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Three years ago, you and a few of your closest comrades in a roving gang of outlaws pulled

off the heist of your career: successfully smuggling priceless alien technology out of the borders of
the secluded nation of Numeria right under the noses of the despotic Technic League. While most
of it was scrap or spare parts that sold handsomely, you and your comrades all decided to hang on
to the most valuable pieces of the haul: a series of small hovering alien vehicles known only as
Starmounts. Over the years, these fast-moving vehicles have proven invaluable to your partys
extralegal activities, catapulting you to the uppermost ranks of the notorious Forsaken gang. Life
is comfortable now. You and your friends spend most of your time at the Mewling Maiden, a
seedy watering hole on the edge of the southern wastes in the Hold of Belkzen. You take the jobs
you want, delegate the ones you dont to gang underlings, and run the bar right to make the
Forsaken proud.
Character Creation
Characters are created at 6
level with a 20 point-buy system and 16,000 GP in starting gear.
Characters of a monstrous race (orcs, goblins, etc.) with non-good alignments will mesh best
with the story/setting presented here.
In addition to what a character normally starts off with, your character will also start off with an
appropriately sized Starmount and the Skilled Rider bonus trait (see below).
Skilled Rider
Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to Ride checks made to ride Starmounts, and a +2 trait bonus to
Knowledge (Engineering) checks to repair/modify your Starmount. Both of these skills are always
considered class skills for you. In addition, you can gain an additional benefit below when you
first take the trait.
Rider Aim: The penalty to ranged attack rolls while riding your Starmount is reduced to -2 from -4
Rider Casting: You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks while riding your Starmount.
Rider Melee: The penalty to Ride checks with one hand is reduced to -2.
Header Image: Space Pirate Biker, Post Apocalypse -2012-2014 Jeremy Hanna Totally Used Without Permission (Shh! Dont tell him!)

AC 10 (+2 for Small size)
Hardness 8
HP 30 (-5 for Small size)
Fuel Capacity 5
Max Speed 400 ft/rd (Approx 45 MPH)
Acceleration/Deceleration 50 ft
Scavenged from the mysterious scrap heaps of the Numerian wastes, these strange vehicles hover
inches above the ground and are driven forward by some strange alien propulsion. Your
Starmount is well-worn, beaten, and inoperable by anyone but you. Starting up your Starmount is
a full-round action as you fire up the ignition and do whatever strange tricks it takes to get it
started (hitting it with a wrench, urinating in the thermal vent, etc.). Starting up the Starmount
instantly consumes one unit of fuel, with an additional unit of fuel consumed for every
consecutive hour the Starmount is running.
Ride DCs
Maintain Current Speed/Direction 5 Free Action at Start of Turn
Accelerate/Decelerate 5* - Move Action
Steering (<45 degrees) 10* Move Action (or Free Action while Accelerating/Decelerating)
*The DC of Accelerating/Decelerating while Steering is 10.
Hard Steering (> 45 degrees) - 15 Move Action
Complete Turnaround (> 180 degrees) 20 Standard Action
Jump/Fall 5 + 5 for every 10 ft of air. If failed, Starmount takes fall damage.
Driving a Starmount can be done one-handed at a -4 penalty to the above checks.
A Note on Handling: As a hovering vehicle, the Starmount is not heavily affected by friction from
the ground. This means that the Starmount will continue moving at the same speed and in the
same direction even after you turn it. Compare the Starmounts handling to the handling of the
little ship in the classic Atari game Asteroids.
Fuel and Repairs
Over the years, your vehicle has taken on some wear and tear. Youve had to be clever and figure
out repairs on your own. Below are skill checks and their DCs for various tasks in the care in
maintenance of your Starmount

Repair Your Starmount
Knowledge (Engineering) DC 15 Check can be made every hour.
You repair 1 point of damage, plus 1 for every point by which you exceed the DC (IE: 17 = 3 points)
Fueling Your Starmount
Knowledge (Engineering) DC 15 Can be made every six hours
You restore 1 unit of fuel to your Starmount
Craft (Alchemy) DC 10 Can be made every six hours
You restore 1 unit of fuel + 1 more unit of fuel for every 5 points by which you exceed the DC.

Bike Image lazily grabbed from Google Image Search. Original 3D model used in Ratchet and Clank video game. So I guess its copyright
of the makers of that game? Fuck it. I dont know. Lets just keep the use of this image between us, mmkay?

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