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Donation Agreement

This Donation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is made this ____ day of
_______ by and among ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Donor), and
Emily Sides (Runner), on behalf of The Healing Branch, a registered Texas nonprofit
organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization). Donations will be made through
Runner after completion of a training period and subsequent 13.1 mile Half-Marathon in San
Antonio, Texas on Sunday, December 7, 2014.
Donation Amount
Donation amount is determined by Runner-recorded-mileage throughout the twelve (12) week
training period leading up to the Half-Marathon. Runner agrees to be honest and use good,
faith reasonable efforts in her documentation and recording. Runner will also utilize an
application based on data and GPS availability in the immediate area.
Donor agrees to donate 20, 30, or 40 cents per mile run upon completion of Runners training.
The relevant training period is twelve (12) weeks long, starting Sunday, September 14, 2014
and ending Sunday, December 7, 2014. Mileage will be tracked through a mileage log.

Runner may complete a varied number of miles over the twelve (12) week period.

Donor may choose to donate an additional bonus if Runner completes the Half-Marathon with a
better official time than the one recorded in the training period. If Runners Half-Marathon time

Sunday is Day 1, Saturday is Day 7.
Projected 118 miles and Relative Donation Amounts
Projected training period 118 Miles

Projected Donation
Option A - 20 cents/mile 0.2 dollars/mile $23.60
Option B - 30 cents/mile 0.3 dollars/mile $35.40
Option C - 40 cents/mile 0.4 dollars/mile $47.20

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demonstrates a minimum improvement of 15%, Donor may elect to pay an additional $15.00.
The suggested donations in this section are optional.

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I agree to make a donation through Runner (Emily Sides) on behalf of The Healing Branch, a
Texas non-profit organization, subsequent to Runners completion of a twelve (12) week training
period and Half-Marathon race on December 7, 2014.
Donor's Name (please print)
Donor's Signature

Emily Sides

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Thank you for pledging your support! View official race results from Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon
in November 17, 2013 or visit the About page on my blog that has a link to my results (below).

Date Time Time in Minutes
Pace per
2 hours, 39 minutes and 2
seconds 159.02 12.13893

2 hours, 15 minutes and 2
seconds 135.167 10.31809

This is a screenshot of the Google Drive spreadsheet where I will record my daily mileage. I will
sum up the week's mileage and at the end of the 12-week training period, I will provide the total
mileage leading up to the official Half-Marathon.

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