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u'OtMof jxL ljxf/sf] ;+lIfKt kl/ro

nlntk'/sf k|frLg k'/ftfTjs Pj+ P]ltxf;s ;Dkbfo'Qm u'OtM 6f]n

nlntk'/sf] k"jL k'!f/ kb! " kf6g ;'#$f/f%f6 sl/j kf&r l'g]6sf]
lx&(fO k)rft* ;'jxfn+ l,#!]jxfn+ lk#!] x'&b- u'OtM 6f]n k'.g
;ls#! " nlntk'/sf k|frLg %f-/ ljxf/x0 '1o] o; 6f]n'f 2jl34t tLg jxL
ljxf/x0 k|4' 5L 'xfjxf/+ j;'6r7Ln 'xfjxf/ / u'3tn 'xfjxf/ x'g* "
$f's ;f&3s8lts lj7]9ftfn] o'Qm oL ljxf/x0'f b-lgs lgTo k":f
;<M=oMrfo]s]u'>+ ljl,#g l/ltl4lt u'l4x0 ;?rfng nufot k|To]s 296'L+
k"l@f'f+ ;+Amf#t :3tf lbgx0'f 3tf]A%frg+ gf';+lult kfB+
$' b]7gf+ u&'nf kj ;5fj@fC,fb| 'lxgf> 'f %xL<f] / kf-,f lrAsnf k|
b7g ug] 2fb ljlj$ sfoAm'x0 ;+rfng ub- 2fO/x]sf] ! " o3t-
tLg- jxLnx0'f 2fC2fDg- ;+E 34fkgf u/L k?r'xf34lj/ 2f:'x0sf]
gfosTj'f r'(fs' ;+E ,f]:g 2fb ;+3sf/x0 klg rnfF&b- 2fO/x]sf !g* "
u'OtM %xLnsf] k|frLgtfnfO lgofGbf lnl6!ljsfn b]lH g- o;
34fg'f %f-/ ultljl$x0 x'&b- 2fPsf] k|'f@fx0 oxf& ,]l6Psf k"j lnl6!lj
lnlk 2+lst l7nf,n]H t4f I 2f-+ 7tfJbLsf %'/ '"lt+ lnl6!lj r-To
2fbx0n] b;fO/x]sf] ! " g]K;+K LMM+ NOO+ NIP sf l7nf,n]Hx0sf]
Fkl34ltn] '1osfn'f klg oxf& 'xfkl@(t lj,|t r#b|kfn :3tf
2#t/fl96Qo3t/sf ljRfg*x0sf] 2fu'g ,Psf]+ 'xfkl@(t ST#t5L /
uf-t'5Lsf] g]t8Tjo* ljxf/ k'gM lg'f@f ,Psf] 2fb s'/fx0 FGn]H
,O/x]sf] ! "
g]K;+K NOO sf] Ps 2l,n]H'f ljVoftf nlntk'/Llt gu/Lof lbIf'
;Jjf{:jlk ljBfEof;+ /gf}== s[to';f+jf/k' =====Zjn}M ;!"jL
k'#s:o}"$g %[lts[&/f!lt ljlj%} b!jfno} == tf '' t( k)f*of+ lblu';tnf!
