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2011, kaLhryn 1rouLman, AuLhor and !lsL, lnc, ubllsher , !"#"$%& (")*+" ,*-#".

//0 1
4#-2-/5. 1hls
sample may noL be copled or used ln publlcaLlons or for lnsLrucLlon wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe auLhor.

!"# %#&'(# )*+,# | | 888.480.8263

OUTLINE FORMAT with ALL CAP KEYWORDS and Accomplishments

From the Federal Resume Guidebook, 5
By Kathryn Troutman

KSAs in the Resume with KSA Accomplishments and Keywords
Government Contractor to Federal Resume

TARGET POSITION: Contract Specialist, GS-1102- 9

KEYWORDS found in the vacancy announcement.
CCn18AC1 AuMlnlS18A1lCn
CCn18AC1 1L8MlnA1lCnS Anu CLCSL Cu1S
CuS1CML8 SL8vlCL Anu ln1L8L8SCnAL SklLLS
ACCulSl1lCn 8CCLuu8LS
AL? 8CCLuu8LS Anu 1LCPnlCuLS 1C CA88? Cu1 uLvLLCMLn1 ASSlCnMLn1S
ALlCA1lCn Cl LAWS Anu 8LCuLA1lCnS CCvL8nlnC ACCulSl1lCnS
CCMA8L 8lCLS, ulSCCun1S, uLLlvL8? uA1LS, Anu PAnuLlnC CPA8CLS
ln1L88L1 8CCu8LMLn1 8LCuLA1lCnS Anu 1LCPnlCAL MA1L8lAL

Want your resume to look like this and get noticed?
Request a free Estimate !

2011, kaLhryn 1rouLman, AuLhor and !lsL, lnc, ubllsher , !"#"$%& (")*+" ,*-#".//0 1
4#-2-/5. 1hls
sample may noL be copled or used ln publlcaLlons or for lnsLrucLlon wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe auLhor.

!"# %#&'(# )*+,# | | 888.480.8263

-./001 234!56378

36 !ump SLreeL
8osLon, MA 02101
hone: 617-888-0000
L-mall: [ohnnywesLfleld[

93!3%:04; )%353%30<3= 3 polnLs

2.%> 3?)3%630<3=

!"#$%& (")*+,),#+- ./0112 3 45"6"+%
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</)2/59 =7
>%&%$?@ ABC9CCCD BC 3/*$)EF""0
>*G"$H-)/$@ I-% J%$3/&9 617-888-0001, may conLacL

<@ABC+,B#D B@ 7"+"5#$ 8"59,)"6 :;<,+,6%5#%,=+
CCn18AC1 MAnACLMLn1: AdmlnlsLer realLy conLracLs wlLh a broad and dlverse range of
governmenL agencles Lo perform conLracL managemenL, close ouLs, and LermlnaLlons,
lncludlng: Soclal SecurlLy AdmlnlsLraLlon, u.S CusLoms and 8order roLecLlon, AgrlculLural
MarkeLlng Servlces, Anlmal and lanL PealLh lnspecLlon Servlce, lnLernal 8evenue Servlce,
8ureau of lndlan Affalrs, and llsh and Wlldllfe Servlce.

CCn18AC1 AuMlnlS18A1lCn: SupporL 13 conLracLlng offlcers, 30 pro[ecL managers, and over
300 pro[ecLs. Manage paperwork, organlze flles, and provlde general supporL whlle performlng
dally responslblllLles. knowledge of conLracLor and vendor performance parameLers, and Lhe
need for clear, conclse performance based sLaLemenLs and measuremenLs.
CreaLed new procedures LhaL reduced conLracL processlng Llme and enabled Lhe
swlfL ldenLlflcaLlon of key documenLs among Lhousands Lo be revlewed. urafLed
checkllsLs Lo ald ln Lhe revlew process.

