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The Small Catechism of Martin Luther

Luther's Little Instruction Book

(The Small Catechism of Martin Luther)
Translation by Robert E. Smith
May ! "##$
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I. The Ten Comman-ments. The Sim/le )ay a 0ather Shoul- (resent
Them to 1is 1ousehol-

2. The 0irst Comman-ment

3ou must not ha4e other 5o-s.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear! lo4e! an- trust 8o- more than anythin5 else.

B. The Secon- Comman-ment

3ou must not misuse your 8o-'s name.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill not use 1is name
to curse! s9ear! cast a s/ell! lie or -ecei4e! but 9ill use it to
call u/on 1im! /ray to 1im! /raise 1im an- thank 1im in all times
of trouble.

C. The Thir- Comman-ment

3ou must kee/ the Sabbath holy.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill not look -o9n on
/reachin5 or 8o-'s )or-! but consi-er it holy! listen to it
9illin5ly! an- learn it.

'. The 0ourth Comman-ment

3ou must honor your father an- mother. :So that thin5s 9ill 5o
9ell for you an- you 9ill li4e lon5 on earth;.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill neither look -o9n
on our /arents or su/eriors nor irritate them! but 9ill honor
them! ser4e them! obey them! lo4e them an- 4alue them.

E. The 0ifth Comman-ment

3ou must not kill.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill neither harm nor
hurt our nei5hbor's bo-y! but hel/ him an- care for him 9hen he is

0. The Si<th Comman-ment

3ou must not commit a-ultery.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that our 9or-s an- actions
9ill be clean an- -ecent an- so that e4eryone 9ill lo4e an- honor
their s/ouses.

8. The Se4enth Comman-ment

3ou must not steal.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill neither take our
nei5hbor's money or /ro/erty! nor ac=uire it by frau- or by
sellin5 him /oorly ma-e /ro-ucts! but 9ill hel/ him im/ro4e an-
/rotect his /ro/erty an- career.

1. The Ei5hth Comman-ment

3ou must not tell lies about your nei5hbor.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill not -ecei4e by
lyin5! betrayin5! slan-erin5 or ruinin5 our nei5hbor's re/utation!
but 9ill -efen- him! say 5oo- thin5s about him! an- see the best
si-e of e4erythin5 he -oes.

I. The >inth Comman-ment

3ou must not -esire your nei5hbor's house.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill not attem/t to
trick our nei5hbor out of his inheritance or house! take it by
/reten-in5 to ha4e a ri5ht to it! etc. but hel/ him to kee/ ?
im/ro4e it.

@. The Tenth Comman-ment

3ou must not -esire your nei5hbor's 9ife! ser4ant! mai-! animals
or anythin5 that belon5s to him.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. )e must fear an- lo4e 8o-! so that 9e 9ill not release his
cattle! take his em/loyees from him or se-uce his 9ife! but ur5e
they to stay an- -o 9hat they ou5ht to -o.

A. The Conclusion to the Comman-ments

6. )hat -oes 8o- say to us about all these comman-ments7

2. This is 9hat 1e says.

BBI am the Lor- 3our 8o-. I am a Cealous 8o-. I /la5ue the
5ran-chil-ren an- 5reat&5ran-chil-ren of those 9ho hate me 9ith
their ancestor's sin. But I make 9hole those 9ho lo4e me for a
thousan- 5enerations.''

6. )hat -oes it mean7

2. 8o- threatens to /unish e4eryone 9ho breaks these comman-ments.
)e shoul- be afrai- of 1is an5er because of this an- not 4iolate
such comman-ments. But 1e /romises 5race an- all 5oo- thin5s to
those 9ho kee/ such comman-ments. Because of this! 9e! too! shoul-
lo4e 1im! trust 1im! an- 9illin5ly -o 9hat 1is comman-ments