gf+ /,of! lj-f/ s[Zj)} === U24ft nlntk'/ gu/sf] rf/- lb7fsf ;j-
b]jfno'f ;j- k|sf/sf lj<fVof;/t ,O /x]sf ljRfg*x0n] jf; ul//x]sf] gu/sf]
k"jlt/ u';tn gf' /x]sf] /'@fLo ljxf/KKK W ,gL j@fg ul/Psf] ! " o;
2l,n]H'f '1o]sfn'f nlntk'/ gu/ lj<fVof;sf] s]#b|sf] 0k'f 34fkt
/x]sf] ,gL j@fg ul/Psf]n] 2g';#$ftfx0 o; jfXof+7nfO 2To+#t
'xTjsf ;f4 F/l/t ug] u/]sf]] ! " o; 2l,n]H'f FGn]H ,O /x]sf] ljxf/
k'gMlg'f@fsf] s'/fnfO lgofn]/ x]bf g]K;+ NYZ 'f 2fPsf]
u'Ot jxL klg Sftu|3t ,Psf] x'g ;Xg] 2g''fg ug ;ls#! "
2,m u';tn ,lg gf' FGn]H ,O/x]sf] ;j k|frLg 2l,n]H xfn k|4' 5L
'xfjxf/ ,lgg] t$& jxLsf] '"n b]jtfsf] kfbkLB'f ,]l6Psf]n] o; sfn;D'
oxf& PF6- 'fA u';tn gf'sf] jxLn /xsf] b]lH#! " sfnf#t/'f olx %lxn
Vajracharya D.B., Malla K.P., 1985. The Gopalrajavamsavali, Nepal Research e!"er, Nepal. C o; j+7fjnL 2g';f/ FQm
'xf,'sDk'f /f:f 2,o'Gn ;lxt b]7sf Ps ltxfO :gtfsf] '8To' ,Psf] l4of] "
tLgj6f %lxn'f 6'A*mofOPsf] b]lH#! " o; s'/fnfO %lx ljxf/sf]
jf3t'snfg';f/ klg k'l96 x'g 2fF&! " t$& %lxn 2foftfsf/'f ! / b'O j6f lr$&
%lxnx0sf] Sf]Akmn %/fj/sf] ! " olb oL tLg- %lxnx0nfO Ps- 'fg]/
%Lrsf] %f&l(Psf] ;+/rgfnfO x6fO x]g] xf] ,g] of] Ps lj7fn jufsf/
%lxn ,Psf] xf'L kfF&!f-+ " o; lj,f:g slxn] ,of] ,#g] lj9fo'f 21oog
ug] xf] ,g] b'Oj6f lr$& u'Ot %lxnx0sf] 2u|,fu'f /x]sf] b'O6f
B"nf r-Tox0nfO x]g' kg] x'#! " oL b'O r-Tox0 xfn lrlgPsf u'3tn
'xfjxf/ ;lrs+ %lx> / j;'6r7Ln 'xfjxf/ ;lr$& %lx> sf] u#$'/L b]jtfsf]
BLs 2uf(Lsf] '1o/]Hf'f kg] u/L lg'f@f ul/Psf] ! " To;sf/@f oL
b'O r-Tox0sf] lg'f@f x'g' ,#bf klxn] g- oL %lxnx0 6'lAm;s]sf]
%',*mg ;ls#! " oL '1o] u'3tn 'xfjxf/sf] 2uf(L /x]sf] r-To'f
,]l6Psf] g]K;+K NIP sf] 2l,n]Hn] t]x|f-+ 7tfJbL'f g- oL %lxnx0
lj,Qm ,Psf] x'g* ls ,#g] ,fg x'#! " oL ;Dk"@f k|'f@fx0sf] 21oog
u/L x]bf u';tn 'xfjxf/ gf' ljxf/ sfnf#t/'f tLgj6f ,O lgDgfg';f/ x'g
uPsf] b]lH#! "
[K t$& %xL C blSf@ft/sf] 2foftfsf/ B"nf] %lxn C k|4' 5L 'xfjxf/
;g]K;+K YYP sf] 2l,n]H'f ;%,#bf klxnf k|of]u ,Psf] gf'>
\K lr$& jxL k"jlt/%f6 k|j]7 Rf/ ,Psf] j;'6r7Ln 'xfjxf/ ;g]K;+K
POP sf] 2l,n]H'f ;%,#bf klxnf k|of]u ,Psf] gf'>
EK lrs+ jxL FQ/lt/sf] k|j]7 Rf/ ,Psf] C u'3tn 'xfjxf/ ;g]K;+K
NOO sf] t$& jxLsf] 2l,n]H'f ;jk|4' k|of]u u/]sf] ,P klg kl!sf
tLg- %lxnsf ljl,#g 2l,n]Hx0'f k|of]u x'&b- 2fPsf] gf'>

