"
/ersonal Interests - 3<8A3< .A7;5S 5peration, Sat li'ht ,hone" and other 5$$i)e
1ther Sk*lls - ;nternational &ontrol .oom1 .adio .oom4 operation" and "a$et+8 Se)ure
approa)he" in $ield en(ironment" and "e)urit+ aarene""%
R0B0R0N50S 3r+ Subarna 2al Ba@rachar,a= &hie$ 6?e)uti(e 5$$i)er
Nepal ,urbadhar /i!a" &ompan+ 0imited, 1The 7e(eloper o$ 2athmandu-2ule!hani-
3etauda Tunnel hi'ha+ $orm pri(ate $inan)in'4,
Thapathali, 2athmandu, ,h- 00977-1-C1110208:0840
/rateek /radhan= &658 6ditor in &hie$
2arobar National 6)onimi) 7ail+, /uddhana'ar, 2athmandu, Nepal, ,h- 00977-1-
Sash* S*@apat* = .adio Tele)om Spe)iali"t
9nited Nation 7epartment o$ Sa$et+ and Se)urit+ 19N7SS4 2athmandu, Nepal, ,h-

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