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Current Affairs

December 2013

President of India Pranab Mukharjee on 1 December 2013 inaugurated the aga!and"s
traditiona! #ornbi!! $esti%a! in aga!and.
Indian shutt!er P& 'indhu on 1 December 2013 won the (omen"s 'ing!es tro)h* at the Macau
+)en ,rand Pri- ,o!d .adminton /ournament.
India0s Mars +rbiter ')acecraft successfu!!* )!aced in Mars transfer trajector* on 1 December
2013 b* I'1+ scientists.
(or!d AID' Da* was obser%ed on 1 December 2013 across the g!obe to raise awareness about
the #I&2 AID'.
China on 2 December 2013 successfu!!* sent an unmanned !unar )robe with a robotic ro%er to
soft !and on the Moon3 and to e-)!ore moon0s surface.
.ra4uka3 the officia! 2015 $I$A (or!d Cu) match ba!! was un%ei!ed on 3 December 2013 b*
manufacturers Adidas.
India 1anked 65th on ,!oba! Corru)tion Perce)tion Inde- 2013.
1eser%e .ank of India on 3 December 2013 eased norms for com)anies raising foreign funds
for infrastructure )rojects.
Internationa! Da* of Peo)!e with Disabi!it* was obser%ed on 3 December.
/he .ihar go%ernment on 3 December 2013 a))ro%ed a new surrender and rehabi!itation
)o!ic* for Maoists.
Mahendra 'ingh Dhoni won ICC Peo)!e0s Choice Award 2013.
,aganjeet .hu!!ar won Indonesia +)en ,o!f /ournament 2013.
/he Directorate ,enera! of $oreign /rade0s e7.1C )roject won the 2013 eA'IA Award under
/rade $aci!itation categor*.
/he 8th Asia ,as Partnershi) 'ummit 9A,P': was he!d from 3 to 5 December 2013 at ew
India was chosen as the host countr* for ;nder71< $I$A (or!d Cu) in 201< b* the $I$A
e-ecuti%e committee in its meeting at 'a!%ador de .ahia in .ra4i! .
e!son Mande!a3 the former President of 'outh Africa died at 6=.
'ushma 'ingh a))ointed as the ne-t Chief Information Commissioner 9CIC: of India.
/he >arnataka state assemb!* on 5 December 2013 )assed the >arnataka ?ssentia! 'er%ices
Maintenance 9?'MA: .i!! 2013.
Internationa! &o!unteer Da* +bser%ed on = December.
Prohibition of ?m)!o*ment as Manua! 'ca%engers and their 1ehabi!itation Act 2013 came into
effect in India e-ce)t @ammu A >ashmir.
Internationa! Ci%i! A%iation Da* obser%ed on < December. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
A!i +sman /aha resigned as &ice President of 'udan.
A!*4 #enrich3 the Miss &ene4ue!a has been crowned with the )ageant of Miss ?arth 2013 at the
&ersai!!es Pa!ace3 Phi!i))ines.
Internationa! Anti7Corru)tion Da* obser%ed on 6 December
/he !ast >ing of the erstwhi!e M*sore ro*a! fami!* 'rikantadatta arasimharaja (ode*ar died
in .anga!ore on 10 December 2013 due to heart attack.
;rugua* on 10 December 2013 became the first countr* in the wor!d to !ega!ise marijuana for
recreationa! use with the state taking contro! of the trade.
(i)ro Chairman A4im Premji recei%ed ?/ Bifetime Achie%ement Award 2013.
'hi%akumar named the Chairman and C?+ of Pe)siCo India.
1ed .eacons are a!!owed for Constitutiona! )osts and high dignitariesC 'u)reme Court
1anjan Mathai took o%er as the India"s #igh Commissioner to ;>
#uman 1ights Da* obser%ed across the (or!d on 10 December.
Po)e $rancis named as the /IM?0s Person of the Dear.
Antarctica hits Co!dest /em)erature e%er recorded on ?arthC765.<C.
Internationa! +!*m)ics Committee c!eared Indian ath!etes to take )art in 2015 (inter
+!*m)ics in 'ochi3 1ussia.
1.I has gi%en the !icense to Doha .ank to start its banking o)erations in India. It has been
)ermitted to o)en a branch in Mumbai.
1etired @ustice D.P. .uch on 11 December 2013 took oath as the Boka*ukta of ,ujarat 'tate.
