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First Edition First Edition
with Koliup, Spoonman,
Dr.Emmet, and friends
DukeFluffy DukeFluffy
Productions Productions
Beta 0.9.86 Beta 0.9.86
Mixed Vehicle Scifi Roleplayin Mixed Vehicle Scifi Roleplayin
!n the "" !n the ""
rd rd
century century
ChromeStrike is copyright 2013 b y DukeFluffy Productions; ll rights reser!ed"
ChromeStrike is registered trdemrk of DukeFluffy Productions
Similrities bet#een chrcters in ChromeStrike nd persons li!ing or ded
re strictly coincidentl"
First First Edition Edition
Published SOON
Idea populus excellentiam
Idea populus magnus
Dr.Emmet" Bludha#k
First Edition Pla$testers%
Irene, Hriky, Taco, SNES, SirPerson,
o!am"o, #r.$lueSky, Pil%
Se'ial (hanks and )onorable *entions%
i bro#se $chn t #ork
&not'er t'anks to t'e creators o( &rmored )ore and )'romeHounds,
Heavy ear, $attleTec', *ull #etal Panic+, ,otoms, aut'or -o"ert &.
Heinlein, and many ot'ers. (or entertaining us and capturing our
(&B+E &B+E
Forward 4
(he ,orld o- ChromeStrike
I. Introduction
II. How It A!! Ha""#n $
III. Li%# A& a M#c'-(oc)#* +,
I-. T'# Cor"oration& ++
I. Introduction +$
II. .#%inin/ Your C'aract#r
+. M#c' (oc)#* 0,
0. M#c' 01
III. C'aract#r Ar2or* 03
I-. Part Gara/# 0$
-. U"/rad#& 11
-I. Ar2or* 14
.ame S$stem
I. Introduction 13
II. Turn C*c!# 14
III. Man#u5#r& 1$
I-. Attac)in/ and .a2a/# 16
-. Out&id# o% M#c'& 4,
-I. 7ar/a2in/ 40
I. Introduction 44
II. T*"#& o% Ca2"ai/n& 43
III. E8a2"!# Ca2"ai/n 44
I-. H#!!9& Trio
+. Arona Cantr#!! 46
0. T'or&t#n .u!/uru)o5 ,
I. En#2i#&
+. M#c'& +
0. Aircra%t 3,
1. Ground -#'ic!#& 30
II. C'aract#r S'##t& 34
III. Ind#8 44
1 Fore#ord
Fore#ord Fore#ord
Welcome to yet anot'er attempt to capture mec'/"ased com"at in Pen and Paper (ormat. I0ve taken a
look at 1uite a (e2 di((erent systems, and 'ome/"re2s, and never 1uite "een satis(ied. T'e ma3ority o( t'e
systems out t'ere do not 'ave a great "alance o( simple gameplay and customi%ation/ o(ten leaning to2ard
one or t'e ot'er. I could not (ind a single mec' -P t'at 2as rules/lig't, allo2ed 'eavy customi%ation, and
leaned to2ard a more grounded and realistic approac'. So I t'oug't I may as 2ell slap one toget'er.
ChromeStrike is my o2n attempt at creating suc' a system. $eing a 'uge (an o( games like
&rmored )ore and )'rome'ounds, I did my "est to capture t'e elements o( slapping toget'er parts and (ast/
paced com"at. $ut most important o( all I tried to ensure t'e mec's are realistic. T'ey0re no 455/story tall
clumsy devices t'at 2ould collapse t'e ground t'ey 2alk on. 6r plastic/looking mec's t'at more resem"le
a"stract art t'an a (ig'ting ve'icle.
No, t'e mec's in t'is system are d2ar(ed "y tanks, more like a "attlesuit t'an any sort o( giant
mec'a. T'ey are primarily used in ur"an (ig'ting and (irst/strike situations, dodging in and around com"at
to get an edge on less mo"ile com"atants. Slo2er t'an almost any ve'icle "ut incredi"ly agile. Hope(ully
you, t'e reader, pre(er t'is sort o( look on mec's.
&nd, o( course, no mec' game is complete 2it'out 2idespread 2ars and (ig'ting, plus 'al(/
dystopian corporations lauding it over t'e common (olk. I mean, come on.
Hope you en3oy t'e read,
/ /.u)# .u)#
(he ,orld o- Chromestrike
(he ,orld o- Chromestrike
' long series of #rs hs cused brekdo#n of the llinces of old( doing #y #ith the )nited
*tions nd other interntionl pece keeping orgni+tions" &he ne# #orld is !iolent plce(
#here open #rfre bet#een ntions cn be crried out #ithout fer of interntionl reprisl"
Smll ntions once #tched o!er by the pece keepers of the pst h!e been bsorbed by stronger
neighbors( nd those #hich h!e mnged to resist h!e simply been trnsformed into plygrounds
of #r used by more po#erful belligerents"
,n the smoldering #reckge of this ne# ge( #rfre itself under#ent re!olution #ith the d!ent
of personl mechni+ed combt pltforms( or mechs" Cpble of mnlike mo!ement but #ielding
the firepo#er of tnk( militry forces the #orld o!er e-perimented #ith this ne# #epon system"
's time pssed( their potentil #s mesured nd the ne# tcticl d!ntges the mechs offered
#ere e-plored" &hey becme permnent fi-ture in the #r+one of the future( prticulrly mongst
urbn bttlefields( #hile the compnies #ho mnufctured them prospered finncilly"
's #r itself becme perpetul fcet of life( the corportions gre# in si+e nd po#er( nd becme
free to gther legislti!e po#er #ith #hich to en.oy independent of their ptron ntions" &hey
considered their identities bo!e nd beyond the ntions #ith #hich they re normlly ssumed to
be beholden to nd supported by( but in ll relity( ct seprtely from"
's strife consumes the #orld( there is cll by ntions nd corportions like for mercenries
#illing to put themsel!es in the line of fire" /ny ns#er the cll; pilots( infntry( tnk nd ship
cre#s stepping up for either coin or duty"""
0ut the bl+ing pyres of ruined ntions re producing ne# kind of soldier1mercenry"
' kind #ho sit cloistered in the metl skin of the ne#est #epon system( erning nme for
themsel!es nd their unmistkeble mchines tht stlk the crtered fields of this ne# future"
&he #orld clls for these ne# men nd #omen to fight their bttles for them"
&hese re the mech1.ockeys"
'nd you re one of them"
2elcome to the #orld of ChromeStrike"
3 4ntrodu'tion
ChromeStrike is a sci(i -P "ased upon games like
&rmored )ore, )'rome'ounds, and Heavy ear. Players
take t'e role o( #ec' 7ockeys, and pilot t'e ne2 2ar
mac'ines in t'e cratered "attle(ield o( t'e near (uture. $ut
even t'en, t'ey may (ig't (or varied causes/ 1uite a num"er
o( t'ese ne2 pilots are simply mercenaries, traveling to
(ig't in 2ar (or money and money alone. 6t'ers (ollo2
t'eir nation0s plig't out o( a sense o( national pride. T'e
unluckiest o( t'em all are merely "acked against t'e 2all "y
'ostile "elligerents, (ig'ting against t'ose stronger and
more 2ealt'y, only (or t'e sake o( protecting t'eir 'omes.
W'ere mig't you come into t'is8
(he 5oots o- Pla$
Eac' )'romeStrike game re1uires t2o sorts o( players.
#ost o( t'ese 2ill take t'e part o( mec' operators, 2'o 2ill
pilot mec's or ot'er ve'icles during 2artime. 6ne player
"ecomes t'e game/master. He or s'e 'elps decide upon t'e
scenario and game premises 2it' t'e players, portrays t'e
NP)0s 9non/player c'aracters: t'ey 2ill interact 2it', and
resolves t'e player0s actions. S'ould one o( t'e mem"ers o(
your group "e t'e designated (orever/gm, you s'ould all
(eel (ree to get t'e man;lady some pi%%a, or some ot'er
appropriate tri"ute. $uttering up t'e game/master al2ays
goes 2ell.
T'e game is an evolving and c'anging interaction
"et2een t'e players and t'e game/master, 2'o presents t'e
2orld in 2'ic' t'e 2ar occurs. Play is mostly talking<
some situation or encounter is outlined, and t'en t'e players
tell t'e game/master 2'at t'ey say, in t'e role o( t'eir
c'aracters, intend to do. =sing t'e rules to keep matters
consistent and (air, t'e game/master t'en tells t'em i( t'ey
can do 2'at t'ey propose, and t'e steps t'ey must (ollo2.
S'ould t'ese actions "e impossi"le t'e game/master
narrates 2'at 'appens instead. -oll dice 9most (re1uently a
single D>: to resolve encounters and actions. Dice keeps
everyone 'onest, add drama, promote an element o(
randomness, and can pull out narro2 escapes (or t'e
T'e game rules make t'e game 2orld understanda"le,
de(ine 2'at can and cannot "e done, and o((er an o"3ective
determination o( success and (ailure.
=nless acting as t'e game/master, eac' player takes on a
mec'/3ocky persona. During t'e game, t'e player attempts
to speak and act in terms o( t'eir c'aracter0s personality. It
is o(ten more (un to create a c'aracter 2'olly di((erent (rom
t'e real/li(e player, t'oug' one can al2ays create a
c'aracter loosely "ased o(( t'emselves. T'is is a game o(
(antasy, a(ter all. -egardless o( t'eir c'aracter0s personality,
a player 'as a duty to roleplay t'e mec'/3ocky 2it'in t'e
limitations o( t'e c'aracter0s personality, a"ilities, and
"ackground experience. T'e c'aracter only kno2s and act "ased
upon 2'at t'ey "elieve and kno2/ it is o(t important to
remem"er t'e di((erence "et2een 2'at t'e c'aracter mig't kno2
and 2'at t'e player kno2s. -olls 2ill naturally 'elp do t'is to
some degree, "ut roleplaying a c'aracter personality 2ell is 1uite
important. ?ou are doing 2ell in t'is position i( ot'ers players
can imagine 2'at your c'aracter mig't do in particular
W'en all else (ails, remem"er t'at t'e game is a group e((ort/
t'e party s'ould al2ays act toget'er as allies, 2'enever possi"le.
(he .ame *aster
T'e player 2'o acts as t'e game master "ecomes t'e game
moderator. =sing a scenario presented in t'is "ook, or one o(
t'eir o2n making, t'e game master kno2s t'e entire plot o( t'e
story and presents it during play, incidentally taking parts o( all
t'e enemies, allied non/player c'aracters, and t'e ordinary or
malicious c'aracters t'at 2ill "e interacted 2it' "y t'e players in
due course. T'e game/master 'as t'e responsi"ility (or
preparing a scenario 2it'out "ias. 'e or s'e must make t'e
opposition smart and mean, or t'ere 2ill "e no c'allenge (or t'e
players. &t t'e same time, t'ey must "e mind(ul or 2'at t'e
npc0s 2ould "e a2are o( and kno2 at any one time/ t'oug' t'ey,
as t'e game/master mig't "e omniscient and lavis'ly 'andsome,
t'e same cannot "e said (or t'e npc0s t'ey 2ill control.
T'ey also need to understand t'e game in order to "e a"le to
ans2er player 1uestions and "e a"le to present t'e material
(airly. To "e a game master, read on t'e rules on creating mec'
3ockeys and t'e game system. ?ou0ll (ind pre/generated mec's
and c'aracters to2ard t'e end o( t'is "ook. Entries on t'e
corporations can "e consulted, and t'e running a campaign 9pg.
xx: can "e kept in mind 2'en creating a scenario.
6nce you 'ave settled (or a particular scenario 92it' or
2it'out t'e player0s 'elp: you can t'en supply a p'otocopy o(
t'e 1uick/rules in t'e "ack o( t'e "ook. Have t'e players roll up
ne2 mec' pilots. Partake o( t'eir o((erings.
W'en you0re set to play don0t 2orry a"out making mistakes
t'e (irst time around. It is your privilege as t'e game/master to
make mistakes. W'ile you are still learning 'o2 to run a game,
use t'e scenarios in t'is "ook or consult a play 'istory (or 'elp.
6(ten 'aving material printed, scenario t'oroug'ness, and extra
in(ormation is 2'olly 2elcome.
&s you need, consult t'e re(erence and resources sections.
Wit' t'e purc'ase 9or do2nload, 'a': o( t'is game, and some
1uestiona"ly virtual dice, you 'ave everyt'ing you need to play
t'e game.
aming is social. -oleplaying "rings toget'er a num"er o(
people in order to (orm a communal (antasy, or
colla"orative story, o(ten more vivid and imaginative t'an
one person could ever create. Working toget'er en'ances
creativity and impromptu dialogue. It is important t'at t'e
players act toget'er as a team, a2are o( t'e ot'er c'aracter0s
capa"ilities. W'et'er "rooding or puppy/dog eyed, make
sure t'at t'e ot'er players are a2are o( t'e essential
c'aracter o( your mec'/3ocky. W'et'er or not t'e players
are al2ays on eac'ot'er0s side, or cooperating, t'e players
al2ays s'ould "e. Someone may play a 3erk o( a c'aracter,
"ut t'e important key is t'e entertainment o( roleplaying.
t'e ingenuity and t'rill o( taking on t'e role o( a (ictional
T'ere also needs to "e cooperation "et2een players and
t'e game/master. T'oug' t'e game/master masterminds t'e
2orld and sets up and runs t'e details, t'e game remains a
game (or 'im or 'er as 2ell, and everyone likes to 'ave (un.
Even 2'en t'ey0re doing t'eir darnedest to kill t'e players,
it s'ould "e done in good nature.
I( t'e players do exciting t'ings stylis'ly and memora"ly,
t'e game/master and players alike 'ave 2on. $ad
roleplaying is t'e only real loss possi"le/ t'ere is no player
vs game/master, or any player vs player, 3ust t'e goal o(
'aving an exciting and creative (oray into a (ictional 2orld.
Pla$in/ &ids
ChromeStrike needs only a (e2 aids in order to
"egin play< dice, paper, and pencil are re1uired. 6t'er aids
add (un and c'aracter to a game, and can 'elp (ocus t'e
action or explain a situation. Trinkets and (ood can 'elp
mello2 out and please a game/master.
T'ose (amiliar 2it' roleplaying games 2ill likely "e
(amiliar 2it' d@50s, d4@0s, dA0s, and so on.
ChromeStrike only makes use o( D>0s, to 3udge t'e
success o( particular actions, indicate i( t'e armor o( a mec'
'olds o(( an attack, or to determine random 'it locations.
6ccasionally a roll mig't re1uire a DB to "e rolled/ 2'ile
t'ere is no suc' t'ing, a D> can "e used to simulate a DB "y
simply dividing t'e result "y t2o and rounding up. 94,@ C
4. B,D C @. E,> C B.:
ChromeStrike can "e played ver"ally, 2it'out
(igures or parap'ernalia ot'er t'en dice and c'aracter
s'eets. 6t'ers (ind t'at (igures, tokens, or markers give
(ocus to t'e action and 'elp in 2eaving toget'er player0s
imaginations. &rranging t'e mec'/3ockeys in a (ormation
can s'o2 2'o is likely to come under attack (irst, or to 'elp
line up sig't "locking o"structions and cover. ?ou must
decide 2'at expression o( t'e game t'e group pre(ers.
=sing (igures stresses 1uestions suc' as 2'et'er (ields
o( (ire are open, or 2'et'er a mec'/3ocky must give pause
to 'elp move a crippled ally0s mec'. T'ese markers mig't
Provoke 1uestions like FW'at are my spotlig'ts revealing8G
or FHo2 muc' o( t'e #I is o"structed8G. Pieces o( card"oard,
pennies, tokens (rom ot'er games, or o((icial miniatures can "e
used interc'angea"ly, as t'e players and game/master (ind
ame (igures H miniatures H are lead or resin statuettes a"out
an inc' 'ig', cast 2it' "ases (or sta"ility. T'ey are purc'ased at
many game and 'o""y stores, or can "e ordered "y mail.
Chromestrike o((ers a range o( modular mec' parts t'at
may "e assem"led to resem"le your o2n particular mac'ine.
T'ese are all intended (or roleplaying, "ut are use(ul all t'e
same. No one 'as every (igure t'at an adventure mig't demand,
nor do t'ey re1uire a Chromestrike miniature (or eac' and
every mec' t'ey make. Su"stitution is common and somet'ing
o( a necessity.
W'et'er or not dimensional models are used, game/masters
o(ten sketc' out t'e area o( activity on a s'eet o( paper, and note
t'e scale. W'en t'e action s'i(ts to com"at rounds, t'en some
game/masters turn to miniature (igures and sketc' out t'e area
again, at t'at smaller scale. #ats 2it' one inc' grids can "e
'andy (or t'is.
,ait" (here6s *ore7
$eing a mixed ve'icle system, ChromeStrike isn0t solely
"uilt to "e run as a Pen/and/paper -P. It0s 2'olly possi"le
92it' a little s1uinting and rules (udging: to run a 2argame
instead. I( t2o players so like, t'ey can 2rite up a (orce o(
mec's and tanks, 'elicopters and #o"ile In(antry, t'en duke it
out over a ta"letop or virtual map.
Not all players are satis(ied 2it' simply controlling one
c'aracter, and not all people en3oy PnP0s to t'e same degree o(
ot'ers. -egardless, running ChromeStrike as a "attle/(ield
simulator or 2argame can mix t'ings up, or at minimum (ill up
an ot'er2ise "oring a(ternoon. & section 2it' tips and examples
to do 3ust t'is are included later in t'is "ook, under t'e ame
System c'apter.

8 4ntrodu'tion
(he 4nternational Collase
T'ere 'ave al2ays "een ever/present (ears a"out 'o2
society mig't collapse. Historians could look "ack upon t'e
Treaty o( ,ersailles, and t'e collapse o( ermany0s
economy a(ter WW4, t'en dra2 many parallels to t'e
current day. 6r even t'e more modern stock exc'ange
'iccups. Instead o( a simple deterioration, or demand (or
de"ts to "e payed, t'e 2orld scene ended in 2ar.
During t'e early @4
century t'e =nited States 2as
rocked "y a num"er o( unprecedented terrorist attacks, t'e
(irst "eginning on Septem"er 44, @554. &(ter "ecoming
em"roiled in many 2ars (or t2o decades, de"t piling up, it
(inally seemed as t'oug' t'e "attles mig't "e coming to an
end. T'e Ira1 War 'ad already "een 2rapped up, (orces
2ere on t'eir 2ay out o( &(g'anistan, and t'ere seemed to
"e 2idespread 'ope (or a more isolationist policy.
6( course t'at0s 2'en it all 2ent to 'ell once more. 6n a
cool day in Ne2 ?ork, like any ot'er, citi%ens 2ere 2oken
up "y a "rilliant clap o( lig't and an explosion. In an instant
(ive t'ousand souls 2ere lost, and t'en several tens o(
t'ousands more died (rom "urns and radiation poisoning.
Even as (amilies and (riends mourned, and 2ere s'ocked
into dis"elie(, t'e rest o( t'e country 2as similarly 'it/ t'is
time economically. Even as t'e pu"lic 2ent insane, and t'e
W'ite House issued a press con(erence, national con(idence
"egan to go do2n t'e drain. &lmost at once t'e value o( t'e
dollar "egan to plummet, 2it' t'e loss o( t'e stock market
"eginning to a((ect ot'er nations a"road.
Humanitarian e((orts "egan in Ne2 ?ork immediately.
Espionage on t'ose potentially responsi"le "egun at once.
It0s only 2'en a (ar/(lung radical group in Iran claimed
responsi"ility t'at t'e 2orld took a collective "reat'.
Nearly a 2eek later, 2it' (eelers "ack and pu"lic resentment
at an all/time 'ig', t'e =nited States declared 2ar. &n
initial "om"ardment run 2as sent and an invasion (orce
soon (ollo2ed.
,ar and the 9NSC
W'ile t'e initial attacks "y t'e =nited States 2ent
per(ectly, t'e 2ar "egan to slo2 and "ecome more di((icult.
-elatively, Iran 2as decently armed and modern, and 'ad
learned greatly (rom t'e 2ars in Ira1 and &(g'anistan.
-at'er t'en engage in open 2ar(are t'e si%a"le &rmed
*orces o( t'e Islamic -epu"lic o( Iran used roug' terrain
and ur"an (ig'ting to it0s pinnacle, (ig'ting co'esively as a
massive guerrilla (orce.
Else2'ere t'e =nited Nations Security )ouncil 2as
'aving its o2n pro"lems. )on(idence in t'e =NS) 2as at
an all/time lo2, "ot' (rom t'e ne2 2ar t'reatening to
spread to ot'er sovereign states, and t'e rampant spread o(
economic collapse. T'is only 2orsened as t'e 2ar ground
on, over many, many years, up until t'e 2orld economy o(
itsel( 'ad to "e reconstructed. *or t'e (irst time in 'istory
t'e =NS) 2as regarded as a total (ailure, and t'e struggling
2orld economy s2itc'ed to a di((erent main currency.
War 'ad long since "een ur"an, "ut never "e(ore 'ad t2o entire
armed (orces duke it out in suc' an environment, not since t'e
previous great World Wars. Tec'nology 'ad "een lagging/ only
drones and ne2ly retro(itted ve'icles 2ere suita"le to "e used.
7apan0s development o( po2er(ul super/capacitors led to ne2
tec'nologies "ecoming availa"le. In particular, $oston Dynamic0s
(orays into "ipedal mac'ines "egan to "e vie2ed 2it' interest.
-eceiving a num"er o( "ids to (urt'er develop t'is tec'nology,
$oston Dynamics assimilated ot'er 2eapon companies, "ecoming
t'e ne2ly du""ed super/entity )ra2(ord Tec'.
!ater t'ese mac'ines 2ould come to "e called mec's, and
(orever (ound t'eir nic'e in ur"an (ig'ting, 2'ere t'eir mo"ility
and (irepo2er could "e used to maximum e((ect. 6t'er companies
(ollo2ed in )ra2(ord Tec'0s (ootsteps, or 'ad already "een
developing very similar tec'nologies. T'eir real de"ut o( t'ese
companies 2ould come many decades later.
Sixteen long, long years later t'e Iranian &merican 2ar ground
to a 'alt. T'e 2ar and it0s predecessors 'ad taken a 'uge toll on
t'e &merican economy, and even ot'ers a"road. #any o( t'e
2orld po2ers (ound t'emselves struggling to remain on top o( t'e
'eap, 'aving t'eir markets collapsed and devalued to nearly
not'ing. Wit' t'e &rmed *orces already in Iran, t'e =nited States
did t'e unt'inka"le/ declaring t'e ne2ly de(eated country as
territory o( t'e sovereign state o( &merica.
-ussia, )'ina, and many ot'er po2ers 1uickly (ollo2ed suite/
all engaging in a 1uick snatc' and gra" o( near"y territories. !ong
'ad t'eir economies "een 2eakened, and t'eir industrial mig't
re1uired resources. Neig'"ors 2ere turned to 2it' 'ungry ga%es.
W'y pay o(( de"ts 2'en t'ey can merely snatc' up resources and
(ind t'eir o2n 2ay "ack to po2er8 &lmost at once t'e =nited
Nations 2as dissolved and t'e entire 2orld plunged into 2ar.
Wit' t'e dissolution o( t'e =nited Nations, and many nations
a"road occupied, t'e 2orld po2ers "egan t'eir revitali%ing e((orts.
!arge corporations, t'ose t'at 'ad already designed t'e mec's,
2ere given "ids and grants to 'arvest occupied nation0s resources.
W'ere "e(ore t'ey 'ad "een military giants, t'ese ne2
corporations no2 'ad all money and resources t'at t'ey could ever
need. So "egan t'e 2ars and t'e Primes.
(he *e'hs
#ec's in general are a marvel o( engineering. Decades
upon decades o( seemingly unrelated "reakt'roug's
eventually led to t'eir creation. &nd, once t'eir (easi"ility
2as demonstrated, ur"an 2ar(are 2as never t'e same.
)o# 4t &ll )aened
T'ere isn0t one particular date in 2'ic' a mec', or t'e
components, 2ere created. -at'er, t'e tec'nology t'at t'ey
re1uired 2as prototyped all at di((erent times. #uc' o( t'is it
is up to de"ate regardless. T'e only t'ing t'at is agreed upon
is $oston Dynamics, and 7apan0s role in t'e creation o( t'e
c'assis and po2er systems t'at 2ould "ecome (undamental in
t'e creation o( mec's.
@5@5. & year t'at is scarred into t'e memories o( many.
History "ooks tell o( t'e terrorist attack "y Iran, t'e resulting
2ar t'at 2ould destroy muc' o( t'e 2orld, and t'e collapse o(
reason a"road. T'e grinding 2ar resulted in $oston
Dynamics turning to any and all 2ays to 'elp t'e armed
(orces. & promising "ut not/1uite ready tec'nology 2as
created/ a "ipedal mac'ine prototype. -ugged, sel( up/
rig'ting, easy to repair. &gile. It 2as impressive in every
It 2asn0t too long "e(ore some random nerd employee said
0Hey, 2'y not make it larger80. T'e t'ing 2as scaled up out
o( "oredom, yet 2as still determined to "e (easi"le, ignoring
t'e large po2er issues t'at suc' a pair o( legs 2ould re1uire.
6n t'e ot'er side o( t'e 2orld 7apan 2as still undergoing
t'eir rapid tec'nological "reakt'roug's and experiments t'at
'ad "ecome common/place 2it'in t'eir nation. 6ne o( t'e
largest energy (irms soon discovered a met'od o( creating
super/capacitors. )apacitors t'at could "e scaled up muc'
larger t'en current ones 2'ile retaining t'eir po2er to volume
&lmost overnig't Po2er &rmor and #ec's "ecame
possi"le. T'ose 2'o 'ad once ignored t'e tec'nologies
"ecause o( t'e energy re1uirements c'anged t'eir minds. &nd
so prototyping "egan. Po2er &rmors t'at 'ad already "een
"uilt 'ad t'e ne2 energy system plugged in, allo2ed t'em to
per(orm missions t'at lasted days instead o( 'ours.
*or anot'er decade and a 'al( t'e general populace and
2orkers ignored t'e idea o( actual mec's. T'e very idea 'ad
long since "een discarded and stuck 2it'in t'e realm o(
science (iction and television, t'e very idea o( making t'em
a"le to solicit laug'ter in people.
$ut, unkno2n to t'em, a num"er o( 2ell/(unded private
companies "egan tinkering 2it' t'e idea. To t'em, 'aving E/
meter tall gun plat(orms t'at could 1uickly navigate cities
2ould "e entirely 2ort' it. )ould save lives. T'e Iran
&merican War 2as stark testimony to t'e ne2 need (or
rugged all/terrain ve'icles. W'y not (urt'er advance ur"an
2ar(are, using drones and "ipedal ve'icle plat(orms8
It 2as @5DB 2'en )ra2(ord Tec' (irst unveiled t'eir 2orks.
T'e =nited States 2as pleasantly surprised at t'e (ootage and
test results o( t'e t'ings/ not only 2ere t'ey nearly as agile as
men, t'ey could carry 2eapons almost e1uivalent to t'at o( a
"attle tank. Hide "e'ind cover at t'e o( a 'at. )ould use
1uickly interc'angea"le 2eapons.
Having no ot'er ans2er, t'e =nited States granted additional
resources to )ra2(ord Tec' to continue t'eir developments.
Soon a(ter several 'undred mec's 2ere sent to Iran, 2'ere t'ey
proved to "e over2'elmingly success(ul. -elations in t'e
international community 'ad already "egun deteriorating and
(alling apart "y t'is point. T'e companies t'at designed t'e (irst
mec's "ecame po2er(ully ric', 3ust as t'e international peace/
keeping organi%ations "egan (alling apart due to stri(e and
&s soon as t'e =nited Nations collapsed, and 2orld po2ers
"egan to invade one anot'er, t'e demand (or mec's "egcame
rose to an all/time 'ig'. W'ile t'e demand (or ur"an mec's 'ad
"een moderately large "e(ore, t'e ne2 demand (or t'em 2as
over2'elming. Not too long a(ter t'ese primes 2ere granted
mining and extraction rig'ts to smaller countries, and (louris'ed
like t'ey never 'ad "e(ore.
T'e rest, t'ey say, is 3ust 'istory.
& +ook at the *e'hs
Wit' a cursory glance mec's mig't "e considered some2'at
pretty. T'ey are tall and neat looking ve'icles, "uilt rugged and
intelligently. *our to (ive meters in 'eig't. -ounded and angled
armor/plates adorn t'e t'ing like medieval plate armor. &ny
delicate parts are "lanketed in s'eets o( 'ig'/strengt' (i"ers and
Ievlar. &t times t'e s'eer solidity o( t'e mac'ines can "e easy
to (orget.
It is 2'en t'ey move, 2'en t'ey c'arge across t'e "attle(ield,
t'at mec's truly s'ine. #oving agilely like a 'uman, per'aps
eerily so, t'ey can rus' t'roug' alley2ays and streets. T'eir
'eads and sensors glance around as t'ey move. T'eir arms
s2inging like a 'uman, t'e "ounding steps and leaps carry t'em
t'roug' t'e air. W'en struck "y enemy (ire it sometimes looks as
t'oug' t'ey (linc'. In every respect t'ey are like a large,
mec'anical 'uman.
9 4ntrodu'tion
T'e cockpit o( a mec' is small. ,ery small. In volume,
t'e t'ing is slig'tly larger t'an a "urial co((in. 6nce t'e
pilot cra2ls into t'e mac'ine 9#ost (re1uently t'roug' an
armored (ront 'atc':, t'ey t'en strap t'emselves do2n like
a race car driver.
T'e mec' is t'en controlled "y a complex series o(
3oysticks and toggles. In some o( t'e larger mec's t'ere is
ample room to simply rig t'e pilot0s arms to a master/slave
system (or t'e arms. #ost (re1uently t'ey use 3oysticks.
Wit'in most mec's t'e pilot0s legs are in an a2k2ard sitting
position and 2ork pedals. &ll o( t'e important "attle data is
put on t'eir H=D/ a 'al(/sp'ere t'at t'e pilot (its t'eir 'ead
inside. Pro3ections are made onto t'is sur(ace t'at makes it
look muc' larger t'en it actually is/ and it is 'ere t'at t'e
pilot sees t'e outside 2orld, t'e p'ysical status, "iometrics,
maps, ammunition, etc.
In addition to t'e armor and muscular systems, mec's
also normally sport all t'e communications and computer
e1uipment t'at could ever "e needed. Water (eeds and
paste/tu"es are common (or long/term missions. Some o(
t'e larger mec's even 'ave 2aste/relie( systems, to allo2 a
pilot in a 'otspot to remain in t'e mac'ine until t'e po2er
gives out. #ost important o( all, t'e mec' contains a small
storage "in nearly t'e si%e o( a suitcase. Important
parap'ernalia and gear can "e sto2ed t'ere, along 2it'
good luck c'arms and personal gear.
Po2er (or t'e mec' is supplied "y a large armored
"ackpack/looking device, "uilt into t'e "ack o( t'e torso.
)ontained 2it'in are a num"er o( large, 'eavy/duty super
capacitors. In total all t'e "atteries provide t'e mec' 2it'
an operation time o( nearly t2o days. W'en a mec'/3ocky
expects to go on an especially long mission an additional
external po2er pack can "e plugged in to provide additional
operation time. Suc' an occurrence is rare, "ut not un'eard
o( on t'e "attle(ield.
