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) When I was 13 years old in 2006-

I knew people at school that hated me and fucked with me because I told them I thought I might be bi-
sexual. For some really stupid ass reason I think to myself, It probably doesn't help Christians hate gay
or bi sexual people and just looking for someone to blame. So then I hated God cause of it. I wanted to
be Satanist for a while when this happen.
Around this same time I was having serious problems legally. I mean like, every time I was alone and
had weed on me or anything I would CONSTANTLY get arrested no matter what. Weird thing the only
times I didn't get caught is when I was with other people and doing something illegal. So after about the
15th run in with the cops I told myself, I'm done there must be a type of God must have control over
everything cause it was ridiculous how this started all the sudden.
That night I prayed and told God how I realized He's real and that I was sorry for what I had been doing
against Him. Went to sleep, next thing I know I was woken up not being able to breathe. Panicking, I
move the blanket completely off of me because part of it was covering my mouth. Didn't help any. Until
I probably couldn't last much longer without oxygen, in an instant of this I was able to breathe again.
I tripped out after. Didn't think much about it just, that was scary but easily got comfortable and fast
asleep. I also didn't think much when people told me couple days later when I wasn't wearing a shirt in
my room, asked how I got those scars on my lower-centered back, looks like someone whipped or
scratched me up pretty good.
The meaning to this to me so far that cause I had turned on God, Lucifer was allowed to cause trouble.
Also could of served as a warning of what would happen in the future. After constantly being in trouble,
I turn to God. Then Gods rival would try and kill me.
I was locked up multiple places and times, eventually was sentenced to DOC until I was 18. In DOC
people called me walker the bible talker cause I had turned my life to god. Got out and couple weeks
later got together with Ana for a year then in 2013 she tries to kill me. I always told God though, Let
any other trouble come across me in life as long as I can be free from being locked up. It pretty much
has been that way since my adulthood so I cant complain.

2.) In 2007-
I was in juvie, I talked to this spiritual help volunteer. I mentioned to her some of the spiritual
experiences I had and what she thought they happened for. She didn't really have a clue. The 7 days in-
between our weekly teaching we had, I had an experience.
As I was just laying down passing the time, but fully awake still. All the sudden I'm in a vision state now
un-conscious. It was completely pitch black except a little in the distance there's an old rusted ware
house with a black SUV in front of it. I get closer and I hear the metal ware house gate, followed by the
car door both opening and closing. A Mexican, I believe, exits the car as he walks up to me. Tried looking
at his face to see who it was. The face was blurred out like on TV. Only things to describe his appearance
is he has brown skin, shaved head, and fairly big. When this guy gets to me he doesn't stop going until
the guy walks through me.
Next second I'm conscious again, able to hear everything going on in my POD outside my door. Its pitch
black and instantly I got the realest feeling ever of me falling fast in open space, spinning some back and
forth, even felt the wind around me during a fall. I wonder if this meant I was in hell but told myself I
had been doing better in my relationship with God so I just said to myself the "Even though I walk..."
Couple minutes later I'm un-conscious again and in another vision. This time I start off walking down a
brick road with white houses on either sides of the road. A blue sky but lots of clouds everywhere. I can't
control my movements as I walk down the road. Not too far down the road opens up completely and
goes to where I'm basically walking on blue you could look out in forever.
As I continued to walk forward, I see someone in a white robe in the distance. Even closer I see this
guys face was blurred out also. I could see now it was a white guy with gold blonde curly hair.
Automatically knew it was Jesus. I tried stopping a couple feet in front of him to ask questions but I
wasn't in control, until I eventually walked through Jesus. Then had a great feeling throughout my body.
Once again I'm conscious after the vision, able to hear them vacuuming outside my room. I was also
able to touch the wall with my toes and feet cause I wanted to know if this was really happening. As I
was slowly lifted all the way to the ceiling where I bumped my body a little, then was lowered a couple
feet and started to spin me around slower then faster. Was kind of scary also but it didn't last long until I
was lowered back down to normal.
Later I mentioned this experience to the spiritual volunteer and she said "That's weird cause I was
praying for you this week that the meaning behind the events took place be revealed to me.
The meaning behind this I believe is the warehouse is hell. The guy in the black SUV in Venice Beach
brought the wouldve been brother of mine to hell. The Mexican that steps out is Lucifer, looking just
like the Mexican guy youll hear about later that understands Lucifer subliminally somehow. Anyways he
gets out and walks through me. (Works/Lives through me) This is where I start falling.
Then I will go down a road, that will eventually come out into complete openness as far you can see.
(Endless possibilities). I will then farther down walk through Jesus. This will be my slow rise, so high that
I hit the ceiling then start spinning so it will be crazy as hell.

