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z jzyka angielskiego
dla klas szstych


1. Sprawd, czy test zawiera wszystkie zadania (ogem 6 zadao)
2. Napisz swoje imi i nazwisko oraz klas w wyznaczonym miejscu.
3. Przeczytaj uwanie wszystkie polecenia, jeli ktrego nie
rozumiesz, zapytaj nauczyciela.
4. Rozwizania zapisuj dugopisem lub pirem z czarnym lub
granatowym tuszem/atramentem.
5. Staraj si nie popeniad bdw przy wpisywaniu odpowiedzi, ale
jeli si pomylisz, przekrel bd i napisz obok poprawnie. Nie
poprawiaj po napisanej ju odpowiedzi.
6. Zwracaj uwag na poprawnod zapisu. Wyranie zapisuj kad
7. Pracuj w skupieniu, nie rozgldaj si i nie przeszkadzaj kolegom.
8. Zacznij od rozwizywania zadao, na ktre znasz odpowiedzi; te,
ktrych nie jeste pewien, zostaw na koniec.
9. Po rozwizaniu zadao, sprawd wszystkie odpowiedzi.
10. Jeli skooczysz rozwizywanie zadao przed czasem, sprawd
jeszcze raz odpowiedzi i moesz oddad test, ale musisz zachowad
cisz inni wci pracuj.


Name: .. Class: .

1. Zaznacz kkiem prawidow odpowied
1. I . ten years old.
a) am b) have c) do
2. This is my sister. .. name is Helen.
a) His b) Her c) She
3. I like his new bike but .. is nice too.
a) my b) me c) mine
4. The match starts . four oclock.
a) in b) at c) on
5. I was born .. 10th March.
a) on b) in c) at
6. My mum . got two sisters and one brother.
a) have b) has c) are
7. Can you .. a horse?
a) ride b) rides c) riding
8. He always . to school. Its not very far.
a) walk b) walking c) walks
9. What .. at the moment?
a) you doing b) you do c) are you doing
10. What are you .. buy Mum for her birthday?
a) going b) going to c) go to
11. Why dont we . swimming this afternoon?
a) go b) going c) going to
12. What about . a barbecue?
a) to have b) having c) have
13. I love .. chocolate.
a) eat b) eating c) eaten
14. My . house is a bit spooky.
a) grandparents b) grandparents c) grandparentss
15. Theres still . Coca Cola left.
a) a little b) a few c) little
16. I love Brad Pitt. Hes .. actor in the world.
a) goodest b)better c) the best
17. The roads are dangerous. You must be . .
a) careful b) carefully c) carefull
18. I you an e-mail yesterday.
a) send b) sended c) sent
19. My mother .. dinner yet.
a) didnt cook b) doesnt cook c) hasnt cooked
20. If it , I ll take an umbrella.
a) rain b) will rain c) rains
Score ./20

2. Uzupenij tekst czasownikami podanymi w nawiasie w odpowiedniej formie
Hi Tom!
I am in Brighton with my family. The weather is fine. My dad (swim)..(21)
in the sea now and my brother (play)(22) football on the beach.
He (like)(23) diving, too. Every year we (visit)(24) Brighton.
Yesterday the water (be)(25) cold and it (rain).(26) all day.
Two days ago I (buy).(27) a souvenir for you but I (not choose)..
.(28) any gift for Chris yet.
Tomorrow we (go) ..(29) on a balloon trip.
(fly) you ever .(30) in a hot-air balloon?
Bye for now,
John Score ./20

3. Zaznacz kkiem prawidow odpowied
31. Robert, could you .. the garden, please? Its very dry.
a) cut b) plant c) water
32. I went to the . to get some meat for dinner.
a) bakers b) butchers c) greengrocers
33. My dog always .. at strangers.
a) shouts b) barks c) coughs
34. Ive just lost my ! I had all money in it.
a) watch b) wallet c) necklace
35. My job is very interesting. I .. robots.
a) design b) earn c) communicate
36. There are too many cars in the city and the is terrible.
a) polution b) pollution c) population

