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A. Fill in th !l"n#$ %ith th &'((&t %'()$.
lose wake up have a shower rolls quietly a pack of local feel ill
whisper invest for sale global together a tube a loaf of
1. If you want to feel fresh and energetic in the morning, then I recommend that you
2. Some people ______ everything they own in floods, fires or war.
3. Fortunately, the kids were studying ______ while she was reading the paper.
4. You will ______ if you stay in the cold for too long.
5. I find it very difficult to ______ very early in the morning.
. You can give a child or ______on their behalf as much money as you like.
!. "here are various causes of _____economic crisis which affected the whole world.
#. $hen you get on the plane set your watch to the _______time.
%. In the hospital room, ____ or speak the patient in low tones not to disturb other
&'. In order to find , apartments, and homes _____ in (stanbul you should consult a real
estate agent.
&&.Forming ____________bread out of dough is easy. )ll you need is a clean counter or
board and a rolling pin.
&*."om borrowed ____________ of glue from his friend.
&+.I like eating one or two _________ for breakfast.
&,.-e took ____________ cards and started to play with them.
&.. /et all the ingredients ____________ before you start cooking.
B. V(! Tn$ E+(&i$ , Si-.l /"$t 0 /"$t C'ntin1'1$
U$in2 th %'()$ in ."(nth$$3 &' th t+t !l'% %ith th "..('.(i"t tn$$3
thn &li&# th 4Ch&#4 !1tt'n t' &h&# 5'1( "n$%($.
&. )0 $hat 1you, do2 _____when the accident occurred3
40 I 1try2______ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
*. )fter I 1find2 _____ the wallet full of money, I ____1go, immediately2 to the police and
1turn2 it in.
+. "he doctor 1say2_____ that "om 1be2_____ too sick to go to work and that he 1need2
______ to stay at home for a couple of days.
,. Sebastian 1arrive2 ______ at Susan5s house a little before %0'' 67, but she 1be, not2 ___
_____ there. She 1study, at the library2_____ for her final e8amination in French.
.. Sandy is in the living room watching television. )t this time yesterday, she ____1watch,
also2 television. "hat5s all she ever does9
. )0 I 1call2_____ you last night after dinner, but you 1be, not2 ____ there. $here were you3
40 I 1work2 ______out at the fitness center.
!. $hen I 1walk2 ______ into the busy office, the secretary 1talk2 _____ on the phone with a
customer, several clerks 1work, busily2______ at their desks, and two managers 1discuss,
quietly2 methods to improve customer service.
#. I 1watch2 _____a mystery movie on ": when the electricity went out. ;ow I am never
going to find out how the movie ends.
%. Sharon 1be2______ in the room when <ohn told me what happened, but she didn5t hear
anything because she 1listen, not2 ______.
&'. It5s strange that you 1call2_____ because I 1think, =ust2 _____ about you.
&&. "he "itanic 1cross2 ______the )tlantic when it 1strike2______ an iceberg.
&*. $hen I entered the ba>aar, a couple of merchants 1bargain, busily2____ and 1try2
______ to sell their goods to naive tourists who 1hunt2 _______ for souvenirs. Some young
boys 1lead2 _____their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way home. ) couple of
men 1argue2_____ over the price of a leather belt. I 1walk2 ______ over to a man who 1sell2
_____ fruit and 1buy2 _____ a banana.
&+. "he firemen 1rescue2 _____ the old woman who 1be2 _____ trapped on the third floor of
the burning building.
&,. She was so annoying9 She 1leave, always2______ her dirty dishes in the sink. I think she
1e8pect, actually2 _______me to do them for her.
&.. Samantha 1live2 _____ in 4erlin for more than two years. In fact, she 1live2 _____there
when the 4erlin $all came down.
C.Fill in th !l"n#$ %ith 6h'% -1&h7 '( 6h'% -"n57.
&. _______ people are you e8pecting3
*. _______ money do you want for this3
+. _______ lemonade have we got3 $e?ve got only one bottle.
,. _______ meat is there3 $e have got two steaks.
.. _______ women will like that new fashion 3
. _______ bananas have we got3 $e haven?t got any.
!. _______ bread have we got3 Some.
#. _______ is a coffee and a large coke3
%. ______ women will like that new fashion 3
&'. ______ French grammar does he know 3
D.Fill in th !l"n#$ %ith 6"3 $'-3 "n53 " littl3 " 8%3 -1&h3 -"n53 " l't '87
&. $ould you like ______ =uice3
*. I ate ______ sandwich for lunch.
+. I only have ______ dollars.
,. $e had ______ cake with the tea.
.. I often have ______ fried egg for lunch.
. "here aren?t ______ pears left. @nly two.
!. I don?t drink ______ milk. I don?t like it.
#. "he printer is e8pensive. It uses ______ ink.
%. Aon?t eat so ______ chocolate or you?ll get fat.
&'. "here is ______ pack of margarine in the fridge.
&&. "he child put ______ sand into the bucket.
&*. I can lend you ______ money if you need it.
&+. -e isn?t very popular. -e has ______ friends.
&,. )nn is very busy these days. She has ______ free time.