W'ile alone mec's are some2'at 2eaker t'an a tank, or
more t'an a single attack 'elicopter can 'andle, t'eir
strengt' really s'ines in mixed/ve'icle roles. &longside a
platoon o( tanks and air support, a 'and(ul o( mec's "ecome
exponentially more deadly. Wit'in t'is (orce eac' ve'icle
compliments t'e ot'er 2it' strengt's and 2eaknesses/ t'e
mec's mig't s2eep t'e streets 2it' let'al speed and
accuracy, 'arassing enemy tanks, 2'ile t'eir o2n maneuver
to get into a position and use t'eir superior (irepo2er 2it'
devastating e((ect. Targeting lasers on a mec' mig't call in
a missile strike (rom miles a2ay.
#ec's are also capa"le o( "eing dropped directly into a
com"at %one "y use o( 'elicopter, e((ectively "ecoming a
one/mac'ine "lit%krieg. T'is strategy comes 2it' its o2n
strengt's and 2eaknesses, "ut one can 'ardly ignore t'e
tactical "ene(it o( rapidly deploying a 'and(ul o( mec's
"e'ind enemy lines.
+i-e as a *e'h:;o'ke$
It is 'ard to at once imagine 2'at it mig't "e like to "e in t'e
s'oes o( a mec'/3ockey. $eyond t'e o"vious gut/2renc'ing
terror o( com"at, even t'e day/to/day activities o( suc' a pilot
can "e a nig'tmare. T'e more mo"ile mercenaries never 'ave a
true place to call 'ome, 2'eeling (rom one "attle(ield (rom t'e
next, sacri(icing t'eir sa(ety (or ric'es and (ame. Ever present is
t'e danger o( t'e transports "reaking do2n, o( coming under
attack "y 'ostile (orces. T'is is especially a danger (or seasoned
veterans/ many a previous "attle t'ey 'ave struck do2n (oes,
created a large assortment o( men and 2omen t'at mig't 2is' to
see t'em dead.
Fame and .lor$
&n important and integral aspect o( a mec' pilot0s li(e is t'at
o( (ame, and t'e image t'at proceeds t'em. T'e 9argua"ly:
'eroic role in com"at, t'e 'eraldic "arding and colors, all o( t'is
contri"utes to t'e 9sometimes: knig'tly image o( t'e mec'
pilots. &s t'ese men or 2omen continue to land 3o"s, and
per(orm exceptionally at t'em, t'ey "uild a reputation. )ertain
mayors or companies mig't "egun to trust a particular pilot,
nudge a (avor or t2o in t'eir direction 2'en it mig't "e needed.
T'is "ears it0s o2n pro"lems o( course/ (or every important
political (igure, or company, t'ere is an enemy t'at 2is'es t'em
destroyed. #ore o(ten t'an not t'is also includes t'e mec'/
3ockey t'at seems to "e taking a (avor to t'eir mortal enemy.
(he Fields o- Battle
War and destruction are t'e domain o( mec' pilots no dou"t
a"out it. &nd t'oug' in (iction t'eir roles in 2ar are o(ten
romantici%ed, t'ere is not'ing romantic a"out it. & common
man mig't 2eep and "reak do2n i( suddenly t'rust into t'eir
role. In (act, nearly not'ing can prepare anyone (or 2'at it is
like to engage in "attle (rom 2it'in a mec'.
Enclosed. )laustrop'o"ic. T'e cockpit t'at t'e 3ockeys are
placed into are smaller t'an a co((in, almost al2ays giving t'em
a"solutely no room to even stretc' or move. Straps 'old t'e
pilot do2n to t'eir seat, preventing t'em (rom "reaking "ones
(rom t'e (re1uent 3arring collisions.
&nd t'e sounds. T'e (eels. T'e pilots (re1uently vie2 t'e
t'rongs o( t'e "attle(ield 2it' some odd reverence. &t t'e so/
called "eauty. T'e sounds o( lead ricoc'eting o(( t'e cockpit,
t'e (re1uent scream o( ripping and tearing metal. T'e pop, and
"ang, 2'en t'e mec' is struck "y t'e s'ell o( a tank, "lood
running out o( t'e pilot0s nose and ears. Pressures t'at (orm and
crus' t'em inside t'e very armored cockpits meant to protect
&ll o( t'is is con(ounded (urt'er "y t'is simple idea/ t'e men
and 2omen doing "attle in t'ese mec's are at t'e mercy o( t'eir
mac'ine. !ocked inside t'eir literal co((ins, any system or
mec'anical (ailure could trap t'em inside. &nd o( t'e t'ousands
o( moving parts, o( t'e surprisingly delicate "ipedal mac'ines,
only one must "reak "e(ore it is all over.
(he &rena
*ig'ting mec's are not entirely limited to t'e "attle(ield. In
some locales t'ere are large arenas, are o( decrepit and rundo2n
city. Here, mec's do "attle (or (ame and glory. )om"atants
enter per/designated areas, more commonly t'an not laden
up on extra camera e1uipment. T'ey t'en duke it out,
"eating t'e parts out o( one anot'er 2'ile t'e audience
2atc'es 2it' delig't (rom sa(ety.
W'ile once illegal, #ec' &renas 'ave "ecome more and
more accepted. It is not uncommon (or an eccentric mayor,
or ric' duke to create events or 'olidays 2'ere people can
compete. &dmission tickets and "ets in3ect some money
into t'e local economy as a result. *ig'ters can place "ets
as 2ell, on t'emselves at least, so 2inning can earn a good
"it o( cas'. Sometimes a company may 'ave a pilot o(
t'eirs go out to compete, s'o2ing o(( t'eir parts and
competitiveness to t'e community. T'ese are especially
cut/t'roat and glee(ul to 2atc'.
&nd o( course, you t'en 'ave t'e spoil/sport outla2s 2'o
cras' arena matc'es. &udiences love t'ose matc'es
particularly. &s you mig't expect t'ey can "ecome c'aotic.
To compete in an arena one must 'ave t'e 'ardened/
cockpit upgrade and allo2 a 'e(ty amount o( camera
e1uipment to "e "olted to t'eir mec'.
#ec'!ist a "astard c'ild o( t'e ancient )raigslist, a site
2'ere companies and ric' people go to place 3o"s on t'e
market (or mec' and po2er armor pilots. It is a neutral site,
1uestiona"ly legal, t'at 'as servers all over t'e 2orld.
#ercenaries are a"le to contact possi"le employers on
#ec'!ist to in1uire a"out listed 3o"s. Even t'e dum"est,
most "rain/damaged mercenary is a"le to (ind closely
located 2ork as a result.
Does t'is site make t'e 2orld a "etter place8 Pro"a"ly
(he Cors
#ec' )ompanies. T'e )orporations. T'ere are a multitude
o( di((erent names (or t'em, all (itting t'e ominous "usinesses
and associations t'at t'ey are. In t'e 2orld t'ere are "ut a (e2
o( t'em, per'aps as many as a do%en. #ore o(ten t'an not t'ey
are spoiled c'ildren o( a patron state, sa(eguarding t'eir allies
and interests even as t'ey plot and seek more po2er. In
particular t'ere are (our o( t'em/ t'e prime corps. Eac' o( t'ese
are immensely ric' and po2er(ul, eac' containing t'e strengt'
and arms o( a small nation.
T'e Prime )orporations all 'ave t'eir o2n "ene(actors, and
interests, 2'ic' makes t'em 2ildly di((erent "ot' in
temperament and style. T'ey all s'are one t'ing in common,
'o2ever/ an avid o"session 2it' developing tec'nology and
producing mec's.
Interests varied, morals at "est am"iguous, t'e prime corps
are ever in t'e "ack o( citi%ens minds.
=ui'k 5un:Do#n
T'e (ollo2ing contains a 1uick/re(erence o( t'e di((erent
corporations. In t'e later pages are more detailed in(ormation on
eac' o( t'em, save (or t'e generic $eta parts.
G#n#ric: T'e company/less parts 9$eta and Dome: are actually a
multitude o( di((erent parts "uilt and designed "y countless
organi%ations. #any o( t'e sc'ematics are availa"le on t'e internet.
Due to (urt'er tinkering $eta parts are o(ten di((erent (rom anot'er.
T'ese 2ere t'e (irst purpose/"uilt parts (or 2ar.
;#ico: )'ina0s o2n prime, $eico is a massive 2eapons
manu(acturer, mineral excavator, and industrial producer. 6nce
o2ned "y t'e military, t'e prime 'as gro2n to "e nearly a nation o(
itsel(. &s a 2'ole t'ey make up a 'uge portion o( )'ina0s market.
CO: Ino2n simply as )6, it is a company 'ead1uartered in 7apan.
)6 speciali%es in (ast/moving scout mec's and advanced com"at
CT: )ra2(ord Tec' is a company "ased in t'e =S 2'o pride
t'emselves on t'eir 'ig'/1uality and 'ig'/class mec's. &s a 2'ole
t'ey are ent'usiastic o( rapid prototyping and utili%ing state/o(/t'e/
art tec'nology.
EG: 7ungle (ig'ting sucks. Emerald ardens is a 'aug'tily
progressive corp. priding t'emselves on 'aving all natural products
and catering to Sout' &merica0s tourism market. &ll o( t'eir mec's
are rugged, 2ell per(orming all/terrain "easts.
Monoc: #ore o((icially kno2n as #ono optics J Engineering, it is
a some2'at small company "ased in Europe. #ono is not actually
a mec' producer "ut instead 'ave designed 1uite a (e2 parts to "e
constructed "y ot'er companies/ especially 'ead units.
NR;: N-$, initials "ased o(( o( t'e co/(ounders, is a military
company "ased in Nort'/Eastern Europe. T'ey 'ave a 'istory o(
producing and designing tanks and com"at ve'icles. N-$ is
notorious (or emp'asi%ing ruggedness over all ot'er 1ualities.
<< Prime Cors
)6, going "y no more ela"orate name, is a prime t'at prides t'emselves on ground"reaking tec'nology. T'ey 2ere "orn during t'e rus'
o( ro"otics engineering t'at s2ept t'roug' 7apan in t'e early @4
century. )6 2as uni1ue in t'e time in 'o2 t'ey dre2 inspiration o(( o(
mot'er nature, and t'e systems t'erein, (ocusing on "io/mimicry. T'ey 1uickly rose to t'e top 2it'in t'e (ields o( mec'anical engineering
and ro"otics, a"sor"ing 2'atever companies mig't "ene(it t'em t'e most. To t'is day t'ey are a some2'at s'ady prime, one 2'o is easily
one o( t'e most 'ated in t'e pu"lic0s eye. T'eir eerily animal/like mec's and 1uestiona"le (orays into "ioengineering contri"ute to t'eir
negative image.
H#ad<uart#r&: 6ld 7apan.
Su=&idiari#&: 6ld 7apan, P'ilippines, Indonesia.
Patron Stat#: Panasian &lliance
/Smart drones
M#c' Lin#:
T'e )6 line o( mec's are all 1uite nim"le and (ast. T'ey produce a num"er o( leg systems t'at are reverse/kneed or utili%e (our legs,
dra2ing muc' inspiration o(( o( t'e early $igDog pro3ects "y $oston Dynamics. )60s extensive "ackground in "io/mimicry gives t'eir
mac'ines an especially agile and speedy gait.
Bei'o% sadgsadgasdgasdg
Cra#-ord (e'h< )60s relations'ip 2it' )T is more o( a rivalry t'an anyt'ing else. $ot' o( t'em pride t'emselves on 'i/tec' and state/
o(/t'e/art parts, and 'ave di((ering vie2s upon 2'at constitutes t'is. T'e resulting competition is surprisingly 'eated.
E.% W'ile t'e country may "e relatively 'omey, t'e strategical "ene(its o( o2ning Sout' &merican territory are not 2ort' t'e time or
investment/ neit'er is t'e Sout' &merican tec'nology particularly impressive. T'ey are not'ing.
N5B% -elations 2it' N-$ are strained. T'e Panasian &lliance Prime is currently assisting 2it' t'e t'ree/(ront 2ar 2it' )'ina. )6 and
t'eir sponsors seem to reali%e t'at s'ould )'ina (all, t'e -ussian Empire 2ill "e rig't t'ere 2atc'ing 2it' glee, ready to make t'e "est o( it.
T'oug' t'ey are uno((icial allies no2 t'is could c'ange very (ast.
*ono'< T'e t2o Primes 'ave a cold, seldom com"ative relations'ip. Wit'in t'e &sian 2orld #onoc is a 'uge competitor (or sensor, (ilm,
and lens/"ased e1uipment, 2'ic' )6 vie2s as an in(ringement o( t'eir territory. 6(ten enoug' t'e t2o engage in 'acking 2ar(are and
"e'ind/t'e/scenes po2er struggles. &hey do not like one nother"
Scanda!&: )60s greatest ongoing scandal is t'at o( t'eir drone tec'nology. Wit'in many o( t'em is a "iological/"ased c'ip t'at uses
cultured 'uman "rain/cells. In t'e case o( 3amming communications t'is allo2s t'e drones to independently operate 2it' intelligence
compara"le to t'at o( a dog. T'e use o( 'uman matter, t'e sel(/preservative acts o( t'ese drones 9W'en 2ounded and not remote
controlled:, and t'e scru""ing o( long/living c'ips are all considered s'ocking and "lasp'emous.
Cra#-ord (e'h
)ra2(ord Tec' is a derivative company (rom t'e =nited States. T'eir 'istory runs "ack to t'e @4
century, 2'ere $oston Dynamics
and a (e2 ot'er 2eapons (irms decided to conglomerate into one super/entity, in order to "etter suite t'eir interests. *rom t'en on t'ey
'ave a long 'istory o( overpo2ering, suing, and generally eating smaller companies alive.
Today t'ey produce mec's and mec' accessories. T'eir products are all exceptionally 'ig' 1uality pieces, "uilt "ot' rugged and
neatly. Despite t'is t'ey are some2'at disliked/ "ot' "ecause o( t'eir patron state, t'e =S, and "ecause t'eir "latant disregard o(
(ormalities and political "oundaries. It is not uncommon (or some smaller mec' corporation to entirely disappear a(ter )T "oys (inis'
snooping around
H#ad<uart#r&: =nited States, #assac'usetts.
Su=&idiari#&: )anada, 6ld #exico.
Patron Stat#: =nited States
/!asers and 6rdinance 2eaponry
M#c' Lin#:
T'e )T line o( mec's are all 'ig'ly advanced and exceptionally expensive. &ll o( t'em 'ave a 'ig' amount o( control and staying
po2er, muc' more/so t'an ot'er compara"le mec's. *re1uently t'e )T c'airmen are entirely eager to pus' ne2 tec'nology onto t'e
market. ,eteran mercenaries most o(ten use t'eir arm and leg units.
Bei'o% Stu(( goes 'ere.
CO< T'e t2o corps s'are somet'ing o( a 'eated and vicious rivalry, more "ased o(( o( t'eir patrons and mindsets t'an anyt'ing else. $ot'
o( t'em claim to "e t'e "est t'e market 'as, and t'is (re1uently lends to t'em coming to "lo2s over disputes and tec'nology.
E.< $oy o' "oy. Imagine every reason t'e =nited States people mig't "e upset 2it' (oreigners t'en dial t'at up to a 'undred. T'eir patron
states 'ave "een engaged in a long, 'eated tug o( 2ar (or as long as anyone cares to remem"er. )olom"ia and t'e ul( o( #exico are "ot'
resource a"undant, and t'ere(ore tempting targets. T'ey do not like one anot'er, to put it positively.
N5B% N-$ and )T tend to get along decently, t'oug' t'ey are still tec'nically at 2ar. It could "e said t'at t'eir respective mercenaries
(ig't 2it' 'onor.
*ono'< )T are (airly (riendly 2it' #ono optics J Engineering, i( only "ecause t'e later does not directly produce mec' parts.
In(re1uently t'e t2o primes meet to trade and discuss tec'nology. I( #onoc actually did distri"ute mec' parts t'e relations'ip 2ould "e
muc' di((erent.
Scanda!&: #ore t'an need to "e listed 'ere. T'ey step on smaller companies 2it' (everis' and seem to en3oy ignoring t'e sovereignty o(
nation states. $enevolent c'airmen are (e2 and (ar "et2een.
<1 Prime Cors
*ono Oti's and En/ineerin/
6ut o( all t'e prime corps, #ono is pro"a"ly t'e most morally sound. Wit' t'e advent o( mec' 2ar(are, only #ono decided to not
pro(it (rom t'e production o( t'eir parts/ instead deciding to sell out t'e rig'ts (or ot'er companies to produce t'em. &s a result t'ey
are t'e smallest o( t'e primes. T'eir (inancial "acking is actually not primarily composed o( producing mec' parts 9like t'e ot'ers:, "ut
(rom selling advanced optical and sensory e1uipment to nearly all nations on t'e planet. T'ey are 2it'out e1ual in t'is (ield.
Telescopes, t'ermal and non/t'ermal imaging, satellite e1uipment. i( it 'as a lens t'ey make it, and make it good.
H#ad<uart#r&: *rance.
Su=&idiari#&: 6ld Spain, #orocco.
Patron Stat#: #any
/Satellite 6ptics
/Imaging Devices
/#ec' Heads
/#iscellaneous )onsumer Products
M#c' Lin#:
#ono 'as designed a num"er o( 1uick, lig't, scouting mec's. 6( particular notice are t'e 'eads/ #ono 'eads are leaps and "ounds
a'ead o( t'e competition. T'is advanced e1uipment is 'eavily soug't a(ter "y advanced mercenaries as a result/ t'e acuity, clearness,
and advanced targeting properties make t'em ideal.
Bei'o% Words 2ords 2ords 2ords 2ords 2ords 2ords
C(>N5B% #ono actually 'as decent relations 2it' all t'e ot'er corps since t'eir (ields 'ardly overlap. *re1uently enoug' t'ey
actually del business 2it' t'e ot'er corps. eit'er t'roug' selling tec'nology or rig'ts to produce particular parts. #ono0s only enemy
rarely comes to "lo2s 2it' t'em. T'is only (urt'er "espeaks t'eir diplomatic aspect.
CO< T'e t2o corps s'are somet'ing o( a 'eated and vicious rivalry, more "ased o(( o( t'eir patrons and mindsets t'an anyt'ing else.
$ot' o( t'em claim to "e t'e "est t'e market 'as, and t'is (re1uently lends to t'em coming to "lo2s over disputes and tec'nology.
E.< &musement, mostly. W'ile #ono optics and Engineering do not look upon organi%ed crime (avora"ly t'ey still get along decently
2it' Emerald ardens. #ono is all too 'appy to sell parts and a (e2 sc'ematics to t'em, (or t'e rig't price.
Scanda!&: None o( particular notice.
N-$ is easily t'e most ancient o( all t'e primes, a"le to trace t'eir routes "ack to 3ust a(ter t'e second World War. During t'is time
t'eir t'ree (ore(at'ers, names no2 o"scure to 'istory, decided to design and 2ork o(( o( t'e crude and common tanks "uilt during t'at
time. 6ver t'e next century and a 'al( t'e company gre2 and expanded, (re1uently taking 3o"s and "ids (rom t'e t'en -ussian
*ederation. It 2as 2'en t'e (irst mec's sparked into creation t'at t'eir real de"ut occurred.
&lready a giant 2it' tanks and naval 2eaponry, t'e company 3umped t'e "oat to "egin 2orking on t'ese ne2 armored (ig'ting
ve'icles. Since t'en t'ey 'ave prided t'emselves in t'eir rugged and nig'/indestructi"le 2orks.
H#ad<uart#r&: -ussia.
Su=&idiari#&: 6ld *inland, 6ld =kraine.
Patron Stat#: -ussian Empire
/&rmored *ig'ting ,e'icles
/Naval Weapons
/)eramic and )omposite &rmor
M#c' Lin#:
$uilt N-$ strong, as t'ey say. #ost o( t'e N-$ mec' pieces resem"le "locks o( metal or concrete, 2it' little sop'istication to t'em.
T'is couldn0t "e (urt'er (rom t'e trut'/ most o( t'eir parts are deceptively complex, 3ust armored 2it' a (ervor. #ercenaries
occasionally use t'e 'ig'ly armored N-$ c'assis to give t'eir mec's staying po2er.
Bei'o< N-$ t'inks t'at t'ese &sian "astards need to lie do2n and die already. Never 2ould t'e -ussian Empire 'ave guessed t'at
piddly, 'al(/(unctioning, clumsy pieces o( tras' could put up a (ig't. N-$0s patron #ill 2in, eventually.
CO< -elations 2it' )6 are strained, due to t'e multitude o( "attles and 2ars going on near t'eir patron states. *or no2 N-$ is content
to let t'e Panasian &lliance 'it )'ina 'ard (rom t'e side, un'arassed.
C(% )ra2(ord Tec' and t'e N-$ 'ave somet'ing o( a love/'ate relations'ip. T'e t2o0s mercenaries (re1uently engage in "attle, in
Europe and "eyond, and 'ave a rivalry going on. Still, it is not un'eard o( (or t'e t2o0s mercenaries to call a cease(ire to (ocus upon
ot'er present (orces. )T and N-$ seem to recogni%e t'at t'ere0s not'ing personal a"out t'eir "attles.
E.% T'e strategic "ene(its o( 'aving a "ase close to t'e =S is not 2ort' it/ N-$ is not "uilt (or 3ungle, t'ey do not 2ant 3ungle, 3ungle
is "ad. Emerald ardens is alrig't t'oug'/ t'ey0re a pain to )ra2(ord Tec'.
*ono'< N-$ is entirely neutral 2it' #onoc, since t'e t2o 'ave (undamentally di((erent vie2s on mec's. #ono sell designs (or lig't
scouts and t'e N-$ produce 'eavy "rutes. #ono sells cameras, N-$ "uilds missile de(ense cannons. T'e t2o aren0t at 2ar "ut mostly
ignore one anot'er.
Scanda!&: T'e -ussian Empire 'as a track record o( utili%ing c'ild com"atants in 2ar. Due to t'eir (unding and motivations, N-$
(re1uently turns t'eir c'eek and 2is'es t'ese soldiers "est o( luck.
<3 Prime Cors
Emerald .ardens
Emerald ardens, also called 0Egg0 (or s'ort, is a moderate si%ed prime located in Sout' &merica and t'e )ari""ean. T'eir 'um"le origins
"egan 2it' t'e logging operations in deep 3ungle territory. 6rgani%ed crime 2as still 2ell/spread up into t'e @@
century, so a num"er o(
di((erent organi%ations "anded toget'er/ composed o( "ot' logging, 0'er" (arming0, and a c'ain o( tourism resorts. !ater t'is group 2as
"olstered (urt'er "y enterprising individuals (rom ,ene%uela.
Pragmatic as t'ey 2ere, it 2as not long "e(ore t'e Emerald ardens group simply 2ormed t'eir 2ay into 2'at organi%ed crime t'ere 2as,
"ecoming a central and integral part o( local governments. Today t'ey 'ave mostly turned (rom s'adier practices, pre(erring to "olster t'e
near"y territories 2it' tourism and (air trade. T'eir (orays into mec' production 'ave "een greatly success(ul/ and along 2it' t'e S&= t'ey
'ave given t'e =nited States no s'ortage o( 'eadac'es.
H#ad<uart#r&: $ra%il.
Su=&idiari#&: ,ene%uela, )olom"ia, $olivia, )ari""ean Islands.
Patron Stat#: Sout' &merican =nion
/Natural oods
/Tourism Hu"s
/Natural -esources 96il, !um"er, -are ems:
M#c' Lin#:
iven t'e region0s terrain, all o( E0s mec's 'ave "een "uilt 2it' all/terrain capa"ilities in mind. In addition to t'eir great per(ormance t'ey
are also 1uite cost e((ective. It is not uncommon to spot a E mac'ine in a desert or tundra environment.
Bei'o< Neutral. E 'as it0s o2n trou"les to deal 2it' over in t'e &mericas. $eico0s toys aren0t anyt'ing to "e 2orried a"out, at any rate.
CO< To put it in E0s o2n 2ords/ FT'ose &sian "astards could lig'ten up a "it.G I( )6 2asn0t so 'ig' and mig'ty t'ey0d 'ave less 2ork on
t'eir 'ands, and more time to do... 2'atever. #ay"e once t'e S&= (inis'es up 2it' #exico t'ey0ll turn t'eir ga%e West.
C(% T'ey look at t'e =S0s po2er'ouse, )T, 2it' vast disapproval. To t'em t'e )orp and Nation alike are unsavory/ digging t'eir cla2s into
ot'er nations across t'e 2orld, clinging stu""ornly to po2er and resources. It0s not t'at t'ey don0t like t'e =S, "ut t'at t'e 2ar is getting kind
o( tiresome. T'e =S oug't to send more military "oys into t'eir 3ungles. T'at or 'and over *lorida. T'e numerous corps t'at 'ave (allen
"eneat' )T0s "oots are ever present on t'eir mind as 2ell/ t'ey 2ill not su((er t'e same (ate.
*ono'< T'ey get along. E does not 'ave t'e tec'nological "ackground o( ot'er compara"le corps, so t'ey0re content to "e 3ovial 2it'
#ono and "uy t'e odd design o(( t'em.
N5B% T'ey kno2 'o2 to en3oy t'emselves. T'eir mac'ines are pretty impressive, too. T'at0s all t'at needs to "e said.
W'ile t'ey claim to 'ave cut connections to t'e criminal under2orld, t'ere is still more t'an enoug' evidence Emerald ardens 'ave t'eir
(ingers dirty. Drug dealing and 'uman disappearances are as 'ig' as ever in t'e S&=. 6ld 'a"its die 'ard.
You know how they say to never get in a land war with Asia?
Hitler learned that one the hard way. Well, now the rule is 'never
get in a mech war with South America.' No one knows the land
like they do, and no other mechs move like an 'egg' does.
-Samuel Powell
Northern 4ndustries Cororation
Nort'ern Industries 2as once t'e sole military manu(acturer 2it'in )'ina, up until 4KA5. Economic re(orms and passing su"sidiaries
to government o((icials led to it0s trans(ormation into a more de(ense/minded company. T'us du""ed $eico, t'e corporation 2ould
t'en go on to produce ve'icles, industrial mac'inery, advanced optical e1uipment, and military 2eapons 2ell unto t'e mid t2enty/
second century.
&(ter t'eir patron )'ina a"sor"ed many neig'"oring countries it 2as $eico t'at t'ey turned to (or resource mining "ids. &lready an
expert 2it' ordinance and explosions, Nort' Industries "ecame (amous (or "last mining t'ese poor countries, even going as (ar as to
retro(it unused military ordinance (or mining operations. Not leaving it at t'at, t'e corporation also "egan to design and 2ork 2it' t'e
standard mec' template released around t'is time. Today t'ey produce missile and anti/missile systems o( excellence, mec' parts, and
3ust a"out anyt'ing else one mig't need in )'ina.
H#ad<uart#r&: $ei3ing, )'ina.
Su=&idiari#&: #ongolia, $urma, T'ailand.
Patron Stat#: )'ina.
/Industrial #ac'inery
/Explosives J &nti/#issile devices
/#ec' Parts
M#c' Lin#:
$eico0s parts 'ave all "een "uilt 2it' maximum e((iciency in mind. eac' and every piece is cost e((ective, 2ell per(orming, and may or may
not 'ave 'ad a s'ortcut taken 'ere and t'ere. Heavy emp'asis is also placed on integrating explosive 2eaponry.
C(% $itter. -ivalries on t'e part o( t'eir patrons leads to an e1ual amount o( resentment "et2een t'e Primes. enerally t'eir respective
soldiers and mercenaries do not (ig't one anot'er, since "ot' t'e =nited States and )'ina are (ig'ting separate 2ars.
CO< enerally vicious. T'e Panasian &lliance re(uses to su"mit "e(ore t'e )'inese Empire and t'ere is plenty o( "ad "lood on "ot' sides,
dating "ack several 'undred years. T'at t'e 2ar is "eing conducted relatively tame, and generally 2it'out civilian loss o( li(e, is nearly
E.< Neutral. S2amp/d2elling, s2imming mec's are more o( an eccentric0s side/pro3ect t'en legitimate military 2orks. #ay"e one day )'ina
2ill use Sout' &merica as a launc'ing plat(orm into t'e &mericas. -esistance 2ould "e negligi"le.
N5B< &t 2ar. $ot' t'e )'inese and -ussian Empires 2is' to (ind t'emselves on top o( t'e pyramid, over in &sia. It says somet'ing on N-$
and -ussia0s part t'at t'ey re(use to engage in a (air (ig't. I( only t'ey su"mitted #ongolia and ot'er territories. T'ey 2ill get 2'at is coming.
Scanda!&: None o( particular notice.
<8 Prime Cors
&yler Fulkner stood in the huge throng of people( entirely imptient( but lso e-cited" 'ny
moment no# three mechs #ould be rolling round the corner( the three pilots recei!ing n honorry
#rd( nd check( from the myor" &his e-cited &yler" *ot becuse much of his city hd been
s!ed( or tht they #ould be meeting 3ell4s &rio" 2hen it cme do#n to it( the !st m.ority of the
mercenry5s tem hrdly mttered" 6nly one of them #s the lest bit #orthy of notice" *o( he #s
e-cited becuse he #ould be ble to see her" 'ron" ,n person"
&hey did not keep him #iting for long" 6nly fe# minutes of stnding in the s#ety pck of
people( then the ground begn shking lightly" &hree mechs cme bounding long one of the street
corners( the chnnel de!oid of trffic for the e!ent"
7ch of the mechs #ere he!ily dmged from the bttle1 none more so thn the #hite nd
gry one" &he lrgely *%0 mech hd nerly been reduced to scrp( ll the prts s!e for single
leg shredded bdly" ,t limped long #ith its comptriots sluggishly" 6mr4s mech 8&yler prided
himself on kno#ing #ho the t#o bo+os #ere9 seemed fine" 2hen he s# 'ron4s mech his hert
fluttered( though" &he blue mech #s unmistkble1 sniper cnnon t the #ist( lrge red lips on
the shoulder( the #y it mo!ed" 3e felt mildly lrmed #hen he reli+ed one of the rms hd been
torn off"
7ch of the mchines pulled to stop in line( nerly hundred feet #y from the pltform
#ith the myor" ' lrge clering led on bet#een the pck of citi+ens( mny of #hom #ere snpping
shots of the mechs #ith cmers" &his free #lking spce nturlly led up on some mrbled steps
then up to the city officil"
:ike mny times before( :ucy( 'ron4s mech( #s the first to pop open" &he rmored htch
l+ily lo#ered on do#n" ' #omnly figure in blue .umpsuit begn cr#ling out( her long blonde
hir drifting hph+rdly long her body"
4Flip your hir" Flip your dmn hir( come on(4 &yler thought"
's if she #s reding the mn4s mind( 'ron did .ust the thing( letting the silky hir s#oosh
in #ide rc before settling on her bck" &he mn let out lo# ecsttic 4;essssss4 t the ct" 'ron
flshed the cro#d smll Colgte smile before turning round nd beginning to climb do#n her
mech" ,t #s only ten or so steps( in ll( but she mde sho# out of it" 'lternting long legs(
slo#ly one foot t time( 'ron lo#ered on do#n it #ith unbridled sensulity" &yler could nerly
her the collecti!e drooling of more thn t#o hundred men"
<ust like tht it #s o!er" &o &yler( he could hrdly tell if it hd been seconds or n eternity"
's he pondered this the pretty young ldy flshed the cro#d nother perfect smile"
*o# tht her little sho# #s o!er the other mechs htches popped on open" &he t#o rugged men
tht climbed out #ere entirely beneth &yler4s notice( nd e!en much of the cro#d4s" 'll eyes
remined on the shpely figure( in the indecent blue .ump1suit( e!en s the tem strode on through
the cro#d to the myor"
&yler let out long( dr#n out sigh" &he t#o lucky sons of bitches" 3e4d personlly follo#
'ron into hell( in hertbet( nd he didn4t e!en kno# her"
:ucky bstrds"
<9 Chara'ters Chara'ters

,ho &re ?ou@
&s you no2 kno2, t'e 2orld is not a pretty place. $ut
t'at0s okay, "ecause t'ere0s money to "e earned, and (ame to
"e gained.
