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Document Management System

Version 1.10
Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 2 of 107
Version 1.10
1 Introdution ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 Installation ......................................................................................................................................................... !
2.1 Verify System "e#uirements ....................................................................................................................... !
2.1.1 $ase "e#uirements .............................................................................................................................. !
2.1.2 %&'(! C)arater Enoding ................................................................................................................... !
2.1.* Additional &ools ..................................................................................................................................... !
2.2 O+tain and install t)e O,- software ........................................................................................................... .
2.2.1 /et t)e software 0a1age ..................................................................................................................... .
2.2.2 2eom0ress t)e Owl software 0a1age. ............................................................................................. .
2.2.* "eloate sensiti3e diretories. .............................................................................................................. .
2.2.4 %0date ro+ots.t5t ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.6 %0date )taess files ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.* Create O,- data+ase .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.*.1 Create O,- data+ase wit) 7ys#l ...................................................................................................... 10
2.*.2 Create O,- data+ase wit) PostgreS8- ............................................................................................ 11
2.4 Configure $asi O,- Software Installation Parameters ........................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Configure onfig9owl.0)0 .................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 'eature :otes; 'ile 2ata Enry0tion ................................................................................................... 12
2.4.* 'eature :otes; AC- <Aess Control -ists= ........................................................................................ 1*
2.6 Configure Owl diretories .......................................................................................................................... 1*
2.6.1 Configure we+site owners)i0, 0ermissions, and loation ................................................................... 1*
2.6.2 Configure >2ouments? owners)i0, 0ermissions, and loation ........................................................... 1*
2.6.* Configure >&ras)Can? owners)i0, 0ermissions, and loation ............................................................. 14
2.6.4 'eature :ote; <o0tional= Configure doument storage in data+ase .................................................... 14
2.@ Configure -oale S0eifi Settings ........................................................................................................... 16
2.@.1 ,ater 7ar1ing <P2'= .......................................................................................................................... 16
2.@.2 "emo3ing unneeded -oale onfigurations ........................................................................................ 16
2.7 ,E$2AV ................................................................................................................................................... 1@
2.7.1 Prere#uisites ...................................................................................................................................... 1@
2.7.2 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 1@
2.7.* %sage ................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.! Configure PAP Settings ............................................................................................................................ 1!
2.!.1 2etermine your PAP settings ............................................................................................................. 1!
2.!.2 Configure PAP for -arge 'ile %0loads ............................................................................................... 1.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page * of 107
Version 1.10
2.. Configure A0a)e Settings ........................................................................................................................ 21
* Configure t)e O,- A00liation ........................................................................................................................ 2*
*.1 -ogin for t)e first time ................................................................................................................................ 2*
*.2 Configure Seurity ..................................................................................................................................... 2*
*.2.1 C)ange t)e admin 0assword .............................................................................................................. 2*
*.2.2 Configure Anonymous Aess ............................................................................................................ 24
*.2.* Configure Self "egistration ................................................................................................................. 2@
*.2.4 Configure /rou0s ............................................................................................................................... 27
*.2.6 Configure &ras)Can loation .............................................................................................................. 27
4 Administrati3e &ools "eferene ....................................................................................................................... 2!
4.1 %sers B /rou0s ........................................................................................................................................ 2.
4.1.1 %ser Administration Setion ............................................................................................................... 2.
4.1.2 /rou0 Administration Setion ............................................................................................................. *6
4.2 A&7- Preferenes .................................................................................................................................... *!
4.* Site 'eatures ............................................................................................................................................. *.
4.*.1 7O&2 <7essage of t)e 2ay= .............................................................................................................. 40
4.*.2 O,- System E(7ail Settings ............................................................................................................. 41
4.*.* -oo1 at A2 for :ew 'iles settings ...................................................................................................... 42
4.*.4 O,- $rowser 'eatures ...................................................................................................................... 44
4.*.6 CustomiCe $rowser Columns ............................................................................................................. 47
4.*.@ CustomiCe Sear) "esults ................................................................................................................. 4.
4.*.7 &)um+nail View 9 /eneration o0tions ................................................................................................. 60
4.*.! P2' ,atermar1ing O0tions ................................................................................................................ 6*
4.*.. Ot)er Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 66
4.*.10 &ras) olletion settings ................................................................................................................... 6.
4.*.11 2oument Peer "e3iew 'eature ....................................................................................................... @0
4.*.12 -ogging Settings ............................................................................................................................... @1
4.*.1* Self registered user defaults ............................................................................................................. @2
4.*.14 Persistent -ogin Settings .................................................................................................................. @4
4.*.16 E5ternal &ool Pat)s and :ames ....................................................................................................... @6
4.4 System -ogs ............................................................................................................................................. @7
4.6 Statistis 9 "e0ort Viewer .......................................................................................................................... @.
4.@ :ews Admin .............................................................................................................................................. 70
4.7 2oument &y0es ....................................................................................................................................... 71
4.! $a1u0 2ata+ase ..................................................................................................................................... 76
4.. Im0ort %sers ............................................................................................................................................. 76

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 4 of 107
Version 1.10
4.10 Initial -oad ............................................................................................................................................... 76
4.11 Purge Aistorial ....................................................................................................................................... 76
4.12 7aintenane 7ode 9 :ormal 7ode ........................................................................................................ 76
6 System administration tools ............................................................................................................................. 7@
6.1 $at) tools ................................................................................................................................................ 7@
6.1.1 auto+rowse ......................................................................................................................................... 7@
6.1.2 +iginde5 .............................................................................................................................................. 7@
6.1.* lean(or0)aned ................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.4 del(d+(not(in(fs ................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.6 load(d+(from(fs ................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.@ owlron ............................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.7 0arse(rsyn ......................................................................................................................................... 7!
6.1.! test ...................................................................................................................................................... 7.
6.2 On(line &ools ............................................................................................................................................. 7.
6.2.1 sys)1.0)0 ......................................................................................................................................... 7.
6.2.2 0o0ulate.0)0 ....................................................................................................................................... 7.
@ Aow &o ............................................................................................................................................................. !0
@.1 CustomiCe 2ate 'ormat Out0ut ................................................................................................................ !0
@.2 CustomiCe 'ile9'older 7enus ................................................................................................................... !1
@.* 2e+ug O,- .............................................................................................................................................. !1
@.*.1 O,- ................................................................................................................................................... !1
@.*.2 7yS8- de+ugging ............................................................................................................................. !1
@.*.* P)0mailer <7ail 9 :otifiation= ............................................................................................................. !1
@.4 Set u0 CAP&CAA ...................................................................................................................................... !2
@.6 "eset t)e Admin Password ....................................................................................................................... !2
@.@ Add 'ile &y0e Ions ................................................................................................................................... !*
@.7 Configure for %&'(! .................................................................................................................................. !6
@.7.1 C)e1 O0erating System Settings ...................................................................................................... !6
@.7.2 C)e1 7yS8- 2ata+ase Settings ...................................................................................................... !@
@.7.* &est Configuration ............................................................................................................................... !!
@.7.4 Configure Pu&&D ................................................................................................................................ .0
@.! Install 7ega %0load Progress $ar ............................................................................................................ .*
@.!.1 Introdution ......................................................................................................................................... .*
@.!.2 /et t)e software ................................................................................................................................. .*
@.!.* Installing 7ega %0load Progress $ar ................................................................................................. .*
@.!.4 &esting t)e 7ega %0load Progress $ar Install .................................................................................... .6

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 6 of 107
Version 1.10
@.!.6 Configuring Owl to use 7ega %0load Progress $ar ........................................................................... .7
@.!.@ Configuring 7ega %0load Progress $ar for Owl ................................................................................. .7
@.!.7 &est u0loading a file to Owl ................................................................................................................. ..
@.!.! CustomiCe sri0t ............................................................................................................ ..
7 :otes ............................................................................................................................................................. 101
! A00endi5; PAP 2ate 'ormats ....................................................................................................................... 102
. Inde5 .............................................................................................................................................................. 106

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @ of 107
Version 1.10
Version Management
Version Date tatus Aut!or "emar#s
1.10 2011(10(01 In Proess "o+ert /eleta
0.2 200.(0@(1! Ste3e $ourgeois
0.1 200.(04(16 'inal Sergio ,ong C)ung

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 7 of 107
Version 1.10
1 Introduction
In an organisation t)ere are different rolls. Ea) roll )as its own set of douments. 2ifferent rolls often mean
different ways of grou0ing douments.
A doumentation system lets users u0load t)eir douments and add s0eifi tags to it. $y tagging, t)e
doument an +e found +y anyone, inde0endently of t)e diretory struture.
&)e doumentation system lets you seure t)e doument from unaut)orised aess and s0eifi monitoring
o0tions are 0ossi+le.
&)is manual e50lains )ow to;
Install t)e O,- software on a we+ser3er
Configure ,e+ser3er software for O,-
Configure t)e O,- a00liation for your s0eifi re#uirements
:ote; t)e images s)own in t)is doument are +ased on t)e >"oma 2011? t)eme. If a
different t)eme is +eing used your images may differ.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page ! of 107
Version 1.10
2 Installation
2.1 Verify System Requirements
2.1.1 $ase "e%uirements
Owl Intranet s)ould run on all ty0e of o0erating systems. Dou will need
,e+ser3er t)at su00orts PAP and a S8- data+ase, e.g. A0a)e or IIS
S8- data+ase system. As for now 7yS8-, PostgreS8- are su00orted
mss#l and Orale )a3e +een 1now to wor1
PAP <at least 3ersion 4.*.10, PAP 6.5 3ersions are also o1=
2.1.2 &'(-) C!aracter Encoding
Owl Intranet su00orts %&'(! )arater enoding. If you want to use a language t)at uses non(ASCII )araters
ma1e sure t)at your file system is onfigured using %&'(!.
2.1.* Additional 'ools
Owl an ma1e use of se3eral e5ternal <o0erating system le3el= 0iees of software t)at inrease usa+ility. &)ese
0a1ages are o0tional +ut we reommend you to install t)em and ma1e t)em a3aila+le to Owl.
:ote; on Eni5 systems you an loate e5euta+les +y using t)e ommand;
whereis {filename}
Package Function Notes Configured *
antiword 7S ,ord 2ouments file
inde5ing and &)um+nails
at00t 00t file inde5ing :ot a3aila+le under ,indows
lamAV anti3irus )e1ing Or Immunet under ,indows AFS'F2$ $a1u0
gCi0 om0ression of ar)i3es AFS'F2$ $a1u0
t)um+nails AFS'F&)um+nail View
m0layer Video t)um+nails 7ulti0le 0latforms AFS'F&)um+nail View
mys#ldum0 myS8- data+ase +a1u0 AFS'F2$ $a1u0
0dft1 0df file ,ater 7ar1ing 7ulti0le 0latforms AFS'FP2'
0dftote5t 0df file inde5ing 7ulti0le 0latforms AFS'F2$ $a1u0
0od2)tml Con3ert PE"- 0od files to
Perl module AFS'F2$ $a1u0
tar om0ression of ar)i3es AFS'F2$ $a1u0
&esserat OC" for file inde5ing )tt0;
unrtf file inde5ing
unCi0 om0ression of ar)i3es AFS'F2$ $a1u0

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page . of 107
Version 1.10
AFS'F means Admin F Site 'eatures
2.2 Obtain and insta t!e O"# soft$are
2.2.1 +et t!e software ,ac#age
2ownload t)e latest 3ersion of Owl Intranet from and sa3e it in your 0referred loation.
2.2.2 Decom,ress t!e Owl software ,ac#age.
Owl is om0ressed as a .tar.gC file. Dou need to deom0ress it and mo3e t)e GintraneH folder w)ere it is going to
+e loated, usually your we+ser3er root. On Eni5 systems;
tar xvfz Owl-1.10.tar.gz
mv intranet /path/to/your/html/directory/
-O'E. ,indows users need ,inCi0, 7Ci0 or any ar)i3ing utility a0a+le of 0roessing .gC
files in order to +e a+le to deom0ress t)e Owl 0a1age to its destination folder.
2.2.* "elocate sensiti/e directories.
Immediately after un0a1ing, t)e distri+ution file struture )as all file and diretories under t)e >9Intranet?
9Intranet92ouments ( Owl will sa3e all your douments wit)in t)is folder.
9Intranet9&ras)Can ( Owl an sa3e deleted douments wit)in t)is folder.
9Intranet9admin9tools9owlI+at).d ( &)is diretory ontains +at) Jo+s, onfiguration files, and li+raries.
If you lea3e any of t)ese folders wit)in t)e GintraneH folder, t)eir ontents <douments, folders, sri0ts,
onfiguration files, et= ould +e aessed +y any+ody from outside wit)out logging into OwlK
'or seurity reasons t)e following diretories s)ould +e mo3ed to anot)er loation outside your we+ s0ae.
On a dediated ser3er, you may want to reate a folder in t)e 93ar diretory for t)ese <e.g. 93ar9owl=.
On a multi(site we+ser3er, your diretory struture mig)t loo1 somet)ing li1e t)is;
/your home directory
%all the online Owl files and folders are here&
/owl"repo"1.d %this and more if you have multiple repositories&
/(rash)an %see (rash)an note !elow&
/'O)* %miscellaneous documents for reference not re+uired for operation&
:ote; &)ere is one &ras)Can for t)e installation. A su+diretory wit) t)e re0ository id num+er
will +e reated for ea) re0ository and items deleted from t)at re0ository will +e mo3ed to
t)at su+diretory.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 10 of 107
Version 1.10
Dou may also want to add one additional and o0tional diretory alled >IustomiCations?. &)is may +e )el0ful
for storing your site(s0eifi ustomiCations in order to +e a+le to easily u0grade your installation wit) t)e ne5t
release. Dour >IustomiCations? diretory may +e strutured as follows;
/your home directory
owl.php %containing your site-specific configurations
/template name# , templates you have custom designed or modified
/configs , directory containing your site specific !atch configuration files
2.2.0 &,date ro1ots.t2t
"o+ots s)ould loo1 in t)e we+siteLs root diretory <not neessarily t)e owl root diretory= for a file alled
ro+ots.t5t and o+ey aess instrutions 0ro3ided in t)at file. Inluded in t)e owl root diretory is a ro+ots.t5t file
wit) instrutions for ro+ots to not aess 9Intranet ( t)e diretory alled >Intranet? under t)e we+siteLs root
diretory. %0date your we+siteLs root diretory wit) eit)er t)ese direti3es or your alternati3es.
2.2.3 &,date !taccess files
Some we+ ser3ers <most nota+ly a0a)e= use )taess files <atually >.)taess? wit) a dot90eriod as t)e first
)arater= to ontrol aess to ertain diretories.
"e3iew t)e )taess.t5t file in t)e Owl root diretory, and if a00ro0riate modify t)e settings and rename t)e file
to >.)taess? <wit)out t)e #uotes=.
2.% Create O"# database
2.*.1 Create O45 data1ase wit! M6s%l
&)e following instrutions assume your data+ase name is >intranet?, if your data+ase )as a different name
modify t)ese instrutions aordingly.
1. Create a new data+ase for Owl in 7yS8-. 'rom a s)ell 0rom0t ty0e;
mys+ladmin -p create intranet
2. -oad t)e +ase set of ta+les into t)e data+ase. At a s)ell 0rom0t ty0e;
mys+l -p intranet - admin/tools/install/s+l/mys+l-ta!les.s+l
*. Esta+lis) t)e 0ermissions for t)e user to aess t)e data+ase;
mys+l -u root -p intranet
grant )./0(/1$2*/.(1*/3/)(1'/3/(/145'0(/ on intranet.6 to 7owl-user787localhost79
connect mys+l
set password for 7owl-user787localhost7 : password%7your"password7&9
flush privileges9
:O&E; Gloal)osH is t)e ma)ine name from w)ere Owl is aessing t)e data+ase.
It is often t)e atual string Gloal)osH.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 11 of 107
Version 1.10
4. Edit 9onfig9owl.0)0 wit) your fa3orite editor. &)e file is found in t)e 9onfig diretory. Dou need to )ange t)e
following lines in order to get Owl to wor1;
7a1e sure t)is line is unommented
2.*.2 Create O45 data1ase wit! 7ostgre85
1. Create a new data+ase for Owl in PostgreS8-. At a s)ell 0rom0t ty0e;
>su postgres7 -= >created! intranet7
2. Enter t)e layout into t)e data+ase,
ps+l intranet - admin/tools/install/s+l/postgres+l-ta!les.s+l
*. Esta+lis) t)e 0ermissions for t)e user to aess t)e data+ase;
createuser owl"username
ps+l intranet
grant all on
doctype1docfields1 docfieldsla!el1 docfieldvalues1
monitored"file1wordidx1 searchidx1 peerreview to owl"username9
grant all on comments"id"se+1 filedata"id"se+1 files"id"se+1
folders"id"se+1 groups"id"se+1 html"id"se+1
monitored"file"id"se+1 monitored"folder"id"se+1 news"id"se+1
owl"log"id"se+1 prefs"id"se+1 users"id"se+1
doctype"doc"type"id"se+1 docfields"id"se+ to owl"username9
:O&E; )ost is t)e ma)ine name from w)ere Owl is aessing t)e data+ase, usually loal)ost.
4. Edit 9onfig9owl.0)0 wit) your fa3orite editor. 7a1e sure t)is line is unommented;
and omment out t)e following line
2.& Configure 'asic O"# Soft$are (nstaation Parameters
2.0.1 Configure config9owl.,!,
Edit onfig9owl.0)0 wit) your fa3orite editor. &)e file is found in t)e .9onfig9 diretory.
&)e owl.0)0 file is e5tensi3ely doumented for indi3idual o0tions. Aere is a summary of t)e maJor areas t)at
an +e onfigured;
PAP onfiguration ( /eneral PAP Settings