2,m klg o; u'OtM jxLsf] 2f/D,sf] P]ltxf;s ljj/@fsf jf/] kof]t
2#j]9f@f x'g %fs g- ! " Oltxf;sf/x0n] 2g';#$fgsf Am''f ljl,#g k|
'f@fx0 2l$ ;f/]sf !g* " $gj:| %:|frfo+n]
o+u'jxfnof ;ofujxfn>
2jl34t lnl6!lj l7nf,n]H'f FGn]H ,O/x]sf] Uu'Gnt+uu|f'W sf] 2k,+|
7 g- u'OtM ,Psf] 2g''fg k|3t't u/]sf] ! " u'Gnt+u ;+3s8t 7Jb
g,Psf]n] o; 34fg ls/ftsfn b]lH g- 34fkt ,Psf] s'/f k|3t't u/]sf]
! " ;'b7g ltjf/Ln]
o; s'/fsf] H@(g ub- ljl,#g 2l,n]Hx0'f ,]l6Psf]
Uu'tl;+sf] k|b]7
+ Ugj j+W+ Uu';tnW 2fb 7Jbx0 / To;sf 34fg k|
'f@fx0 2lE ;f/L lgDg k|sf/n] k|3t't u/]sf !g* " k|frLgsfn'f 7x/L of]:gf
ubf %f3t'7f3Afg';f/ gf- sf]9Bsf] '@(nfsf/ u/L %gfPsf] %]nf 'f@fun
;kf6g b/jf/ Sf]A> nfO 2+s Ps lbO jl/kl/sf Sf]Ax0nfO Am'7M 2+s
Am'fg';f/ gf'fs/@f ubf o; 34fg gjf-+ 2+s'f k/]sf]n] o;-%f6 o;
Sf]Asf] gf' u';tn ,gL k|l;/ x'g uPsf] s'/f FGn]H ! " olx+ gf- 2+ssf]
klxrfgnfO sfo' /f=g lgDgfg';f/ gf-+ 2+s ;&u l'nfO gf-4/L g-
j:|frfo $gj:|+ ljK;+K ^_ZN ;lRtLo ;+K>+ lnl6!ljsfnsf 2l,n]H+ g]kfn / Pl;ofnL 2g';#$fg s]#b|+
lAKljKljK lsltk"/+ g]kfnK
Ti%ari, &. R., #''1. (!cie!" &e""leme!"s o) Ka"hma!*+ Valley. e!"er )or Nepal a!* (sia! &"+*ies, T,. Nepal
g]K;+ IYM of t';'s tf(kA; FGn]H :'of 6j&u' 7Jb+ k"jjt*C ltjf/L ;^__L> k]K PO+ OO
$'lsltx0 34fkgf u/L uPsf] FGn]H k+ x]/fsf:L %:|frfo+
n] u/]sf]
! "
[K gf- j6f Ogf/
\K gf- j6f r-To
EK gf- j6f lxlt+
/K gf- j6f bnfg ,Psf] kf6L
!K FQm kf6L'f j;L gf- j6f :Ml;'f gf- bf0 rf'n bfg ug] k|4f
6K gj gfu ;f$g ul/Psf] kf]H/L
BK gf- tn] 'l#b/
(K gj u|#4 kfB u'l4+
`K gf-;o gJ%] /f]kgL :.ufsf] Joj34f
ltjf/Ln] ofujxfnsf] lnl6!lj 2l,n]H / 20 k|'f@fx0 F//@f u/L u'OtM
Sf]Asf] ljsf; g/]#b|b]j /f:fn] xfnsf] u'OtM R& l34t ,b|fbjf; ,jg
lg'f@f u/fO /fao ;+rfng u/]sf] sfn b]lH 7'0 ,Psf] 2g''fg k|3t't
u/]sf] ! "

o; jfx]s o; u'Ot jxL ;&u ljl,#g :g5'ltx0 :f]l(Psf !g* " u'&nf+
kj'f ul/g] jxL <f] k|b7gLsf] Am''f t$& %xLnsf] ;n+;fnf'f
$&GofMlxlt k|b7g ug] rng rln2fPsf] ! " o; $&GofM lxlt
;$'?:oofAf lxltsf] 2k,|+7> sf] k/Dk/f %89fb]jsf] sfn b]lH rln2fPsf]
s'/f k+ x]'/f: 7fXo
n] FGn]H u/]sf] ! " To;- 2j;/'f o; %xLnsf]
k"jlt/sf] l,Qf'f NI lkm6 nDjfOsf] ;jfg#b g8k :ftssf] lrA 2+lst
t'nf& kf- ;%]/]/ /fHg] kf-,f lrAsnf> k|b7gLsf] klg rng rln2fPsf] ! "
o; :fts'f 7fXo''lg %'/sf] k"j :#''f bfgkf/l'tf k"@f ug] Am''f