@ustice 'odhi Committee on Insider /rading 1egu!ations submitted re)ort to '?.I.
.@P !eader 1aman 'ingh was on 12 December 2013 sworn in as Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh
for the third consecuti%e term.
(aEar Dounis inducted into the ICC Cricket #a!! of $ame.
India on 12 December 2013 retained its to) )osition in the !atest ICC +DI rankings. India is
fo!!owed b* Austra!ia with 115 rating )oints.
Abdu! >ader Mu!!ah of .ang!adesh was e-ecuted on 12 December 2013 at the Dhaka Centra!
@ai! at 22C01 !oca! time.
India on 12 December 2013 won the women"s >abaddi (or!d Cu) cham)ionshi) b* defeating
ew Fea!and 56721 in the summit c!ash in @a!andhar3 Punjab.
+!*m)ic meda!7winning bo-er M C >om0s autobiogra)h*3 tit!ed ;nbreakab!e was un%ei!ed.
Bt ,en Da!bir 'ingh 'uhag designated as the &ice Chief of Arm* 'taff.
/he ;nion Cabinet on 12 December 2013 a))ro%ed the 1ights of Persons with Disabi!ities .i!!3 Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
Ba! /hanhaw!a sworn7in as the Chief Minister of Mi4oram for second successi%e term.
ICC Annua! AwardsC Pujara bagged ?merging Cricketer of the Dear tro)h*.
&asundhara 1aje sworn in as Chief Minister of 1ajasthan.
'hi%raj 'ingh Chouhan sworn7in as the Chief Minister of Madh*a Pradesh.
Mumbai ;ni%ersit* a!umni >rishna I*er a))ointed President and C?+ of (a!7Mart India.
Prakash3 Ma!aika struck ,o!d at =<th ationa! 'hooting Cham)ionshi).
C&1 1ajendran was on 13 December 2013 a))ointed as the Chairman and Managing Director of
Andhra .ank.
;nion ,o%ernment on 1= December 2013 a))ointed #arsh >umar .hanwa!a as the Chairman
of the ationa! .ank for Agricu!ture and 1ura! De%e!o)ment 9A.A1D:.
,erman* on 1= December 2013 !ifted the Men"s @unior #ocke* (or!d Cu) b* defeating the
$rance in the tit!e c!ash.
/he Centra! .oard of 1eser%e .ank met at >o!kata and was chaired b* the ,o%ernor of 1eser%e
.ank of India3 1aghuram ,. 1ajan.
Irrfan >han has won the best actor award for his bri!!iant )erformance in his fi!m /he
Bunchbo- at the 10th edition of Dubai Internationa! $i!m $esti%a!.
Beft7wing candidate Miche!!e .ache!et on 1= December 2013 e!ected as the Chi!e President for
a second time b* a wide margin.
Demen Par!iament on 1= December 2013 banned the use of ;' drones in the countr* after
do4ens of ci%i!ians were ki!!ed b* the unmanned aircraft.
1037*ear o!d Park Mansion of >o!kata awarded >MC7I/AC# #eritage Award for 2013 for its
restoration work.
ICC on 1G December 2013 sus)ended 'hane 'hi!!ingford3 (est Indies offs)inner3 from bow!ing
in internationa! cricket after his action was found i!!ega!.
&ija* Diwas obser%ed on 1G December.
Ange!a Merke! was on 1< December 2013 e!ected as the ,erman chance!!or for third term b*
the ,erman Par!iament7 .undestag.
Marthanda &arma3 head of /ra%ancore ro*a! fami!* died at 62.
1ann ;tsa%3 a cu!tura! festi%a! of ,ujarat state was inaugurated b* ,ujarat /ourism Minister
'aurabh Pate! on 1< December 2013 in >utch3 ,ujarat.
India and the Arab Beague inked Mo; to e!e%ate )o!itica!3 trade and cu!tura! re!ations.
.i)an Chandra was awarded Itihas 1atna from Asiatic 'ociet* .ihar in the @; Cam)us3 ew
De!hi. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
>a)i! De% se!ected for Co!. C> a*udu Bifetime Achie%ement award 2013.
/he Indian Counci! of Medica! 1esearch 9ICM1: un%ei!ed indigenous!* de%e!o)ed tha!assaemia
and sick!e ce!! anaemia testing kit.