3.) In 2008-
As I was in court holding in juvie. There's nothing you can bring to pass the time. So I fell asleep, I was
woken up, not being able to talk, move, or anything. Even worse there's a pitch black figure looking over
me. All the figure was is its shoulders, a neck and the head. The rest of the room behind this dark figure
was extra brightened than usual. I wanted to scream or press the emergency button, but I had no
control. Until it was done and I tripped out.
I think this means that Lucifers watching over me obviously

4.) Can't really remember when but younger-
I had a black and white vision of me at Blenmen (my elementary school) as a little kid on a bicycle I'm
lifted off the ground and start to fly/ride south then I turn around going North.
This means to me,that my best childhood was while I was at that school so now after heading in the
wrong direction in life. (South) Trying to be a gangster and shit. Ill start to fly. Then I decided to make a
turnaround in my life. (North) Awesome how when I realized I needed to Move my feet from a song
later mentioned, that the first thought was. Biking. Tired of walking.
5.) It was Christmas Eve 2009-
I was locked up in juvie. As I was doing my nightly prayers, since they say Jesus was born on Christmas I
wished Jesus a happy birthday. Along with a request that Jesus or God could send me a special
experience to better know him and his love.
When I was done praying I only laid there for about 5 minutes or so until I heard Gods voice and all He
said was "Gage", one word, my name. He sounds like a middle aged man, but that wasn't important. I
got the greatest feeling, even better than when I walked through Jesus on that one vision. Feeling went
from head to toe. It was unexplainably good
I believe this means that Im an expression of his love since thats what I asked for and the Holy Spirit
covered me from head to toe.
6.) January-February 2013-
I was in a situation where my recent ex-girlfriend, Ana had been trying to kill me and I also told her "If
that happened again I'd kill her and have the right to do so". When after earlier that day she came to my
moms house to fuck some guy only feet away from me, they in an open shed. Then tells the guy "You
might want to be quiet. Even though I couldn't see I could hear them. Then he took off with her in his
Also her whole life she had for being with me was a lie. It was still stupid for me to do, but I didn't really
want her dead just wanted some way to get even with her. Also that night I admitted to having Nicole
give me head even though I was going out with Ana witch is my regret for doing so.
Around this same time, usually my Grandma has Sundays dinner with usually-Me, Mom, Brother,
Nephew and whoever else all go up to my Grandma's house. So I went to my Mom's to see about that. I
approached the house and all my Moms trucks doors are wide open, odd. So I knock on the front door,
pound, nothing so I go to the back fence, it's open. I look to see back doors wide open.
As I walk in my Brother and Mom come from the back rooms and when they approached my Mom
hands me over a tied up trash bag, which was heavy like 40-50Pd bag but not realizing at the moment. I
say "sure" and ask "why the car doors are all open?"
"Your brother cleaned the carpets" Mom said.
I ask "what did you spill?" No answer. So I ask about dinner at Grandma's, if we're going or not. Mom
couldn't stop bugging about the bag of recyclables though. I say "Fine, fuck just asking." So I take them
Then my Brother takes off in the truck all shady acting, wonder why. He say's "I'll be right back". I wait
couple hours listening to music as my mom mops the kitchen repeatedly. Brother leaves and comes
Later as Me, Mom, and Brother walk out the front door to leave Mom tells me "Hey, I want to get a
picture with you up at Grandmas. "Why?" I ask. "Oh I just haven't had a picture with you recently".
Mom says. I'm like "Ok?" now I'm getting suspicious. We get in moms truck first thing I notice is the
complete passager side floor was dried in a marune red. "What did you guys spill?" I ask with no answer
from them again. Then the worst was the smell of death in the back of the truck it was horrible. Also
noticed some blood on back passager side seat and new red scrape marks on the passager side left back
Then when we arrived my Grandma's floor from the door a few feet in and down the hallway was sticky
as hell. Then when my Grandma took the picture us and my Brother had his leg wrapped around my
Moms leg, and my grandma took one of all 3 of us then taking a few steps forward, of just them 2. And
talked about sending them to my brother.
Then seemed like everybody was asking me this night the same thing, as my Grandma asked "Did you
brush your teeth?" like everybody around me did. I asked "Why is everybody asking this? She had no
reply of course.
Then I heard my Brother on the phone with somebody saying some friend of my brother's got word
about a hit put out on me by my ex-girlfriend, Ana so there was word of maybe putting in a hit for her by
my dad. I guess they just got her alone and asked her about the situation but she denied everything, so
their like "You didn't put a hit on him? Then eventually she mentioned about if "Am I still not brushing
my teeth?" or some shit so the homie whacked her with a propane tank and killed her. That was the gist
of the conversation.
Similar red stains on my Dads carpet under other floor mat thing. My dad also washed a load of my
laundry in with her blood and with a T-shirt with a girl on top another girl with a knife saying something
about a "Blood-rush" or some shit priding how you just killed someone and the blood smell.
Bloody washed out rags laying out side washed but still with the hint of obvious blood on it. A backpack
of mine I had left by the back shed at my moms house with a couple bibles and movies I was recently
thinking of pawning. The bible inside was purposefully stained with blood. They were setting me up to
get charged with murder. I got a few pictures along with my brothers on my own phone of me being at
the dinner, so I had the same alibi as them to prove it wasn't me either.
She was dead. I didn't want this I thought, I even cried over her and then I could feel like something
hugging on the left side of me so I hugged back feeling stupid as fuck but somehow better.
Weird thing happened though. I heard from one of the best friends of her family that "No one heard
from her for 3 days straight then came back and said she needed some "alone time."" and Ive seen a
new picture of her since then, shes still alive.
The meaning to this is Ana went to hell for 3 days, came back to earth, and never ascended to heaven.