u/]sf lj7'/ 2f'9f bfgsf] 'lx'f FGn]H ,O/x]sf] ! " u'OtMsf %lx ljxf/
2fb 2g]sg $'lsltx0 oLg- ;jfg#b /f:fsf] kfnf'f lg'f@f ,Psf] xf]
,#g] :g5'lt rln2fPsf] ! " o; :fts'f FGn]H ul/Psf] Ps JolQmTj+ :;n]
2fk"m 2To#t bl/b| ,Osg klg lrQ'f 2kf/ 5/f /fHL bLk+s/
t4futnfO ;t' bfg u/]sf] 'xfTDo j@fg ul/Psf] ! "
;jfg#b /f:fsf]
lg'#A@b'f b/jf/lt/ uO/x]sf bLk+s/ t4fut /f:fsf] bfg7fnf'f 7'0'f
guO To; bl/b| lg$g %8/fsf] E/'f uO bfg 4f]g k'u] " lg'#A@b
u/]sf /f:f 2f)ro rlst ,O 2fDgf] bfg ,#bf To; lg$g %8/fsf]
bfgnfO k|f4l'stf lbg'sf] sf/@f ;f]1bf B"nf] kl/'f@fsf] bfg ,#bf ;fg-
kl/'f@f ,P klg 7'/ lrQ+n] sfo s96%f6 s'fPsf] ;+lrt $g j3t' lbPsf] bfg
g- FQ' x'#! ,gL bLk+s/ t4futn] Fkb]7 lbP " o; s'/f%f6 FTk|]l/t
j:|frfo+ x]/fsf:L+ g]K;+KLLLOK u''OtMof %xL ljxf/ ;+E+ bLkfjtL k'3tsfno+ on "
Ti%ari, &.R.,#''#. The Bric/ a!* "he B+ll. 0imal Boo/s, 1ali"p+r, Nepal.
7fXo+ k+K x]'/f:+ g]K;+KLLLP+ $'?:oofAf lxlt ;$&GofMlxlt> of 'xTjK j:|frfo x]/fsf:L ;;+K>+
g]K;+K LLLPK u'3tn n;tf kf-+ bLkfjtL k'3tsfno+ on
j:|frfo k+ 2f7fsf:L+ g]K;+K LLLM ;lRtLo ;+K>K ;jfg#b g8k :fts s4f+ k?r/f: 7fXo+ u'OtM on "
,O 2fk"m klg sfos96n] /ut kl;gf Ps u/L $g s'fO bfg u!' ,#g]
b8` ;+sGk u/L /f:f Ps:gf nf]xf/sf] 2f/g'f kmnf' lk6**g] sf' ug uP
" s]lx 2jl$ o; k|sf/n] $g 2f:g u/] k)rft* olx $g Hr ug] u/L ,ujfg
%'/ k|''H l,Sf';+EnfO lk@(kfA bfgsf] FT;j u/]sf l4P " o;- 'xfg*
E6gf b]lH on k?:bfgsf] rng 34fkgf ,of] ,#g] :g5'lt rln2fPsf] ! "
olx+ 'xfg* E6gf / FQm %8/fsf] u'@f 3'/@f ub- 7'/ lrQn] lbOg]
bfgsf] 'xTj k|;f/ ug] F\])on] u'&nf kj'f j;'6r7Ln 'xfjxf/'f u'OtM
2:Lsf] k|lt'f k|b7g ug] rng rln2fPsf] ! "
;+lSf]t'f o; u'OtM jxL ljxf/ / u'OtM Sf]Asf] lj7]9ftfx0 lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf]
! "
[K nlntk'/'f k"j%f6 k|j]7 ubf ;j- ,#bf klxn] ,]l6g] ljxf/ "
\K tLg j6f ljxf/ Ps- 34fg'f 34fkgf ,Psf] ,Ptfklg s'g- %lx klg Ps 2sf]
sf] 7fHf g,O 3jt#A ;+E Joj34f ;?rfng'f /x]]sf] "
EK %xL ljxf/x0'f k|lt9Bfkt u#$'/Lb]jtfx0 '1o] oxf&sf] t$& jxL'f
34fkgf ul/Psf] '"n u#$'/L b]jtf ;j- ,#bf] ! " o; sf/@f klg
:g5'ltx0'f rln2fP 2g';f/sf] B"nf]+] 2fsf/sf] 'l#b/ oxf& /x]sf]
s]lx+ k'l96 u! "
/K o; tM$& %xLsf] '"n 'l#b/sf]] kmM ;l]n#4> klg k|rlnt
%lxnx0sf] 'l#b/ ,#bf k84s ! " gf- tn] 'l#b/sf] 2l3tTjsf] k|