T'ere are many di((erent 2ays to go a"out making a
c'aracter in ChromeStrike/ most o( it 2ill depend on
2'at scenario t'e game/master is running, and 2'at mig't
2ork "est 2it'in your party. ?ou mig't "e a an &merican
Patriot, (ig'ting (or t'e country 2it' 2ool over your eyes.
?ou could "e a enlisted soldier o( t'e Panasian &lliance,
(ig'ting against t'e encroac'ing -ussian Empire. ?ou
could even "e a (ormer c'ild guerilla/soldier 2'o ends up
3oining a paramilitary counter/terrorist (orce.
De-inin/ ?our Chara'ter
T'e Hig' )oncept is a greatly 'elp(ul 2ay to come up
2it' 2'o your c'aracter 2ill "e. & Hig'/)oncept is a (e2
2ords or a s'ort p'rase summari%ing 2'o your c'aracter is.
In (iction, every c'aracter in existence can "e "roken do2n
to suc' a concept. Selecting somet'ing suc' as F7-iled
0odygurdG, FSniper10beG, or F/echnic Soldier1of1
fortuneG 2ill 2ork (ine. ?ou are nearly entirely (ree to
make 2'atever kind o( c'aracter imagina"le. T'e only
limitation mig't "e age and com"at experience, "ut even
t'en t'e game/master mig't "e 2illing to allo2 t'ese (or
particularly interesting c'aracters.
7-mple= Duke sits do#n t the tble nd begins thinking
up concept" 'fter minute or t#o he comes up #ith the
ide of some sort of soldier>support role( perhps some kind
of mechnic" 3e ends up #riting do#n ?/echnic Soldier1
of1fortune@ for his chrcter4s Concept"
&(ter you kno2 t'e general idea o( your c'aracter, it is
time to determine t'eir attri"utes, or 2'at t'ey are good at
doing. Wit' a ne2 c'aracter you 'ave (ree reign to
distri"ute a set num"er o( attri"ute points to six di((erent
attri"utes. #ost (re1uently you 2ill "e given @5 &ttri"ute
points to allocate as you please t'roug' t'e six ma3or
attri"utes. Eac' attri"ute "egins at 5, and eac' rank costs its
o2n num"er in points to advance. 94 point (or rank 4, @
more points (or rank @, B more points (or rank B, etc.:
M#nta! Attri=ut#&:
Int#!!i/#nc#: Pro"lem solving skills and general smarts.
)'aracters 2it' 'ig' intelligence are clever and 1uick
P#rc#"tion: &ttention to detail and visual acuity. T'ose
2it' 'ig' perception take notice o( t'e smallest t'ings.
C'ari&2a: Strengt' o( personality, 1uality o( speec'cra(t.
)'aracters 2it' 'ig' c'arisma are never at a loss (or 2ords.
P'*&ica! Attri=ut#&:
Pow#r: -a2 p'ysical strengt' and endurance. )'aracters 2it'
great po2er are "u((ed up 'ulks or extremely (it. &lso
determines t'e amount o( Hit/Points, or 2ounds, t'ey 'ave.
A/i!it*: Dexterity, lit'eness, general at'leticism. & c'aracter
2it' 'ig' agility reacts 1uickly and 2it' grace.
;#aut*: Ho2 attractive and pleasant t'e c'aracter is. 6ne 2it'
great "eauty never 'as to "uy t'eir o2n "eer.
&t c'aracter creation you may not raise an attri"ute a"ove D,
nor may you leave any o( t'e attri"utes at 5. It is 'ig'ly
encouraged t'at you don0t simply pump up perception and agility
9"ot' "eing use(ul (or com"at: and instead distri"ute &ttri"ute
Points (airly evenly. &n easy 2ay to do t'is is to distri"ute B
ranks in t2o o( your attri"utes, @ ranks in t'e next t2o, and 4
rank in t'e remaining. ?ou may alternatively 'ave @ ranks in
(our attri"utes, and B and 4 rank in t'e last. 6r distri"ute t'em at
random. W'atever 2orks "est (or you.
T'e c'aracter concept s'ould 'elp you determine t'e
attri"utes, t'oug' muc' o( it is still up (or gra"s. T'e previously
mentioned FExiled $odyguardG mig't 'ave "een more o( an
in(antryman, rat'er t'an a mec' pilot, (or muc' o( t'eir li(e. 6r
per'aps t'ey mig't 'ave "een a simple pencil/pus'ing
"odyguard t'at participated in surveillance and 'ome security.
&s you mig't imagine, simply (iguring out t'e attri"utes can
play a role in t'e (inal "ackground (or t'e c'aracter.
7-mple= *o# mo!ing onto ttributes( Duke begins filling in
the dots" 3e plces three into intelligence( three into po#er" 3is
perception nd gility re both one( to represent his lo# mount
of finesse nd need for glsses" Finlly( beuty nd chrism
re both bumped up to t#o"
6nce your attri"utes are (ixed and (inal, you t'en select t2o
perks (or your c'aracter. T'ese give you a special edge under
particular circumstances, and 'elp make t'em t'at muc' more
uni1ue. ?our c'aracter mig't 3ust "e a soldier, or pyromaniac,
"ut 2'en you add a perk like FS27'& 0'0; S27'&= ,gnore
debuffs cused from enemy incendiry #epons"G your c'aracter
really "egins to "ecome a uni1ue entity. Perks may "e 3ust a"out
anyt'ing, t'oug' t'ey are restricted "y "ot' circumstance and
2'at t'ey may modi(y.
T'e larger t'e "onus t'e less (re1uent it can come into play.
Players are encouraged to make t'eir o2n up. To 'elp 2it' t'is
are some already created perks. *eel (ree to come up 2it' perks
2it' 'elp (rom ot'er players, or 2it' t'e game/master0s 'elp.
W'ile t'e examples listed 'ere are simply (or 'elping you come
up 2it' your o2n, remem"er t'at t'e last say is al2ays t'e
game/masters/ t'ey may not agree 2it' any o( t'e (ollo2ing
perks, or may agree 2it' t'em all, or may disallo2 a particular
perk you 'ave come up 2it'. -emem"er to al2ays c'eck 2it'
'im;'er (or 2'atever perk you mig't 2ant to create.
A+ ;onu& to Co2=at Ro!!&: re1uire speci(ic circumstances.
T'ese "onuses re1uire some conditions to "e met "e(ore
t'ey can "e triggered. T'ey 2a* not "e modi(iers to armor
rating or use o( speci(ic 2eapons 9I.e. L4 to 'it 2it'
s'otguns:. T'ey can, 'o2ever, "e e((ects "roug't a"out "y
said 2eapon. t'ey can also re(er to some sort o( secondary
purpose 2it'in com"at. Examples include<
Ao for the hed= 2ith sniper #epons enemies re
hit in the hed on 1 or 3
Aun to knife1fight= B1 to D% in melee combt
#hen using no melee #epons
3o# cn , missC= B1 to hit enemies #hen
outnumbered 2=1 or more
,n the +one= B1 to D% until hit by #epon
,4!e hd #orse= B1 to hit #hen missing n rm
&his is highly unsfe= B1 shot #ith one prticulr
#epon( selected t cretion
%unning Punch= B1 to #ound on melee ttcks
#hen mo!ed full mo!ement distnce pre!iously
A+ ;onu& to an attri=ut# w'#n uti!iB#d %or a non-
co2=ati5# "ur"o&#: re1uires specialty.
T'ese "onuses usually 'ave to do 2it' somet'ing your
c'aracter is competent 2it' outside o( com"at. T'is may
include a plet'ora o( t'ings, (rom "eing particularly good at
'acking door locks, to kno2ing 'is 2ay around a tool"ox,
to kno2ing 'o2 to 'andle local t'ugs / 2'ic' s'ould tie in
at least a "it 2it' your "ackstory. Examples o( t'ese
Street 2ise= B1 to chrism #hen gthering
informtion from thugs( delers( #hores( etc"
Fitness frek= B1 to po#er #hen lifting or pushing
Aot my license bck in 4DE= B1 to gility #hen
dri!ing fmilir non1mech !ehicle"
/echnic nd #rrior= B1 to rolls #hen
personlly repiring mech
Prticulr set of skills= B1 to hit out of mech( in
melee( #hen non1lethlly subduing someone
&echnicl truths= B1 to chrism #hen decei!ing
others nd including true sttements
A0 ;onu& to in%r#<u#ntC &"#ci%ic &ituation: re1uires an
uncommon situation to "e applied to.
T'ese perks s'ould "e trade/"ased in nature. some 3o" or
particular trait your c'aracter 'as picked up (rom t'e past or
somet'ing 'e0s good at / a pro(ession, a 'a"it, or some skill
'e mig't o( learned (rom someone close. Examples o( t'ese
Cro#d pleser= B2 to rection rolls for the opposite se-
#hen e-iting mech
Cut tht out= B2 to non1lethlly hit n lly #hen both of
you re out of mechs
Disloction time= B2 to rolls #hen escping from binds
or hndcuffs
Aood s ne#= B2 to brtering roll #hen selling
Dmn it4s #rm out= B2 to perception #hen trying to
find trcks on sno#y terrin"
7-mple= 6mr( Duke4s chrcter( is both mech pilot nd
mechnic" %ight of the bt he grbs the perk ?/echnic nd
2rrior@ to llo# the mn to better repir his groups mechs
during do#ntime" &he ne-t perk isn4t Fuite so esy1 he could
grb some sort of #eight1lifting perk to represent 6mr4s
freFuent e-ercising" 6r some 4/ello#4 perk" 3e e!entully
settles upon ?,4!e 3d 2orse@ to represent his sometimes grim
&(ter you come up 2it' some suita"ly delicious perks, you
t'en 'ave skills to come up 2it'. Skills leave 2'ere perks le(t
o((/ (illing out certain t'ings your c'aracter is good at. =nlike
perks, skills can "e 1uite a "it more mundane, and almost never
'ave to deal 2it' com"at. I( at all, t'ey deal 2it' mundane out/
o(/mec' activities and trades. W'en using t'e relevant skill you
get a L4 to t'e roll. Skills may not directly stack 2it' perks or
"ot' contri"ute to t'e same roll. ?ou may eit'er get L4 to a roll
2it' a use(ul activity, or L@ to a roll (or somet'ing incredi"ly
unremarka"le or 'o""y/related.
& starting c'aracter 'as t'ree skill points.
E8a2"!#& o% A+ &)i!!&:
Demolition, #artial &rts, $ra2ling, Talk< 6"(uscation, Talk<
Pu"lic Speaking, &t'letics, Stealt', Weig't/!i(ting, Driving
96ne ve'icle type:, *irearms 96ne gun type:
E8a2"!#& o% A0 &)i!!&:
&nimal Handling, &rt, )ooking, *is'ing, ,idya, Poetry, Writing,
*encing, Speaking T2o additional languages
7-mple= Duke doesn4t h!e to think !ery long or hrd bout
#ht skills 6mr might h!e" 3is origin is mechnic nd
thlete( so this is simple enough" %ight #y he slps on
2eight1:ifting B1( 'thletics B1( nd 'utomoti!e %epirs B1"
&hese should compliment his perks decently( nd re ll !ery
fitting #ith his chrcter"
2< Chara'ters
No2 t'at you 'ave t'e c'aracter entirely put to num"ers,
you no2 s'ould come up 2it' a t2o or t'ree paragrap'
story o( 2'o precisely your c'aracter is. W'o t'ey are,
2'at t'ey 'ave done, 2'y t'ey are no2 a mec' pilot. ?our
reasons (or c'oosing t'e attri"utes and perks t'at you did.
T'e real meat and "ones.
It is entirely okay i( you 'ave trou"le coming up 2it' a
"ackground, or seem uninspired. 6r are uncreative. T'e
simplest 2ay around t'is 2ould "e to literally look at t'e
attri"utes and perks you 'ave c'osen, and t'e 'ig'/concept.
?our c'aracter a standard soldier/mercenary sort 2it' a
'ig'/c'arisma8 Per'aps t'ey 'ad "een some actor (ormerly
in li(e or some kind o( 'ig' social/class student in college.
W'ile it0s okay to get 'elp 2it' your "ackground, it
s'ould "e some2'at discouraged. &(ter all, 2'en you make
t'e "ack/story, your c'aracter t'en comes alive. T'is
process s'ould ideally "e entirely your doing. It makes t'e
c'aracter t'at muc' more en3oya"le.
7-mple= Duke4s lredy got his concept nd ttributes
to #ork #ith" 'nd he4d lredy hd something of bck1
story floting bout in the bck of his mind1 some thlete
mechnic mn #ho plced gret stock in fitness" Something
like tht" 3e brethes in ll the stts so fr nd begins
6mr Ary" Since young ge( the 'mericn hd been
more Fuiet nd resol!ed thn his peers" 3e #sn4t nerd
or outcst by ny mens( though1 6mr hd plced gret
stock in hitting the rcks( building muscle( nd hd the
genetics to go #ith it" Arduting #ith cdemic honors(
nd scholrship from fitness( the mn hit college #ith
running strt" 3is rel pssion #s tht of
7lectromechnicl engineering( or the pursuit of ho#
mchines #orked"
Si- yers pssed before he hd his degree( nd 6mr
soon found himself lcking #ork( e!en #ith his
e-ceptionlly bright mind nd eduction" <ust #hen his
creer1serching #s looking hopeless he got n odd offer
from the lest likely of sources1 mn hd contcted him to
see if he #ished to #ork on their mechs( go through the
necessry trining to perhps .oin them in the fields" &he
py #s good( it sounded like d!enture( nd 6mr #s
still young mn"
7le!en yers h!e pssed since tht dy" &he rigors nd
horrors of combt h!e tken toll of 6mr1 the mn
mtured nd gryed beyond his yers" 's of most recent he
fights longside 'ron nd &horsten( tr!eling to #here!er
#rs re most pre!lent( cshing in on the usul .obs"
During do#ntime the soft1spoken hulk cn be seen reding
or tinkering #y t his prty4s mechs"
?our *e'h
In a game a"out mec's, 2'ere t'e 2ord 'as "een used at
least once a paragrap', one mig't imagine t'em to "e a
central part o( t'e game. &nd t'ey are. Still, t'e c'aracters
piloting t'em are t'e real 'eroes and villains, 2'ic' is
al2ays important to keep in mind. & veteran 2it' a scrappy
mec' 2ould still "e a (orce to "e reckoned 2it'.
#ec's 'ave a similar 2riteup to c'aracters, s'aring muc'
o( t'e same attri"utes and statistics. T'e main di((erence is
t'at you cannot directly e((ect t'ese stats/ t'ey are instead
determined "y t'e di((erent parts you use to create t'e
mac'ine. Eac' mec' 'as a num"er o( parts, or 'ard/points,
t'at you purc'ase t'e relevant kind o( part (or. T'is t'en
modi(ies t'e over/all attri"utes o( t'e mac'ine.
Parts and 2eapons are "oug't 2it' )redits, or )-. T'ese
represent a"out M4E5k in (unds eac'. ?es, mec's are
expensive. #ost starting c'aracters 'ave @E o( t'ese points
to piece toget'er t'is mec' 2it'. T'oug' t'is can "e
di((erent/ an entirely ne2 mercenary mig't 'ave an almost
ordinary mec', 2ort' @5cr. 6r t'e poster c'ild o( a #ec'
)ompany mig't "e an a"omination o( steel 2it' up to A5cr.
Still, @Ecr is strongly suggested.
Base Parts
#ec's are made up o( (our main parts/ t'e 'ead, c'assis,
arms, and legs. T'e mac'ine re1uires one o( eac' o( t'ose
9t'e arms and legs 'ardpoint "eing a pair: in order to 2ork
e((ectively on t'e "attle(ield. &s suc', you must (ill t'ese
out. )'oosing a particular system suc' as t'e 7ump/pack
mig't determine 'o2 many 2eapon/slots are (ree. $ut once
t'e main parts are selected t'ey may t'en "e upgraded or
given de(ects/ t'is modi(ies attri"utes and t'e per(ormance
o( t'e parts.
6nce all t'e parts and upgrades are c'osen, you t'en
select 2eapons. #ec's are a"le to utili%e a one/'anded
2eapon in eac' 'and, mount one on eac' s'oulder, and
carry a 'and/'eld "ackup on t'e 2aist. Note t'at upgrades
may "e purc'ased to modi(y t'e main parts o( t'e mac'ine.
;a&# Part&:
H#ad: )ontains t'e main array o( optics and sensors (or t'e
mec'. Is generally t'e least armored part o( t'e mac'ine.
C'a&&i&: T'e torso. )ontained 2it'in is t'e po2er storage
and cockpit. W'en t'is part is destroyed you are out o( t'e
Ar2&: ripping units t'at 'old 2eapons.
L#/&: T'e met'od o( locomotion.
DeriAed Parts
T'ese parts need not "e purc'ased/ t'ey are a small
section o( t'e "ase/parts, and come included. Note t'at
some special parts may remove one or more o( t'ese slots.
Hand&: W'ere t'e main 2eapons are 'eld. Di((erentiated
"y 0Primary0 and 0Secondary0.
;ac)u": &n additional 2eapon 'eld on t'e 2aist. -at'er
t'an attacking, you may s2ap out a 'and/'eld 2eapon (or/
/t'is one.
S'ou!d#r&D;ac): Extra 2eapons may "e mounted 'ere and may
not "e destroyed. Some special systems may use up t'ese slots.
Mi&&i!#: #issiles can "e mounted along t'e mec'0s 'ull. 6nly
missiles can "e placed in t'is slot.
GSpecific prts nd their costs re found on pge 2HI
*e'h &ttributes
#ec's 'ave a num"er o( attri"utes, muc' like t'e c'aracters.
Some are di((erent. -ig't o( t'e "at you 'ave Strengt', Speed,
and )ontrol. T'e (irst are precisely 2'at you mig't expect/ 'o2
strong and (ast t'e mac'ine is. 9Ieep in mind 4 dot o( strengt',
2it' a mac'ine, is orders o( magnitude stronger t'an any
c'aracter: )ontrol is a mec'/speci(ic attri"ute t'at determines
overall 'o2 2ell it per(orms/ a 'ig' )ontrol mec' 2ill "e more
likely to 'it, more dodgy, and so on.
T'e secondary attri"utes o( a mec' are 2eig't, dodge rating,
armor rating, and t'e attack values. Weig't is determined "y t'e
com"ination o( parts, upgrades, and systems/ t'oug' it e((ects
not'ing in particular. -at'er, 2eig't is meant to give you a
sense o( 'o2 massive your mec' is compared to ot'ers. &rmor
-ating measures 'o2 armored t'e mec' is. #ore armored
mec's are muc' less likely to take damage to t'eir parts. T'oug'
armored mec's are normally less a"le to avoid damage, like
smaller (aster ones. *inally you 'ave &ttack ,alue/ t'ere are
t'ree or (our o( t'ese, eac' value "eing di((erent (or 2'ere t'e
2eapon mig't "e mounted.
Initiati5#: )'aracter &gility L )'aracter Perception
.od/# Ratin/: )'aracter &gility L #ec' Speed L #ec' )ontrol
Ar2or Ratin/: De(ault is DL. #ore 'eavily armored c'assis
can strengt'en t'is, increasing t'e dice/range o( saves. !o2er is
al2ays "etter.
Attac) Ratin/ EARF:
Ar2&: 9@d> L )'aracter Perception L #ec' )ontrol: L #odi(iers
S'ou!d#r&: 9@d>L 4 L #ec' )ontrol : L #odi(iers
Mi&&i!#: 9Bd> L #ec' )ontrol: L#odi(iers
Str#n/t' ESTRF:
F!i": 9#ec' Strengt' N B: tons
Pu&': 9#ec' Strengt' N >: tons, at 'al( speed.
& -inal note on me'hs%
W'en in dou"t, go (or (un. & c'aracter mig't 2is' to instead
pilot a $attlesuit, &ttack Helicopter, or even a tank. W'en t'is is
t'e case, and it mig't (it t'e campaign premise, you s'ould let
t'em go (or it+ ive t'e player t'e usual @E)- and let t'em
modi(y t'e 'ell out o( a stock ve'icle, even taking systems t'at
aren0t explicitly allo2ed on it. !et t'em s2ap out t'e 2eapons
and systems. )'romeStrike is a mixed/ve'icle system, so it0s
only natural t'at not all o( your players mig't 2is' to use mec's.
21 Chara'ters
Finishin/ (ou'hes
6nce your mec' 'as all t'e parts, and 2eapons, you t'en apply t'e little details and polis' t'at (inis'es t'e t'ing. T'is entitles
naming t'e "east, c'oosing a color sc'eme (or it, and t'en creating a sym"ol (or t'e pilot. Naming your mec' is like naming a
s'ip/ procedural, to "e expected, natural. & man 96r lady: t'at pilots a mec' 2it' no name is not someone 2ort' noticing. Even
2artime soldiers name t'eir personal mec's to personi(y t'em, especially as t'ey gro2 accustomed to t'e mac'ine.
E1ually important is t'e color o( t'e mec'/ mec's are 1uickly descri"ed "y t'eir primary, trim, and optic colors. T'is is (airly
sel( explanatory. t'e primary color is t'e main coloring and s'ade o( t'e mec', t'e trim is t'e accent or "order along most t'e
sur(aces, and t'e optics are t'e visor and lenses. In general t'ese colors can "e any 'ue or s'ade you like/ somet'ing like F /tte
blckG or F)rbn cmoG is (ine. 6nce colors are out o( t'e 2ay you t'en select an insignia or call sign/ t'is can "e nearly
anyt'ing, "ut s'ould "e at least slig'tly ela"orate. It is, a(ter/all, nearly as remem"era"le as your load/out itsel(. It could "e
somet'ing like a cartoon "at'tu" (ull o( explosives, an exploding ginger"read man, so on.
7-mple= *o# #ith his chrcter done( Duke must come up
#ith the sort of mech tht 6mr #ould use" 't first he thinks of
sort of defender mech( but reli+es the plyer controlling
&horsten is lredy going tht route" 'fter some delibertion
Duke figures he cn go supporti!e solider sort of build"
First thing( Duke fills out his mech prts #ith 0et prts
8hed( torso( rms( legs9 for Jcr" 3e then snps up the #epons
he #ould like1 burst rifle for 3cr( shotgun for 2cr( nd light
missiles for $cr more" 't this point he4s lredy spent 1Dcr"
First nd foremost he upgrdes the 0et legs into C&101 legs to
benefit from more Control( for n dditionl 2 points" 80et is
2cr( C&101 is $cr( for B29 'fter some c.oling nd bribing from
his fello# tem1mtes they con!ince him to pick up .mming
de!ice for Jcr1 #hich #ill help them tremendously ginst
oncoming missile fire" &his ll no# dds up to 2Ecr" Duke4s
been keeping trck of the #eight nd ttributes of the mech s
it4s been creted( so he is nerly done" &he mn Fuickly
clcultes the ttck1rting of his #epons"
Finlly( nme nd color" 3e opts for mostly blue colors(
perhps #ith city1esFue cmouflge scheme" &he insigni is
much simpler to come up #ith( something tht plys up the
engineer1#rrior spect #ould be perfect" Duke ends up
selecting fist interposed o!er ger" 2hy the hell not" Chrlie
seems good nme for the mchine1 it4s generlly #ell
rounded( hs decepti!e firepo#er( nd helps llies by simply
being present" 6mr nd Chrlie re no# both finished nd
redy for ply"
I've had worse- +1 to hit when missing a limb
Mechanic and warrior- +1 to INT when personally repairing a mech
Charlie 24
1" tons
4 # 2
$!ll bl!e
'ist interposed over a gear

( (
T)2 *$1
( ( ( (
( ( (
*$1 cntrl1
( ( (
%!rst )i,le
.*1/ r#+
.*1/ r1"
0amming $evice
el,-allies +# missile $)
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
#$-+1 4
(mar 3ray
-'#4 25+ lbs ##
Mechanic soldier o, ,ort!ne 6!ge bald blac& d!de7 6as a thic&/ dar&
beard that grows into m!tton chops7 %rown rimmed glasses
6as 1 cr to spend
&ills +1 weight-li,ting
+1 athletics
+1 a!tomotive repairs
Chara'ter &rmor$
T'at0s still not 1uite all+ )'aracters can easily 'ave some smaller, personal gear t'at means somet'ing to t'em. & (ormer
military personnel mig't 'ave some (irearms, or anot'er mig't also 'ave a simple civilian ve'icle. -egardless, most mec'
3ockeys are loaded, so t'ey can readily ac1uire pretty muc' 2'atever mig't take t'eir (ancy. T'is page contains some e1uipment
t'at some c'aracters mig't 'ave/ anyt'ing (rom 2eapons and armor to cy"ernetics and ve'icles. S'ould somet'ing (it your
c'aracters "ackground, and t'ey mig't reasona"ly o2n suc' a t'ing, t'e # s'ould (eel (ree to let you slap it on your c'aracter
s'eet. Note t'at c'aracter 2eapons and armor only 2ork against similar 2eapons and armor.
Wit' t'e advent o( "io/(riendly plastics, and neurological "ridges, t'e 2orld 'as seen a rise o( 'ig'/grade "ionics and prost'etics. &s a
rule nearly any part o( t'e 'uman "ody can "e (ixed up to near natural (unctionality. !im"s can "e re"uilt, eyes replaced, and even many
vital organs replaced 2it' somet'ing t'at o((ers t'e same (unctionality. W'ile non/)6 prost'etics mig't "e occasionally ugly t'ey are
2ell 2ort' it. Eac' "ionic lim" or ma3or part re1uires a mont'ly c'eck/up t'at costs M4555.
;ionic E*#: MB5k rants a 4@Ax4@A colored (ield o(
vision per eye. Wit' only one eye t'is 2orks out to "e a"out one
t'ird o( t'e person0s vision.
;ionic Li2=: ME5k & lim" t'at 2orks nearly as 2ell as a
normal one/ 'as a "asic sense o( touc' and temperature. rants a L
L4 armor save. Striking t'e lim" disa"les it "ut does not 2ound.
Ot'#r: M>Ek !ungs, 'eart, c'est cavities... so long as t'e "rain
is 2'ole someone can "e patc'ed up. It is possi"le to "ecome a
(ull/"ody cy"org, tec'nically, "ut it can "e pretty traumati%ing and
'ave a long re'a"ilitation. &s a rule spines are le(t as is.
N#r5# Int#r%ac#: MOEk Increases Initiative in Po2er &rmor "y 4.
M*Fi: M455k &llo2s telepat'ic communication 2it' similarly
augmented personnel. Has a range o( 455 (eet.
&rmor$ : ,eaons
Name Cost E--. 5an/e E--e'ts
O!d R#5o!5#r M455.55 4E5 (eet Deals 4d@ 2ounds, )P)/capa"le.
Hand/un MD55.55 OE (eet Deals t2o 2ounds, )P)/capa"le.
622 SMG M>55.55 >55 (eet Deals t2o 2ounds. &utomatic (ire, )P)/capa"le.
AGS-$4U MA55.55 4A55 (eet Deals t2o 2ounds. &utomatic (ire.
MA+ Car=in# MA55.55 4E55 (eet Deals t2o 2ounds. &utomatic (ire, )P)/capa"le.
Sni"#r Ri%!# ME,>55.55 4A55 (eet Deals t'ree 2ounds, &P4.
., ca! Sni"#r MA,K55.55 ED55 (eet Deals (our 2ounds, ignores armor. )ounts as &P/4 against ve'icles.
&rmor$ B &rmor
Name Cost ,ei/ht E--e'ts
Li/'t -#&t M4,E55.55 @El"s Provides a EL armor save and one a"lative 2ound. Torso only.
;a!!i&tic Suit MB,555.55 >El"s Provides a DL armor save and t2o a"lative 2ounds. )overs t'e entire "ody.
R#con PA M4E,555.55 4@5l"s Provides a BL armor save, t2o a"lative 2ounds, and B Po2er. Entire "ody.
&rmor$ B Cehi'les
Name Cost ,ei/ht SPD E--e'ts
;i)# MD,555.55 >55l"s 3;@ 6ne passenger seat. Speed 'as "een t'rottled.
Har!#* M>,555.55 A55l"s 6DB 6ne passenger seat. Speed t'rottle 'as "een removed.
Auto2o=i!# MA,555.55 @ tons $;@ S'otgun and passenger seats. Has a moderate trunk.
*ote= Kehicles re not rmored" &ret them s EB rmor rting !ehicle1 on n rmor s!e speed is hl!ed( then +eroed" 6n
filure the rounds pop through the !ehicle comprtment or turn it into burning #reck" Speed is /-imum > 'ccelertion"
*ote= ,nfntry #er much he!ier !rint of %econ"
=ui'k 5e-eren'e
Included on t'is page are 1uick rules (or generating a c'aracter and mec'. #any o( t'e items are missing 9perks, parts,
2eapons, upgrades, de(ects:. =se t'is section 2'en you don0t 2is' to navigate t'e "ooklet or are s'ort on time.
+. Cr#at# a Hi/' Conc#"t: S'ort (e2 2ord p'rase descri"ing c'aracter
0. .i&tri=ut# Attri=ut# Point&: Have @5 points to "e placed into attri"utes/ INT, PE-, )H-, P6W, &!, and $E=.
1. .i&tri=ut# S)i!! Point&: Have B skill points. ?ou may 'ave (amiliarity 2it' an in(antry/class 2eapon, L@ to a 'o""y, or speak
t2o more languages (luently. )ooking and ,idya are totally (ine options (or 'o""ies, (or example.
4. S#!#ct Two P#r)&:
D< Bonus to Combat D< Bonus to &ttribute 5oll D2 to an 9nusual 5oll
1%eFuires prticulr circumstnce 1Some non1combt competency 1%elted to profession or lerned trick
Ao for the hed= 2ith sniper
#epons enemies re hit in the
hed on 1 or 3
Aun to knife1fight= B1 to D%
in melee combt #hen using no
melee #epons
3o# cn , missC= B1 to hit
enemies #hen outnumbered 2=1
or more
Street 2ise= B1 to chrism
#hen gthering informtion
from thugs( delers( #hores( etc"
Fitness frek= B1 to po#er #hen
lifting or pushing something
Aot my license bck in 4DE= B1
to gility #hen dri!ing the
#rong #y do#n street
Cro#d pleser= B2 to rection
rolls for the opposite se- #hen
e-iting mech
Aood s ne#= B2 to brtering
roll #hen selling mech
Disloction time= B2 to rolls
#hen escping from binds or
. ;ac)/round: Write a t2o to t'ree paragrap' "ackground o( t'e c'aracter. Past 'istory, 2ork, 2'y t'ey0re a mec' 3ockey.