Bok)a! and Boka*ukta .i!!3 2013 )assed b* the Bok 'abha and the 1aj*a 'abha.
/he first human artificia! heart im)!antation )erformed in ,eorges Pom)idou #os)ita!3 Paris
on 18 December 2013.
Minorities 1ights Da* obser%ed on 18 December.
1e)o 1ate ke)t unchanged b* 1.I in Mid7Huarter Monetar* Po!ic* 1e%iew announced on 18
December 2013.
Internationa! Migrants Da* obser%ed across the wor!d on 18 December.
'hi%raj 'ingh Chouhan3 the Chief Minister of Madh*a Pradesh resigned from the &idisha
assemb!* seat and retained .udhni seat.
1.I and .ank of @a)an agreed to tri)!e the currenc* swa) agreement to =0 bi!!ion do!!ar.
/he 'ahit*a Akademi Awards 2013 was announced b* 'ahit*a Akademi and the )oetr* writers
ha%e dominated the awards announced this *ear.
'?.I e-em)ted the ,o%ernment from making an offer to )ub!ic shareho!ders for acEuiring the
shares of the Indian +%erseas .ank 9I+.:.
'?.I !aid out the De)osit 1eEuirements for members of the Debt 'egment.
Puneet >umar has been a))ointed as the 'ecretar* ,enera! of A))are! ?-)ort Promotion
Counci! 9AP?C:. Amarendra 'ahoo was the !ast secretar* genera!.
Pau! /orda*3 the .ritish author died at G<.
P.#. Parekh e!ected as the President of 'u)reme Court .ar Association.
China o)ened its fourth research station3 /aishan3 in Antarctica to stud* bio7eco!og* of the
' . a*ar a))ointed Chairman and Managing Director of India Infrastructure $inance Cor)
Canara .ank got !icense to o)en branch in ew Dork.
/he Cabinet a))ro%ed free trade agreement between India and the Association of 'outh ?ast
Asian ations 9A'?A: on 16 December 2013.
/he fourth generation Bight Combat Aircraft 9BCA: /ejas recei%ed its second o)erationa!
c!earance on 20 December 2013 in .anga!ore.
/he ?!ection Commission recogni4ed Aam Aadmi Part* as a state )art* and reser%ed s*mbo! of
broom in De!hi on 20 December 2013.
;sha 'angwan a))ointed first woman Managing Director of Bife Insurance Cor)oration. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
@a*anthi atarajan resigned as the minister of state for en%ironment and forest from the
Counci! of Ministers 9C+M: on 21 December 2013.
India and &ene4ue!a signed a Programme on Cu!tura! ?-change. /he )rogramme was signed
after de!egation !e%e! ta!ks between the two countries.
?ng!and"s ,raeme 'wann announced retirement from Internationa! Cricket.
Abdiwe!i 'heikh Ahmed a))ro%ed as Prime Minister b* 'oma!ian Par!iament.
'ubrahman*am @aishankar became the Ambassador of ;'. #e is the successor of iru)ama 1ao
and his )osition in .eijing wi!! be taken b* Ashok k. kantha.
.a*ern Munich defeated 1aja Casab!anca 270 in the fina!s of the /hird c!ub (or!d Cu) 2013 and
became the new wor!d cham)ions.
&inod >umar Dugga!3 the former #ome 'ecretar* a))ointed as the ,o%ernor of Mani)ur.
/he %eteran journa!ist Pran Cho)ra on 22 December 2013 at the age of 62. #e is sur%i%ed b* his
wife and two daughters.
/he finance Ministr* on 23 December 2013 directed )ub!ic sector banks 9P'.s: to act as
insurance brokers from 1= @anuar* 2015.
Dr. Michiaki /akahashi who de%e!o)ed a %accine for the chicken )o- %irus died at the age of 8=
due to heart fai!ure on 23 December 2013 in +saka3 @a)an.
Faheer fourth Indian bow!er to c!aim 300 wickets in /est cricket.
>isan Diwas obser%ed across India on 23 December
1aji% ,andhi Internationa! Air)ort 91,IA:3 #*derabad awarded the 'word of #onour for safet*
management in Bondon.
A,I7III missi!e test fired successfu!!* from (hee!er Is!and.
Mikhai! >a!ashniko%3 in%entor of A>5< wea)on died at the of 65 on 23 December 2013.