'f@fsf] 0k'f klg o;nfO lnOPsf] ! "
!K k|frLg /?:gf lnlk'f n]lHPsf] '1osfnLg 2l,n]H 2To#t b',n ! :'g
o; ljxf/'f ,]l6Psf] ! "
6K 3joD," 'xfr-To'f :3t- oMl;+ ;sfBsf] HDjf> /fHL lg'f@f ul/Psf]
B"nf] b'Oj6f r-Tox0 klg oxf&sf] lj7]9ftf xf] "
BK k"jlnl6!lj lnlk+n] ;YCP 2f-+ 7tfJbL> n]lHPsf] l7nf,n]H
(K '8To' / :Ljgsf] ;+Am'@fsfnLg 2j34f'f nlug] Ps 34fg ,gL :glj)jf;
ul/Psf] '8To' x'g' kg] lgTo ;TonfO ;+3'/@f ug] x]t'n] k|To]s
j9f k|b7g ul/g] $&GofM lxlt ;$'?:o ofAf lxlt>
`K bLk+s/ t4futnfO 7'/ sfos96n] ;+lrt u/]sf] $g bfg
lbO Fbfx/@fLo x'g' ,Psf 5/f'oL u'Ot 2:Lsf] k|lt'f k|b7g ug]
[@K ;jfg#b g8k :fts s4fsf] ;Dk"@f s4fnfO lrAf+lst ul/Psf] NI
lkm6 nf'f] 2,'tk"j nDjfOsf] t'nf&kf- ;kf-,f lrAsnf>
[[K lnl6!ljsfn'f nlntk'/sf] 7x/L of]:gf ubf 2+s '1o] ;j- ,#bf
B"nf] gf- 2+s'f k/]sf] k|b]7sf] 0k'f k|l7/ "
[\K gf- 2+snfO 'xTj lbO gf- 2+s ;&u- l'nfO $'lsltx0
34fkgf ,Psf] "
k"jjt*C j:|frfo+ x]/fsf:L+ g]K;+KLLLO
[EK bLk+s/ t4futsf] :LjgL ;&u :f]l(Psf] ;Do]s bfg$' k/Dk/fsf] k|
f/D, ,Psf] 34n bLkfjtL gu/sf] 0k'f k|l7/
[/K on k?:c6'Lsf] lbg'f k?:bfg FT;j ug] k/Dk/f ;j- ,#bf
klxn] ;',f/D, ,Psf] 34fg "
[!K on k?:c6'Lsf] lbg ;j- ,#bf klxn] u'OtM 2:Lsf] bfgbQ u|x@f
ug' kg] rng /x]sf] " olx+ lbg k?:bfg 'xf]T;j 7',f/D, ;&u-+
k"m<M bLk+s/sf] 2fu'g k)rft* k?:bfg 'xf]T;j ;'fkgsf] ;"rssf 0
kn] ;j- ,#bf klxn] E@6fEf]9f@b x'g] 34fg "
[6K u'&nf& kj'f gf- j6f jxLnx0 kl/Am'f ug' kg] k|rng'f ;jk|4'
k'.g' kg] jxL
[BK g]kfn'@(n'f k|l;/ rf/ 4'Dsf]x0 '1o] Ps u'OtM R&
[(K b]7'f B"nf] E6gf jf 2lg96 x'g'sf] ;+s]tsf 0k'f 2fDgf] jf3tljs 3j,fj
$' !f](L b'$sf] $f/f %ufFg] `'&u]$f/f "
o; k|sf/n] k|frLgsfn b]lH g- %'/ l7Sb 2Vof; / %f-/ ;+3s8ltnfO
;?rfng ub- 2fPsf o; u'OtM %lx xfn ,f-lts 0kn] :L@f 2j34f'f ! " o;
'f4 2f$'lgstfsf] nx('f k/L oL ;Dkbfsf jf/] r]tgf gof& k'3tf'f s'
x'&b- uO/x]sf]nfO ;']t b8l96ut ub- ,f-lts ;+/rgfnfO ;+/Sf@f
ug'sf] ;f4- ;Dj8/ ;+3s8ltsf] k'g:fu/@f GofFg 2To#t :0/L ,Psf] ! "
Introduction to Guita Bahi
Guita Bahi refers to three Bahils viz Pratham Shila Mahavihar (Tadhan Bahi),
Vasucchashila Mahavihar (chidhan Bahi) and Gustal Mahavihar (Gustal Bahi)
located at eatern most edge of the old Patan. This place is endoed ith a
num!er of attri!utes, cultural practices and rituals. These includes dail" pu#a
