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This Checklist is an Auuenuum to the Neichant Agieement ("Agieement") uateu _______________, 2u____,
between _________________________________, (the "Neichant") anu NATI0NAL NERCBANTS ASS0CIATI0N
./012345 0/60/7/457 348 93003457 /312 :; 52/ ;:<<:9=4> ?@ 12/1A=4> =5 348 7=>4=4> ?/<:9B

_____ Neichant is engageu in the business of offeiing cieuit iepaii seivices anu has obtaineu, anu thioughout the teim of the
Agieement, will maintain all local, state, anu feueial licenses, iegistiations, anu appiovals iequiieu to conuuct such

_____Neichant unueistanus, cuiiently fully complies with, anu uuiing the teim of the Agieement, will fully comply with all
ielevant piovisions of all of the following as amenueu fiom time to time:

Section S of the Feueial Tiaue Commission Act, 1S 0.S.C. S;
the Electionic Funus Tiansfei Act, 1S 0.S.C. 169S, et seq. ("EFTA") anu all iegulations implementing the EFTA incluuing
without limitation Regulation E, 12 C.F.R. 1uuS.1, et seq.;
the Faii Cieuit Repoiting Act, 1S 0.S.C. 1681, et seq. ("FCRA") anu all iegulations implementing the FCRA incluuing
without limitation Regulation v, 12 C.F.R. 1u22.1, et seq.;
The Cieuit Repaii 0iganizations Act, 1S 0.S.C. 1679, et seq.;
the Tiuth In Lenuing Act, 1S 0.S.C. 16u1, et seq. ("TILA") anu all iegulations implementing the TILA incluuing without
limitation Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. 1u26.1, et seq.;
the Telephone Consumei Piotection Act, 47 0.S.C. 227, et seq. ("TCPA") anu all iegulations implementing the TCPA
incluuing without limitation 47 C.F.R. 64.12uu, et seq.;
the Electionic Signatuies in ulobal anu National Commeice Act, 1S 0.S.C. 7uu1, et seq.; anu
all othei applicable feueial, state, anu local laws, iules anu iegulations incluuing, without limitation, those iefeiiing, ielating
oi peitaining to the foiegoing, consumei piivacy anu piotection, cieuit, lenuing, finance, usuiy, anu banking, anu with the
Rules (as uefineu in Section 1 of the Agieement).

_____Neichant will immeuiately notify NNA anu Bank in wiiting of any inquiiy, investigation, complaint, chaige, subpoena,
claim, iequest foi infoimation, juugment, injunction, iestiaining oiuei, cease anu uesist oiuei, any similai juuicial, quasi-
juuicial, auministiative, oi executive oiuei, oi any license oi peimit ievocation oi cancellation, by any local, state oi feueial
law enfoicement oi iegulatoiy agency, entity, oi official in connection with oi ielating to Neichant's business incluuing
without limitation any complaints, chaiges oi claims against Neichant by any customeis of Neichant oi by any local, state
oi feueial official.

_____In auuition to the inuemnity obligations set foith in the Agieement, Neichant will also inuemnify anu holu NNA anu
Bank haimless fiom anu against any anu all losses, costs, liabilities, uamages anu expenses (incluuing attoineys' fees anu
collection costs) iesulting fiom oi incuiieu in connection with any bieach of the Agieement incluuing anu as mouifieu by
this Auuenuum, anuoi iesulting fiom oi incuiieu in connection with any inquiiy, investigation, complaint, chaige,
subpoena, claim, oi iequest foi infoimation of oi against Neichant, oi against oi involving NNA oi Bank in connection with
Neichant, by any local, state oi feueial law enfoicement oi iegulatoiy agency in connection with oi ielating to Neichant's
business incluuing without limitation any complaints, chaiges oi claims by any customeis of Neichant oi by any local, state
oi feueial official.

____Neichant unueistanus that NNA oi Bank may teiminate the Agieement effective immeuiately in the event of any bieach
of this auuenuum oi as otheiwise set foith in the Agieement.






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