3. Minor .#tai!&: Heig't, 2eig't, appearance, 1uirks, etc.
+. 7'at Sort o% Mac'in#: Soldier, sniper, de(ender, support, artillery, etc.8
0. ;a&# Part&< Purc'ase a 'ead, c'assis, arm, and leg unit. Ne2 c'aracters (re1uently receive @Ecr.
)ead Chassis &rms +e/s
$eta< 4Q 4W. 4.5T
)6/54< DQ @W 4.5T
)T/54< BQ 4W, L4 )NT-!. 4.@T
N-$/5@< BQ BW, /4 D- 4.AT
$eta< BQ DW, ST-@, SPD4 >.5T
)6/54< EQ DW, ST-4, SPDB D.5T
)T/54< EQ DW, ST-@, SPD@ O.5T
N-$/54< >Q EW, ST-B, SPD4, 1A A.5T
$eta< 4Q BW, ST-4 B.5T
)6/54< BQ @W, SPD4, movepen/4 @.DT
)T/54< BQ BW, ST-4, 'and&-L4 B.ET
N-$/54< @Q DW, ST-4 E.5T
$eta< @Q @W, SPD@ D.5T
)6/54< BQ @W, SPDB, armor/4 B.5T
)T/54< DQ BW, SPD4 )NT-!4 E.5T
N-$/54< BQ DW, SPD4 E.5T
1. S'ou!d#r Part&: T2o slots. )an add t'e "elo2 systems or 4/'anded 2eapons
Targeting &rray< @Q, 4 s'oulder, L5.@E tons / Perception L4
&T&=< DQ, 4 s'oulder, L5.@E tons / Perception L4, s'oulder;missile &-L4
Decoy/launc'er< BQ, 4 s'oulder, L5.@E tons / D-LB against missiles
7ump/Pack< 45Q, @ s'oulders, LB.5 tons / #inimum SPD is no2 al2ays @. &ctive< Dou"le speed and ignore o"stacles 9turn to cool do2n a(ter:
4. 7#a"on&: Have t2o 'and slots and a missile slot
Ballisti' E0losiAe
@Q 9Normal: 4E -ange HitL4, &P4
-ocket !aunc'er
EQ 9Normal: B5 -ange HitL4, &P@ S'ots< D
#ac'ine/un BQ 9Normal: @5 -ange HitL4, &P4 !ig't #issiles BQ 9#issile: 10B -ange S'ots< D
EQ 9Normal: @5 -ange &P@
#edium #issiles EQ 9#issile: 10B -ange &P@ S'ots< D
. Ca!cu!at# Attri=ut#&: $ase stats, dodge rating, armor 9DL most likely:, attacking rating.
Str#n/t': &dd up (rom parts t'at give it .od/#-Ratin/: )'ar &! L #ec' )NT-! L #ec' SPD
S"##d: &dd up (rom parts t'at give it Attac)-Ratin/ EHand&F: @d> L )'ar PE- L #ec' )NT-!
Contro!: &dd up (rom parts t'at give it Attac)-Ratin/ ES'ou!d#rF: @d> L #ec' )NT-!
Attac)-Ratin/ EMi&&i!#F: Bd> L #ec' )NT-!
>. *inal Touc'es< )alculate 2eig't. )'oose colors 9Primary, trim, optics:. )reate an insignia. Name t'e mac'ine.
RDuke*lu((y Productions @54B. Permission is granted to p'otocopy t'is page (or personal use only.
Part .ara/e E)eadsF Part .ara/e E)eadsF
*ote= 'll hed units include &herml ,mging nd *ight Kision by defult"
Name Cost ,ND &ttributes ,ei/ht Se'ial
;#ta 4cr 4 4.5 ton
Run of the mill head unit. Was the first type put into production for wartime efforts.
.o2# Dcr L4N B.5 tons
NTorso 2ounds L4. =ses s'oulder slot. Head 'its "ecome torso 'its.
' specil hed unit tht is sunk into the shoulders for e-tr protection"
;#i-,+ @cr N 4.E ton
=ses s'oulder slot. Head 'its "ecome torso 'its.
'n economicl hed tht does #y #ith e-posed sensors nd embeds them #ithin the chest" :ess rmored then most Domes"
;#i-,0 Dcr @ 4.@ tons
#issile &- L@.
&he 0ei102 hed hs n integrted %'D'% de!ice to ssist #ith locking on to trgets" /issile ccurcy is gretly boosted"
CO-,+ Dcr @ 4.5 ton
' stremlined yet more rmored !ersion of the 0et" Does not hmper control like the *%0102"
CT-,+ Bcr 4 )NT-!L4 4.@ tons
' hed unit #ith impro!ed progrmming nd mchine response1time"
CT-,0 Acr @ ST-L4, )NT-!L4 4.D tons
'n impro!ed !ersion of the C&101" 3s more efficient nd rmored design"
CT-Ettin 45cr @;;@ )NT-!L@ @.A tons T2o 'eads/ 2'ile one remains no )NT-! loss
' some#ht ugly nd unorthodo- looking hed" Still( the C& prt hs unprlleled ccurcy nd stying po#er"
EG-,+ Bcr 4 4.4 tons Initative L@, B>5 degree (ield o( vie2
'dded sensors( rdr( nd n unobstructed !ie# h!e mde this other#ise 0et hed perfect for the #ry mech1.ocky"
EG-,0 Ecr 4 4.E tons
Initiative L@.
Head armor rating is one stage "etter t'an c'assis.
6ne/'and 2eapon may "e mounted/ accuracy o( s'oulder.
's the 7A101( but #ith #epon hrdpoint dded( for firing mostly submerged" Some pilots tke to dding on fin"
Mono @cr 4 SPDL4 4.@ tons
'n impro!ement o!er the 0et1 the /ono hed unit hs single d!nced opticl lens"
Mono-,0 Acr 4 SPDL4, )NT-!L4 4.5 ton
& turn in 2'ic' t'is mec' does not move, a(ter t'e
movement maneuver, it gains a (urt'er L4 to )NT-!.
Further d!ncing the clssic hed unit( the 02 hs d!nced sensors" 2hile not mo!ing ccurcy is incresed tremendously"
Mono-,1 45cr @ SPDL4, )NT-!L4 4.5 ton #oving 'it penalties are no2 4<B
2orking further off the 02( this hed hs Fuicker #orking sensors nd stronger rmor"
NR;-,+ @cr 4 5.A tons Head armor rating is one "etter t'an c'assis.
' minimlist hed ment to tke beting nd keep going"
NR;-,0 Bcr B 4.A tons Dodge-ating /4
&he child of the *%0( this hed unit is Fuite literlly n rmored up bo- #ith mesly opticl units crmmed inside"
NR;-,1 Ocr B 4.D tons
'n impro!ement o!er the 02; hs tougher nd more efficient rmor" Freed up #eight is used for incresed sensory eFuipment"
Part .ara/e EChassisF Part .ara/e EChassisF
29 Part .ara/e
*ote= 0ckup sensors re included in the torso" ;ou cn still see 8lbeit poorly9 #ith destroyed 3ed unit"
Name Cost ,ND &ttributes ,ei/ht Se'ial
;#ta Bcr D ST-L@, SPDL4 >.5 tons
The first chassis unit that was produced for mechs. Has average capabilities.
;#i-,+ Dcr D ST-L4, SPDL4 O.5 tons )'assis &rmor -ating is BL. ot'ers are DL.
Follo#ing the motif of m-imum efficiency nd miniml in!estment( the 0ei101 mkes use of strtegiclly plced rmor"
;#i-,0 >cr B ST-L4, SPDL4 >.5 tons
)'assis &rmor -ating is BL. ot'ers are DL.
6ne 2eapon 'as LE5S ammunition;s'ots.
3ollo#ed out sections long the 02 chest llo# e-tr mmunition to be stored( either for mundne #epons or missiles"
CO-,+ Ecr D ST-L4, SPDLB D.5 tons
' light scouting chssis ment to cpitli+e on speed"
CO-,0 >cr B SPDLB D.5 tons
#oving 'it penalties are no2 4<B 94<D 2it' #ono/5B:.
)'assis &rmor -ating is decreased to EL.
'n e-tremely light( unrmored chssis #ith d!nced uto1iming sensors"
CO-,0L Bcr D SPDL@ E.5 tons )annot purc'ase arms. T2o 'and slots, one s'oulder.
'n rmless chssis ment for light scout mechs or #lking turret lodouts"
CO-,1 Acr > ST-L4, SPDL4 A.5 tons
6nly )6 or $eta arms;legs allo2ed.
Provides t2o additional s'oulder slots
Some inspirtion #s tken from *%0 to design this chssis" %ugged nd hs stggering mount of #epon hrd1points"
CT-,+ Ecr D ST-L@, SPDL@ O.5 tons
:ike the 0et( but #ith the outdted hydrulics replced" *e# muscle fibers llo# n ccelerted mo!ement rte"
CT-,+= Acr E ST-L@, SPDL4 A tons Has a t'ird s'oulder slot.
' #ell1rmored chssis ment to cpitli+e on firepo#er" &he sloped bck llo#s esy mounting of n dditionl #epon"
CT-,0 45cr E ST-LB, SPDL@ O.E tons
Compred to the *%0( the C&102 is #ork of rt" *erly ll the components h!e been replced #ith stte1of1the1rt prts"
EG-,+ Ecr E ST-L@ O.5 tons =nder2ater capa"le
:ogiclly speking( one does not need to mo!e fst in .ungle en!ironment" 2eight hs been scrificed for more rmor"
EG-,0 Acr > ST-L@ A.5 tons
=nder2ater capa"le/ Walking at SPD 4d@/4.
NNT2o/Set "onus 2it' E5@ legs<
NNWit' "ot' SPD is increased to 3ust 4 and can move in Bd.
'n ll round rmored nd seled chssis( built specificlly to forge up ri!ers or n!igte the cost" ,s one of kind"
Mono Bcr D ST-L4, SPDL@ E.5 tons
's the 0et( but #ith much of the hydrulics simply remo!ed" Speed is incresed s result" Kery cost1effecti!e chssis"
NR;-,+ >cr E ST-LB, SPDL4 A.5 tons )'assis &rmor -ating is increased to BL.
*%0 simply scled up the 0et nd bolted on s much rmor s fesibly possible( to produce this chssis"
NR;-,0 Acr O ST-LB O.5 tons
' briefly sold chssis unit1 the *%0102 #s test unit relesed to guge the performnce of ne# blti!e rmor"
NR;-,1 4@cr > ST-LD 4>.5 tons
)'assis &rmor -ating is increased to @L.
-e1uires N-$ treads or Puad legs to move.
' golith of chssis1 esily the most rmored nd mssi!e mech chssis produced by ny compny"
Part .ara/e E&rmsF Part .ara/e E&rmsF
Name Cost ,ND &ttributes ,ei/ht Se'ial
;#ta 4cr B ST-L4 B.5 tons
Average arms with general capabilities. Were the first combat-ready arm units made for war.
;#i-,+ Bcr B ST-L4 B.5 tons 6ne arm is a turret. 'as @ o( t'e 2ounds and L@ &-.
T'e turret arm0s 2eapon may not "e dropped.
2hy build t#o complicted rms #hen does .ust fineC 6ne of the rms of this unit hs been replced #ith highly modulr( tough turret"
;#i-,0 Dcr B ST-L4 B.@ tons =nlocks an additional missile slot. at E5S 2ounds 'al( t'e
total missiles are lost. all are lost 2'en destroyed.
The combination of fins and hollow shoulders allows an insane amount of missiles to be stowed on or within these Beico
CO-,+ Bcr @ SPDL4 @.D tons #oving 'it penalties are decreased "y 4. 9&(ter ratio:
&hese rms h!e scrificed rmor nd strength( but e-ceptionlly light #eight nd high control"
CO-,0 Acr B ST-L4, SPDL@, )NT-!L4 B.5 tons
'n upgrde from the 01( the 02 rms re built #ith e-ceptionlly fst nd strong muscle fibers"
CT-,+ Bcr B ST-L4 B.E tons Held 2eapons 'ave L4 &ttack -ating.
'd!nced gyro1stbili+tion nd muscles h!e mde these rms highly ccurte nd esy to control"
CT-,+t Dcr B )NT-!L4 D.5 tons Hand 2eapons may not "e dropped "ut 'ave L4 &ttack -ating.
Cr#ford &ech4s o#n prticulr rmless rm units" &he turrets re immobile nd lck hnds( but re lso more ccurte"
CT-,0 Acr D ST-L4, SPDL4, )NT-!L4 D.5 tons
&he C& belie!e in mking the best for the best( #hich is e!ident in these rms" 2ell rmored nd ll1round gret performnce"
CT-,0= 45cr D ST-L@, )NT-!/4 E.5 tons &dds @ s'oulder slots (or 2eapons only. 9Bcr or less:
#ay not move and (ire t'ese in t'e same turn.
' briefly relesed test rm unit1 hs dded mounting points but less mneu!erbility" Cn turn mech into #lking turret"
EG-,+ Dcr D ST-L4 B.E tons )omes 2it' (ree E/54 multi/tool NNNN
2hile other#ise similr to the *%0101 rms( the 7A101 re more compct" *erly ll of these rm units h!e built in multi1tool"
EG-,0 Ecr D ST-LB E.5 tons rants t'e mec' t2o additional 0extra 2eapon0 slots.
' stremlined( beefy rm unit ment to ssist #ith under#ter forging" 3s holsters for #hen #epons need not be used"
NR;-,+ @cr D ST-L4 E.5 tons
/ore thick nd rmored !ersion of the 0et rms" 're the best defensi!e rms for the price"
NR;-,+t 4cr B D.5 tons Hand 2eapons may not "e dropped "ut 'ave L4 &ttack
&hese rm units re ctully turrets( lcking gripping hnds or e!en rms"
NR;-,0 Acr E ST-L@ >.5 tons Part still operates until total destruction.
&t 'al( 2ounds arm &ttack -ating is simply /4.
Smll mounts of self1heling fibers nd trnsistors h!e been dded in key res( mking these rms unbelie!bly tough"
NNNN &lso includes a )'inese S'ovel, up to # discretion.
Part .ara/e E+e/sF Part .ara/e E+e/sF
1< Part .ara/e
Name Cost ,ND &ttributes ,ei/ht Se'ial
;#ta @cr @ SPDL@ D.5 tons
An armored version of the first working bipedal leg unit.
;#i-,+ Bcr @ SPDL4 B.E tons Ineeling grants L4 &-.
Specil brcing pds nd hydrulics llo# this legs to pro!ide !ery stble firing pltform( especilly so #hen in kneeling position"
;#i-,0 Dcr B SPDL@ D.E tons #ay spend t2o maneuvers to lock do2n. disallo2s
movement, kneeling, grants L@ &-. Displacements or "eing
knocked prone is ignored. additional 'it instead.
3ydrluc clmps nd spikes in these feet llo# the unit to plnt itself solidly to the ground" 'dditionl hydrulics effecti!ely nullify ny recoil from #epons"
;#i-7 Bcr B SPDLB B.5 tons #ay not use "iped/only cover, like treads.
The Beico-wheeled chassis is etremely plain! while ugly and longer then other wheeled chassis it is also "uite average# with no particular
penalties or bonuses.
CO-,+ Bcr @ SPDLB B.5 tons !eg armor rating is 4 lo2er t'an c'assis.
&hese legs( unlike their competitors( re re!erse kneed" Speed is incresed t the cost of rmor"
CO-,0 >cr B SPDL@, )NT-!L4 B.E tons
' more de!eloped nd pricey !ersion of the 01" 3s !stly impro!ed performnce nd rmor"
CO-,+' Acr @ SPDLE, )NT-!/4 B.5 tons $oosters only cost @cr. )annot 'ave 6verc'argers.
' leg1less ho!er chssis creted by C6" Cn blit+ o!er #ter nd ground t brekneck speeds but is difficult to pilot"
CT-,+ Dcr B SPDL4, )NT-!L4 E.5 tons
&he first biped legs produced by C&" &hey re slo#er thn the 0et but h!e o!erll incresed performnce"
CT-,+<uad >cr B )NT-!L@, D-/4 >.5 tons Part still operates until total destruction.
' uniFue $1legged chssis built for stediness nd durbility" &he bottom of ech leg hs #heel unit for rpid mo!ement"
CT-7 Bcr @ SPDLB, )NT-!L4 B.5 tons #ay not use "iped/only cover, like treads.
' #heeled trnsporttion unit inspired by the /ono12" Slightly slo#er thn the other4s but much more ccurte"
CT-,0<uad 45cr D )NT-!L@, D-/4 A.5 tons Part still operates until total destruction.
$oosters upgrade included.
' more rmored !ersion of the C&101Fud" :ess rticultion mkes the legs reFuire 0oosters to Fuickly relocte"
EG-,+ Dcr B SPDL4 D.@ tons &ll/terrain (eet module.
&he first 7A leg production is more nimble( rmored 0et #ith e-tr lrge feet" 3s gret performnce in unsuitble terrin"
EG-,0 Ecr B SPDL4, )NT-!L4 D.E tons &ll terrain (eet module.
=nder2ater capa"le/ 2alking at SPD 4d@/4.
&he 7A02 hs continued the ll1terrin motif to the e-treme" <ets nd #ebbed feet llo# mo!ement e!en #hile fully submerged"
EG-,+'#8a Kcr E ST-L4, )NT-!L@, D-/@ 45.5 tons Part still operates until total destruction.
&ll/terrain (eet module.
'n e-tremely lrge( he!y leg unit #ith si- indi!idul limbs" 2hile slo# s ll hell it is perfect firing pltform"
Mono-7 4cr @ SPDLD, )NT-!/4 B.5 tons #ay not use "iped/only cover, like treads.
Forgoing complicted legs( these insted utili+e lrge nd po#erful #heels" 'ccurcy is decresed s result"
NR;-,+ Bcr D SPDL4 E.5 tons
'rmored nd lrger !ersion of the 0et" &oughest legs for the price but hs lmost non1e-istent speed"
NR;-,+t Bcr B SPDL@ >.5 tons Part still operates until total destruction.
&nk treds re both mobile nd tough( so it4s only nturl *%0 dpt them for use #ith mechs"
NR;-,0t Ocr D SPDLB A.5 tons Part still operates until total destruction
' more rmored nd po#erful !ersion of the 01"
NR;-,0 45cr D SPDL@, )NT-!L4 A.5 tons #ay carry t'e N-$/5B c'assis
&hese legs re the ne#est *%0 product1 super he!y biped legs" 2hile not s durble s the treds they cn mke better use of co!er"
Part .ara/e EShouldersF Part .ara/e EShouldersF
S'oulder parts are entirely optional, and not needed (or t'e mec' to operate. In addition to t'e proceeding lists you may also
decide to mount a 2eapon on t'e s'oulders/ a one/'and 2eapon taking one s'oulder slot, and t2o/'and 2eapons taking t2o
s'oulder slots.
It is possi"le to 'ave a s'oulder part constructed to "e "uilt/in to t'e c'assis, 2'olly internal in make. T'ese parts cost E5S
extra over t'e listed price "ut only take up 'al( o( a s'oulder slot. S'ould a part0s num"er o( slots "e marked 2it' an asterisk 9N:
t'at particular part may not "e purc'ased as "uilt/in, and re1uires t'e a 2'ole 9or "ot': s'oulder slots to (unction.
Name Cost
,ei/ht Se'ial
Stora/# Tan) Bcr 4 @.5 tons Increases ammunition;s'ots o( one 2eapon "y 455S, including special ammo.
Tar/#tin/ Arra* @cr 4 5.@E tons Increases Perception "y 4. -emem"er t'at t'is also "oosts Initiative.
;#ico ;Hn/Bi Bcr 4 5.D tons rants L4 &- to your c'oice o( 'eld, s'oulder, or missile 2eapons, at purc'ase.
L@ES ammunition;s'ots 2it' one 2eapon.
Ad5anc#d Tar/#tin/
Ac<ui&ition Unit
Dcr 4 5.BE tons Increases Perception 9and Initiative: "y 4. S'oulder, melee, and missile &- is L4.
S#condar* Ar2 @cr 4 5.B tons &dds a long, lit'e arm 2it' a gripping ST- o( 9mec'/4:. #ay use a Handgun.
' long rm #ith n gile gripping unit" &hough much #eker thn the rel thing( these llo# the mech to mnipulte doors nd control pnels"
E8t#rna! Pow#r
@cr 4 4.5 ton Increases operation time o( t'e mec' "y B> 'ours.
Co22and I
Contro! Nod#
Ecr 4 4.5 ton Enemy ve'icles in !oS 2it' t'is mec' may 'ave t'eir stats looked upon "y t'is mec'0s allies.
)reates a virtual map (or allies. W'en attacking (ixed 2ing aircra(t t'is mec' may divide t'eir D-
"y D. Note t'at t'is mec' also receives t'is in(ormation.
& utility action may "e sacri(iced to detect all (oes 2it'in E5 grid spaces.
C*C nodes re d!nced rigs contining dishes( computers( nd sensors( ment to Fuickly cFuire dditionl bttlefield dt nd shre it"
.#co* Launc'#r Bcr 4 5.E tons Increases Dodge-ating against #issiles "y B. #ultiples do not stack.
;#ico LJnKiL Bcr 4 5.E tons 6ncoming missiles are destroyed on D> EL. #ultiple purc'ases allo2 more rolls.
(a22in/ .#5ic# Ocr 4 4.5 tons Hides t'e mec' (rom enemy )J) nodes and grants BD- against #issiles (or all present allies. T'is
3amming (ield is detecta"le and does not stack 2it' ot'er 3amming (ields.
Decoy1lunchers nd <mming De!ices re ment to protect mechs ginst oncoming missiles"
7#a"on 8 8N 8 See 2eapon armory.
2hile less ccurte thn the hnd1held !rints( shoulder #epons re not restricted to potentilly destructible limb" /y not be purchsed s 0uilt1,n"
Tar/#tin/ La&#r Ecr 4N 5.E tons )ounts as a 2eapon t'at does not deal damage. Eac' 'it does one o( t'e (ollo2ing/
/&llies 'ave L@&- to 'it t'e target, LB&- to 'it t'em 2it' missiles, and may (ire missiles upon t'e
target (rom out o( line o( sig't. T'is "onus lasts (or t'is turn only.
/T2o o((/map, allied ve'icles 2it' su((iciently ranged 2eapons 9i.e. artillery or missiles: may (ire
upon t'e target using @d>L your INT. Eac' o( t'em may (ire only one 2eapon. !asts t'is turn.
'n d!nced rig tht cn lock1on to n enemy nd then distribute the coordintes to llies"
Ocr 4N 4.5 ton )'oose (ull or 1uick action and t'en roll 4dBLINT against an enemy 2it'in !oS0s 4dBLINT. 6n a
1uick action, and success, t'ey lose 4)NT-! 9(or t'is turn: and you may attack as normal. 6n a (ull
action you may not attack t'is turn "ut t'e targeted enemy su((ers one o( t'e (ollo2ing e((ects
/@ )NT-! (or t'is turn 9or /4 )NT-! and loss o( communications:
/#ay not (ire missiles t'is turn
' comple- series of trnsmitters tht llo# the opertor to disrupt enemies #ith series of !irl( DD6S( nd o!erloding ttcks"
(u2"-Pac) 45cr @N B.5 tons T'e minimum SPD o( t'e mec' is no2 @, even 2it' legs destroyed.
#ay "e activated to (ly at dou"le SPD. -e1uires a turn to cool do2n a(ter eac' use.
&#o lrge turbine1looking de!ices nd genertor tht stick off the bck of the mech" 'llo#s the mchine to mke huge( bounding leps"
Sin/!# Lin# 7inc'
@cr 4N @.5 tons )ounts as a ranged 2eapon 2it' 45 range and &P /4.
6n a 'it t'e enemy is grappled/ at t'e start o( eac' turn, do a ST- contest. =ntil you (ail t'is contest
t'e enemy may not move any (urt'er a2ay, and you may reel t'em in one grid space. T'e enemy
may not move (urt'er a2ay (rom you. 6t'er e((ects 9and dragging t'em: are up to # discretion.
' grppling hook or mgneti+ed mss ment to ssist in cpturing foes nd #ork through lrge pieces of sl!ge"
9/rades and De-e'ts 9/rades and De-e'ts
=pgrades are modi(iers t'at may placed upon t'e parts o( your mec'. T'ey mig't improve t'e armor/rating o( t'e c'assis,
o((er "etter control, or even add some kind o( dra2"ack to c'eapen t'at particular part. W'ile at (irst it may not seem very
intuitive to make a part 2orse t'an it is currently 9I mean, you payed all t'ose credits (or t'e t'ing:, you are actually reim"ursed
points (or a negative upgrade. Some o( t'em can even "e amusing, at times.
No matter 2'at you purc'ase, you may not purc'ase multiples o( t'e upgrade (or t'e same part/ t'is means you aren0t a"le to
purc'ase So(t2are or &rmor t2ice (or t'e 'ead. ?ou 2a* purc'ase some o( t'e (ollo2ing upgrades (or multiple di((erent parts
t'oug'. Parts may never "e decreased "elo2 4cr/ t'ey al2ays cost somet'ing, no matter 'o2 'orri"le o( a condition you turn it
In &u22ar*:
& single part may not 'ave multiples o( t'e same upgrade or de(ect.
?ou may purc'ase t'e same upgrade;de(ect on di((erent parts, as long as t'ey are legal (or t'ose parts.
& part al2ays costs a minimum o( 4cr, no matter t'e de(ects added.
11 &rmor$
9/rade Cost
,ei/ht E--e't
Ar2or @cr &ny 5.A tons Increases t'e Wounds "y 4.
So%twar# Ecr &ny Increases )ontrol "y 4.
;od* 7or) 4cr Torso L4 to Intimidation rolls.
E2#r/#nc* Ca2& @cr Torso
W'en t'e 'ead is destroyed, t'e mec' only loses 4&- in addition to attri"utes.
Hard#n#d-coc)"it 4cr Torso 4.5 ton W'en t'e c'assis is destroyed it gains L4 armor rating against (urt'er attacks.
REA Bcr Torso 5.E tons T'ree c'arges. W'en 'it "y a rocket or missile remove a c'arge and its &P "ecomes 5.
SLAT Ar2or @cr Torso 5.E tons Increases Dodge -ating against missiles "y @.
Gnuc)!# P!at#& Bcr &rms 5.E tons Punc'es and tackles 'ave L4 &P and no longer damage yoursel(.
EG Mu!ti-too! @cr &rms 5.E tons *its on one (ore/arm. &P5 melee 2eapon, arc 2elder, and spade.
S2art-Load#r 4cr &rms 5.@E tons &llo2s t'e mac'ine to c'oose "et2een (iring special or normal ammunition eac' turn.
O5#rc'ar/#r& @cr !egs Increases Speed "y 4.
;oo&t#r& Bcr !egs 4.5 ton ?ou may move at L@SPD eac' turn "ut &- is decreased "y 4 i( doing so.
ATM 4cr !egs 5.@E tons &ll/terrain module. &llo2s movement in unsuita"le terrain types.
Speed in unsuita"le terrain is still decreased "y 4. t'e a"solute minimum is 5.E
De-e't Cost
.#cr#"it /4cr &ny Decreases t'e Wounds "y 4.
S!ow /@cr &ny Decreases )ontrol "y 4.
O!d-A/# Hatc' /4cr Torso W'en t'e mec' is destroyed t'e pilot must make a 'ard &! test to exit.
Incompati"le 2it' Hardened/cockpit.
O"#n Coc)"it /Dcr Torso 6n an armor save roll o( 94: (or t'e torso t'e pilot is killed.
&n attack t'at 2ould ignore armor and 'its t'e torso also kills t'e pilot.
Unar2or#d /Bcr Torso Decreases &rmor -ating o( t'e mec' "y 4.
7#a) Ca"acitor& /4cr Torso
SPD is reduced "y B. W'en moving, your SPD is L4dB. -e1uires a mec' 2it' at least B SPD.
&rmor$ ENormalF &rmor$ ENormalF
& 2eapon may "e upgraded to utili%e special ammunition. 6nly one suc' upgrade may "e taken per 2eapon and not all
o( t'em 2ill 'ave it availa"le. W'en a 2eapon normally 'as unlimited s'ots only t'e (irst several 2ill use any special ammo.
Held 2eapons re1uire one o( t'e 'ands, any can "e mounted any2'ere 9non/missile:, and missiles 'ave t'eir o2n special slot.
&ll 2eapons are one/'anded unless stated ot'er2ise in t'e 2eapon e((ects.
Name Cost
5an/e E--e'ts Shots
Hand/un 4cr &ny 4E &P/4 8
Ri%!# @cr &ny @E &P5 8
;ur&t Ri%!# Bcr &ny B5 &P4 8
M+6AR Dcr &ny BE &P5, HitL@ 8
Mac'in#-Gun Bcr &ny @5 &P4, HitL4 8
H#a5* MG Ecr &ny @5 &P4. Has t2o attacks. & (lat roll o( B/ 2ill 3am t'e 2eapon (or 4dB turns. 8
MG4 >cr &ny @E &P4. Has t2o attacks. 8
Pistol>*.>5i-le Se'ial &mmunition% #ay "e purc'ased at 4cr 9@cr (or Heavy #:. -eplaces s'ots 2it' t'e selected ammunition. 6nly
t'e (irst (our s'ots 2ill use t'e purc'ased ammunition.
)'emical Energy< L4&P, may not "e purc'ased i( t'e 2eapon already 'as an &P "onus.
Iinetic Energy< L4&P, range is decreased "y E.
Emerald arden0s &1uatic Treatment< =pgrade. T'e 2eapon may no2 (ire under2ater, "ut i( it does so t'e range is one t'ird.
Autcannon Ecr &ny B5 &P@ 8
Minor Sni"#r Dcr &ny D5 &P4 8
;att!# Cannon Acr &ny B5 &P4, Damage x@. Weig's 4.5 ton. -e1uires @ST- to use. 8
(ac)'a22#r 45cr &ny @E &P@. S'oots 4d>/4 times. =ses ammo "ased on s'ots.
-e1uires t2o 'ands and BST- to use. Weig's B.5 tons.
Sni"#r Cannon 45cr &ny D5 &P@, Damage x@. -e1uires t2o 'ands and BST- to use. Weig's @.5 tons.
?ou may not move and (ire t'is 2eapon 2it'out N-$ treads.
&uto'annon>Snier &mmunition% #ay "e purc'ased at @cr 9Bcr (or $attle;Sniper )annons or 7ack'ammer:. -eplaces s'ots 2it' t'e selected
ammunition. 6nly t'e (irst (our s'ots 2ill use t'e purc'ased ammunition.
Hig'/Explosive< Damage is x@ 9x4.E (or )annons:. WoundT4.
Rai!/un 4Bcr &ny E5 &PB, Damage x@. -e1uires t2o 'ands and BST- to use. Weig's @.E tons.
Eac' s'ot eats up @D 'ours o( operation time. -e1uires a turn a(ter (iring to rec'arge.
S'ot/un @cr &ny 4E &P4, HitL4 8
S'r#dd#r Ecr &ny @5 &P@, HitL4
Shot/un &mmo% #ay "e purc'ased at 4cr. -eplaces s'ots 2it' t'e selected ammunition. S'ould t'e 2eapon 'ave unlimited s'ots only t'e (irst
(our 2ill use t'e purc'ased ammunition, ot'er2ise all s'ots "ecome special.
$ucks'ot< Has t2o attacks, &P decreased "y 4.
P$A< L4&P, range is decreased "y E.
