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Cueto, Joanne O.

Professor Ma. Andrea Passion-Flores 525

Creative Writing 10
17 September 2014
Crazy Day
August 15, 2014 was an unusual day filled with weird happenings. That day I
dreamt twice in a single morning and remembered bits of information about it. I dreamt
about a gun chase, and a planning for an outreach. My first dream was really crazy - an
action packed dream. I have a gun in my hand and was aiming at a running human
figure. Then a shoot-out happened like in the movies. I was shot but still managed to
give some chase to the escaping figure. After the chase, I hid my gun at the back of my
jeans but the form of the gun is still seen, just like in the action movies. Then, in my next
dream, I was talking to someone and planning about an outreach in Tagaytay. We
would be conducting a small party for a foundation. Then, we decided for the location,
the decorations, and the flow. Afterwards, I woke up feeling confused but I still
managed to note the details I remembered from both of my dreams.

I continued my typical Friday. Woke up by 6am, got out of bed by 8:30am, took a
bath, dried my wet dripping hair, dressed up, and then prepared my things in my
bagpack. I got out of the boarding house then waited for the jeep to be filled up by
passengers. Afterwards, I got off in the waiting shed in front of Faculty Center.

As I stepped down the jeepney, I noticed a floating light blue balloon tied to the
back of a girl. As I passed by her side, suddenly the wind blew and her balloon hit the
back of my head. What are the chances that there will be a person with a balloon near
the waiting shed and that balloon hitting my head? Setting aside the balloon, I reached
the creative writing class in time. The class discussed about how the student of Dr.
Agassiz observed and stared at the fish. Then, Maam gave an awkward activity of
looking and observing the designated partner.

After the class, I was already hungry. I tried to hurry as I go out so I can go and
buy some food at the kiosks along the MainLib. As I was walking down the road near
the same waiting shed, a flying Frisbee flew from a corner and hit me! It felt like dj
vu! What are the chances that in the pool of students walking, I was the one who got hit
- twice in a day? May the odds of being hit be ever in my favour? - like the Hunger
games catch line. It became my motto for that day. I continued the day carefully and
observant of objects that can hit me Luckily there wasnt anymore.

As I went home wrapping up my crazy day, I reread the bits of information
written about my dream. A projectile hitting me while in a hurry. Then I remembered
that in the planning, there was a party. In that party, there was food. And in the
decorations There was a balloon. What a weird connection! And yeah, it was one
crazy day.

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