CCn18AC1 CLCSL Cu1S: rocess 7-10 conLracL close ouLs per monLh. erform noLlflcaLlon
procedures Lo bulldlng servlce cenLers over Lhe phone and ln wrlLlng. arLner wlLh conLracL
offlcer. CorrecL documenLs as necessary. CreaLe new agreemenLs. CuallLy check documenLs Lo
blll ouL correcLly. Lnsure LhaL all paperwork, Lerms, sLeps, and procedures are ln order so LhaL
conLracL ls compleLed wlLh absoluLe accuracy and lnLegrlLy.
Slashed processlng Llme of close ouL procedures from monLhs Lo hours. SuggesLed
and helped lmplemenL personnel reallgnmenL so LhaL key lndlvlduals now
communlcaLe crlLlcal sLeps, lnformaLlon, and updaLes. uevlsed lnspecLlon crlLerla Lo

2011, kaLhryn 1rouLman, AuLhor and !lsL, lnc, ubllsher , !"#"$%& (")*+" ,*-#".//0 1
4#-2-/5. 1hls
sample may noL be copled or used ln publlcaLlons or for lnsLrucLlon wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe auLhor.

!"# %#&'(# )*+,# | | 888.480.8263

reduce processlng Llme, errors are now spoLLed ln mlnuLes, and mlsslng lnformaLlon
ls easy Lo procure.

8LA8L uCCuMLn1S: repare new lease flles and serve as Lhe conLrol polnL for new pro[ecL
requlremenLs. repare award leLLers Lo conLracLlng offlcer, Lessor, agency, and lederal
roLecLlve Servlce.
8educed Lessor bllllng Llme for conLracLs from monLhs Lo days by suggesLlng and helplng
lmplemenL beLLer lnLer-deparLmenLal relaLlonshlp allgnmenLs. roduced error-free
conLracLs resulLlng ln work belng conducLed up fronL, durlng process, lnsLead of afLer.
CreaLed slmulLaneous processlng procedures Lo speed up Lhe schedule.

CCn18AC1 AWA8uS: MalnLaln elecLronlc coples of requesL-for-space documenLs and prepare
lease flle folders for pro[ecL managers. erform quallLy conLrol of lease documenLs aL award
phase Lo enable Lhe klck off of lease bllllng and renLs.

CCn18AC1 1L8MlnA1lCnS: rocess 3-6 conLracL LermlnaLlons per monLh. Analyze conLracLs.
CreaLe LermlnaLlon documenLs Lo send ouL. noLlfy Lessor. Send ouL leLLers wlLh 60, 90, and 120-
day noLlces. CreaLe changes Lo lease conLracLs and send ouL conLracL modlflcaLlons. Cancel
bllllng Lo avold lncorrecL charges.

AnAL?ZL lAC1S Anu CCnul1lCnS: repare and analyze conLracL daLa from procuremenL
sysLems Lo creaLe and malnLaln conLracL LermlnaLlon llsL. Serve as sub[ecL maLLer experL wlLh
respecL Lo close ouLs and LermlnaLlons. ldenLlfy poslLlve or negaLlve lmpllcaLlons of conLracLual
agreemenLs and communlcaLe flndlngs Lo conLracL offlcers.

!"#$ >6%#%" :??5#,6"5- ./011@ 3 ./0112
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>%&%$?@ AK19CCCD BC 3/*$)EF""0
>*G"$H-)/$@ >"&LE6/+G%5? /F5"$9 617-888-0002

SuMMA8?: Served as llcensed resldenLlal real esLaLe appralser for numerous ma[or banks and
morLgage brokers. Appralsed 20 homes per monLh whlle performlng calculaLlons, conducLlng
research, wrlLlng reporLs, assembllng lnformaLlon, and renderlng concluslons.

AnAL?SlS Anu 8LSLA8CP: ConducLed fleld lnvesLlgaLlons of real esLaLe properLles Lo asslgn
dollar value for home sales purposes. erformed ln-person, emplrlcal analysls of bulldlng Lype,
lmprovemenLs, consLrucLlon quallLy, condlLlon, and depreclaLlon facLors. 8esearched legal
records for LlLle and properLy lnformaLlon. rocured comparable properLy records for
comparlsons and Lhe deLermlnaLlon of accuraLe assessmenL value.