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 12 of 107
Version 1.10
,e+site loations ( %"- -oations of O,- folders
'ilesystem loations ( 'ilesystem loations of O,- folders
Seurity O0tions
o PAP Safe 7ode wor1around
o :etwor1 Aess Permissions
o %ser Aut)entiation
2ata+ase O0tions
o 2ata+ase engine inde0endent o0tions
o 2ata+ase engine de0endent o0tions
o 7ulti0le "e0ository 2ata+ase o0tions
o 2oument Storage O0tions
O,- A00liation Configuration O0tions
o O,- 'i5ed ( Configuration O0tions <only set in t)is onfig file=
o O,- Configura+le ( defaults t)at an +e o3erridden +y user or a00liation administrator
E5tensions Configuration Parameters ( 0arameters to +e 0assed to t)ird 0arty a00liations
2.0.2 (eature -otes. (ile Data Encr6,tion
Owl )as 2 modes to store t)e files you u0load to t)e re0ository.
&)e traditional way w)i) is to store t)e files and folders you reate on t)e ,e+Ser3er file system.
A seond way is to store t)e data of t)e files you u0load diretly to t)e data+ase. &)is mode )as t)e a0a+ility
of enry0ting douments 0rior to storing t)em and is only a3aila+le wit) 7yS8- 2ata+ases.
&o turn it on you )ange t)e onfig9owl.0)0 file and set t)e o0tion
<default-=owl"use"fs : false 9
to turn t)e data+ase storage feature on.
,it) t)is 'eature turned on you )a3e 2 additional O0tions a3aila+le to you.
1. Com0ress t)e data <using gCi0= +efore t)ey are stored to t)e data+ase.
<default-=owl"data!ase"compress : 1
to turn om0ression On 0 to lea3e it O''.
2. Enry0ting t)e data you an turn t)is feature on +y setting
<default-=owl"encrypt"data!ase : 1
and 0 for Off. Also set
to a string of your )oie, t)is string is used to enry0t and dery0t t)e data
$ot) of t)ese modes an +e used at t)e same time, t)e enry0tion used +y owl is ISAA26@

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 1* of 107
Version 1.10
&o +e a+le to use t)is feature you will need to install t)e m)as) 0)0 e5tension and su00orting system li+raries.
Dou may see an error on 'ile u0load if you donLt )a3e t)e 0ro0er li+raries and 0)0 e5tensions installed.
@atal errorA )all to undefined function mhash%& in /var/www/html/owl-1.00a/li!/!.php%BBCD& A
eval%&Ed code on line 1
2.0.* (eature -otes. AC5 :Access Control 5ists;
A doumentLs initial AC-Ls are influene +y a few onfiguration o0tions in t)e file onfig9owl.0)0;
1. Set defaults to in)erit a new folderLs or doumentLs AC-s from 0arent folder
<default-=inherit"acl"from"parent"folder : 19
If set to 1 t)is setting auses t)e AC-Ls from t)e 0arent folder to +e o0ied to t)e new file or folder.
2. If your system is onfigured for 7ulti0le "e0ository 2ata+ases, you an set different default AC-Ls for
ea) data+ase.
&)is setion allow t)e admin to reate default AC-Ls t)at a00lied to :ew 'iles and 'olders, t)ere an +e as
many files and folder AC-Ls as need.
2.) Configure O$ directories
In order to funtion 0ro0erly, t)e we+ ser3er software must +e a+le to read t)e O,- a00liation files, and must
also +e a+le to read and write to t)e diretory w)ere douments will +e stored.
2.3.1 Configure we1site owners!i,< ,ermissions< and location
Set 0ermissions on we+site root folder.
cd /path/to/we!site/root
chmod ,. FFG $ntranet
chown ,. root.root $ntranet
Configure t)e url for t)e we+site root folder in t)e 9onfig9owl.0)0 file
<default-=owl"root"url : H/$ntranetH9
2.3.2 Configure =Documents> owners!i,< ,ermissions< and location
$y default, an em0ty >2ouments? diretory is inluded in t)e O,- root folder. On t)e we+ser3er, t)is s)ould
+e mo3ed to a loation outside t)e we+ser3er 0at), and t)e O,- Configuration 'ile u0dated to reflet t)e
filesystem loation on t)e we+ser3erLs filesystem.
&)is diretory must +e writa+le +y your we+ ser3er. If your we+ ser3er is running as user Gno+odyL and grou0
Gno+odyL <a0a)e default= t)en ty0e;
cd /path/to/'ocuments/directory
chmod ,. FFG 'ocuments
chown -. no!!ody 'ocuments
If using ,indows )e1 t)e 0ermissions and seurity ta+s.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 14 of 107
Version 1.10
Configure t)e diretory loation for t)e >2ouments? diretory in t)e 9onfig9owl.0)0 file. C)ange t)e line
<default-=owl"d!"@ile'ir0# : <default-=owl"fs"root9
to reflet t)e loation of your reloated 2ouments diretory.
If you )a3e multi0le re0ositories you will need to do t)is for ea) re0ository.
2.3.* Configure ='ras!Can> owners!i,< ,ermissions< and location
$y default, an em0ty >&ras)Can? diretory is inluded in t)e O,- root folder. On t)e we+ser3er, t)is s)ould +e
mo3ed to a loation outside t)e we+ser3er 0at), and t)e O,- Configuration 'ile u0dated to reflet t)e we+
ser3erLs file system loation.
&)is diretory must +e writa+le +y your we+ ser3er. If your we+ ser3er is running as user Gno+odyL and grou0
Gno+odyL <a0a)e default= t)en ty0e;
cd /path/to/(rash)an/directory
chmod ,. FFG (rash)an
chown -. no!!ody (rash)an
If using ,indows )e1 t)e 0ermissions and seurity ta+s.
Dou will onfigure t)e loation of t)e &ras)Can diretory after you +rowse to t)e Owl we+site for t)e first time.
:ote; ,it)in t)e &ras)Can diretory, a se0arate su+diretory is reated for ea) re0ository.
2.3.0 (eature -ote. :o,tional; Configure document storage in data1ase
If you are using t)e data+ase to store douments <instead of t)e we+ser3erLs filesystem=, s0eified +y
<default-=owl"use"fs : false9
in onfig9owl.0)0 you need to setu0 a diretory to )old files tem0orarily for w)en t)ey are u0loaded to t)e
ser3er and +efore t)ey are loaded into t)e data+ase.
In t)e e5am0le +elow, we will use a diretory named G93ar9owl9tm0L. Create t)e diretory and set its 0ermissions
m?dir /var/owl/tmp
chmod FFG /var/owl/tmp
chown ,. no!!ody /var/owl/tmp
and u0date onfig9owl.0)0 for t)at re0ositoryLs data+ase <>5? used as an e5am0le= to 0oint to t)is diretory
<default-=owl"d!"@ile'irx#: ;/var/owl/tmp;9

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 16 of 107
Version 1.10
2.* Configure #ocae S+ecific Settings
2.?.1 4ater Mar#ing :7D(;
If ena+led w)en a user 2ownloads or Views a P2' file in t)e system, it is water mar1ed wit) 2efault strings
t)at are ta1en from t)e t)e file
/locale/-user language=/
$y default t)ese 3alues are set to;
<owl"lang-=watermar?"string : H)onfidentialH9
<owl"lang-=watermar?"source : HOwl .epository 1.00H9
&)e language files an +e )anged to meet your needs or you an use a ustom 1 0age P2' file t)e logo of
you om0any and9or any te5t you wis) to use. Dou s0eify t)e 0at) of t)at file on t)e we+ ser3er, t)is 0at) )as
to +e reada+le +y t)e we+ser3er 0roess9user.
2.?.2 "emo/ing unneeded 5ocale configurations
If you 1now you will not need one or more s0eifi loale settings, you may sa3e some real estate on t)e
a00liation sreens +y remo3ing unneeded loale settings folders.
&)e default language is s0eified in 9onfigs9owl.0)0 on t)e line reading;
<default-=owl"lang : I{directory"name};9
Additional loale languages are a3aila+le in diretories
/locale/-user language=
2iretories for languages not needed may +e deleted.
,A":I:/; If you will +e deleting loale diretories, ma1e sure you do not delete t)e
diretory s0eified in t)e owl.0)0 onfig file setting

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 1@ of 107
Version 1.10
2., "-'./V
,e+2AV <,e+(+ased 2istri+uted Aut)oring and Versioning= 0ro3ides t)e a+ility to wor1 wit) doument sin t)e
Owl douments re0ository diretly. ,it) ,e+2AV installed an running, you an aess files on your ser3er as if
t)ey were in
A 7irosoft ,indowsM ma00ed dri3e letter
A :o3ell :et2ri3e
ot)er file system features a0a+le of su00orting t)e ,e+2AV e5tensions to t)e A&&P 0rotool.
2.@.1 7rere%uisites
In order to run ,e+2AV, t)e PAP PEA" E5tensions must +e installed on your we+ ser3er.
Dou an determine if t)e PEA" e5tensions are installed +y
< rpm -+a J grep pear
&)e PEA" e5tensions an +e found at;
%nder fedora it is Just a matter of installing a "P7 using r0m or yum install
2.@.2 Configuration
2.@.2.1 ettings
&)e main onfiguration file is;
7ost of t)e onfiguration su) as data+ase is ta1en from t)e default onfig9owl.0)0.
Out of t)e +o5 t)is s)ould wor1, t)e only t)ing to dou+le )e1 is inside t)e Owl,e+2a39inde5.0)0 is t)e 3alue
<server-=*erve.e+uest%<default-=owl"fs"root . H/'ocumentsH&9
&)e Ndefault(FowlIfsIroot is defined inside of onfig9owl.0)0.
Owl,e+2a3 reates a de+ug file s0eified in t)e file 9Owl,e+2a39inde5.0)0 on t)e line
<server-=owl"de!ugfile : H/tmp/Ke!'0L.'MNH9
wit) de+ug information. &)is 3alue s)ould +e set to a diretory you )a3e aess to.
&)e inde5.0)0 file is designed for a single re0ository loation.
&o 0ro3ide ,e+2AV aess for anot)er re0ository, ma1e a o0y t)e inde5.0)0 file wit) a new
name to indiate t)e re0ository <e.g. re0o1.0)0=, and u0date t)e 3alue of NmyId+I,e+2AV
for t)e data+ase I2 a00ro0riate for t)at re0ository.
2.@.2.2 'esting
One onfigured t)e first test to see if t)is is wor1ing is to 0oint a +rowser to;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 17 of 107
Version 1.10
If wor1ing, t)is will
0rom0ting your for your owl username 9 0assword
gi3e you a diretory listing of your owl root diretory
If you )a3e onfig9owl.0)0
<default-=de!ug : true9
and your 0)0.ini )as t)e lines
error"reporting%/"033 O /"'/5./)0(/' O /"2O($)/& 9
display"errors : On 9
you s)ould see any 0)0 or onfiguration errors in your +rowser window.
Also, if onfig9owl.0)0 )as
<default-=de!ug : true9
Owl,e+2a3 reates a file s0eified in t)e file inde5.0)0 on t)e line
<server-=owl"de!ugfile : H/tmp/Ke!'0L.'MNH9
wit) de+ug information. &)is, and your we+ ser3er logs, may +e useful to t)e Owl Su00ort team for furt)er
On 7a we used for testing tools su) as tools as Cy+erdu1 <)tt0;99y+erdu1.)9=.
2.@.* &sage
One t)e +rowser gi3es you a diretory listing of your Owl 2ouments 2iretory O" your )ome diretory if your
owl user is so onfigured, t)en you are ready to attem0t using ot)er tools.
E5am0le using 7irosoft ,ord
O0en a file
for t)e filename, enter
In t)e aut)entiation window, enter your Owl redentials. One 3erified you will see a list of folders and files
a3aila+le for editing.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 1! of 107
Version 1.10
2.0 Configure P1P Settings
2.).1 Determine 6our 7A7 settings
Dou an all t)e 0)0info<= funtion to find t)e loation of your 0)0.ini file, it will also tell you t)e urrent 3alues
for t)e following settings t)at we need to modify. &o run t)is funtion you an write a sim0le 0)0 sri0t, dro0 it
into your we+s0ae, and all it from your +rowser.
Sam0le Out0ut;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 1. of 107
Version 1.10
&)e Out0ut may +e mu) larger, +ut t)is gi3es you an Idea w)at to e50et.
All t)e onfiguration settings for your installation are ontained in t)e 0)0.ini file. Sometimes t)ese setting mig)t
+e o3erridden +y direti3es in a0a)e .)taess files or e3en wit)in t)e sri0ts t)emsel3es. Aowe3er you
annot o3er ride some of t)e settings t)at effet file u0loads wit) .)taess direti3es in t)is way.
&)e following 3alues are t)e o0tions t)an need to +e )e1ed and modified if neessary;
2.).2 Configure 7A7 for 5arge (ile &,loads
&)oug) PAP 0resents a 3ery 3ersatile and user friendly interfae for )andling file u0loads, t)e default
installation is not geared for wor1ing wit) files in e5ess of 2 mega+ytes. &)is artile will )el0 you onfigure
your PAP engine for )andling su) large file transfers.
-etLs loo1 at t)e 0arameters t)at interest us.
2.).2.1 file_u,loads
&)is 0arameter is fairly o+3ious. If you set t)is off, u0loading is disa+led for your installation. If you re#uire
o0tions to ena+le large file u0loads, t)is o0tion must +e set to On.
2.).2.2 u,load_ma2_filesiBe and ,ost_ma2_siBe
'iles are usually POS&ed to t)e we+ser3er in a format 1nown as Omulti0art9form(dataO. &)e 0ostIma5IsiCe sets
t)e u00er limit on t)e amount of data t)at a sri0t an ae0t in t)is manner. Ideally t)is 3alue s)ould +e larger
t)an t)e 3alue t)at you set for u0loadIma5IfilesiCe.
ItOs im0ortant to realiCe t)at u0loadIma5IfilesiCe is t)e sum of t)e siCes of all t)e files t)at you are u0loading.
0ostIma5IsiCe is t)e u0loadIma5IfilesiCe 0lus t)e sum of t)e lengt)s of all t)e ot)er fields in t)e form 0lus any
mime )eaders t)at t)e enoder mig)t inlude. Sine t)ese fields are ty0ially small you an often a00ro5imate
t)e u0load ma5 siCe to t)e 0ost ma5 siCe.
Aording to t)e PAP doumentation you an set a 7API%P-OA2I-I7I& in your A&7- form to suggest a limit
to t)e +rowser.
&)is is aom0lis)ed +y t)e following Owl Parameter, t)e 0arameter ta1es a 3alue in +ytes, so if for e5am0le
you wis) to set a limit of 67$ you alulate t)e num+er of +ytes +y t)e following formula Qnum+er of 7$F E
1024 E 1024.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 20 of 107
Version 1.10
'rom t)e Administration Panel, under Site 'eatures, Ot)er Settings
2.).2.* memor6_limit
,)en t)e PAP engine is )andling an inoming POS& it needs to 1ee0 some of t)e inoming data in memory.
&)is direti3e )as any effet only if you )a3e used t)e ((ena+le(memory(limit o0tion at onfiguration time.
Setting too )ig) a 3alue an +e 3ery dangerous +eause if se3eral u0loads are +eing )andled onurrently all
a3aila+le memory will +e used u0 and ot)er unrelated sri0ts t)at onsume a lot of memory mig)t effet t)e
w)ole ser3er as well.
2.).2.0 ma2_e2ecution_time and ma2_in,ut_time
&)ese settings define t)e ma5imum life time of t)e sri0t and t)e time t)at t)e sri0t s)ould s0end in ae0ting
in0ut. If se3eral mega+ytes of data are +eing transferred ma5Iin0utItime s)ould +e reasona+ly )ig).
2.).2.3 afeMODE
:ote; 0)0Ls Safe 7ode is de0reated in 0)0 6.*.0 and is remo3ed in 0)0 6.4.0.
PAP Safe7O2E Off
,)en safe mode is turned on, t)e user an u0load files and reate diretories, +ut t)e owners)i0 and
0ermission t)at are 0ut on t)e file on t)e file system donOt allow Owl to write to or delete t)e file or folder from
t)e interfae.
Dou get messages su) as..
KarningA *0@/ QO'/ .estriction in effect. (he script whose uid is 101BF is not allowed to
access /xxx/intranet/'ocuments/test owned !y uid CGCG in /xxx/intranet/li!/!.php on line
$ut not a 0ro+lem wit) PAP FR 6.*.0 as 0er t)e 0)0 doumentation;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 21 of 107
Version 1.10
2.2 Configure /+ac!e Settings
&)e a0a)e we+ser3er )as a -imit"e#uest$ody onfiguration direti3e t)at restrits t)e siCe of all POS& data
regardless of t)e we+ sri0ting language in use. Some "P7 installations sets limit re#uest +ody to 612S+. Dou
will need to )ange t)is to a larger 3alue or remo3e t)e entry altoget)er.
On our install of 'edora t)at limit is set in t)e 9et9)tt0d9onf.d90)0.onf
R 5S5 is an S(Q3-em!edded scripting language which attempts to ma?e it
R easy for developers to write dynamically generated we!pages.
3oadQodule phpD"module modules/li!
3imit.e+uestMody 10CD00000
R )ause the 5S5 interpreter to handle files with a .php extension.
0dd(ype application/x-httpd-php .php
R 0dd(ype application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
R 0dd index.php to the list of files that will !e served as directory
R indexes.
'irectory$ndex index.php
'rou1le !ooting
&)e a0a)e error log is a great soure of information w)en trou+le s)ooting file %0load issues, usually
loated 93ar9log9)tt0d9errorIlog
&a1e a loo1 for messages <usually= will tell you w)i) of t)e a+o3e direti3e )as +een e5eeded.
If you ma1e any )anges, to t)e 0)0.ini file or any of t)e )tt0d.onf files donLt forget to restart t)e we+ ser3er