7.) Around January or February 2013-
There was a sailing book a friend of mine one night was trying to read mostly towards me seemed like
about this book, but I really didn't listen. Until I picked up the book myself a few minutes later.
Flipping through to random pages then it was like the book was talking directly towards me saying
basically "The sooner I sail north the better things would get. Also to get everything, the right gear,
housing, etc. (forget exactly), and people (stood out) everything to go with this move." I wondered why
someone would write north specifically. The book was in type not hand written.
Next I flip to another random page. It reads how "To make sure my knife is in good condition/swift.
(forget exactly)" That night I noticed my pocket knife was loosened so the blade didn't stand up right.
That night I found out I was supposedly going to get jumped and my balls cut off at a bar but I was on
radar about that then and left as a guy sitting right by the door asks "Hey, who the hell is he?" Crazy
cause it told the future.
I think this means that God works through people to send messages. To make a plan to head out north
to my new home where things would be better because in Tucson half of the town was trying to kill me.
Once Im settled up north I think this means I should plan to head to heaven and my eventual home
Knife situation is obvious why.

8.) Around January or February 2013-
Another instance like this when reading the bible, can't remember where in the bible but I come across
something that had similar feeling that it was written towards me about "How he didn't know he was
god. And somehow found out because of wondering why he couldn't die." And how "He was promised
1,000 years by god" and things like this. Have never been able to find it in writing again I tried looking for
it with the exact same in writing but couldn't find it.
I think this means there may be a hidden code to the bible or people just re-worded what God or Jesus
wanted them to record.
9.) Around February 2013-
The day I probably should've went north but a couple weeks before I actually did. As I walked north from
Richards on the southside the plant life came to full bloom as I walked up to it and went back to normal
when I left. People noticed this and started painting buildings and things new but arrested by the police
for doing so.
This means that I give life to the world as I head north.