2011, kaLhryn 1rouLman, AuLhor and !lsL, lnc, ubllsher , !"#"$%& (")*+" ,*-#".//0 1
4#-2-/5. 1hls
sample may noL be copled or used ln publlcaLlons or for lnsLrucLlon wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe auLhor.

!"# %#&'(# )*+,# | | 888.480.8263

llnAnClAL AnAL?SlS: CreaLed appralsal reporLs wlLh values, measuremenLs, and sLaLlsLlcs.
CeneraLed calculaLlons based numerous facLors, lncludlng lncome records, operaLlng cosLs,
replacemenL esLlmaLes, bulldlng valuaLlons, and cosL esLlmaLors.
- Managed all flnanclal operaLlons of a successful appralsal company, lncludlng: accounLs
recelvable, accounLs payable, bookkeeplng, and lnflow.

!"#$ 45=?"5%& :??5#,6"5- ./011A 3 ./011@
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6%+.$-#M"9 =7
>%&%$?@ ANK9CCCD BC 3/*$)EF""0
>*G"$H-)/$@ (%5#/&G3 (/."$2)9 617-888-0003, may conLacL

lnlC8MA1lCn CCLLLC1lCn: CollecLed markeL daLa, sLaLlsLlcs, phoLographs, records, flnanclals,
comparables, and oLher lnformaLlon for each home belng appralsed. ConducLed Lelephone
lnLervlews Lo verlfy lnformaLlon. SLraLeglcally amassed daLa, Lhen processed and dlsLllled lnLo
workable polnLs and formulas Lo arrlve aL flnal valuaLlons.
Successfully negoLlaLed wlLh several communlLles Lo release prlor sales hlsLory Lo Lhe
counLy, whlch enabled me Lo properly classlfy Lhe homes and land Lo arrlve aL an
equlLable value for Lhe homeowner and Lhe counLy.
8eclasslfled 7,000 properLles so Lhey could be appralsed ln Lhe same manner as Lhe
sLaLe-appralsed properLles ad[acenL Lo Lhem.

8LC81 C8LA1lCn: CreaLed flnal appralsal reporLs ln whlch researched and processed daLa was
enLered for home sales purposes. lncorporaLed flnanclals, comparlsons, phoLos, and records.
Composed summarles.

W8l1lnC: ulsplayed excellenL wrlLlng skllls and ablllLy Lo convey complex concepLs and
processes ln easy-Lo-undersLand Lerms. knowledge of grammar, spelllng, caplLallzaLlon, and
puncLuaLlon. Composed sLralghLforward leLLers and memoranda.

45=B")% C#+#D"5- E/.222 3 ./011A
>*5)"2 O/+")
6%+.$-#M"9 =7
>%&%$?@ AKC9CCCD 1C 3/*$)EF""0
>*G"$H-)/$@ 6/*$25"? P%?&/$9 617-888-0003, may conLacL

SuMMA8?: Cversaw consLrucLlon acLlvlLles relaLed Lo archlLecLs, englneers, Lrade workers Lo
ensure adherence Lo deadllnes and fundlng parameLers. kepL pro[ecLs on Lask, on Llme, wlLhln
budgeL, accordlng Lo conLracL speclflcaLlons. lnLegraLed pro[ecL managemenL knowledge wlLh
leadershlp, lnLerpersonal, flnanclal, and communlcaLlons skllls.

2011, kaLhryn 1rouLman, AuLhor and !lsL, lnc, ubllsher , !"#"$%& (")*+" ,*-#".//0 1
4#-2-/5. 1hls
sample may noL be copled or used ln publlcaLlons or for lnsLrucLlon wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe auLhor.