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 22 of 107
Version 1.10

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 2* of 107
Version 1.10
* Configure t!e O45 A,,lication
Tust after finis)ing t)e installation you still )a3e to )ange some 0arameters to adJust Owl to your en3ironment.
Dou will for e5am0le +e a+le to )ange 3isual 0referenes, add users, grou0s, files, and mu) more.
:ote; &)is is a summary of reommended initial ste0s to onfigure your O,- site. A om0lete list of o0tion
sreens and settings is inluded in t)e Administrati3e O0tions "eferene )a0ter.
&o start t)e final tou)es to t)e installation you need to login into Owl;
%.1 #ogin for t!e first time
-og in wit) t)e administrator user <%sername; GadminL and Password; GadminL +y default=
%.2 Configure Security
*.2.1 C!ange t!e admin ,assword
&o0 7enu $ar FF %ser &ools FF Preferenes
2efault onfiguration; admin 0assword R >admin? <wit)out t)e #uotes=
Cli1 on t)e +utton GPreferenesL and enter your old 0assword GadminL in t)e +o5 and a new and safe 0assword
in t)e two ot)er +o5es. Pus) t)e +utton GC)angeL to ma1e t)e 0assword )ange effeti3e.
:O&E; &)is tas1 is 3ery im0ortant. :e3er use GadminL as your administrator 0asswordK

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 24 of 107
Version 1.10
*.2.2 Configure Anon6mous Access
&o0 7enu $ar FF Admin &ools FF Admin
&a+; %sers B /rou0s FF Setion; %sers FF 2ro0down; Anonymous</uest= FF $utton; Edit %ser
S)ould anonymous aess to t)e seleted re0ository +e 0ermitted, t)e anonymous aess lin1 will +e s)own,
and allow anyone to +rowse t)e re0ository anonymously. In a multi(re0ository installation, as t)e re0ository is
seleted, t)e 0age is refres)ed to s)ow t)e lin1 if it is 0ermitted for t)at data+ase.
-ogin sreen wit) anonymous aess ena+led -ogin sreen wit) anonymous aess disa+led
&o 3erify anonymous aess to t)e site
1. Cli1 on >%sers B /rou0s? on t)e Admin &ools.
2. In t)e %ser administration, selet user >Anonymous <guest=? t)en li1 on t)e >Edit %ser? +utton.
*. In t)e list of user o0tions, loate t)e )e1+o5 la+elled >2isa+le %ser?

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 26 of 107
Version 1.10
4. Configure t)e )e1+o5 to t)e desired o0tion
C)e1 U to disa+le t)e Anonymous user
%n)e1 U to ena+le t)e Anonymous user
6. Cli1 on t)e >C)ange? +utton at t)e +ottom of t)e sreen to sa3e )anges.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 2@ of 107
Version 1.10
*.2.* Configure elf "egistration
&o0 7enu $ar FF Admin &ools FF Admin
&a+; Site 'eatures FF Setion; Site 'eatures and Setions FF Su+setion;
2efault Configuration; self registration is ena+led.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 27 of 107
Version 1.10
*.2.0 Configure +rou,s
&o0 7enu $ar FF Admin &ools FF Admin
&a+; %sers B /rou0s FF Setion; /rou0 Administration FF Su+setion;
2efault Values; Administrator, Anonymous, 'ile Admin, %sers
*.2.3 Configure 'ras!Can location
&o0 7enu $ar FF Admin &ools FF Admin
&a+; Site 'eatures FF Setion; &ras) Colletion Settings
2efault Values; a diretory on t)e de3elo0ment om0uter filesystem
C)ange t)e 3alue of >&ras) Can -oation? to a diretory on your ser3erLs filesystem.
:ote; ,it)in t)e &ras)Can diretory, a se0arate su+diretory is reated for ea) re0ository.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 2! of 107
Version 1.10
0 Administrati/e 'ools "eference
&o0 7enu $ar FF Admin &ools FF Admin
Cli1 on t)e +utton GAdminL to ustomiCe t)e Owl Intranet Engine.
:ote; &)is +utton will only a00ear if your aount )as administration 0ri3ileges
,)en you sign on as t)e administrator user >admin? default 0assword >admin? +y default you are ta1en to t)e
admin 0anel.
:ote; t)e initial landing 0age for a user an +e )anged.
&)e main title +ar for t)e area is s)aded dar1er t)an t)e rest. %nderneat) t)e title +ar is a +utton +ar wit) t)e
o0tions a3aila+le. &)e +uttons will +e in one of t)ree formats;
1. 2ar1 +lue +a1ground wit) +old +la1 lettering
t)is is t)e urrently seleted area
2. -ig)ter +lue +a1ground wit) normal +la1 lettering
t)ese are ot)er areas t)at an +e seleted for system o0tions
*. -ig)ter +lue +a1ground wit) normal w)ite lettering
t)ese are areas t)at are una3aila+le for u0dating, most 0ro+a+ly due to 0arameters set during t)e
software installation 0roess.
In t)e setion +elow are o0tions a3aila+le in ea) of t)e O,- Administration menu areas.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 2. of 107
Version 1.10
&.1 3sers 4 5rou+s
%nder Site 'eatures 3erify w)at user is set as t)e anonymous user, t)e default is t)e guest <Anonymous=
One you )a3e determined w)at user is t)e anonymous user li1 t)e >%sers B /rou0s? +utton, selet
Anonymous <guest= Or t)e user you )a3e set in t)e Anonymous Aess Aount, and Cli1 >Edit %ser?.
&)en +y ena+ling or disa+ling t)e user t)e <Anonymous Aess= lin1 is s)own or )idden from t)e login sreen.
0.1.1 &ser Administration ection

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *0 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 3ser 4 5rou+s 7 3ser /dministration
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
'ull :ame Enter t)e 'ull :ame

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *1 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 3ser 4 5rou+s 7 3ser /dministration
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
%sername &)e name t)at will +e used to login
Primary /rou0 &)e grou0 t)at t)e user will +e defaulted to
,)en t)e G/rou0L +utton in t)e G'ile information 0anelL will +e used, all
douments from t)is grou0 will +e dis0layed
&)e user will get t)e same doument aess rig)ts t)at ount for t)is grou0.
See AC- for more information
-anguage &)e default language of t)e funtions t)at will +e dis0layed for t)e user
7em+er /rou0<s= 7em+er will gi3e t)e user doument aess as reated wit) t)e AC-.
'ile Admin will gi3e t)e user full aess to all douments onerning t)at grou0. &)is
inludes all file modifiations too,
%serLs Aome
&)e diretory t)e user will )a3e as root diretory
'or e5am0le if your diretory struture loo1s li1e.
If you reate user %ser1 wit) a Aome 2iretory of $oris, w)en )e signs on )is "oot
diretory will +e $oris, and )e will not see Anonym or 2ouments.
'or t)ose of you t)at are familiar wit) t)e %:IP )root, t)is sort of du0liates its
%:IP ounter0art.
%serLs Initial
&)e diretory t)e user will start from. &)is an +e any diretory in t)e tree. 7o3ing to
a )ig)er le3el in t)e tree is still 0ossi+le till you rea) t)e %serLs Aome 2iretory.
Ensure t)at your Initial 2iretory is a 2iretory t)at is wit)in t)e Aome 2iretory
Struture of t)e user. Setting t)e initial 2iretory to somet)ing outside t)at struture
will result in an error u0on t)e userLs attem0t to login.
8uota 0R2isa+led Set t)e ma5imum s0ae t)e user is allowed to ta1e wit) )is9)er douments.
0 R disa+led, t)e user an store as mu) douments as t)e file systemLs dis1 s0ae
7a5 :o.Sessions Aow many O,- sessions t)e user is allowed to )a3e at one time. If t)e user does
not sign off using t)e logout +utton t)e session stays ati3e for t)e duration set +y

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *2 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 3ser 4 5rou+s 7 3ser /dministration
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
session timeout as onfigured in t)e admin Site 'eatures setion.
If t)e user attem0ts to login and t)eir 7a5 :o Sessions are set to 1, t)ey will +e
denied aess to t)e 0ortal
&)e user will not +e a+le to sign +a1 on until t)e administrator leans u0 t)eir old
sessions +y li1ing on t)e ion or t)e session times(out on t)eir own
Password %se a 0assword wit) a minimum of @ )araters
Confirm :ew
Enter t)e 0assword again for 3erifiation
E(7ail Address An email address is re#uired. &)is ma1es all mail funtions 0ossi+le
,)en )e1ed, allows t)e user to reei3e email notifiations of doument ations.
Atta) 'ile ,it) file notifiations, li1e u0dates or new files, you will get a mail, wit) t)e file
2isa+le %ser 2isa+les t)e user you are urrently editing
%ser 2efault View
,)en t)is +o5 is )e1ed, t)is userLs default 3iew is t)e e50anded 3iew, ot)erwise
t)eir default 3iew is t)e olla0sed 3iew. &)e ontents of t)ese two 3iews are defined
in Admin &ools FF Site 'eatures FF CustomiCe $rowser Columns.
2efault "e3ision
&)is o0tion defines t)e default 0ortion of t)e re3ision t)at will +e u0dated w)en a
doument is u0dated. O0tions are
:O:E SE-EC&E2 U user must manually set t)e inrement
7aJor "e3ision U a doument u0date inrements t)e maJor om0onent of t)e
doumentLs re3ision
7inor "e3ision U a doument u0date inrements t)e minor om0onent of t)e
doumentLs re3ision.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page ** of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 3ser 4 5rou+s 7 3ser /dministration
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
%ser Initial 7aJor
&)e maJor re3ision om0onent assigned to a new doument u0loaded +y t)e user.

%ser Initial 7inor
&)e minor re3ision om0onent assigned to a new doument u0loaded +y t)e user.
P2' get
,)en t)is o0tion is )e1ed, downloaded 0df o0ies of douments will +e
2isa+le Pref 2isa+les t)e Preferenes +utton on t)e sreen. &)is will 0re3ent t)e user from
modifying t)eir settings
/i3es t)e user t)e admin funtion of reating and maintaining users
Can View System
%ser an see all 3iews and file ations made +y e3ery user.
,ill ati3ate t)e System -ogs +utton.
Can View System
%ser an see System "e0orts
,ill ati3ate t)e >Statistis 9 "e0ort Viewer? +utton
:ews Administrator %ser an reate news items
'ile Admin for
Primary /rou0
%ser an aess all douments, w)i) )is grou0 owns
-ogin to :ew
"eords Page
,)en t)e user logs in, a sreen wit) new douments will +e dis0layed
,)en anot)er user omments on t)e file, w)i) t)e user owns, t)e user an elet to
reei3e notifiation emails
E(7ail &ool Ena+les t)e email funtionality to email ot)er registered users.
C)ange Password
at :e5t login
&)e user will need to )ange )is9)er 0assword at ne5t login.
&)is an +e useful w)en you are reating t)is user and 0ro3ide t)e user wit) t)is
username and 0assword. &)e user an ma1e )is9)er own 0assword ne5t time t)e
user logs in.
Aount E50ires On 'ill in t)e date after w)i) t)e aount will no longer +e ati3e
Aut)entiation ty0e &)e met)od +y w)i) t)is userLs login is aut)entiated.
%ser /7& offset &)e time(region t)is user normally wor1s, to ma1e sure modifiation times are
registered as intended.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *4 of 107
Version 1.10
At t)e +ottom of t)e sreen t)ere are t)ree +uttons
C)ange U a00lies t)e )anges made in t)e fields a+o3e
2elete %ser U deletes t)e user
"eset U "esets all fields )anged

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *6 of 107
Version 1.10
0.1.2 +rou, Administration ection Add a +rou,
&o reate a roll +ased 3iew and to manage folder and doument aess, grou0s an +e reated.
Cli1 on t)e G:ew /rou0L +utton.
e a grou0 name and li1 on t)e GAddL +utton Edit a +rou,
One a grou0 is reated, you an manage easily w)i) users will +e mem+er of t)at grou0. &)is is done as
Selet a /rou0 and li1 on t)e GEdit /rou0L +utton.
0.1.2.* Adding and deleting grou, mem1ers
&)e title +ar of t)is su+setion s)ows )ow many users are mem+ers of t)is grou0 out of t)e total num+er of
users on file.
&o add an indi3idual mem+er, selet t)at userLs name from t)e list of A3aila+le %ser<s=, and li1 t)e >F? +utton.
&o add all a3aila+le mem+ers to t)e grou0, li1 on t)e >FF? +utton.
&o delete an indi3idual mem+er, selet t)at userLs name from t)e list of Seleted %ser<s=, and li1 t)e >Q?