Incendiary< & 'it 2ill 'ave a E5S 9D> DL: c'ance o( decreasing enemy &ttack -ating "y 4 t'eir upcoming turn.
Sparkler< Hits 2ill decrease enemy &ttack -ating "y 4 t'eir upcoming turn. WoundT4.
Inc#ndiar* Cannon Ecr &ny @5 &P@, re1uires BST- to use.
& 'it 2ill cause t'e enemy to 'ave /4D- and &- t'eir upcoming turn.
C'#2ica! La&#r Dcr &ny D5 &P4, HitL4
F!a2#t'row#r @cr &ny 4E HitL@. & 'it 2ill cause t'e enemy to 'ave /4&- t'eir upcoming turn.
#ay "e (ired at 'al( range 9A: to 'it up to t2o addition ad3acent targets.
*lamet'ro2ers can detonate deployed !impet $om"s.
Dcr &ny @5 &P4, HitL@. Works as (lamet'ro2er "ut 'al( range is 945:.
& 'it enemy 2ill 'ave /4&- t'eir upcoming turn. )an detonate !impet $om"s.
+aser>4n'endiar$ Se'ial &mmunition% #ay "e purc'ased at @cr 94cr (or *lamet'ro2ers:. -eplaces s'ots 2it' t'e selected ammunition.
S'ould t'e 2eapon 'ave unlimited s'ots only t'e (irst (our 2ill use t'e purc'ased ammunition, ot'er2ise all s'ots "ecome special.
*ocused< -ange is increased "y E.
Hig'/Intensity *uel< L4&P, range is decreased "y @ES.
&rmor$ EE0losiAe and *eleeF &rmor$ EE0losiAe and *eleeF
13 .ame S$stem
Name Cost
5an/e E--e'ts Shots
Roc)#t Launc'#r Ecr &ny B5 &P@, HitL4 4
Gr#nad# Launc'#r
Ecr &ny @5 Ignores &rmor, Hit/@ 4
Gr#nad# MG
Ecr &ny @5 Damage x@ 4
.renade +aun'her>*. Se'ial &mmunition% #ay "e purc'ased at 4cr. -eplaces s'ots 2it' t'e selected ammunition. 6nly t'e
(irst (our s'ots 2ill use t'e purc'ased ammunition. NDuration is 'alved, at "est, in stormy conditions.
Smoke< T'e 2eapon no longer deals damage. !asts t2o turns. &ll entities in target grid space 'ave L@D- and /B&-.N
Li2"#t ;o2= >cr Held ST-
Ignores &rmor, HitL@. Has t'ree attacks.
*lung onto target and detonates a(ter U 9U VC 4: turns 'ave passed. #ay "e removed
"y t'e enemy0s ally 92it' arms: "y using a =TI!IT? action to pry it o((.
E2#ra!d Gr##n
Min# .i&"#n&#r
>cr &ny 5 &PB, &utomatically Hits. Has t2o attacks. Drops "om"lets, 2'ic' lay armed
until deactivated or an enemy ground ve'icle enters t'e same grid space.
Li/'t Roc)#t Pod @cr
@5 &P4, HitL4, S'ots 4/B. T2o s'ots count t'e 2eapon as HitL5, t'ree as Hit/4. 3
Roc)#t Pod Dcr
@5 &P@, HitL4, S'ots< 4/B. See a"ove. Weig's 5.E tons 3
H#a5* Roc)#t Pod >cr
@E &P@, HitL4. S'ots< 4/B. See !ig't -ocket Pod. Weig's 5.OE tons. 3
1*ote=%ocket Pods re inherently dngerous to use" &he #epon hs single #ound nd n rmor rting one better thn the !ehicle( nd cn
only be specificlly trgeted" Should 'P2 or stronger #epon destroy it the !ehicle4s chssis is delt 1d2 utomtic #ounds"
@5/>5 &P@ -olls to 'it at @d>L@L)NT-!. W'en an enemy target is
closer t'an @5 t'is "ecomes 4d>L@L)NT-! instead. Hits 2it' a BxB "last. &ll
non/center spaces only 'it at &P5. 6n a miss it lands 4d> spaces a2ay in a
direction o( t'e #0s c'oice.
Li/'t Mi&&i!#& Bcr #issile 10B &P5 4
M#diu2 Mi&&i!#& Ecr #issile 10B &P@ 4
Anti-Air Mi&&i!#& Ecr #issile 10B
&P@, HitLB. Has t2o attacks. Divides aircra(t D- "y DN. Note t'at t'is 2eapon can only
"e (ired at &ircra(t, Helicopters, or #ec's t'at activate a 7ump/Pack 9(or t'at turn:.
NI( t'e mec' also 'as a )J) node, or t'e target is a c'opper, instead add LB to 'it.
AP Mi&&i!#& >cr #issile 10B Ignores &rmor 4
Inc#ndiar* Mi&&i!#&
>cr #issile 10B &P4, BxB "last. Struck targets 'ave /4D- and /4&- (or 4dB turns. 1
H#a5* Mi&&i!#& Acr #issile 10B &P@. Has t2o attacks. 1
Fir# and For/#t
Acr #issile 10B &PB. Damage x@, designate a target BxB area.
W'enever a ve'icle or mec' enters t'e area 9(riend or (oe: t'ey are t'en
automatically struck "y t'e 'overing missile. T'ese may not attack a (oe t'e
same turn t'ey are deployed.
1*ote tht missiles roll 3dDBC*&%: to hit( #ith no mo!ement penlties( nd tht you h!e /issile slot .ust for these bbies"
1/issiles my be purchsed for the hnd or shoulder slots but this increses the cost by E0L"
;!ad#DMac#DPi"# 4cr Held 4 E1ual to melee "ut 2it' L4&P. Does not 2ound sel(. 8
S'ot%i&t 4cr Held 4 &PB. Has t2o attacks. &lso 'its t'e mec'0s arm once at &P5. +
Pi!# .ri5#r Bcr Held 4 &PB. Has t2o attacks. #ay not "e s2apped out a(ter e1uipping. 0
Co2=at S'i#!d @cr Held Has @ 2ounds and DL armor. Torso and arm 'its are redirected to t'e s'ield until destroyed,
and it also grants L4D- in melee. It may "e discarded at any point to (ree t'e 'and.
Bcr Held Has B 2ounds and EL armor. ?ou may redirect 'its (rom t'e torso;arm as you like to t'e
s'ield, until it is destroyed. T'e s'ield may "e discarded at any point to (ree t'e 'and.
.ame S$stem
.ame S$stem
&he bttle hd begun to go in their f!or"
%icky took deep breth to try to keep his clm" &he mn4s hnds nd feet kept the controls
of his mech occupied( the bdly #ounded thing continuing to mo!e for#rd through the street" 'nd
yet""" his mind #s not s cler s it should be" /emories of his former #ork flshed through
%icky4s mind" 3is Sergent hd once spoke to him mny rules( rules #hich the soldier hd tken to
hert" /ny of these sounded through his hed1 M%emember( %icky ten secondsM or M*e!er stop
mo!ing( ne!er stop cting" Don4t bother to #onder thinking of #ht4s best thing to do1 .ust do
something" Don4t gi!e your enemy chnce to think"M
3e reflected tht his lte sergent( in those yers( still probbly ne!er #ould h!e
considered this #ise course of ction"
3is lrge red mech begn to lurch #ith motion( shking him inside the cockpit" %icky could
hrdly see out of the thing #ith the hed missing1 his interfce hd been reduced to poorly
pi-elted !ie# of outside his mech( prtly co!ered in sttic" 3is iming circuits( nd rms for tht
mtter( hd both been tken out" 0ut he hd to sty( be helpful presence for his llies regrdless of
the lck of #eponry"
2ith fe# more leps( nd lurch( he flung himself into the hndful of enemy mechs"
&#o of the three hd been solely the reson for his llies dmge" &hey hd been lunching
missiles from sfe distnce #y( guided in by one of mny smll /obile ,nfntry" So %icky felt
stisfction s he s#ung his mech shoulder1first into one of them"
&he impct tht hppened #s comprble to bd cr crsh" *o""" tht #ould be entirely
too peceful description" &hirty tons of mechs smshed together t more thn J0mph( metl
screming nd flttening" %icky4s guts nd eyes felt like they hd sFuished out of his body" ' prt of
tooth fle# free from his mouth" 3d e!ery inch of his body not been strpped do#n no doubt he
could h!e broken his neck"
' smll feel of triumph #shed o!er him s the enemy mchine smshed into the ground( it4s
o#n hed reduced to pncked mss of metl nd glss" 'lredy cting( he turned nd begn
peppering the other t#o #ith his shoulder #eponry" Dents nd nicks begn ppering in their
he!y rmor( mostly unhrmed" 0ut he hd their ttention" &ht #s #ht his llies needed from
'ny second Frncois #ould come chrging round the corner( melting do#n the enemy
mechs to slg #ith his ,ncendiry 2eponry" 'nd Ksynn #s still circling round to get good
position for sniping"
;es" &his bttle #ould be #on"
%icky ignored the constnt #rnings from his mech tht sid he #s under ttck( tht his
rmor #s being dmged" 0ullets ricocheted off his rmored crpce( ech hit steling little
more ir out of his lungs( ech hit closer to destroying his mech" 0ut he hrdly noticed"
'll tht remined on his mind #s the price of filure( the price of not ccomplishing
his duty" &he grim resol!e for it to ne!er hppen gin" 6nce #s too much" So he #ould distrct
the hell out of their enemies( thro# himself bodily t the combtnts to buy his llies time"
3e #ould be the soldier tht they needed"
.ame S$stem
.ame S$stem
*e'hs in ,ar
#ec's 'ave t2o roles in 2'ic' t'ey exceed. T'e (irst is
(ig'ting alongside tanks and #o"ile in(antry, participating
in a modern "lit%krieg. In an ur"an environment mec's are
2'olly agile enoug' to target even in(antry, and carry
enoug' (irepo2er to destroy most ve'icles. &longside
tanks, eac' o( t'em compliment eac'/ot'ers 2eakness, and
"ecome stronger t'an t'e 2'ole o( (orces.
T'e ot'er role t'at mec's per(orm is t'at o( raiding/ eac'
o( t'e mac'ines are capa"le o( "eing carried "y a large
transport 'elicopter, 1uickly (lo2n a"ove roo(tops and trees.
In t'e dead o( nig't it is not uncommon to (erry (our or (ive
mec's deep "e'ind enemy lines to take out a speci(ic target.
T'is is o( course over2'elmingly dangerous. 6n t'e (lig't
in t'ere0s t'e c'ance o( "eing spotted, "eing s'ot out o( t'e
air. &nd t'e escape is al2ays 'ellis'. Still, it 2orks.
(urn C$'le
*ig'ting in )'romeStrike is normally a (ast and deadly
a((air. & single lucky s'ot could almost cripple a mec's
speed, rendering it una"le to dodge. 6ne "ullet could
destroy t'e 'ead and targeting e1uipment, vastly reducing
t'e accuracy o( 'eld 2eaponry. )asualties are a common
occurrence even 2it'in t'e armored cockpits.
)om"at 2orks some2'at similar to many ot'er systems.
T'e order o( actions is determined "y t'e turn cycle/ t'e
order in 2'ic' players get to act, and 2'at actions t'ey may
per(orm. &t t'e start o( t'e "attle eac' participating ve'icle
or c'aracter 'as an initiative value, 2'ic' says 2'o 2ill go
in 2'at order. Initiative is e1ual to t'eir &gility L
Perception. In t'e case o( a tie, t'e entity 2it' t'e 'ig'er
SPD rating goes (irst.
T'e turn cycle 2orks as (ollo2s/
Stand=* P'a&#: Particular e((ects or a"ilities may occur
during t'is p'ase.
,. .#t#r2in# Initiati5#: Initiative determines 2'o or 2'at
2ill act in 2'at order over t'e duration o( t'e game turn.
Eac' entity0s Initiative is e1ual to t'eir &gility L Perception,
or is listed as a (lat num"er 2it'in t'eir entry.
+. Mo5#2#nt P'a&#: 6nce initiative 'as "een determined
entities can "egin moving. T'e entity 2it' t'e 'ig'est
Initiative goes t'roug' t'e rest o( t'e turn cycle, t'en t'e
second 'ig'est does, and so on. & unit can move a num"er
o( grid spaces e1ual to t'eir speed, and (ace 2'atever
direction a(ter t'at movement is concluded. &dditional
movement may "e granted "y particular actives, suc' as
$oosters or a 7ump/Pack. ,e'icles do not 'ave a set de(ault
movement distance/ instead it is (ully determined "y t'eir
speed attri"ute.
It is important to keep in mind t'at during mixed/ve'icle
com"at, you s'ould consider t'e si%e o( t'e units in it. & #ec'
normally occupies a single grid space, along 2it' most ve'icles/
"ut #I mig't 2is' to all group up in a single grid space. 6t'er
ve'icles suc' as 7eeps mig't (it @ to a grid.
T'e more t'at a mec' moves during t'is p'ase, t'e 'arder it
2ill "e to keep a steady aim/ 'al( t'e grid spaces moved 2ill "e
deducted (rom t'eir &ttacking -ating.
0. Uti!it* P'a&#: &(ter moving 9or not:, entities may attack,
per(orm special com"at maneuvers, or active a particular item or
system/ re(er to t'ose items0 descriptions to determine 'o2 t'ey
(unction. Weapons 2ork t'e same (or nearly all entities/ t'e
most common (ormula, or &ttack -ating, is Perception L @d> L
#odi(iers. #ec's receive a "onus (rom )ontrol 2'en (iring any
o( t'eir 2eapons. T'e more t'at a mec' 'as moved "e(ore (iring
9In t'e preceding movement p'ase: t'e less accurate t'eir (ire
2ill "e, "ut also enemies 2ill 'ave a 'arder time striking t'em
2it' t'eir o2n 2eapons. Hal( t'e grid spaces moved are added
as a "onus to Dodge -ating t'e turn t'e mec' 'as moved.
To (ire a 2eapon, or use a system on an opponent, line o( sig't
9(re1uently a""reviated as !oS: is re1uired. !ine o( sig't is not
limited "y any particular range, "ut "y t'e particular 2eapons
"eing (ired. Some 2eapons 9!ike Targeting !asers and #issiles:
even 'ave an unlimited range+ T'is all means t'at t'e only
o"structions to line o( sig't mig't "e "uildings, o"stacles, ot'er
mec's, and so on.
& player may c'oose not to per(orm an action during t'e
utility p'ase, instead t'ey may ready an action. declare a
condition and an action you 2is' to per(orm, and s'ould t'is
condition occur, even out o( your turn, you may immediately
per(orm t'is readied action. -eadied actions may only "e used
(or attacks, non/movement maneuvers, or using a system. T'e
readied action also only targets t'e (irst entity t'at triggers t'e
condition. 9I.e. ready an attack on an enemy mec' coming
around t'is corner< your mec' 2ill attack an enemy t'at appears
around t'e corner:
End P'a&#: Particular e((ects or a"ilities may occur during t'is
6nce t'e last entity 'as concluded t'e End P'ase, t'e turn
cycle repeats and returns to t'e (irst Stand"y p'ase/ any c'anges
to t'e order o( Initiative 9(rom damage or e((ects: are taken into
account during P'ase 5.
&s previously mentioned, once Initiative is out o( t'e 2ay
entities may per(orm a movement action and utility action,
regardless o( 2'at (orm o( ve'icle or in(antry t'ey mig't "e.
#ovement is not all t'at mig't "e done during t'e movement
p'ase, as kneeling and evasive actions may also "e per(ormed.
!ike2ise, t'e =tility p'ase does not 'ave to "e solely (or
attacking. 6ne mig't 2is' to s2ap out a 2eapon, (or example.
18 .ame S$stem
*oAement *aneuAers
Mo5#: ?ou may move a num"er o( grid spaces up to your
ve'icles SPD attri"ute 9or #ovement attri"ute, s'ould it 'ave
one.: Hal( o( t'e grid spaces moved 2ill "e su"tracted (rom a
mec'0s &ttack-ating. !ike2ise, t'e mec'0s Dodge-ating 2ill
"e increased "y 'al( t'e grid spaces moved. #issiles remain
una((ected "y t'is, and most ve'icles do not receive &-;D-
modi(ications (rom moving.
+Boost/Jump: -e1uires t'e appropriate part or upgrade. In
t'e case o( $oosters t'ey increase your move speed "y @ (or
t'e duration o( t'is turn, "ut also (urt'er su"tract one
&ttack-ating. 7ump/packs allo2 you to move dou"le t'e
distance you normally could, also potentially moving over
small o"stacles.
E5a&i5# action: T'is takes "ot' o( your maneuvers to
per(orm, t'us preventing any use o( t'e =tility &ction. #ove
in any particular direction up to your maximum speed. W'ile
doing so your mec' dips and s2erves cra%ily, giving a L4 to
D- in addition to t'e normal move/D- "onus.
Gn##!: -e1uires "iped legs. Has your mec' crouc' do2n
into a sta"le, immo"ile position. W'ile kneeling 'its t'at
2ould strike t'e legs miss instead. etting out o( a kneeling
position re1uires anot'er maneuver to "e used.
Ineeling may "e per(ormed using your =tility maneuver, "ut
getting out o( it al2ays uses t'e movement maneuver.
Ta)# Co5#r: & mec' can pull itsel( into an alley2ay or
"e'ind ru""le 1uite easily, gaining a "onus depending on t'e
o"stacle. )ertain mec's, suc' as t'ose 2it' t'e Tank Treads,
are una"le to enter cover t'at ot'er legged mec's mig't "e a"le
To take cover your mec' must "e a"le to move. I( your mec'
'as 5 speed 9legs destroyed: you may still cra2l into cover.
Doing so 2ill take up your entire turn.
Lar/# O=&tac!#&: Walls, small "uildings, ruined
tanks, etc. rants L4D- to t'e mec' against ranged
2eapons and 'its to t'e legs are ignored. ,e'icles
and treaded;1uad legged mec's may not "ene(it (rom
Corn#r&: Hides 3ust "e'ind t'e corner o( a "uilding.
rants L4D- to t'e ve'icle against ranged 2eapons.
Note t'at only t'e exposed side 9along 2it' t'e 'ead
and c'assis: may (ire and "e struck.
Ra2-into-=ui!din/: ?ou automatically lose sig't o(
your opponents, and vice versa. *or eac' grid/space
moved t'roug' t'e "uilding you take a &P5 'it to
your ve'icle. S'ould you remain immo"ile 2it'in t'e
"uilding (or t2o turns t'en !ine o( Sig't 2ill "e
restored. Small ve'icles may not per(orm t'is
9tilit$ *aneuAers
Attac)N: T'e unit (ires and uses 2'atever 2eapons are at
it0s disposal. W'en a mec' (ires, 'al( t'e grid spaces it 'as
moved t'is turn 2ill "e su"tracted (rom &ttack -ating. &lso
note t'at some ve'icles;#I may only (ire a certain num"er
o( 2eapons eac' turn. W'en t'is is t'e case t'e ame/#aster
or controlling player must c'oose 2'ic' 2eapons 2ill "e used.
Ca!!#d S'ot: Works as normal attacking, "ut all &ttack/
-ating is at />, and you select 2'ic' part;component o( t'e
enemy you 2is' to 'it. 6n a success t'at particular 'ull point is t'e
one struck. #elee called s'ots are done at /B.
Ai2: Select an opponent 2it'in !ine o( Sig't, and t'en skip your
=tility p'ase. T'e (ollo2ing turn you 2ill 'ave a L4 "onus to strike
t'at enemy 2it' non/missile 2eapons. T'is may stack up to a LB
"onus. &(ter you (ire upon t'at enemy, t'e "onus 2ill "e decreased
"y 4. S'ould t'e enemy exit !ine o( Sig't, or you decide to (ire
upon a di((erent target, t'is "onus 2ill "e lost altoget'er.
Sniper/-i(les get a L@ "onus eac' turn aimed, up to LD. t'ey also
lose all o( t'e "onus once (ired.
Swa": S2aps a 'eld 2eapon (or anot'er.
M#!##: So long as mec' 'as t2o legs or an arm you can punc' an
ad3acent mec'. -oll a melee attack against t'e target 2it'in range.
S'ould you succeed, take a 'it to your arm 2it' &P5, and t'en t'e
enemy takes a 'it depending on your mec'0s Strengt'. De(ault is
&P/4, "ut increases "y 4 (or every t2o Strengt' your mec' 'as.
#elee attacks can )alled S'ot at only /B.
R#ad* Attac): -e1uires "ot' maneuvers. Declare a direction
(rom your mec' 2it'out any enemy in sig't. T'e moment an entity
enters t'is corridor 9Even 2'en not your turn: you t'en (ire upon it.
?ou may roll 4dBL4 against PE- to not (ire upon an entity t'at
2ould ot'er2ise "e (ired upon, 'alting at t'e last moment. T'is
cancels t'e action.
&ckling cn be slightly comple- so Ame1/sters cn
forbid it on principle" :et your plyers kno#"
Tac)!#: Tackling is a melee attack 2'ere you attempt to knock
do2n anot'er mec'. S'ould you (ail any c'eck you end up prone.
S'ould you 'it and 2in a ST- c'eck t'e enemy "ecomes prone
instead. *ollo2 t'ese steps/
+. -oll to 'it 2it' a melee attack. 6n a (ail you take a &P5
'it to a random location and are prone.
0. Do a ST-LdB contest 2it' t'e ot'er mec'. $ot' mec's
take a &P4 'it.
1. I( you 2in "ot' c'ecks, t'e enemy is no2 prone.
6t'er2ise you "ecome prone.
Prone mec's 'ave a SPD o( 5 t'eir upcoming turn. & prone mec'
may decide to remain prone, and 'ave 'al( normal Dodge -ating
and no speed, or pull t'emselves out o( t'e prone position "y
spending "ot' t'eir #ovement and =tility action.
Prone mec's may still cra2l as i( t'ey 'ad no legs, or use
2eapons as normal.
&tta'kin/ and De-endin/
W'en attacking, t'e player rolls t2o or t'ree dice (or eac'
2eapon (ired. I( t'e roll is 'ig'er t'an t'e target0s Dodge -ating
t'ey are struck, and mig't take damage. S'ould t'e roll "e 'ig'
enoug' 9"e(ore modi(iers: t'e attack may critically strike, doing
"onus damage.
#ec's 'ave di((erent &ttack/-atings, or rolls, t'at are used
depending on 2'ere t'e (iring 2eapon is mounted. T'e
s'oulder/2eapons, (or example, are less articulated and 'ave less
degrees o( (reedom, yet are armored and 'al(/em"edded in t'e
c'assis. #issile 2eapons per(orm radically di((erent t'an 'eld
2eapons/ 'aving minimum ranges and rolling di((erently.
H#!d 7#a"on&: @d> L Perception L )ontrol L #odi(iers
S'ou!d#r 7#a"on&: @d> L4 L )ontrol L #odi(iers
M#!## Attac)&: @d> L &gility L )ontrol L #odi(iers
Mi&&i!#&: Bd> L )ontrol L #odi(iers
Kehicle4s 'ttck %ting #ill be noted in profile"
Dod/e 5atin/
&ll ve'icles and mec's 'ave a stat called Dodge -ating/
t'is denotes 'o2 c'allenging it is to 'it t'em in com"at. &
(ast and %ippy mec' 2ill naturally 'ave a 'ig'er Dodge
-ating, 2'ile a slo2 moving "rute 2ill most likely 'ave
little to none.
&(ter an attack is made, unless it is 'ig'er t'an t'e
target0s Dodge-ating, it is a miss. S'ould t'e attack score
'ig'er t'an t'e Dodge-ating it is a 'it, and t'e ve'icle must
make an armor save or su((er a 2ound.
M#c'&: &gility L Speed L )ontrol L #odi(iers
-#'ic!#&: N*lat num"er, see pro(ile
(he <<:<3 rule o- 'ombat
&t 'ig'er points mec's can get rat'er 'ig' amounts o(
Dodge -ating, making t'em 'ard to 'it. $ecause o( t'is
t'ere is a critical or auto/'it parameter o( rolling. W'en
attacking 2it' @d>, i( t'e (lat dice result is 44L t'e attack
automatically 'its. 6r 2it' Bd>, i( t'e (lat dice roll is 4EL it
does t'e same. In addition to automatically 'itting t'is
attack 'as LL4 &P 9a (urt'er L4 "onus to t'e current armor
piercing value:. T'is is t'e 1111E rule.
&rmor SaAes
&ll ve'icles 'ave an &rmor -ating/ most (re1uent t'is is
DL. T'is means t'at once t'ey are 'it, t'ey get to roll a d>,
and a score o( D or 'ig'er ignores t'e attack altoget'er.
Especially strong 2eapons 'ave &P, or &rmor/Piercing/ t'is
ignores t'at muc' o( t'e armor (or t'at attack, i( it 'its.
W'ere a normal DL armor save 2ould save on D,E, or >, a
&P4 2eapon 2ould reduce it to a mear EL save instead+
T'is same ve'icle 2ould no2 need a E or > to make t'at
save. Ieep in mind t'is save can "e reduced to nil.
S'ould an armor roll save it mig't "e imagined as t'e
round clipping o(( t'e s'oulder, or "eing de(lected to t'e
side i( in melee. 6r simply rattling t'e armor 2it' no e((ect.
S'ould t'e armor save fil, or t'e dice is rolled lo2er t'an
t'e &rmor -ating, t'e ve'icle is t'en dealt a 2ound.
W'en a mec' is 2ounded t'e ame/#aster rolls a dice to
see 2'at part is damaged. & roll o( 4 2ill "e t'e 'ead, @ t'e
arms, B/E t'e c'assis, and > t'e legs. Note t'at some
ve'icles may 'ave only a single part, or t2o, so t'e ame/
#aster 2ill give eac' o( t'ose parts an e1ual c'ance on t'e
dice to "e 'it, 2it' any remaining (aces "eing a re/roll.
S'ould t'e armor save (ail a 2ound is su"tracted (rom t'e
relevant part, t'en anot'er armor save is rolled (or t'e next
2eapon t'at 'its. & part t'at no longer 'as any 2ounds 96r
is entirely destroyed: gives t'e 'it to t'e torso or c'assis.
&s more and more parts o( a ve'icle are 2ounded, t'e
mac'ine "ecomes less mo"ile and accurate, more prone to
(ailure. I( t'e main c'assis is too "adly carved up t'en t'e
ve'icle s'uts do2n entirely. Damage is kept track o( "y de"u((s/
negative modi(iers t'at e((ect a mec' at certain stages o( "eing
2ounded. De"u((s are entirely determined "y individual parts,
"ut add up 1uickly over t'e 2'ole mec'.
H#adC .#&truction: & mec' t'at loses t'e last 2ound o( it0s 'ead
su"tracts @ (rom any attack rolls it makes, as 2ell as losing any
attri"utes or "onuses t'at t'e part may provide.
Ar2&C ,O .a2a/#d: S'ould t'e arms reac' E5S 2ounds, one
o( t'e arms at random is destroyed, and t'e 2eapon 9or t2o/
'anded 2eapons: is no longer usa"le. -oll a 4d@ to determine
2'at arm is put out o( commission. a roll o( @ denotes t'e rig't
Ar2&C .#&truction: W'en t'e last 2ound is su"tracted (rom t'e
arms, any 'and/'eld 2eapons "ecome unusa"le, and maneuvers
t'at re1uire t'e use o( t'e arms may no longer "e done. 9I.e.
punc'es "ecome kicks.: &ny attri"utes or "onuses (rom t'e
arms are removed.
C'a&&i&C .#&truction: & mec' t'at loses t'e last 2ound o( it0s
c'assis s'uts do2n and 2ill remain stationary until dragged or
to2ed a2ay. &ny (urt'er penetrating 'its to t'e torso 2ill deal
4dB 2ounds to any c'aracter remaining inside.
L#/&C ,O .a2a/#d: W'en t'e legs reac' E5S 2ounds, one o(
t'e legs at random is destroyed. Hal( o( t'e mec'0s Speed is
immediately lost, drastically decreasing t'e Dodge -ating.
L#/&C .#&truction: W'en t'e legs lose t'eir last 2ound t'ey are
entirely destroyed. T'e Speed drops to 5, (urt'er decreasing t'e
Dodge -ating. I( t'e mec' still 'as arms, it may use it0s utility
action to cra2l one grid space eac' turn. S'ould t'e mec' 'ave
no legs or arms it may not move at all+
7#a"on& wit' 2u!ti"!# attac)&:
Some 2eapons, suc' as Heavy #issiles, attack t2ice eac'
time t'ey are (ired. Simply roll (or an attack like normal, t'en
once t'e (irst attack is done do so again. -epeat t'is until you
'ave done attacks e1ual to t'e num"er listed on t'e 2eapon
7#a"on& wit' a da2a/# 2u!ti"!i#r:
6t'er 2eapons deal an increased amount o( damage 2'en
t'ey 2ound. S'ould t'is "e @x damage, an unsaved 2ound
instead "ecomes t2o unsaved 2ounds. T'ese 2ounds are taken
to t'e same part. S'ould t'e part "e destroyed and t'ere are
remaining 2ounds t'en any remaining damage goes to t'e
c'assis. I( a multiple/damage attack 2ould destroy a lim" 9and
t'e ot'er lim" remains: t'en t'at (irst lim" is destroyed. Wounds
t'at remain a(ter t'at lim" is destroyed are taken to t'e c'assis.
19 .ame S$stem
With mo!ility e"#loitation o$ the target, $ollow%u# evaluation !ecomes easier $or !allistic tasking.
Combat Cheatsheet
Turn C*c!#:
,. Determine Initiative
+. #ovement #aneuver
0. =tility #aneuver
-epeat 4,@ (or eac' entity
1. End P'ase
Attac)-Ratin/: 8Flt 11B on 2dD( 1EB on 3dD crits"9
-H#!d 7#a"on&: @d> L Perception L )ontrol L #odi(iers
-S'ou!d#r 7#a"on&: @d> L )ontrol L #odi(iers
-M#!## Attac)&: @d> L &gility L )ontrol L #odi(iers
-Mi&&i!#&: Bd> L )ontrol L #odi(iers
-M#c'&: &gility L Speed L )ontrol L #odi(iers
--#'ic!#&: N*lat num"er, see pro(ile
Ar2or-Ratin/: Standard is DL. lo2er is "etter.
-H#adC d#&tro*#d: !ose part attri"utes;"onuses, /@&-
-Ar2&C ,O: !ose arm at random 94d@, @ is rig't:
-Ar2&C d#&tro*#d: !ose part attri"utes;"onuses.
-C'a&&i&C d#&tro*#d: *urt'er penetrating 'its C 4dB pilot 2ounds
-L#/&C ,O: !ose leg at random, Speed is 'alved.
-L#/&C d#&tro*#d: !ose part attri"utes;"onuses. Speed is 5.
Outside o- the *e'hs
T'e game doesn0t 'ave to stop 2'en t'e com"at does, and
really it s'ouldn0t. T'ere are some rules (or c'aracters to
attempt to per(orm certain actions and test t'eir a"ilities,
even 2'en outside o( t'e (ig'ting mac'ines.
Personal Combat
& guard in t'e 2ay o( getting t'at ne2 s'iny mec'8 6ne
o( your party mem"ers irritating your c'aracter "eyond
"elie(8 )om"at outside o( mec's are pretty simple. T'e
c'aracter goes in order o( Initiative, t'e 'ig'er o( t'e t2o
reacting (irst and more agile. To attack in melee, roll
4d>LPo2er against t'e targets @L&gility 9or out/o(/mec'
D-:. S'ould you 'it a 2ound is dealt to t'em, and t'ey
receive /4 to rolls and D- on t'eir upcoming turn.