(art T9o. The Cree-

The Cree-. The Sim/le )ay a 0ather Shoul- (resent it to 1is 1ousehol-

I. The 0irst 2rticle. Dn Creation

I belie4e in 8o- the 2lmi5hty 0ather! Creator of 1ea4en an- Earth.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. I belie4e that 8o- create- me! alon5 9ith all creatures. 1e 5a4e to
me. bo-y an- soul! eyes! ears an- all the other /arts of my bo-y!
my min- an- all my senses an- /reser4es them as 9ell. 1e 5i4es me
clothin5 an- shoes! foo- an- -rink! house an- lan-! 9ife an-
chil-ren! fiel-s! animals an- all I o9n. E4ery -ay 1e abun-antly
/ro4i-es e4erythin5 I nee- to nourish this bo-y an- life. 1e
/rotects me a5ainst all -an5er! shiel-s an- -efen-s me from all
e4il. 1e -oes all this because of 1is /ure! fatherly an- -i4ine
5oo-ness an- 1is mercy! not because I'4e earne- it or -esr4e- it.
0or all of this! I must thank 1im! /raise 1im! ser4e 1im an- obey
1im. 3es! this is trueE

II. The Secon- 2rticle. Dn Re-em/tion

2n- in @esus Christ! 1is only Son! our Lor-! )ho 9as concei4e- by the
1oly S/irit! born of the %ir5in Mary! suffere- un-er (ontius (ilate!
9as crucifie-! -ie- an- 9as burie-! -escen-e- to 1ell! on the thir-
-ay rose a5ain from the -ea-! ascen-e- to 1ea4en an- sat -o9n at the
ri5ht han- of 8o- the 2lmi5hty 0ather. 0rom there 1e 9ill come to
Cu-5e the li4in5 an- the -ea-.

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. I belie4e that @esus Christ is truly 8o-! born of the 0ather in
eternity an- also truly man! born of the %ir5in Mary. 1e is my
Lor-E 1e re-eeme- me! a lost an- con-emne- /erson! bou5ht an- 9on
me from all sins! -eath an- the authority of the 'e4il. It -i- not
cost 1im 5ol- or sil4er! but 1is holy! /recious bloo-! 1is innocent
bo-y && 1is -eathE Because of this! I am 1is 4ery o9n! 9ill li4e
un-er 1im in 1is kin5-om an- ser4e 1im ri5hteously! innocently an-
blesse-ly fore4er! Cust as 1e is risen from -eath! li4es an- rei5ns
fore4er. 3es! this is true.

III. The Thir- 2rticle. Dn Becomin5 1oly

I belie4e in the 1oly S/irit! the holy Christian Church! the community
of the saints! the for5i4eness of sins! the resurrection of the bo-y!
an- an e4erlastin5 life. 2men.

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. I belie4e that I cannot come to my Lor- @esus Christ by my o9n
intelle5ence or /o9er. But the 1oly S/irit call me by the 8os/el!
enli5htene- me 9ith 1is 5ifts! ma-e me holy an- ke/t me in the true
faith! Cust as 1e calls! 5athers to5ether! enli5htens an- makes holy
the 9hole Church on earth an- kee/s it 9ith @esus in the one! true
faith. In this Church! 1e 5enerously for5i4es each -ay e4ery sin
committe- by me an- by e4ery belie4er. Dn the last -ay! 1e 9ill raise
me an- all the -ea- from the 5ra4e. 1e 9ill 5i4e eternal life to me
an- to all 9ho belie4e in Christ. 3es! this is trueE

(art Three. The Lor-'s (rayer

The Dur 0ather
The Sim/le )ay a 0ather Shoul- (resent it to 1is 1ousehol-

I. Intro-uction
Dur 0ather! )ho is in 1ea4en.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. In this intro-uction! 8o- in4ites us to belie4e that 1e is our real
0ather an- 9e are 1is real chil-ren! so that 9e 9ill /ray 9ith
trust an- com/lete confi-ence! in the same 9ay belo4e- chil-ren
a//roach their belo4e- 0ather 9ith their re=uests.

II. The 0irst Re=uest
May 3our name be holy.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. Df course! 8o-'s name is holy in an- of itself! but by this
re=uest! 9e /ray that 1e 9ill make it holy amon5 us! too.