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *@ of 107
Version 1.10
&o delete all mem+ers from t)e grou0, li1 on t)e >QQ? +utton.
Cli1 on t)e >Su+mit? +utton to su+mit your )anges, or t)e >"eset? +utton to 0ut t)e mem+ers +a1 as t)ey
were. C!anging w!ic! users !a/e t!is grou, as t!eir 7"IMA"C grou,
&)e title +ar of t)is su+setion s)ows )ow many users )a3e t)is grou0 as t)eir 0rimary grou0 out of t)e total
num+er of users on file.
&o add an indi3idual mem+er, selet t)at userLs name from t)e list of A3aila+le %ser<s=, and li1 t)e >F? +utton.
&o add all a3aila+le mem+ers to t)e grou0, li1 on t)e >FF? +utton.
&o delete an indi3idual mem+er, selet t)at userLs name from t)e list of Seleted %ser<s=, and li1 t)e >Q?
&o delete all mem+ers from t)e grou0, li1 on t)e >QQ? +utton.
Cli1 on t)e >Su+mit? +utton to su+mit your )anges, or t)e >"eset? +utton to 0ut t)e mem+ers +a1 as t)ey
were. C!anging w!ic! users are +rou, Administrators for t!is grou,
&)e title +ar of t)is su+setion s)ows )ow many users are /rou0 Administrators for t)is grou0 out of t)e total
num+er of users on file.
&o add an indi3idual mem+er, selet t)at userLs name from t)e list of A3aila+le %ser<s=, and li1 t)e >F? +utton.
&o add all a3aila+le mem+ers to t)e grou0, li1 on t)e >FF? +utton.
&o delete an indi3idual mem+er, selet t)at userLs name from t)e list of Seleted %ser<s=, and li1 t)e >Q?
&o delete all mem+ers from t)e grou0, li1 on t)e >QQ? +utton.
Cli1 on t)e >Su+mit? +utton to su+mit your )anges, or t)e >"eset? +utton to 0ut t)e mem+ers +a1 as t)ey

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *7 of 107
Version 1.10

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *! of 107
Version 1.10
&.2 168# Preferences
/dmin 6oos 7 168# Preferences
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
E50anded View ,idt) 2efines t)e widt) in 0erentage of t)e e5tended 3iew.
:ote; If too many olumns are set to +e dis0layed <site features=, t)is widt) will
+e e5eeded
Colla0se View ,idt) 2efines t)e widt) in 0erentage of t)e olla0se 3iew.
:ote; If too many olumns are set to +e dis0layed <site features=, t)is widt) will
+e e5eeded
$ody $a1ground Image
Pat) to image to +e dis0layed as a +a1ground of we+0age +ody
-ogin Page logo &)e filename of t)e logo t)at is dis0layed at t)e login.
:ote; t)e 0at) to t)is logo is
<default-=owl"3ang'ir . I/; . <default-=owl"lang . I/;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page *. of 107
Version 1.10
&.% Site Features
&)is setion is for general site(wide features.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 40 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.1 MO'D :Message of t!e Da6;
&)is allows you to set a message on t)e login 0rom0t for all to see. &)e edit +o5 will ae0t A&7-, and s)ould
dis0lay 9 render t)e te5t using t)e A&7- tags.
&)e )tml a+o3e would ause t)e login 0age to dis0lay as follows;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 41 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.2 O45 6stem E-Mail ettings
NOTE: For fields not identified in the table below, obtain settings from your local email system administrator.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 O"# System -98ai Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
%se S7&P 7ailing 7et)od &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
'rom Address Email address to +e s)own as t)e >'rom? address of t)e sender.
'rom :ame :ame to +e s)own as t)e sender of t)e email.
"e0ly &o Address &)is address will also +e used as t)e >"e0ly(&o? address for email sent.
:ote; t)is is usually, +ut not neessarily, t)e same address as t)e
>'rom Address? s)own a+o3e.
Su+Jet Prefi5 &)e +eginning of t)e su+Jet line of emails sent +y t)e system.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 42 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.* 5oo# at AD for -ew (iles settings
O,- )as t)e 0ossi+ility to add files automatially if t)ey are mo3ed +y anot)er met)od into t)e doumentation
folder. After t)e files )a3e +een added and t)e folder w)i) ontains t)e files is o0ened, t)e O,- system will
inde5 t)e douments.
,)en ena+led, t)is feature tells Owl to monitor t)e )ard 2ri3e for new files and folders. &)is allows %sers 9
Administrators to dro0 files in t)e Owl 2iretory Struture on t)e we+ ser3er using alternate met)od su) as an
'&P Client, ,e+ Ena+led 'older et.
As users +rowse t)e file struture, t)e new 'iles and 'olders t)at are :O& already in Owl are added to t)e
&)is o0tion dis0lay )anges de0ending on w)et)er t)e o0tion is )e1ed or un)e1ed. If t)e o0tion is
un)e1 t)e o0tion dis0lay will +e olla0sed.
One t)e o0tion is un)e1ed, t)e sreen will refres) and t)e o0tion dis0lay will +e e50anded.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 #ook at 1. for Ne$ Fies Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
2isa+le -oo1 at A2 &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
"emo3e 2eleted 'iles 'rom
If t)is o0tions is ena+led remo3ing a file from t)e filesystem of t)e we+
ser3er results in Owl also remo3ing t)e file from t)e Owl 2ata+ase.
2efault 'ile /rou0 Owner Set t)is to t)e /rou0 you want to )a3e owners)i0 of new files added +y t)is
2efault 'ile Owner Set t)is to t)e user t)at s)ould )a3e owners)i0 of new files added +y t)is

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 4* of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 #ook at 1. for Ne$ Fies Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
2efault 'ile &itle Set t)is to any string you want t)e &itle to ta1e on for t)ese :ew 'iles.
If -eft +lan1 t)e &itle +eomes t)e 'ilename
2efault 7eta 2ata 7etadata is used w)en sear)ing for files, so you ould set t)is to
A%&OI:SE"& for e5am0le, and one ould sear) for t)at string in t)e
sear) tool to find all 'iles Added +y -oo1 A& A2
2efault 'older /rou0 Owner Set t)is to t)e /rou0 you want to )a3e owners)i0 of new folders added +y
t)is feature
2efault 'older Owner Set t)is to t)e user t)at s)ould )a3e owners)i0 of new folders added +y t)is
0.*.*.1 O45C'5 Control (ile
&o om0lement t)e -OOS A& A2 feature a+o3e t)e system administrator an use an owltl file to add s0eifi
attri+utes to a file w)en it is automatially added.
&)e sam0le file an +e found in t)e admin9tools diretory <read)dIowlIontrol.owltl=
R (his file is a sample file
R (his file allows you to create alter
R .ead S' 'efaults set in the admin section
R 0ll you have to do is put C files in the @older for the 3oo?0(S' feature to find.
R myfile.doc1 is the actual document1 and
R myfile.doc.owlctl %this file&
1101'efault 'escription1metadata ?eywords1title1D110111111010101010101010101010
1101'efault 'escription1metadata ?eywords1title1D1110111111010111010101010101010
&o use t)is feature all you need to do is ena+le t)e -OOS A& A2 feature, and dro0 your file in t)e diretory
struture. 'or e5am0le a word doument is dro00ed in t)e we+ ser3er in t)e 2ouments diretory,
wit) a seond file alled mydo.owltl, w)en t)e file is added owl will use t)e 3alues in t)e owltl file to reate
t)e file.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 44 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.0 O45 $rowser (eatures
&)ese o0tions 0ro3ide t)e general onfiguration for w)at users will see as t)ey +rowse t)roug) t)e site.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 O"# 'ro$ser Features
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
2is0lay ,ide 'ile Info Panel ,)en )e1ed, t)e file info 0anel will +e dis0layed as 2 olumns wit) 4
,)en un)e1ed, t)e eig)t ells are distri+uted on 2 rows.
2is0lay Status Panel Certain file information an diretly +e dis0layed in t)e olumns ne5t to t)e
file. %se t)e )e1+o5es to load a s0eifi file information olumn.
If t)e E50and9Colla0se feature is turned on, you an define )ow detailed
ea) 3iew is. &)e more details, t)e more s0ae is re#uired.
2is0lay Pref9-ogout $ar 2etermines w)ere to s)ow t)e +ar wit) t)e userLs login name, full name,
and 0referenes menu o0tion.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 46 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 O"# 'ro$ser Features
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
2is0lay Sear) $ar 2etermines w)ere to s)ow t)e sear) +ar line relati3e to t)e file 9 folder list.
O0tions are a+o3e, +elow, +ot), or neit)er.
2is0lay $ul1 $uttons 2etermines w)ere to s)ow t)e $ul1 Ation +uttons line relati3e to t)e file 9
folder list.
O0tions are a+o3e, +elow, +ot), or neit)er.
2is0lay Ation $uttons 2etermines w)ere to s)ow t)e 7ain 7enu +lo1 area relati3e to t)e file 9
folder list.
O0tions are a+o3e, +elow, +ot), or neit)er.
2is0lay 'older &ools 2etermines w)ere to s)ow t)e 'older &ools +uttons relati3e to t)e file 9
folder list.
O0tions are a+o3e, +elow, +ot), or neit)er.
2is0lay 'ile9'older Password
'ile 'older 0assword o3erride is a me)anism t)at allows one to gi3e
aess to a file or folder e3en if a gi3en user doesnOt )a3e AC-Os t)at grant
t)em aess.
,)en t)is o0tion is )e1ed reator an assign a 0assword to t)e file or
folder w)en it is u0loaded <or reated if it is a folder=. &)e file or folder will
t)en +e 3isi+le to ot)er users <e3en if t)ey would ot)erwise not +e a+le to
see t)e file due to AC- settings=, +ut t)ey would +e re#uired to enter a
0assword in order to +e a+le to download t)e file.
Aide 'older 'ile &y0e Count 2etermines w)et)er to s)ow t)e num+er of folders and files diretly under
t)e folder.
Aide 'older Content SiCe 2etermines w)et)er to s)ow t)e siCe of t)e folder and its ontents.
:ote; if )e1ed, t)e siCe olumn will still s)ow, +ut t)e siCe 3alue will +e
2ownload 'olders as Vi0 Controls t)e om0ression format used w)en downloading entire folders;
C)e1ed U folders are downloaded as .Ci0 files
%n)e1ed U folders are downloaded as .tar.gC files
'ore $rowser to use
Controls t)e a+ility to aess O,- folders in a +rowser.
%n)e1ed ( t)e user an aess t)e O,- site using a )tt0;99 <inseure=
C)e1ed ( t)e userLs +rowser is fore to use )tt0s;99 <seure= mode.
'ile %0date wit) 2ifferent
:ame <E5tension must
remain t)e same=
Controls w)et)er a doument an +e re0laed +y a doument wit) a newer
3ersion )a3ing a different +ase name <t)e filename 0ortion +efore t)e

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 4@ of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 O"# 'ro$ser Features
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
%n)e1ed U t)e entire name of t)e re0laement doument must +e t)e
same as t)e filename of t)e doument in t)e system.
C)e1ed ( t)e +ase name of t)e re0laement doument an +e different
t)an t)e +ase name of t)e original doument. :ote t)at t)e filename
e5tension must +e t)e same as t)e original.
%se ,DSI,D/ Editorfor
&e5t area
Controls t)e editor 0resented in t)e +rowser w)en editing a te5t area <e.g.
doument desri0tion=
%n)e1ed ( t)e default editor is standard we+ +rowser te5t editing.
C)e1ed ( te5t areas will +e 0resented wit) a ,DSI,D/ te5t editor.
:O&E; %0on sa3ing a data field edited wit) t)e ,DSI,D/ editor t)e field
ontent is 3alidated against t)e list of allowa+le A&7- )araters in t)e
onfiguration file 3aria+le Ndefault(F0ermitedI)tmlItags and de0ending on
0ermitted tags t)e stored results may differ from t)e format entered during
2is0lay Ation ions instead
of list
Controls t)e )ow ation items are dis0layed for folders or douments.
%n)e1ed U ations are 0resented as a dro0down list w)en )o3ering o3er
a file or folder name
C)e1ed U ations are 0resented as a series of seleta+le ions.
'ile 2esri0tions "e#uired Controls w)et)er a doument an +e added wit)out entering a desri0tion.
%n)e1ed U a doument an +e added wit)out entering information in t)e
desri0tion field.
C)e1ed U an attem0t to load a doument wit)out a desri0tion will result in
an error sreen and t)e load attem0t will fail.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 47 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 O"# 'ro$ser Features
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
'older 2esri0tions are
Controls w)et)er a folder an +e added wit)out entering a desri0tion.
%n)e1ed U a folder an +e added wit)out entering information in t)e
desri0tion field.
C)e1ed U an attem0t to reate a folder wit)out a desri0tion will result in
an error sreen and t)e reation attem0t will fail.
S)ow 'older 2esri0tion as
Controls w)et)er t)e folder desri0tion is +e s)own in t)e &itle olumn or as
a mouse(o3er 0o0u0.
%n)e1ed U folder desri0tions will +e s)own on t)e sreen in t)e &itle
olumn under t)e folder name.
C)e1ed U folder desri0tions will not +e s)own in t)e &itle olumn +ut will
a00ear in a 0o0u0 menu w)en t)e mouse )o3ers o3er t)e folder name in
t)e &itle olumn.
Allow %sers to &ra1
Controls w)et)er a user an reord and retrie3e a list of fa3ourite files and
%n)e1ed U users annot tra1 fa3orites
C)e1ed U users an tra1 fa3orites.
0.*.3 CustomiBe $rowser Columns
O,- 0ro3ides t)e a0a+ility of 0ro3iding two 3iews of doument and folder metadata. &)ese 3iews are alled
>E50and? and >Colla0se?. &)is setion defines t)e fields s)own in ea) of t)e two 3iews. If a metadata field is
)e1ed in t)e 3iew setion, it will a00ear in t)at 3iew.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 4! of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Customi:e 'ro$ser Coumns
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
2efault $rowser View
Controls t)e list of fields s)own w)en +rowsing t)e re0ository.
C)e1ed U fields seleted in t)e E50and 3iew are s)own.
%n)e1ed U fields seleted in t)e Colla0se 3iew are s)own.
-;+and < Coa+se Vie$ Fieds to be s!o$n in t!e seected =ie$
Status any status )ange for t)is doument sine t)is userLs last 3isit
2o W t)e uni#ue O,- re0ository doument serial num+er
2o Ion doument t)um+nail
Custom 'ields -ist ustom fields and 3alues for t)is doumentLs ty0e
&itle S)ort doument title
Ver. Version num+er of t)is doument
'ile Atual filename of t)is doument
SiCe A00ro5imate file siCe of t)is doument
Posted $y 'ull name of user w)o 0osted t)is 3ersion of t)is doument
%0dated $y 'ull name of user w)o last u0dated t)is doument or its metadata
7odified If modified, t)e date and time t)is doument was last modified
Ations 2is0lay ations a3aila+le to 0erform on t)is folder or doument
Aeld If a file is )e1ed out and not a3aila+le for u0date, t)is field will )a3e t)e
full name of t)e user w)o )as t)e file )e1ed out, ot)erwise t)e olumn
will )a3e a >(> indiating t)e doument is not )eld.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 4. of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.? CustomiBe earc! "esults
,)en a user re#uests a sear) for a doument, a list of douments will +e returned. O,- 0ro3ides t)e
a0a+ility of 0ro3iding two 3iews of doument and folder sear) results metadata. &)ese 3iews are alled
>E50and? and >Colla0se?. &)is setion defines t)e fields s)own in ea) of t)e two 3iews. If a metadata field is
)e1ed in t)e 3iew setion, it will a00ear in t)at 3iew.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Customi:e Searc! Resuts
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Sore A num+er indiating a degree of mat) to t)e sear) riteria.
'older Pat) &)e 0at) of t)is doument from t)e doument root.
2o W t)e uni#ue O,- re0ository doument serial num+er
2o Ion doument t)um+nail
Custom 'ields -ist ustom fields and 3alues for t)is doumentLs ty0e
'ile Atual filename of t)is doument
SiCe A00ro5imate file siCe of t)is doument
Posted $y 'ull name of user w)o 0osted t)is 3ersion of t)is doument
%0dated $y 'ull name of user w)o last u0dated t)is doument or its metadata
7odified If modified, t)e date and time t)is doument was last modified
Ations <Only a00lia+le if >%se 0re 27S 0.!0 Ation Ions? is )e1ed
"eferene; Site 'eatures F Owl $rowser 'eatures=
If )e1ed, a olumn will +e s)own for ations re0resented +y ions.
If not )e1ed, a 0o0u0 ation menu will +e s)own w)en t)e user )o3ers
o3er t)e filename in t)e >'ile? olumn

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 60 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.@ '!um1nail View 9 +eneration o,tions
Owl an automatially generate t)um+nails w)en a file is u0loaded. &)is ta1es 0lae if su00orting e5ternal
&ools are installed.
If you want to let O,- automatially reate a t)um+nail w)en a doument is u0loaded, or w)en you )o3er o3er
t)e doument and )oose Ggenerate t)um+nailL, you an ena+le t)is feature.
E5ternal 0rograms are needed for t)um+nail generation.
Fie 6y+e 6oo Configured in
most ommon image files Image7agi1 owl.0)0
most ommon Video files 70layer 3ideo 0layer owl.0)0
P2' files 0dfto00m, and
admin FFSite 'eatures FF &)um+nail View 9
/eneration O0tions
7S ,ord files antiword Admin FF Site 'eatures FF 2$ $a1u0 9 /VIP
Indiates t)e 0at) is set and 0oints to a 0rogram
Indiates t)e o0tion is not set and9or does not 0oint to a 0rogram