/he ;nion Ministr* of 1oad /rans)ort and #ighwa*s c!eared Euadric*c!e as a new categor* of
%ehic!e on 23 December 2013.
#*derabad high court asked two te!ugu actors to return their )adma awards to go%ernment for
/he renowned >annada )oet ,. '. 'hi%arudra))a3 died in .anga!ore. #e was 8<.
'idharth .ir!a3 Chairman of I)ro India Bimited took the charge as the President of $ederation
of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industr* 9$ICCI:.
;nion ,o%ernment !aunched e7inc!usion )roject to s)read e7!iterac*.
1.I has !aunched an inf!ation inde-ed sa%ing bonds that offers )rotection to retai! in%estors
from )rice rise.
,o%ernment of India in a major ste) to a!!ow more autonom* to C.I )!aced the agenc*0s !ega! Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
wing under the command of the C.I Director.
ationa! Consumers 1ight Da* obser%ed across India on 25 December.
M. &eera))a Moi!* a))ointed as the new ?n%ironment and $orests Minister.
$isca! deficit to touch =.2J in 201372015 financia! *ear 7 1e)ort b* C1I'IB.
Ashok Ba%asa 3 a))ointed the ew Ci%i! A%iation 'ecretar*.
#isham Handi!3 the former Prime Minister of ?g*)t has been arrested.
CC?A on 2G December 2013 a))ro%ed the )ro)osa! of A-is .ank Bimited to increase its foreign
in%estment to G2 )ercent from 56 )ercent.
@acEues >a!!is wi!! retire from test and first c!ass cricket after the second test against India in
1.I has !aunched an inf!ation inde-ed sa%ing bonds that offers )rotection to retai! in%estors
from )rice rise.
/he Centre a))ro%ed the )ro)osa! to set u) ationa! Cancer Institute at the @hajjar cam)us of
A!! India Institute of Medica! 'ciences 9AIIM':.
/he #imacha! Pradesh #igh Court on 2G December 2013 banned junk food items in )!astic
)acking and directed to im)!ement the ban.
@..Chaudhar* got a))ointed as new head of ationa! 'ecurit* ,uard 9',:.
Ar%ind 1anjan a))ointed ew chief of Centra! Industria! 'ecurit* $orce 9CI'$:.
Dee)ika >umari won 35th ationa! Archer* Cham)ionshi).
,rou) of Is!amic 'cho!ars in >ashmir issued a fatwa on 2G December 2013 that women whose
husbands are missing for the )ast four *ears can remarr*.
Atu! 'ar)otdar3 !eader of M' died after a brief i!!ness. #e was admitted to Bee!a%ati #os)ita!
due to b!ood sugar7re!ated )rob!ems.
Microsoft India introduced ,uardian3 a new safet* a))!ication on 2G December 2013 in
China ado)ted a reso!ution that eases the one chi!d )o!ic* of the countr*. /he reso!ution was
)assed b* the standing committee of the PC.
.o!!*wood actor $arooE 'heikh died due to heart attack in Dubai. #e won 2010 ationa! $i!m
Award for best su))orting actor in Bahore.
India and ;' inked contract for si- additiona! C7130@ su)er #ercu!es aircraft3 worth of 1.01
bi!!ion K on 2< December 2013.
;' President3 .arack +bama signed a two *ear bi)artisan federa! budget bi!! to a%ert the risk of
shutdown of the ,o%ernment in @anuar* 2015.
Ar%ind >ejriwa! of Aam Aadmi Part* has sworned in as the Chief Minister of De!hi. #e has Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
sworn in as the *oungest Chief Minister of De!hi.
Mus!im .rotherhood of ?g*)t has been dec!ared as a terrorist grou) b* the ru!ing ,o%ernment.
.eiDou a%igation '*stem of China is wi!!ing to offer na%igation s*stem to its neighbouring
countries for free.
Pradee) >umar has been a))ointed as the Managing Director 9Cor)orate .anking: of '.I. #e
wi!! !ook after the cor)orate banking )ortfo!io.
1eser%e .ank of India 91.I: re!eased its 8th $inancia! 'tabi!it* 1e)ort 9$'1: on 30 December
2013. /he $'1 was re!eased against the backdro) of a mi!d )ositi%e market reaction to the
announcement of ta)ering in the ;' $edera! 1eser%e bond )urchase )!an from @anuar* 2015.