6. 1o9 -oes this take /lace7
2. )hen 8o-'s )or- is tau5ht clearly an- /urely! an- 9hen 9e li4e holy
li4es as 8o-'s chil-ren base- u/on it. 1el/ us! 1ea4enly 0ather!
to -o thisE But anyone 9ho teaches an- li4es by somethin5 other
than 8o-'s )or- -efiles 8o-'s name amon5 us. (rotect us from this!
1ea4enly 0atherE

III. The Secon- Re=uest
3our Ain5-om come.

6. )hat -oes this mean7

2. Truly 8o-'s Ain5-om comes by itself! 9ithout our /rayer. But 9e
/ray in this re=uest that it come to us as 9ell.

6. 1o9 -oes this ha//en7
2. )hen the 1ea4enly 0ather 5i4es us 1is 1oly S/irit! so that 9e
belie4e 1is holy )or- by 1is 5race an- li4e 5o-ly li4es here in
this a5e an- there in eternal life.

I%. The Thir- Re=uest
May 3our 9ill be accom/lishe-! as it is 1ea4en! so may it be on Earth.

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. Truly! 8o-'s 5oo- an- 5racious 9ill is accom/lishe- 9ithout our
/rayer. But 9e /ray in this re=uest that is be accom/lishe- amon5
us as 9ell.

6. 1o9 -oes this ha//en7
2. )hen 8o- -estroys an- interferes 9ith e4ery e4il 9ill an- all e4il
a-4ice! 9hich 9ill not allo9 8o-'s Ain5-om to come! such as the
'e4il's 9ill! the 9orl-'s 9ill an- 9ill of our bo-ily -esires. It
also ha//ens 9hen 8o- stren5thens us by faith an- by 1is )or- an-
kee/s li4in5 by them faithfully until the en- of our li4es. This
is 1is 9ill! 5oo- an- full of 5race.

%. The 0ourth Re=uest
8i4e us our -aily brea- to-ay.

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. Truly! 8o- 5i4es -aily brea- to e4il /eo/le! e4en 9ithout our
/rayer. But 9e /ray in this re=uest that 1e 9ill hel/ us realiFe
this an- recei4e our -aily brea- 9ith thanks5i4in5.

6. )hat -oes BB'aily Brea-'' mean7
2. E4erythin5 that nourishes our bo-y an- meets its nee-s! such as.
0oo-! -rink! clothin5! shoes! house! yar-! fiel-s! cattle! money!
/ossessions! a -e4out s/ouse! -e4out chil-ren! -e4out em/loyees!
-e4out an- faithful rulers! 5oo- 5o4ernment! 5oo- 9eather! /eace!
health! -isci/line! honor! 5oo- frien-s! faithful nei5hbors an-
other thin5s like these.

%I. The 0ifth Re=uest
2n- for5i4e our 5uilt! as 9e for5i4e those 5uilty of sinnin5 a5ainst

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. )e /ray in this re=uest that our 1ea4enly 0ather 9ill neither /ay
attention to our sins nor refuse re=uests such as these because of our
sins an- because 9e are neither 9orthy nor -eser4e the thin5s for
9hich 9e /ray. 3et 1e 9ants to 5i4e them all to us by 1is 5race!
because many times each -ay 9e sin an- truly -eser4e only /unishment.
Because 8o- -oes this! 9e 9ill! of course! 9ant to for5i4e from our
hearts an- 9illin5ly -o 5oo- to those 9ho sin a5ainst us.

%II. The Si<th Re=uest
2n- lea- us not into tem/tation.

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. 8o- tem/ts no one! of course! but 9e /ray in this re=uest that 8o-
9ill /rotect us an- sa4e us! so that the 'e4il! the 9orl- an- our
bo-ily -esires 9ill neither -ecei4e us nor se-uce us into heresy!
-es/air or other serious shame or 4ice! an- so that 9e 9ill 9in an-
be 4ictorious in the en-! e4en if they attack us.

%III. The Se4enth Re=uest
But set us free from the E4il Dne.

6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. )e /ray in this re=uest! as a summary! that our 0ather in 1ea4en
9ill sa4e us from e4ery kin- of e4il that threatens bo-y! soul!
/ro/erty an- honor. )e /ray that 9hen at last our final hour has
come! 1e 9ill 5rant us a blesse- -eath! an-! in 1is 5race! brin5 us
to 1imself from this 4alley of tears.

IG. 2men.
6. )hat -oes this mean7
2. That I shoul- be certain that such /rayers are acce/table to the
0ather in 1ea4en an- 9ill be 5rante-! that 1e 1imself has comman-e-
us to /ray in this 9ay an- that 1e /romises to ans9er us. 2men.
2men. This means. 3es! yes it 9ill ha//en this 9ay.