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 61 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 6!umbnai Vie$ < 5eneration O+tions
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ena+le &)um+nail View 9
&oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed ( t)is is t)e only feature s)own in t)e list.
,)en it is )e1ed, t)um+nails will +e generated and all t)e remaining
features s)ow +elow will +e dis0layed
PdfIt)um+I0at) Pat) to 0dfto00m 0rogram
Pat) to Image7agi Con3ert
Pat) to Image7agi 0rogram
Pat) to 70layer Pat) to m0layer 0rogram
&)um+nail widt) <Small= in
0R2o not dis0lay
,idt) of t)um+nail U Small
&)um+nail widt) <7ed=
in 0i5els
,idt) of t)um+nail U 7edium
&)um+nail widt) <-arge=
in 0i5els
,idt) of t)um+nail ( -arge
:um+er of Columns for
&)um+nail View
&)e &)um+nails 3iew an +e seleted +y li1ing t)e >Swit) to &)um+nail
View? ion ne5t to t)e 7ain 7enu string
&)is setting determines )ow many olumns to dis0lay in t)e &)um+nail
&)um+ View 2etails In &)um+nail 3iew, file details are s)own +elow t)e t)um+nail, and t)e user
an ontrol w)at is seen )ere.
$y default we s)ow e3eryt)ing, +ut if t)is o0tion is selet only t)e Image
info will +e s)own.
Status any status )ange for t)is doument sine t)is userLs last 3isit
2o W t)e uni#ue O,- re0ository doument serial num+er
2o Ion 2oument ty0e ion
Image Info <Only 3isi+le under &)um+nail View=
,)en )e1ed e5tended image info <inluding some EPI' data= will +e
Ver Version num+er of t)is doument
SiCe A00ro5imate file siCe of t)is doument

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 62 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 6!umbnai Vie$ < 5eneration O+tions
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Posted $y 'ull name of user w)o 0osted t)is 3ersion of t)is doument
%0dated $y 'ull name of user w)o last u0dated t)is doument or its metadata
7odified If modified, t)e date and time t)is doument was last modified
Ations 'ODO. -O A77A"E-' E((EC'
Aeld If a file is )e1ed out and not a3aila+le for u0date, t)is field will )a3e t)e
full name of t)e user w)o )as t)e file )e1ed out, ot)erwise t)e olumn
will )a3e a das) <>(>= indiating t)e doument is not )eld.
Owl &i0; /enerating t)um+nails wit) anot)er tool.
If you wis) to generate your t)um+nails using some ot)er tool, and wis) to see t)em in Owl you an dro0 t)em
in t)e t)um+nailsIloation as defined in your owl.0)0 file;
<default-=thum!nails"location : <default-=owl"fs"root . H/(hum!2ailsH9 // this directory has to
!e in the we!space
&)e naming on3entions goes li1e t)is
d+id R 0 for a single d+ install 3alue of ; Ndefault(FowlId+Iid
fileIid R t)e 3alue of id in t)e files ta+le.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 6* of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.) 7D( 4atermar#ing O,tions
2ouments are stored in t)e re0ository as t)ey were initially u0loaded. O,- an +e onfigured so t)at w)en
P2' files are downloaded t)ey are >watermar1ed?. Aere is an e5am0le of a 0dft1 man 0age watermar1ed. &)e
+la1 writing is from t)e original doument, t)e 0in1 writing is t)e o3erlay from t)e watermar1ing 0roess. &)e
downloaded doument will a00ear li1e t)is;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 64 of 107
Version 1.10
An e5ternal 0rogramLs status is indiated +y one of t)e following ions;
Indiates t)e 0at) is set and 0oints to a 0rogram
Indiates t)e o0tion is not set and9or does not 0oint to a 0rogram
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 6!umbnai Vie$ < 5eneration O+tions
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ena+le &)um+nail
View 9 /eneration
&oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
Pat) to 0dft1
Pat) to ustom watermar1
P2'&S 3ersion /reater t)an
If you are using P2'&S 3ersion 1.41 or newer owl ma1es use of new
features in t)at 3ersion of 0dft1 so )e1 t)e P2'&S 3ersion /reater t)an
)e1 +o5.
:ote; Dou will also need to ensure t)at t)e user 0rofile o0tion >P2' get ,atermar1ed? is set on a 0er %ser

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 66 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.D Ot!er ettings

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 6@ of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Ot!er Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Custom 'ields inside Po0u0
&)e ustom fields, +elonging to t)e a00ro0riate doument an +e dis0layed
as a 0o0u0
%se 0o0u0 to dis0lay :ews Controls )ow news items are dis0layed
C)e1ed U :ews items are dis0layed as a 0o0u0 window
%n)e1ed U news items are dis0layed in a list
Ena+le Version Control
&)is automatially inreases t)e 3ersion num+er w)en t)e file is u0dated
Initial 7aJor "e3ision 'or a new doument +eing u0loaded, t)e default initial integer 3alue of t)e
doument 3ersion num+er.
&)is an +e o3erridden +y t)e user in t)eir 0referenes if allowed.
Initial 7inor "e3ision 'or a new doument +eing u0loaded, t)e default initial deimal 3alue of t)e
doument 3ersion num+er.
&)is an +e o3erridden +y t)e user in t)eir 0referenes if allowed.
Ena+le "estrited View
"estrited 3iew is a mode t)at only s)ows t)e files and folders t)at a user
)as at least read aess to, if not t)ey are )idden from 3iew.
&)is mode is a +it more CP% intensi3e as ea) file AC- dis0layed on t)e
sreen )as to +e )e1 for AC-.
Aide t)e $a1u0 2iretory Aides t)e +a1u0 diretory from anyone e5e0t administrators
S)ow forgot 0assword lin1 If )e1ed, t)e user an re#uest )is 0assword
7inimum lengt) of %ser set
7inimum amount of )araters t)e 0assword must ontain
7inimum -engt) of %ser set
7inimum amount of )araters t)e username must ontain
7inimum num+er of numeri 7inimum amount of num+ers t)e 0assword needs to ontain
7inimum -engt) of S0eial
7inimum amount of s0eial )araters t)e 0assword needs to ontain
Ena+le Aount -o1out Ena+les t)e a0a+ility to lo1 an aount <disa+le login= after a num+er of
failed attem0ts. &)e num+er is s0eified +elow.
:um+er of attem0ts to
Sets t)e num+er of failed login attem0ts +efore an aount gets lo1ed out
:um+er of Pre3ious ,)en a user needs to enter a new 0assword <i.e. if t)e user is fored to

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 67 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Ot!er Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Password to See0 &ra1 )ange t)e 0assword fre#uently=, O,- an )e1 t)e new 0assword )oie
against a list of t)is many 0asswords reently used.
If t)is num+er is greater t)an 0, a new 0assword will +e )e1ed against
t)is list, and if t)e new 0assword is in t)is list, t)e user will +e 0rom0ted to
enter anot)er 0assword.
'ore Password C)ange
E3ery <in 2ays= 0R2isa+led
If t)is num+er of days is greater t)an 0, t)e user will +e fored to )ange
t)eir 0assword after t)e s0eified num+er of days )as 0assed sine t)eir
last login.
2oW 2is0lay Prefi5 String If t)is field is entered, doument num+ers s)own in file folder9doument
3iew will +e 0refi5ed +y t)is string.
'ODO 4ill t!is !a/e an6 ot!er effect 1esides dis,la6 in t!e listE
2oW :um+er 2igit to dis0lay Ea) doument u0loaded to t)e re0ository is gi3en a se#uential doument
:ew ,indow w)en Viewing
A new window of your +rowser will +e loaded w)en 3iewing t)e doument
Admin goes to $rowse Page
on -ogon
Administrators will get t)e +rowse 0age as first sreen w)en t)ey logon.
,)en un)e1ed, administrators will go to t)e admin 0anel
Allow %sers to sa3e
Seywords for "euse
,)en adding douments, 1eywords an +e a00lied to t)e doument. &o
ma1e sure no synonyms of 1eywords are used, )e1 t)is o0tion. &)is way,
t)e same 1eyword an +e used for similar douments.
7a5imum %0load 'ile SiCe
<in +ytes=
7a5imum siCe of 1 doument or 1 ar)i3e to +e u0loaded t)roug) t)e file
Session &imeout in Seonds 2efines )ow long a user an +e logged in, wit)out using t)e doumentation
system. If t)is amount of seonds is e5eeded, t)e user will +e 0rom0ted to
&em0 file 2iretory -oation A tem0orary diretory t)e file system an write to
Set Anonymous Aess &)is will define t)e rig)ts for an anonymous user. An anonymous user
doesnLt re#uire an aount
Anonymous Aess Aount /i3es t)e Anonymous Aess Aount a username. &)is an +e used to
gi3e t)e Anonymous Aess Aount ertain files and folders 0ermissions
'ile9$rowser Admin /rou0 'ile9$rowser Admin /rou0 is a s0eial /rou0 t)at grants om0lete aess
to all files and folders in t)e re0ository, so any user t)at )as t)is grou0 as
0rimary grou0 O" is a mem+er of t)is grou0, retains '%-- aess to all files
and folders.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 6! of 107
Version 1.10

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 6. of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.10 'ras! collection settings
,)en douments get deleted, t)ey will +e mo3ed to a tras) folder. &)is setion identifies t)e filesystem folder
t)at will +e used for >deleted? douments t)at are mo3ed to t)e &ras)Can.
&)is folder an +e aessed t)roug) t)e admin +uttons.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 6ras! Coection Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ena+le &ras) Colletion &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
&ras) Can -oation &)e 0at) to t)e diretory w)ere deleted douments are mo3ed.
:ote; t)e we+ser3er user must )a3e a00ro0riate aess 0ermissions to t)is
String Prefi5ed to "estored
If t)is field )as a 3alue in it, any file restored from t)e tras) will +e renamed
wit) t)is 3alue 0re0ended to <0ut at t)e +eginning of= t)e original filename.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @0 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.11 Document 7eer "e/iew (eature
,)en t)is feature is turned off, you )a3e t)e o0tion to turn it on.
,)en t)is feature is turned on, you an set o0tions.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 .ocument Peer Re=ie$ Feature
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ena+le Peer "e3iew 'eature &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
7a1e Peer "e3iew O0tional Controls w)et)er a doument needs to +e re3iewed and a00ro3ed +efore it
is 0u+lis)ed.
C)e1ed U u0loaded douments do not re#uire re3iew and a00ro3al +efore
+eing 0u+lis)ed.
%n)e1ed U u0loaded douments must +e re3iewed and a00ro3ed +efore
+eing 0u+lis)ed.
7a1e Pre3ious Version
Controls w)et)er 0re3ious re3isions of douments are aessi+le
C)e1ed U all douments re3isions are aessi+le
%n)e1ed U only t)e most urrent doument re3ision is aessi+le
7ar1 files as C)e1ed Out
on 2ownload
If t)is is seleted, w)en a user 2O,:-OA2S a file it is also automatially
C)e1ed out.
&)is sa3es a user from )a3ing to do 2 ste0s if t)ere is an installation
re#uirement to )e1 out a doument +efore downloading it.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @1 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.12 5ogging ettings
,)en t)is feature is turned off, you )a3e t)e o0tion to turn it on.
,)en t)is feature is turned on, you an set o0tions.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 #ogging Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ena+le -ogging &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
-og 'ile Ati3ities See0s tra1 of all file ati3ities li1e new files, u0dates, deleted files
-og -ogin9-ogout Ati3ities All login attem0ts and logout ati3ities will +e logged w)en ena+led
-og Viewer "eords Per
:um+er of log reords to s)ow on ea) sreen 0age.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @2 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.1* elf registered user defaults
7a1e it 0ossi+le for anyone to add t)emsel3es as a user on t)e system. Please ta1e are in )oosing t)e
Primary grou0 in t)is setion, for t)at will define t)e default rig)ts a self registered user will get as default.
,)en t)is feature is turned off, you )a3e t)e o0tion to turn it on.
,)en t)is feature is turned on, you an set o0tions.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Sef Registered 3ser .efauts
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ena+le Self "egister &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
Sets t)e ma5imum default siCe for file storage.
Enter G0L if t)e user if siCe limit is not a00lia+le for t)is user.
"eei3e :otifiations ,)en t)is is )e1ed t)is o0tion will +e on +y default for a new self(
registered user.
Atta) 'ile ,)en t)is is )e1ed, notifiation emails will inlude a o0y of t)e file.
2isa+le %ser Sets a new self(registered aount inati3e +y default.
If )e1ed a user an self register +ut not log in until t)eir aount is
ena+led +y an administrator.
2isa+le Pref ,)en t)is is )e1ed, t)e user will not +e a+le to modify t)eir 0referenes.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @* of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Sef Registered 3ser .efauts
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
7a5 :o. Sessions 7a5imum num+er of onurrent login sessions allowed for t)is user
A 3alue of 0 means t)ere is no limit to num+er of login sessions.
Create %ser Aomedir Controls w)et)er a )ome folder is reated for ea) user
C)e1ed U reates a folder wit) t)e userLs username w)en user is reated
%n)e1ed U no user )ome diretory is reated
%se CAP&CAA ,)et)er to re#uire CAP&CA 3alidation on registration sreen
Primary /rou0 &)e 0rimary default grou0 new registered users are to +e assigned
%serLs Aome 2iretory &)e diretory under w)i) t)e userLs )ome diretory will +e reated
Only a00lia+le if o0tion >Create %ser Aomedir? )e1ed a+o3e
%serLs Initial 2iretory &)e diretory o0ened w)en a user initially o0ens douments

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @4 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.10 7ersistent 5ogin ettings
&)is feature will let a userLs +rowser remem+er user login and 0assword
,)en t)is feature is turned off, you )a3e t)e o0tion to turn it on.
,)en t)is feature is turned on, you an set o0tions.
&oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed ( t)is is t)e only feature s)own in t)e list.
,)en it is )e1ed, all t)e remaining features s)ow +elow will +e dis0layed
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 Persistent #ogin Settings
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
S)ow t)e "emem+er 7e lin1 &oggles t)e feature on and off.
%n)e1ed U feature is off and t)is is t)e only o0tion dis0layed.
C)e1ed U feature is on and o0tions s)own +elow will +e dis0layed
Coo1ie timeout in 2ays &)e amount of days, t)e +rowser will remem+er user login and 0assword

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @6 of 107
Version 1.10
0.*.13 E2ternal 'ool 7at!s and -ames
An indi3idual o0tionsL status is indiated +y one of t)e following ions;
Indiates t)e 0at) is set and 0oints to a 0rogram
Indiates t)e o0tion is not set and9or does not 0oint to a 0rogram
:O&E; On Eni5 systems you an use t)e >w)ereis? ommand to )el0 loate 0at)names for t)ese 0rograms.
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 -;terna 6oo Pat!s and Names
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Pat) to Virus C)e1ing
Pat) to t)e 3irus )e1ing 0rogram
Pat) to 2$ 2um0 &ool Pat) to t)e data+ase dum0 0rogram.
'or 7yS8-, t)e 0rogram is mys#ldum0
Pat) to gCi0 Pat) to t)e gCi0 0rogram
Pat) to tar Pat) to t)e tar 0rogram

