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Rectal Adenocarcinoma

Brief Description of patient:

Patient X is a 40 year old male, Filipino citizen and a Roman
Catholic; a resident of Antipolo city. Patient X works as a vendor near
in gate 2 area. Patient X is recently married and with 6 children.
Weights around 40 kgs and a height of 53, He is elementary graduate
from Marikina elementary school but failed to pursue to high school
because of financial problem.

Describe patient condition and why did you
considered him/ her?
The client was brought to the hospital due to rectal pain and
weakness. He arrived at the hospital awake and coherent but irritable.

Four months prior to admission, patient noted pain during
defecation associated with some bleeding and changes in the character
of stool. Patient tolerated condition until one month prior to admission
patient sought consultation and was admitted at the hospital and had
undergone anoscopy with biopsy and was then diagnosed well
differentiated rectal adenocarcinoma.

The patient condition is malnourish and on a general liquid diet,
and has Jackson Pratt drainage and with colostomy bag,and he is
febrile with the temp of 38.3 degree celsius her ROM is limited because
of pain he experience at the right lower quadrant area of the abdomen
(where the colostomy bag is placed)
With pain scale of 8/10 lasting for 30 minutes from the onset during
passage of fecal material and upon movement. He is taking his pain
medication (tramadol) to relieve such pain, also patient X has problem
on sleeping at night and find listening to music in his cell phone as a
way coping with it.

I considered her because I think her case was interested and also its
our focus on oncology. And personally that was the first I handle a
cancer patient in my entire duty thats why its memorable to me
although I felt sorry for her because his condition is really bad and I
can feel her pain not literally but mentally, that every move he always
in pain because his condition, thats why I give my empathy for her
and emotional support , I think I feel fortunate, that as a student I
was given a chance to apply all skills and what I have learned from my
school to take care those patient who are sick. And also I want to
further more enrich my knowledge about all types of cancer their
nature extent and how will they manage properly so that when the
time comes that I am a RN i can handle properly the patient and have
enough knowledge on how to take care cancer patient appropriately
and effectively.

What medical and nursing management done, state
if it is enough or not?
One of the medical management done is anoscopy with biopsy and
undergone abdomino-perineal surgery. Nursing management where
monitoring her vital signs and measuring her pain scale. Monitoring
fluid and electrolyte balance through IVF. Promoted adequate nutrition
and maintaining her skin integrity by providing skin care and checking
for pressure ulcers and encouraging the patient to eat nutritional foods
such as fruits and vegetables and foods that are high in fiber,
encouraging the patient to have an active and passive ROM it will
promote blood circulation and to improve muscle strength in order to
promote total range of motion.

I think that the medical team did the best thing that they could do to
the patient because the time when the patient sought the doctor and
undergone a surgery to manage the cancer of the patient, and now the
patient condition is better and free from sick.

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