Co!orado and (ashington became the first two 'tates in the ;' to !ega!i4e Marijuana.
/ami! adu go%ernment has !aunched the first )hase of )ro%iding free com)act f!uorescent
!ight bu!bs to o%er hut7dwe!!ers in the state.
Bight Combat Aircraft 9BAC: /ejas team set new record of f!*ing =00 sorties in 2013.
Internationa! Petro!eum Conference 2015 9P?/1+/?C# 2015: to be he!d in ew De!hi in
@anuar* 2015.
'erena (i!!iams won the $ema!e Ath!ete of the Dear award and Be.ron @ames won the Ma!e
Ath!ete of the Dear award announced b* the Associated Press.
Chandra >ant .ir!a resigned from #industan Motors Bimited.
'ashi /haroor named P?/A0s Person of the Dear for taking ste)s to ad%ance anima! )rotection.
A career di)!omat Anurag .hushan has took the charge as the Consu! ,enera! of India in Dubai
and orthern ?mirates in the ;A?.
De%endra >umar Pathak has been a))ointed as the ')ecia! D,3 .order 'ecurit* $orce 9.'$:.
Indonesian ,o%ernment announced to bui!d new sanctuar* to sa%e (or!d0s rarest @a%an 1hinos.
$inance Minister asked financia! sector regu!ators to im)!ement $'B1C )ro)osa!s.
'ushi! >umar got !and to set u) wrest!ing academ* b* #ar*ana ,o%ernment.
Ashraf @ehan3 first fema!e judge in Pak0s ationa! 'haria Court.
China has banned it officia!s from smoking in )ub!ic )!aces. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
Person A))ointed
'ushma 'ingh a))ointed as the ne-t Chief Information Commissioner 9CIC: of India
Ahmet ;4umcu re7a))ointed as +PC( Director ,enera!
'hi%akumar a))ointed as the C?+ of Pe)siCo India
Bt ,en Da!bir 'ingh 'uhag designated as the &ice Chief of Arm* 'taff
>rishna I*er a))ointed C?+ of (a!7Mart India
C&1 1ajendran a))ointed CMD of Andhra .ank
#arsh >umar .hanwa!a a))ointed Chairman of A.A1D
Puneet >umar a))ointed as the new secretar* genera! of A?PC
'... a*ar a))ointed CMD of II$CB
P.#. Parekh e!ected as the President of 'u)reme Court .ar Association
;sha 'angwan a))ointed first woman managing director of BIC
Abdiwe!i 'heikh Ahmed a))ro%ed as Prime Minister b* 'oma!ian Par!iament
'ubrahman*am @aishankar became the Ambassador of ;'
&inod >umar Dugga!3 the former #ome 'ecretar* a))ointed as the ,o%ernor of Mani)ur
'iddarth .ir!a took charges as President of $ICCI
M. &eera))a Moi!* a))ointed as the new ?n%ironment and $orests Minister
Ashok Ba%asa3 a))ointed the ew Ci%i! A%iation 'ecretar*
Ar%ind 1anjan a))ointed ew chief of Centra! Industria! 'ecurit* $orce 9CI'$:.
@..Chaudhar* a))ointed ew #ead of ',
Pradee) >umar a))ointed as MD Cor)orate .anking of 'tate .ank of India
De%endra >umar Pathak a))ointed as ')ecia! D,3 .'$
Ashraf @ehan3 first fema!e judge in Pak0s ationa! 'haria Court.
/he 8th Asia ,as Partnershi) 'ummit 9A,P': was he!d from 3 to 5 December 2013 at
ew De!hi.
/he 6th (/+ Ministeria! Conference was conc!uded on G December 2013 at .a!i3
Indonesia b* agreeing the re%ised draft of .a!i Package. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
e!son Mande!a3 the former President of 'outh Africa died at 6=
/he Bast >ing of M*sore 'rikantadatta arasimharaja (ode*ar Died
$ormer footba!!er3 .abu! Phukan died in ,uwahati
;nion Babour Minister3 'is 1am +!a died
Peter +0 /oo!e3 the Bawrence of Arabia0s star dead
Marthanda &arma3 head of /ra%ancore ro*a! fami!* died at 62
1onnie .iggs3 the man behind the .ritain0s ,reat /rain 1obber* died
Pau! /orda*3 the .ritish author died at G<
Michiaki /akahashi who de%e!o)ed Chicken)o- %accine died
&eteran journa!ist Pran Cho)ra died
1enowned >annada )oet 'hi%arudra))a died
Mikhai! >a!ashniko%3 in%entor of A>5< wea)on died at the of 65 on 23 December 2013
Atu! 'ar)otdar !eader of Maharashtra a%nirman 'ena died
$arooE 'heikh3 the .o!!*wood &eteran actor died at G=.