Di((erent 2eapons roll using di((erent attri"utes and do
more damage/ a kni(e mig't use agility, a 'andgun
perception, and "ot' 2ould do t2o 2ounds. &ll c'aracters
'ave a 2ounds attri"ute t'at starts e1ual to Po2er.
7-mple ttck=
Frnk ttempts to pistol1#hip some mook" 3e hs t#o dots
of po#er( nd therefore rolls 1dDB2 for hitting" &he enemy
hs D% of E 83 'A:B29" 3e reFuires $ or better to hit"
,nsted of pistol1#hipping them let4s ssume Frnk ctully tries
to cp them" 3e rolls 1dDB3 8Perception9 ginst $ 82 'A:B29"
,f he succeeds then the enemy tkes 2 #ounds of dmge(
other#ise they mnge to di!e behind co!er or roll off to the
S'ould a c'aracter "e 'it "y any mec' 2eapon, or ve'icle
2eapon, or even #o"ile In(antry 2eapon, t'ey are good as dead.
T'e ground exploding "eneat' t'em is not conductive to
dodging, let alone t'e actual rounds splitting t'em apart.
+osin/ Communi'ations > *orale
!osing communications 2it' allies is incredi"ly demorali%ing.
Suddenly t'e mec' pilot (eels alone in 'is tiny armored s'ell. &
c'aracter t'at loses comms must make a morale c'eck
94d>L)'arisma, OL:. 6n a (ailure t'e closest enemy is t'e only
one t'ey may (ire upon. T'is lasts t'e duration o( t'e scene.
)'aracters mig't "e re1uired to exit t'eir mac'ine to "egin
searc'ing t'roug' computers, attempt to convince people to
per(orm a certain course o( action, or drive a non/mec' ve'icle.
6r simply to eat and lounge. Depending on 'o2 di((icult a
c'allenge is t'ere 2ill "e a resulting penalty to t'e roll. T'e
success or (ail result is 2'olly up to t'e #. =ltimately t'e
goal is to 'ave t'e dice roll "e lo2er t'an t'e c'aracter0s
respective attri"ute.
#oderate c'allenge< 4d>L&ttri"ute, EL
7-mple= Dri!ing t n unsfe speed" 0enching moderte
mount of #eight" 2heedling smll f!or" Nuickly sifting
through n unsecured computer for dt"
Hard c'allenge< 4d>L&ttri"ute, OL
7-mple= Dri!ing t brek1neck speeds through rush1hour
trffic" 0enching more thn your body #eight" Crcking
secured computer"
Impossi"le c'allenge< 4d>L&ttri"ute, KL
7-mple= Flirting #ith n importnt politicl figure" Shooting
rocket out of rcing !ehicle #hile dri!ing it" Pushing cr off
of someone" 3cking into militry net#ork"
Reaction Rolls
& reaction roll is simply 4d>L$eauty 2'en meeting an NP)
or multiple ne2 people. T'is 2orks muc' like a skill/c'eck roll.
i( it is a moderate success t'en t'ey are neutral. & 'ard success
2ill "e (riendly, and impossi"le success 2ill mean you no2 'ave
a ne2 "est (riend or a stalker. T'at can "e "ad.
&(ter t'e reaction roll 'as "een done, it0s t'en up to t'e player0s
roleplaying skills and )'arisma stat to determine 2'at 'appens
(rom t'ere. T'e ame/#aster mig't 2is' to call (or a )'arisma
skill c'eck to let t'e c'aracter (urt'er s2indle t'e people, a(ter
t'e initial introductions. T'is 2ill give your negative $eauty
eig't )'arisma c'aracter ample time to make amends and 2ork
t'eir Speec'cra(t magic.
I "et you0re regretting t'at last -ocket !aunc'er 'it no2,
am I rig't8 & ve'icle, regardless o( type, 2ill undou"tedly
get "eat to all 'ell over t'e course o( a campaign. -epairing
ve'icles costs credits and time to (ix, and as suc' care must
"e taken in com"at to keep t'em mostly toget'er. To repair
a ve'icle, you must resort to one o( t'e (ollo2ing<
A. Hirin/ P#o"!# to Fi8 It:
6nce at a s'op, a part 455S damaged costs 455S o( t'e
original )- to repair. W'ile t'is may seem steep, t'is also
takes into account removing t'e damaged sections, ordering
replacements parts, and general la"or.
6ne c'aracter may attempt a "arter roll at 2'atever
di((iculty you (eel appropriate, against t'at one s2indling
c'aracter0s )'arisma. I( t'e roll succeeds t'e total )- cost
(or all repairs "y t'at particular s'op 2ill decrease "y @5S
until t'e repairing is done. Eac' 2ound (ixed represents a
days 2ork "y t'e engineers.
;: P#r&ona! R#"air-wor):
Handy individuals can attempt to repair mec's t'emselves/
2'ile (aster and c'eaper t'an paying pro(essionals, it also
carries a "it more o( a risk. Select a damaged part/
repairing it 2ill cost only E5S o( t'e normal )-, "ut (irst a
di((icult/class roll must "e made against t'e (ixer0s
intelligence. 6n a success t'e part is repaired (or only E5S
t'e normal cost, over a num"er o( days e1ual to t'e missing
2ounds. 6n a (ailure t'e part is (ixed (or 455S o( t'e
normal cost and takes an additional day to (ix.
Note t'at repairing any ve'icles re1uires some (orm o(
relevant perk or special skill to "e allo2ed/ 'aving t'e
expertise to repair ve'icles and mec's is a exceedingly rare
,ar Soils and SalAa/e%
6n t'e modern "attle(ield, t'ere0s more 2ays to earn
credits t'en 3ust taking 3o"s. T'e ve'icle/littered
"attle(ields o( t'e near (uture are ric' in salvagea"le
components and parts. Parties t'at 'ave a mec'anic, and
t'e occasional 2inc', are a"le to make use o( (ound parts to
earn a "it more cas'. Spoils are t'e easiest 2ay to do t'is.
simply loading a transport up 2it' enemy ve'icles
9destroyed or not: and 'auling t'em o(( to a dealers'ip.
#ore studied individuals can instead "reak open t'e parts
and searc' (or expensive "its on t'eir o2n time, only selling
t'at 2'ic' is easiest and lig'test to carry. $ot' met'ods can
earn some good money over prolonged campaigns.
A. S"oi!&
#ec'anics and dealers are inclined to look at used gear
2it' skepticism. &nd t'ey can 'ardly "e "lamed/ 2it' all
t'e 2eapons and parts "eing s'u((led around, t'ere isn0t
time or money to "e 2asted on parts t'at mig't not even 2ork.
Spoils 9parts and used 2eapons: are only sold (or up to E5S o(
t'e "ase price. #issing 2ounds or exceptional 2ear and tear
2ill (urt'er reduce t'is value.
W'en selling gear one c'aracter may attempt to s2indle t'e
dealer to get a "etter deal out o( t'e crap. W'en t'is is t'e case
t'e player makes a "arter roll at 2'atever di((iculty you (eel
appropriate against t'at one repairman0s )'arisma. 6n a success
9result 'ig'er t'an t'e dealer )H-: t'e goods may "e sold at
>ES t'eir 2ort'.
Ieep in mind, to salvage, you re1uire a transport to 'aul
around t'e extra parts;ve'icles t'at you 2is' to sell o((. It may
"e appropriate to also re1uire a mec' 2it' a Winc' to easily load
said pieces. !et0s 'ope you 'ave t'e transport space to carry
'ron is t some rndom deler #ith trnsport4s #orth of
mech limbs nd #epons" 'fter some hggling 8pointing out the
techniclities of ech prt( their condition( nd much pouting9
the plyer goes hed nd rolls" &his #ill be 1dDBC3% ginst
the A/1chosen chllenge of moderte 8EB9" &he plyer rolls
t#o( succeeds( nd mnges to hggle up to DEL of the goods
#orth" 'fter unloding e!erything 'ron le!es the shop #ith
decent mount of credits"
;. Sa!5a/#
$lackened 2recks and crum"ling parts mig't still 'ave use(ul
components. Wit' a days do2ntime a particularly savy
c'aracter may try to suck a part dry (or sell/a"le "its and pieces.
During a suita"le do2ntime a player may c'oose to salvage
somet'ing. W'en t'is is t'e case t'e part is scrapped, and t'e
player rolls a 'ard INT c'eck 9OL: (or every t2o (ull, maximum
2ounds t'at part 'as. *or eac' success t'ey receive 'al( a )-.
I( t'e salvaged part is exceptionally expensive, >cr or more, t'e
(irst roll o( W>X 2ill grant an additional 4)-. Ieep in mind t'at
similar to repairing a part, salvaging a part like2ise re1uires
some (orm o( mec'anic perk or skill.
6mr hs someho# come cross bdly dmged C6103
chssis" 3!ing #eekend for %O%( the mn decides to spend
one dy trying to sl!ge #ht he cn from it" &he A/ points
out his perk is for repiring mechs( not ripping them prt( so
6mr #ill not gin the ,*& bonus for this ction" &he plyer
rolls three hrd ,*& checks 8JB9 #ith his ,*& of 3( since the prt
hs si- full #ounds" 3e scores G1IG$IGDI for $( J( nd P"
&#o of the dice succeed for 0"EB0"EC%( nd the third fils"
0ecuse the prt is e-pensi!e( nd he mnged to roll GDI( n
dditionl C% is pro!ided" 6mr finishes the e!ening #ith
2C%4s #orth of smll bits" *ot bd for dy4s #ork"
2< Stor$tellin/ Stor$tellin/ Stor$tellin/
&ause ''m a #iloooooooooooooot(
-Typical Mech-Jockey
Chromestrike as a ,ar/ame
)'romestrike is in'erently rules/lig't, and (ocused on
mixed ve'icular com"at, so it0s rat'er simple to run t'e
system as a 2argame. or as a matc' 2it' t2o opposing
players eac' controlling an army. #ost o( t'e rules can "e
ran as t'ey are listed in t'e "ook. T'e only di((erence
comes into c'aracters and particular rules t'at mig't re1uire
# discretion. W'en t'e later is t'e case it 2ill most likely
"e determined "y a dice roll.
T'e (irst step to setting up a 2argame 2ill "e (or t'e t2o
9or more: players to select a map, or ta"letop, t'at t'ey
mig't 2is' to use. &(ter t'at t'ere0s simply coming up 2it'
an army. In t'e proceeding appendix, ve'icles and mec's
can "e purc'ased (or t'eir listed amount o( credits. &
decent/si%ed attac'ment o( (orces could "e @55 credits eac'/
more t'an anyt'ing you0re likely to control as a party+
Creatin/ ?our &rm$
&ll units 2ill use t'eir "ase attri"utes as noted. )ustom
mec's 2ill 'ave a "ase o( @ in all attri"utes, 2it' t2o o( t'eir
attri"utes o( t'e player0s c'oice "eing a B instead.
?our army consists o( s1uads/ t'ese are a com"ined unit o(
ve'icles or soldiers. T'e (ollo2ing lists 'o2 many many
entities o( t'e same type may make up a s1uad.
N 4/B mec's o( t'e same model N 4/45 #o"ile In(antry
N 4/E $attlesuits or )om"at Drones N 4/B Tanks or )'oppers
N 4/B &P)s 9loaded i( possi"le: N 4 6t'er
S1uads must "e made up o( exactly similar mec's or
ve'icles/ a missile mec' may not "e in t'e same s1uad as
soldier mec's+ T'ese s1uads are deployed 2it' mem"ers
2it'in D grid spaces o( one anot'er. & s1uad may not "e
deployed in t'e same 1uarter o( t'e map as an enemy s1uad.
Be/innin/ the .ame
6nce all o( t'e (orces 'ave "een (igured out eac' player rolls
a D>. W'oever scores 'ig'er 9on re/rolls i( needed: gets to
place a unit (irst. T'ey simply place a s1uad any2'ere on t'e
map, 2it' eac' o( t'e mem"ers ad3acent. T'e next player t'en
deploys a unit, and so on. Ieep in mind t'at a unit may not "e
deployed in t'e same 1uarter o( t'e map as an enemy.
6nce all t'e units are deployed roll once more to see 2'o
gets t'e (irst turn. 6n a players turn t'ey per(orm all t'e move
actions (or t'eir units and t'en per(orm t'e utility actions.
6nce all o( t'eir units 'ave used "ot' actions t'en it is t'e
opponents turn. T'ey do precisely t'e same t'ing, (irst
moving, t'en per(orming actions 2it' t'eir utility action.
T'oug' most o( t'e time t'e goal is to "eat t'e snot out o(
t'e ot'er army, it mig't also "e appropriate to add on a
di((erent, or additional victory condition. Some speci(ic spot
o( t'e map mig't "e (oug't over, or some neutral c'aracter
2it' no ve'icle mig't need to "e captured.
=nless some di((erent victory condition is agreed upon, t'e
main o"3ective 2ill "e to destroy t'e ot'er army until t'at
player concedes. & player t'at concedes must move 'is units
o(( t'e map "y t'e s'ortest route possi"le. T'e last player 2'o
'asn0t conceded is victorious and 2ins t'e game.
/& transport may drop o(( units as a utility action. T'e loaded
entities count as 'aving moved 'o2ever (ar t'e transport 'as,
and may only move (urt'er i( t'eir SPD allo2s.
/In(antry and #I may make use o( any "uilding edge as cover.
0,, cr per player
)ustom mec's 'ave de(ault @ in eac' attri"ute. B in t2o ot'ers
De(ault ve'icles 'ave t'eir listed pilot attri"utes
,. D> to determine deployment order
+. D> to see 2'at t'e turn order is
0. Player 4 makes #ovement #aneuvers 2it' 'is (orces
Player @ does t'e same 2it' 'is o2n (orces
1. Player 4 makes =tility;&ttack #aneuvers 2it' units a"le
Player @ does t'e same
4. -epeat as necessary
6nce all ot'er players concede you 'ave 2on/ players may
concede to admit t'at t'ey are done (or. 6nce a player concedes
t'ey must move t'eir units o(( t'e map "y t'e s'ortest route
possi"le, (orgoing any utility actions as t'ey do.
E0amle For'es" 200'r
;a!anc#d Ar2*
4x $attle Tank 9B5:
4x &ttack Helicopter 9@5:
@x )om"at Turret H Sniper 94D:
@x $eta Soldier #ec's 9D5:
@x $eta #issile #ec's 9D5:
&P), loaded 9@>:
/@x Scout #I
/@x Engineer #I
&P), loaded 9@>:
/Dx Soldier #I
CO Stri)#-Forc#
@x )6/54 9E5:
Ex )6 )om"at Drones / Hitotsu 9E5:
Ex )6 )om"at Drones H *utatsu 9E5:
Bx Soldier #I 94E:
Bx Engineer #I 94E:
Bx Engineer #I 94E:
E0amle *at'h Pa/e
E0amle *at'h Pa/e
GPla'eholderG GPla'eholderG
21 Stor$tellin/
M7ntering '6(M the comm bu++ed( rspy nd nerly unintelligible(M dropping in si-" Ai!e
them hell"M
Sf#n lightly snorted #ithin his helmet( eyes closed" Silently he counted do#n the si-
seconds( ignoring the incessnt ticks nd mrks long his 3)D tht did the sme e-ct thing"
,nsted he #s left #ith his thoughts1 those nd the scent of ne# lether( iodine( nd plstic" 't
+ero his entire body lurched #ildly" &he ser!os Fuickly rotted him to be fcing stright on do#n
to#rd 7rth( to#rd the gint blue mss" 'lmost delictely he #s relesed( the ct
under#helming compred to #ht #s to come"
't once Sf#n begn to build up speed( though it #s impossible to feel it #ithin his suit"
&he thing #s fully pressuri+ed fter ll; he only kne# he #s flling by #tching the plnet +oom
on to#rd him( by the ltitude meter on the screen" Sf#n4s hed begn to feel he!y( clouded( up
until the turbine kicked in" 0et#een the combt drugs( nd his implnt( blood #s forced to flo#
through his body e!enly" &hey #ere blessings( relly" 2ithout them he4d be Q64d by the
combintion of A1forces nd hnging upside do#n"
,ntermeditely the thrusters on his bck spt nd burned" 3is men nd the decoys continued
to ccelerte( #ell pst the sound brrier1 t the end they4d be mo!ing t nerly thousnd miles
n hour" ,t #ould be hell to intercept ny of them( gi!en tht they4d be groundside before three
minutes hd pssed" Plus ll the interference" &his didn4t stop the combtnts from trying"
' fe# seconds before he breched the clouds light electronic !oice spoke up"
M,nbound missiles"M
Figures" For the most prt his sFud #s spred out firly #ell( in prt due to their non1
precise descent" 7!en if unintended it #s bonus( since missile #ould only tke out one of them
t time" 6nce or t#ice Sf#n4s suit #s rocked #ildly by e-plosions( shuddering nd briefly
t#isting in the ir" 'lmost t once the systems righted his course" &he scrmblers nd chff did
their due" *one of his men #ere killed by nti1ir fire" *ot only #s this ressuring 8tht his mtes
#ould mke it bck9( but lso con!enient( since it cut bck on rdition" Popping one of them
#ould sctter the nucler pylods pretty fr"
Sm#t brely g!e the city so much s thought s he fell" 'll ci!ili+ed cities #ere pretty
much like one nother" ,nsted he #ited for the descent to finish" 3is relti!ely cluttered 3)D
chirped he #s t optiml height for beginning to slo# the descent" 3e took his Fue( kicking #ildly
#ith his legs to re!ol!e round 1H0 degrees" 't once the thrusters cut loose t full force" &his time
they #ould be slo#ing him"
&he turbine in his chest scremed nd re!!ed" 3d he not been .uiced it #ould h!e been
distrcting #ith the noise nd bu++ing senstion" 3is !ision begn to tunnel nd redden e!en #ith
ll the enhncements nd drugs" &his #s detil Cr#ford &ech hd l#ys left out; ho# mny
A1forces the re!ersl #s" ,t #sn4t rele!nt( or importnt they #ould sy" Perhps( Sf#n
thought( he #s better off not kno#ing"
6ne pinful .ostle lter he smshed do#n onto sphlt( finlly grounded on his o#n t#o feet"
' block off to his left there #s brillint clp( nd e-plosion( s one of the decoys impcted
building" ,dly the mn dre# the grende luncher in his right hnd( long #ith the tcticl nuke in
the other" 3im nd his mtes hd some mechs to hunt"
23 &endi0
Settin/ 4t &ll 9%
)'romeStrike is primarily meant to simulate com"at
"et2een mec' 3ockeys, military ve'icles, and t'e con(lict
t'at surrounds t'ese mac'ines. &t it0s core you 'ave a team
o( P)0s, a giant 2ar raging on, and various organi%ations
and people t'at 2ould like 'elp. &s mentioned previously
t'ere are a (e2 di((erent su"/(ields, or types, o( mec'/3ocky.
?ou 'ave t'e run/o(/t'e/mill government 'ired, trained
operators 2'o are (lung en masse at enemy lines. T'ere0s
t'en t'e company "oys and girls/ t'ose t'at (or 2'atever
reason are given t'eir payc'ecks "y a prime, and also 'old
t'eir allegiance to t'e directors o( said company. &nd t'en
(inally t'e most (ree/spirited o( t'em all, t'ere are t'e
mercenaries t'at 'ave scrapped toget'er money to (ig't (or
t'eir o2n cause.
T'ere are t2o generali%ed pat's t'at a campaign may
take, more or less. T'ese are )orporate and #ercenary.
Cororate Camai/n
T'e P)0s are a group o( men and 2omen "e'olden and
2orking (or a particular corporation. ,ery (re1uently t'is
entails raiding plants o( ot'er corporations. S'ould t'e
nation "e at 2ar 2it' anot'er t'ey 2ill "e used as a strike
(orce, or "e (lo2n out to de(ensive (ronts to 'elp 2'ere
possi"le. &n ultimate goal mig't "e t'e su"3ugation and
dissolution o( an enemy company.
*or a )orporate campaign it may "e appropriate to let t'e
players design t'eir mec's 2it' no point limit, "ut only 2it'
t'e $eta and company/speci(ic parts. &s t'ey (inis' more
and more missions t'ey get access to ot'er companies parts
as spoils o( 2ar, plus possi"ly get to purc'ase and o2n t'e
Pr#!i2inar* P!annin/:
I( t'e players don0t (eel like 'aving t'e (reedom in'erent
o( "eing a ragtag mercenary (orce t'ere0s al2ays t'e
possi"le to 2ork (or a Prime )ompany. T'is "ecomes less
road/trip, more S'ado2-un. #ore 'ost In t'e S'ell 2it'
giant ro"ots. #uc' o( getting t'e campaign set up is similar
to t'e mercenary play. It0s good to determine 'o2 t'e
players met, 2'at company t'ey 2is' to 2ork (or. &ny past
relations t'ey may 'ave 'ad 2it' it. &lso (eel (ree to give
t'e players parts made "y t'eir company (or (ree. $ut on
-at'er t'an a (ree/(orm list o( missions to "e taken, it
may "e good to 'ave one primary mission eac' time. T'ink
to yoursel( 2'at t'e Prime )ompany mig't 2is' to get done
currently. Do t'ey 2ant (or a small starting/up mec'
producer to "e smas'ed8 Some tec'nology (rom anot'er
country neatly scooped up8 Some international director to
"e pulled out o( a "ad spot8 #issions (rom a Prime are
solely meant to (urt'er t'e interests o( t'e company or t'eir
patron state, and like2ise are selected "y t'e company.
*er'enar$ Camai/n
T'e P)0s are a ragtag group o( mercenaries t'at (ig't 2'ere
t'e money is "est. Some'o2 t'ey 'ave managed to pull toget'er
enoug' (unds to get a num"er o( mec's, plus t'e ve'icles
re1uired to move t'em to t'e (ig'ts. )ity skirmis'es,
spear'eads, raids, all o( t'is is usual (or t'em. T'eir ultimate
goal, almost certainly, is to s2im in cas'.
Deat' and maintenance. &t t'e start t'e players mig't "egin
2it' @E credits per player, plus enoug' transport ve'icles to get
t'em to t'e (ig'ts. &(ter eac' mission t'ey get paid a (lat
amount o( credits, 2'ic' is t'en decreased "y repairing t'e
ve'icles and mec's. S'ould t'ey pro(it it goes to upgrades and
ne2 parts.
M#rc#nar* P!annin/:
#y o2n particular (avorite kind o( campaign is t'at o(
mercenaries. T'ere0s muc' more (reedom in'erent in 2orking
(or 2'oever t'e P)0s (ancy at t'e time. *or t'is sort o(
campaign you (irst 'ave to determine 'o2 all t'e P)0s met.
Naturally t'eir "ackgrounds 2ill already "e 2ritten and give you
a vague sense o( 'o2 t'is mig't 'ave 'appen. 6nce t'ey are
satis(ied it is t'en good to grant t'e group 4E)- per player to "e
spent on ve'icles. T'is 2ould "e 'ig'ly suggested to "e spent
on #ec' Transports, or Transport )'oppers, (or t'e sake o(
'aving a mo"ile (ort. *inally you ask t'em 2'ere t'ey 2ould
like to "e situated in t'e 2orld. &re t'ey in t'e dotted islands o(
t'e paci(ic, (ig'ting against t'e )'inese Empire (or t'e Panasian
&lliance, dealing 2it' t'e 'atred (or civilians on "ot' sides8
Doing small 3o"s (or t'e #ongolians, 2'o 'appen to "e
sand2ic'ed "et2een t'e uncaring )'inese Empire and -ussian
Empire8 &re t'ey 3oining t'e (ront on t'e ul( o( #exico8
6nce satis(ied 2it' t'eir locale, you can t'en start coming up
2it' an appropriate introduction and list o( possi"le missions.
E0amle Camai/n
It is #arc' 5O, @4E@. I'ovsgol, #ongolia. & "and o(
men du""ing t'emselves t'e rinning East2oods 'ave
re1uisitioned t'e necessary cre2 and mec's to "egin a
mercenary li(e. #ade up o( disgruntled o((ice 2orkers or
older/t'an/dirt grumps, t'e party is deceptively lively and
experienced. &(ter meeting t'eir cre2/mem"ers in a small
to2n, and seeing t'e transports (or t'e (irst time, t'ey "and
toget'er and go pick up t'eir mec's (rom storage. &nd t'en
t'ey "egin to decide upon t'eir (irst 3o".
Marc' ,4 Mi&&ion&:
WDE*ENDX *ringes o( t'e )'inese Empire 'ave "een
scouring and 'itting various #ongolian to2ns, looting and
generally "eing unpleasant. T'e #ilitia are 'ard pressed to
de(end t'eir 'omes and 2ould like some "ack/up.
P';= 4Ecr -eno#n= #ongolia Chllenge= #edium
WES)6-TX Some important #ongolian o((icials 'ave "een
stranded 2it'in t'e 2ar/%one o( =laan"atar, trapped 2it'in
an em"assy "uilding. T'ey 2ould like a team o( mercs to
come and escort t'em out o( t'e "attle lines.
P';= @5cr %eno#n= None Chllenge= #edium
W&SS&=!TX T'e -ussian Empire 2is'es (or some
outriders to skirt around t'e main o((ensive (ront and 'it a
)'inese Empire 2arplant. T'e structure is 'eavily
de(ended against air attack, re1uiring ground (orces.
P';= @Ecr %eno#n= -ussian Empire Chllenge= Hig'
Note< Will provide one mec' 2it' !impet $om"s
WSHIT*ESTX T'e -ussian Empire seeks more mercenary
rein(orcements (or t'e mess o( a "attle at =laan"atar,
#ongolian capital. Expect (ierce (ig'ting (rom )'inese
P';= 4Acr %eno#n= -ussian Empire Chllenge= Hig'is'

T'e party eventually settles (or t'e WDe(endX mission. To
t'ese (ello2s, it sounds like a simple enoug' 3o", easy, and 'as
good enoug' pay. T'ey0ll rack up 'ig'er di((iculty missions
later a(ter getting some upgrades. T'e rinning East2oods
move t'eir transports along, t'e drivers taking s'i(ts t'roug' t'e
nig't. Early t'e (ollo2ing morning t'ey make radio contact 2it'
t'e mayor, 2'o gives t'em precis on 2'at needs to "e done.
&(ter some PJ& t'e East2oods 'ave a sense o( 2'at t'e
mission 2ill entitle/ protect t'e mines o( &mar"ayasgalant and
t'e 'omes i( needed. Party mem"er D is gone 9T'e playtester
'adn0t s'o2n (or testing:, so some in/game grum"lings are made
"y t'e East2oods. In total t'ere are t'ree to2ns t'at generally
need de(ending. T'e local militia volunteer to concentrate on
t'e side to2ns, and give t'e party t'e mining to2n most likely to
come under attack. T'e rinning East2oods spend a (e2 days
preparing and drinking, sociali%ing 2it' t'e local #ongols.
&(ter some time 'ostiles are detected "y local milita/scouts t'e
party prepares (or "attle/ t'eir mec's already 'idden "eneat' t'e
deep sno2"anks at one o( t'e to2n entrances.
Mi&&ion + Forc#&:
/East2oods 'ave t'eir B mec's, rated at @Ecr eac', and t2o
transports. )omes up to 45Ecr.
/Enemy 'ad t'ree soldiers, some attack c'oppers, and scout #I.
Somet'ing a"out 4E5cr.
T'e (irst "attle 2ent smoot'ly enoug'/ at (irst t'e party 2ere
con(ident, t'en "ecame alarmed 2'en t'e )'inese 'it t'e to2n
(rom an unsuspected direction, ruining t'e am"us'. 9T'is I
rolled (or:. Taking cover "e'ind larger "uildings, t'e party
"egan peppering t'e #I, t'en t'e c'oppers, and (inally t'e
soldiers. & (e2 rockets 2ere taken, and t'e easiest/to/'it mec'
2as damaged a good "it. In t'e end t'e enemy 2as anni'ilated,
save (or one scout #I 2'o got t'e 'ell out. T'e mine only
su((ered t2o or t'ree 'its o( damage. 6ne o( t'e party mem"ers
even got a )'inese cap o(( o( one o( t'e no2 mec'/less )'inese/
&(ter t'is session, I ended up rolling once more (or 'o2 t'e
2ar (ronts 2ere doing (or t'e )'inese and -ussian Empires. In
total t'ere 2ere t'ree main (ronts/ so I rolled @d> (or eac' side
(ig'ting in said (ronts. Ties 2ere stalemated, a OL vs O/ roll 2as
a large de(eat, and a roll 'ig'er t'an t'e enemy and a"ove O 2as
a minor victory. 6nce done, t'is gave me a sense o( 'o2 t'e
"attle/map and missions s'ould c'ange. *our days a(ter t'e
"attle t'e East2oods listened in to a radio "roadcast "y t'e same
mayor, t'is time 2arning t'e to2n t'at t'e )'inese got pissed
o(( and 2ere actually sending in some (orces to stomp all over
t'e near"y to2ns.
28 &endi0
Marc' ++ Mi&&ion&:
WST&)I TH6SE 66IS )HEST HIHX &n actual
detac'ment o( )'inese *orces are "raving t'e rugged
terrain in central #ongolia to take t'e (ig't to
&mar"ayasgalant. Some guerrilla (orces are remaining
"e'ind to give t'em 'ell. East2ood 'as t'e option o(
3oining t'em to attempt to delay, or per'aps cripple t'e
encroac'ing )'inese.
P';= Salvage %eno#n= #ongolia and -ussia
Chllenge= uess
&ssisting *orces< A/45 #I, IED0s, 888
WES)6-TX &mar"ayasgalant and neig'"oring to2ns 2ill
"e (alling "ack to t'e -ussian "order, to t'e #ongolian city
o( I'ovsgol. & call 'as "een put out (or some mercenaries
to 'elp guard t'e caravans and population as t'ey move.
P';= Ecr L loot %eno#n= #ongolia Chllenge= Easy
&ssisting *orces< B Soldier #ec's
WSHIT*ESTX T'e -ussian Empire seeks more mercenary
rein(orcements (or t'e mess o( a "attle at t'e main 2ar
(ront. T'ey 'ave currently moved onto t'e de(ensive and
need more men to "attle t'e unrelenting )'inese assault.
P';= @5cr, no loot %eno#n= -ussian Empire
Chllenge= Hig'
&ssisting *orces< &rmy o( t'e lorious -ussian Empire
&t t'is point t'e party are given t'ree missions, "ased o((
o( t'eir last pick. S'ould t'e (irst mission "e picked t'ey0ll
"e (ig'ting over2'elming )'inese (orces, only 2it' a (e2
stu""orn militia #I and IED0s. T'e later t2o missions are
more standard/ alt'oug' running an intermission, and
'aving t'e players (ig't as t'e guerrilla #I in
&mar"ayasgalant mig't still 'appen.
T'is time t'e rinning East2oods again settle (or 'elping
t'e locals, going (or t'e escort mission. W'et'er t'e idea
2as easy pay, or sticking it 2it' t'e same (olk, t'is ends up
"eing t'e second 3o" t'ey take.
So on and so on. o nuts.
Camai/n (is and )ints
LootDSa!5a/#: W'en in dou"t, give little salvage to t'e party.