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @@ of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 Site Features 7 -;terna 6oo Pat!s and Names
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Pat) to unCi0 Pat) to t)e unCi0 0rogram
&)is 0rogram may +e alled >gunCi0?
Pat) to 0od2)tml Pat) to t)e 0od2)tml 0rogram
&)is may only +e a3aila+le if you )a3e Perl 6.!.0 installed
Pat) to "tf to &e5t tool Pat) to t)e "&' to &e5t 0rogram
If s0eified and 3alid, indi3idual words in "&' douments will +e added to
t)e sear) inde5.
Pat) to P2' to te5t tool Pat) to t)e 0dftote5t 0rogram <or e#ui3alent=
If s0eified and 3alid, indi3idual words in P2' douments will +e added to
t)e sear) inde5.
Pat) to 7S(,O"2 to te5t
Pat) to t)e 7S ,ord to te5t 0rogram <or e#ui3alent=
If s0eified and 3alid, indi3idual words in 7S ,ord douments will +e added
to t)e sear) inde5.
Pat) to 7S(PO,E"POI:&
to te5t tool
Pat) to t)e 7S Power0oint to te5t 0rogram <or e#ui3alent=
If s0eified and 3alid, indi3idual words in 7S Power0oint douments will +e
added to t)e sear) inde5.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @7 of 107
Version 1.10
&.& System #ogs
All login and file ati3ities an +e filtered +y user, grou0, file name and +e sorted +y 0eriod.
/dmin 6oos 7 System #ogs
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Ation -og ation<s= to +e re0orted
%ser -ist of full names of system users
Primary /rou0 -ist of 0rimary grou0s in t)e system
'ilename &)e file name to +e sear)ed.
:oteX t)is is t)e file name <+asename= only. It does not inlude 0at)
2ate 'rom Earliest date and time to +e inluded in t)e re0ort.
2ate &o -atest date and time to +e inluded in t)e re0ort.
IP Address <Aostname= Enter soure address of t)e log entry.
Aide; Agent &urns off dis0lay of user agent string.
Aide 2etails &urns off details.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @! of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 System #ogs
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
'ilter ,)en seleted t)e desired filtering o0tions, li1 on t)e G'ilterL +utton to
generate your re0ort
/enerate P2'
Create a P2' file wit) t)e ontents of t)e urrent log filter reords
/enerate CSV
/enerate a CSV file wit) t)e ontents of t)e urrent log filter reords
-og re0ort 0ager :a3igate <or delete= t)e log reords
:ote; t)is will only +e dis0layed if t)e o0tion
admin F site features F logging settings F -og View "eords Per Page
is set to a num+er greater t)an 0.
2is0lay 0re3ious n reords
/o to t)e first <most reent= reord in t)e log file
2is0lay t)e ne5t n reords
2elete all reords in t)e log file
Dou will +e 0rom0ted to onfirm
<5 to y= of C ,)at reords are +eing 0resented out of )ow many
reords +ased on filter results.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page @. of 107
Version 1.10
&.) Statistics < Re+ort Vie$er
/dmin 6oos 7 Statistics < Re+ort Vie$er
Re+ort .escri+tions
Re+ort Ca+tion Re+ort contents
%ser 9 'iles and 'olders Per
/enerates a 3iew of
All files and folders, owned +y users
all login ations 0er user
t)e to0 20 file downloads
Inati3e %sers re0ort All users t)at are inati3e. %se t)e GSineL field to 3iew t)is 0er 0eriod
%ser Entitlement "e0ort &)is re0ort will list all t)e indi3idual users on t)e system, one of t)ree
0ossi+le AC- status lists
1. :O AC- SPECI'IE2 'O" &AIS %SE"
2. '%-- ACCESS
*. 'or ea) indi3idual Ation eit)er DES or :O indiating w)et)er t)ey
an 0erform t)at ation.
2isa+led %sers re0ort %sers t)at are urrently disa+led

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 70 of 107
Version 1.10
&.* Ne$s /dmin
:ews items are a way for news administrators to ommuniate wit) Owl users w)en t)ey are logged into t)e
system instead of sending email messages.
Dou an use t)e doumentation 0latform to distri+ute news wit) a s0eifi audiene.
%se t)e >E50ires On? date setion if t)e news an get outdated and needs to +e inati3e after a ertain
Cli1 t)e GAdd :ewsL +utton to Add t)e news item.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 71 of 107
Version 1.10
&., .ocument 6y+es
O,- 0ro3ides you t)e a0a+ility of reating ustom doument ty0es.
'or ea) doument ty0e, t)ere an +e multi0le doument s0eifi fields.
&)is uni#ue feature lets you assign s0eifi doument )arateristis to t)e douments. &)ese are alled
G2oument s0eifi fieldsL. &)is an +e used for +etter identifiation and for s0eifi sear)es.
Document '6,e
7odify an e5isting <or reate a new= doument ty0e.
/dmin 6oos 7 .ocument 6y+es
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
'ield :ame &)e name of t)e doument s0eifi field
'ield Pos &)e se#uene 0osition of t)is field relati3e to ot)er fields in t)e doument.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 72 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 .ocument 6y+es
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
:ote; 'ield Pos entries must +e numeri, +ut t)ey do not )a3e to +e
adJaent. It may +e )el0ful to start 'ield Pos 3alues wit) 10 and inrement
t)em +y 10 to failitate later reordering of fields if desired.
'ield -a+el <Per -oale= &)e la+el for t)is field as it will +e s)own wit) t)e identified loales seleted.
'ield SiCe &)e siCe for t)is field. &)e meaning will 3ary de0ending on field ty0e;
&e5t $o5 U num+er of )araters t)e field an )old
&e5t Area U num+er of rows to +e s)own +y default
7ulti0le C)e1 $o5 U :um+er of olumns wit) )e1+o5es
Sear)a+leY If )e1ed, sear)ing douments wit) t)is doument s0eifi field are
sear)a+le +y t)is field.
"e#uiredY 2ata must +e entered into t)is field in order for t)e doument to +e
ae0ted into t)e system.
Insert in 0o0u0 desri0tionY ,)en )o3ering o3er a doument t)e doument s0eifi field will +e
dis0layed as a 0o0u0.
S)ow 'ield in $rowse View 7a1es it 0ossi+le to let a olumn dis0lay t)is field in t)e +rowse 3iew. &)is
feature must +e ena+led in t)e site features setion at GCustomiCe $rowser
'ield &y0e Selet a field ty0e from t)is dro0down list
'ield Values Se0arated wit)
'or fields wit) multi0le 3alues to 0i1 from, t)is item defines t)e )arater
used to se0arate indi3idual fields

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 7* of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 .ocument 6y+es 7 Fied 6y+e O+tions
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
Text Field A free te5t entry field.
Pick ist A dro0down list w)ere a user an 0i1 one o0tion
:ote; you must enter t)e num+er of fields in t)e siCe field
Text !rea A te5t+o5 w)i) an ontain an unlimited amount of )araters.
:ote; you must enter t)e num+er of rows in t)e siCe field.
"heck #ox -etLs a user )e1 one o0tion.
:ote; you must enter 1 for field siCe
$ulti%le "heck #ox -ets a user )e1 multi0le o0tions.
:ote; you must enter t)e num+er of fields in t)e siCe field
&adio #uttons Selet one o0tion from list of 3alues
:ote; you must enter t)e num+er of fields in t)e siCe field

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 74 of 107
Version 1.10
/dmin 6oos 7 .ocument 6y+es 7 Fied 6y+e O+tions
.ata Fied .escri+tions
Fied Ca+tion Fied contents
'ection 'e%arator Creates a +ar +etween t)e doument s0eifi fields, w)i) you an use i.e.
for setion )eadings.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 76 of 107
Version 1.10
&.0 'acku+ .atabase
Creates a data+ase dum0.
&)is is de0endent on )a3ing a data+ase dum0 tool onfigured in
Admin F Site 'eatures F 2$ $a1u0 9 /VIP &ools
&.2 (m+ort 3sers
%0load users using a CSV format, w)i) you an reate i.e. wit) E5el.
A sam0le 3ersion of t)is format an +e found in t)e owlI+at).d9Jo+s9reate(user9 diretory
&.1>(nitia #oad
'or a new installation <or a new data+ase wit)in an e5isting installation= you may do an initial load of
douments +y mo3ing t)em in +ul1 to t)e 2ouments diretory. After t)e mo3e t)e douments will still not +e in
t)e data+ase. &)is feature will read t)roug) t)e file system and add doument information to t)e data+ase
+ased on eit)er t)e default doument information or a doumentLs owltl file.
:ote; If t)is feature times out due to a large num+er of douments, onsider using t)e +at)
Jo+ >load(d+(from(fs?.
&.11 Purge 1istorica
,)en t)is ta+ is li1ed, douments t)at were last modified <inludes reated= more t)an t)e num+er of days
s0eified in owl.0)0 3alue
will +e deleted from t)e data+ase and t)e filesystem.
&.128aintenance 8ode < Norma 8ode
&)is ta+ is a toggle item.
,)en t)e ta+ reads >7aintenane 7ode? li1ing on t)e ta+ will 0re3ent users from logging into t)e system.
&)is is normally used w)en a long 0roess <su) as a +a1u0= will +e modifying t)e data+ase or t)e filesystem.
Dou will +e 0rom0ted to onfirm you want to 0ut t)e system into maintenane mode.
,)en t)e ta+ reads >:ormal 7ode? t)e system is urrently in 7aintenane 7ode and li1ing it will allow users
to log +a1 into t)e system.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 7@ of 107
Version 1.10
3 6stem administration tools
&)e Owl system inludes a num+er of o0tional additional tools to 0erform 3arious funtions su00orting
installation and o0eration of t)e system.
&)ere may also +e on(line 3ersions of some of t)ese tools eit)er in t)e 9admin diretory or t)e 9admin9tools
).1 'atc! toos
$at) tools are loated in t)e 9admin9tools9owlI+at).d diretory. &)is diretory s)ould +e mo3ed to outside t)e
we+site file struture.
&o use t)e +at) tools, u0date t)e onfiguration files in t)e owlI+at).d9onfigs folder for your installation.
$at) Jo+s an only +e run against one 2oument re0ository at a time.
&)e ati3e re0ository is s0eified in t)e onfig(+at)(d+( onfiguration file
To+s an t)en +e run from eit)er a ommand 0rom0t or a ron Jo+. . <It is )ig)ly reommended to run t)e Jo+ in
t)e 9Jo+s9test diretory after any )anges are made to t)e onfigs files.=
&)ere is a "EA27E file in t)e owlI+at).d diretory e50laining t)e +at) su+system file struture.
&)ere is are "EA27E files in t)e Jo+s diretory e50laining t)e Jo+s in general, and guidelines for 0re0aring an
indi3idual Jo+Ls o0erating 0rogram and s)ell sri0t.
Ea) Jo+ s)ould )a3e a "EA27E file e50laining t)e funtion of t)e Jo+, 0arameters re#uired <if any=, and any
ot)er onsiderations re#uired.
&)e list t)at follows is for urrently su00orted +at) Jo+s. &)ere may +e additional Jo+s in t)e distri+ution t)at
are not in 0rodution status.
3.1.1 auto1rowse
,)en t)e >-oo1 at A2 for new files? setting is turned on, ea) time you +rowse to a folder wit)in Owl, t)e Owl
system loo1s at t)e dis1 <A2= to see if t)ere are files in it t)at are not in t)e data+ase. If t)ere are, Owl will add
t)em to t)e Owl data+ase.
&)is Jo+
&urns on t)e -oo1 at A2 feature
uses a ommand line +rowser to o0en ea) folder in t)e Owl data+ase
t)is auses Owl to add any new files in t)e 2ouments folder to t)e data+ase
&urns t)e -oo1 at A2 feature off.
:ote; if your normal system onfiguration )as t)is feature turned on, you must turn t)is
feature +a1 on after running t)is Jo+.
Also inluded in t)e Jo+s file is a sam0le file and its assoiated .owltl file t)at an +e used to test adding file
metadata +ased u0on information ontained in t)e .owltl file.
3.1.2 1iginde2
&)is Jo+ reates <or rereates= t)e data+ase inde5 ta+les for a s0eified set of doument ty0es. O0tions are

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 77 of 107
Version 1.10
&)ere are s)ell sri0ts for ea) of t)e o0tions, and one wit) no o0tion t)at auses t)e dis0lay of usage
3.1.* clean-or,!aned
Sometimes t)ings Just get lost. In Owl, if a file or folder gets lost, it is 0ut into a s0eial folder in t)e 2ouments
diretory alled >O"PAA:E2?. &o )el0 1ee0 t)e Owl system lean, t)is Jo+ sa3es off information a+out any
files and9or folders t)at are or0)aned.
1. Additional data+ase ta+les an +e added 0rior to running t)is to ma1e a o0y of or0)aned data.
3.1.0 del-d1-not-in-fs
'untion; Clean u0 t)e data+ase +y deleting file and folder entries from t)e data+ase t)at do not e5ist on t)e
1. 7yS8-
2. 2oument files stored on filesystem <instead of in t)e data+ase=.
3.1.3 load-d1-from-fs
,)en files are added to t)e 2ouments diretory outside of t)e Owl online interfae t)eir data+ase reords will
not +e immediately reated. &)is ould )a00en in a new installation w)ere an e5isting set of files is o0ied
manually to t)e 2ouments folder on t)e file system, or if t)e installation is using ,e+2AV to
add9remo3e9)ange files diretly in t)e 2ouments folder.
&)is Jo+ wal1s t)e 2ouments diretory on t)e file system and adds any files9folders to t)e data+ase t)at are
not already in t)e data+ase.
3.1.? owlcron
owlron.0)0 0roesses a re#uest 0assed to it in an 5ml file.
$efore using owlron.0)0 u0date it to set
t)e 0at) to t)e owl we+ser3er onfig file
re+uire"once%dirname%dirname%dirname%""@$3/""&&& . H/config/owl.phpH&9
t)e 0at) to t)e log file
<f3og@ile : E/tmp/Owl)ronTo!3og.logE9
t)e 0at) to t)e P7- file
<fTo!@ile : E/var/www/html/owl-0.UG/admin/tools/Vo!.xmlE9
t)e logging o0tion
<default-=logging : 19 // Owl logging
t)e log file o0tion in
<default-=log"file : 19 // )ron To! log file
E5am0le %sage;
1. Create an 5ml instrution file. Aere is an e5am0le;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 7! of 107
Version 1.10
-0ction=0dd @ile-/0ction=
-(itle=2@ *5//' )ont!il-/(itle=
-Xeywords=Yuote 0cme 0ccount-/Xeywords=
-'escription=@ile @ull 'escription-/'escription=
&)e om0onents of t)e 5ml file are;
$lo1Identifiation U an identifier of t)is indi3idual +lo1
7ulti0le +lo1s an +e inluded wit)in t)e QOwlP7-F tag to 0erform multi0le funtions
Owl2$ U t)e data+ase t)e inluded ation is to +e 0erformed against
Ation U t)e ation to +e 0erformed
In t)is ase t)e sri0t will +e used to add a doument to t)e re0ository
&)e ations a3aila+le are defined in t)e owlron sri0t
Pat) U t)e 0at) of t)is doument relati3e to t)e QOwl2$FLs doument root
2oument&y0e U t)e name of t)e doument ty0e for t)is doument
&itle U t)e title of
7aJor"e3ision U t)e maJor re3ision num+er
7inor"e3ision U t)e minor re3ision num+er
Seywords U 1eywords to +e assoiated wit) t)is doument, se0arated +y s0aes
2esri0tion U t)e desri0tion
Owner U t)e owner id
/rou0Owner U t)e grou0 id
2. Create and run a ron Jo+ to run owlron wit) an argument of t)e full 0at)name to t)is 5ml file
*. "e3iew t)e results of t)e ron Jo+ as s)own in t)e log file and in t)e Owl system
Additional sam0le 5ml files are inluded in t)e Jo+ diretory
3.1.@ ,arse-rs6nc
In t)e e3ent you )a3e multi0le installations of Owl, it may +e )el0ful to 1ee0 t)e ontents of t)e 2oument
diretories syn)roniCed. &)is sri0t is used to 0arse t)e out0ut of t)e Eni5 rsyn ommand and u0date an Owl
2ata+ase aordingly.
A ustomer )ad 2 Owl installation, 1 on t)e Internal :etwor1, t)e ot)er Outside on t)e Internet. "syn was
used to 1ee0 t)e files of t)e 2 we+ ser3ers in syn, and t)is sri0t was used to om0lement nig)tly rsyn and
1ee0 +ot) owl installations in syn.
Aere is an e5am0le of an rsyn log file;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 7. of 107
Version 1.10
R---- M/N$2 *Z2) @ri Qar [0 0FA0CAGB 5'( C00F
R----- 3O)03 *Z2) M/N$2
!uilding file list ... done
deleting [' 5./L$\/['/0**/(*//2L$.O2Q/2(*/Verusalem/2ew 'wellings/2ew 'welling /xports/1-['*
export from *4-feet unit/Kall"*to.Vpg
[' 5./L$\/['/0**/(*//2L$.O2Q/2(*/Verusalem/2ew 'wellings/2ew 'welling /xports/1-['* export from
*4-feet unit/
[' 5./L$\/['/0**/(*//2L$.O2Q/2(*/Verusalem/2ew 'wellings/2ew 'welling /xports/1-['* export from
*4-feet unit/Kall"sto.Vpg
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/Qac1[.png
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/heaven-CD0xCB0.gif
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/macC.gif
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/mac[.gif
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/macG.gif
$2)OQ$2N ./*/0.)S/)raig (est/water!lue-CD0xCB0.gif
sent GGF1]0 !ytes received 1B0 !ytes [F1GB0.00 !ytes/sec
total size is ]B]D1B0[B[ speedup is 1GG]1.DD
R---- )OQ53/(/' @ri Qar [0 0FA0[AD0 5'( C00F
3.1.) test
&)e test Jo+ an +e used to test your installationLs onfiguration files in +at) mode.
&)e test Jo+;
1. Prints a o0y of 0)0info in effet w)en running t)e Jo+,
2. C)e1s s0eified diretory loations to 3erify t)ey e5ist on t)e file system, and
*. Performs a di3ide +y Cero alulate to s)ow t)e effets of t)e 0)0 error dis0lay settings in effet.
).2 On9ine 6oos
7ost on(line administrati3e tools are doumented in t)e Administrati3e O0tions "eferene setion.
2oumented )ere is additional information for seleted on(line administrati3e tools.
3.2.1 s6sc!#.,!,
Address; 9[owlIrootIurl\9admin9tools9sys)1.0)0
&)is 0rogram )e1s t)e settings of your installation against w)at is re#uired 9 desired for Owl.
:ote; t)is Jo+ runs outside of t)e Owl user interfae.
3.2.2 ,o,ulate.,!,
Address; 9[owlIrootIurl\9admin90o0ulate.0)0
,)en files are added to t)e 2ouments diretory outside of t)e Owl online interfae t)eir data+ase reords will
not +e immediately reated. &)is ould )a00en in a new installation w)ere an e5isting set of files is o0ied
manually to t)e 2ouments folder on t)e file system, or if t)e installation is using ,e+2AV to
add9remo3e9)ange files diretly in t)e 2ouments folder.
&)is Jo+ wal1s t)e 2ouments diretory on t)e file system and adds any files9folders to t)e data+ase t)at are
not already t)ere.
:ote; In a new or large Owl installation w)ere many folders and9or files are to +e 0roessed,
your +rowser may time(out w)en running t)is funtion. If t)at ours, use t)e +at) Jo+ load(