Person 1esigned
Chief Minister of De!hi3 'hei!a Dikshit resigned
Panruti 1amachandran retired from acti%e Po!itics
'hi%raj 'ingh Chouhan resigned from &idisha Assemb!* seat
A!i +sman /aha resigned as &ice President of 'udan
@a*anthi atarajan resigned as the minister of state for en%ironment and forest from the
Counci! of Ministers 9C+M: on 21 December 2013.
Chandra >ant .ir!a resigned from #industan Motors Bimited. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
Person to &isit
+fficia! %isit of ?-terna! Affairs Minister 'a!man >hurshid to the >ingdom of .ahrain .
+fficia! %isit of ## 'heikh Abdu!!ah .in Fa*ed A! ah*an3 $oreign Minister of ;A?.
&isit of President of Afghanistan to India3 December 1271=3 2013.
+fficia! &isit of the 'ecretar* ,enera! of the Beague of Arab 'tates to India3 1G718
December 2013.
'tate &isit of #is ?-ce!!enc* Mr. Abdu!!a Dameen Abdu! ,a*oom3 President of the 1e)ub!ic
of Ma!di%es to India.
Person in ews
e!son Mande!a3 the former President of 'outh Africa died at 6=
A!i +sman /aha resigned as &ice President of 'udan
Miss &ene4ue!a3 A!*4 #enrich became Miss ?arth 2013
1anjan Mathai took o%er as the India"s #igh Commissioner to ;>
'u)reme Court @udge @ustice ,' 'ingh%i retired
Po)e $rancis named as the /IM?0s Person of the Dear
Ba! /hanhaw!a sworn7in as the Chief Minister of Mi4oram for second successi%e term
Ange!a Merke! e!ected as ,erman Chance!!or for third term
De%*ani >hobragade transferred to India0s Permanent Mission in ;nited ations
#isham Handi!3 the former Prime Minister of ?g*)t has been arrested
/*!er Armstrong became the *oungest )erson to reach the 'ummit of Aconcagua
Anurag .hushan took charge as the Dubai Consu! ,enera! of India
'ashi /haroor named P?/A0s Person of the Dear for taking ste)s to ad%ance anima!
)rotection. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
Im)ortant Da*s
December1 (or!d AID' Da*
December 3 (or!d Disabi!it* Da*
December 5 a%* Da*
December < Armed $orce $!ag Da*
December 10 #uman 1ights da*
December 11 ;IC?$ Da*
December 15 ationa! ?nerg* Conser%ation Da*
December 16 ,oa"s Biberation da*
December 23 >isan Di%as 9$armer"s Da*:
Awards2 1ecognition
?ast /imor fi!m .eatri40s (ar won ,o!den Peacock Award at I$$I 2013.
/he Directorate ,enera! of $oreign /rade0s e7.1C )roject won the 2013 eA'IA Award
under /rade $aci!itation categor*.
(i)ro Chairman A4im Premji recei%ed ?/ Bifetime Achie%ement Award 2013.
Irrfan >han won best actor award in the 10th edition of Dubai Internationa! $i!m $esti%a!
for his fi!m /he Bunchbo-.
1037*ear o!d Park Mansion of >o!kata awarded >MC7I/AC# #eritage Award 2013.
.i)an Chandra was awarded Itihas 1atna from Asiatic 'ociet* .ihar in the @; Cam)us3
ew De!hi.
I1C+ won the India Pride Award for ?-ce!!ence in Centra! P';s in India Image
1aji% ,andhi Internationa! Air)ort of #*derabad recei%ed 'word of #onour award.
/wo Indian American researchers Dr. >arunesh ,angu!* of 'an $rancisco and Dr.
#ardee) 'ingh of #ouston got ;' Presidentia! ?ar!* Career award. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Current Affairs
December 2013
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from Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.

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