&.. Aid you take ______ photographs when you were on holidays3
&. I5m not very busy today. I haven5t got ______ to do.
&!. "he museum was very crowded. "here were too ______ people.
&#. 7ost of the town is modern. "here are ______ old buildings.
&%. "he weather has been very dry recently. $e5ve had ______ rain.
*'. "he classroom is almost empty. "here are only ______ people here.
*&. You can borrow money from your uncle. -e has ______ money.
**. 7elinda isn5t very busy. She doesn5t have ______ homework.
*+. It5s been a poor summer. $e haven5t had ______ good weather.
*,. -arold had only ______time to finish this lesson.
*.. "here isn?t ______ time left.
*. "here are only ______ pictures in the writing center.
*!. I want to make orange =uice. -ave you got ______ oranges3
*#. You cannot borrow money from your brother. -e only has ______ money.
*%. You should buy a new car. Your old car has ______ problems.
+'. Bina has a lot of free time. She only has ______ homework.
+&. @nly ______ of the computers in the writing center are broken.
+*. I don5t know ______ about Cnglish but I am learning fast.
E./1t in "n5!')5 9"n5'n: 0 "n5thin2 0n'!')5 9n''n: 0 n'thin2.
&. "here was a thunderstorm during the night but I heard _______________.
*. "here isn?t ___________ I like on the menu.
+. Fred isn?t a nice person. _______________ likes him.
,. I can?t hear ______________. Dan you turn the radio up3
.. Sheila?s lonely in Bondon because she doesn?t know ________________.
. ). $hat?s that in your hand3
4. ______________.
!. I haven?t bought _____________ for Sarah?s birthday.
#. _____________ can help you. You must do it yourself.
%. ). $hat are you doing tonight3
&'. Een was in hospital for two days but ____________ went to see him.
&&. "here wasn?t _________ in the cinema. It was completely empty.
Aear 6hil,
I?ve been here for two months and I don?t like this place. I haven?t met ___________
interesting. )lso, it?s very quiet in the evenings. )ll the shops and restaurants close
early and the streets are empty. "here?s ____________ to go and there?s
___________ good on ":.
"hen yesterday ___________ told me about a sports club ___________ near my
house. So I decided to try it. I found it F it?s only ten minutes from my house and it?s
great. "here?s weightGtraining, tennis, a swimming pool, and the people there are very
friendly. ___________ tells you what to do F you can choose for yourself. In the
middle of the evening, ___________ said, H-ello, I?m "ony. )re you doing _________
later this evening3 $ould you like to go for ____________ to eat3 I said, HYes, I?d love
$e had delicious pi>>as and that night I thought to myself, H"his town is getting better9
I haven?t been _____________ for two months and now I?ve been to two new places
in one evening and made a friend.?
)ll the best

"he first time I ever met Dlare, she was working in a clothes store in Dhicago. I was feeling
embarrased because I had gone in to buy a scarf for my sister and there were *' or +'
women in there and I was the only man. I was standing in the scarves, hats and gloves
section feeling sorry for myself when Dlare walked up to me and asked me if there was
anything I needed.
She looked very beautiful and was dressed elegantly. I must admit that for a couple of
seconds, I wasn5t able to say anything. I =ust looked at her. Finally, I said, Iwhat si>e scarves
do you have3I and then reali>ed that it was quite a stupid question. I left the store a few
seconds later without buying anything.
"wo days later, I was sitting in a coffee bar around the corner when I heard a voice behind
me say, Idid you ever find the scarf you were looking for3I I turned around and was ama>ed
to see the same pretty girl from the clothes store. $e laughed about it and shared a coffee
"wo weeks later, I was brave enough to ask Dlare to go to see a movie with me. You can
imagine how unhappy I was when she said that she couldn5t go with me. She promised to
call me another time, but I didn5t believe her. "he ne8t morning, my cell phone rang and I
recogni>ed her number on the screen. She said she was free and asked if I still wanted to go
to the cinema. "hat was seven years ago and now we5ve been married for nearly . years.
Find words that mean0
&. something to cover your neck0
*. smartly0
+. divide something between two or more people0
,. courageous0
.. remember something visually from an earlier time0
. feel uncomfortable in a situation0
R")in2 C'-.(hn$i'n
&.$hy did the man feel embarrased when he was waiting in the queue3
*.$hat was his first impression on Dlare3
+.$hy was the question he asked a stupid one3
,.Aid they meet right after he went out of the store3 If not why3
..$hat might be a suitable title for a story like the one above3
An$%( th$ ;1$ti'n$ %ith ith( TRUE '( FALSE.
a. Dlark felt embarrassed because he was meeting Dlare for the first time.
b. Dlark didn5t know if his sister wanted a scarf, a hat or a pair of gloves.
c. Dlark bought a scarf from Dlare because he thought she was beautiful.
d. Dlark and Dlare had a coffee a couple of days after meeting for the first time.
e. Dlark was a little worried about asking Dlare out.
f. Dlare didn5t go to the cinema with Dlark because she was busy.
g. "hey got married two years after meeting for the first time.

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