ritual called $de%h"a ca"e%e$, recitation of h"ms called $tutah$ in ever" full
moon, half moon and &rst da" of the month of 'epalese solar calendar. (ll
three !ahils are run !" their on Sangha (a monastic institution) headed !"
&ve senior mon%s. These &ve senior mon%s have rights to ordain the sha%"a
!o" as mon% for four da"s and grant the mem!ership of the sangha.
Historical Background: These are ancient Buddhist monasteries dated !ac%
atleast from )icchavi period (*
centur" to +
centur" ,.-). ( num!er of
anti.uities and remnants such as an inscription ritten in )ichhavi script, a
image from /
centur" and )ichhavi ,ait"as the historical evidences that
!ac%s its historicit" and authenticit". 0ther inscriptions of 'epal -ra ('.S.)
*22, 3++, 3/4 are among the oldest one. The oldest inscriptions !earing the
name of the Vihar as $Gustala$ is located in tadhan !ahi and this name is
continued to !e occurred in the inscriptions for all three !ahils. This suggests
there as onl" one !ig !ahil in the past called $Gustala Mahavihar$ hich later
got divided into three and got di5erent names for each.
6i5erent scholars have proposed their interpretations a!out the histor" of this
place. Sudarshan Tiari pose his conclusion referring to the ords
$Gutashin%o Pradesha$, $'ava Vam$ and $Gusatala$ found in inscriptions and
manuscripts. The place is designated as of num!er 'ine hen the Patan cit"
as planned in )icchavi period in a + s.uare mandala form according to
Vastushastra. 7n local 'eari language, + is $gu$ and land is $tala$. 8ence,
$Gusatala$ literall" means the land l"ing in the sector +. 8e also claims that the
)ichhavi 9ing 'arendra 6ev constructed the Bhadradivas Bhavan (mentioned
in :ag!ahal inscription) at the present site of Guita 6on. The monastic as ell
as other settlement development as started in his period. ;urthermore,
8era%a#i Va#rachar"a suggests that the residents and the devotees
constructed + such o!#ects in the .uantit" of +. Such as<
*. ( nine storied Temple
=. 'ine cait"as
3. 'ine hiti (stone ater spout)
2. 'ine ells
>. -ndoments of nine hundred and nint" la"e (an unit measurement) of the
/. ( pati (traditional rest house) ith nine !a"s of the columns.