)redits add up rat'er 1uickly even a(ter t'e 'uge mark/do2n.
Per'aps t'e s'op keeper does not 2is' (or any parts 2it' nearly
no 2ounds, or t'inks t'ere0s somet'ing 2rong 2it' part U. 6r
2is' to play do2n t'e 2ort' o( parts even more t'an 3ust E5S.
#ake t'e party 2ork (or t'ose credits+
;att!#&: iven t'at players 2ill generally 'ave "etter mec's, it is
sa(e to "uild an enemy (orce any2'ere (rom 4OE/@55S o( t'e
party0s total )-. =nder certain circumstances 9like (ig'ting #ini
oliat's: it mig't "e appropriate to matc' t'e )-0s. In general,
lean on t'e 'ig' side o( enemy (orces. $eat t'e players to all
'ell. ?ou0ve got to create a credit/sink (or t'e good o( t'e game.
Tan)&: Tanks can ruin everyt'ing (or t'e players i( t'ey are not
suspecting t'em. S'ould t'e party 'ave little 'ig'/&P 2eapons,
(eel (ree to t'ro2 a random curve "all tank at t'em every no2
and t'en. 6r several i( you relly 2ant to turn t'eir 2orld upside
)ell6s (rio%
6mar ray isn0t alone in 'is endeavors/ 3oining 'im is t'e
ranged specialist &rona )antrell and soldier T'orsten. T'e t'ree
o( t'em toget'er (orm up t'e mercenary team called Hell0s Trio.
6n t'e (ollo2ing pages are &rona and T'orsten0s c'aracter
s'eets. Here are t'e "ackgrounds (or your amusement.
&rona )antrell. Somet'ing o( a cele"rity, t'e young 2oman 'as 1uite t'e
(an"ase. #ost o( 'er early li(e is unkno2n, "ut it IS kno2n t'at s'e signed on
2it' t'e =S army at t'e age o( eig'teen. &rona t'en 2ent on to serve (or (our
years. Puitting at t'e rank o( E/D, or specialist, t'e young (emale t'en c'ose to
responsi"ly use 'er ne2/(ound skills as a mercenary. & natural 2it' t'e sniper/
ri(le, many a company 'ired &rona onto t'eir payroll. S'e0s "een private security,
maritime (orce protector, and even assassin once or t2ice. Having pulled in
(avors, and done t'e odd "ri"e, t'e (emale managed to re1uisition 'er o2n
personal mec'.
&rona currently (ig'ts alongside T'orsten and 6mar as a mem"er o( Hell0s Trio.
*lirtatious and 2icked, a great knack (or speec', t'e knockout/"londe acts as t'e
party0s (ace. 6((/t'e/3o" &rona is somet'ing o( a gun/nut and s'amelessly
"ro2ses t'e Internet to see 2'at 'er (ans are saying.
6( all Hell0s Trio T'orsten 'as no dou"t 'ad t'e roug'est up"ringing. His mot'er
dying o( c'ild"irt' complications, 'e 2as instead le(t to "e raised "y 'is ex/con
(at'er. During 'is early teens T'orsten got (ed up 2it' 'is conditions and le(t
'ome, deciding to risk it all living on t'e (ro%en streets o( -ussia. *or a time 'e
did (ine, cre2ing it up 2it' ot'er 'omeless yout'. During a "otc'ed petty/
ro""ery T'orsten and anot'er minor 2ere caug't "y police. Eventually 'e 2as
given t'e option o( six years in 3ail, until t'e age o( @4, or to "e 0re'a"ilitated0 in
t'e ?out' )orp. T'oug' "ot' options 2ere an improvement 'e decided to c'oose
t'e later. &(ter serving in t'e corp (or B years, t'e man t'en enlisted 2it' t'e
actual army. )urrently T'orsten 'as an N-$ #ec' on mortgage.
#eeting t'e man, most people 2ould agree t'at 'e seems kind o( intense or
unsta"le. W'ile at a cursory glance t'is mig't "e correct, it 2ould "e more
accurate to say T'orsten is extremely passionate. His (e2 possessions are an
extension o( 'imsel( and 'is companions are (amily.
.rona ) Cantrell
"'54 1#+ lbs 2-
niper-babe mercenary 9ol!pt!o!s/ athletic7 omewhat Nordic
in appearance7 %l!e eyes and long blonde hair7
6as 1 cr to spend &ills
Tal&- (b,!scation +1
'irearms- 6andg!ns +1
'irearms- )i,les +1
Crowdpleaser- +2 to reaction rolls ,or those that are attracted to ,emales when e:iting a mech
3o ,or the head- ;ith niper weaponry enemies are hit in the head on a roll o, 1 or #
2!cy 24
niper mech
1-7< tons
" 4 2
2ight bl!e
*air o, red lips
T)2 *$1
( ( ( (
T)1/ held +1 .)
( ( (
( (
niper Cannon
.*2/ r4+/ 2: dam
Targeting .rray
+1 perception
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
.*1/ r1"
Thorsten $!lg!r!&ov
-'24 1<+ lbs 2#
0!venile delin>!ent t!rned soldier Tall/ athletically b!ilt7 2oo&s very
ga!nt and wild7 6air is messy/ blac&/ sho!lder-length
'irearms- .ssa!lt )i,les +1
tealth +1
?nives +2
treet 'ighter- Thorsten has +1$) against melee weapons in o!r o!t o, his mech7
@at ho!lder- +1 to hit an opponent in melee i, they wo!nded an ally last t!rn
*raetorian 2"
'ront-line de,ender
1<7A tons
4 # 2
Nearly white bl!e
hield crossed by spear
$odge rating -1
( ( (
T)# *$1
( ( ( ( (
T)1/ held +1 .)
( ( (
( ( ( (
.*1/ r#+/ 2: attac&s
2$-+4 "
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
Included is a list o( example enemies t'at mig't "e used (or ChromeStrike. To2ard t'e end o( t'is c'apter is a glossary 2it'
page num"ers (or important attri"utes, 2eapons, and key2ords. =se it to 1uickly re(erence particular parts or rules.
Note t'at many speeds are listed as x;y;%/ t'ese are t'e speeds 2'en t'e legs 'ave 455S, E5S, and 5S 2ounds.
BE(& Soldier
Point&: @5 Co!or&: Tend to "e primarily gray or "lack. ?ello2 trim and optics.
Str#n/t' ooo .od/# Ratin/ E;D;@ H#ad: $eta 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: $eta 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# DL4 Ar2&: $eta 9ooo:
L#/&: $eta 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4E.@E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
Heavy # 9Primary 'and: H @E-, &P4, @x attacks @d>LB to 'it
S'otgun 9Secondary: H 4E-, &P4 @d>LB to 'it
&T&= / L4 to all 'it, Initiative, and per
&rmor =pgrade to legs
0et Soldiers re the min1sty unit of unprofessionl rmies1
those tht re left #ith older technology" &hough they lck the
ne#est fetures found by the Prime mechs( en msse these re
still cpble of tking on rmed forces( or e!en more
e-pensi!e models" 07&' soldiers re perform best in n nti1
!ehicle role" &hey lck the firepo#er to tke on he!ier
opponents like tnks"
BE(& *issile *e'h
Point&: @5 Co!or&: Tend to "e primarily gray or "lack. ?ello2 trim and optics.
Str#n/t' ooo .od/# Ratin/ E;D;@ H#ad: $eta 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: $eta 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# E Ar2&: $eta 9ooo:
L#/&: $eta 9oo:
7#i/'t: 4> tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
#ac'ine/un 9Primary 'and: H B5-, &P4 @d>LB to 'it
#edium #issiles H &P@ DLD s'ots Bd> to 'it
Storage Tank
&hough it se!erely lcks hnd1held #eponry( the 07&' /issile
/ech is n e-tensi!ely rermed !ersion of the 07&' soldier"
Crrying up to eight missiles( it cn mke short #ork of most
mechs nd !ehicles" 0ttle effecti!eness is incresed
e-ponentilly #hen used in con.unction #ith Scout /,"
CO *odel 0<
Point&: @D Co!or&: Plastic/2'ite 2it' lig't "lue optics
Str#n/t' o .od/# Ratin/ K;>;@ H#ad: )6/54 9oo:
S"##d # Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: )6/54 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# > Ar2&: )6/54N 9oo:
L#/&: )6/54NN 9oo:
7#i/'t: 44 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @. MM:eg 'rmor %ting is EB
E<ui"2#nt M/o!ing hit penlties re t 11
#ac'ine/un 9Primary 'and: H B5-, &P4 @d>LBN to 'it
#edium #issiles H &P@ D s'ots Bd> to 'it
$uilt/In Drone )ontroller
&o#ering o!er the drones they fight beside( C6 soldier mechs re
n eery sight" &he mchines thro# themsel!es long in bounding
steps( their re!erse1kneed legs mo!ing #ith niml grce" 2ht
they lck in rmment is mde up by speed1 they re kno#n for
being pin to destroy"
C( *odel 0< H*ustan/I
Point&: @E Co!or&: Dark "lue paint 2it' red optics
Str#n/t' ooo .od/# Ratin/ O;>;D H#ad: )T/54 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: )T/54 9ooo o:
Contro! oo Initiati5# E Ar2&: )T/54N 9ooo:
L#/&: )T/54 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4>.O tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
E<ui"2#nt M3eld #epons re t B1 to hit
Heavy # 9Primary 'and: H @E-, &P4, @x attacks, 3ams @d>LE to 'it
renade !aunc'er 9Secondary: H @5-, &&, D s'ots @d>LB to 'it
&here is no more professionl nd se-y mech t 2E credits thn
tht of the C&101 /ustng" ,n nerly e!ery #y the fighting
mchine is perfect for its #eight clss1 fst( tough( nd rmed
#ith decent #eponry" Cr#ford &ech4s eronuticl bckground
is some#ht e!ident in the erodynmic( sloped rmor"
N5B *odel 0<
Point&: @E Co!or&: Dark gray 2it' gold optics
Str#n/t' ooo o .od/# Ratin/ D;B;@ H#ad: N-$/54 9oN:
S"##d oo Ar2or Ratin/ BL C'a&&i&: N-$/54 9ooo oo:
Contro! Initiati5# DL4 Ar2&: N-$/54 9ooo o:
L#/&: N-$/54 9ooo o:
7#i/'t: 4A.A tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @. M3ed 'rmor %ting is 2B
Heavy # 9Primary 'and: H @E-, &P4, @x attacks, 3ams @d>LB to 'it
-ocket !aunc'er 9Secondary: H B5-, &P@, D s'ots @d>LD to 'it
Targeting &rray 9S'oulder: L4 Perception and Initiative
6n the other end of the spectrum from the C&101( the *%0 is
slo#( rmored( nd hs the grce of trctor" &hough it my
not look ll too pretty the mchine is incredibly durble nd
rugged" ,t is he!ily rmored compred to the 0et Soldier( nd
crries much hrder hitting #eponry" For ll intents nd
purposes the *%0101 could be considered short1rnged tnk"
Point&: E5 Co!or&: Dark gray 2it' gold optics
Str#n/t' ooo oo .od/# Ratin/ E;D;B H#ad: N-$/5@ 9ooo o:
S"##d oo Ar2or Ratin/ @L C'a&&i&: N-$/5B 9ooo ooo:
Contro! o Initiati5# > Ar2&: N-$/54 9ooo o:
L#/&: N-$/5@ 9ooo o:
7#i/'t: B4.A tons
Pi!ot: Pro(essional. PE-;&! is B, ot'ers de(ault to @.
-ocket !aunc'er 9Primary 'and: H B5-, &P@, D s'ots @d>LE to 'it
renade !aunc'er 9Secondary: H @5-, &&, D s'ots @d>L@ to 'it
# 9S'oulder: H B5-, &P4 @d>LB to 'it
# 9S'oulder: H B5-, &P4 @d>LB to 'it
&rmor =pgrade to 'ead
*erly n rmy of itself( the *%0 Destroyer is 321ton
golith of steel nd #eponry" 6ccsionlly used by *%0
strike forces or specil %ussin 7mpire tems( the
.uggernughts re ble to blo# through nerly ny enemy in
e-istence" &he mount of rmor mkes high po#ered
#eponry unrelible ginst Destroyers( t best"
31 &endi0
*ono:0< HSentinelI
Point&: @E Co!or&: Dull yello2 2it' 2'ite optics
Str#n/t' oo .od/# Ratin/ 44;O;B H#ad: #ono/54 9o:
S"##d $ Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: #ono/54 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# O Ar2&: $eta 9ooo:
L#/&: #ono/WN 9oo:
7#i/'t: 4@.@ tons
Pi!ot: Pro(essional. PE-;&! is B, ot'ers de(ault to @.
)'emical !aser 9Primary 'and: H D5-, &P4, E s'ots @d>LE to 'it
)'emical !aser 9Secondary: H D5-, &P4, E s'ots @d>LE to 'it
Targeting &rray 9S'oulder: L4 Perception and Initiative
So(t2are =pgrade to )'assis, 6verc'argers =pgrade to !egs
2hile they did not profit nerly s much s the other primes(
nd s rule do not sell mech prts(tht4s not to sy /ono
doesn4t mnufcture them" ' smrt compny sees the need for
self defense nd performing miscellneous tsks1 nd tht is
#here the /ono Sentinel comes in" &heir primry /ech for
fighting( the unit is surprisingly fst nd gile( bering the
cutting edge in optics nd lser #eponry" Sentinels re perfectly suited for hit1nd1run ttcks"
CO *odel 01 H5o'ket CutterI
Point&: E5 Co!or&: Plastic/2'ite 2it' lig't "lue optics
RB1 in melee
Str#n/t' o .od/# Ratin/ A;>;DN H#ad: )6/54 9oo:
S"##d oooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: )6/5B 9ooo ooo:
Contro! o Initiati5# > Ar2&: )6/54 9oo:
L#/&: )6/5@ 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4A.E tons
Pi!ot: Pro(essional. PE-;&! is B, ot'ers de(ault to @.
E<ui"2#nt M/o!ing hit penlties re t 11
renade !aunc'er 9Primary 'and: H @5-, &&, D s'ots @d>L@ to 'it
)om"at S'ield 9Secondary: H DL armor, @ 2ounds, takes torso;arm 'its
Dx Heavy -ocket Pod 9S'oulder: H
@5-, &P4, 4/B attacks, > s'ots @d>LB to 'itN
$uilt/In Drone )ontroller, 6ld &ge Hatc'
Skirmishes #ith *%01he!y forces h!e led to demnds for
he!ier C6 model" 'long the %ussin front( *%0 Destroyers nd
rmored di!isions h!e done number on the Pnsin 'llince" &hough the he!y !ehicles #ere ble to
be tken do#n by tnk( C6101( nd 02( the dmge returned #s uncceptble" &he clls for n nti1rmor
mech led to the cretion of the C6 /odel 03( dubbed the %ocket Cutter" 7ch to#ers o!er norml mechs( t
nerly fi!e meters in height( nd re rmored to #ithstnd repeted tnk shots" &hough less gile thn the
drones or erlier models( the 03 is insted cpble of tking out e-tremely rmored trgets in single
o!er#helming ttck" Pilots often consider the on1bord firepo#er outrgeous"
E. *odel 0<
Point&: @E Co!or&: reen 3ungle camo 2it' "lack optics
Str#n/t' ooo .od/# Ratin/ B;@;@ H#ad: E/54 9ooo:
S"##d o Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: E/54 9ooo oo:
Contro! Initiati5# O Ar2&: E/54 9ooo o:
L#/&: E/54 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4>.5E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
&utocannon 9Primary 'and: H B5-, &P@ @d>LB to 'it
S'otgun 9Secondary: H 4E-, &P4 @d>LD to 'it
Targeting &rray 9S'oulder: L4 Perception and Initiative
E #ulti/tool, B>5Y vie2
&he 7A101 is run of the mill( not prticulrly strong mech" ,t
hs gret ll1terrin cpbilities 8mking it one of the fe#
mkes cpble of n!igting .ungle9 nd it is generlly more
rmored thn the 0et" ,t4s rel strength shines in lying
mbushes nd fighting in he!y co!er1 nturl tctics #ithin
the luscious greenery of South 'meric" &he built1in multi1tool
llo#s the mchines to hobble together co!er or cler #y
folige" &he sensors nd trgeting rry tke it from there
E. *odel 02 HP$thonI
Point&: BA Co!or&: $lue/tur1uoise camo 2it' "lack optics
Str#n/t' ooo oo .od/# Ratin/ E;D;D H#ad: E/5@ 9oN: M3ed 'rmor %ting is 3B
S"##d o Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: E/5@ 9ooo ooo:
Contro! o Initiati5# K Ar2&: E/5@ 9ooo o:
L#/&: E/5@ 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4K tons
Pi!ot: Pro(essional. PE-;&! is B, ot'ers de(ault to @.
&utocannon 9Primary: H B5;45-, &P@, under2ater @d>LD to 'it
*lamet'ro2er 9Secondary: H 4E-, /4 &- de"u(( @d>L> to 'it
#ortar 9Headgun: H @5/>5-, &P@ BxB "last 9&P5: @d>LB to 'it
> s'ots, "ecomes 4d>LB at closer t'an @5
)an move under2ater at 4SPD.
2here the 7A01 is the generl guerrill soldier of 7merld
Ardens( the 7A02 is the silent killer nd hunter" ,t is the only
mphibious1cpble ttck mech on the plnet" Cpble of
floting bout under#ter( nd being deployed by bot( the
Python is relentless mech cpble of tking the fight to
ny#here on erth" 2hile less gile thn similr priced mechs
the 02 hs decently rmored build nd crries #ide
ssortment of #eponry"
33 &endi0
($e 2 JDeath +ordJ
Point&: 44 Co!or&: reen/"ro2n camo 2it' "lack optics
Str#n/t' ooo .od/# Ratin/ E;D;@ H#ad: $ei/54
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: $eta 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# D Ar2&: $eta 9ooo:
L#/&: $eta 9oo:
7#i/'t: 4E.E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
#ac'ine/un 9Primary 'and: H @5-, &P4 @d>LB to 'it
6ld/&ge Hatc'
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/T'e # may "e s2apped out (or a ri(le. add an External Po2er Pack.
&he &ype $ is one of the erliest model of mechs creted by the
People4s %epublic of Chin( before %ussi4s lifting of the
d!nced #epons bn" 'lthough the People4s :ibertion 'rmy
uses much more d!nced mech for their o#n forces( the &ype
$ is still in1production nd sold throughout the #orld" ,t is populr #ith pri!te rmies( insurgents( nd
guerills for its chep price tg nd e-cellent opertionl endurnce" 7nemy troops refer to the &ype $ s
coffins( #hich often led to the deths of their pilots"
($e 18 J(i/erJ
Point&: @5 Co!or&: reen/"ro2n camo 2it' "lack optics
Str#n/t' oo .od/# Ratin/ >;E;D H#ad: $ei/54
S"##d ooo o Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: $ei/5@NN 9ooo:
Contro! Initiati5# D Ar2&: $ei/54N 9o oo:
L#/&: $ei/W'eel 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4B.E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @ R&urret rm hs B2 '% nd 2 of the #ounds
RRChssis hs 3B 'rmor %ting
#ac'ine/un 9Turret arm: H @5-, &P4 @d>LE to 'it
!ig't #issiles H > s'ots Bd> to 'it
&he &ype 3H &iger is Chin4s primry combt mech" &he P:' uses the &iger for !riety of missions( but
minly deploys them for long1rnge ptrols nd infntry support" ,ts contro!ersil mo!ement system( mde
up of si-( #ide #heels( llo#s it e-cellent speed in ptrolling the long( Chinese border" 3o#e!er( its lck of
fle-ibility is source of complint from its pilots( #ho must often del #ith fighting more dptble(
legged enemy" &he mchine hs #ell1rmored( but frgile chssis #ith the sensor units plced inside nd
rmored" 2ht the &iger lcks in sturdiness( it mkes up for in firepo#er" 'n e-tended missile mg+ine
mkes it cpble of fire support or nti1ir duties( #hile its rm1integrted mchine1gun hs e-ceptionl
($e 62 J5abid PandaJ
Point&: BE Co!or&: reen/"ro2n camo 2it' "lack optics
Str#n/t' oo .od/# Ratin/ E;D;B H#ad: $ei/5@ 9oo:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: $ei/5@N 9ooo:
Contro! Initiati5# D Ar2&: $ei/5@P 9ooo:
L#/&: $ei/5@Q 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4B tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @ RChssis hs 3B 'rmor %ting
At 50% wounds 2 Light Missiles are lost; all at 0%
#inor Sniper 9Primary: H -D5, &P4 @d>L@ to 'it
&& #issiles 9&rms: H &ir D- is ;D, &P@ D s'ots Bd>LE to 'it
Heavy #issiles 9#issile: H &P@, @x att E s'ots Bd>L@ to 'it
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
round Support< S2ap #inor Sniper 2it' Handgun. && #issiles are no2 #edium. &dd $eico !Zn3i[.
Q!6)I D6WN< T'e pilot may c'oose to lock/do2n t'e ve'icle using t2o maneuvers. 6nce done t'e ve'icle 'as L@ to 'it,
cannot move, cannot kneel, and cannot "e displaced. $eing struck "y a displacing or prone/inducing e((ect 2ill "e ignored "ut t'e
legs take an additional 'it. 96r t2o extra 'its (or a prone and displacing 'it.: =nlocking re1uires t2o more maneuvers.
&he People4s :ibertion 'rmy found their first forys into mech units to be incredibly successful ginst #eker sttes nd
internl opponents" 3o#e!er( they found their designs #oefully ill1prepred to fce #ell1eFuipped militries" &he %ussin
7mpire4s he!ily rmed nd rmored mechs pro!ed difficult to counter( s #ell s the nimble mechs of the Pn1'sin 'llince"
7ngineers t the 3rbin ,nstitute of &echnology( !ery ner the front1lines #ith the %ussin Federtion( rn e-tensi!e field1studies
nd creted n ns#er" &he &ype D2 M%bid PndM is tht ns#er" %ther thn compete in direct rms1rce #ith either
ggressor( the Chinese mech relied on n ns#er tht Chin hd l#ys embrced= Stnd1off missile systems" &he &ype D2 uses
d!nced %'D'% trcking systems( s #ell s legs cpble of digging1in to crete perfect firing bse( to ensure tht its missiles
h!e pin1point ccurcy" 's #ell s h!ing n rtillery1missile system( the Pnd hs pir of 'nti1'ir missiles to deter 'eril
&hrets( nd bckup cnnon for direct1fire #ork"
Ck:26EColkerF JCikin/J
Point&: @E Co!or&: ray 2it' "lack trim and "lue optics
Str#n/t' ooo o .od/# Ratin/ E;D;@ H#ad: Dome
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ BL C'a&&i&: N-$/54 9oooo oo:
Contro! Initiati5# DL4 Ar2&: N-$/54 9ooo o:
L#/&: $eta 9oo:
7#i/'t: @5.@E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
&utocannon 9Primary: H B5-, &P@ @d>LB to 'it
)'ain/Ini(e 9Secondary: H &P@ @d>L@ to 'it
!ig't #issiles 9#issile:H D s'ots Bd> to 'it
Targeting &rray 9S'oulder: L4 PE-
&he Kiking is stndrd combt mech in use #ith the Federl %epublic of
Aermny" ,t hs n !erge Speed( despite being he!ily rmored( nd h!ing
high1output hydrulic system" ,ts #epons1complement is incredibly !ried(
mking the Kiking thret in ny en!ironment" ,ts Primry #epon is 3Emm
utocnnon #ith fntstic penetrtion cpbilities( bcked up by missile1rck for engging trgets t e-treme rnge" &he finl
#epon is chin1knife kept in holster t its rer= the high1po#ered blde( #hen combined #ith the mech4s incredible strength(
cn cut through e!en he!y rmor( mking it n e-cellent bckup #ithout the need for mmunition" 0ecuse of the multiple
sensor1rrys( missile lunchers( nd rmor co#ling tht dominte its shoulders( its sunken hed is ll1but immune to clled
38 &endi0
*5:< J)auberkJ
Point&: @5 Co!or&: $lue primary 2it' yello2 trim and optics
Str#n/t' oo .od/# Ratin/ O;E;@ H#ad: #ono/54 9oo:
S"##d ooo oo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: #ono/54 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# D Ar2&: $eta 9ooo:
L#/&: $eta 9oo:
7#i/'t: 4E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
$urst -i(le 9Primary: H B5-, &P4 @d>L@ to 'it
S'otgun 9Secondary: H 4E-, &P4 @d>LB to 'it
!ig't -ocket Pod 9S'oulder: H
@5-, 4/B attacks, > s'ots @d>LB to 'itN
Decoy/!aunc'er / LB Dodge-ating against missiles
&rmor =pgrade to Head
&he /%11 3uberk #s the first mech mde for 7) militries" &he
design #s .oint1!enture bet#een the Aermns( French( nd 7nglish to produce mech of their o#n" ,t
pro!ed to be solid design tht utili+ed n up1rmored opticl unit from /ono s #ell s their stremlined
chssis" &he S123 combt rifle( feturing 1Emm rifle nd underslung $0mm 'nti1'rmor MShotgunM( #hich
uses frgmenting tungsten mmunition( pro!ed to be incredibly effecti!e in urbn combt" ,n ddition(
shoulder1mounted rocket pck nd decoy luncher gi!es it dditionl punch nd some protection from
missile threts" &he 3uberk ser!ed #ith distinction before being replced by the more1d!nced /%12
Che!lier" ,t is still in1use #ith some second1line units #hich h!e yet to recei!e the ne#er mech"
*5:2 JCheAalierJ
Point&: @E Co!or&: $lue primary 2it' yello2 trim and optics
Str#n/t' oo .od/# Ratin/ A;>;BN H#ad: #ono/5@ 9o:
S"##d ooo oo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: #ono/54 9ooo o:
Contro! oM Initiati5# D Ar2&: $eta 9ooo:
L#/&: $eta 9oo:
7#i/'t: 4E tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
R2hile sttionry C*&%: is BB1
$urst -i(le 9Primary: H B5-, &P4 @d>LB to 'itN
S'otgun 9Secondary: H 4E-, &P4 @d>LD to 'itN
!ig't #issiles 9#issile:H D s'ots Bd>L4 to 'itN
Decoy/!aunc'er / LB Dodge-ating against missiles
&he /%12 is the 7)4s updte of the /%11 3uberk to keep up #ith
other sttes4 mech1lines" &he sensor unit #s replced #ith much
more d!nced unit" )nfortuntely( the upgrde to its functionlity
cme t the e-pense of rmor" ,n ddition( the rocket pck #s
replced #ith missile pck( gi!ing the Che!lier longer enggement rnge" &he miniml chnges llo#
for some#ht simple refit of the /%11( nd only minor re1tooling of the !ery sme fctories( ensuring
tht nerly e!ery 7) member1stte hs ccess to the ne#er mech #ith miniml difficulty( nd !ery little
lerning cur!e for 7uropen pilots"
*1 H*antisI
Point&: B5 Co!or&: ,aria"le
Str#n/t' oo .od/# Ratin/ A;A;E H#ad: )T/54 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: )T/54 9ooo o:
Contro! ooo o Initiati5# D Ar2&: )T/54t 9ooo:
L#/&: )T/541uad 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4A.DE tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
&utocannon 9Primary: H B5-, &P@ @d>LO to 'it
#inor Sniper 9Secondary: H D5-, &P4 @d>LO to 'it
6verc'argers upgrade to legs
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
&dd S'oulder/#ounted -ocket !aunc'er (or E)-
&he /13 is the stndrd combt mech of the )nited Sttes 'rmy"
0uilt completely from Cr#ford &ech4s C&101 line( the /ntis is ble to engge trgets t long nd medium rnges
effecti!ely( #hile not scrificing mobility( mking it n effecti!e mech1destroyer" ,n ddition( the /ntis4 MtilM my be
integrted #ith missile or rocket system for engging hrdpoints or he!y rmor" ,ts cpbilities come #ith hefty
price tg"
*2 HPere/rine Fal'onI
Point&: @5 Co!or&: ,aria"le
Str#n/t' ooo o .od/# Ratin/ A;>;B H#ad: #ono/54 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ DL C'a&&i&: )T/54 9ooo o:
Contro! o Initiati5# D Ar2&: )T/54 9ooo:
L#/&: )T/54 9ooo:
7#i/'t: 4>.KE tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @
NHeld is L4 to 'it
$urst -i(le 9Primary: H B5-, &P4 @d>LD to 'itN
!ig't -ocket Pod 9S'oulder: H
@5-, 4/B attacks, > s'ots @d>LD to 'itNN
&ll/Terrain *eet #odule
Cu&to2iBation O"tion& ECRF:
Scout< &dd Targeting !aser
*ire Support< &dd #edium #issile rack
&nti/&ir< Trade $urst -i(le (or #ac'ine/un and &nti/&ir #issile rack
&ssault< &dd renade !aunc'er
&he /1$ is n 'mericn Combt /ech produced for the /rine Corps" ,n prototyping( the /rine Corps used
nerly e-ct1replic of the C&101 /ustng" 3o#e!er( the /ustng pro!ed to be slightly too slo# for the /rine4s
Combt Doctrine( too e-pensi!e for its budget( nd not rugged enough to deploy ny#here( nytime" ,n order to fill
the contrct( C& entered prtnership #ith its 7uropen 7Fui!lent( producing the /1$ Peregrine Flcon" &he
dditionl fire control systems in the /ustng #ere replced #ith /ono4s light1#eight nd lo#1cost optics nd
computers" &he s!ed #eight #s ble to increse the mech4s speed" ,n ddition( the C& legs #ere modified #ith 'll1
&errin Feet( llo#ing the mech to tr!erse difficult terrin" ,ts #epons complement #s ltered to h!e 1Emm
long1rnge combt rifle nd E0mm rocket pod" &he combintion of eFuipment hs mde the /1$ modulr combt
system( #ith dditionl hrdpoints for mission1specific lodouts"
39 &endi0
Note t'at aircra(t, as a 2'ole, are dangerous enoug' to "e plot/level com"atants, or at least veri(ia"le (orces o( nature. Eac' is
capa"le o( striking (rom 2ell outside o( any return (ire t'at mec's or ve'icles mig't "ring. *or all intents and purposes t'ey are
o((/(ield entities t'at mig't (ire a 7D&# or t2o and t'en (ly o((.
T'ere are t2o di((erent 2ays o( com"ating t'em. #ost (re1uently t'e aircra(t 2ill "e (ar, (ar o((, necessitating t'e use o(
#issiles. & )ommand J )ontrol node greatly "oosts t'e c'ances o( striking t'em, "ut critical 'its 2ill al2ays 'it aircra(t 9at LL4
&P to "oot:. -egardless o( 2'at is (ired a )J) node is re1uired to 'ave a good c'ance o( 'itting aircra(t.
S'ould t'e aircra(t actually enter t'e (ield o( "attle to make stra(ing runs t'en mec's and ve'icles may return (ire. #ac'ine/
guns are t'e only 2eapon 2it' enoug' rate o( (ire to 'ave a c'ance. W'ile 'itting 2it'out a )J) Node is nig'/impossi"le t'ere0s
al2ays t'e possi"ility o( crits. Wit' enoug' mac'ine/guns 9or "etter yet, 'eavy mac'ine/guns: t'ere0s a decent c'ance o( doing
some damage, 2it' or 2it'out a )ommand J )ontrol Node.
Note t'at all aircra(t (ire on one anot'er as i( t'ey 'ad a )ommand J )ontrol Node.
