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Non-fiction Project

1. You must choose your story as a group.
2. The group must read the story together.
3. You must research the backstory for your non-fiction. Each member of the group must have one
resource. Each member will eplain 1-2 items from their resource to help the audience understand why
this person may have written this piece of literature.
!. The group must decide how they are going to present this story to the class"
- pre#i$ powerpoint with pictures
- film
- puppets
- newspaper
- comic
- Timeline
- posters
- other
%. Th group must eplain the type of non-fiction.
&. The group must eplain thesis of the writings.
'. The group must eplain the author(s purpose in writing the tet.
). The group must eplain two arguments of the tet. You must use the tet to support the arguments
*. The group must eplain the intended audience of the tet.
1+. The group must eplain at least three rhetorical strategies the author used in the tet and give
, Each member must participate in planning- preparing- and presenting.
, .e creative in how you present the non-fiction story.
, This presentation must be at least 3 minutes in length.
, Due Thursday September 18
Grade Description
/2 points possible per description0
1. Each member found a resource for their topic
2. Each member presented a fact or piece of information that
set up the audience for understanding the story
1. Each member participated in re-telling the non-fiction story.
2. The story is well summari#ed
3. The story includes all of the key elements within the
1. The group presented the story in a creative fashion.
1. The group eplained the type of non-fiction story being
presented /auto-biography- biography- essay- etc.0
2. The group eplained the thesis of the story and how they
decided upon the thesis.
3. The group eplained the author(s purpose of writing the
piece of literature.
!.The group eplained two arguments the author was making
within the piece- and used eamples from the tet to support
their ideas.
%. The group eplained the intended audience for the writing.
&. The group eplained at least three rhetorical strategies the
author used within the tet- and provided the eamples.
1. The presentation was loud enough for everyone to hear
2. The presentation was clear
3. The presentation seemed well rehearsed 6 each member
knew what they were supposed to do.
1. Each member in the group participated in presenting the
2. Each member in the group participated in the eplanation
3. Each member of the group participated in creating the
1. This presentation was completed on time.
2. This presentation was at least 3 minutes in length !
Total 3

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