(art 0our. 1oly Ba/tism

The Sacrament of 1oly Ba/tism.
The Sim/le )ay a 0ather Shoul- (resent it to 1is 1ousehol-

I. 6. )hat is Ba/tism7
2. Ba/tism is not Cust /lain 9ater! but it is 9ater containe-
9ithin 8o-'s comman- an- unite- 9ith 8o-'s )or-.

6. )hich )or- of 8o- is this7
2. The one 9hich our Lor- Christ s/oke in the last cha/ter of
BB8o into all the 9orl-! teachin5 all heathen nations! an-
ba/tiFin5 them in the name of the 0ather! the Son an- of the
1oly S/irit.''

II. 6. )hat -oes Ba/tism 5i4e7 )hat 5oo- is it7
2. It 5i4es the for5i4eness of sins! re-eems from -eath an- the
'e4il! 5i4es eternal sal4ation to all 9ho belie4e this! Cust
as 8o-'s 9or-s an- /romises -eclare.

6. )hat are these 9or-s an- /romises of 8o-7
2. Dur Lor- Christ s/oke one of them in the last cha/ter of Mark.
BB)hoe4er belie4es an- is ba/tiFe- 9ill be sa4e-H but 9hoe4er
-oes not belie4e 9ill be -amne-.''

III. 6. 1o9 can 9ater -o such 5reat thin5s7
2. )ater -oesn't make these thin5s ha//en! of course. It is 8o-'s
)or-! 9hich is 9ith an- in the 9ater. Because! 9ithout 8o-'s
)or-! the 9ater is /lain 9ater an- not ba/tism. But 9ith 8o-'s
)or- it is a Ba/tism! a 5race&fille- 9ater of life! a bath of
ne9 birth in the 1oly S/irit! as St. (aul sai- to Titus in the
thir- cha/ter.
BBThrou5h this bath of rebirth an- rene9al of the 1oly S/irit!
9hich 1e /oure- out on us abun-antly throu5h @esus Christ! our
Sa4ior! that 9e! Custifie- by the same 5race are ma-e heirs
accor-in5 to the ho/e of eternal life. This is a faithful

I%. 6. )hat is the meanin5 of such a 9ater Ba/tism7
2. It means that the ol- 2-am in us shoul- be -ro9ne- by -aily
sorro9 an- re/entance! an- -ie 9ith all sins an- e4il lusts!
an-! in turn! a ne9 /erson -aily come forth an- rise from
-eath a5ain. 1e 9ill li4e fore4er before 8o- in ri5hteousness
an- /urity.

6. )here is this 9ritten7
2. St. (aul says to the Romans in cha/ter si<.
BB)e are burie- 9ith Christ throu5h Ba/tism into -eath! so
that! in the same 9ay Christ is risen from the -ea- by the
5lory of the 0ather! thus also must 9e 9alk in a ne9 life.''

(art 0i4e. Confession

1o9 Dne Shoul- Teach the Ine-ucate- to Confess

I. 6. )hat is confession7
2. Confession has t9o /arts.

0irst! a /erson a-mits his sin

Secon-! a /erson recei4es absolution or for5i4eness from the
confessor! as if from 8o- 1imself! 9ithout -oubtin5 it! but
belie4in5 firmly that his sins are for5i4en by 8o- in 1ea4en
throu5h it.

II. 6. )hich sins shoul- /eo/le confess7

2. )hen s/eakin5 to 8o-! 9e shoul- /lea- 5uilty to all sins! e4en
those 9e -on't kno9 about! Cust as 9e -o in the BBDur
0ather!'' but 9hen s/eakin5 to the confessor! only the sins 9e
kno9 about! 9hich 9e kno9 about an- feel in our hearts.