?. ( tradition of o5ering dana hich includes nine spoon of rice from the nine
@asi (container)
4. ( pond consecrated endoed ith nine nagara#as (the great serpents)
+. ( tradition of recitinging nine great scripture
Nepal 3ra 4N.&.5 s"ar"e* 829 years a)"er "he hris"ia! era
Legendary accounts: This !ahi is o!serving a festival in the month of Gunla
(@ul"A(ugust) each "ear, in hich a sacred ater spout called $dhanl"ahiti$ is
displa"ed. Thousands of devotees visit this place on the *
da" after the 'e
moon in (ugust to see these displa"s. This displa" of spout is a traditional
means of educating and reminding la" people a!out the truth of death. The
ater spout signi&es an o!#ect of transcendental realm here the people$s
soul is !elieved to !e ta%en #ust !efore the moment of death. Besides, these
displa"s also include the image of (moghpasa and to Taras, 32 feet long
scroll painting, an image of Guita (#i.
Jataka of Sarvananda: The scroll painting depicts the full stor" of %ing
Sarvananda ith pictoral illustrations. This stor" is a @ata%a %atha (previous
life stor" of Buddha) illustrating the meritous deeds of %ing to attain the
perfection of generousit" on the a" of attaining Buddhahood. 7t is !elieved
that all the esta!lishments in Guita are the part of deeds of %ing Sarvananda.
The stor" has a character ho is ver" poor and old lad" ho eBhi!ited the true
nature of o5ering and is venerated displa"ing her image at Guita Bahi as a
pride of Guita.
0nce, the 6ipan%ara Buddha as invited !" %ing Sarvananda for Pindapatra
6ana (an o5ering ceremon"). The Buddha ent to receive 6ana (o5erings)
from that old and poor lad" !efore going to the %ing$s palace. The %ing
!ecame anBious and curious a!out the fact that h" the Buddha preferred to
her 6ana. The Buddha preached him, $that 6ana is the !est hich is o5ered
ith a peace and pure mind, hich is earned !" doing on endeavour, no
matter hat is the .uantit" one is o5ering.$ This teaching of Buddha inspired
the %ing to o5er stu5s earned out of on endevour. 8e left for the search of
such #o! hich is hardest. 8e &nall" found the !lac%smith$s #o! as of his
choice. )ater after earning enough ealth from that #o!, he invited the
Buddha and his Sangha for 6ana. The tradition of the :ala Pan#adana (a 6ana
ceremon" o!served in Patan in the 4
da" after ne moon of the month of
(ugust) is !elieved to !e founded from this event.
Besides a!ove description there are several more signi&cances of this place. Guita
had !een a center of Buddhist learning and practice hich is under deterioriation.
8ence it is an imperative to revitalize and conserve the tangi!le as ell as living
heritage of Guita!ahi.
Three mo!as"eries o) G+i"a. Pra"ham
&hree Mahavihar, Vas+cchashila
Mahavihar a!* G+s"ala Mahavihar
4)rom "op "o 6o""om5
Research a!* p+6lica"io!s o! G+i"a
a!* G+i"a Bahi.
1ar7er "ha! li)e si8e ima7e o) Vavishyavya/ara
B+**ha 4also calle* Mai"reya, "he )+"+re
B+**ha5 si"+a"e* i! "he mai! shri!e o)
Pra"hamshree Mahavihar.
7ncriptions 'S *22, )icchavi Script inscrition ith no date and 'S 3/4 (top to
7nscrition of 'S 3++ in Can#ana Script. This incription is the oldest inscription hich
!ear the name $Gustala Vihar$.
Preaching programme held in Prathamshree Mahavihar.
(n *?
,entur" Scroll Painting dipicting legendar" nine storied temple. This painting
is 3/ feet long and 31 inch ide.
Prathamshree Mahavihar Temple in *+?1 (6 (Source < 8untington (rchive)
Prathamshree Mahavihar Temple in *+?1 (6 D Vie of Eestern Eing (Source <
8untington (rchive)
Prathamshree Mahavihar Temple in *+?1 (6 D vie of southern ing (Source <
8untington (rchive)
Goo7leMaps pic"+re sho%i!7 G+i"a
!ei7h6o+rhoo* 4a" "he le)"5 a!* G+i"a
Do! 4a" "he ri7h"5
The chai"ya si"+a"e* a" "he a9is
o) hi/a! Bahi. This chai"ya
6ears i!crip"io! *a"e* N& $.8
me!"io!i!7 "he !ame
The chai"ya si"+a"e* a" "he a9is o) hi*ha! Bahi.

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