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !0 of 107
Version 1.10
? Aow 'o
*.1 Customi:e .ate Format Out+ut
Aow 2ates are dis0layed in Owl is ontrolled +y few t)ings.
7a)ine &ime Vone as defined in t)e Admin Site 'eatures setion under >O&AE" SE&&I:/S?
%ser /7& Offset as defined for ea) user 0rofile.
And t)e NowlIlang(FloaliCedIdateIformat as defined in ea) of t)e
<owl"lang-=localized"date"format : HQ d1 Z ^a^^t hAi aH9
$ased on t)e users loale, 7a)ine &ime Vone and >%ser /7& Offset? t)e date is s)ow as a date9time <if t)e
format inludes t)e time= alulated for t)e users time Cone.
Valid 'ormats are as 0er t)e PAP 2ate 2oumentation, and inluded in t)e a00endi5 for you on3eniene, +ut
you s)ould dou+le )e1 wit) 0) for u0 to date information.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !1 of 107
Version 1.10
*.2 Customi:e Fie<Foder 8enus
Dou an edit your owl.0)0 file, you will find...
<default-=@ileQenuOrder : array%
So for e5am0le I want to remo3e all ations e5e0t for fileIdelete,
fileIedit, fileIo0y t)en I would )a3e;
<default-=@ileQenuOrder : array%
*.% .ebug O"#
?.*.1 O45
Edit onfig9owl.0)0 and )ange;
<default-=de!ug : true9
?.*.2 M685 de1ugging
Edit 0)
var <'e!ug"d! : 09 RR *et to 1 for de!ugging messages.
?.*.* 7!,mailer :Mail 9 -otification;
Edit sri0ts90)0mailer9lass.smt0.0)0

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !2 of 107
Version 1.10
var <do"de!ug9
var <do"de!ug : C9
*.& Set u+ C/P6C1/
if %<default-=registration"using"captcha&
<)05()S0"$2$( : array%
EtempfolderE := <default-=owl"fs"root . E/scripts/hn"captcha/tmp/E1 //
stringA a!solute path %with trailing slash_& to a writea!le tempfolder which is also accessi!le
via S((5_
E((@"folderE := <default-=owl"fs"root . E/scripts/hn"captcha/fonts/E1 // stringA
a!solute path %with trailing slash_& to folder which contains your (rue(ype-@ontfiles.
E((@".02N/E :=
EcharsE := G1 // integerA num!er of chars to use for $'
EminsizeE := 101 // integerA minimal size of chars
EmaxsizeE := [01 // integerA maximal size of chars
EmaxrotationE := D01 // integerA define the maximal angle for char-rotation1
good results are !etween 0 and [0
EnoiseE := (.4/1 // !ooleanA (.4/ : noisy chars J @03*/ : grid
Ewe!safecolorsE := (.4/1 // !oolean
Erefreshlin?E := (.4/1 // !oolean
ElangE := EenE1 // stringA EenEJEdeE#
EmaxtryE := [1 // integerA 1-U#
E!adguys"urlE := E/E1 // stringA 4.3
EsecretstringE :=
EsecretpositionE := C[1 // integerA 1-[C#
Ede!ugE := @03*/
glo!al <captcha9
<captcha :O new hn"captcha%<)05()S0"$2$(&9
&)en w)en you
'ODO. Au!E
*.) Reset t!e /dmin Pass$ord
If you )a3e forgotten your administrator 0assword it is 0ossi+le to reset it using 0)07yadmin or mys#l diretly.
"un t)e following S8- #uery to )ange t)e admin user 0assword +a1 to t)e default GadminL
45'0(/ users */( password : EC1C[CfCUFaGFaGaFD[]UDa0eDa]01fc[E KS/./ id :E1E9
One t)at #uery is e5euted, you s)ould +e a+le to sign in wit) %sername; admin Password; admin

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !* of 107
Version 1.10
*.* /dd Fie 6y+e (cons
&)e 0roess is #uite sim0le, all you )a3e to do is reate 2 1@51@ 0i5els gif file, dro0 it in t)e ionIfilety0e
diretory, and owl will automatially dis0lay t)e ion for files wit) t)at e5tension.
'ODO. Clarif6 F in 1.10 2011-0D-0? 9tem,lates9"oma 2011 t!ere is 9icon_filet6,e and 9img9icon_filet6,e F
w!ic! one s!ould 1e usedE
Currently su00orted file e5tensions an +e found in 9tem0lates9[tem0late name\9ionIfilety0e diretory.
As you an see t)ere an +e 2 ions for ea) doument ty0e, 555.gif is t)e file Ion, and 555Iln1.gif is for owl
lin1s to a file of t)at ty0e.
,)en an ion is not found in t)e gra0)is9Qyour t)emeF9ionIfilety0e diretory a generi one is s)own.
One you reated t)e file ions do.gif and doIln1.gif dro0 t)em in gra0)is9Qyour t)emeF9ionIfilety0e, if you
are using more t)an one t)eme on your owl installation you will )a3e to o0y t)e 2 ions in ea) t)emeLs
ionIfilety0e diretory.
&)en refres) t)e owl 0age and you s)ould now see t)e new ions as 0er t)e figure +elow;
:ow t)at t)e Ion is t)ere for your new file ty0e, you will notie t)at t)ere is no GView 'ileL ation a3aila+le for
t)is new file ty0e;

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !4 of 107
Version 1.10
$ut you )a3e an a00liation t)at an )andle 3iewing t)is doument ty0e in your +rowser <Inline= li1e 7S Offie
or P2'. &)ere is a way to add t)is ation for t)is file e5tension +y )anging your owl.0)0 file.
Dou will notie t)e following setion in your owl.0)0 file;
// (his is for adding a view icon to file types
// that are not currently supported !y Owl
// 'O 2O( 0'' @$3/ (ypes that already have
// a view icon %the magnifying glass& Or you will endup with C of them
<default-=view"other"file"type"inline# : HZour-/xtension-without-the-dot-hereH9
C)ange it as follows to su00ort files wit) e5tensions .e5t, .5yC, .a+ and .def;
// (his is for adding a view icon to file types
// that are not currently supported !y Owl
// 'O 2O( 0'' @$3/ (ypes that already have
// a view icon %the magnifying glass& Or you will end up with C of them
<default-=view"other"file"type"inline# : HextH9
<default-=view"other"file"type"inline# : HxyzH9
<default-=view"other"file"type"inline# : Ha!cH9
<default-=view"other"file"type"inline# : HdefH9

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !6 of 107
Version 1.10
:ow you an 3iew t)is file ty0e in your +rowser, assuming you )a3e a su00orting a00liation installed on your
*., Configure for 36F90
&)is doument outlines )ow to setu0 %&'(! om0liant Owl on a "ed)at 'edora system.
System onfiguration;
E 'edora Core !
E A0a)e A&&P2 A0a)e92.2.@ <%ni5=
E 7yS8- 6.0.46
E PAP 6.2.4
$efore you an install Owl Intranet wit) %&'(! su00ort, %&'(! must +e ena+led at o0erating system le3el and
7yS8- <data+ase, ta+le and olumn le3els= 0ro0erly.
?.@.1 C!ec# O,erating 6stem ettings
'irst letLs see if t)e o0erating system is setu0 wit) %&'(! su00ort.
root8localhost test#R locale
root8localhost test#R

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !@ of 107
Version 1.10
root8localhost test#Rlocale charmap
root8localhost test#R
If you donLt see YYYYY.%&'(! <w)ere YYYYY is your language and language su+ty0e as in >enI%S?=, t)en your
system is not onfigured for %&'(!. ,e an )ange t)at +y editing t)e 9et9sysonfig9i1!n file and setting it as
root8localhost test#R cat /etc/sysconfig/i1]n
root8localhost test#R
2onLt forget to restart t)e system after you )a3e made a )ange to i1!n.
?.@.2 C!ec# M685 Data1ase ettings
:ow on to 7yS8-, to )e1 t)e 7yS8- onfiguration for %&'(!;
root8localhost test#R mys+l -u root owl0UG
.eading ta!le information for completion of ta!le and column names
Zou can turn off this feature to get a +uic?er startup with -0
Kelcome to the Qy*Y3 monitor. )ommands end with 9 or ^g.
Zour Qy*Y3 connection id is 1BB
*erver versionA G.0.DG *ource distri!ution
(ype Ehelp9E or E^hE for help. (ype E^cE to clear the !uffer.
mys+l= show varia!les 3$X/ Echaracter`E9
J Laria!le"name J Lalue J
J character"set"client J utf] J
J character"set"connection J utf] J
J character"set"data!ase J utf] J
J character"set"filesystem J !inary J
J character"set"results J utf] J
J character"set"server J utf] J
J character"set"system J utf] J
J character"sets"dir J /usr/share/mys+l/charsets/ J
] rows in set %0.00 sec&
mys+l= show varia!les 3$X/ Ecollation`E9
J Laria!le"name J Lalue J
J collation"connection J utf]"general"ci J
J collation"data!ase J utf]"tur?ish"ci J
J collation"server J utf]"tur?ish"ci J
[ rows in set %0.00 sec&
If t)e out0uts are different t)en you will need to )ange t)e 7yS#l onfiguration +y editing t)e file.
root8localhost test#R cat /etc/my.cnf

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !7 of 107
Version 1.10
init"connect:E*/( collation"connection : utf]"general"ciE
init"connect:E*/( 20Q/* utf]E
&o get 0ro0er ollation, utf!IgeneralIi may +e re0laed wit) t)e language s0eifi e#ui3alent.
&)en restart mys#ld for t)e )anges to ta1e effet;
root8localhost test#R /etc/rc.d/init.d/mys+ld restart
*topping Qy*Y3A OX #
*tarting Qy*Y3A OX #
root8localhost test#R
Issue t)e >s)ow 3aria+les? ommands again to ensure t)e )anges too1 effet.
One you onfirm t)at 7yS8- is running wit) t)e rig)t 3aria+les it is now safe to reate t)e Owl data+ase.
$efore we do t)at, a small )ange )as to +e made to t)e original s#l.
root8localhost test#R vi /var/www/html/owl-0.UG/'O)*/s+l/mys+l-ta!les.s+l
And )ange t)e C"EA&E &A$-E for wordid5 to +e as follows;
)./0(/ (0M3/ wordidx %
wordid int%D& default 24331
word char%1C]& 2O( 2433 default EE1
42$Y4/ X/Z word"index %word&
&)en reate t)e data+ase;
root8localhost test#R mys+l -u root ,p
passwordA 666666
Kelcome to the Qy*Y3 monitor. )ommands end with 9 or ^g.
Zour Qy*Y3 connection id is B
*erver versionA G.0.DG *ource distri!ution
(ype Ehelp9E or E^hE for help. (ype E^cE to clear the !uffer.
mys+l= create data!ase owl0UG9
Yuery OX1 1 row affected %0.00 sec&

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !! of 107
Version 1.10
mys+l= exit
root8localhost test#R mys+l -u root owl0UG - /var/www/html/owl-0.UG/'O)*/s+l/mys+l-ta!les.s+l
Configure your owl.0)0, to 0oint to t)is data+ase, refer to t)e install guide for furt)er )el0 on t)is.
?.@.* 'est Configuration
%0load a doument wit) s0eial )araters in it to t)e 2ouments 2iretory, t)en )e1 to ma1e sure t)at it
made it OS.
It s)ould +e dis0layed orretly in Owl.
&)e files s)ould also loo1 OS on t)e file system;
root8localhost test#R cd /var/www/html/owl0.UG/'ocuments/test"ozymate
root8localhost test"ozymate#R ls -al
total CFB
drwxr-xr-x [ apache apache D0UB C00]-0C-0] 11ADF .
drwxrwxrwx B G00 G00 D0UB C00]-0C-0F 1BAD0 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F C0A1[ albc.doc
drwxr-xr-x C apache apache D0UB C00]-0C-0] 0BA0U !ac?up
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0] 0BA0U ferictah.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F CCAGU fdrdc.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F 1FAD] Nefdcg.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F 1]A00 cbllb?f.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F 1UA[U cimcir.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F CCA[] cbpsevdi.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F 1UA0F cofer.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F C0A1G cdra.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0F CCADC tdnbc.doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache CD0BD C00]-0C-0] 0BA1C zdrefa.doc

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page !. of 107
Version 1.10

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .0 of 107
Version 1.10
?.@.0 Configure 7u''C
I was )a3ing trou+le 3iewing t)e files on t)e file system using 0utty, so I )ad to )ange a few t)ings in t)e
onfiguration to get t)is to wor1 orretly.
I )ad to set t)e translation to %&'(!.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .1 of 107
Version 1.10
If neessary, try a different font wit) +etter %&'(! su00ort. 'or me, -uida Console seems to do t)e tri1.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .2 of 107
Version 1.10
,it) t)e CVS 3ersion of Owl 0..0 wit) files 0) and and d+modify.0)0
dated after 200!(02(2@, you s)ould now )a3e %&'(! om0liant Owl.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .* of 107
Version 1.10
*.0 (nsta 8ega 3+oad Progress 'ar
?.).1 Introduction
,)en doing a large file u0load it is )el0ful to 1now )ow far along t)e u0load )as 0rogressed. PAP is great at
)andling files one t)ey get to t)e ser3er, +ut t)e PAP annot start until after t)e u0load )as om0leted.
Snowing )ow mu) is to +e sent and )ow mu) )as +een sent is a Jo+ t)at an only +e )andled at t)e sending
+rowser, and 7ega %0load Progress $ar is a tool to do Just t)at.
?.).2 +et t!e software
&)e 7ega %0load Progress $ar software an +e found on soureforge, t)e 0roJet is loated at
)tt0;99soureforge.net90roJets9megau0load9 and t)e urrent 3ersion an +e downloaded at t)e following
Aere is )ow you download and e5trat t)e ar)i3e on -inu5;
!ozz8nightmare tmp#< wget httpA//
--0FA1BAD1-- httpA//
:= hmegaupload-1.DG.tar.gzE
.esolving 1C].101.CD0.C0U
)onnecting to umn.dl.sourceforge.netJ1C].101.CD0.C0UJA]0... connected.
S((5 re+uest sent1 awaiting response... C00 OX
3engthA C01]DD %C0X& application/x-gzip#
100`::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=# C01]DD 1[0.BFX/s
0FA1BAD1 %1[0.0] XM/s& - hmegaupload-1.DG.tar.gzE saved C0]DD/C0]DD#
!ozz8nightmare tmp#< gunzip megaupload-1.DG.tar.gz
!ozz8nightmare tmp#< tar -xf megaupload-1.DG.tar
!ozz8nightmare tmp#< cd megaupload-1.DG
!ozz8nightmare megaupload-1.DG#< ls
cgi-!in )hanges classic contri! docs $2*(033 php ./0'Q/
?.).* Installing Mega &,load 7rogress $ar
As 0er t)e 7ega %0load Progress $ar install instrution o0y t)e ontents of t)e a0a)e gi(+in diretory, in my
ase t)e gi(+in diretory is loated at 93ar9www9gi(+in
!ozz8nightmare megaupload-1.DG#< cp cgi-!in/6 /var/www/cgi-!in/
!ozz8nightmare megaupload-1.DG#< cp cgi-!in/6 /var/www/cgi-!in/
And also o0y 0)0 diretory to your we+ s0ae, we will use sri0ts in t)at diretory to test t)at
7ega %0load Progress $ar wor1s.
root8nightmare megaupload-1.DG#< cp -r php /var/www/html