6. )hich are these7

2. Consi-er here your /lace in life accor-in5 to the Ten
Comman-ments. 2re you a father7 2 mother7 2 son7 2 -au5hter7
2 husban-7 2 9ife7 2 ser4ant7 2re you -isobe-ient! unfaithful
or laFy7 1a4e you hurt anyone 9ith your 9or-s or actions7 1a4e
you stolen! ne5lecte- your -uty! let thin5s 5o or inCure-

(art Si<. The Sacrament of the 2ltar

The Sacrament of the 2ltar.
The Sim/le )ay a 0ather Shoul- (resent it to his 1ousehol-

I. 6. )hat is the Sacrament of the 2ltar7

2. It is the true bo-y an- bloo- of our Lor- @esus Christ un-er
brea- an- 9ine for us Christians to eat an- to -rink!
establishe- by Christ 1imself.

II. 6. )here is that 9ritten7

2. The holy a/ostles Matthe9! Mark an- Luke an- St. (aul
9rite this.

BBDur Lor- @esus Christ! in the ni5ht on 9hich 1e 9as
betraye-! took brea-! 5a4e thanks! broke it! 5a4e it to 1is
-isci/les an- sai-. BBTakeE EatE This is My bo-y! 9hich is
5i4en for you. 'o this to remember MeE'' In the same 9ay 1e
also took the cu/ after su//er! 5a4e thanks! 5a4e it to
them! an- sai-. BBTake an- -rink from it! all of youE This
cu/ is the >e9 Testament in my bloo-! 9hich is she- for you
to for5i4e sins. This -o! as often as you -rink it! to
remember MeE''

III. 6. )hat 5oo- -oes this eatin5 an- -rinkin5 -o7

2. These 9or-s tell us. BB8i4en for you'' an- BBShe- for you to
for5i4e sins.'' >amely! that the for5i4eness of sins! life an-
sal4ation are 5i4en to us throu5h these 9or-s in the
sacrament. Because! 9here sins are for5i4en! there is life an-
sal4ation as 9ell.

I%. 6. 1o9 can /hysical eatin5 an- -rinkin5 -o such 5reat thin5s7

2. Df course! eatin5 an- -rinkin5 -o not -o these thin5s. These
9or-s! 9ritten here! -o them. BB5i4en for you'' an- BBshe- for
you to for5i4e sins.'' These 9or-s! alon5 9ith /hysical eatin5
an- -rinkin5 are the im/ortant /art of the sacrament. 2nyone
9ho belie4es these 9or-s has 9hat they say an- 9hat they
recor-! namely! the for5i4eness of sins.

%. 6. )ho! then! recei4es such a sacrament in a 9orthy 9ay7

2. Df course! fastin5 an- other /hysical /re/arations are
e<cellent -isci/lines for the bo-y. But anyone 9ho belie4es
these 9or-s! BB8i4en for you!'' an- BBShe- for you to for5i4e
sins!'' is really 9orthy an- 9ell /re/are-. But 9hoe4er
-oubts or -oes not belie4e these 9or-s is not 9orthy an- is
un/re/are-! because the 9or-s! BBfor you'' -eman- a heart that
fully belie4es.

Mornin5 (rayer

My 1ea4enly 0ather! I thank 3ou! throu5h @esus Christ! 3our
belo4e- Son! that 3ou ke/t me safe from all e4il an- -an5er last
ni5ht. Sa4e me! I /ray! to-ay as 9ell! from e4ery e4il an- sin! so
that all I -o an- the 9ay that I li4e 9ill /lease you. I /ut
myself in your care! bo-y an- soul an- all that I ha4e. Let 3our
holy 2n5els be 9ith me! so that the e4il enemy 9ill not 5ain /o9er
o4er me. 2men.

E4enin5 (rayer

My 1ea4enly 0ather! I thank 3ou! throu5h @esus Christ! 3our
belo4e- Son! that 3ou ha4e /rotecte- me! by 3our 5race. 0or5i4e! I
/ray! all my sins an- the e4il I ha4e -one. (rotect me! by 3our
5race! toni5ht. I /ut myself in your care! bo-y an- soul an- all
that I ha4e. Let 3our holy an5els be 9ith me! so that the e4il
enemy 9ill not 5ain /o9er o4er me. 2men.

This te<t 9as translate- in "##$ for (roCect )ittenber5 by Robert E.
Smith an- has been /lace- in the /ublic -omain by him. 3ou may freely
-istribute! co/y or /rint this te<t. (lease -irect any comments or
su55estions to Re4. Robert E. Smith of the )alther Library at.

Concor-ia Theolo5ical Seminary.
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