10.) Around February-March 2013-
I've lost a lot of lighters obviously, and never even had the slightest thought one has possibly ever
somehow reappeared when found a time after. There was a couple month period over which I found
and had 3 lighters reappear back in my procession after being lost. // One was a (Red, 3 fluid valves, big
lighter, I had the flame cranked up higher than its made for and sold at the stores set to, how I knew it
was mine later.)Anyways I had it until I lost it when we were in my friends garage smoking out but I
think he pocketed it. Couldn't prove it or nothing though.
Going on after losing the first one I get a (Red, "Gil" brand normal 2 fluid valve lighter.) Then one day at
Jack in the Box, (next to the Maui Smoke shop.)I lost it from my waist band because I had sweatpants
with no pockets that day. As I notice this a couple kids over talking about feeling bad taking it cause
supposedly I was the second coming(Well that's what I got from them talking.) and next thing I knew I
was watching as they take off in their car.
I go to the smoke shop after and ask if I could get fronted a lighter. The cashier acting weird when I did
this and I could smell his B.O. All he does is flick a lighter and see the flame and hand it to me, don't
even notice this was my lighter I lost at the garage until I got home smoking mostly cause of the flame
Next thing I know the kid I saw the kid that pocketed my lighter at Jack in the box, rides by on his bike
and looks over at me and says "That's Awesome. Me, not even knowing what he's talking about until I
notice the lighter he took right next to my foot on the floor.
In San Diego I remember specifically seeing my (green mini Bic lighter) on the floor when using
bathroom in Library and not remembering to pick it up. As I left the rest room I wondered why the guy
in the stall said Thats Awesome. Until I was outside. I lost the lighter.
Then later that day at Office Depot it reappeared in my pocket. It was then I wondered why god would
send a miracle through something as small as a lighter reappearing explaining this to a fellow homeless
person then it clicked in.
This means that like the lighters Ana creates fire and reappeared.

11.) Around March-April 2013-
In Venice Beach as walking to the boardwalk at the stop light a black SUV pulls up. All the sudden
someone starts screaming and pounding in the black SUV. The car behind it says "It's a setup", this voice
I didn't know of at the time. I think its a setup like there's a baby in the back of the SUV or something.
So I just say "What the fuck?" and continue walking. As I walk away I hear "That chomo doesn't care
about you" then I think. Was someone really just in trouble? I say a prayer about them.
Then few minutes later I hear "Fuck you" in tears from the guy that was screaming. Then few minutes
later I hear God say "Gage your losing this war." then my heart sank.
Then a week or so later. I talked telecommunication to some guy (but later figured it was Lucifer doing
so, not me.) He was telling his daughter next to him on the beach how we were having a complete
conversation and everything. Then I think it was the Lucifer voice but he supposedly got executed in a
car next to me. (Witch has really happened in front of me before) and then I heard his voice say "I'm in
heaven. Thank-yoouu!"
This means that the black SUV takes the guy to hell like I said before. Maybe also theirs more people
going to hell then heaven if Im losing.
With the second guy, if people believe in me and die they go to heaven

12.) Around March 2013-
As heading north through North California, I got this constant voice that started to follow me
everywhere and talks constantly so only I can still faintly hear him and talks though and under certain
noises, specifically if it has a "whooshy" or air moving sound like cars passing by, Or the wind blowing
around my ears as I almost fly on my bike. Other random sounds like the keyboard being typed right
now. The air conditioning. Its name given was "Head Demon. Ive come to find out this constant voice is
I've heard of Lucifer talking subliminally to Jesus. And I've read an article about me. How certain people
have found Lucifer subliminally talking to the second coming in movies, music, everything cause he does
that like no other. Lucifer was to be subject to a 1,000 years of a certain type of "In-imprisonment"
before his final fall to earth after the second coming and the end of the world. And I think it was
Leonardo da Vinci or someone famous in time had a vision of a very old man dying in great pain and a
huge wave engulfing the world.
Even according to certain Muslim writings there's known "Satan whispers" even though I've never
studied much of Muslim beliefs system before. Supposedly "Allah frees people from them" in some
writings and its a kind of rejoicing of God that Lucifer has been brought to such a low. Yet known to me
still amazingly powerful abilities. This Lucifer can control people in a way but doesn't force you to rape
or nothing, And only I realize when they work though me but seems like when other people are
controlled by him they have no idea at all seems like. Lucifer can control your thought process,(this is
one thing that's hard for me to notice), make you think things it wants you to, completely get a blank
mind, deceive you, all the way to body motions, spit, pick nose, shake head violently, drive faster or