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .4 of 107
Version 1.10
On my setu0, t)e gi 0rograms we o0ied into t)e 93ar9www9gi(+in diretory need to +e modified +eause t)e
loation of 0erl in t)e sri0t is not w)ere my 3ersion of 0erl is installed. &o find out w)ere it is on my system I did
t)e following;
root8nightmare megaupload-1.DG#R which perl
:ow using our fa3orite editor we need to )ange t)e first line of, ) and
)ange t)e first line of ea) of t)e sri0t WK9usr9loal9+in90erl Uw to WK9usr9+in90erl Uw or WK9usr9loal9+in90erl to
WK9usr9+in90erl res0eti3ely.
&o test if you did t)is rig)t or not, fire u0 your +rowser, and ty0e t)e url to and if you made a mista1e
you will see a 0age li1e t)is.
If you are )a3ing trou+le figuring out w)at t)e 0ro+lem is you an also )a3e a loo1 at your a0a)e errorIlogs,
on my system 93ar9log9)tt09errorIlog.
*at Tan CF 0FAG1A0U C00F# error# client 1UC.1B].11.1C# %C&2o such file or directoryA exec of
E/var/www/cgi-!in/header.cgiE failed
&)at means t)at it ould not find 0erl so )e1 your modifiations, and ensure t)at your 0at) is orret

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .6 of 107
Version 1.10
?.).0 'esting t!e Mega &,load 7rogress $ar Install
In your +rowser 0oint to t)e 90)09u0load.0)0 file, t)e following 0age s)ould s)ow u0.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .@ of 107
Version 1.10
Cli1 t)e $rowse +utton, 0i1 a file from your loal ma)ine, and li1 send, t)e following 0o0u0 s)ould +e
dis0layed, If not t)en re3iew t)e ste0s a+o3e.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .7 of 107
Version 1.10
?.).3 Configuring Owl to use Mega &,load 7rogress $ar
&)e following assumes you )a3e owl installed and wor1ing already,
,e need to ena+le t)e su00ort in owl, t)is is urrently done from t)e owl.0)0 file +ut will +e e3entually mo3ed
to t)e admin setion for Owl, under site features. &)e same 0arameter a00lies to Owl %ltra -ite.
!ozz8nightmare i#< cd /var/www/html/owl-0.UD
!ozz8nightmare owl-0.U0#< vi config/owl.php
At t)e 3ery +ottom of t)e file set;
<default-=use"progress"!ar : 19
<default-=progress"!ar"tmp"dir : H/tmpH9
?.).? Configuring Mega &,load 7rogress $ar for Owl
,e need to )ange t)e rediret loation +a1 to Owl, and also t)e ma5 u0load siCe to mat) OwlLs and
0)0.iniLs limit, as well as t)e tem0 diretory if neessary.
root8nightmare i#R cd /var/www/cgi-!in/
root8nightmare cgi-!in#R vi header.cgi
R (he $nitial 'eveloper of the Original )ode is .aditha 'issanaya?e.
R 5ortions created !y .aditha are )opyright %)& C00[
R .aditha 'issanaya?e. 0ll .ights .eserved.
<J:19 Run!uffers streams
<php"uploader:HhttpA// R )S02N/ (S$* (O ZO4. 5S5 *).$5(* 4.3
<interval:19 R how often to refresh the progress !ar
<max"upload : G0000009 R set this to whatever you feel suita!le for you.
&)e tm0Idir 3aria+le is ade#uate for most -inu5 Install, ensure t)at t)e diretory e5ists, and writea+le +y t)e
we+ ser3er user90roess. If you do )ange it donLt forget to )ange t)e onfig9owl.0)0 file to reflet t)is new
<default-=progress"!ar"tmp"dir : H/tmpH9

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .! of 107
Version 1.10
&)e 0)0Iu0loader 3aria+le s)ould +e )anged as follows;
9owl(0..4 s)ould +e e#ual to owlIrootIurl;
<default-=owl"root"url : H/owl-0.UDH9
Owl %ltralite;
9owl(ultralite s)ould +e e#ual to rootIurl;
<default-=root"url : H/owl-ultraliteH
C)ange t)e ma5Iu0load 3aria+le, t)e default is a+out 67$
<max"upload : G0000009 R set this to whatever you feel suita!le for you.
,e also need to )ange sri0t.Js
root8nightmare i#R cd /var/www/html/owl-0.UD/scripts/megaupload
root8nightmare cgi-!in#R vi script.Vs
6 5S5 @ile 4ploader with progress !ar Lersion 1.C0
6 )opyright %)& .aditha 'issanya?e C00[
6 httpA//
6 3icenceA
6 (he contents of this file are su!Vect to the Qozilla 5u!lic
6 3icense Lersion 1.1 %the H3icenseH&9 you may not use this file
6 except in compliance with the 3icense. Zou may o!tain a copy of
6 the 3icense at httpA//
6 *oftware distri!uted under the 3icense is distri!uted on an H0*
6 $*H !asis1 K$(SO4( K0..02(Z O@ 02Z X$2'1 either express or
6 implied. *ee the 3icense for the specific language governing
6 rights and limitations under the 3icense.
6 (he $nitial 'eveloper of the Original )ode is .aditha 'issanaya?e.
6 5ortions created !y .aditha are )opyright %)& C00[
6 .aditha 'issanaya?e. 0ll .ights .eserved.
var post3ocation:H/owl-0.UD/scripts/megaupload/pg!ar.phpH9

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page .. of 107
Version 1.10
?.).@ 'est u,loading a file to Owl
Sign in to your O,- re0ository and na3igate to a folder. Cli1 t)e Add 2oument, +rowse to a file on your loal
ma)ine and li1 Send 'ile.
&)e 'ollowing dialog s)ould s)ow u0;
?.).) CustomiBe 7rogress.cgi scri,t
I )a3e ustomiCed t)e sri0t to use t)e Owl styles, and also made it so t)e Progress $ar windows
stays on to0 for IE anyway, in reent 3ersions of 'irefo5 you need to ena+le >"aise or -ower ,indows? t)en
ustomiCed files are loated in t)e owl install diretory in Qinstall diretoryF9owl(0..49sri0ts9megau0load9gi(

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 100 of 107
Version 1.10
+in, so you an use t)e files in t)at diretory instead of t)e original ones as desri+ed in >Installing
7ega %0load Progress $ar? a+o3e.
A few more t)ings need to +e modified in,
root8nightmare !ac?up#R cd /var/www/html/owl-0.U0/scripts/megaupload/cgi-!in
root8nightmare cgi-!in#R vi progress.cgi
-oo1 for lines li1e;
-lin? rel:HstylesheetH type:Htext/cssH title:Hstyle1H href:H/owl-
Ensure t)at t)e )ref, 0oints to t)e Owl 0..4 or Owl %ltra-ite install style t)at you want to use.
Aere is w)at t)is Progress $ar 2ialog loo1s li1e.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 101 of 107
Version 1.10
@ -otes
%se t)is area for your 0ersonal notes.

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 102 of 107
Version 1.10
) A,,endi2. 7A7 Date (ormats
The following characters are recognized in the format parameter string
format character Description Example returned values
Day --- ---
Day of the month, 2 digits with
leading zeros
01 to 31
A textual representation of a
day, three letters
Mon through Sun
Day of the month without
leading zeros
1 to 31
l (lowercase 'L')
A full textual representation of
the day of the wee
Sunday through Saturday
!"#-$%&' numeric
representation of the day of the
wee (added in ()( *+'+&)
1 (for ,onday) through 7 (for
-nglish ordinal suffix for the day
of the month, 2 characters
st, nd, rd or th+ .ors well with
/umeric representation of the
day of the wee
0 (for "unday) through 6 (for
0he day of the year (starting
from &)
0 through 365
Week --- ---
!"#-$%&' wee num1er of year,
wees starting on ,onday
(added in ()( 2+'+&)
-xample3 42 (the 22nd wee in
the year)
Month --- ---
A full textual representation of a
month, such as 4anuary or
January through Dece!er

/umeric representation of a
month, with leading zeros
01 through 12
A short textual representation of
a month, three letters
Jan through Dec
/umeric representation of a
month, without leading zeros
1 through 12
/um1er of days in the gi5en
2" through 31
Year --- ---

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 10* of 107
Version 1.10
# .hether it's a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise+
!"#-$%&' year num1er+ 0his has
the same 5alue as $, except that
if the !"# wee num1er (W)
1elongs to the pre5ious or next
year, that year is used instead+
(added in ()( *+'+&)
-xamples3 1%%% or 2003
A full numeric representation of
a year, 2 digits
-xamples3 1%%% or 2003
A two digit representation of a
-xamples3 %% or 03
Time --- ---
Lowercase Ante meridiem and
(ost meridiem
a or &
6ppercase Ante meridiem and
(ost meridiem
'M or (M
) "watch !nternet time 000 through %%%
'2-hour format of an hour
without leading zeros
1 through 12
22-hour format of an hour
without leading zeros
0 through 23
'2-hour format of an hour with
leading zeros
01 through 12
22-hour format of an hour with
leading zeros
00 through 23
- ,inutes with leading zeros 00 to 5%
s "econds, with leading zeros 00 through 5%
,icroseconds (added in ()(
-xample3 654321
Timezone --- ---
0imezone identifier (added in
()( *+'+&)
-xamples3 ./0, +M/,
2 (capital i)
.hether or not the date is in
daylight sa5ing time
1 if Daylight "a5ing 0ime, 0
Difference to 7reenwich time
(7,0) in hours
-xample3 50200
Difference to 7reenwich time
(7,0) with colon 1etween hours
and minutes (added in ()(
-xample3 502600

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 104 of 107
Version 1.10
/ 0imezone a11re5iation -xamples3 7S/, MD/ +++
0imezone offset in seconds+ 0he
offset for timezones west of 609
is always negati5e, and for those
east of 609 is always positi5e+
943200 through 50400
Full Date/Time --- ---
c !"# $%&' date (added in ()( *) 2&&2-&2-'20'*3':32';&&3&&
r < =>9 2$22 formatted date
-xample3 /hu: 21 Dec 2000
16601607 50200
"econds since the 6nix -poch
(4anuary ' ':?& &&3&&3&& 7,0)
"ee also time()

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 106 of 107
Version 1.10
D Inde2
e50ires on......................................................... **
lo1out.............................................................. 6@
AC-...................................................................... 1*
+uttons.............................................................. 46
ions................................................................. 4@
admin 0assword................................................... 2*
admin tools........................................................... 2!
aess.........................................................24, 67
antiword............................................................!, 60
A0a)e................................................................. 21
aut)entiation....................................................... **
data+ase........................................................... 76
diretory............................................................ 6@
+at) tools............................................................ 7@
+iginde5................................................................ 7@
+ul1 +uttons.......................................................... 46
CAP&CAA...................................................... @*, !2
at00t..................................................................... !
ClamAV.................................................................. !
lean(or0)aned.................................................... 77
olla0se 3iew.................................................. *!, 47
omment notifiation............................................**
oo1ie................................................................... @4
ustom fields............................................4!, 4., 6@
7yS8-........................................................ 10, 12
date format................................................... !0, 102
de+ug................................................................... !1
'ile /rou0 Owner.............................................42
'ile Owner........................................................ 4*
'ile &itle............................................................ 4*
'older /rou0 Owner......................................... 4*
'older Owner.................................................... 4*
7eta 2ata......................................................... 4*
3iew e50anded.................................................. *2
del(d+(not(in(fs..................................................... 77
disa+le user.................................................... *2, @2
)eld................................................................... 4!
ion................................................................... 61
num+er........................................................4!, 61
Peer "e3iew..................................................... @0
siCe................................................................... 61
ty0es................................................................. 71
3ersion.............................................................. 61
2ouments folder................................................... .
download folders as Ci0........................................ 46
E(7ail................................................................... **
e50and 3iew...................................................*!, 47
e5ternal tools........................................................ @6

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 10@ of 107
Version 1.10
admin................................................................ **
desri0tion........................................................ 4@
ions................................................................. !*
ontent siCe.......................................................46
desri0tion........................................................ 47
file ty0e ount....................................................46
tools.................................................................. 46
/7&..................................................................... !0
offset................................................................. **
administrators................................................... *@
grou0s.................................................................. 27
gCi0.............................................................!, 12, @6
)ome diretory................................................*1, @*
)taess......................................................... 10, 1.
)tt0s..................................................................... 46
doument.......................................................... 4!
file..................................................................... !*
Image7agi1................................................ !, 60, 61
diretory...................................................... *1, @*
maJor re3ision...................................................**
minor re3ision...................................................**
installation.............................................................. !
IP address............................................................ @7
language...............................................................*1 16
load(d+(from(fs............................................... 77, 7.
loale.................................................................... 16
logo...................................................................... *!
-oo1 at A2...............................................42, 4*, 7@
maintenane mode............................................... 76
maJor re3ision....................................................... 6@
7ega %0load Progress $ar...................................*
7essage of t)e 2ay.............................................40
minor re3ision....................................................... 6@
m0layer.......................................................!, 60, 61
7yS8-........................................................... !1, !@
mys#ldum0........................................................... @6
news..................................................................... 6@
admin................................................................ 70
administrator..................................................... **
normal mode........................................................ 76
notifiations.......................................................... @2
O,- $rowser 'eatures........................................ 44
owlI+at).d............................................................ .
owl.0)0.............................11, 1*, 14, 1@, 62, !1, !4
owlron................................................................. 77
O,-C&- Control 'ile........................................... 4*
0assword........................................................ *2, **
admin................................................................ 2*
lifes0an............................................................. 67
lo1out.............................................................. 6@
minimum lengt)................................................6@
minimum numeris............................................6@
minimum s0eial )ars.....................................6@
0re3ious............................................................ 67
reset admin....................................................... !2

Owl Intranet Engine System Installation, Configuration, Administration Page 107 of 107
Version 1.10
P2'................................................................ 16, !4
watermar1......................................................... **
0dft1............................................................!, 6*, 64
0dfto00m........................................................ 60, 61
PEA" E5tensions................................................. 1@
0eer re3iew...........................................................@0
0erl....................................................................... .4
PAP Settings........................................................ 1!
ma5Ie5eutionItime......................................... 20
0ostIma5IsiCe.................................................. 1.
0)0info............................................................1!, 7.
P)07ailer............................................................. !1
0od2)tml...........................................................!, @@
0referenes....................................................**, 44
disa+le.............................................................. @2
0rimary grou0...........................................*1, *@, @7
old douments..................................................76
Pu&&D.................................................................. .0
#uota.............................................................. *1, @2
reei3e notifiations.............................................. *2
remem+er me....................................................... @4
restrited 3iew...................................................... 6@
default ty0e....................................................... *2
+ar.................................................................... 46
results............................................................... 4.
self registration............................................... 2@, @2
ma5imum num+er....................................... *2, @*
0urge inati3e...................................................*2
timeout.............................................................. 67
site features..........................................................*.
status 0anel.......................................................... 44
sys)1.................................................................. 7.
system logs.......................................................... **
system re0orts...................................................... **
tar..................................................................... !, @6
tem0 file................................................................67
&esserat................................................................ !
t)um+nail.................................................. 60, 61, 64
time Cone..............................................................!0
tras) olletion..................................................... 6.
&ras)Can.............................................. ., 14, 27, 6.
unrtf........................................................................ !
unCi0.................................................................!, @@
disa+led ........................................................... @.
names, minimum lengt)....................................6@
%sers B /rou0s.................................................... 2.
utf(!............................................................ !, !6, .0
3ersion ontrol...................................................... 6@
watermar1ing........................................................ 6*
,E$2AV.............................................................. 1@
,DSI,D/ editor..................................................4@


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