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Information Architecture

For the Kelsey Mill Construction website we are going to be using a top-down architecture. The
initial homepage will not provide much information but will be the launching pad for reaching the more
information-laden pages. The homepage will branch out in a hierarchical manner into various pages
related to the stakeholders work, such as renovations, garages, custom cabinets and new work. The
homepage will also connect to an about us page which will include more detailed contact info. So the
primary headings as well as the ones most likely to be used for a navigation bar will be:
1. Renovations
2. Garages/Barns
3. Custom Cabinet Work
4. New Construction
5. About US
These are what we believe will be of the highest interest and value to customers considering Kelsey Mill
for a project or just looking to find out more.
The homepage itself will consist of the Kelsey Mill Logo at the top with the company logo
adjacent to it and the horizontal navigation bar below it. At the bottom of the page the basic contact
info for Kelsey Mill will be listed in a neat horizontal manner. These items will be at the top of every
page within the website. The homepage will also feature a slideshow consisting of a few pictures of
Kelsey Mills best work.
The Our Work pages will of various pictures, organized in a table-like fashion with each
picture having a brief description below it detailing the work/style in the picture, for example
traditional renovation, radiant heat floors, and custom cabinet kitchen. The user will be able to
click on the picture and see several pictures of the work in progress as well as several pictures of the
finished product. The quantity of examples will vary between work types and it is possible that an Our
Work page may be combined with another if it is lacking in examples. Several of the during pictures
will have brief descriptions depicting what is going on in the image. The About Us page will be
decided in next meeting with stakeholder.
/Discuss Hierarchy/About us/Hierarchy diagram/
Renovations- Page dedicated to showing renovation construction projects undertaken by
Kelsey Mill. It will feature images of finished work as well the images of the journey from the old version
to the new version. This page will potentially overlap with other categories.
Garages/Barns- Page dedicated to the garages and barns built by Kelsey Mill. This page will also
feature garage/barn projects that were renovations and not new construction. It will feature images of
the construction process from the beginning to the final product.
Custom Cabinets- Page dedicated to the custom cabinets and mill work from Kelsey Mill. This
will feature: cabinets made to accommodate appliances, islands, countertops, wine racks and enclosing
doors. It will feature images of them being made, the final product and the mill itself.
New Construction- Page dedicated to new homes built by Kelsey Mill. These will all be brand
new, from-the-ground up homes and will showcase Kelsey Mill specialties such as dovetail joints and
radiant heat. It will feature images of all the steps in the construction process for building the home.
About Us- TBA

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