13.) Around March 2013-
Near San Jose California from this little voice I found out supposedly God was mad cause I hadn't
headed north enough and there was going to be a tornado. Sure enough one 30-40 miles away touches
down and then one about touches down 10-20 feet from me until. I remember this voice saying I had a
power from God to command things to happen if I picture it in my head and say "Final". But I could say
"Reverse" to change things back. So I just said reverse and the tornado went back up into the sky and
clouds went scattered out everywhere from there. I was scared, amazed, and happy at the same time.
It was that same night the huge storm clouds followed my path exactly like I mean before I even hit the
turn in the free way the clouds had moved towards the turn already. And the plants came to full life
when I passed them and went back to normal when I left. The voice commanded me to keep walking
until the sun rose. So I did, then I stopped, the clouds stopped and slowly scattered.
I think this was set up by Lucifer after God told me Nobody controls the sky in the song sent to me to
head north. I think Lucifer controls the sky. He wants me to continue going north until I rise.

14.) February-August 2013-
I traveled north all the way to San Diego for a 5 weeks, Venice beach 2 weeks, San Francisco 2 days etc.
then after a chain of events lead me to Oregon at where when walking literally on the border of the
state I felt a great re-leaf, and things go from day to night.
In which I at time thought it would only get better the farther I went. So I went straight through to
Washington, chilled around Olympia a week, Seattle 2 days. Then went to Canada in North Vancouver
the biggest city around that was north looking for home.
Nothing more occurred so I continued until I got caught in North Canada for running in front of traffic
because I'm immortal, and pretty sure the guy giving me a ride had tried killing me. I couldn't feel my
hands and asked why the guy said "You tell me?" and gave me a look. Then later said I could turn the
cooler off. I was like "I'm good." The numbness went away when I left. I also had been walking in middle
of nowhere all day so I was pissed.
Anyways I was an illegal so they deported me. I got left at the border at Blaine I think its called on the
Washington/Canadian border where I started a long time ago. So pretty much wanted to do this go
North thing but now I'm north whats there to do? Homeless, nothing on me but smokes and clothes so
said fuck it lets see if I can get a job and head back north the right way. Now I'm building up money and
eventually have to go back to Oregon.

15.) Around April 2014-
In a vision. I see in a shady kind of view, clouds and open sky. Then a kitchen layout with lines like used
for construction. Then we're in that kitchen, we're at Mc. Donalds where I worked in front of the deep
fryers and Lajuana my boss was there. At first it felt like real life but in a dream still, Lajuana asking me
"If I wanted to do maintenance?" So I went ahead and said "yeah sure". Then in a black and white state
I reached under a fryer for a bucket.
Then next second its real dreamy ecstatically bright and detailed and I was watching as from the
blackness faded into Lajuana as I'm behind watching as she pulls up a huge basket of fries out the oil and
moves it to the other side of the fryer. Then had a face to face conversation where her eyes where so
beautiful as she told me "How could you leave them frying like that?". I just looked at the fries.
Then its like a dream again, not as detailed. I think I said something to Lajuana but don't know if it was
me, I don't remember. Then I get sucked into the fryer. Then I'm talking to her outline she says "Oh
yeah?" and can't make out what little else and moves the basket of fries around. Then as she pulls out a
tray of fish from the deep fryer and sets it on the tray above the first. The weird thing is Lucifer little
voice talks from the fryer all the time. And the fryers not where you store fish usually.
The next day at work Lajuana asked me to clean under a fryer if I wanted to work maintenance. Where
I removed a bucket from under and swept. I could tell she was hinting something.
I think this means Lajuanas in place as God. Im going to work on/cleaning the deep fryers. (Hell)
God pulls fries (people) out of the deep fryers (hell) and to the other side. Wondering why I didnt.
Then Im in Lucifers position in the fryers, she then gets another fish (person) and moves it up.
16.) Around April 2014-
While locked up in Kino Hospital, I became possessed and could hardly move and I was able to move
my hand from under my blanket because I could feel something was wrong with my left hand. Come to
find out its my middle finger stuck straight up, but all blurred out over it. I thought it was to God at first
so I managed to bite down on my index finger to get out the trance. As I made a strange face after doing
this, not me doing so. Then shortly after it I finished and went back to sleep.
I think Lucifers trying to say he and Jesus are giving me the middle finger from the vision he walked
through me and I walked through Jesus.