Cra#-ord (e'h F>&:12 Point&: O55
S"##d Supersonic .od/# Ratin/ DD 911 bse B 3 ginst missiles:
Contro! Ar2or Ratin/ EL Main: 9ooo:
Initiati5# >L@
7#i/'t: B@.5 tons
Pi!ot: Pro(essional. PE-;&! is B, ot'ers de(ault to @.
&nti/&ir #issiles 9Wings: H &P@, dam x@, @x attacks, D s'ots Bd>L@ to 'it
P# 9$elly: H &PB, Ax attacks, D s'ots Bd>L@ to 'it
secondary BxB "last at &PB, Dx attacks 9does not stack 2it' primary target:
Decoy !aunc'er, @x &T&=, Targeting !aser, Electronic War(are =nit, Stealt'
&he Cr#ford &ech F>'132 is both dedly ircrft nd piece of rt" &he mchine is ment primrily to be
n ir1superiority fighter( but lso hs dditionl cpbilities tht include ground ttck( electronic1
#rfre( nd signls intelligence" &he F132 is rmed #ith number of nti1ir missiles nd precision
guided munitions( plus the ncient( !estigil nose gun" Some clim tht the F>'132 is compensting( due to
the rotry 30mm rotry cnnon( or o!erpriced( but the ircrft4s performnce speks for itself"
EF C$'lone Point&: B@E
S"##d Supersonic .od/# Ratin/ D5 945 bse B 3 ginst missiles:
Contro! Ar2or Ratin/ EL Main: 9ooo:
Initiati5# DL4
7#i/'t: @A.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
7ack'ammer 9Nose: H &P@, Bx attacks, D s'ots @d>LB to 'it
&nti/&ir #issiles 9Wings: H &P@, dam x@, @x attacks, D s'ots Bd>L4 to 'it
P# 9$elly: H &PB, Ax attacks, @ s'ots Bd>L4 to 'it
secondary BxB "last at &PB, Dx attacks 9does not stack 2it' primary target:
Decoy !aunc'er, &T&=, Targeting !aser, Stealt'
Cheper nd more plentiful thn the F>'132( the 7F Cyclone is the 7uropen )nion4s ns#er to modern
ircrft" &he 7F Cyclone fulfills mny of the sme roles s the more e-pensi!e sibling( but lso lcks
electronic #rfre cpbilities( nd o!erll hs lo#er performnce" &ht is not to sy tht it is pusho!er
by ny mens; it still remins t the top of the food1chin #ith similrly priced ircrft"
Ful'rum F:26 Point&: @A5
S"##d Near/supersonic .od/# Ratin/ D5 945 bse B 3 ginst missiles:
Contro! Ar2or Ratin/ EL Main: 9ooo:
Initiati5# DL4
7#i/'t: @A.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
Dual &utocannons 9Nose: H &P@, @x attacks @d>LB to 'it
&nti/&ir #issiles 9Wings: H &P@, dam x@, @x attacks, D s'ots Bd>L4 to 'it
)ruise #issiles 9Wings: H &P@, @x attacks, > s'ots 9ground only: Bd>L4 to 'it
Decoy !aunc'er, &T&=, Targeting !aser
&he Fulcrum F12D is n old %ussin 7mpire fighter plne" /ent to be cheply built nd esily
replceble( the good performnce hs led to its use by mny different ntions( #ell fter the ctul cese of
production" ,n mny #ys it might be considered s n 7F Cyclone #ith mny shortcuts tken" &he F12D
lcks po#erful nti1ground cpbilities nd is not supersonic cpble"
CO C(CD Point&: EE5
S"##d Hypersonic .od/# Ratin/ B> 9K bse B 3 ginst missiles:
Contro! o Ar2or Ratin/ DL Main: 9ooo oo:
Initiati5# D
7#i/'t: >E.5 tons
Pi!ot: Drone )'ip. PE- is B, ot'ers de(ault to 4.
&nti/&ir #issiles 9Wings: H &P@, dam x@, @x attacks, > s'ots Bd>L4 to 'it
Decoy !aunc'er, @x Net2orked Targeting !aser 9@d>LB to 'it:
Electronic/War(are =nit
:ife is scred( or so C6 clims" Forys into Drone chip technology
ne!er ended #ith simple biped pltforms" &his sme technology is
used to grnt utonomy to ircrft( mking other#ise dumb drones
e-ponentilly more cle!er"
&he C6 Kerticl &ke1off Combt Drone is mssi!e( fst1flying
ircrft ment to o!er#helm combtnts( using their net#orked
trgeting lsers to dedly effect" &heir lrge si+e nd profile mkes
the K&CD susceptible to nti1ir fire( despite the stggering speed of
flight" ' smll fuel pylod nd flight sickness of the drone reFuires
the !ehicle to be used only for periods of time"
6< &endi0
&rmored Personnel Carrier
Point&: >
.od/# Ratin/ >
S"##d # Ar2or Ratin/ DL Main: 9oo:
Contro! Initiati5# B
7#i/'t: @5.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
#ac'ine/un 9Turret: H D5-, &P4 @d>Lunner PE-L4
)arrying )apacity< 45 In(antry or D #o"ile In(antry
E-& H T'ree c'arges. -ockets;#issiles count as &P5
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/T'e #ac'ine/un turret may "e removed to (ree up B)-. T'ese credits may "e spent 'o2ever.
/&not'er B)- may "e spent to only carry > in(antry, s2ap t'e # (or an autocannon, and 'ave a -ocket !aunc'er 2; @ s'ots. &rmor "ecomes EL.
'rmored Personnel Crriers re tnk1like !ehicles built to ferry lrge mounts of infntry through
bttlefields" &he rmored hull protects the occupnts fully from light rms fire( essentilly performing s
mobile bunker" Should the need cll for it the 'PC is ble to insted crry hndful of /obile ,nfntry"
Point&: 4@
.od/# Ratin/ B
S"##d oo Ar2or Ratin/ >L Main: 9oo:
Contro! Initiati5# x
7#i/'t: O.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @. Has (our cre2.
E<ui"2#nt- T'e artillery piece 'as one o( t'e (ollo2ing/
3o#it+er/ B5 mile range, (ires every ot'er turn. -oll a D> 2'en (iring/ on DL t'e s'ot is on target and rolls to 'it 2it' INT as
normal. 6n a (ailure it deviates in a random direction 4dB grid spaces (rom t'e target. Strikes all entities in t'e grid/space as &P@
4dB 'its, and all ad3acent entities 2it' a single &P5 'it.
/:%S/ B5 mile range, 'as t'ree s'ots. -olls to 'it at Bd>LSpotter INT 9or (lat Bd>:. Strikes at &P@, @x damage, and @x attacks.
-estocking missiles costs 4cr a pop.
*I-E S=PP6-T< &ny ve'icle or in(antry 2it' su((icient comms may re1uest an artillery strike. W'en t'is is t'e case t'e caller
declares a target and uses up "ot' t'eir movement and utility actions. =p to t2o artillery may t'en (ire on t'e target 2it' a (lat
@d>;Bd> to 'it.
6nce clled the Aod of 2r( rtillery re immobile #epon pltforms built to lob lrge munitions o!er
considerble distnces" Different mchines cn fire shells( munitions( nd e!en rockets" %egrdless of
#epon type( or nme( the de!ice grnts considerble mounts of he!y firepo#er nd tcticl options for
the cle!er commnder"
&tta'k )eli'oter
Point&: @5
.od/# Ratin/ A
S"##d %& Ar2or Ratin/ DL Main: 9oo:
Contro! oo Initiati5# D
7#i/'t: A.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
-ocket Pod 9#ain: H @5-, 4/B attacks, > s'ots @d>LD
-ocket Pod 9#ain: H @5-, 4/B attacks, > s'ots @d>LD
#ac'ine/un 9#ain: H @5-, &P4 @d>LD
&P #issiles H &&, B s'ots Bd>L@
Decoy/!aunc'ers / LB Dodge-ating against missiles
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
&n &ttack Helicopter may s2ap out t'e t2o -ocket Pods to make room (or additional direct/(ire 2eaponry. -emoving t'e @x
-ocket Pods grants Acr to "e spent on 2eapons.
'ttck helicopters re flying gunships tht perform the role of n ttck ircrft" &hey re ll mr!els of
engineering1 fst( stble( nd he!ily rmed" From considerble distnce ttck 3elicopter re ble to
destroy tnks nd mechs" &heir only dr#bck is their limited rmor( nd the fct tht most nti1!ehicle
#epons re cpble of tking them out"
&he common ttck chopper is rmed #ith t#o rocket pods( ech of them mounted under the smll
side #ings" Some more guided missiles re plced strtegiclly long the rmored crpce" &he decoy
luncher tkes the form of superheted brick( one tht .ms therml nd rdr locking like"
61 &endi0
Battlesuit E&rm SlaAeF
Point&: O
Str#n/t' o .od/# Ratin/ > 9DL&!:
S"##d o Ar2or Ratin/ BL Main: 9oo:
Contro! Initiati5# E 9PE-L&!:
7#i/'t: 4D55 l"s empty
/H# 9@H: H @E-, &P4, @x attacks, B/ 3ams@d>LB to 'it
-&PP!E< & $attlesuit may c'oose to attack a mec' in melee, and
deal no damage in t'e process. S'ould it 'it, eac' turn t'e t2o must
contest ST-, and once t'e mec' (ails it is knocked prone.
&lternatively t'e $attlesuits may make &P4 melee attacks, 2'ic'
automatically 'it 9no rolling: t'e legs o( a mec'.
?6= )&N )6#E 6=T 6- I )&N )6#E IN< & $attlesuit may opt
to tear a2ay at a mec'0s 'atc', in melee, s'ould it 'ave no legs. -oll
to 'it at @d>L@ "ut deal no damage. 6nce t2o o( t'ese 0special 2ounds0 'ave "een so dealt t'e mec' pilot is no2 exposed.
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/#ay purc'ase all non/torso part upgrades (or 'al( price.
/#ay purc'ase s'oulder 2eapons, additional 'eld 2eapons, and s'oulder parts at normal price. Note t'at 2eapons o( at least D
"ase )- must "e used 2it' t2o 'ands or "ot' s'oulders and t2o/'anded mec' 2eapons may not "e purc'ased.
0ttlesuits 8kno#n s 'rm Sl!es in 'si9 re he!ier( slo#er( niche po#er rmors built primrily for
close1in fighting" Pre!ious skirmishes in sub#ys nd underground tunnels re!eled the need for he!ier
combt suit" Po#er 'rmor #s grounded in such n en!ironment( losing much of their rpid speed( nd
lighter P'4s #ere susceptible to smll rms fire nd grendes" &he bloody( nd Fuite frnkly( nnoying
underground combt in 7urope led to the cretion of the 0ttlesuit"
&his Po#er 'rmor shres mny of the sme technologies of the smller !rint( such s stte1of1the1rt
cermic rmor nd electrorecti!e polymer muscles" )nlike the smller cousin( 0ttlesuits re rmored
nd bulked up to frightening le!el" 7ch of them stnd nine or ten feet tll t full stretch( #hich might
seem counter1intuiti!e for underground fights" 6n the contrry( their rmor nd bulk mkes them highly
resistnt to ny comprble fighters tht might sho# in the cro#ded drkness" 0etter yet( the suits h!e
penchnt for sFuee+ing through smll doors nd corridors" ,n their nturl en!ironment these rmors reign
,n ddition to the gret firepo#er nd rmor( the 0ttlesuit4s primry rms re immensely po#erful"
7ch hs the strength to rip emergency doors right off their hinges( or ter /obile ,nfntry to bloody
chunks" &hough not ment for open en!ironments( it4s lso possible for 0ttlesuit to trip up or #restle
#ith smller /echs( such is their strength" &ody these combt rmors re most freFuently deployed into
sub#y sttions nd mintennce tunnels" 6ccsionlly they re utili+ed by counter1terrorism forces in
high1risk situtions"
Battle (ank
Point&: B5
.od/# Ratin/ E Turr#t: 9ooo:
S"##d ooo oo Ar2or Ratin/ @L Main: 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# B Tr#ad&M: 9oo:
R*o Speed loss until ll #ounds re remo!ed
7#i/'t: >5.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @. )ommander, gunner, mac'ine/gunner.
Sniper )annon 9Turret: H D5-, &P@, damage x@ @d>LB to 'itN
/Turret 'as L@ to 'it targets not in cover
#ac'ine/un 9#ain: H @5-, &P4 @d>Lunner PE-L4
Decoy/!aunc'ers / LB Dodge-ating against missiles
)H&-E+< Tanks may make a melee attack against an enemy, c'arging and attempting to mo2 t'em do2n "eneat' t'e armored
treads. -oll @d>L@ against t'e enemy D-. S'ould t'e enemy (ail to dodge t'ey take a &P@ 'it, "ecome prone, and are pus'ed "ack
t'e rest o( t'e tank0s movement. Tracked mec's;ve'icles may not "e knocked prone "ut still take t'e 'it.
-&PP!ED< & mec' may attempt to grapple t'e turret and lock it do2n, using one o( t'eir arms. S'ould a mec' 'ave at least t2o
dots o( strengt', it may make a melee attack on t'e tank to prevent t'e turret (rom (iring. T'is attack deals no damage.
Note t'at a $attle Tank succeeds all ot'er ST- c'ecks 2it' mec's. ?ou can0t t'ro2 around >5 tons o( steel.
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
$attle tanks may remove t'eir Decoy !aunc'ers (or Bcr, t'e pintle #ac'ine/un (or Bcr, and t'e Sniper )annon (or 45cr. *rom
t'ere a some2'at un'inged individual may load up t'e tank on unort'odox 2eaponry or systems.
&nks re rmored( trcked combt !ehicles ment for front1lines" %ecent d!ents in metllurgy nd
composites h!e mde the thick rmor of these !ehicles e!en more impressi!e" ,n ddition to o!er#helming
po#er nd rmor( the !ehicles h!e become eerily silent" 'lrmingly po#erful super1cpcitors llo# tnks
to cr#l long( or shoot for#rd t more thn D0mph( ll the #hile silent" 'longside more nimble nd less
rmed mechs they re force to be reckoned #ith"
Combat (urret
Point&: O
Contro! oo .od/# Ratin/ B
7#i/'t: @5.5 tons Ar2or Ratin/ BL Main: 9oo:
Initiati5# @
E<ui"2#nt- T'e turret 'as one o( t'e (ollo2ing/
&< Sniper )annon H D5-, &P@, damage x@ Bd>Lcntrl
$< @x H# H B5-, &P4, Dx attacks, 3ams Bd>Lcntrl
)< Heavy #issiles H &P@, @x attacks, E s'ots Bd>Lcntrl
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
T'e )om"at Turret may "e upgraded 2it' "etter so(t2are, (or L@cr a pop. It may also purc'ase Decoy/!aunc'ers or a )J) node.
Combt &urrets tke mny forms1 immobile rilrod guns( #tch1to#ers( nd e!en purpose1built utomted
turrets" %egrdless of function( the #epon is controlled by utomted computer systems" 2hen foe
ppers nd does not ping bck the correct code( or beh!es suspicious( the turrets open fire"
63 &endi0
CO Combat Drone
Point&: 45 Co!or&: Dull 2'ite 2it' lig't "lue optics.
Str#n/t' o .od/# Ratin/ O;>;D H#ad: d/54 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ EL C'a&&i&: d/54 9ooo:
Contro! Initiati5# D Ar2&: d/54 9o:
L#/&: d/54 9oo:
7#i/'t: B.5 tons
Pi!ot: Drone )'ip. PE- is B, ot'ers de(ault to 4.
@H -i(le 9Primary 'ands: H @E- @d>LB to 'it
#ac'ine/un 9S'oulder: H @5-, &P4 @d>L4 to 'it
$oosters =pgrade to !egs / L@ SPD (or /4 to 'it
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/T'e @H -i(le may "e replaced 2it' a @H S'otgun.
&he C6101 combt drone is something of mr!el" &he mchines
stnd only brely stnd four meters tll( nd re rther lithe nd thin
looking( but re nerly s solid s mechs" &hough their firepo#er is
lcking they cn hrss nd dmge the lrger mechs in numbers" C6
drones re controlled en msse by stellite #!es1 lmost one is
gurnteed to be o!erhed t ny one time( often more thn one" &hese
communictions re bounced bck nd forth bet#een the C6
hedFurters( nd the indi!idul drones( gi!ing them ll shred dt of the bttlefield"
Perhps their gretest strength( nd their most contro!ersil system by fr( is tht of the bio1chip" Contined #ithin the
torso of ech drone is smll dish1like de!ice tht contins cultured humn brincells" Aro#n in the lbs( nd ctully
trined( this bio1chip llo#s the mchine to ct nd think on its o#n #ith the intelligence of dog" &his only occurs #hen
signls from the hedFurters re .mmed( but hs eery side1effects" &he mchines become more prone to flinching( more
likely to flee in cse of systems dmge( nd !ie# their fllen Drone llies #ith n odd peculirity"
0io1chips tht lst for more thn fe# missions re scrubbed from the mchine nd replced" %eligious folk nd
scientists like h!e tken huge offense to this1 #hy use humn mtter to crete such monsterC 'nd #hy scrub the longer1
lsting chipsC C6 #ill likely ne!er gi!e stright ns#er
4n-antr$ SKuad
Point&: @ Ar2or Ratin/ >L Main: oo
S"##d o .od/# Ratin/ E Initiati5# B
In(antry Weapons H @5-, &P/4, 9WND:x attacks @d>L@ to 'it
S"#cia!: Has an unmodi(ia"le DL save in cover against ve'icle/class 2eapons. &P4; 'ig'er
explosive 2eapons, incendiary 2eapons, and (lamet'ro2ers 2ill ignore t'is cover and
eliminate all 2ounds. Note t'at In(antry S1uads may 07nter Co!er0 "e'ind ve'icles or along
"uilding edges, and t'en move, remaining in cover so long as t'ey do not cross open ground.
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/#ay take a S&W (or 4)-, granting an additional attack 2it' In(antry Weapons.
/#ay "e given @ special ammunition s'ots (or @)- 9,aria"le/T'reat &rmor De(ense System:
2'ic' count as missiles. T'ese may not "e (ired in a turn 2'ere t'e In(antry move, only once
eac' turn, and use t'e (ollo2ing pro(ile/ &P4, HitL@. Divides aircra(t D- "y D.
/*or 4)- t'e &rmor -ating may "e "oosted to EL.
Contining hndful of men nd #omen( the ,nfntry SFuds of the future re #ell trined nd rmed" &hough less elite thn the
comprble /obile ,nfntry( these soldiers re still eFuip #ell beyond #rriors of the 21
century" 'rtificil po#ered
e-oskeletons( sensor rrys( e!en smll 3)D4s h!e found their #y into the common #rriors4 hnds" 0ttlefield doctrine
in!ol!es mi-ing ,nfntry SFuds #ith 'PC4s nd mechs( or in pinch( bttlesuits"
Po#er &rmor E*obile 4n-antr$F
Point&: E
Pow#r ooo ooo .od/# Ratin/ A 9EL&!: Main: 9o:
S"##d ooo o Ar2or Ratin/ EL ; DL vs in(antry 2eps
Contro! Initiati5# E 9PE-L&!:
7#i/'t: B55 l"s empty
E<ui"2#nt- )'oose a load/out. may (ire one o( t'e 2eapons eac' turn
9Soldier: /!ig't # H @5- @d>LB to 'it
/-ocket !aunc'er H @5-, &P4, D s'ots @d>LB to 'it
9Engineer: /renade !aunc'er H 45-, &&, D s'ots @d>L4 to 'it
/!impet $on"s H 4-, special, @ s'ots @d>LD to 'it
9Scout: /!ig't # H @5- @d>LB to 'it
/Targeting !aser / special @d>LB to 'it
9E/54 P&: /-ecoilless -i(le H B5- @d>L@ to 'it
/HE renades H B-, &P4, @ s'ots @d>L@ to 'it
D-6P TI#E< #I are a"le to "e dropped onto t'e "attle(ield (rom 'ig'/altitude
ve'icles. S'ould a 2ell/e1uip nation, or Prime, really 2ant somet'ing dead
t'ey mig't (ly suc' a ve'icle over and drop #I on it. T'e 2'ole process takes (lig't time plus t'ree minutes (or dropping.
N=IE IT DE&D< In addition to D-6P TI#E, it is 1uite possi"le to e1uip #I 2it' tactical nuclear 2eapons, t'oug' only primes
or po2er(ul nations are a"le to do so. iven t'e rig't clearance t'e s1uad can take a Tactical Nuke (or B55cr eac'. It replaces a
2eapon and uses t'e (ollo2ing pro(ile/
&cticl *uke S %30( ll entities #ithin fi!e grid spces tke 3dD #ounds" 7ntities in line of sight( nd #ithin E120 of
detontion insted tke 1dD #ounds" %dition" *on1militry electronics #ithin 1000 feet re burnt out" 6ne shot"
&SS&SSIN&TI6N< #I may attack a ve'icle in melee, striking at &P/@. S'ould t'e target survive t'is "lo2 it may t'en
immediately s'oot "ack 2it' any one 2eapon as a (ree action. 6r, you kno2, step on t'em instead.
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/#ay s2ap out t'e !ig't # (or a S'otgun< 4E-, &P4, @d>LB to 'it
/#ay purc'ase a ?/rack (or @cr. T'is allo2s t'e 2earer to (ire t2o 2eapons a turn and select an additional 4/'anded 2eapon.
T'is 2eapon 'as a maximum o( @5 range and /4 &P over t'e "ase. *lamet'ro2ers;#ortars 'ave no &oE.
/#ay purc'ase any non/torso part upgrade at 'al( normal price.
/6ne s'oulder part may "e purc'ased at (ull price.
2ith the recent d!ent of high strength cermics nd po#erful super1cpcitors( soldiers the #orld o!er
h!e been updted nd more he!ily rmed" &ody( bttlefields re full of the ne# elite soldier kno#n s
/obile ,nfntry" /ore of combt !ehicle thn strict soldier( these mchines llo# trined operti!e to
stlk the bttlefield t brekneck speeds( crrying sFud1he!y #epons( ignoring lmost ll smll rms
fire" )sing their .ump1pcks they re ble to skim the roofs of buildings( striking hrd nd fst #here!er
0uild1#ise( the Po#er 'rmor unit for /, stnd nerly se!en feet tll( rmored to the point of looking like
mechnicl gorill" 7mbedded beneth nd #ithin the rmor plting re high1strength muscle fibers(
llo#ing the operti!e to flip o!er !ehicles or fling opponents through the ir #ith csul ese" &he beuty
of the mchine is tht it is >#orn>( not piloted( nd thus reFuires much less trining to use thn mechs or
similr !ehicles"
Sometimes especilly cr+y mercenries my purchse such suit( riding into bttle hnging onto
friend4s mech" &he little suits pck enough of punch to still be effecti!e ginst the much lrger !ehicles"
Sometimes this cn llo# pilot to engge in combt until they ern enough credits for ne# mech" Doing
so is nigh1suicidl but occsionlly #orth the pyoff"
68 &endi0
Po#er &rmor EStealth CariantF
Point&: A
Pow#r ooo o .od/# Ratin/ A 9DL&!: Main: 9o:
S"##d ooo Ar2or Ratin/ >L ; EL vs in(antry 2eps
Contro! o Initiati5# E 9PE-L&!:
7#i/'t: @B5 l"s empty
E<ui"2#nt- )'oose a load/out. may (ire one o( t'e 2eapons eac' turn
7ump/Pack, 6ptical )amou(lage, Personal 7amming Device
9#arksman: /-am &ccelerator / D5-, &P@, B s'ots @d>LD to 'it
/!ig't # / @5- @d>LE to 'it
9Trou"les'ooter: /!impet $om" / 4-, special, 4 s'ot
/!ig't # / @5- @d>LE to 'it
/$lade / 4-, &P5 @d>LE to 'it
D-6P TI#E< #I are a"le to "e dropped onto t'e "attle(ield (rom 'ig'/altitude ve'icles.
S'ould a 2ell/e1uip nation, or Prime, really 2ant somet'ing dead t'ey mig't (ly suc' a
ve'icle over and drop #I on it. T'e 2'ole process takes (lig't time plus t'ree minutes (or
THE =NSEEN $!&DE< Stealt' -etro(itted #o"ile In(antry are very 'ard to spot, even (or
small ve'icles and ground (orces. To locate t'em, at any range or under any lig't condition,
a moderate 9EL on D>: PE- roll must "e succeeded/ enemies t'en "ecome suspicious and
may roll PE- against Stealt'. Striking a Stealt' #I 2ill disa"le t'eir cloaking (or E minutes.
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/T'e -am &ccelerator may "e s2apped out (or a #inor Sniper 9@H:.
/T'e !ig't # may "e removed (or 4cr, t'e !impet $om" (or 4cr, and t'e "lade (or 5cr
/&dditional 2eapons may "e purc'ased at @cr/ 2eapons 'ave a maximum o( @5 range and /4 &P over t'eir "ase.
*lamet'ro2ers;#ortars 'ave no &oE. & ne2, s'iny "lade costs 5.E)-
/#ay purc'ase any non/torso part upgrade at 'al( normal price.
/6ne s'oulder part may "e purc'ased at (ull price.
/obile ,nfntry re normlly the go1to for nti1mech nd nti1personnel combt; their striking po#er nd
speed unmtched by e!erything short of ircrft" 'ttcking hrd nd fst is not l#ys the solution(
ho#e!er" &he occsionl sitution clls for more delicte or Fuiet ttck" &his is #here the Stelth
/obile ,nfntry comes in"
,n the right hnds( there is no more dedly #epon thn tht of the Stelth P'" *orml po#ered rmor
lredy gretly enhnces strength( refle-es( nd informtion cpbilities" &his hs been tken to the
m-imum #ith this retro1fit" 'rmor plting in this model hs been remo!ed to mke #y for more d!nced
optics nd systems" 7!en Funtity of muscles h!e been scrificed for Fuicker cting fibers" &he netest
feture of the Stelth P' is the opticl cmouflge" %e!erse engineered from 'dt systems( the color nd
hue of the plting literlly chnges to blend in #ith surroundings" Some ntions reFuire their pilots to
recei!e more lengthy implnts( rnging from biotic eyes to ner!e interfces( to further increse the gility
nd refle-es of the #erer"
&he most common rmment for the Stelth /, is %m 'ccelertor1 n eight( nine foot long smooth
bore tht uses !pori+ed fuel to hyper1ccelerte rounds" 'lthough the #epon hs incredible destructi!e
po#er 8#ell enough to tke out ny unrmored trget( nd then #ht cr#ls out9( it cn esily gi!e #y the
firer4s position" For this reson the %m 'ccelertor is occsionlly s#pped out for more mundne
sniper rifle"
Pla'eholder Pa/e
69 &endi0
(ransort )eli'oter
Point&: 45
.od/# Ratin/ >
S"##d $ Ar2or Ratin/ DL Main: 9oo:
Contro! oo Initiati5# 4
7#i/'t: 4E.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @. Has a co/pilot.
#ac'ine/un 9#ain: H @5-, &P4 @d>LB
Decoy/!aunc'ers / LB Dodge-ating against missiles. t'e carried mec's;drones gain t'is "onus
)arrying )apacity< @5 tons. T'e Helicopter may skip a turn to 'over and set do2n t'e passenger ve'icles.
#ec's may (ire 2eapons 2'ile carried "ut count as moving. Passenger ve'icles do not get any "onus D- (rom FmovingG.
&rnsport choppers re bsolutely mssi!e irships cpble of crrying mechs or drones directly into the
bttlefield" &he mechs dngle precriously beneth them by t#enty or thirty feet" 's mercenry one
#ould ob!iously prefer ground trnsport o!er dngling like gint trget" Still( the crried mchine is
Fuite ble of returning fire bck t foes( e!en mo!ing s they re" &ogether these nd mechs mke e-cellent
riding tems"
(ransort" +and
Point&: 4E
.od/# Ratin/ @;4;5
S"##d ooo oo Ar2or Ratin/ DL Main: 9ooo o:
Contro! Initiati5# 4 Tr#ad&: 9ooo:
7#i/'t: D5.5 tons
Pi!ot: &ttri"utes de(ault to @.
#ac'ine/un 9Turret: H @5-, &P4 @d>Lunner PE-L4
)arrying )apacity< A5 tons. #ay carry D mec's or 45 drones. T'e transport may skip a turn to open up or close t'e cargo "ay.
Cu&to2iBation O"tion&:
/ T'irty tons o( carrying capacity may "e removed to strengt'en t'e 'ull and accommodate ammunition. ?ou may t'en purc'ase
#issiles (or t'e mac'ine or instead replace t'e #ac'ine/un turret 2it' anot'er 2eapon.
/ech trnsports re he!ily rmored( slo#1mo!ing huling !ehicles ment to crry mechs or drones
round" &heir crgo is fully enclosed in the by( though the #lls of the rer my collpse nd open to let
the crried mchines free" &he trnsport4s immense si+e mens tht it tkes up entirely t#o lnes #orth of
trffic" /king turns in them re best left to the e-perts"
/ercenry tems normlly tke one or t#o of such !ehicles( sto#ing ll their !ehicles nd mechs #ithin"
Spre spce in the second( less full trnsport( is then often used to function s n rmory nd meeting plce"
,n this fshion fe# mercenries nd their cre# re ble to form mobile bse" Cr!ns of lnd
trnsports nd defensi!e !ehicles re good indictors of nerby trouble"
RDuke*lu((y Productions @54B. Permission is granted to p'otocopy t'is page (or personal use only.
RDuke*lu((y Productions @54B. Permission is granted to p'otocopy t'is page (or personal use only.
RDuke*lu((y Productions @54B. Permission is granted to p'otocopy t'is page (or personal use only.
44/4E -ule BB
&ircra(t ED
&ppendix DD
&rmor Saves BB
&rmored Personnel )arrier DA
&rmory @A
&rms @D
&rona )antrell D@
&ttack B@
&ttack Helicopter DA
&ttack -ating BB
&ttri"utes 4>
$ackgrounds, )'aracter 4O
$attle Suit E>
$attle Tank EE
$eta #ec's DD
$eta, line K
)alled S'ot B@
)ampaigns BK
)'aracters 4>
)'assis @B
)6 45
)6 #odel 54 DE
)om"at Drone E4
)om"at Turret E5
)orporations K
)T 44
)T #odel 54 F#ustangG DE
De(ects @O
Destroyer D>
Destruction BB
Dodge/-ating BB
Dome, line K
E #odel 54 EB
E #odel 5@ FPyt'onG EB
Emerald ardens 4>
Evasive &ction B@
*or2ard D
ame #aster >
Heads @@
In(antry S1uad E4
Ineel B@
!egs @E
#aneuvers B@
#ec', )reating a 4A
#elee &ttack B@
#ono 6ptics J Engineering 4@
#ono/54 FSentinelG DO
N-$ 4B
N-$ #odel 54 D>
6mar ray @4
Perks 4O
Personal )om"at BD
P'ase B4
Players >
Playing &ids O
Po2er &rmor E@
-eaction -olls BD
-epairs BE
-ocket )utter 44
Salvage BE
S'oulder Parts @>
Skill/)'ecks BD
Spoils BE
S2ap #aneuver B@
Take )over B@
T'orsten Dulgurukov DB
Transport Helicopter EB
Transport, !and EB
Turn )ycle B4
=pgrades @O
Wargame, ChromeStrike B>
Weapons @A

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