!"# %#&'(# )*+,# | | 888.480.8263

ACCulSl1lCn: CreaLed adverLlsemenLs for blds, Lhen revlewed and selecLed Lhe bld mosL
sulLable Lo Lhe Llmeframe and budgeL. 8esearched Lhe prlce of maLerlals, labor cosL, and
overhead expenses Lo analyze Lhe blds recelved. Assessed wheLher conLracLors were adherlng
Lo conLracL parameLers, laws, and regulaLlons

8CCu8LMLn1 Anu CCn18AC1 MAnACLMLn1: repared purchase agreemenLs, conLracLs,
and leases Lo acqulre Lhe mosL cosL-effecLlve servlces and Lerms. Compared prlces, dlscounLs,
dellvery daLes, and handllng charges. negoLlaLed prlces and servlces. Managed conLracLs and
acLlvlLles relaLed Lo elecLrlcal, plumblng, PvAC, excavaLlon, and masonry work.

8uSlnLSS MAnACLMLn1 Anu 8uuCL1: CoordlnaLed lnLegral buslness componenLs perLalnlng
Lo purchaslng, esLlmaLlng, conLracLs, consLrucLlon, and archlLecLure.

ln1L88L1 8LCuLA1lCnS Anu 1LCPnlCAL MA1L8lAL: 8evlewed legal documenLaLlon Lo ensure
LhaL pro[ecLs complled wlLh sLaLe, governmenL, and local bulldlng codes. ldenLlfled sLafflng
requlremenLs based on Lechnlcal maLerlals and documenLaLlon.

CCMMunlCA1lCn: ulssemlnaLed lnformaLlon by uslng Lelephone, mall servlces, webslLes, and
e-mall. CommunlcaLed dally wlLh wlde range of lndlvlduals. Lxpressed ldeas confldenLly ln
resulLs-orlenLed manner. AcLlvely llsLened Lo comprehend and respond Lo unspoken needs.
rovlded consLanL sLaLus updaLes Lo supervlsor and co-workers.

ln1L8L8SCnAL SklLLS: Applled goals-orlenLed focus Lo all Lasks and lnLeracLlons Lo bulld and
exLend excellenL relaLlonshlps. romoLed poslLlve lnLeracLlons by adopLlng helpful, can-do
aLLlLude. CommunlcaLed wlLh cllenLs Lo deLermlne needs and malnLaln compleLe and accuraLe
records and flles.

8achelor of Sclence, 3/1999
8osLon College
8osLon, MA uSA
Ma[or: 8uslness, Mlnor: llnance
CA: 3.3 ouL of 4.0

76<30434 :08 <3%!656<:!6.04
Llcensed 8esldenLlal 8eal LsLaLe Appralser, MassachuseLLs slnce 2002

:886!6.0:7 605.%F:!6.0=

)%.53446.0:7 )%.5673= 1lreless, analyLlcal, experL professlonal wlLh conLracL, real esLaLe, and
appralslng experlence. ConsLanLly seeklng ways Lo lmprove processes and opLlmlze efflclencles.

2011, kaLhryn 1rouLman, AuLhor and !lsL, lnc, ubllsher , !"#"$%& (")*+" ,*-#".//0 1
4#-2-/5. 1hls
sample may noL be copled or used ln publlcaLlons or for lnsLrucLlon wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe auLhor.

!"# %#&'(# )*+,# | | 888.480.8263

1ake charge of lnlLlaLlves wlLh mlnlmal guldance and compleLe all asslgnmenLs ahead of
schedule whlle exceedlng expecLaLlons. ConLlnually seeklng new opporLunlLles Lo broaden skllls
and knowledge whlle devoLlng maxlmum efforL Lo all asslgned Lasks. ueconsLrucL complex
acLlvlLles lnLo slmpler, more manageable componenLs. Able Lo percelve Lhe larger plcLure whlle
recommendlng and helplng lmplemenL deparLmenLal or procedural allgnmenLs Lo reduce
labor/Llme whlle ensurlng accuracy.

)3%5.%F:0<3 :2:%84
+ 8aLed 3 (CuLsLandlng) ouL of 3, Mldyear erformance 8evlew, Ceneral Servlce AdmlnlsLraLlon,
+ 8aLed 4 (Plghly Successful) ouL of 3, ?early erformance 8evlew, Ceneral Servlce
AdmlnlsLraLlon, 10/2009

<.F)E!3% 4>6774
MlcrosofL Cfflce (Lxcel, owerolnL, CuLlook, Word)

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