17.) The next day-
As I was sleeping. I was stuck again in this possessed state all I could do is whisper for help when I
wanted to scream it.
Next I was in a vision state, in which I looked at the mirror in the corner of the room reflecting the
room. I see Lucifer using my body to make a big ole' wave to me from my bed the hopped up and went
next to a desk near the corner of the room and stood behind it and flipped me off and pointed as he
laughed at me and was doing a little victory dance.(This one guy that had thought he managed to kill me
one night. I hated his dancing reaction and the look on his face.) Lucifer did this same exact look and
everything as he mocked me in the mirror.
I can't remember if it was before or after Lucifer controlling my body but in a type of processed state I
was so scared I told the only nurse passing by with a stupid face as I tried to speak "I'm the Son of God."
When she looked in my eyes she got a scared as hell look on her face.
I think Lucifer was showing me a little bit of hell and his torture. Which scared me to not want that to
happen to anyone.
18.) A few days later-
In an almost real feeling like no other and I could work off my own train of thought and I could
remember everything like I was awake. It was like I was looking from outside my body a foot or two
away most the time and from my own eyes sometimes.
Anyways I was in my old house that I grew up in's kitchen/dining room. I had the wanted to fly so I was
eventually granted this ability. I flew straight outside, in the backyard I see my mom, brother, dad. They
all look in a way, see threw and fake looking figures. My dad say's "You gotta be shitting me", as their
dazed amazed.
Then I saw me but fake looking on a propane tank blowing up in the sky and this inflamed the whole
house. My mom going inside for something with me following because I'm immortal so I know it
wouldn't fall down. Then as we left a part of the back of the house falls down behind us. Then flying
again all I could do is call out for "help" and people to "call the fire department."
Then more focused on the fact I'm flying, waving at this one guy in a red truck then later down the road
there was some guy that was shooting people in a road block and then at the red truck as it ran into the
road block. Then a black guy at the road block is crying as his face pops out and says I don't get it Hes
As I watch it, not clicking in to go help till a few seconds later. By the time I get in the area I ask around,
I can't find him until he pops out of nowhere trying to hit me but disappears. Then I think to myself
Lucifer probably just got a vice president for himself. As Lucifer says exactly what I thought mocking me.
Next second another vision. I'm on some random patio on the second floor or so, on a beach
somewhere California feeling with palm trees on beach. Watching a huge wall of flames slowly growing
towards me as I say reverse the wall moves backwards and so I look to the left and I see my dad. I call
him over as he comes and I show him, and then I say reverse and it's coming towards us now. He looks
at it like it's nothing. And says "What?" I say reverse doing the same thing back and forth a couple times
then it doesn't happen after a few.
Next another vision-I somehow am in what you'd think is the future like star-wars in a way, there's
space craft flying in front of me. Some guy behind me in a star-wars soldiers uniform says "Get head"
over a loud speaker. I smile and look back at the spacecraft.
Next another vision-Im inside some cabin flipping through my journal trying to write. As Lucifers (The
same guy that was behind Me.)whispering to me. I'm outside on the patio and its forest looking outside.
Theirs Lucifer in a black skinny body. As he whispers and gets in my face. Can't remember what he says.
Do remember about "Your house is on fire?..:)" or some shit being sarcastic. Wasn't paying attention
because I'm scared but he doesn't lay a finger on me.
Next another vision-Where in a war and I need to protect this man and woman I know both this
somehow already as we run a little then I see the guest house, at my old house but its walls are cut half
way down and everything to hide and shoot behind. We go inside, as soldiers come charging in throwing
grenades and shit. All they were saying is "Fucking Gage" as nothing happened. They said they might just
have to take them separately and I said that "Wasn't going to happen cause I was here to protect them
Then they tried about everything to kill me, like a spear thing but I looked down and it disappeared.
Until the man was taken to a room in front of me and the woman outside separately and the soldiers
did what they did to them, screaming as I just prayed cause there was a huge group of them. So as I did
the man melted into this kind of quick sand spiraling downwards then a guy tried jumping down off a
ramp onto this man spiraling down. The soldier that did this looked real fake and it exploded him back
with a little explosion bubble.
Then as the army of men leave through my old house. I think about doing G for no reason, except
Lucifer made me then he mumbles "Do G. Then all the men turn around and say "You still do G? I
replied "Yeah, I'm working on it" then they turned and took off through the house. I didn't even notice
until I'm practically dropped in the middle of the back yard that my house, calmly this time, was starting
to catch on fire.
It's on my kitchen window so I go and get some water from the sink in front of it and put it out as my
mom bitches at me loudly but I don't pay attention to her and put it out anyway. Then as I was dropped
by the washer and dryer going north by the back door, the guy trying to beat me up and was shooting
was dropped off all the sudden a few feet away then he yells out "Eyyy! He disappears as all the
sudden the vision concluded in a message.
I saw as clouds just roll out with a float of Gods face with a huge white beard with sheep and a stable
around him. One sheep was black others were white. First I hear Gods voice say "Are you fair? I
interrupt as he says this with, "Am I fair?" God continues to speak "Are you vague?" then says about
"This is what holds people together and makes them all equal in a way. That's the gist of what he said
as I tried to pay attention to everything before the stupid Lucifer interrupts his message with two, "It's
yous with Lucifer and Jesus on horses. And that's about it.
I think it means I want to rise and eventually I will when I go outside more. My fake family will be like
what the fuck when this happens.
I get framed for killing Ana and this causes my whole old home (Tucson) in flames not doing well at all
cause of this.
Im willing to risk my life for my mom still anyways.
Then I call for help putting out this mess more focused on rising showing off. Then the people helping
me (fire department) are getting killed wondering why their dying when Im immortal.
Then I like to control the sky with the wall of fire. Same as the tornado, I try to show people I love but
they dont see any of the huge danger I see.
Then in the future Lucifer will back me up telling me to Get head(Blowjob)
Then this shows when I was trying to work hard on my journal I was really battling Lucifer spiritually to
do so. Same thing when I go outside.
Then in this war with people that hate believers in me and want to kill them. I shouldnt be scared to
stand up and fight because Ill be immortal no matter what. So protect these people of mine.
These people against me will try to burn my old house down but Ill stop them with my mom bitching at
me the whole time.
Then to be fair and vague cause its what makes us people and Gods our Shepard and he even has a
black sheep.
19.) Day or two later-
I have a short average dream with a girl in it so I get a little turned on the all the sudden I wake up to a
womans invisible form I can feel though. I get a boner, embarrassed but cuddling with me then as I grab
her hand and bring it to my heart and out up. I feel my heart literally felt like a tear drop or it split open.
We continue to hold each other for a few minutes. This was way more realistic than the first experience
after my ex-girlfriend died the first time.
Im un-sure and not sure who or what this means.
20.) January-February 2014-
One night headed to the South side to Richards house people randomly started appearing in the cars
around me. One a girl crying, another a guy that just nodded his head kind of and looked at the driver. I
seen a guy texting people when he saw them. Next thing I know. This guy appears like the others and
was texting sending a message, then he looked at the guy next to him.
This guy in a truck tried pointing a gun at the guy nodding his head looking at him and he just went
back into this thin air realm and then shows his fore arm slightly pushing on the world from the realm
then comes back in the world and grabs the guy trying to shoot and brings him into the realm to show
him something then pushes him out.
April 2014-I start looking in cars and people throw up like from the Excercist. Move their head looking
like the Matrix how you can see the movement of their head moving stuck in motion still, like slow-
motion in a way. Crazy shit.
Now September 2014- Last few months when I look at people in cars they do weird things, like smile,
laugh, wave, full body movements, stare at me stuck, etc. Also people, dogs, and black shadows etc.
appear in the cars also.
I think it means when Gods around or looks over people Lucifer processes them. I think the people that
appear are dead people that Lucifer takes the form of.

