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1. For the first person(s) to arrive for the day, stop at the front desk of library and the
attendant will open the room for you (if the room isnt open already).

2. When a student walks in, please acknowledge them and ask what they need help
with, even if you are busy meeting with someone. Just take a couple minutes to be

3. There is a sign-in folder for students who show up for tutoring. Please have everyone
sign-in and out. (Try to keep accurate records because I have to report them to
others at the end of the semester.)

4. There is a sign-in folder sheet for tutors as well. Every time you work you should
sign in and out. Then each week record the hours for the Walk-In Tutoring Center
on the weekly session log and post the hours on ducktime for that week. Submit the
session log to ASC drop box AFTER you have posted hours on ducktime. (If you do
not do individual hours that week, you should still submit the session log with the
Center hours.) If you miss the deadline and cannot post the hours on ducktime then
you will have to obtain a paper timecard. For FWS, visit the Student Employment
Office. For nonFWS, visit Payroll Office on 11
floor. Then submit the session log &
timecard in the drop box outside ASC Office located in EAS-119.

5. Each tutor has a sign to displace on the table when you are working. There are sign
holders on the table in the back of the room. Please be sure to use those every time
youre working and put them away when you leave so another tutor can use it.

6. The total hours per week (individual + Walk-In Center + another on campus job)
should not exceed 20 hours. If you went over, come by the office to chat with Dean

7. The schedule will be effective until last day of classes for the semester/summer

8. Please let me know at least 2 days in advance if you cant work your hours. You can
also try to find another tutor who can do the same (or at least 2-3) courses to cover, if
you can. Let me know if you do find a replacement. Please give me as much notice as

9. Please NO eating/food in the Tutoring Center.

are supplies located in a storage bin in the room. The longer the ink stays the more
difficult it is to remove. (email me if more supplies are needed)

11. Please keep the tables free of debris and try to keep tables and chairs in order.

12. For the last person(s) to leave at end of the day, please turn off lights.

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