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(Tokyo SkyTree) (Japanese Flag)

Japan is an island and is located on the Eastern side off

Asia just off South Korea. Japan has a population of 127.6
million people. The Emperor of Japan goes by the name of
Akihito. In Japan, in different cities there are mayors. The
emperors job is to help look after the country with the Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe. The Japanese flag is white with a red
circle in the middle. The flag represents the sun without rays.
In Japan there are about 3 islands containing all the states. In
Japan the climate is usually hot with the weather being really
hot during summer (June-August), warm weather in spring
(march-may), really cold in winter (December-Februarys) and
hot with lots of wind Autum (September-November). Some
landmarks in Japan consist of the Tokyo baseball dome
(Tokyo dome) which is held up by air pressure, the tallest
building in Japan the Tokyo sky tree which stands at a height
of 634 meters. Mount Fuji, an inactive volcano that stands at
a height of 3,776 meters tall and the shinkansen (bullet train)
which is one of the fastest trains in the world (there are five
types of bullet trains).
The Japanese people are respectful. A sport
in japan is Baseball, the Japanese love there
baseball. The Japanese children that play
baseball are very talented and they dont
use real baseballs the use a softer and a
little bit smaller rubber ball. They use the
rubber balls because there bats a complete
baseball bats they have kenko bats (kenko are the name of
the ball). A Japanese food that you see everywhere is there
great and famous rice. Rice grass is everywhere in Japan they
have massive rice farms on every corner. Another Japanese
fruit is could Nashi. Nashi is a pear in the shape of an apple
but is a little bit sweet. Another amazing Japanese food is
soba noodle. Soba noodles are a delicious snack that you find
at baseball games. Most of the Japanese population are
Buddhist, Shinto and Taoism. The kimono is the cultural dress
or clothing for Japan.

(soba noodles)
(Japan on world map)

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