21.) Late May 2014-
I had decided one day out of no where to pray to God like every few hours for awhile and on and off
periods of time since then. Around this time I also was wondering if something amazing was supposed
to happen for me to head north. Like a wall of fire.
Anyways I later that night came across a Dub-step mix and in this I heard a part of a song that made me
feel similarities to me in getting message to go north in past. Then after listening to the whole song like
2-3 times (Because for some reason I really liked it.) I first noticed how the singers voice kind of changed
into a kind of little slower and hesitant sounding compared to all the other times I've heard it. Didn't
click in at the moment but later realized it's like exactly what I do from time to time when Lucifer's
talking through/to another person around me and says what I'm praying to God. I don't like it because
it's mostly things between me and God, but don't mind to represent for Him.
Then 3-4 times listening to it I noticed there wasn't Lucifer anywhere. He hasn't stopped constantly
talking and mind fucking me until at these moments during the original, first video listed on YouTube
played first 8-9 times.
After a while I listened to a different version of the song not noticing. Lucifer was changing what the girl
singing was saying while singing it like he usually does with all my music lately. I start listening to the
first one over and over trying to get the original. After a while the singers voice changed back to normal
but Lucifer is still in the beat and talks through the people in the video and in the background. Pissed but
I was just glad the song was back to what God made it.
I think it's obviously a sign to not wait for a miracle and head north. Ever since Lucifer spiritually
towards me in completely stronger. He can do many multiple of things I'll try to list later but some of
them are from earlier and things are being revealed to me pretty fast like as I write this at the moment,
like techniques of Lucifer and how it does what it does. Sometimes different insights on God. Anyways
the song is: Above and Beyond-You Got To Go
I plan on taking a bicycle trip to Oregon from Tucson. I already have most the gear just need the right
bike I chose and $12,000 saved up and some education started and I'll be there. About 3-4 years I'd say.
I think when we pray to God where really singing for him. Music is deep in his heart. We should try to
sing to him as often as we can then. He then sung to me through the silence for me to head north. I
dont know why ,its unsafe or maybe Lucifer will stop if I do.
The song tells me to dream on about miracles happening like a wall of fire, but this is where it begins. To
move my feet, travel by using your own body like I just so happened to walk a good part the first trip. To
feel how it is to feel. Gather everything I need, and then choose a direction and go.Follow my signs and
what they mean. Got to keep my ideals high.Know whats right between wrong. The sky belongs to
nobody even me. I should keep hold of all I am, from the start.