37. I dont like talking to him. Hes often . .
a) polite b) nice c) rude
38. Mary came .. at 9 oclock yesterday.
a) house b) home c) school
39. I usually .. homework after school.
a) do b) make c) play
40. Our PE teacher wants us to wear .. when we play soccer.
a) clothes b) dresses c) tracksuits
41. My mothers sister is my .
a) auntie b) uncle c) granny
42. Kates friend Helga lives in .
a) Deutschland b) Germany c) German
43. If you want to be a good student, you should .. to your teacher.
a) hear b) see c) listen
44. Id .. to be a fire-fighter.
a) want b) like c) have
45. Shane is my elder brother. Hes 175 cm .. .
a) high b) tall c) l ong
46. Complete the family of words: earthquake, flood, fire, .
a) drought b) moon c) forest
47. Right isnt the opposite of .
a) left b) wrong c) straight
48. My teacher is very .. with me because Im always late.
a) pleased b) angry c) hungry
49. Wheres Paul? Hes at the supermarket. He . the shopping.
a) making b) is doing c) is making
50. Its very dark. Can you .. the light, please?
a) turn on b) turn off c) pull on
Score ./20

4. Dopasuj czasowniki z kolumny A do zwrotw z kolumny B.
51. ride a) part in a competition
52. write b) up the stairs
53. look c) for a bus
54. take d) an e-mail
55. wait e) a horse
56. sail f) for the lost key
57. climb g) around the world
58. surf h) a coat
59. put on i) an exotic dish
60. eat j) the Internet
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Score ./10

5. Zakrel poprawn odpowied
61. Can I (help you/ see you)?
62. Yes, (fine/please). Id like to buy a jumper.
63. What ..(size/big) are you?
- Im 38.
64. What (shape/colour) would you like?
- I prefer blue.
65. Here you (is/are).
66. Can I try it .(on/with)?
67. Yes, .(thank you/certainly).
68. The . (changing room/ restroom) is over there.
69. How much .. (it cost/is it)?
- 65 zlotys.
70. (Please/Here you are) Score ./10

6. Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, ktre zdania s prawdziwe (P) a ktre faszywe (F).
Last month our school went on a visit to the Natural History Museum in London. It was great! There are a lot of
things to see and do there, and we all learned a lot.
The Natural History Museum has been open since 1881. One of the most famous things there is the huge
skeleton of a diplodocus dinosaur. You see it as soon as you go in its amazing! There are lots of other
dinosaurs to see, and one of them actually moves!
Another amazing thing is Archie the Squid. This is a giant squid that fishermen found in the Atlantic Ocean.
Its 8m long, and although its dead now its in a big glass tank full of saltwater so you can see it perfectly!
What else? Oh yes theres the Earth Galleries. We learnt lots of things about our planet and its history. The
best thing is the earthquake machine. Its like being in a real earthquake and its really scary.
One of the newest things at the museum is the skeleton of the Thames Whale. This is the whale that swam to
the River Thames in London. Its sad because the whale died, but we can learn a lot from it.

71. The writer went to the museum with his family.
72. You see diplodocus skeleton when you first go in the museum.
73. Archie the Squid lived in the Atlantic Ocean.
74. There was an earthquake when the writer was in the Earth Galleries. ..
75. The Thames Whale has not been at the museum for a long time. ..
Score ./5

TOTAL ../85

Sprawdzana czynnod ucznia


- rozrnia struktury gramatyczne

- stosuje struktury gramatyczne

- zna materia leksykalny

- dopasowuje kolokacje leksykalne

- rozrnia i dopasowuje wyrazy w dialogu

- rozpoznaje myli gwne tekstu rozwizujc
zadania typu prawda/fasz




















1. Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru na rozrnianie struktur gramatycznych
1 punkt za prawidow odpowied
1a, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12b,
13b, 14b, 15a, 16c, 17a, 18c, 19c, 20c
2. Zadanie na stosowanie konstrukcji gramatycznych
2 punkty za pen prawidow odpowied; 1 punkt za bd literowy
21. is swimming
22. is playing
24. visit
25. was
26. was raining
27. bought
28. havent chosen
29. are going
30. Have flown

3. Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru na znajomod sownictwa
1 punkt za prawidow odpowied
31c, 32b, 33b, 34b, 35a, 36b, 37c, 38b, 39a, 40c,
41a, 42b, 43c, 44b, 45b, 46a, 47c, 48b, 49b, 50a
4. Zadanie na dopasowywanie kolokacji leksykalnych
1 punkt za prawidow kolokacj
51e, 52d, 53f, 54a, 55c, 56g, 57b, 58j, 59h, 60i

5. Zadanie na dobieranie wyrazw w dialogu
1 punkt za prawidow odpowied
61. help you
62. please
63. size
64. colour
65. are
66. on
67. certainly
68. changing room
69. is it
70. Here you are

6. Zadanie na rozpoznawanie myli gwnej tekstu w zadaniach prawda/fasz
71. F, 72.P, 73.P, 74.F, 75.P

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