22.) June 2014-
I'm watching a football game and Lucifer talks subliminally through the crowd and usually I'm the only
one that hears him. Lucifer says "Whoever believes now stay sitting" as they score. A big Mexican guy
with a shaved head looks around him to see half the people sitting. Then sees someone looking at him.
Mexican sees and nods his head like "Whats up?
I have a feeling this guy isnt a normal guy hating on me. He probably has ties to Ana and isnt human.
Since he looks just like Lucifer from the vision and he understands Lucifer. Lucifer always said he was a
Head Demon.

22.) June 2014-
I'm in a setup of my room as a wake up, it feels scary. Then when I look down to the side of my bed
there's a little girl dressed up in skirt and pigtails with no face and I get scared and say "I'm sorry". Then
she disappears.
Lucifers saying my children are giving me the finger also, but forgive me.
23.) Some examples of when I found out I'm immortal are
1.) On a very strange day I was poisoned and my stomach tore open. It felt like I was pissing in myself.
After a while it just stopped.
2.) One night all I hear is a click and some guy say "Fuck he's god". I look up to see a couple people on a
roof with a sniper rifle aimed at me, I just smile and continue walking.
3.) One night some guys pulled up next to me and the guy in the back seat with open window pulled a
machine gun out of his jacket and started shooting. All I see is the shooter moving like hes shooting and
everything but nothings coming out. I just laugh and continue biking home.
4.) Cars have stalled out trying to hit me before. Them looking at me like what the fuck?
5.) 2 car bombs self-exploded smoldering next to me as I walk by.
6.) Injected with something bad or lethal as the people walked away laughing about it. And put in a
room where I couldn't breathe.
7.) Had some grey chemical put in my shoes on a rainy night. Caused a hole in my foot.
8.) People where paid off not to serve me at hospitals and people even waiting in waiting rooms keeping
9.) People have tried putting things in blankets that just made my head leak puss and shit like that.

To settle it once and for all since everyone thinks I'm a child molester or raped 4 children, some bullshit
like that. Nope but I will tell you something that's none of your business I am attracted to younger
teens. I don't know why just I am but couldn't really be open about it so I would just look at different
pictures some younger some not I thought where hot. Then again on Facebook the other day I seen a 21
year old and a 12 year old posting everywhere their together and I'm only 20. In Mexico that's
sometimes common I hear also. So I don't know how you all got this idea I'm a child molester from
clothed pictures, ask someone who knows. And I lost my virginity to that most likely someone to end

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